Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新圆心
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="centerDot"></param>
        public void UpdatePosition(MapLngLat centerDot)
            centerPoint = new PointClass()
                X = centerDot.Lng, Y = centerDot.Lat
            centerPoint.Z = centerDot.Alt;

            IZAware zAware = (IGeometry)centerPoint as IZAware;

            zAware.ZAware     = true;
            upperAxisVector3D = new Vector3DClass();
            upperAxisVector3D.SetComponents(0, 0, 10);
            lowerAxisVector3D = new Vector3DClass();
            lowerAxisVector3D.SetComponents(0, 0, -10);
            lowerAxisVector3D.XComponent -= vectorComponentOffset;
            normalVector3D           = upperAxisVector3D.CrossProduct(lowerAxisVector3D) as IVector3D;
            normalVector3D.Magnitude = this.radius;
            double rotationAngleInRadians = 2 * (Math.PI / 180);

            pointCollection.RemovePoints(0, pointCollection.PointCount);
            for (int i = 0; i < 180; i++)
                normalVector3D.Rotate(-1 * rotationAngleInRadians, upperAxisVector3D);
                IPoint vertexPoint = new PointClass();
                vertexPoint.X = centerPoint.X + normalVector3D.XComponent;
                vertexPoint.Y = centerPoint.Y + normalVector3D.YComponent;
                vertexPoint.Z = centerPoint.Z;
                pointCollection.AddPoint(vertexPoint, missing, missing);
                //if (i == 0) pointCollection.AddPoint(vertexPoint, missing, missing);

            base.Geometry = pointCollection as IGeometry;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新多边形的某一点坐标
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldLngLat">老坐标</param>
        /// <param name="newLngLat">新坐标</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool UpdatePosition(Core.Model.MapLngLat oldLngLat, Core.Model.MapLngLat newLngLat)
                IPoint oldPoint = new PointClass()
                    X = oldLngLat.Lng, Y = oldLngLat.Lat
                IPoint newPoint = new PointClass()
                    X = newLngLat.Lng, Y = newLngLat.Lat
                for (int i = 0; i < pointCollection.PointCount; i++)
                    if (pointCollection.get_Point(i).Compare(oldPoint) == 0)
                        pointCollection.RemovePoints(i, 1);
                base.Geometry = (IGeometry)pointCollection;
            }), true);


        private void RecreateLineGeometry(IElement elem, IAGAnimationTrack pTrack, IAGKeyframe pKeyframe, IPoint new_pos)
            IGeometry        newGeometry = new PolylineClass();
            IPointCollection newPointCol = (IPointCollection)newGeometry;

            IAGAnimationTrackKeyframes trackKeyframes = (IAGAnimationTrackKeyframes)pTrack;
            int    tCount  = trackKeyframes.KeyframeCount;
            object missing = Type.Missing;

            for (int i = 0; i < tCount; i++)
                IAGKeyframe tempKeyframe = trackKeyframes.get_Keyframe(i);
                newPointCol.AddPoint((IPoint)tempKeyframe.get_PropertyValue(0), ref missing, ref missing);
                if ((IPoint)tempKeyframe.get_PropertyValue(0) == (IPoint)pKeyframe.get_PropertyValue(0))
            if (new_pos != null)
                newPointCol.AddPoint(new_pos, ref missing, ref missing);

            elem.Geometry = newGeometry;
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void createFeatureClass()
            string      ftClsPath = rsUtil.TempMosaicDir + "\\catBnd.shp";
            IFields     flds      = new FieldsClass();
            IFieldsEdit fldsE     = (IFieldsEdit)flds;
            IField      fld       = new FieldClass();
            IFieldEdit  fldE      = (IFieldEdit)fld;

            fldE.Name_2 = "catIndex";
            fldE.Type_2 = esriFieldType.esriFieldTypeSmallInteger;
            ftCls = geoUtil.createFeatureClass(ftClsPath, fldsE, esriGeometryType.esriGeometryPolygon, sr);
            int catInd = ftCls.FindField("catIndex");
            int cnt    = 0;

            foreach (IRaster rs in inrs)
                IFeature ftr = ftCls.CreateFeature();
                ftr.set_Value(catInd, cnt);
                IEnvelope        ext   = ((IRasterProps)rs).Extent;
                IPolygon         poly  = new PolygonClass();
                IPointCollection pColl = (IPointCollection)poly;
                ftr.Shape = poly;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private IElement method_1()
            object            missing  = System.Type.Missing;
            IPointCollection  points   = null;
            IElement          element  = new PolygonElementClass();
            IFillShapeElement element2 = element as IFillShapeElement;

            new RgbColorClass();
            IGeometry           inGeometry = new RingClass();
            IGeometry           geometry2  = null;
            IGeometryCollection geometrys  = new PolygonClass();
            IGeometry           geometry3  = null;

            points = (IPointCollection)inGeometry;
            points.AddPoint(base.LeftLow, ref missing, ref missing);
            points.AddPoint(base.RightLow, ref missing, ref missing);
            points.AddPoint(base.RightUp, ref missing, ref missing);
            points.AddPoint(base.LeftUp, ref missing, ref missing);
            points.AddPoint(base.LeftLow, ref missing, ref missing);
            geometry2 = this.method_2();
            if (!geometry2.IsEmpty)
                geometrys.AddGeometry(inGeometry, ref missing, ref missing);
                geometrys.AddGeometry(geometry2, ref missing, ref missing);
            geometry3 = geometrys as IGeometry;
            if (!geometry3.IsEmpty)
                geometry3.SpatialReference = geometry2.SpatialReference;
                element.Geometry           = geometry3;
                element2.Symbol            = this.method_7();
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void button15_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IGradientFillSymbol   gradientFillSymbol = new GradientFillSymbolClass();
            IAlgorithmicColorRamp algorithcColorRamp = new AlgorithmicColorRampClass();

            algorithcColorRamp.FromColor          = getRGB(255, 0, 0);
            algorithcColorRamp.ToColor            = getRGB(0, 255, 0);
            algorithcColorRamp.Algorithm          = esriColorRampAlgorithm.esriHSVAlgorithm;
            gradientFillSymbol.ColorRamp          = algorithcColorRamp;
            gradientFillSymbol.GradientAngle      = 45;
            gradientFillSymbol.GradientPercentage = 0.9;
            gradientFillSymbol.Style = esriGradientFillStyle.esriGFSLinear;

            object           Missing         = Type.Missing;
            IPolygon         polygon         = new PolygonClass();
            IPointCollection pointCollection = polygon as IPointCollection;
            IPoint           point           = new PointClass();

            point.PutCoords(5, 5);
            pointCollection.AddPoint(point, ref Missing, ref Missing);
            point.PutCoords(5, 10);
            pointCollection.AddPoint(point, ref Missing, ref Missing);
            point.PutCoords(10, 10);
            pointCollection.AddPoint(point, ref Missing, ref Missing);
            point.PutCoords(10, 5);
            pointCollection.AddPoint(point, ref Missing, ref Missing);
            IActiveView activeView = this.axMapControl1.ActiveView;

            activeView.ScreenDisplay.StartDrawing(activeView.ScreenDisplay.hDC, (short)esriScreenCache.esriNoScreenCache);
            activeView.ScreenDisplay.SetSymbol(gradientFillSymbol as ISymbol);
            activeView.ScreenDisplay.DrawPolygon(polygon as IGeometry);
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新线位置
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pList"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool UpdatePosition(List <Core.Model.MapLngLat> pList)
            if (mapControl.InvokeRequired)
                mapControl.Invoke((Action) delegate()
                    IPoint p = new PointClass();
                    pointCollection.RemovePoints(0, pointCollection.PointCount);
                    for (int i = 0; i < pList.Count; i++)
                        p.PutCoords(pList[i].Lng, pList[i].Lat);

                    base.Geometry = pointCollection as IGeometry;
                IPoint p = new PointClass();
                pointCollection.RemovePoints(0, pointCollection.PointCount);
                for (int i = 0; i < pList.Count; i++)
                    p.PutCoords(pList[i].Lng, pList[i].Lat);

                base.Geometry = pointCollection as IGeometry;

            pointList = pList;//更新坐标集合
Exemplo n.º 8
        private IPolygon method_3()
            IGeometryCollection geometrys = new PolygonClass();
            IRing            inGeometry   = new RingClass();
            IRing            ring2        = new RingClass();
            IPointCollection points       = null;
            IPointCollection points2      = null;
            object           missing      = System.Type.Missing;
            IPoint           inPoint      = new PointClass();
            IPoint           point2       = new PointClass();
            IPoint           point3       = new PointClass();
            IPoint           point4       = new PointClass();

            points = inGeometry as IPointCollection;
            points.AddPoint(base.LeftUp, ref missing, ref missing);
            points.AddPoint(base.RightUp, ref missing, ref missing);
            points.AddPoint(base.RightLow, ref missing, ref missing);
            points.AddPoint(base.LeftLow, ref missing, ref missing);
            geometrys.AddGeometry(inGeometry, ref missing, ref missing);
            inPoint.PutCoords(base.LeftUp.X - base.InOutDist, base.LeftUp.Y + base.InOutDist);
            point4.PutCoords(base.LeftLow.X - base.InOutDist, base.LeftLow.Y - base.InOutDist);
            point3.PutCoords(base.RightLow.X + base.InOutDist, base.RightLow.Y - base.InOutDist);
            point2.PutCoords(base.RightUp.X + base.InOutDist, base.RightUp.Y + base.InOutDist);
            points2 = ring2 as IPointCollection;
            points2.AddPoint(inPoint, ref missing, ref missing);
            points2.AddPoint(point2, ref missing, ref missing);
            points2.AddPoint(point3, ref missing, ref missing);
            points2.AddPoint(point4, ref missing, ref missing);
            geometrys.AddGeometry(ring2, ref missing, ref missing);
            return(geometrys as IPolygon);
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void QueryBoundsFromGeom(int hDC, ref IDisplayTransformation transform, ref IPolygon boundary,
                                         ref IPoint point)
            IPointCollection pointCollection = null;

            pointCollection = (IPointCollection)boundary;
                IPolygon polygonClass = new Polygon() as IPolygon;
                (this.m_NumeratorTextSymbol as ISymbol).QueryBoundary(hDC, transform, point, polygonClass);
                IEnvelope envelope = polygonClass.Envelope;
                IPolygon  polygon  = new Polygon() as IPolygon;
                (this.m_DenominatorTextSymbol as ISymbol).QueryBoundary(hDC, transform, point, polygon);
                envelope.Expand(4, 0, false);
                object value = Missing.Value;
                object obj   = Missing.Value;
                pointCollection.AddPoint(envelope.LowerLeft, ref value, ref value);
                pointCollection.AddPoint(envelope.LowerRight, ref value, ref value);
                pointCollection.AddPoint(envelope.UpperRight, ref value, ref value);
                pointCollection.AddPoint(envelope.UpperLeft, ref value, ref value);
                pointCollection.AddPoint(envelope.LowerLeft, ref value, ref value);
                ITransform2D transform2D = null;
                if (this.m_Angle + this.m_dMapRotation != 0)
                    transform2D = boundary as ITransform2D;
                    transform2D.Rotate(point, Utility.Radians(this.m_Angle + this.m_dMapRotation));
            catch (Exception exception)
Exemplo n.º 10
        IPoint IntersectPointExtendedTo(IPolyline pPolyline, IPolygon pCirclePoly)
            ICurve               pCurve;
            ILine                pLine;
            IPolyline            pPLine;
            ITopologicalOperator pTopoOpt;
            IGeometryCollection  pGeoCol;

            pCurve = pPolyline;
            pLine  = new Line();
            double gridWidth = _mapTemplate.Width * _scale / 100.0;

            pCurve.QueryTangent(esriSegmentExtension.esriExtendTangentAtTo, 1, true, gridWidth * 1.1, pLine);
            pPLine = new Polyline() as IPolyline;
            IPointCollection pPnts  = pPLine as IPointCollection;
            IClone           pClone = pLine.FromPoint as IClone;

            pPnts.AddPoint(pClone.Clone() as IPoint);
            pClone = pLine.ToPoint as IClone;
            pPnts.AddPoint(pClone.Clone() as IPoint);
            pTopoOpt = pPLine as ITopologicalOperator;
            pGeoCol  = new GeometryBag() as IGeometryCollection;
            pGeoCol  =
                pTopoOpt.Intersect(pCirclePoly, esriGeometryDimension.esriGeometry0Dimension) as IGeometryCollection;
            if (pGeoCol.GeometryCount == 0)
            return(pGeoCol.Geometry[0] as IPoint);
Exemplo n.º 11
        private void DrawLineOnActiveView(List <int> lstIndices, double[][] arrValue, IActiveView pActiveView)
                int intLstCnt = lstIndices.Count;

                IGraphicsContainer pGraphicContainer = pActiveView.GraphicsContainer;

                IRgbColor pRgbColor = m_pSnippet.getRGB(0, 255, 255);
                //IRgbColor pRgbColor = new RgbColorClass();
                //pRgbColor.Red = 0;
                //pRgbColor.Green = 255;
                //pRgbColor.Blue = 255;
                //pRgbColor.Transparency = 255;

                ISimpleLineSymbol pSimpleLineSymbol = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
                pSimpleLineSymbol.Width = 2;
                pSimpleLineSymbol.Style = esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSSolid;
                pSimpleLineSymbol.Color = pRgbColor;

                for (int i = 0; i < intLstCnt; i++)
                    int      intIdx      = lstIndices[i];
                    double[] arrSelValue = arrValue[intIdx];
                    //drawing a polyline
                    IPoint FromP = new PointClass();
                    FromP.X = arrSelValue[0]; FromP.Y = arrSelValue[1];

                    IPoint ToP = new PointClass();
                    ToP.X = arrSelValue[2]; ToP.Y = arrSelValue[3];

                    IPolyline        polyline  = new PolylineClass();
                    IPointCollection pointColl = polyline as IPointCollection;

                    IElement     pElement     = new LineElementClass();
                    ILineElement pLineElement = (ILineElement)pElement;
                    pLineElement.Symbol = pSimpleLineSymbol;
                    pElement.Geometry   = polyline;

                    pGraphicContainer.AddElement(pElement, 0);

            catch (Exception ex)
                frmErrorLog pfrmErrorLog = new frmErrorLog(); pfrmErrorLog.ex = ex; pfrmErrorLog.ShowDialog();
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void button17_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            IMultiLayerFillSymbol multiLayerFillSymbol = new MultiLayerFillSymbolClass();

            IGradientFillSymbol   gradientFillSymbol = new GradientFillSymbolClass();
            IAlgorithmicColorRamp algorithcColorRamp = new AlgorithmicColorRampClass();

            algorithcColorRamp.FromColor          = getRGB(255, 0, 0);
            algorithcColorRamp.ToColor            = getRGB(0, 255, 0);
            algorithcColorRamp.Algorithm          = esriColorRampAlgorithm.esriHSVAlgorithm;
            gradientFillSymbol.ColorRamp          = algorithcColorRamp;
            gradientFillSymbol.GradientAngle      = 45;
            gradientFillSymbol.GradientPercentage = 0.9;
            gradientFillSymbol.Style = esriGradientFillStyle.esriGFSLinear;

            ICartographicLineSymbol cartoLine = new CartographicLineSymbol();

            cartoLine.Cap   = esriLineCapStyle.esriLCSButt;
            cartoLine.Join  = esriLineJoinStyle.esriLJSMitre;
            cartoLine.Color = getRGB(255, 0, 0);
            cartoLine.Width = 2;
            //Create the LineFillSymbo
            ILineFillSymbol lineFill = new LineFillSymbol();

            lineFill.Angle      = 45;
            lineFill.Separation = 10;
            lineFill.Offset     = 5;
            lineFill.LineSymbol = cartoLine;


            object           Missing         = Type.Missing;
            IPolygon         polygon         = new PolygonClass();
            IPointCollection pointCollection = polygon as IPointCollection;
            IPoint           point           = new PointClass();

            point.PutCoords(5, 5);
            pointCollection.AddPoint(point, ref Missing, ref Missing);
            point.PutCoords(5, 10);
            pointCollection.AddPoint(point, ref Missing, ref Missing);
            point.PutCoords(10, 10);
            pointCollection.AddPoint(point, ref Missing, ref Missing);
            point.PutCoords(10, 5);
            pointCollection.AddPoint(point, ref Missing, ref Missing);
            IActiveView activeView = this.axMapControl1.ActiveView;

            activeView.ScreenDisplay.StartDrawing(activeView.ScreenDisplay.hDC, (short)esriScreenCache.esriNoScreenCache);
            activeView.ScreenDisplay.SetSymbol(multiLayerFillSymbol as ISymbol);
            activeView.ScreenDisplay.DrawPolygon(polygon as IGeometry);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public static IPolyline create_line(IPoint point1, IPoint point2)
            IPolyline        polyline = new Polyline() as IPolyline;
            IPointCollection pt_cl    = polyline as IPointCollection;
            object           o        = Type.Missing;

            pt_cl.AddPoint(point1, ref o, ref o);
            pt_cl.AddPoint(point2, ref o, ref o);
            polyline = pt_cl as IPolyline;
Exemplo n.º 14
        private void QueryBoundsFromGeom(int hDC, ref IDisplayTransformation transform, ref IPolygon boundary,
                                         ref IPointCollection points)
            double map  = 0;
            double num  = 0;
            double map1 = 0;

            num = this.PointsToMap(transform, this.m_dSize);
            if (this.m_dXOffset != 0)
                map = this.PointsToMap(transform, this.m_dXOffset);
            if (this.m_dYOffset != 0)
                map1 = this.PointsToMap(transform, this.m_dYOffset);
            this.SetupDeviceRatio(hDC, transform);
            IPointCollection   pointCollection   = null;
            ISegmentCollection segmentCollection = null;
            double             num1 = 0;
            double             num2 = 0;

            pointCollection   = (IPointCollection)boundary;
            segmentCollection = (ISegmentCollection)boundary;
            num2 = num / 2;
            num1 = Math.Sqrt(num2 * num2 / 2);
            object    value    = Missing.Value;
            IEnvelope envelope = (points as IGeometry).Envelope;
            double    num3     = 100;
            double    num4     = 200;
            double    num5     = -100;
            double    num6     = 400;

            this.QueryBound(points, transform, out num3, out num4, out num5, out num6);
            IPoint pointClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();

            pointClass.PutCoords(num3, num4);
            pointCollection.AddPoint(pointClass, ref value, ref value);
            pointClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
            pointClass.PutCoords(num5, num4);
            pointCollection.AddPoint(pointClass, ref value, ref value);
            pointClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
            pointClass.PutCoords(num5, num6);
            pointCollection.AddPoint(pointClass, ref value, ref value);
            pointClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
            pointClass.PutCoords(num3, num6);
            pointCollection.AddPoint(pointClass, ref value, ref value);
            pointClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
            pointClass.PutCoords(num3, num4);
            pointCollection.AddPoint(pointClass, ref value, ref value);
Exemplo n.º 15
        private static IGeometry CreateTurnGeometry(IPoint ptStart, IPoint ptVia, IPoint ptEnd, ISpatialReference sr)
            IPolyline lineTurn = new PolylineClass();

            lineTurn.SpatialReference = sr;

            IPointCollection pcTurn = lineTurn as IPointCollection;


Exemplo n.º 16
        private void BuildTriangleGeometry(IPoint pointGeometry)
                if (null == m_triangle || null == pointGeometry || null == m_cachedDisplay)

                m_triangle.SpatialReference = pointGeometry.SpatialReference;

                object           missing         = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
                IPointCollection pointCollection = (IPointCollection)m_triangle;

                double radius = PointsToMap(m_cachedDisplay.DisplayTransformation, m_size);

                double X = pointGeometry.X;
                double Y = pointGeometry.Y;

                IPoint point = new PointClass();
                point.X = X + radius * c_Cosine30;
                point.Y = Y - 0.5 * radius;
                pointCollection.AddPoint(point, ref missing, ref missing);

                point   = new PointClass();
                point.X = X;
                point.Y = Y + radius;
                pointCollection.AddPoint(point, ref missing, ref missing);

                point   = new PointClass();
                point.X = X - radius * c_Cosine30;
                point.Y = Y - 0.5 * radius;
                pointCollection.AddPoint(point, ref missing, ref missing);


                if (m_rotation != 0.0)
                    ((ITransform2D)pointCollection).Rotate(pointGeometry, m_rotation * c_Deg2Rad);

            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="Display"></param>
        /// <param name="Outline"></param>
        public void QueryOutline(IDisplay Display, IPolygon Outline)
            if (this.m_resetGeometry)
                int      mPCachedDisplay = this.m_pCachedDisplay.hDC;
                Graphics graphic         = null;
                IntPtr   hdc             = (IntPtr)0;
                if (mPCachedDisplay == 0)
                    graphic         = Graphics.FromHwnd(new IntPtr((this.m_pCachedDisplay as IScreenDisplay).hWnd));
                    hdc             = graphic.GetHdc();
                    mPCachedDisplay = hdc.ToInt32();
                IPoint pointClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point();
                pointClass.PutCoords((this.m_pGeometry.XMin + this.m_pGeometry.XMax) / 2,
                                     (this.m_pGeometry.YMax + this.m_pGeometry.YMin) / 2);
                (this.m_NumeratorTextSymbol as ISymbol).QueryBoundary(mPCachedDisplay,
                                                                      this.m_pCachedDisplay.DisplayTransformation, pointClass, Outline);
                double width  = Outline.Envelope.Width;
                double height = Outline.Envelope.Height;
                (this.m_DenominatorTextSymbol as ISymbol).QueryBoundary(mPCachedDisplay,
                                                                        this.m_pCachedDisplay.DisplayTransformation, pointClass, Outline);
                double num     = Outline.Envelope.Width;
                double height1 = Outline.Envelope.Height;
                if (graphic != null)
                double num1 = (width > num ? width : num) * 1.1;
                double num2 = (height + height1) * 1.1;
                this.m_pGeometry = new Envelope() as IEnvelope;
                this.m_pGeometry.PutCoords(pointClass.X - num1 / 2, pointClass.X + num1 / 2, pointClass.Y - num2 / 2,
                                           pointClass.Y + num2 / 2);
                this.m_resetGeometry = false;
            IDisplayTransformation displayTransformation = this.m_pCachedDisplay.DisplayTransformation;

            object           value   = Missing.Value;
            IPointCollection outline = Outline as IPointCollection;

            outline.AddPoint(this.m_pGeometry.LowerLeft, ref value, ref value);
            outline.AddPoint(this.m_pGeometry.LowerRight, ref value, ref value);
            outline.AddPoint(this.m_pGeometry.UpperRight, ref value, ref value);
            outline.AddPoint(this.m_pGeometry.UpperLeft, ref value, ref value);
            outline.AddPoint(this.m_pGeometry.LowerLeft, ref value, ref value);
Exemplo n.º 18
 private void BuildTriangleGeometry(IPoint pointGeometry)
         if ((this.m_triangle == null || pointGeometry == null ? false : null != this.m_cachedDisplay))
             this.m_triangle.SpatialReference = pointGeometry.SpatialReference;
             object           value      = Missing.Value;
             IPointCollection mTriangle  = (IPointCollection)this.m_triangle;
             double           map        = this.PointsToMap(this.m_cachedDisplay.DisplayTransformation, this.m_size);
             double           x          = pointGeometry.X;
             double           y          = pointGeometry.Y;
             IPoint           pointClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point()
                 X = x + map * 0.866025403784439,
                 Y = y - 0.5 * map
             mTriangle.AddPoint(pointClass, ref value, ref value);
             pointClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point()
                 X = x,
                 Y = y + map
             mTriangle.AddPoint(pointClass, ref value, ref value);
             pointClass = new ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point()
                 X = x - map * 0.866025403784439,
                 Y = y - 0.5 * map
             mTriangle.AddPoint(pointClass, ref value, ref value);
             if (this.m_rotation != 0)
                 ((ITransform2D)mTriangle).Rotate(pointGeometry, this.m_rotation * 0.0174532925199433);
     catch (Exception exception)
Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新位置
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pList">点集合</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool UpdatePosition(List <MapLngLat> pList)
            IPointCollection pointCollection = base.Geometry as IPointCollection;

            if (pointCollection == null)

            this.Dosomething((Action) delegate()
                pointCollection.RemovePoints(0, pointCollection.PointCount);//清除集合内所有坐标点
                IPoint p = new PointClass();
                foreach (var item in pList)
                    p.PutCoords(item.Lng, item.Lat);
                    p.Z = item.Alt;
                if (this.Rasterize) //判断图元是否为栅格化
                    this.Rasterize = false;
                    base.Geometry  = pointCollection as IGeometry;
                    this.Rasterize = true;
                    base.Geometry = pointCollection as IGeometry;

            }, true);

Exemplo n.º 20
        private static void ReadPointCollection(BinaryReader reader, WkbByteOrder byteOrder, IPointCollection pColl, bool hasZ, bool hasM)
            if (pColl == null)

            // Get the number of points in this linestring.
            int numPoints = (int)ReadUInt32(reader, byteOrder);

            // Loop on the number of points in the ring.
            for (int i = 0; i < numPoints; i++)
                // Add the coordinate.
                Point p = new Point(ReadDouble(reader, byteOrder), ReadDouble(reader, byteOrder));

                if (hasZ == true && hasM == true)
                    p.Z = ReadDouble(reader, byteOrder);
                    p.M = ReadDouble(reader, byteOrder);
                else if (hasM == true)
                    p.M = ReadDouble(reader, byteOrder);
                else if (hasZ == true)
                    p.Z = ReadDouble(reader, byteOrder);
Exemplo n.º 21
 public void ClosePart()
     if (Part != null && Part.PointCount > 2)
Exemplo n.º 22
        public void ShowNavi()
            IGraphicsContainer pGraphicsContainer = axMapControl1.Map as IGraphicsContainer;
            IActiveView        pActiveView        = axMapControl1.Map as IActiveView;

            // 得到“城市”图层
            IFeatureLayer pFeatureLayer = axMapControl1.get_Layer(0) as IFeatureLayer;
            IFeatureClass pFeatureClass = pFeatureLayer.FeatureClass;
            int           indexFlield   = pFeatureClass.Fields.FindField("PointName");

            IPolyline        pPolyline        = new PolylineClass();
            IPointCollection pPointCollection = pPolyline as IPointCollection;

            IQueryFilter pQueryFilter = new QueryFilterClass();


            foreach (string staString in opPath)
                pQueryFilter.WhereClause = "PointName='" + staString + "'";
                IFeatureCursor pCursor = pFeatureClass.Search(pQueryFilter, true);

                IFeature pFeature = pCursor.NextFeature();


                if (pFeature != null)
                    ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point pPoint = pFeature.Shape as ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.Point;

            object    pSym = null;
            IRgbColor pColor;

            pColor       = new RgbColorClass();
            pColor.Red   = 0;
            pColor.Blue  = 255;
            pColor.Green = 0;

            pSym = new SimpleLineSymbolClass();
            ISimpleLineSymbol pSym1 = pSym as ISimpleLineSymbol;

            pSym1.Width = 6;
            pSym1.Style = esriSimpleLineStyle.esriSLSDash;
            pSym1.Color = pColor;

            ILineElement pLienElement = new LineElementClass();

            pLienElement.Symbol = pSym1;
            IElement pElement = pLienElement as IElement;

            pElement.Geometry = pPolyline as IGeometry;

            pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pElement, 0);
            pActiveView.PartialRefresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewGraphics, null, null);
Exemplo n.º 23
        private IGeometry GetGeometry(IGeometry baseGeometry)
            IGeometry geometry;

            IPolyline polyline = new PolylineClass();

            polyline.SpatialReference = baseGeometry.SpatialReference;

            geometry = polyline as IGeometry;

            IPointCollection targetPointCollection = geometry as IPointCollection;

            IPointCollection basePointCollection = baseGeometry as IPointCollection;

            object missing = Type.Missing;

            for (int i = 0; i < basePointCollection.PointCount; i++)
                targetPointCollection.AddPoint(basePointCollection.get_Point(i), ref missing, ref missing);


        private IPolyline ConvertFrom(GeoAPI.Geometries.IMultiLineString lines)
            if (lines == null)

            IPolyline           polyline = new PolylineClass();
            IGeometryCollection paths    = lines as IGeometryCollection;

            foreach (GeoAPI.Geometries.ILineString line in lines.Geometries)
                IPath            path            = new PathClass();
                IPointCollection pointCollection = path as IPointCollection;
                object           Missing         = Type.Missing;
                IPoint           point           = new PointClass();
                foreach (GeoAPI.Geometries.ICoordinate coordinate in line.Coordinates)
                    point.X = coordinate.X;
                    point.Y = coordinate.Y;
                    point.Z = coordinate.Z;
                    pointCollection.AddPoint(point, ref Missing, ref Missing);
                paths.AddGeometry(path, ref Missing, ref Missing);
Exemplo n.º 25
 private void axMapControl1_OnMouseDown(object sender, IMapControlEvents2_OnMouseDownEvent e)
     if (IsAddingPoint && e.button == 1)
         if (!AddingToPoint)
             IPoint fromP = new PointClass();
             fromP.PutCoords(e.mapX, e.mapY);
             AddingToPoint       = true;
             ApplyButton.Enabled = false;
             IPoint toP = new PointClass();
             toP.PutCoords(e.mapX, e.mapY);
             AddingToPoint       = false;
             ApplyButton.Enabled = true;
     if (e.button == 4)
Exemplo n.º 26

    public static IPolyline MaakPolyline()
        //Declaraties en initialisaties
        IPolyline           pPolyline = new PolylineClass();
        IGeometryCollection pGCol     = (IGeometryCollection)pPolyline;
        IZAware             pZAware   = (IZAware)pPolyline;

        pZAware.ZAware = ImportInArcscene.ZBoolean;

        int aantalpaths = ImportInArcscene.binReader.ReadInt32();

        for (int i = 1; i <= aantalpaths; i++)
            IPath            pPath     = new PathClass();
            IPointCollection pPointCol = (IPointCollection)pPath;

            int aantalvertices = ImportInArcscene.binReader.ReadInt32();

            for (int k = 1; k <= aantalvertices; k++)
                double ptx = ImportInArcscene.binReader.ReadSingle();
                double pty = ImportInArcscene.binReader.ReadSingle();
                double ptz = ImportInArcscene.binReader.ReadSingle();
                pPointCol.AddPoint(PuntTransformatie(ptx, pty, ptz), ref _missing, ref _missing);
            pGCol.AddGeometry(pPath, ref _missing, ref _missing);
Exemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新线的位置
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pList">经纬度列表</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool UpdatePosition(List <MapLngLat> pList)
            IPointCollection pointCollection = base.Geometry as IPointCollection;

            if (pointCollection != null)
                pointCollection.RemovePoints(0, pointCollection.PointCount);   // 清空之前的点,再添加新点

                for (int i = 0; i < pList.Count; i++)
                    IPoint point = new PointClass();
                    point.PutCoords(pList[i].Lng, pList[i].Lat);
                    point.Z = pList[i].Alt;
                    (point as IZAware).ZAware = true;

                Dosomething((Action) delegate()
                    int outIndex = -1;
                    graphcisLayer.FindElementIndex(this, out outIndex);
                    if (outIndex > 0)
                        base.Geometry = pointCollection as IGeometry;
                }, true);


Exemplo n.º 28
        private IPolygon GetRegionPolygon(string fileName)
                object           Missing = Type.Missing;
                double           dblX, dblY;
                string           strXY;
                IPoint           p;
                IPolygon         pPlyRegion = new PolygonClass();
                IPointCollection pPointCol  = pPlyRegion as IPointCollection;

                FileStream fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                sr = new StreamReader(fs, Encoding.Default);
                for (int i = 0; i < m_arrVertex.Count; i++)
                    strXY = m_arrVertex[i].ToString();
                    dblX  = double.Parse(strXY.Split(new char[] { ',' })[0]);
                    dblY  = double.Parse(strXY.Split(new char[] { ',' })[1]);
                    p     = new PointClass();
                    p.PutCoords(dblX, dblY);
                    pPointCol.AddPoint(p, ref Missing, ref Missing);
            catch (System.Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// 更新位置
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="oldLngLat">原来的位置</param>
        /// <param name="newLngLat">新的位置</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool UpdatePosition(MapLngLat oldLngLat, MapLngLat newLngLat)
            this.Dosomething((Action) delegate()
                IPoint newPoint = new PointClass();
                newPoint.PutCoords(newLngLat.Lng, newLngLat.Lat);
                newPoint.Z      = newLngLat.Alt;
                IPoint oldPoint = new PointClass()
                    X = oldLngLat.Lng, Y = oldLngLat.Lat, Z = oldLngLat.Alt
                IPointCollection pointCollection = base.Geometry as IPointCollection;
                for (int i = 0; i < pointCollection.PointCount; i++)
                    if (pointCollection.get_Point(i).Compare(oldPoint) == 0)
                        pointCollection.RemovePoints(i, 1);
                base.Geometry = pointCollection as IGeometry;

            }, true);

Exemplo n.º 30
 /// <summary>
 /// 单机时运行
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="clickPT">单机的地图点</param>
 public void OnMouseDownRun(IPoint clickPT)
     if (polygonFeedback == null)
         polygonFeedback         = new NewPolygonFeedbackClass();
         polygonFeedback.Display = (mapControl.Map as IActiveView).ScreenDisplay;
         pointCollection.RemovePoints(0, pointCollection.PointCount);
         pointCollection.AddPoint(clickPT, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
         pointCollection.AddPoint(clickPT, Type.Missing, Type.Missing);
Exemplo n.º 31
        /// <summary>
        /// ��ȡ�ַ�ͼ����ָ��Ŀ��ͼ��ķ�Χ��С������ͼ�����ֶε�ֵ
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ipFeatrueClass">�ӱ�Ҫ����</param>
        /// <param name="ipBoundFeatureClass">��ΧҪ����</param>
        /// <param name="strTuFuNumFieldName">ͼ�����ֶ���</param>
        /// <param name="ipEnvelope"></param>
        /// <param name="nTuFuFieldIndex"></param>
        /// <param name="aryNumber">ͼ��������</param>
        /// <param name="ipPointCollection"></param>
        /// <returns>�ɹ�����true,���򷵻�false</returns>
        private IEnvelope GetCutlineNumber(IFeatureClass ipFeatrueClass,
                                           IFeatureClass ipBoundFeatureClass,
                                           string strTuFuNumFieldName,
                                           IEnvelope ipEnvelope,
                                           ref int nTuFuFieldIndex, ref List<string> aryNumber,
                                           IPointCollection ipPointCollection)
                if (ipEnvelope == null) return null;

                // //���Դ���
                // BSTR bstrTuFuNum = strTuFuNumFieldName.AllocSysString();
                ITable ipTable = (ITable) ipBoundFeatureClass;
                int nIndex = ipTable.FindField(strTuFuNumFieldName);

                if (nIndex == -1)
                    return null;

                IEnvelope ipTuFuMaxEnvelope = new EnvelopeClass();
                nTuFuFieldIndex = nIndex;

                ISpatialFilter ipSpatialFilter = new SpatialFilterClass();
                IGeometry ipGeo = ipEnvelope;
                ipSpatialFilter.Geometry = ipGeo;
                string bstrSharpFieldName = ipBoundFeatureClass.ShapeFieldName;
                ipSpatialFilter.GeometryField = bstrSharpFieldName;
                ipSpatialFilter.SpatialRel = esriSpatialRelEnum.esriSpatialRelIntersects;

                IFeatureCursor ipFeatureCursor = ipBoundFeatureClass.Search(ipSpatialFilter, false);

                if (ipFeatureCursor == null)
                    return null;

                IGeometry ipGeometry;
                IGeometry ipPolygonGeometry;
                IPolygon2 ipPolygon;
                IRing ipRing;

                IFeature ipFeature = ipFeatureCursor.NextFeature();
                IEnvelope ipTuFuEnvelope = ipFeature.Extent;

                double dMinX = 0.0;
                double dMaxX = 0.0;
                double dMinY = 0.0;
                double dMaxY = 0.0;

                double dTMinX = 0.0;
                double dTMaxX = 0.0;
                double dTMinY = 0.0;
                double dTMaxY = 0.0;

                dMinX = ipTuFuEnvelope.XMin;
                dMaxX = ipTuFuEnvelope.XMax;
                dMinY = ipTuFuEnvelope.YMin;
                dMaxY = ipTuFuEnvelope.YMax;

                IPoint ipPoint = new PointClass();

                int nPointCount = 0;
                while (ipFeature != null)
                    object varTuFu = ipFeature.get_Value(nIndex);
                    string str = varTuFu.ToString();

                    ipTuFuEnvelope = ipFeature.Extent;
                    dTMinX = ipTuFuEnvelope.XMin;
                    dTMaxX = ipTuFuEnvelope.XMax;
                    dTMinY = ipTuFuEnvelope.YMin;
                    dTMaxY = ipTuFuEnvelope.YMax;

                    if (dTMinX < dMinX)
                        dMinX = dTMinX;
                    if (dTMaxX > dMaxX)
                        dMaxX = dTMaxX;
                    if (dTMinY < dMinY)
                        dMinY = dTMinY;
                    if (dTMaxY > dMaxY)
                        dMaxY = dTMaxY;

                    object obj = Type.Missing;

                    ipPoint.X = dTMinX;
                    ipPoint.Y = dTMinY;
                    ipPointCollection.AddPoint(ipPoint, ref obj, ref obj);
                    ipPoint.X = dTMinX;
                    ipPoint.Y = dTMaxY;
                    ipPointCollection.AddPoint(ipPoint, ref obj, ref obj);
                    ipPoint.X = dTMaxX;
                    ipPoint.Y = dTMinY;
                    ipPointCollection.AddPoint(ipPoint, ref obj, ref obj);
                    ipPoint.X = dTMaxX;
                    ipPoint.Y = dTMaxY;
                    ipPointCollection.AddPoint(ipPoint, ref obj, ref obj);

                    ipFeature = ipFeatureCursor.NextFeature();

                ipTuFuMaxEnvelope.XMin = dMinX;
                ipTuFuMaxEnvelope.XMax = dMaxX;
                ipTuFuMaxEnvelope.YMin = dMinY;
                ipTuFuMaxEnvelope.YMax = dMaxY;
                return ipTuFuMaxEnvelope;
            catch (Exception ex)
                SendMessage(enumMessageType.Exception, ex.ToString());
                return null;
		// Adds Directions points to point collection
		private void AddPointsToPolyline(ISMDirections objDirections, ref IPointCollection objPoints)

			Point objPoint = new PointClass();

			// copy points from DD to line
			int nItemsCount = objDirections.Count;
			for (int i = 0; i < nItemsCount; i++)
				// get shape from Direction
				ISMDirItem objItem = null;
				objItem = objDirections.get_Item(i) as ISMDirItem;

				ISMPointsCollection objShape = null;
				objShape = objItem.Shape;

                // Add point from Direction to received collection
				int nPointsCount = objShape.Count - 1;
				for (int j = 0; j <= nPointsCount; j++)
					// get point from route
					SMRouterPoint objRouterPoint = objShape.get_Item(j);

                    // Optimization: Not add point if last added point has similar coords
					bool bAddPoint = false;

					if (objPoint.IsEmpty)
						bAddPoint = true;
					else if ((objPoint.X != objRouterPoint.X) & (objPoint.Y != objRouterPoint.Y))
						bAddPoint = true;

					if (bAddPoint)
						// Add point if need
						objPoint.X = objRouterPoint.X;
						objPoint.Y = objRouterPoint.Y;
						objPoint.SpatialReference = m_objSpatialReference;

						object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
						objPoints.AddPoint(objPoint, ref missing, ref missing);
        private void createpolygon(IPointCollection ippoints)
            ISegmentCollection ppath = new PathClass();
            IGeometryCollection ppolyline = new PolylineClass();
            if (ippoints.PointCount >= 3)
                int i;
                object o = Type.Missing;
                if (ippoints.PointCount >= 4)
                    ippoints.RemovePoints(ippoints.PointCount - 2, 1);
                for (i = 0; i < ippoints.PointCount - 1; i++)
                    ILine pline = new LineClass();
                    pline.PutCoords(ippoints.get_Point(i), ippoints.get_Point(i + 1));
                    ISegment psegment = pline as ISegment;

                    ppath.AddSegment(psegment, ref o, ref o);
                    ppolyline.AddGeometry(ppath as IGeometry, ref o, ref o);
                ipPolyResult = ppolyline as IPolyline;
                ISegmentCollection pRing = new RingClass();
                IGeometryCollection pGeometryColl = new PolygonClass();
                for (int j = 0; j < ppolyline.GeometryCount; j++)
                    pRing.AddSegmentCollection(ppolyline.get_Geometry(j) as ISegmentCollection);
                    pGeometryColl.AddGeometry(pRing as IGeometry, ref o, ref o);
                ipolygon = pGeometryColl as IPolygon;
		private void axMapControl1_OnMouseDown(object sender, ESRI.ArcGIS.Controls.IMapControlEvents2_OnMouseDownEvent e)
			//If left hand mouse button
			if (e.button == 1) 
				//Create a point and grab hold of the IPoint interface
				IPoint point = new PointClass();
				//Set point properties
				point.X = e.mapX;
				point.Y = e.mapY;

				//If this is the first point of a new line
				if (m_Polyline == null)
					//Create the forms private polyline member and grab hold of the IPolyline interface
					m_Polyline = new PolylineClass();

				//QI for the IPointsCollection interface using the IPolyline interface
				object o = Type.Missing;
				//object o1 = m_PointCollection.PointCount-1;
				m_PointCollection = (IPointCollection) m_Polyline;
				m_PointCollection.AddPoint(point, ref o, ref o);

				//Refresh the foreground thereby removing any text annotation
				axMapControl1.Refresh(esriViewDrawPhase.esriViewForeground, Type.Missing,Type.Missing);
				//If right or middle mouse button zoom to user defined rectangle
				//Create an envelope and grab hold of the IEnvelope interface
				IEnvelope envelope = axMapControl1.TrackRectangle();
				//If user dragged a rectangle
				if (envelope != null)
					//Set map controls extent property
					axMapControl1.Extent = envelope;
		private void buildPolyline(IPointCollection pGonColl, double x, double y)
			m_workPts[0].PutCoords(x - 500, y - 500);
			m_workPts[1].PutCoords(x + 500, y - 500);
			m_workPts[2].PutCoords(x + 500, y + 500);
			m_workPts[3].PutCoords(x - 500, y + 500);
			m_workPts[4].PutCoords(x, y);

				bool add = (pGonColl.PointCount == 0);
					object missingVal = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
					for (int i = 0; i< m_workPts.Length; i++)
						((IZAware)m_workPts[i]).ZAware = m_bZ;
						((IMAware)m_workPts[i]).MAware = m_bM;

						if (m_bM)
							m_workPts[i].M =  i;
						if (m_bZ)
							m_workPts[i].Z = i * 100;
						//add it point by point - .Net IDL limitation to do batch update?
						if (add)	//pGonColl.AddPoints(5, ref m_workPts[0]);//strange error of type mismatch
							pGonColl.AddPoint(m_workPts[i], ref missingVal, ref missingVal);	//The Add method only accepts either a before index or an after index.	
							pGonColl.UpdatePoint(i, m_workPts[i]);

				//Can I user replace point collection or addPointcollection?

			catch (Exception Ex)
			//Attempted to store an element of the incorrect type into the array.
		private void buildPolygon(IPointCollection pGonColl, double x, double y)
			m_workPts[0].PutCoords(x - 500, y - 500);
			m_workPts[1].PutCoords(x + 500, y - 500);
			m_workPts[2].PutCoords(x + 500, y + 500);
			m_workPts[3].PutCoords(x - 500, y + 500);
			m_workPts[4].PutCoords(x - 500, y - 500);
				bool add = (pGonColl.PointCount == 0);
				object missingVal = System.Reflection.Missing.Value;
				for (int i = 0; i< m_workPts.Length; i++)
					((IZAware)m_workPts[i]).ZAware = m_bZ;
					((IMAware)m_workPts[i]).MAware = m_bM;

					if (m_bM)
						m_workPts[i].M = i % 4;
					if (m_bZ)
						m_workPts[i].Z = (i % 4) * 100;	//match start and end points
					if (add)
						pGonColl.AddPoint(m_workPts[i], ref missingVal, ref missingVal);	//The Add method only accepts either a before index or an after index.	
						pGonColl.UpdatePoint(i, m_workPts[i]);

			catch (Exception Ex)
			//Attempted to store an element of the incorrect type into the array.