Beispiel #1

        public State(
            IComparisonWithAdvance enable,
            IComparisonWithAdvance disable,
            bool initialState)
            m_Enable  = enable;
            m_Disable = disable;
            IsEnabled = initialState;
Beispiel #2

        public DelimitedListComparison(
            ILog log,
            Options options,
            IComparisonWithAdvance comp,
            IComparisonWithAdvance seperator) : base(log, options)
            m_Comparison = comp;
            m_Seperator  = seperator;

        public AdvanceUntilComparison(
            ILog log,
            IComparisonWithAdvance comp,
            bool forwards = true,
            IComparisonWithAdvance continueComp = null) : base(log)
            m_Forwards     = forwards;
            m_Comparison   = comp;
            m_ContinueComp = continueComp;

        public NestedOpenCloseComparison(
            ILog log,
            IComparisonWithAdvance open,
            IComparisonWithAdvance close,
            string name = null) : base(log)
            m_Open  = open;
            m_Close = close;
            Name    = name;
Beispiel #5
 public string Replace(
     string input,
     string replaceWith,
     IComparisonWithAdvance mainComparison,
     Dictionary <string, Capture> capturing,
     List <State> stateList,
     out int numMatches,
     Func <RunState, string, int, string> ReplaceFunc = null,
     Action <RunState> InitRunState = null)
     return(Process(input, replaceWith, mainComparison, capturing, stateList, true, out numMatches, ReplaceFunc, InitRunState));
Beispiel #6
        public static IComparisonWithAdvance CreateListOfTokens(
            Options options,
            IComparisonWithAdvance token,
            IComparisonWithAdvance segment,
            string name = null,
            ILog log    = null)
            DelimitedListComparison list = new DelimitedListComparison(log, options, token, segment);

            list.MinAmount = 1;
            list.Name      = name;

Beispiel #7
        // Get a value between two comparisons
        public static IComparisonWithAdvance GetValuesBetweenComp(
            ILog log,
            IComparisonWithAdvance begin,
            IComparisonWithAdvance after)
            StatementList mainComp = new StatementList(null);

            // Find the beginning
            // Remember the position
            mainComp.Add(new StorePosAsVariable(log, "ValueBegin"));

            // Find the end and store the preceeding position
            mainComp.Add(new AdvanceUntilComparison(log, new CompareNoAdvance(log, after)));
            mainComp.Add(new StorePosAsVariable(log, "ValueEnd"));

Beispiel #8
        // E.g. Test123 matches
        // 1Test123 doesn't (cann't lead with a number)
        // test"123 doesn't match (can only contain letters and numbers)
        public static IComparisonWithAdvance CreateIdentifier(
            Options options,
            IComparisonWithAdvance end,
            IComparison exclusion,
            string name = null,
            ILog log    = null)
            StatementList stmtList = new StatementList(log);

            stmtList.Name = name;

            PatternComparison patternComp = new PatternComparison(log, options);

            patternComp.EndComparison = end;
            patternComp.MinLength     = 1;

            // First character is a letter
            var firstCharacter = new ComparisonRange <IComparisonWithAdvance>();

            firstCharacter.Range.Min = 1;
            firstCharacter.Range.Max = 1;
            var isLetter = new CharDelegateComparison(log, Char.IsLetter);

            firstCharacter.Comparison = isLetter;

            // Subsequent (2+) characters can be a letter or digit (0-9)
            var subsequentCharacters = new ComparisonRange <IComparisonWithAdvance>();

            subsequentCharacters.Range.Min = 2;
            var isLetterOrDigit = new CharDelegateComparison(log, Char.IsLetterOrDigit);

            subsequentCharacters.Comparison = isLetterOrDigit;


            stmtList.Exclusion = exclusion;

Beispiel #9
        // This relies on there being the variables 'ValueBegin' and 'ValueEnd'
        public static string GetSingleValue(
            string input,
            Parser parser,
            IComparisonWithAdvance comp,
            ILog log)
            // Skip to the end
            var statementList = new StatementList(log);

            statementList.Add(new AdvanceToTheEnd(log));

            int    numAmount;
            string singleValue = parser.Extract(input, null, statementList, null, null, out numAmount, GetSingleValue_ReplaceFunc);

            if (numAmount == 1)
Beispiel #10
        public static IComparisonWithAdvance CreateNumber(
            Options options,
            IComparisonWithAdvance end,
            string name = null,
            ILog log    = null)
            //// List of 1 or 2 sets of numbers seperated by a .
            StatementList stmtList = new StatementList(log);

            stmtList.Name = name;

            OrComparison isDotOrEnd = new OrComparison(log);

            ICharComparison isDot = new CharComparison(log, options, '.');

            PatternComparison patternComp = new PatternComparison(log, options);

            patternComp.MinLength     = 1;
            patternComp.EndComparison = isDotOrEnd;

            // All characters must be between 0 and 9
            var allCharacters = new ComparisonRange <IComparisonWithAdvance>();

            allCharacters.Range.Min = 1;
            var isNumber = new CharDelegateComparison(log, Char.IsNumber);

            allCharacters.Comparison = isNumber;

            // List consisting of 1 or 2 items seperated by .
            DelimitedListComparison functionName = new DelimitedListComparison(log, options, patternComp, isDot);

            functionName.MinAmount = 1;
            functionName.MaxAmount = 2;
Beispiel #11

        public AdvanceIfOperation(
            ILog log,
            IComparisonWithAdvance comp) : base(log)
            m_Comparison = comp;
Beispiel #12
        protected override bool CompareAndAdvanceImp(
            string str,
            int firstIndex,
            int depth,
            RunState runState,
            out int index)
            index = -1;
            // Statement index
            int  stmtIndex;
            bool failedMatch = false;
            int  pos;
            int  depthPlusOne = depth + 1;

            for (stmtIndex = 0, pos = firstIndex; !failedMatch && stmtIndex < m_Statements.Count;
                // Key nuance design decision. It's OK to perform operations/comparisons even if we have reached the end of
                //  the string. This is necessary for things like setting variables, comparing against the end of the
                //  string e.t.c. No doubt there will be bugs presuming this isn't the case but I've only realised
                //  retrospectively that this is a requirement.
                IStatement stmt = m_Statements[stmtIndex];
                if (stmt is IOperation)
                    IOperation op = (IOperation)stmt;
                    op.Perform(str, pos, depthPlusOne, runState, out pos);
                    if (stmt is IComparisonWithAdvance)
                        IComparisonWithAdvance comp = (IComparisonWithAdvance)stmt;
                        int previousPos             = pos;
                        if (!comp.CompareAndAdvance(str, pos, depthPlusOne, runState, out pos))
                            // This part of the pattern match failed. Start again (using the outer loop/index) but at
                            //  the next character
                            failedMatch = true;
                    else if (stmt is IComparison)
                        //sidtodo not sure about this - I'm not sure the design of the statement classes is right
                        IComparison comp = (IComparison)stmt;
                        if (!comp.Compare(str, pos, depthPlusOne, runState))
                            failedMatch = true;

            // Got this far without a match?
            if (!failedMatch)
                // Did we execute all statements?
                if (stmtIndex == m_Statements.Count)
                    // Exclusions?
                    if (Exclusion != null)
                        string subStr = str.Substring(firstIndex, pos - firstIndex);
                        failedMatch = Exclusion.Compare(subStr, 0, depthPlusOne, runState);
                    if (!failedMatch)
                        // Successful match
                        index = pos;
                    // We did not complete all of the comparisons
                    // Go to the next character
                    // Potentially a speedup here? If we reach the end of the input string but cannot complete all
                    //  comparisons then copy the remaining string rather than trying to do any more comparisons?
                    failedMatch = true;

Beispiel #13
        // E.g.
        // class.Function _ \r\n (p1, p2, class.Function2( _\r\n p1,p2 ) )
        // or
        // class.FunctionWithNoArgs
        // or
        // variableName
        public static IComparisonWithAdvance CreateVBScriptFunctionOrVar(
            Options options,
            IComparisonWithAdvance vbScriptConcatCommaOrWhitespaceOrEnd,
            IComparison vbScriptKeywords,
            string name = null,
            ILog log    = null)
            if (options == null)
                options = CreateVBScriptParserOptions(log);
            if (vbScriptConcatCommaOrWhitespaceOrEnd == null)
                vbScriptConcatCommaOrWhitespaceOrEnd = CreateVBScriptConcatCommaOrWhitespaceOrEnd(log);
            if (vbScriptKeywords == null)
                vbScriptKeywords = TokenComparison.VBScriptKeywords(log, options);

            if (options.SkipLineWrapOperation == null)
                Parser.ThrowParseError("The line wrap comparison has not been specified. This is mandatory.");

            // This requires more than one statement
            StatementList statementList = new StatementList(log);

            statementList.Name = name;

            // Function
            CharComparison isDot             = new CharComparison(log, options, '.');
            OrComparison   isDotOrParenOrEnd = new OrComparison(log);

            CharComparison openParen = new CharComparison(log, options, '(');

            var identifier = TokenComparison.CreateIdentifier(
                end: isDotOrParenOrEnd,
                exclusion: vbScriptKeywords,
                name: "identifier",
                log: log);

            // List of identifiers seperated by . which will include classes/namespaces
            var sub = TokenComparison.CreateListOfTokens(
                token: identifier,
                segment: isDot,
                name: "sub",
                log: log);


            // Skip whitespace
                var skip = SkipWhitespace(log);
                skip.Name = "SkipWhitespace1";

            // Skip the line wrap character

            // Function parenthesis and arguments
            CharComparison close = new CharComparison(log, options, ')');

            // Either the end (and don't advance past it), or function argument list
            OrComparison isEndOrArgumentList = new OrComparison(log);

            isEndOrArgumentList.Name = "IsEndOrArgumentList";
            isEndOrArgumentList.Add(new CompareNoAdvance(log, vbScriptConcatCommaOrWhitespaceOrEnd));
            isEndOrArgumentList.Add(new NestedOpenCloseComparison(log, openParen, close));


Beispiel #14
 // The order in which you add is very important because it is one which matches that controls how far to advance
 // after the match. Comparisons are executed in the order in which they are added.
 public void Add(
     IComparisonWithAdvance comp)
Beispiel #15
        private string Process(
            string input,
            string replaceWith,
            IComparisonWithAdvance mainComparison,
            Dictionary <string, Capture> capturing,
            List <State> stateList,
            bool replace,
            out int numMatches,
            Func <RunState, string, int, string> ReplaceFunc = null,
            Action <RunState> InitRunState = null)
            // The replaced string
            StringBuilder replaced = new StringBuilder();

            var runState = new RunState();

            if (InitRunState != null)
            numMatches = 0;

            // Iterate the input string character by character
            for (int outerIndex = 0; outerIndex < input.Length;)
                runState.BeginPos = outerIndex;
                int dbgInitialOuterIndex = outerIndex;
                if (dbgInitialOuterIndex == 1374)
                string dbgInputPortion = input.Substring(dbgInitialOuterIndex,
                                                         Math.Min(20, input.Length - dbgInitialOuterIndex));
                //// All states enabled?
                int  afterState = outerIndex;
                bool stateEnabled;
                if (stateList != null)
                    for (; ;)
                        // If the state becomes enabled, check that directly afterwards we don't encounter a close state
                        // Imagine we have a state which opens on '<%' and closes on '%>' and the input string is '<%%> ...'
                        // We enable then instantly disable again. We only stop trying to update the state when updating the
                        //  state doesn't advance the position
                        int curIndex = afterState;
                        stateEnabled = UpdateState(stateList, input, afterState, runState, out afterState);
                        if (curIndex == afterState)
                            // Updating the state did not advance the position - continue with the replace
                    stateEnabled = true;

                // Copy the state string (if any)
                if (afterState != outerIndex)
                    string stateString = input.Substring(outerIndex, afterState - outerIndex);

                // Update the main index
                outerIndex = afterState;

                if (outerIndex < input.Length)
                    bool matched = stateEnabled;
                    if (stateEnabled)
                        // Run the statements beginning from 'afterState'
                        int innerIndex = outerIndex;
                        int afterMatch;
                        matched = mainComparison.CompareAndAdvance(input, innerIndex, 0, runState, out afterMatch);
                        if (matched)
                            // The begin of the matching string
                            runState.BeginPos = outerIndex;


                            // This is a match! :)
                            // Do the replace
                            string iterReplaced = ReplaceMatch(replaceWith, ReplaceFunc, capturing, runState, input, afterMatch);

                            // Update the outer index and continue iterating from there
                            outerIndex = afterMatch;

                    if (!matched)
                        if (replace)
                            // Match failed: copy this character to the output string and move on to the next one (if this is replace mode)