Exemplo n.º 1

        public State(
            IComparisonWithAdvance enable,
            IComparisonWithAdvance disable,
            bool initialState)
            m_Enable  = enable;
            m_Disable = disable;
            IsEnabled = initialState;
Exemplo n.º 2

        public DelimitedListComparison(
            ILog log,
            Options options,
            IComparisonWithAdvance comp,
            IComparisonWithAdvance seperator) : base(log, options)
            m_Comparison = comp;
            m_Seperator  = seperator;
Exemplo n.º 3

        public AdvanceUntilComparison(
            ILog log,
            IComparisonWithAdvance comp,
            bool forwards = true,
            IComparisonWithAdvance continueComp = null) : base(log)
            m_Forwards     = forwards;
            m_Comparison   = comp;
            m_ContinueComp = continueComp;

        public NestedOpenCloseComparison(
            ILog log,
            IComparisonWithAdvance open,
            IComparisonWithAdvance close,
            string name = null) : base(log)
            m_Open  = open;
            m_Close = close;
            Name    = name;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public string Replace(
     string input,
     string replaceWith,
     IComparisonWithAdvance mainComparison,
     Dictionary <string, Capture> capturing,
     List <State> stateList,
     out int numMatches,
     Func <RunState, string, int, string> ReplaceFunc = null,
     Action <RunState> InitRunState = null)
     return(Process(input, replaceWith, mainComparison, capturing, stateList, true, out numMatches, ReplaceFunc, InitRunState));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static IComparisonWithAdvance CreateListOfTokens(
            Options options,
            IComparisonWithAdvance token,
            IComparisonWithAdvance segment,
            string name = null,
            ILog log    = null)
            DelimitedListComparison list = new DelimitedListComparison(log, options, token, segment);

            list.MinAmount = 1;
            list.Name      = name;

Exemplo n.º 7
        // Get a value between two comparisons
        public static IComparisonWithAdvance GetValuesBetweenComp(
            ILog log,
            IComparisonWithAdvance begin,
            IComparisonWithAdvance after)
            StatementList mainComp = new StatementList(null);

            // Find the beginning
            // Remember the position
            mainComp.Add(new StorePosAsVariable(log, "ValueBegin"));

            // Find the end and store the preceeding position
            mainComp.Add(new AdvanceUntilComparison(log, new CompareNoAdvance(log, after)));
            mainComp.Add(new StorePosAsVariable(log, "ValueEnd"));

Exemplo n.º 8
        // E.g. Test123 matches
        // 1Test123 doesn't (cann't lead with a number)
        // test"123 doesn't match (can only contain letters and numbers)
        public static IComparisonWithAdvance CreateIdentifier(
            Options options,
            IComparisonWithAdvance end,
            IComparison exclusion,
            string name = null,
            ILog log    = null)
            StatementList stmtList = new StatementList(log);

            stmtList.Name = name;

            PatternComparison patternComp = new PatternComparison(log, options);

            patternComp.EndComparison = end;
            patternComp.MinLength     = 1;

            // First character is a letter
            var firstCharacter = new ComparisonRange <IComparisonWithAdvance>();

            firstCharacter.Range.Min = 1;
            firstCharacter.Range.Max = 1;
            var isLetter = new CharDelegateComparison(log, Char.IsLetter);

            firstCharacter.Comparison = isLetter;

            // Subsequent (2+) characters can be a letter or digit (0-9)
            var subsequentCharacters = new ComparisonRange <IComparisonWithAdvance>();

            subsequentCharacters.Range.Min = 2;
            var isLetterOrDigit = new CharDelegateComparison(log, Char.IsLetterOrDigit);

            subsequentCharacters.Comparison = isLetterOrDigit;


            stmtList.Exclusion = exclusion;

Exemplo n.º 9
        // This relies on there being the variables 'ValueBegin' and 'ValueEnd'
        public static string GetSingleValue(
            string input,
            Parser parser,
            IComparisonWithAdvance comp,
            ILog log)
            // Skip to the end
            var statementList = new StatementList(log);

            statementList.Add(new AdvanceToTheEnd(log));

            int    numAmount;
            string singleValue = parser.Extract(input, null, statementList, null, null, out numAmount, GetSingleValue_ReplaceFunc);

            if (numAmount == 1)
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static IComparisonWithAdvance CreateNumber(
            Options options,
            IComparisonWithAdvance end,
            string name = null,
            ILog log    = null)
            //// List of 1 or 2 sets of numbers seperated by a .
            StatementList stmtList = new StatementList(log);

            stmtList.Name = name;

            OrComparison isDotOrEnd = new OrComparison(log);

            ICharComparison isDot = new CharComparison(log, options, '.');

            PatternComparison patternComp = new PatternComparison(log, options);

            patternComp.MinLength     = 1;
            patternComp.EndComparison = isDotOrEnd;

            // All characters must be between 0 and 9
            var allCharacters = new ComparisonRange <IComparisonWithAdvance>();

            allCharacters.Range.Min = 1;
            var isNumber = new CharDelegateComparison(log, Char.IsNumber);

            allCharacters.Comparison = isNumber;

            // List consisting of 1 or 2 items seperated by .
            DelimitedListComparison functionName = new DelimitedListComparison(log, options, patternComp, isDot);

            functionName.MinAmount = 1;
            functionName.MaxAmount = 2;
Exemplo n.º 11

        public AdvanceIfOperation(
            ILog log,
            IComparisonWithAdvance comp) : base(log)
            m_Comparison = comp;
Exemplo n.º 12
        protected override bool CompareAndAdvanceImp(
            string str,
            int firstIndex,
            int depth,
            RunState runState,
            out int index)
            index = -1;
            // Statement index
            int  stmtIndex;
            bool failedMatch = false;
            int  pos;
            int  depthPlusOne = depth + 1;

            for (stmtIndex = 0, pos = firstIndex; !failedMatch && stmtIndex < m_Statements.Count;
                // Key nuance design decision. It's OK to perform operations/comparisons even if we have reached the end of
                //  the string. This is necessary for things like setting variables, comparing against the end of the
                //  string e.t.c. No doubt there will be bugs presuming this isn't the case but I've only realised
                //  retrospectively that this is a requirement.
                IStatement stmt = m_Statements[stmtIndex];
                if (stmt is IOperation)
                    IOperation op = (IOperation)stmt;
                    op.Perform(str, pos, depthPlusOne, runState, out pos);
                    if (stmt is IComparisonWithAdvance)
                        IComparisonWithAdvance comp = (IComparisonWithAdvance)stmt;
                        int previousPos             = pos;
                        if (!comp.CompareAndAdvance(str, pos, depthPlusOne, runState, out pos))
                            // This part of the pattern match failed. Start again (using the outer loop/index) but at
                            //  the next character
                            failedMatch = true;
                    else if (stmt is IComparison)
                        //sidtodo not sure about this - I'm not sure the design of the statement classes is right
                        IComparison comp = (IComparison)stmt;
                        if (!comp.Compare(str, pos, depthPlusOne, runState))
                            failedMatch = true;

            // Got this far without a match?
            if (!failedMatch)
                // Did we execute all statements?
                if (stmtIndex == m_Statements.Count)
                    // Exclusions?
                    if (Exclusion != null)
                        string subStr = str.Substring(firstIndex, pos - firstIndex);
                        failedMatch = Exclusion.Compare(subStr, 0, depthPlusOne, runState);
                    if (!failedMatch)
                        // Successful match
                        index = pos;
                    // We did not complete all of the comparisons
                    // Go to the next character
                    // Potentially a speedup here? If we reach the end of the input string but cannot complete all
                    //  comparisons then copy the remaining string rather than trying to do any more comparisons?
                    failedMatch = true;

Exemplo n.º 13
        // E.g.
        // class.Function _ \r\n (p1, p2, class.Function2( _\r\n p1,p2 ) )
        // or
        // class.FunctionWithNoArgs
        // or
        // variableName
        public static IComparisonWithAdvance CreateVBScriptFunctionOrVar(
            Options options,
            IComparisonWithAdvance vbScriptConcatCommaOrWhitespaceOrEnd,
            IComparison vbScriptKeywords,
            string name = null,
            ILog log    = null)
            if (options == null)
                options = CreateVBScriptParserOptions(log);
            if (vbScriptConcatCommaOrWhitespaceOrEnd == null)
                vbScriptConcatCommaOrWhitespaceOrEnd = CreateVBScriptConcatCommaOrWhitespaceOrEnd(log);
            if (vbScriptKeywords == null)
                vbScriptKeywords = TokenComparison.VBScriptKeywords(log, options);

            if (options.SkipLineWrapOperation == null)
                Parser.ThrowParseError("The line wrap comparison has not been specified. This is mandatory.");

            // This requires more than one statement
            StatementList statementList = new StatementList(log);

            statementList.Name = name;

            // Function
            CharComparison isDot             = new CharComparison(log, options, '.');
            OrComparison   isDotOrParenOrEnd = new OrComparison(log);

            CharComparison openParen = new CharComparison(log, options, '(');

            var identifier = TokenComparison.CreateIdentifier(
                end: isDotOrParenOrEnd,
                exclusion: vbScriptKeywords,
                name: "identifier",
                log: log);

            // List of identifiers seperated by . which will include classes/namespaces
            var sub = TokenComparison.CreateListOfTokens(
                token: identifier,
                segment: isDot,
                name: "sub",
                log: log);


            // Skip whitespace
                var skip = SkipWhitespace(log);
                skip.Name = "SkipWhitespace1";

            // Skip the line wrap character

            // Function parenthesis and arguments
            CharComparison close = new CharComparison(log, options, ')');

            // Either the end (and don't advance past it), or function argument list
            OrComparison isEndOrArgumentList = new OrComparison(log);

            isEndOrArgumentList.Name = "IsEndOrArgumentList";
            isEndOrArgumentList.Add(new CompareNoAdvance(log, vbScriptConcatCommaOrWhitespaceOrEnd));
            isEndOrArgumentList.Add(new NestedOpenCloseComparison(log, openParen, close));


Exemplo n.º 14
 // The order in which you add is very important because it is one which matches that controls how far to advance
 // after the match. Comparisons are executed in the order in which they are added.
 public void Add(
     IComparisonWithAdvance comp)
Exemplo n.º 15
        private string Process(
            string input,
            string replaceWith,
            IComparisonWithAdvance mainComparison,
            Dictionary <string, Capture> capturing,
            List <State> stateList,
            bool replace,
            out int numMatches,
            Func <RunState, string, int, string> ReplaceFunc = null,
            Action <RunState> InitRunState = null)
            // The replaced string
            StringBuilder replaced = new StringBuilder();

            var runState = new RunState();

            if (InitRunState != null)
            numMatches = 0;

            // Iterate the input string character by character
            for (int outerIndex = 0; outerIndex < input.Length;)
                runState.BeginPos = outerIndex;
                int dbgInitialOuterIndex = outerIndex;
                if (dbgInitialOuterIndex == 1374)
                string dbgInputPortion = input.Substring(dbgInitialOuterIndex,
                                                         Math.Min(20, input.Length - dbgInitialOuterIndex));
                //// All states enabled?
                int  afterState = outerIndex;
                bool stateEnabled;
                if (stateList != null)
                    for (; ;)
                        // If the state becomes enabled, check that directly afterwards we don't encounter a close state
                        // Imagine we have a state which opens on '<%' and closes on '%>' and the input string is '<%%> ...'
                        // We enable then instantly disable again. We only stop trying to update the state when updating the
                        //  state doesn't advance the position
                        int curIndex = afterState;
                        stateEnabled = UpdateState(stateList, input, afterState, runState, out afterState);
                        if (curIndex == afterState)
                            // Updating the state did not advance the position - continue with the replace
                    stateEnabled = true;

                // Copy the state string (if any)
                if (afterState != outerIndex)
                    string stateString = input.Substring(outerIndex, afterState - outerIndex);

                // Update the main index
                outerIndex = afterState;

                if (outerIndex < input.Length)
                    bool matched = stateEnabled;
                    if (stateEnabled)
                        // Run the statements beginning from 'afterState'
                        int innerIndex = outerIndex;
                        int afterMatch;
                        matched = mainComparison.CompareAndAdvance(input, innerIndex, 0, runState, out afterMatch);
                        if (matched)
                            // The begin of the matching string
                            runState.BeginPos = outerIndex;


                            // This is a match! :)
                            // Do the replace
                            string iterReplaced = ReplaceMatch(replaceWith, ReplaceFunc, capturing, runState, input, afterMatch);

                            // Update the outer index and continue iterating from there
                            outerIndex = afterMatch;

                    if (!matched)
                        if (replace)
                            // Match failed: copy this character to the output string and move on to the next one (if this is replace mode)