Exemplo n.º 1
        public IActionResult EditRegistryToken([FromBody] RegistryCredentialInputModel model,
                                               [FromServices] IRegistryRepository registryRepository,
                                               [FromServices] IClusterManagementLogic clusterManagementLogic)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                return(JsonBadRequest("Invalid inputs."));

            var tenantId = CurrentUserInfo.SelectedTenant.Id;

            var userRegistryMap = registryRepository.GetUserTenantRegistryMap(CurrentUserInfo.Id, tenantId, model.Id);

            if (userRegistryMap == null)
                return(JsonBadRequest("Couldn't map the registry to the current user & tenant. Please contact a user administrator."));

            userRegistryMap.RegistryUserName = model.UserName;
            userRegistryMap.RegistryPassword = model.Password;

            clusterManagementLogic.RegistRegistryToTenantAsync(CurrentUserInfo.SelectedTenant.Name, userRegistryMap);


            RegistryCredentialOutputModel result = new RegistryCredentialOutputModel(userRegistryMap);

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// アクアリウム用レジストリシークレットをk8sに登録する
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task <string> RegistRegistryToTenantAsync(Registry registry, string token)
            var registryMap        = registryLogic.GetCurrentRegistryMap(registry.Id);
            var tokenKey           = $"aqiarium-registry-{registry.Name}-{CurrentUserInfo.Id}";
            var url                = registry.RegistryUrl;
            var selectedTenantName = CurrentUserInfo.SelectedTenant.Name;
            var userName           = "";
            var password           = token ?? registryMap?.RegistryPassword ?? "";

            var result = await clusterManagementLogic.RegistRegistryToTenantAsync(tokenKey, url, registry, selectedTenantName,
                                                                                  userName, password);

            return(result ? tokenKey : null);
Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// 指定したユーザをテナントに新規登録する。
        /// 途中でエラーが発生した場合、そのエラー結果が返る。NULLなら成功。
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <IActionResult> AddTenantAsync(User user, Tenant tenant, IEnumerable <long> tenantRoleIds, bool isCreate)
            var roles = new List <Role>();

            if (tenantRoleIds != null)
                foreach (long roleId in tenantRoleIds)
                    var role = await roleRepository.GetRoleAsync(roleId);

                    if (role == null)
                        return(JsonNotFound($"Role ID {roleId} is not found."));
                    if (role.IsSystemRole)
                        return(JsonBadRequest($"The system role {role.Name} is not assigned to a user as a tenant role."));

            var maps = userRepository.AttachTenant(user, tenant.Id, roles, isCreate);

            if (maps != null)
                foreach (var map in maps)
                    var registryResult = await clusterManagementLogic.RegistRegistryToTenantAsync(tenant.Name, map);

                    if (registryResult == false)
                        return(JsonError(HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable, "Couldn't map the tenant and the registry in a cluster management service. Please contact a user administrator."));

Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// 指定したユーザをテナントに新規登録する。
        /// 途中でエラーが発生した場合、そのエラー結果が返る。NULLなら成功。
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <IActionResult> AddTenantAsync(User user, Tenant tenant, IEnumerable <long> tenantRoleIds)
            var roles = new List <Role>();

            if (tenantRoleIds != null)
                foreach (long roleId in tenantRoleIds)
                    var role = await roleRepository.GetRoleAsync(roleId);

                    if (role == null)
                        return(JsonNotFound($"Role ID {roleId} is not found."));
                    if (role.IsSystemRole)
                        return(JsonBadRequest($"The system role {role.Name} is not assigned to a user as a tenant role."));

            var maps = userRepository.AttachTenant(user, tenant.Id, roles);

            if (maps != null)
                foreach (var map in maps)
                    await clusterManagementLogic.RegistRegistryToTenantAsync(tenant.Name, map);

Exemplo n.º 5
        public async Task <IActionResult> Edit(long?id, [FromBody] EditInputModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid || !id.HasValue)
                return(JsonBadRequest("Invalid inputs."));
            var tenant = await tenantRepository.GetTenantWithStorageForUpdateAsync(id.Value);

            if (tenant == null)
                return(JsonNotFound($"Tenant ID {id.Value} is not found."));

            if (model.DefaultGitId != null && model.GitIds.Contains(model.DefaultGitId.Value) == false)
                return(JsonConflict($"Default Git ID {model.DefaultGitId.Value} does NOT exist in selected gits."));
            if (model.DefaultRegistryId != null && model.RegistryIds.Contains(model.DefaultRegistryId.Value) == false)
                return(JsonConflict($"Default Registry ID {model.DefaultRegistryId.Value} does NOT exist in selected registries."));
            if (model.StorageId != null)
                var storage = tenantRepository.GetStorage(model.StorageId.Value);
                if (storage == null)
                    return(JsonNotFound($"The selected storage ID {model.StorageId.Value} is not found."));

                await storageLogic.CreateBucketAsync(tenant, storage);

            tenant.DisplayName = model.DisplayName;
            tenant.StorageId   = model.StorageId;

            var tenantResult = await clusterManagementLogic.RegistTenantAsync(tenant.Name);

            if (tenantResult == false)
                return(JsonError(HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable, "Couldn't create cluster master namespace. Please check the configuration to the connect cluster manager service."));

            var currentGits = gitRepository.GetGitAll(tenant.Id).ToList();

            if (model.GitIds != null && model.GitIds.Count() > 0)
                tenant.DefaultGitId = model.DefaultGitId == null?
                                      model.GitIds.ElementAt(0) : model.DefaultGitId.Value;

                foreach (long gitId in model.GitIds)
                    Git currentGit = currentGits.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == gitId);
                    if (currentGit != null)

                    Git git = await gitRepository.GetByIdAsync(gitId);

                    if (git == null)
                        return(JsonNotFound($"The selected git ID {gitId} is not found."));

                    await gitRepository.AttachGitToTenantAsync(tenant, git, false);
            foreach (var removedGit in currentGits)
                gitRepository.DetachGitFromTenant(tenant, removedGit);

            var currentRegistries = registryRepository.GetRegistryAll(tenant.Id).ToList();

            if (model.RegistryIds != null && model.RegistryIds.Count() > 0)
                tenant.DefaultRegistryId = model.DefaultRegistryId == null?
                                           model.RegistryIds.ElementAt(0) : model.DefaultRegistryId.Value;

                foreach (long registryId in model.RegistryIds)
                    Registry currentRegistry = currentRegistries.FirstOrDefault(r => r.Id == registryId);
                    if (currentRegistry != null)

                    Registry registry = await registryRepository.GetByIdAsync(registryId);

                    if (registry == null)
                        return(JsonNotFound($"The selected registry ID {registryId} is not found."));

                    var maps = await registryRepository.AttachRegistryToTenantAsync(tenant, registry, false);

                    if (maps != null)
                        foreach (var map in maps)
                            var registryResult = await clusterManagementLogic.RegistRegistryToTenantAsync(tenant.Name, map);

                            if (registryResult == false)
                                return(JsonError(HttpStatusCode.ServiceUnavailable, "Couldn't map the tenant and the registry in a cluster management service. Please check the configuration to the connect cluster manager service."));
            foreach (var removedRegistry in currentRegistries)
                registryRepository.DetachRegistryFromTenant(tenant, removedRegistry);

            // 関連するクラスタトークンをリセット

            tenantRepository.Update(tenant, unitOfWork);

            return(JsonOK(new IndexOutputModel(tenant)));