Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void Draw(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)

            DrawBackground(platform, scale);
            var b = new Rect(Bounds);
            b.x += 10;
            b.width -= 20;
            //base.Draw(platform, scale);
            platform.DrawColumns(b.Scale(scale), new float[] { _typeSize.x + 5, _nameSize.x },
                _ =>
                    platform.DoButton(_, _cachedTypeName, CachedStyles.ClearItemStyle, OptionClicked, OptionRightClicked);
                _ =>
                    DrawName(_, platform, scale, DrawingAlignment.MiddleRight);
                    platform.DoButton(_, "", CachedStyles.ClearItemStyle, () =>
                        if (ItemViewModel.IsSelected)
                            //TODO: Eliminate hack: due to the inconsistent input mechanisms, I cannot fix: when clicking on type, type window appear, then click on the property,
                            //editing will begin, but type window will stay there. So here is a hack of signaling HideSelection event.

                            InvertApplication.SignalEvent<IHideSelectionMenu>(__ => __.HideSelection());

                        else ItemViewModel.Select();
                    }, OptionRightClicked);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public virtual void Draw(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)
     //if (ViewModelObject != null && ViewModelObject.IsDirty)
     //    Refresh(platform);
     //    ViewModelObject.IsDirty = false;
        public void DrawWorkspacesList(IPlatformDrawer platform, Rect bounds, List<WorkspacesListItem> items)
            platform.DrawStretchBox(bounds, CachedStyles.WizardSubBoxStyle, 13);

            var scrollBounds = bounds.Translate(15, 0).Pad(0, 0, 15, 0);
            bounds = bounds.PadSides(15);

            var headerRect = bounds.WithHeight(40);

            platform.DrawLabel(headerRect, "Workspaces", CachedStyles.WizardSubBoxTitleStyle, DrawingAlignment.TopCenter);

            var unpaddedItemRect = bounds.Below(headerRect).WithHeight(100);

            var workspaces = items.ToArray();
            var position = scrollBounds.Below(headerRect).Clip(scrollBounds).Pad(0, 0, 0, 55);
            var usedRect = position.Pad(0, 0, 15, 0).WithHeight((unpaddedItemRect.height + 1) * workspaces.Length);
            _scrollPos = GUI.BeginScrollView(position, _scrollPos, usedRect);
            foreach (var db in workspaces)
                var workspace = db;
                platform.DrawStretchBox(unpaddedItemRect, CachedStyles.WizardListItemBoxStyle, 2);
                var itemRect = unpaddedItemRect.PadSides(15);
                var titleRect = itemRect.WithHeight(40);

                platform.DrawLabel(titleRect, db.Workspace.Title, CachedStyles.WizardSubBoxTitleStyle, DrawingAlignment.TopLeft);

                var infoRect = itemRect.Below(titleRect).WithHeight(30);
                //(platform as UnityDrawer).DrawInfo(infoRect, string.Format("Namespace: {0}\nPath: {1}", db.GraphConfiguration.Namespace ?? "-", db.GraphConfiguration.FullPath));

                var openButton = new Rect().WithSize(80, 25).InnerAlignWithBottomRight(itemRect);
                var configButton = openButton.LeftOf(openButton).Translate(-2, 0);
                var deleteButton = configButton.LeftOf(configButton).Translate(-2, 0);

                platform.DoButton(openButton, "Open", ElementDesignerStyles.DarkButtonStyle, () =>
                    Execute(new OpenWorkspaceCommand() { Workspace = workspace.Workspace });
                    EnableWizard = false;
                var db1 = db;
                platform.DoButton(configButton, "Config", ElementDesignerStyles.DarkButtonStyle, () => InvokeConfigFor(db1));
                platform.DoButton(deleteButton, "Remove", ElementDesignerStyles.DarkButtonStyle, () => { Execute(new RemoveWorkspaceCommand() { Workspace = workspace.Workspace }); });
                //platform.DoButton(showButton, "Show In Explorer", ElementDesignerStyles.ButtonStyle, () => { });

                unpaddedItemRect = unpaddedItemRect.Below(unpaddedItemRect).Translate(0, 1);



Exemplo n.º 4
        public virtual void Refresh(IPlatformDrawer platform)
            if (ViewModelObject == null)
                Refresh(platform, Vector2.zero);
                Refresh(platform, Bounds.position);

Exemplo n.º 5
        public void DrawActionDialog(IPlatformDrawer platform, Rect bounds, ActionItem item, Action cancel = null)
            if (item == null) return;

            platform.DrawStretchBox(bounds, CachedStyles.WizardSubBoxStyle, 13);

            bounds = bounds.PadSides(15);

            var descriptionHeight = string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Description) ? 50 : platform.CalculateTextHeight(item.Description, CachedStyles.BreadcrumbTitleStyle, bounds.width) + 60;

            var headerRect = bounds.WithHeight(40);
            var iconRect = bounds.WithSize(41, 41);
            var descriptionRect = headerRect.Below(headerRect).Translate(0,-22).WithHeight(descriptionHeight);
            var inspectorRect = bounds.Below(descriptionRect).Clip(bounds);
            var executeButtonRect = new Rect()
                .WithSize(100, 30)

            if (!_inspectors.ContainsKey(item))
                var uFrameMiniInspector = new uFrameMiniInspector(item.Command);
                _inspectors.Add(item, uFrameMiniInspector);
            var inspector = _inspectors[item];
            var inspectorHeight = inspector.Height;

            _scrollPosition = GUI.BeginScrollView(bounds.AddHeight(-30).AddWidth(15), _scrollPosition,
                bounds.WithHeight(headerRect.height + iconRect.height + descriptionRect.height + inspectorHeight));

            platform.DrawLabel(headerRect, item.Title, CachedStyles.WizardSubBoxTitleStyle, DrawingAlignment.MiddleCenter);
            platform.DrawImage(iconRect, string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Icon) ? "CreateEmptyDatabaseIcon" : item.Icon, true);
            platform.DrawLabel(descriptionRect, item.Description, CachedStyles.BreadcrumbTitleStyle, DrawingAlignment.MiddleLeft);


            //Draw generic inspector

            if ( cancel != null)
                platform.DoButton(executeButtonRect.InnerAlignWithBottomLeft(bounds), "Cancel", ElementDesignerStyles.DarkButtonStyle, cancel);

            platform.DoButton(executeButtonRect, string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Verb) ? "Create" : item.Verb, ElementDesignerStyles.DarkButtonStyle, () =>
Exemplo n.º 6
        public override void Refresh(IPlatformDrawer platform, Vector2 position, bool hardRefresh = true)
            base.Refresh(platform, position, hardRefresh);

            if (hardRefresh || string.IsNullOrEmpty(_cachedItemName) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(_cachedTypeName))
                _cachedItemName = TypedItemViewModel.Name;
                _cachedTypeName = TypedItemViewModel.RelatedType;
                _nameSize = platform.CalculateTextSize(_cachedItemName, CachedStyles.ClearItemStyle);
                _typeSize = platform.CalculateTextSize(_cachedTypeName, CachedStyles.ItemTextEditingStyle);

            Bounds = new Rect(position.x, position.y, _nameSize.x + 5 + _typeSize.x + 40, 18);
    public override void Draw(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)
        base.Draw(platform, scale);
        if (ViewModel == null) return;
        if (ViewModel.GraphItems == null) return;
        if (SelectionRect.width > 20 && SelectionRect.height > 20)
            foreach (var item in ViewModel.GraphItems.OfType<DiagramNodeViewModel>())
                item.IsSelected = SelectionRect.Scale(scale).Overlaps(item.Bounds.Scale(scale));
            platform.DrawStretchBox(SelectionRect.Scale(scale), CachedStyles.BoxHighlighter4, 12);
            platform.DrawStretchBox(SelectionRect.Scale(scale), CachedStyles.BoxHighlighter4, 0);
        public override void Draw(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)
            base.Draw(platform, scale);
            var _startRight = StartConnector.Direction == ConnectorDirection.Output;
            var _endRight = false;

            var startTan = _startPos + (_endRight ? -Vector2.right * 3 : Vector2.right * 3) * 30;

            var endTan = _endPos + (_startRight ? -Vector2.right * 3 : Vector2.right * 3) * 30;

            var shadowCol = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.1f);

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) // Draw a shadow
                platform.DrawBezier(_startPos * scale,
                    _endPos * scale, startTan * scale,
                    endTan * scale, shadowCol, (i + 1) * 5);

            InvertGraphEditor.PlatformDrawer.DrawBezier(_startPos * scale, _endPos * scale,
                startTan * scale, endTan * scale, color, 3);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public override void Refresh(IPlatformDrawer platform, Vector2 position, bool hardRefresh = true)
            base.Refresh(platform, position, hardRefresh);

            TextSize = platform.CalculateTextSize(NodeViewModel.Label, StyleSchema.TitleStyleObject); //.CalcSize(new GUIContent(NodeViewModel.Label)));
            Vector2 subTitleSize = Vector2.zero; 
            if (StyleSchema.ShowSubtitle)
                subTitleSize = platform.CalculateTextSize(NodeViewModel.SubTitle, StyleSchema.SubTitleStyleObject);

            var padding = StyleSchema.HeaderPadding;

            var width = (TextSize.x > subTitleSize.x ? TextSize.x : subTitleSize.x)+(StyleSchema.ShowIcon ? 8 : 0); //Add icon padding

            var height = TextSize.y + subTitleSize.y + padding.top + padding.bottom;

            if (StyleSchema.ShowIcon && NodeViewModel.IconName != null)
                var iconBounds = IconBounds ?? (IconBounds = new Vector2(16,16));
                width += iconBounds.Value.x;
//                if (height - Padding.y*2 < iconBounds.y)
//                {
//                    height = iconBounds.y + Padding.y*2;
//                }

            if (NodeViewModel.IsCollapsed)
                this.Bounds = new Rect(position.x, position.y, width + 12, height); //height > 35 ? height : 35);
                this.Bounds = new Rect(position.x, position.y, width + 12, height); //height > 35 ? height : 35);
            var cb = new Rect(this.Bounds);
            cb.width += 4;
            ViewModelObject.ConnectorBounds = cb;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public override void Refresh(IPlatformDrawer platform, Vector2 position, bool hardRefresh = true)
            base.Refresh(platform, position, hardRefresh);
            var x      = position.x;
            var starty = position.y;


            var y        = position.y;
            var height   = 0f;
            var maxWidth = 0f;

            foreach (var child in Children)
                child.Refresh(platform, new Vector2(x + 10, y), hardRefresh);
                var rect = new Rect(child.Bounds);
                rect.y       = y;
                child.Bounds = rect;
                y           += child.Bounds.height;
                height      += child.Bounds.height;
                if (child.Bounds.width > maxWidth)
                    maxWidth = child.Bounds.width;

            this.Bounds = new Rect(x, starty, maxWidth + 24, height);
            foreach (var child in Children)
                var newRect = new Rect(child.Bounds)
                    width = maxWidth
                child.Bounds = newRect;

            //Debug.Log("Bounds at " + position);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public override void Draw(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)
            base.Draw(platform, scale);

            if (ViewModel.ShowHelp)
                for (int index = 1; index <= NodeViewModel.ContentItems.Count; index++)
                    var item = NodeViewModel.ContentItems[index - 1];
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Comments))
                        var bounds = new Rect(item.Bounds);
                        bounds.width  = item.Bounds.height;
                        bounds.height = item.Bounds.height;
                        bounds.y     += (item.Bounds.height / 2) - 12;
                        bounds.x      = this.Bounds.x - (bounds.width + 4);
                        platform.DrawLabel(bounds, index.ToString(), CachedStyles.NodeHeader13, DrawingAlignment.MiddleCenter);
Exemplo n.º 12
 public override void Draw(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)
     base.Draw(platform, scale);
     GUI.Box(Bounds.Scale(scale), string.Empty, EditorStyles.textArea);
     foreach (var line in ViewModel.Lines)
         foreach (var token in line.Tokens)
             guiStyle.normal.textColor = token.Color;
             if (token.Bold)
                 guiStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Bold;
                 guiStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Normal;
             GUI.Label(token.Bounds, token.Text, guiStyle);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public override void Draw(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)
            base.Draw(platform, scale);

            var messageRect = new Rect(5, 5, 100, 15);

            foreach (var messages in ViewModel.Messages)
                var message = string.Format("{0} : {1}", Enum.GetName(typeof(MessageType), messages.MessageType),

                platform.DrawLabel(messageRect, message, CachedStyles.HeaderTitleStyle);

                messageRect = new Rect(messageRect)
                    y = messageRect.y + messageRect.height

            var typeRect = new Rect(250, 5, 150, 24);

            platform.DoButton(typeRect, "All", ElementDesignerStyles.ButtonStyle, () =>
            foreach (var type in ViewModel.AvailableTypes)
                typeRect = new Rect(typeRect)
                    y = typeRect.y + typeRect.height

                var type1 = type;
                platform.DoButton(typeRect, type.Name, ElementDesignerStyles.ButtonStyle, () =>
Exemplo n.º 14
        public override void Draw(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)
            base.Draw(platform, scale);
            if (EditorApplication.isPaused)
                if (NodeViewModel.GraphItem.Identifier != DebugSystem.CurrentBreakId)
                    var adjustedBounds = new Rect(Bounds.x - 9, Bounds.y + 1, Bounds.width + 19, Bounds.height + 9);
                    platform.DrawStretchBox(adjustedBounds, CachedStyles.BoxHighlighter5, 20);
                    var adjustedBounds = new Rect(Bounds.x - 9, Bounds.y + 1, Bounds.width + 19, Bounds.height + 9);
                    platform.DrawStretchBox(adjustedBounds, CachedStyles.BoxHighlighter3, 20);

            var breakpointItemRect = new Rect().WithSize(24, 24).InnerAlignWithUpperRight(Bounds).Translate(16, -16);
            var deltaTime          = (DateTime.Now - _lastUpdate).TotalMilliseconds;

            _lastUpdate = DateTime.Now;

            if (EditorApplication.isPaused && NodeViewModel.GraphItem.Identifier == DebugSystem.CurrentBreakId)
                _animationTime += (float)deltaTime;
                var offset = 8 * Mathf.Cos((_animationTime * 5f) / 1000);
                breakpointItemRect = breakpointItemRect.Translate(offset, -offset);
                //Apply animation to breakpoing item Rect
                platform.DrawImage(breakpointItemRect, "CurrentBreakpointIcon", true);
                if (NodeViewModel.IsBreakpoint)
                    platform.DrawImage(breakpointItemRect, "BreakpointIcon", true);
                _animationTime = 0;
Exemplo n.º 15
        public override void Draw(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)
            base.Draw(platform, scale);

            var paddedBOunds = Bounds.PadSides(5);
            var headerBounds = paddedBOunds.WithHeight(20).Translate(0,10);
            Rect textBounds;
            var hasHeader = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeViewModel.HeaderText);
            if (hasHeader)
                textBounds = paddedBOunds.Below(headerBounds).Translate(0, 5).Clip(paddedBOunds);
                textBounds = paddedBOunds;

            if (NodeViewModel.ShowMark)
                textBounds = textBounds.Pad(6, 0, 6, 0);

            if (hasHeader)
                var ts =platform.CalculateTextSize(NodeViewModel.HeaderText, CachedStyles.WizardSubBoxTitleStyle);
                platform.DrawLabel(headerBounds, NodeViewModel.HeaderText, CachedStyles.WizardSubBoxTitleStyle);

                var hmRect = new Rect().Align(headerBounds).WithSize(ts.x,2).Below(headerBounds).Translate(0,3);
                platform.DrawRect(hmRect, CachedStyles.GetColor(NodeColor.Gray));


            if (NodeViewModel.ShowMark)
                var markRect = textBounds.WithWidth(3).Pad(0,10,0,20).Translate(-6, 0);

        public override void Draw(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)
            base.Draw(platform, scale);
            var _startRight = StartConnector.Direction == ConnectorDirection.Output;
            var _endRight   = false;

            var startTan = _startPos + (_endRight ? -Vector2.right * 3 : Vector2.right * 3) * 30;

            var endTan = _endPos + (_startRight ? -Vector2.right * 3 : Vector2.right * 3) * 30;

            var shadowCol = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.1f);

            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) // Draw a shadow
                platform.DrawBezier(_startPos * scale,
                                    _endPos * scale, startTan * scale,
                                    endTan * scale, shadowCol, (i + 1) * 5);

            InvertGraphEditor.PlatformDrawer.DrawBezier(_startPos * scale, _endPos * scale,
                                                        startTan * scale, endTan * scale, color, 3);
Exemplo n.º 17
        private void DrawStateLink(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)
            var _startPos = ViewModel.ConnectorB.Bounds.center;
            var _endPos   = ViewModel.ConnectorA.Bounds.center;

            //var _startRight = ViewModel.ConnectorA.Direction == ConnectorDirection.Output;
            //var _endRight = ViewModel.ConnectorB.Direction == ConnectorDirection.Output;
            //Handles.color = ViewModel.CurrentColor;
            List <Vector2> points = new List <Vector2>();
            Vector2        curr;

            points.Add(curr = _startPos);

            if (_endPos.x < _startPos.x)
                int offset = 0;
                if (_endPos.y < _startPos.y)
                    offset = 10;
                points.Add(curr = curr + new Vector2(20f + offset, 0f));
                points.Add(curr = curr + new Vector2(0f, (_endPos.y - _startPos.y) / 2f + offset));
                points.Add(_endPos - new Vector2(20f + offset, (_endPos.y - _startPos.y) / 2f - offset));
                points.Add(_endPos - new Vector2(20f + offset, 0f));
                points.Add(curr = _startPos + new Vector2((_endPos.x - _startPos.x) / 2f, 0f));
                points.Add(new Vector2(curr.x, _endPos.y));

            var scaled = points.Select(p => new Vector2(p.x * scale, p.y * scale)).ToArray();

            platform.DrawPolyLine(scaled, ViewModel.CurrentColor);
            platform.DrawPolyLine(scaled.Select(p => p + new Vector2(1f, 1f)).ToArray(), ViewModel.CurrentColor);
        public override void Draw(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)
            //base.Draw(platform, scale);
            platform.DrawStretchBox(this.Bounds, CachedStyles.BoxHighlighter1, 50f);

            if (ViewModel.SaveImage)
                // Texture2D texture2D = new Texture2D(NodeViewModel.GraphItem.Width,NodeViewModel.GraphItem.Height, (TextureFormat)3, false);
                // var bounds = new Rect(this.Bounds);
                // bounds.y += editorWindow.position.height;
                //// bounds.y = lastRect.height - bounds.y - bounds.height;
                // texture2D.ReadPixels(bounds, 0, 0);
                // texture2D.Apply();
                // //string fullPath = Path.GetFullPath(Application.get_dataPath() + "/../" + Path.Combine(this.screenshotsSavePath, actionName) + ".png");
                // //if (!FsmEditorUtility.CreateFilePath(fullPath))
                // //    return;
                // byte[] bytes = texture2D.EncodeToPNG();
                // Object.DestroyImmediate((Object)texture2D, true);
                // File.WriteAllBytes("image.png", bytes);
                // ViewModel.SaveImage = false;
                // Debug.Log(this.Bounds.x.ToString() + " : " + this.Bounds.y);
Exemplo n.º 19
        public override void Draw(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)
            base.Draw(platform, scale);

            var  paddedBOunds = Bounds.PadSides(5);
            var  headerBounds = paddedBOunds.WithHeight(20).Translate(0, 10);
            Rect imageBounds;
            var  hasHeader   = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeViewModel.HeaderText);
            var  hasComments = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeViewModel.Comments);

            if (hasHeader)
                imageBounds = paddedBOunds.Below(headerBounds).Translate(0, 5).Clip(paddedBOunds);
                imageBounds = paddedBOunds;

            if (hasHeader)
                var ts = platform.CalculateTextSize(NodeViewModel.HeaderText, CachedStyles.WizardSubBoxTitleStyle);
                platform.DrawLabel(headerBounds, NodeViewModel.HeaderText, CachedStyles.WizardSubBoxTitleStyle);

                var hmRect = new Rect().Align(headerBounds).WithSize(ts.x, 2).Below(headerBounds).Translate(0, 3);
                platform.DrawRect(hmRect, CachedStyles.GetColor(NodeColor.Gray));

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeViewModel.ImageName) && Image != null)
                platform.DrawImage(imageBounds, Image, true);
                platform.DrawLabel(imageBounds, "Image Not Found", CachedStyles.WizardSubBoxTitleStyle);
Exemplo n.º 20
        private void DrawBeizureLink(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)
            var _startPos = ViewModel.ConnectorA.Bounds.center;
            var _endPos   = ViewModel.ConnectorB.Bounds.center;

            var _startRight = ViewModel.ConnectorA.Direction == ConnectorDirection.Output;
            var _endRight   = ViewModel.ConnectorB.Direction == ConnectorDirection.Output;

            var multiplier = Mathf.Min(30f, (_endPos.x - _startPos.x) * 0.3f);

            var m2 = 3;

            if (multiplier < 0)
                _startRight = !_startRight;
                _endRight   = !_endRight;

            var startTan = _startPos + (_endRight ? -Vector2.right * m2 : Vector2.right * m2) * multiplier;

            var endTan = _endPos + (_startRight ? -Vector2.right * m2 : Vector2.right * m2) * multiplier;

            var shadowCol = new Color(0, 0, 0, 0.1f);

            //if (ViewModel.IsFullColor)
            for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++)     // Draw a shadow
                platform.DrawBezier(_startPos * scale, _endPos * scale, startTan * scale,
                                    endTan * scale, shadowCol, (i + 1) * 5);

            platform.DrawBezier(_startPos * scale, _endPos * scale, startTan * scale,
                                endTan * scale, ViewModel.CurrentColor, 3);
Exemplo n.º 21
 public override void Draw(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)
     if (CustomDrawer != null)
         CustomDrawer.Draw(platform, scale, this);
         Rect inspBounds;
         if (ViewModel.InspectorType == InspectorType.GraphItems)
             inspBounds = Bounds.WithHeight(30).CenterInsideOf(Bounds);
         else if (ViewModel.InspectorType == InspectorType.TextArea)
             inspBounds = Bounds.WithHeight(60).CenterInsideOf(Bounds);
             inspBounds = Bounds.WithHeight(17).CenterInsideOf(Bounds);
         platform.DrawPropertyField(inspBounds.Pad(7, 0, 14, 0), this.ViewModel, scale);
Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Draw Diagram tab
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="platform"></param>
        /// <param name="buttonRect"></param>
        /// <param name="textRect"></param>
        /// <param name="buttonBoxRect"></param>
        /// <param name="closeButtonRect"></param>
        /// <param name="tab"></param>
        public void DrawTab(IPlatformDrawer platform, Rect buttonRect, Rect textRect, Rect buttonBoxRect, Rect closeButtonRect, NavigationItem tab)
            platform.DrawStretchBox(buttonRect, tab.State == NavigationItemState.Current ? CachedStyles.TabBoxActiveStyle : CachedStyles.TabBoxStyle, 10);

            platform.DrawTabLabel(textRect, tab.Title, CachedStyles.TabTitleStyle);

            platform.DoButton(buttonBoxRect, "", CachedStyles.ClearItemStyle,
                              m =>
                if (tab.NavigationAction != null)
                              m =>
                if (tab.NavigationActionSecondary != null)

            if (tab.State == NavigationItemState.Current)
                platform.DoButton(closeButtonRect, "", CachedStyles.TabCloseButton,
                                  m =>
                    if (tab.CloseAction != null)
Exemplo n.º 23
    public override void Draw(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)
        base.Draw(platform, scale);
        if (ViewModel == null)
        if (ViewModel.GraphItems == null)
        if (SelectionRect.width > 20 && SelectionRect.height > 20)
            foreach (var item in ViewModel.GraphItems.OfType <DiagramNodeViewModel>())
                item.IsSelected = SelectionRect.Scale(scale).Overlaps(item.Bounds.Scale(scale));
            platform.DrawStretchBox(SelectionRect.Scale(scale), CachedStyles.BoxHighlighter4, 12);
            platform.DrawStretchBox(SelectionRect.Scale(scale), CachedStyles.BoxHighlighter4, 0);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public void DrawDatabasesList(IPlatformDrawer Drawer, Rect bounds, List <DatabasesListItem> items)
            Drawer.DrawStretchBox(bounds, CachedStyles.WizardSubBoxStyle, 13);

            var scrollBounds = bounds.Translate(15, 0).Pad(0, 0, 15, 0);

            bounds = bounds.PadSides(15);

            var headerRect = bounds.WithHeight(40);

            Drawer.DrawLabel(headerRect, "Databases", CachedStyles.WizardSubBoxTitleStyle, DrawingAlignment.TopCenter);

            var unpaddedItemRect = bounds.Below(headerRect).WithHeight(150);

            var databasesListItems = items.ToArray();

            var position = scrollBounds.Below(headerRect).Clip(scrollBounds).Pad(0, 0, 0, 55);
            var usedRect = position.Pad(0, 0, 15, 0).WithHeight((unpaddedItemRect.height + 1) * databasesListItems.Length);

            _scrollPos = GUI.BeginScrollView(position, _scrollPos, usedRect);

            foreach (var db in databasesListItems)
                Drawer.DrawStretchBox(unpaddedItemRect, CachedStyles.WizardListItemBoxStyle, 2);
                var itemRect  = unpaddedItemRect.PadSides(15);
                var titleRect = itemRect.WithHeight(40);

                Drawer.DrawLabel(titleRect, db.GraphConfiguration.Title, CachedStyles.WizardSubBoxTitleStyle, DrawingAlignment.TopLeft);

                var infoRect = itemRect.Below(titleRect).WithHeight(50);
                (Drawer as UnityDrawer).DrawInfo(infoRect, string.Format("Namespace: {0}\nPath: {1}", db.GraphConfiguration.Namespace ?? "-", db.GraphConfiguration.FullPath));

                var openButton   = new Rect().WithSize(80, 25).InnerAlignWithBottomRight(itemRect);
                var configButton = openButton.LeftOf(openButton).Translate(-2, 0);
                var showButton   = configButton.WithWidth(120).InnerAlignWithBottomLeft(itemRect);

                Drawer.DoButton(openButton, "Open", ElementDesignerStyles.DarkButtonStyle, () =>
                    Signal <IChangeDatabase>(_ => _.ChangeDatabase(db.GraphConfiguration));

                Drawer.SetTooltipForRect(openButton, "Open this database.");

                var db1 = db;
                Drawer.DoButton(configButton, "Config", ElementDesignerStyles.DarkButtonStyle, () =>
                    SelectedItem = new ActionItem()
                        Command = new EditDatabaseCommand()
                            Namespace     = db1.GraphConfiguration.Namespace,
                            CodePath      = db1.GraphConfiguration.CodeOutputPath,
                            Configuration = db1.GraphConfiguration as uFrameDatabaseConfig

                        Description = "Configuration",
                        Title       = string.Format("Configure {0}", db1.GraphConfiguration.Title),
                        Verb        = "Apply"
                Drawer.DoButton(showButton, "Show In Explorer", ElementDesignerStyles.DarkButtonStyle, () =>

                unpaddedItemRect = unpaddedItemRect.Below(unpaddedItemRect).Translate(0, 1);
Exemplo n.º 25
 public virtual void Refresh(IPlatformDrawer platform, Vector2 position, bool hardRefresh = true)
Exemplo n.º 26
 public void Refresh(IPlatformDrawer platform)
Exemplo n.º 27
 public override void Refresh(IPlatformDrawer platform)
Exemplo n.º 28
 public virtual void Draw(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)
Exemplo n.º 29
        public void DrawBreadcrumbs(IPlatformDrawer platform,  float y)

            var navPanelRect = new Rect(4, y, 60, 30f);
            var breadcrumbsRect = new Rect(64, y, Bounds.width-44, 30f);
            platform.DrawRect(Bounds.WithOrigin(0,y).WithHeight(30), InvertGraphEditor.Settings.BackgroundColor);

            var back = new Rect().WithSize(30, 30).PadSides(2).CenterInsideOf(navPanelRect.LeftHalf());
            platform.DoButton(back, "", ElementDesignerStyles.WizardActionButtonStyleSmall,
                () =>
                    InvertApplication.Execute(new NavigateBackCommand());
            platform.DrawImage(back.PadSides(4), "BackIcon", true);

            var forward = new Rect().WithSize(30, 30).PadSides(2).CenterInsideOf(navPanelRect.RightHalf());
            platform.DoButton(forward, "", ElementDesignerStyles.WizardActionButtonStyleSmall,
                () =>
                    InvertApplication.Execute(new NavigateForwardCommand());

            //var color = new Color(InvertGraphEditor.Settings.BackgroundColor.r * 0.8f, InvertGraphEditor.Settings.BackgroundColor.g * 0.8f, InvertGraphEditor.Settings.BackgroundColor.b * 0.8f, 1f);
            //platform.DrawRect(rect, color);
//            var lineRect = new Rect(rect);
//            lineRect.height = 2;
//            lineRect.y = y + 38f;
//            platform.DrawRect(lineRect, new Color(InvertGraphEditor.Settings.BackgroundColor.r * 0.6f, InvertGraphEditor.Settings.BackgroundColor.g * 0.6f, InvertGraphEditor.Settings.BackgroundColor.b * 0.6f, 1f));
//            var first = true;
//            if (_cachedPaths != null)
//            foreach (var item in _cachedPaths)
//            {
//                var item1 = item;
//                platform.DoButton(new Rect(x, rect.y + 20 - (item.Value.y / 2), item.Value.x, item.Value.y), first ? item.Key.Name : "< " + item.Key.Name, first ? CachedStyles.GraphTitleLabel : CachedStyles.ItemTextEditingStyle,
//                    () =>
//                    {
//                        InvertApplication.Execute(new LambdaCommand(() =>
//                        {
//                            DiagramViewModel.GraphData.PopToFilter(item1.Key);
//                        }));
//                    });
//                x += item.Value.x + 15;
//                first = false;
//            }

            var x = 1f;

            var styles = DiagramViewModel.NavigationViewModel.BreadcrumbsStyle;
            var iconsTine = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f);

            foreach (var usitem in DiagramViewModel.NavigationViewModel.Breadcrubs.ToArray())
                var item = usitem;
                var textSize = platform.CalculateTextSize(usitem.Title, CachedStyles.BreadcrumbTitleStyle);
                float buttonContentPadding = 5;
                float buttonIconsPadding= 5;
                bool useSpecIcon = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SpecializedIcon);
                var buttonWidth = textSize.x + buttonContentPadding*2 + 8;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Icon)) buttonWidth += buttonIconsPadding + 16;
                if (useSpecIcon) buttonWidth += buttonIconsPadding + 16;
                var buttonRect = new Rect()
                    .Translate(x, 0);

                var icon1Rect = new Rect()
                    .WithSize(16, 16)
                    .Translate(-buttonContentPadding, 0);

                var icon2Rect = new Rect()
                    .WithSize(16, 16)
                    .Translate(buttonContentPadding, 0);

                var textRect = new Rect()
                    .WithSize(textSize.x, textSize.y)
                    .Align(useSpecIcon ? icon2Rect : buttonRect)
                    .Translate(useSpecIcon ? buttonIconsPadding + 16 : buttonContentPadding, -1);

                var dotRect = new Rect()
                    .WithSize(16, 16)

                platform.DoButton(buttonRect, "", item.State == NavigationItemState.Current ? CachedStyles.BreadcrumbBoxActiveStyle : CachedStyles.BreadcrumbBoxStyle, item.NavigationAction);
                platform.DrawLabel(textRect, item.Title, CachedStyles.BreadcrumbTitleStyle, DrawingAlignment.MiddleCenter);
                platform.DrawImage(icon1Rect, styles.GetIcon(item.Icon,iconsTine), true);

                if (useSpecIcon) platform.DrawImage(icon2Rect, styles.GetIcon(item.SpecializedIcon, iconsTine), true);
                if (item.State != NavigationItemState.Current) platform.DrawImage(dotRect, styles.GetIcon("DotIcon", iconsTine), true);

                x += buttonRect.width + 16 - 6;


Exemplo n.º 30
        public override void Refresh(IPlatformDrawer platform, Vector2 position, bool hardRefresh = true)
            base.Refresh(platform, position, hardRefresh);
            // Eventually it will all be viewmodels
            if (DiagramViewModel == null) return;
            Dictionary<IGraphFilter, Vector2> dictionary = new Dictionary<IGraphFilter, Vector2>();
            var first = true;
            foreach (var filter in new [] {DiagramViewModel.GraphData.RootFilter}.Concat(this.DiagramViewModel.GraphData.GetFilterPath()).Reverse())

                var name = first ? filter.Name : "< " + filter.Name;
                dictionary.Add(filter, platform.CalculateTextSize(name, first ? CachedStyles.GraphTitleLabel : CachedStyles.ItemTextEditingStyle));
                first = false;
            _cachedPaths = dictionary;

            Dirty = true;
            //_cachedChildren = Children.OrderBy(p => p.ZOrder).ToArray();
 public override void Refresh(IPlatformDrawer platform)
     this.Bounds = new Rect(ViewModel.Position.x, ViewModel.Position.y, NodeViewModel.Width, NodeViewModel.Height);
Exemplo n.º 32
        //TODO WIZARDS: Add scrolling (drawer needs to be extended to support scrolling / or use native unity stuff)
        public void DrawActionsPanel(IPlatformDrawer platform, Rect bounds, List<ActionItem> actions, Action<ActionItem,Vector2> primaryAction,
            Action<ActionItem,Vector2> secondaryAction = null)
            platform.DrawStretchBox(bounds, CachedStyles.WizardSubBoxStyle, 13);

            bounds = bounds.PadSides(15);
            var headerRect = new Rect(bounds.WithHeight(40));

            platform.DrawLabel(headerRect, "Actions", CachedStyles.WizardSubBoxTitleStyle, DrawingAlignment.TopCenter);

            bounds = bounds.Below(headerRect).Clip(bounds);

            var buttonSize = 100;
            var buttonsPerRow = (int)bounds.width / (int)buttonSize;
            var buttonIndex = 0;
            var padding = (bounds.width % buttonSize) / (buttonsPerRow - 1);
            var itemRect = new Rect().Align(bounds).WithSize(buttonSize, buttonSize);

            foreach (var action in actions)

                platform.DrawStretchBox(itemRect, CachedStyles.WizardActionButtonStyle, 0);

                var action1 = action;
                platform.DoButton(itemRect,"",CachedStyles.ClearItemStyle, m =>
                    primaryAction(action1, m);
                }, m =>
                    if (secondaryAction != null)
                        secondaryAction(action1, m);

                var imageRect = itemRect
                    .WithSize(41, 41)
                    .Translate(0, 10);

                var titleRect = itemRect
                    .Pad(5, 0, 10, 0)
                    .Translate(0, -2);

                platform.DrawImage(imageRect, string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.Icon) ? "CreateEmptyDatabaseIcon" : action.Icon, true);
                platform.DrawLabel(titleRect, action.Title, CachedStyles.ListItemTitleStyle, DrawingAlignment.MiddleCenter);


                if (buttonIndex % buttonsPerRow == 0)
                    itemRect = itemRect.Below(itemRect).AlignVertically(bounds).Translate(0, 10);
                    itemRect = itemRect.RightOf(itemRect).Translate(padding, 0);

Exemplo n.º 33
 public override void Refresh(IPlatformDrawer platform, Vector2 position, bool hardRefresh = true)
     base.Refresh(platform, position, hardRefresh);
 public void Draw(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)
     Refresh(PlatformDrawer, new Vector2(0, 0));
Exemplo n.º 35
        public override void Draw(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)
            base.Draw(platform, scale);

            var headerPadding = StyleSchema.HeaderPadding;
//            var headerBounds = new Rect(
//                Bounds.x - headerPadding.left, 
//                Bounds.y, 
//                Bounds.width + headerPadding.left * 2 + 1,
//                Bounds.height + (NodeViewModel.IsCollapsed ? 0 : -20) + headerPadding.bottom);
            var headerBounds = new Rect(
                Bounds.width + headerPadding.left + headerPadding.right + headerPadding.left -6,
                Bounds.height+0 + (NodeViewModel.IsCollapsed ? 9 : -2));

            var image = HeaderImage;

                    NodeViewModel.IsCollapsed ? StyleSchema.CollapsedHeaderStyleObject : StyleSchema.ExpandedHeaderStyleObject, 

            // The bounds for the main text

//            var textBounds = new Rect(Bounds.x, Bounds.y + ((Bounds.height / 2f) - (TextSize.y / 2f)), Bounds.width,
//                Bounds.height);
            var padding = headerPadding;
            var titleBounds = new Rect(
                Bounds.x + padding.left, 
                Bounds.y + padding.top + (StyleSchema.ShowSubtitle ? 1 : 0 ) , 
                Bounds.width-padding.right-padding.left-(StyleSchema.ShowIcon ? 16 : 0), //Subtract icon size if shown

            var titleSize = platform.CalculateTextSize(NodeViewModel.Label, StyleSchema.TitleStyleObject);

            var subtitleBound = new Rect(Bounds.x + padding.left+0, Bounds.y + padding.top + titleSize.y + 0, Bounds.width-padding.right, Bounds.height-padding.top);

            if (NodeViewModel.IsEditing && NodeViewModel.IsEditable)

                //DiagramDrawer.IsEditingField = true;

                //var newText = GUI.TextField(textBounds.Scale(scale), NodeViewModel.Name,
                //    ElementDesignerStyles.ViewModelHeaderEditingStyle);

                //if (UnityEditor.EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                //    NodeViewModel.Rename(newText);
                //    Dirty = true;

                //textBounds.y += TextSize.y / 2f;
                platform.DrawTextbox(NodeViewModel.GraphItemObject.Identifier, titleBounds.Scale(scale), NodeViewModel.Name, CachedStyles.ViewModelHeaderStyle, (v, finished) =>
                    if (finished)

                //var titleStyle = new GUIStyle(TextStyle);
                //titleStyle.normal.textColor = BackgroundStyle.normal.textColor;
                //titleStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
                //titleStyle.fontSize = Mathf.RoundToInt(12*scale);
                platform.DrawLabel(titleBounds.Scale(scale), NodeViewModel.Label ?? string.Empty, StyleSchema.TitleStyleObject, StyleSchema.ShowSubtitle ? DrawingAlignment.TopLeft : DrawingAlignment.MiddleLeft);

                if (StyleSchema.ShowSubtitle && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeViewModel.SubTitle))
                    platform.DrawLabel(subtitleBound.Scale(scale), NodeViewModel.SubTitle ?? string.Empty,
                        StyleSchema.SubTitleStyleObject, StyleSchema.ShowSubtitle ? DrawingAlignment.TopLeft : DrawingAlignment.MiddleLeft);

                if (StyleSchema.ShowIcon && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeViewModel.IconName))
                    var iconsize = IconBounds ?? (IconBounds = new Vector2(16,16));
                    var size = 16;
                    var imageBounds = new Rect(Bounds.xMax - padding.right - size, Bounds.y + ((Bounds.height / 2f) - (size / 2f)), 16, 16);

                    //var imageBounds = new Rect().WithSize(16, 16).InnerAlignWithUpperRight(Bounds).AlignHorisonallyByCenter(headerBounds).Translate(-headerPadding.right,0);
                    var cCache = GUI.color;
                    GUI.color = new Color(cCache.r, cCache.g, cCache.b, 0.7f);
                    platform.DrawImage(imageBounds.Scale(scale), IconImage, true);
                    GUI.color = cCache;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(IconTooltip))
                        platform.SetTooltipForRect(imageBounds.Scale(scale), IconTooltip);


                //GUI.Label(textBounds.Scale(scale), NodeViewModel.Label ?? string.Empty, titleStyle);
                //if (NodeViewModel.IsCollapsed)
                //    textBounds.y += TextSize.y/2f;
                //    //titleStyle.fontSize = Mathf.RoundToInt(10*scale);
                //    //titleStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Italic;

                //    GUI.Label(textBounds.Scale(scale), NodeViewModel.SubTitle, titleStyle);
Exemplo n.º 36
        //uncomment to debug connector bounds
        //Color bc = new Color(UnityEngine.Random.value, UnityEngine.Random.value, UnityEngine.Random.value,0.3f);

        public override void Draw(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)
            base.Draw(platform, scale);

            //uncomment to debug connector bounds

            //InvertGraphEditor.PlatformDrawer.DrawConnector(scale, ViewModel);
            var connectorFor    = ViewModel.ConnectorFor;
            var connectorBounds = ViewModel.ConnectorFor.ConnectorBounds;
            var forItem         = connectorFor as ItemViewModel;

            if (forItem != null)
                if (forItem.NodeViewModel.IsCollapsed)
                    connectorBounds = forItem.NodeViewModel.ConnectorBounds;
            var nodePosition = connectorBounds;
            //var texture = Texture;
            var pos = new Vector2(0f, 0f);

            if (ViewModel.Side == ConnectorSide.Left)
                pos.x  = nodePosition.x;
                pos.y  = nodePosition.y + (nodePosition.height * ViewModel.SidePercentage);
                pos.y -= (TextureHeight / 2f);
                pos.x -= (TextureWidth) + 2;
            else if (ViewModel.Side == ConnectorSide.Right)
                pos.x  = nodePosition.x + nodePosition.width;
                pos.y  = nodePosition.y + (nodePosition.height * ViewModel.SidePercentage);
                pos.y -= (TextureHeight / 2f);
                pos.x += 2;
            else if (ViewModel.Side == ConnectorSide.Bottom)
                pos.x  = nodePosition.x + (nodePosition.width * ViewModel.SidePercentage);
                pos.y  = nodePosition.y + nodePosition.height;
                pos.x -= (TextureWidth / 2f);
                //pos.y += TextureHeight;
            else if (ViewModel.Side == ConnectorSide.Top)
                pos.x  = nodePosition.x + (nodePosition.width * ViewModel.SidePercentage);
                pos.y  = nodePosition.y;
                pos.x -= (TextureWidth / 2f);
                pos.y -= TextureHeight;

            //if (ViewModel.IsMouseOver)
            //    var mouseOverBounds = new Rect(bounds);
            //    ////mouseOverBounds.x -= mouseOverBounds.width*0.2f;
            //    //mouseOverBounds.y += mouseOverBounds.height * 0.125f;
            //    //mouseOverBounds.x += mouseOverBounds.width * 0.125f;
            //    mouseOverBounds.width = 20;
            //    mouseOverBounds.height = 20;
            //    bounds = mouseOverBounds;

            //if (ViewModelObject.IsMouseOver)
            //    EditorGUI.DrawRect(Bounds.Scale(scale), Color.black);
            //if (!ViewModel.HasConnections)
            //if (!ViewModel.ConnectorFor.IsMouseOver && !ViewModel.ConnectorFor.IsSelected && !ViewModel.IsMouseOver) return;
            if (!ViewModel.AlwaysVisible)
                if (!ViewModel.ConnectorFor.IsMouseOver && !ViewModel.ConnectorFor.IsSelected && !ViewModel.IsMouseOver && !ViewModel.HasConnections)

            //if (ViewModel.HasConnections)
            //    platform.DrawImage(bounds, Texture, true);

            if (ViewModel.Direction == ConnectorDirection.Output && ViewModel.Side == ConnectorSide.Right)
                Bounds = new Rect(pos.x, pos.y, TextureWidth, TextureHeight);

                Bounds = new Rect(pos.x, pos.y, TextureWidth, TextureHeight);

            var padding = ViewModel.StyleSchema.Padding;

            Bounds = Bounds.Pad(padding.x, padding.y, padding.width, padding.height);

            var bounds = Bounds.Scale(scale);

            // if (ViewModel.IsMouseOver)
            //   {
            platform.DrawImage(bounds, Texture, true);
            //  platform.DrawImage(bounds, Texture, true);
            //  }

            //platform.DrawImage(bounds, Texture, true);

            if (ViewModel.Direction == ConnectorDirection.Output && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ViewModel.OutputDesctiption))
                platform.SetTooltipForRect(bounds, ViewModel.OutputDesctiption);
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ViewModel.InputDesctiption))
                platform.SetTooltipForRect(bounds, ViewModel.InputDesctiption);
            //if (InvertGraphEditor.Settings.ShowGraphDebug && ViewModel.IsMouseOver)
            //    GUI.Label(new Rect(Bounds.x + 20, Bounds.y - 10, 500, 50),

            //        this.ViewModel.DataObject.GetType().Name,
            //        EditorStyles.miniBoldLabel);
Exemplo n.º 37
        public void DrawTabs(IPlatformDrawer platform, Rect tabsRect)
            var designerWindow = DiagramViewModel.NavigationViewModel.DesignerWindow;
            if (designerWindow != null && designerWindow.Designer != null)
                var x = 1f;
                foreach (var tab in DiagramViewModel.NavigationViewModel.Tabs.ToArray())
                    if (tab == null) continue;
                    if (tab.Title == null)

                    var textSize = platform.CalculateTextSize(tab.Title, CachedStyles.TabTitleStyle);
                    var buttonRect=  new Rect()
                        .WithWidth(Math.Max(textSize.x + 21 + 16,60))

                    var buttonBoxRect = new Rect().AlignAndScale(buttonRect)
                        .WithWidth(textSize.x + 10);
                    var textRect = new Rect()
                        .Pad(7, 0, 7, 0);

                    var closeButton = new Rect()
                        .WithSize(16, 16)

                    platform.DrawStretchBox(buttonRect,tab.State == NavigationItemState.Current ? CachedStyles.TabBoxActiveStyle : CachedStyles.TabBoxStyle,10);


                    var tab1 = tab;
                    platform.DoButton(buttonBoxRect,"",CachedStyles.ClearItemStyle, m =>
                        if (tab1.NavigationAction != null) tab1.NavigationAction(m);
                    }, m =>
                        if (tab1.NavigationActionSecondary != null) tab1.NavigationActionSecondary(m);

                    platform.DoButton(closeButton,"",CachedStyles.TabCloseButton, m =>
                        if (tab1.CloseAction != null) tab1.CloseAction(m);

//                    if (GUILayout.Button(tab.Name,
//                        isCurrent
//                            ? ElementDesignerStyles.TabBoxStyle
//                            : ElementDesignerStyles.TabBoxActiveStyle,GUILayout.MinWidth(150)))
//                    {
//                        var projectService = InvertGraphEditor.Container.Resolve<WorkspaceService>();
//                        if (Event.current.button == 1)
//                        {
//                           var isLastGraph = projectService.CurrentWorkspace.Graphs.Count() <= 1;
//                           if (!isLastGraph)
//                            {
//                                var tab1 = tab;
//                                projectService.Repository.RemoveAll<WorkspaceGraph>(p=>p.WorkspaceId == projectService.CurrentWorkspace.Identifier && p.GraphId == tab1.Identifier);
//                                var lastGraph = projectService.CurrentWorkspace.Graphs.LastOrDefault();
//                                if (isCurrent && lastGraph != null)
//                                {
//                                    designerWindow.SwitchDiagram(lastGraph);
//                                }
//                            }
//                        }
//                        else
//                        {
//                            designerWindow.SwitchDiagram(projectService.CurrentWorkspace.Graphs.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Identifier == tab.Identifier));    
//                        }
//                    }
//                    var butRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
                    x += buttonRect.width+2;

                var newTabButtonRect =
                    new Rect().WithSize(27, 27).Align(tabsRect).AlignHorisonallyByCenter(tabsRect).Translate(x+2, 0);

                platform.SetTooltipForRect(newTabButtonRect,"Create or import new graphs");

                platform.DoButton(newTabButtonRect,"",ElementDesignerStyles.WizardActionButtonStyleSmall,()=>{ InvertApplication.SignalEvent<INewTabRequested>(_=>_.NewTabRequested());});

                //   GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
                //   GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
                //   GUILayout.EndArea();
Exemplo n.º 38
        public override void Draw(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)
            base.Draw(platform, scale);

            var headerPadding = StyleSchema.HeaderPadding;
//            var headerBounds = new Rect(
//                Bounds.x - headerPadding.left,
//                Bounds.y,
//                Bounds.width + headerPadding.left * 2 + 1,
//                Bounds.height + (NodeViewModel.IsCollapsed ? 0 : -20) + headerPadding.bottom);
            var headerBounds = new Rect(
                Bounds.x - headerPadding.left + 1,
                Bounds.y + 1,
                Bounds.width + headerPadding.left + headerPadding.right + headerPadding.left - 6,
                Bounds.height + 0 + (NodeViewModel.IsCollapsed ? 9 : -2));

            var image = HeaderImage;

                NodeViewModel.IsCollapsed ? StyleSchema.CollapsedHeaderStyleObject : StyleSchema.ExpandedHeaderStyleObject,
                scale, image);

            // The bounds for the main text

//            var textBounds = new Rect(Bounds.x, Bounds.y + ((Bounds.height / 2f) - (TextSize.y / 2f)), Bounds.width,
//                Bounds.height);
            var padding     = headerPadding;
            var titleBounds = new Rect(
                Bounds.x + padding.left,
                Bounds.y + padding.top + (StyleSchema.ShowSubtitle ? 1 : 0),
                Bounds.width - padding.right - padding.left - (StyleSchema.ShowIcon ? 16 : 0), //Subtract icon size if shown
                Bounds.height - padding.top - padding.bottom);

            var titleSize = platform.CalculateTextSize(NodeViewModel.Label, StyleSchema.TitleStyleObject);

            var subtitleBound = new Rect(Bounds.x + padding.left + 0, Bounds.y + padding.top + titleSize.y + 0, Bounds.width - padding.right, Bounds.height - padding.top);

            if (NodeViewModel.IsEditing && NodeViewModel.IsEditable)
                //DiagramDrawer.IsEditingField = true;

                //var newText = GUI.TextField(textBounds.Scale(scale), NodeViewModel.Name,
                //    ElementDesignerStyles.ViewModelHeaderEditingStyle);

                //if (UnityEditor.EditorGUI.EndChangeCheck())
                //    NodeViewModel.Rename(newText);
                //    Dirty = true;

                //textBounds.y += TextSize.y / 2f;
                platform.DrawTextbox(NodeViewModel.GraphItemObject.Identifier, titleBounds.Scale(scale), NodeViewModel.Name, CachedStyles.ViewModelHeaderStyle, (v, finished) =>
                    if (finished)
                //var titleStyle = new GUIStyle(TextStyle);
                //titleStyle.normal.textColor = BackgroundStyle.normal.textColor;
                //titleStyle.alignment = TextAnchor.MiddleCenter;
                //titleStyle.fontSize = Mathf.RoundToInt(12*scale);
                platform.DrawLabel(titleBounds.Scale(scale), NodeViewModel.Label ?? string.Empty, StyleSchema.TitleStyleObject, StyleSchema.ShowSubtitle ? DrawingAlignment.TopLeft : DrawingAlignment.MiddleLeft);

                if (StyleSchema.ShowSubtitle && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeViewModel.SubTitle))
                    platform.DrawLabel(subtitleBound.Scale(scale), NodeViewModel.SubTitle ?? string.Empty,
                                       StyleSchema.SubTitleStyleObject, StyleSchema.ShowSubtitle ? DrawingAlignment.TopLeft : DrawingAlignment.MiddleLeft);

                if (StyleSchema.ShowIcon && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(NodeViewModel.IconName))
                    var iconsize    = IconBounds ?? (IconBounds = new Vector2(16, 16));
                    var size        = 16;
                    var imageBounds = new Rect(Bounds.xMax - padding.right - size, Bounds.y + ((Bounds.height / 2f) - (size / 2f)), 16, 16);

                    //var imageBounds = new Rect().WithSize(16, 16).InnerAlignWithUpperRight(Bounds).AlignHorisonallyByCenter(headerBounds).Translate(-headerPadding.right,0);
                    var cCache = GUI.color;
                    GUI.color = new Color(cCache.r, cCache.g, cCache.b, 0.7f);
                    platform.DrawImage(imageBounds.Scale(scale), IconImage, true);
                    GUI.color = cCache;

                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(IconTooltip))
                        platform.SetTooltipForRect(imageBounds.Scale(scale), IconTooltip);

                //GUI.Label(textBounds.Scale(scale), NodeViewModel.Label ?? string.Empty, titleStyle);
                //if (NodeViewModel.IsCollapsed)
                //    textBounds.y += TextSize.y/2f;
                //    //titleStyle.fontSize = Mathf.RoundToInt(10*scale);
                //    //titleStyle.fontStyle = FontStyle.Italic;

                //    GUI.Label(textBounds.Scale(scale), NodeViewModel.SubTitle, titleStyle);
Exemplo n.º 39
        public override void Draw(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)


            //var x = rect.x + 10;

            //foreach (var item in DiagramDrawer.DiagramViewModel.GraphData.GetFilterPath())
            //    var item1 = item;
            //    var size = drawer.CalculateSize(item.Name, CachedStyles.GraphTitleLabel);
            //    x += size.x + 10;
            // Make sure they've upgraded to the latest json format
            if (UpgradeOldProject()) return;
            //// Draw the title box
            //GUI.Box(new Rect(0, 0f, DiagramSize.width, 30f), DiagramViewModel.Title , ElementDesignerStyles.DiagramTitle);

            if (DiagramViewModel.LastMouseEvent != null)
                var handler = DiagramViewModel.LastMouseEvent.CurrentHandler;
                if (!(handler is DiagramDrawer))
                    handler.Draw(platform, scale);
            // Draw all of our drawers

            foreach (var drawer in CachedChildren)
                if (drawer.Dirty)
                    drawer.Dirty = false;
                drawer.Draw(platform, Scale);

          //  platform.DrawLabel(new Rect(5f, 5f, 200f, 100f), DiagramViewModel.Title, CachedStyles.GraphTitleLabel);

Exemplo n.º 40
        public void DrawBreadcrumbs(IPlatformDrawer platform, float y)
            var navPanelRect    = new Rect(4, y, 60, 30f);
            var breadcrumbsRect = new Rect(64, y, Bounds.width - 44, 30f);

            platform.DrawRect(Bounds.WithOrigin(0, y).WithHeight(30), InvertGraphEditor.Settings.BackgroundColor);

            var back = new Rect().WithSize(30, 30).PadSides(2).CenterInsideOf(navPanelRect.LeftHalf());

            platform.DoButton(back, "", ElementDesignerStyles.WizardActionButtonStyleSmall,
                              () =>
                InvertApplication.Execute(new NavigateBackCommand());
            platform.DrawImage(back.PadSides(4), "BackIcon", true);

            var forward = new Rect().WithSize(30, 30).PadSides(2).CenterInsideOf(navPanelRect.RightHalf());

            platform.DoButton(forward, "", ElementDesignerStyles.WizardActionButtonStyleSmall,
                              () =>
                InvertApplication.Execute(new NavigateForwardCommand());
            platform.DrawImage(forward.PadSides(4), "ForwardIcon", true);

            //var color = new Color(InvertGraphEditor.Settings.BackgroundColor.r * 0.8f, InvertGraphEditor.Settings.BackgroundColor.g * 0.8f, InvertGraphEditor.Settings.BackgroundColor.b * 0.8f, 1f);
            //platform.DrawRect(rect, color);

//            var lineRect = new Rect(rect);
//            lineRect.height = 2;
//            lineRect.y = y + 38f;
//            platform.DrawRect(lineRect, new Color(InvertGraphEditor.Settings.BackgroundColor.r * 0.6f, InvertGraphEditor.Settings.BackgroundColor.g * 0.6f, InvertGraphEditor.Settings.BackgroundColor.b * 0.6f, 1f));
//            var first = true;
//            if (_cachedPaths != null)
//            foreach (var item in _cachedPaths)
//            {
//                var item1 = item;
//                platform.DoButton(new Rect(x, rect.y + 20 - (item.Value.y / 2), item.Value.x, item.Value.y), first ? item.Key.Name : "< " + item.Key.Name, first ? CachedStyles.GraphTitleLabel : CachedStyles.ItemTextEditingStyle,
//                    () =>
//                    {
//                        InvertApplication.Execute(new LambdaCommand(() =>
//                        {
//                            DiagramViewModel.GraphData.PopToFilter(item1.Key);
//                        }));
//                    });
//                x += item.Value.x + 15;
//                first = false;
//            }

            var x = 1f;

            var styles    = DiagramViewModel.NavigationViewModel.BreadcrumbsStyle;
            var iconsTine = new Color(1, 1, 1, 0.5f);

            foreach (var usitem in DiagramViewModel.NavigationViewModel.Breadcrubs.ToArray())
                var   item                 = usitem;
                var   textSize             = platform.CalculateTextSize(usitem.Title, CachedStyles.BreadcrumbTitleStyle);
                float buttonContentPadding = 5;
                float buttonIconsPadding   = 5;
                bool  useSpecIcon          = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.SpecializedIcon);
                var   buttonWidth          = textSize.x + buttonContentPadding * 2 + 8;
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.Icon))
                    buttonWidth += buttonIconsPadding + 16;
                if (useSpecIcon)
                    buttonWidth += buttonIconsPadding + 16;

                var buttonRect = new Rect()
                                 .Translate(x, 0);

                var icon1Rect = new Rect()
                                .WithSize(16, 16)
                                .Translate(-buttonContentPadding, 0);

                var icon2Rect = new Rect()
                                .WithSize(16, 16)
                                .Translate(buttonContentPadding, 0);

                var textRect = new Rect()
                               .WithSize(textSize.x, textSize.y)
                               .Align(useSpecIcon ? icon2Rect : buttonRect)
                               .Translate(useSpecIcon ? buttonIconsPadding + 16 : buttonContentPadding, -1);

                var dotRect = new Rect()
                              .WithSize(16, 16)
                              .Translate(-3, 0);

                platform.DoButton(buttonRect, "", item.State == NavigationItemState.Current ? CachedStyles.BreadcrumbBoxActiveStyle : CachedStyles.BreadcrumbBoxStyle, item.NavigationAction);
                platform.DrawLabel(textRect, item.Title, CachedStyles.BreadcrumbTitleStyle, DrawingAlignment.MiddleCenter);
                platform.DrawImage(icon1Rect, styles.GetIcon(item.Icon, iconsTine), true);

                if (useSpecIcon)
                    platform.DrawImage(icon2Rect, styles.GetIcon(item.SpecializedIcon, iconsTine), true);
                if (item.State != NavigationItemState.Current)
                    platform.DrawImage(dotRect, styles.GetIcon("DotIcon", iconsTine), true);

                x += buttonRect.width + 16 - 6;
Exemplo n.º 41
 public virtual void Draw(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)
Exemplo n.º 42
        public void DrawTabs(IPlatformDrawer platform, Rect tabsRect)
            var designerWindow = DiagramViewModel.NavigationViewModel.DesignerWindow;

            if (designerWindow != null && designerWindow.Designer != null)
                var x = 1f;
                foreach (var tab in DiagramViewModel.NavigationViewModel.Tabs.ToArray())
                    if (tab == null)
                    if (tab.Title == null)

                    var textSize = platform.CalculateTextSize(tab.Title, CachedStyles.TabTitleStyle);

                    var buttonRect = new Rect()
                                     .WithWidth(Math.Max(textSize.x + 21 + 16, 60))
                                     .Translate(x, 0);

                    var buttonBoxRect = new Rect().AlignAndScale(buttonRect)
                                        .WithWidth(textSize.x + 10);

                    var textRect = new Rect()
                                   .Pad(7, 0, 7, 0);

                    var closeButton = new Rect()
                                      .WithSize(16, 16)
                                      .Translate(-7, 1);

                    platform.DrawStretchBox(buttonRect, tab.State == NavigationItemState.Current ? CachedStyles.TabBoxActiveStyle : CachedStyles.TabBoxStyle, 10);

                    platform.DrawLabel(textRect, tab.Title, CachedStyles.TabTitleStyle);

                    var tab1 = tab;
                    platform.DoButton(buttonBoxRect, "", CachedStyles.ClearItemStyle, m =>
                        if (tab1.NavigationAction != null)
                    }, m =>
                        if (tab1.NavigationActionSecondary != null)

                    platform.DoButton(closeButton, "", CachedStyles.TabCloseButton, m =>
                        if (tab1.CloseAction != null)

//                    if (GUILayout.Button(tab.Name,
//                        isCurrent
//                            ? ElementDesignerStyles.TabBoxStyle
//                            : ElementDesignerStyles.TabBoxActiveStyle,GUILayout.MinWidth(150)))
//                    {
//                        var projectService = InvertGraphEditor.Container.Resolve<WorkspaceService>();
//                        if (Event.current.button == 1)
//                        {
//                           var isLastGraph = projectService.CurrentWorkspace.Graphs.Count() <= 1;
//                           if (!isLastGraph)
//                            {
//                                var tab1 = tab;
//                                projectService.Repository.RemoveAll<WorkspaceGraph>(p=>p.WorkspaceId == projectService.CurrentWorkspace.Identifier && p.GraphId == tab1.Identifier);
//                                var lastGraph = projectService.CurrentWorkspace.Graphs.LastOrDefault();
//                                if (isCurrent && lastGraph != null)
//                                {
//                                    designerWindow.SwitchDiagram(lastGraph);
//                                }
//                            }
//                        }
//                        else
//                        {
//                            designerWindow.SwitchDiagram(projectService.CurrentWorkspace.Graphs.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Identifier == tab.Identifier));
//                        }
//                    }
//                    var butRect = GUILayoutUtility.GetLastRect();
                    x += buttonRect.width + 2;

                var newTabButtonRect =
                    new Rect().WithSize(27, 27).Align(tabsRect).AlignHorisonallyByCenter(tabsRect).Translate(x + 2, 0);

                platform.SetTooltipForRect(newTabButtonRect, "Create or import new graphs");

                platform.DoButton(newTabButtonRect, "", ElementDesignerStyles.WizardActionButtonStyleSmall, () => { InvertApplication.SignalEvent <INewTabRequested>(_ => _.NewTabRequested()); });
                platform.DrawImage(newTabButtonRect.PadSides(6), "PlusIcon_Micro", true);

                //   GUILayout.FlexibleSpace();
                //   GUILayout.EndHorizontal();
                //   GUILayout.EndArea();
Exemplo n.º 43
        private bool DrawDiagram(IPlatformDrawer drawer, Vector2 scrollPosition, float scale, Rect diagramRect)
            var screen = new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height);

            if (DiagramDrawer == null)
                if (Workspace != null)
                    if (Workspace.CurrentGraph != null)

            if (DiagramDrawer != null && DiagramViewModel != null && InvertGraphEditor.Settings.UseGrid)
                if (_cachedLines == null || _cachedScroll != scrollPosition || _cachedScreen != screen)
                    var lines = new List <CachedLineItem>();

                    var softColor = InvertGraphEditor.Settings.GridLinesColor;
                    var hardColor = InvertGraphEditor.Settings.GridLinesColorSecondary;
                    var x         = -scrollPosition.x;

                    var every10 = 0;

                    while (x < DiagramRect.x + DiagramRect.width + scrollPosition.x)
                        var color = softColor;
                        if (every10 == 10)
                            color   = hardColor;
                            every10 = 0;
                        if (x > diagramRect.x)
                            lines.Add(new CachedLineItem()
                                Lines = new[] { new Vector3(x, diagramRect.y), new Vector3(x, diagramRect.x + diagramRect.height + scrollPosition.y + 85) },
                                Color = color

                        x += DiagramViewModel.Settings.SnapSize * scale;
                    var y = -scrollPosition.y + 80;
                    every10 = 10;
                    while (y < DiagramRect.y + DiagramRect.height + scrollPosition.y)
                        var color = softColor;
                        if (every10 == 10)
                            color   = hardColor;
                            every10 = 0;
                        if (y > diagramRect.y)
                            lines.Add(new CachedLineItem()
                                Lines = new[] { new Vector3(diagramRect.x, y), new Vector3(diagramRect.x + diagramRect.width + scrollPosition.x, y) },
                                Color = color

                        y += DiagramViewModel.Settings.SnapSize * scale;
                    _cachedLines  = lines.ToArray();
                    _cachedScreen = screen;
                    _cachedScroll = scrollPosition;

                for (int i = 0; i < _cachedLines.Length; i++)
                    Drawer.DrawLine(_cachedLines[i].Lines, _cachedLines[i].Color);
            if (DiagramDrawer != null)
                InvertApplication.SignalEvent <IDesignerWindowEvents>(_ => _.BeforeDrawGraph(diagramRect));
                DiagramDrawer.Bounds = new Rect(0f, 0f, diagramRect.width, diagramRect.height);

                DiagramDrawer.Draw(drawer, 1f);

                if (_shouldProcessInputFromDiagram)
                    InvertApplication.SignalEvent <IDesignerWindowEvents>(_ => _.ProcessInput());
                InvertApplication.SignalEvent <IDesignerWindowEvents>(_ => _.AfterDrawGraph(DiagramDrawer.Bounds));
Exemplo n.º 44
    public void DrawInspector(IPlatformDrawer platformDrawer)
Exemplo n.º 45
 public void Draw(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)
     Refresh(PlatformDrawer,new Vector2(0,0));
Exemplo n.º 46
        //TODO WIZARDS: Add scrolling (drawer needs to be extended to support scrolling / or use native unity stuff)
        public void DrawActionsPanel(IPlatformDrawer platform, Rect bounds, List <ActionItem> actions, Action <ActionItem, Vector2> primaryAction,
                                     Action <ActionItem, Vector2> secondaryAction = null)
            platform.DrawStretchBox(bounds, CachedStyles.WizardSubBoxStyle, 13);

            bounds = bounds.PadSides(15);
            var headerRect = new Rect(bounds.WithHeight(40));

            platform.DrawLabel(headerRect, "Actions", CachedStyles.WizardSubBoxTitleStyle, DrawingAlignment.TopCenter);

            bounds = bounds.Below(headerRect).Clip(bounds);

            var buttonSize    = 100;
            var buttonsPerRow = (int)bounds.width / (int)buttonSize;
            var buttonIndex   = 0;
            var padding       = (bounds.width % buttonSize) / (buttonsPerRow - 1);
            var itemRect      = new Rect().Align(bounds).WithSize(buttonSize, buttonSize);

            foreach (var action in actions)
                platform.DrawStretchBox(itemRect, CachedStyles.WizardActionButtonStyle, 0);

                var action1 = action;
                platform.DoButton(itemRect, "", CachedStyles.ClearItemStyle, m =>
                    primaryAction(action1, m);
                }, m =>
                    if (secondaryAction != null)
                        secondaryAction(action1, m);

                var imageRect = itemRect
                                .WithSize(41, 41)
                                .Translate(0, 10);

                var titleRect = itemRect
                                .Pad(5, 0, 10, 0)
                                .Translate(0, -2);

                platform.DrawImage(imageRect, string.IsNullOrEmpty(action.Icon) ? "CreateEmptyDatabaseIcon" : action.Icon, true);
                platform.DrawLabel(titleRect, action.Title, CachedStyles.ListItemTitleStyle, DrawingAlignment.MiddleCenter);


                if (buttonIndex % buttonsPerRow == 0)
                    itemRect = itemRect.Below(itemRect).AlignVertically(bounds).Translate(0, 10);
                    itemRect = itemRect.RightOf(itemRect).Translate(padding, 0);
Exemplo n.º 47
        public void Refresh(IPlatformDrawer platform, Vector2 position, bool hardRefresh = true)
            foreach (var child in Children)
                child.Refresh(platform, new Vector2(10, 0), hardRefresh);

            foreach (var child in Children)
Exemplo n.º 48
 public override void Draw(IPlatformDrawer platform, float scale)
     base.Draw(platform, scale);
     platform.DrawLabel(new Rect(0, 0, 100, 100), ViewModel.Message, CachedStyles.GraphTitleLabel, DrawingAlignment.MiddleCenter);
 public void Refresh(IPlatformDrawer platform)
Exemplo n.º 50
        public virtual void Refresh(IPlatformDrawer platform, Vector2 position, bool hardRefresh = true)

Exemplo n.º 51
        private bool DrawDiagram(IPlatformDrawer drawer, Vector2 scrollPosition, float scale, Rect diagramRect)

            var screen = new Vector2(Screen.width, Screen.height);

            if (DiagramDrawer == null)
                if (Workspace != null)
                    if (Workspace.CurrentGraph != null)

            if (DiagramDrawer != null && DiagramViewModel != null && InvertGraphEditor.Settings.UseGrid)
                if (_cachedLines == null || _cachedScroll != scrollPosition || _cachedScreen != screen)

                    var lines = new List<CachedLineItem>();

                    var softColor = InvertGraphEditor.Settings.GridLinesColor;
                    var hardColor = InvertGraphEditor.Settings.GridLinesColorSecondary;
                    var x = -scrollPosition.x;

                    var every10 = 0;

                    while (x < DiagramRect.x + DiagramRect.width + scrollPosition.x)
                        var color = softColor;
                        if (every10 == 10)
                            color = hardColor;
                            every10 = 0;
                        if (x > diagramRect.x)
                            lines.Add(new CachedLineItem()
                                Lines = new[] { new Vector3(x, diagramRect.y), new Vector3(x, diagramRect.x + diagramRect.height + scrollPosition.y + 85) },
                                Color = color

                        x += DiagramViewModel.Settings.SnapSize * scale;
                    var y = -scrollPosition.y + 80;
                    every10 = 10;
                    while (y < DiagramRect.y + DiagramRect.height + scrollPosition.y)
                        var color = softColor;
                        if (every10 == 10)
                            color = hardColor;
                            every10 = 0;
                        if (y > diagramRect.y)

                            lines.Add(new CachedLineItem()
                                Lines = new[] { new Vector3(diagramRect.x, y), new Vector3(diagramRect.x + diagramRect.width + scrollPosition.x, y) },
                                Color = color

                        y += DiagramViewModel.Settings.SnapSize * scale;
                    _cachedLines = lines.ToArray();
                    _cachedScreen = screen;
                    _cachedScroll = scrollPosition;

                for (int i = 0; i < _cachedLines.Length; i++)
                    Drawer.DrawLine(_cachedLines[i].Lines, _cachedLines[i].Color);

            if (DiagramDrawer != null)
                InvertApplication.SignalEvent<IDesignerWindowEvents>(_ => _.BeforeDrawGraph(diagramRect));
                DiagramDrawer.Bounds = new Rect(0f, 0f, diagramRect.width, diagramRect.height);

                DiagramDrawer.Draw(drawer, 1f);

                if (_shouldProcessInputFromDiagram) InvertApplication.SignalEvent<IDesignerWindowEvents>(_ => _.ProcessInput());
                InvertApplication.SignalEvent<IDesignerWindowEvents>(_ => _.AfterDrawGraph(DiagramDrawer.Bounds));
            return false;
Exemplo n.º 52
        public void DrawDatabasesList(IPlatformDrawer Drawer, Rect bounds, List<DatabasesListItem> items)

            Drawer.DrawStretchBox(bounds, CachedStyles.WizardSubBoxStyle, 13);
            var scrollBounds = bounds.Translate(15,0).Pad(0,0,15,0);
            bounds = bounds.PadSides(15);

            var headerRect = bounds.WithHeight(40);
            Drawer.DrawLabel(headerRect, "Databases", CachedStyles.WizardSubBoxTitleStyle, DrawingAlignment.TopCenter);

            var unpaddedItemRect = bounds.Below(headerRect).WithHeight(150);

            var databasesListItems = items.ToArray();
            var position = scrollBounds.Below(headerRect).Clip(scrollBounds).Pad(0, 0, 0, 55);
            var usedRect = position.Pad(0, 0, 15, 0).WithHeight((unpaddedItemRect.height + 1)*databasesListItems.Length);
            _scrollPos = GUI.BeginScrollView(position, _scrollPos, usedRect);

            foreach (var db in databasesListItems)

                var itemRect = unpaddedItemRect.PadSides(15);
                var titleRect = itemRect.WithHeight(40);


                var infoRect = itemRect.Below(titleRect).WithHeight(50);
                (Drawer as UnityDrawer).DrawInfo(infoRect,string.Format("Namespace: {0}\nPath: {1}",db.GraphConfiguration.Namespace ?? "-",db.GraphConfiguration.FullPath));

                var openButton = new Rect().WithSize(80,25).InnerAlignWithBottomRight(itemRect);
                var configButton = openButton.LeftOf(openButton).Translate(-2,0);
                var showButton = configButton.WithWidth(120).InnerAlignWithBottomLeft(itemRect);

                Drawer.DoButton(openButton, "Open", ElementDesignerStyles.DarkButtonStyle, () =>

                Drawer.SetTooltipForRect(openButton,"Open this database.");

                var db1 = db;
                Drawer.DoButton(configButton, "Config", ElementDesignerStyles.DarkButtonStyle, () =>
                    SelectedItem = new ActionItem()
                        Command = new EditDatabaseCommand()
                            Namespace = db1.GraphConfiguration.Namespace,
                            CodePath = db1.GraphConfiguration.CodeOutputPath,
                            Configuration = db1.GraphConfiguration as uFrameDatabaseConfig

                        Description = "Configuration",
                        Title = string.Format("Configure {0}", db1.GraphConfiguration.Title),
                        Verb = "Apply"
                Drawer.DoButton(showButton, "Show In Explorer", ElementDesignerStyles.DarkButtonStyle, () =>

                unpaddedItemRect = unpaddedItemRect.Below(unpaddedItemRect).Translate(0,1);
