Exemplo n.º 1
 public Server(ICpu cpu, IRamMemory ram, IEnumerable<IHardDrive> hardDrives)
     this.Cpu = cpu;
     this.Ram = ram;
     this.HardDrives = hardDrives;
     this.VideoCard = this.defaultVideoCard;
 public IPc GetPc(
     ICpu cpu,
     IEnumerable<IHardDrive> hardDrives,
     IMotherboard motherboard)
     return new Pc(cpu, hardDrives, motherboard);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public Server(
     ICpu cpu,
     IEnumerable<IHardDrive> hardDrives,
     IMotherboard motherboard)
     : base(cpu, hardDrives, motherboard)
 public IServer GetServer(
     ICpu cpu,
     IEnumerable<IHardDrive> hardDrives,
     IMotherboard motherboard)
     return new Server(cpu, hardDrives, motherboard);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public Computer(ICpu cpu, IRam ram, IEnumerable<HardDrive> hardDrives, VideoCardBase videoCard)
     this.Cpu = cpu;
     this.Ram = ram;
     this.HardDrives = hardDrives;
     this.VideoCard = videoCard;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public Computer(ICpu cpu, IRam ram, IVideoCard gpu, IStorage storage)
     Storage = storage;
     Gpu = gpu;
     Ram = ram;
     Cpu = cpu;
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Take the topmost arguments down to the ARG_MARKER_STRING, pop them off, and then
        /// put them back again in reversed order so a function can read them in normal order.
        /// Note that if this is an indirect call, it will also consume the thing just under
        /// the ARG_MARKER, since that's expected to be the delegate or KOSDelegate that we already
        /// read and pulled the needed information from.
        /// <param name="cpu">the cpu we are running on, fur stack manipulation purposes</param>
        /// <param name="direct">need to know if this was a direct or indirect call.  If indirect,
        /// then that means it also needs to consume the indirect reference off the stack just under
        /// the args</param>
        /// </summary>
        public static void ReverseStackArgs(ICpu cpu, bool direct)
            List<object> args = new List<object>();
            object arg = cpu.PopValue();
            while (cpu.GetStackSize() > 0 && arg.GetType() != ArgMarkerType)

                // It's important to dereference with PopValue, not using PopStack, because the function
                // being called might not even be able to see the variable in scope anyway.
                // In other words, if calling a function like so:
                //     declare foo to 3.
                //     myfunc(foo).
                // The code inside myfunc needs to see that as being identical to just saying:
                //     myfunc(3).
                // It has to be unaware of the fact that the name of the argument was 'foo'.  It just needs to
                // see the contents that were inside foo.
                arg = cpu.PopValue();
            if (! direct)
                cpu.PopStack(); // throw away the delegate or KOSDelegate info - we already snarfed it by now.
            // Push the arg marker back on again.
            cpu.PushStack(new KOSArgMarkerType());
            // Push the arguments back on again, which will invert their order:
            foreach (object item in args)
Exemplo n.º 8
 public Computer(ICpu cpu, IRamMemory ram, IVideoCard videoCard, IEnumerable<IHardDrive> hardDrives)
     this.cpu = cpu;
     this.ram = ram;
     this.videoCard = videoCard;
     this.hardDrives = hardDrives;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public MotherBoard(IRamMemory ram, ICpu cpu, IHardDrive hardDrive, IVideoCard videoCard)
     this.ram = ram;
     this.cpu = cpu;
     this.hardDrive = hardDrive;
     this.videoCard = videoCard;
 public ILaptop GetLaptop(
     ICpu cpu,
     IEnumerable<IHardDrive> hardDrives,
     IMotherboard motherboard,
     ILaptopBattery battery)
     return new Laptop(cpu, hardDrives, motherboard, battery);
Exemplo n.º 11
 public Computer(ComputerType type, ICpu cpu, Ram ram, IEnumerable<HardDrive> hardDrives, IVideoCard videoCard)
     this.Cpu = cpu;
     this.Ram = ram;
     this.HardDrives = hardDrives;
     this.VideoCard = videoCard;
     this.Type = type;
Exemplo n.º 12
 public Computer(
     ICpu cpu,
     IEnumerable<IHardDrive> hardDrives,
     IMotherboard motherboard)
     this.Cpu = cpu;
     this.HardDrives = hardDrives;
     this.Motherboard = motherboard;
Exemplo n.º 13
 public Laptop(
     ICpu cpu,
     IEnumerable<IHardDrive> hardDrives,
     IMotherboard motherboard,
     ILaptopBattery battery)
     : base(cpu, hardDrives, motherboard)
     this.Battery = battery;
Exemplo n.º 14
 /// <summary>
 /// Make a new UserDelegate given the current state of the CPU and its stack, and
 /// the entry point location of the function to call.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="cpu">the CPU on which this program is running.</param>
 /// <param name="context">The IProgramContext in which the entryPoint is stored.  Entry point 27 in the interpreter is not the same as entrypoint 27 in program context.</param>
 /// <param name="entryPoint">instruction address where OpcodeCall should jump to to call the function.</param>
 /// <param name="useClosure">If true, then a snapshot of the current scoping stack, and thus a persistent ref to its variables,
 ///   will be kept in the delegate so it can be called later as a callback with closure.  Set to false if the
 ///   function is only getting called instantly using whatever the scope is at the time of the call.</param>
 public UserDelegate(ICpu cpu, IProgramContext context, int entryPoint, bool useClosure)
     this.cpu = cpu;
     ProgContext = context;
     EntryPoint = entryPoint;
     if (useClosure)
         Closure = new List<VariableScope>(); // make sure it exists as an empty list so we don't have to have 'if null' checks everwywhere.
Exemplo n.º 15
 public Console(ICpu cpu, IMmu mmu, IGpu gpu, ITimer timer, IController controller)
     Cpu = cpu;
     Mmu = mmu;
     Gpu = gpu;
     Timer = timer;
     Controller = controller;
     _emitFrames = true;
     _breakpoints = new HashSet<uint>();
Exemplo n.º 16
 public override Server ManufactureServer()
     this.ram = new RamMemory(32);
     this.cpu = new Cpu(4, 32, this.ram);
     this.hardDrives = new List<HardDriver>
         new HardDriver(0, true, 2, new List<HardDriver> { new HardDriver(1000, false, 0), new HardDriver(1000, false, 0) })
     return new Server(this.cpu, this.ram, this.hardDrives);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public Motherboard(ICpu cpu, IRam ram, IVideoCard videoCard)
            cpu.Motherboard = this;
            this.Cpu = cpu;

            ram.Motherboard = this;
            this.Ram = ram;

            videoCard.Motherboard = this;
            this.VideoCard = videoCard;
Exemplo n.º 18
        // The hardcoded values are used on only one place so i think that there is no need of constants.
        public override PersonalComputer ManufacturePC()
            this.ram = new RamMemory(4);
            this.videoCard = new MonochromeVideoCard();
            this.cpu = new Cpu(2, 64, this.ram, this.videoCard);
            this.hardDrives = new[]
                new HardDriver(2000, false, 0)

            return new PersonalComputer(this.cpu, this.ram, this.videoCard, this.hardDrives);
Exemplo n.º 19
        // The hardcoded values are used on only one place so i think that there is no need of constants.
        public override PersonalComputer ManufacturePC()
            this.ram = new RamMemory(8);
            this.videoCard = new ColorfulVideoCard();
            this.cpu = new Cpu(4, 64, this.ram, this.videoCard);
            this.hardDrives = new[]
                new HardDriver(1000, false, 0)

            return new PersonalComputer(this.cpu, this.ram, this.videoCard, this.hardDrives);
Exemplo n.º 20
 protected Computer(
     ICpu cpu,
     IRam ram,
     IEnumerable<IHardDrive> hardDrives,
     IVideoCard videoCard)
     this.Cpu = cpu;
     this.Ram = ram;
     this.HardDrives = hardDrives;
     this.VideoCard = videoCard;
     this.Motherboard = new Motherboard(this.Cpu, this.Ram, this.VideoCard);
Exemplo n.º 21
        public override Laptop ManufactureLaptop()
            this.ram = new RamMemory(8);
            this.videoCard = new ColorfulVideoCard();
            this.cpu = new Cpu(4, 32, this.ram, this.videoCard);
            this.hardDrives = new[]
                new HardDriver(1000, false, 0)
            IBattery battery = BatteryFactory.GetBattery(BatteryType.LaptopBattery);

            return new Laptop(this.cpu, this.ram, this.videoCard, this.hardDrives, battery);
Exemplo n.º 22
        public DebugControl( Debugger debugger )
            Debug.Assert( debugger != null );
            if( debugger == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "debugger" );
            _debugger = debugger;

            _breakpoints = new List<Breakpoint>();
            _breakpointLookup = new Dictionary<int, Breakpoint>();

            _cpu = _debugger.Host.CurrentInstance.Cpu;
            Debug.Assert( _cpu != null );
Exemplo n.º 23
 public CpuStateViewModel(ICpu cpu)
     A = $"{cpu.A:X2}";
     B = $"{cpu.B:X2}";
     C = $"{cpu.C:X2}";
     D = $"{cpu.D:X2}";
     E = $"{cpu.E:X2}";
     FC = $"{cpu.FC}";
     FH = $"{cpu.FH}";
     FN = $"{cpu.FN}";
     FZ = $"{cpu.FZ}";
     H = $"{cpu.H:X2}";
     L = $"{cpu.L:X2}";
     SP = $"{cpu.SP:X4}";
     PC = $"{cpu.PC:X4}";
     IME = $"{cpu.IME}";
Exemplo n.º 24
        public CpuPane( Studio studio )
            : this()
            Debug.Assert( studio != null );
            if( studio == null )
                throw new ArgumentNullException( "studio" );
            _studio = studio;

            this.Icon = IconUtilities.ConvertToIcon( Properties.Resources.RegistersIcon );

            _cpu = _studio.Debugger.Host.CurrentInstance.Cpu;
            _core0 = _cpu.Cores[ 0 ];

            _studio.GlobalRefreshRequested += new EventHandler( StudioGlobalRefreshRequested );

            this.generalRegistersLabel_SizeChanged( this, EventArgs.Empty );

            _useFriendlyLabels = true;
            this.friendlyCheckbox.Checked = _useFriendlyLabels;

Exemplo n.º 25
 protected override void ExecuteInternal(ICpu _, IMemory __, Operand src, Operand dst, Operand ___)
     dst.Value = src.Value;
Exemplo n.º 26
 public GamingDesktop(ICpu cpu, IMotherBoard motherBoard, IVideoCard videoCard) : base(cpu, motherBoard, videoCard)
Exemplo n.º 27
 public void Execute(ICpu cpu)
     cpu.Memory[Value] = (byte)((cpu.Registers[Register] >> 8) & 0xFF);
Exemplo n.º 28
 public NOP(ICpu cpu) : base(cpu)
Exemplo n.º 29
 public void Execute(Instruction instruction, ICpu cpu, IMmu mmu)
     throw new NotImplementedException(Mnemonic);
Exemplo n.º 30
 public BranchIfCarry(ICpu cpu, IAddressMode addressMode) : base(cpu, addressMode)
Exemplo n.º 31
 public RTS(ICpu cpu) : base(cpu)
Exemplo n.º 32
 public Ldy(ICpu cpu) : base(cpu)
Exemplo n.º 33
 public Host(ICpu processor)
     Cpu = processor;
Exemplo n.º 34
 public AbsoluteModeXOffset(ICpu cpu) : base(cpu)
Exemplo n.º 35
 public ROR(ICpu cpu) : base(cpu)
Exemplo n.º 36
 public void Execute(Instruction instruction, ICpu cpu, IMmu mmu)
     cpu.Registers.C.Value = cpu.ReadImmediateN();
Exemplo n.º 37
 public Emulator(ICpu cpu)
     this.cpu = cpu;
     this.memory = new Memory();
     this.cpu.Memory = this.memory;
Exemplo n.º 38
 public void Execute(Instruction instruction, ICpu cpu, IMmu mmu)
     mmu.WriteByte((ushort)(0xFF00 + cpu.Registers.C.Value), cpu.Registers.A.Value);
Exemplo n.º 39
 public override int Resolve(ICpu cpu, ref byte[] raw)
Exemplo n.º 40
 public void Execute(ICpu cpu)
     cpu.Registers.ProgramCounter = Value;
Exemplo n.º 41
 public PersonalComputer(IRam ram, ICpu cpu, IEnumerable <IHardDrive> drives, IVideoCard videoCard)
     : base(ram, cpu, drives, videoCard)
 public void Execute(ICpu cpu) => cpu.Registers.ProgramCounter = Pop(cpu);
Exemplo n.º 43
 public IndirectYMode(ICpu cpu) : base(cpu)
Exemplo n.º 44
Arquivo: Sleep.cs Projeto: avdosev/vm
 protected override void ExecuteInternal(ICpu cpu, IMemory memory, Operand timeToSleep, Operand op1, Operand op2)
Exemplo n.º 45
        public void Execute(Instruction instruction, ICpu cpu, IMmu mmu)
            var n = cpu.ReadImmediateN();

            cpu.Registers.A.Value = mmu.ReadByte((ushort)(0xFF00 + n));
Exemplo n.º 46
 public IncCommand(ICpu cpu)
     : base(cpu)
Exemplo n.º 47
 public Decision OnInstructionExecuteError(ICpu cpu, IMemory memory, string message)
Exemplo n.º 48
 public Emulator(ICpu cpu, IPpu ppu, IMemory memory)
     this.cpu = cpu;
     this.ppu = ppu;
     this.memory = memory;
Exemplo n.º 49
 protected Desktop(ICpu cpu, IMotherBoard motherBoard, IVideoCard videoCard)
     _cpu         = cpu;
     _motherBoard = motherBoard;
     _videoCard   = videoCard;
Exemplo n.º 50
 protected PersonalComputer(ICpu cpu, IRam ram, IVideoCard gpu, IStorage storage)
     : base(cpu, ram, gpu, storage)
Exemplo n.º 51
 public BranchIfPositive(ICpu cpu, IAddressMode addressMode) : base(cpu, addressMode)
Exemplo n.º 52
 public Decision OnStep(ICpu cpu, IMemory memory)
Exemplo n.º 53
 public Pc(ICpu cpu, IRam ram, IEnumerable<HardDrive> hardDrives, VideoCardBase videoCard)
     : base(cpu, ram, hardDrives, videoCard)
Exemplo n.º 54
 public BranchIfNotEqual(ICpu cpu, IAddressMode addressMode) : base(cpu, addressMode)
Exemplo n.º 55
 public Laptop(IRam ram, ICpu cpu, IEnumerable<IHardDrive> drives, IVideoCard videoCard, IBattery battery)
     : base(ram, cpu, drives, videoCard)
     this.Battery = battery;
Exemplo n.º 56
 public void Initialization()
     cpu32 = new Cpu32Bit(4);
Exemplo n.º 57
 Decision ISupervisor.OnInstructionExecuteError(ICpu cpu, IMemory memory, string message)
     return(OnPause(new PauseContext(memory, cpu, StopReason.InstructionExecutionError, null, message)));
Exemplo n.º 58
 public JMP(ICpu cpu) : base(cpu)
Exemplo n.º 59
 public BPL(ICpu cpu) : base(cpu)
Exemplo n.º 60
 public RelativeMode(ICpu cpu) : base(cpu)