Exemplo n.º 1
        public static Hash ToHash(this HashBits @this)
            // TODO: make it to shift bits instead bytes
            var  result                 = Genesis.Hash;
            var  bitsOffset             = @this.GetBitOffset();
            var  bytesOffset            = bitsOffset / Hash.SegmentBitSize;
            var  byteBitsOffset         = bitsOffset % Hash.SegmentBitSize;
            var  byteBitsFractionMask   = Hash.SegmentMask >> byteBitsOffset;
            var  byteBitsReminderMask   = ~byteBitsFractionMask;
            var  byteBitsReminderOffset = Hash.SegmentBitSize - byteBitsOffset;
            var  fractionBytes          = @this.GetFraction().ToBinary().Reverse().Skip(HashBits.OffsetByteSize).ToArray();//reverse bigendian to lowendian and skip bytes reserverd for offset
            byte reminderBits           = 0;
            int  i = 0;

            for (; i < fractionBytes.Length && bytesOffset + i < Hash.SegmentsLength; i++)
                var fractionBits = (byte)((fractionBytes[i] >> byteBitsOffset) & byteBitsFractionMask);
                var currentBits  = (byte)(fractionBits | reminderBits);
                reminderBits = (byte)((fractionBytes[i] << byteBitsReminderOffset) & byteBitsReminderMask);
                result.Value[bytesOffset + i] = currentBits;
            if (bytesOffset + i < Hash.SegmentsLength)
                result.Value[bytesOffset + i] = reminderBits;

             * //Loose precision as reminder do not fit in lowest byte in hash

Exemplo n.º 2
        public static HashBits Adjust(this HashBits @this, long currentTimeDelta, long targetTimeDelta, int adjustmentPercentLimit = Genesis.AdjustmentPercentLimit, HashBits minTarget = null)
            minTarget = minTarget ?? Genesis.Target;
            //Adjustment log

            /*var coefficient = (decimal)targetTimeDelta / currentTimeDelta;
             * Console.WriteLine($"@@@");
             * Console.WriteLine($"@ Adjustment -> currentTimeDelta: {TimeSpan.FromTicks(currentTimeDelta)}, targetTimeDelta: {TimeSpan.FromTicks(targetTimeDelta)}, Expected coefficient: {coefficient}");*/

            if (targetTimeDelta != currentTimeDelta)
                int   offsetAdjust = 0;
                ulong fractionAdjust;
                if (targetTimeDelta < currentTimeDelta)
                    var limit = targetTimeDelta + targetTimeDelta * adjustmentPercentLimit / 100;                 // X(1+A)
                    if (currentTimeDelta > limit)
                        currentTimeDelta = limit;

                    while (targetTimeDelta < currentTimeDelta)
                        targetTimeDelta <<= 1;
                        offsetAdjust     -= 1;

                    // TODO: optimize using intermediate bit shifts instead of floating calculations
                    //Because fraction offset was moved above the target (by power of 2),
                    //reduce fraction itself with (1/2 < fractionMultiplyer < 1) to match the exact target
                    var fractionMultiplyer = (decimal)currentTimeDelta / targetTimeDelta;
                    //Because last byte of the fraction is reserved for offset, there will be a space for one bit shift
                    //so fraction can be normalized even if high bit goes away from fraction reduction
                    fractionAdjust = (ulong)((@this.GetFraction() << 1) * fractionMultiplyer);
                    var limit = targetTimeDelta * 100 / (100 + adjustmentPercentLimit);                // X/(1+A)
                    if (currentTimeDelta < limit)
                        currentTimeDelta = limit;

                    while (currentTimeDelta < targetTimeDelta)
                        currentTimeDelta <<= 1;
                        offsetAdjust      += 1;

                    // TODO: optimize using intermediate bit shifts instead of floating calculations
                    //Because fraction offset was moved below the target (by power of 2),
                    //increase fraction itself with (1 < fractionMultiplyer < 2) to match the exact target
                    var fractionMultiplyer = (decimal)currentTimeDelta / targetTimeDelta;
                    //Because last byte of the fraction is reserved for offset, there will be a space for one bit if necessary
                    fractionAdjust = (ulong)(@this.GetFraction() * fractionMultiplyer);
                // In case fraction was increased Adjust(Normalize) fraction/offset to match their masks
                if ((fractionAdjust & HashBits.OffsetMask) != 0)
                    fractionAdjust >>= 1;

                var newOffset = @this.GetBitOffset() + offsetAdjust;
                //Adjustment log

                /*var currentCoefficient = ((decimal) GetFraction() / fractionAdjust) * (decimal)Math.Pow(2, -(GetBitOffset()- newOffset));
                 * Console.WriteLine($"@ Adjustment -> Current: {currentCoefficient} (o:{newOffset:x1}, f:{fractionAdjust:x16})");*/

                if (newOffset < minTarget.GetBitOffset())
                else if (newOffset > HashBits.OffsetMax)
                    return(HashBits.Create(HashBits.OffsetMax, fractionAdjust >> (newOffset - HashBits.OffsetMax)));
                return(HashBits.Create((byte)newOffset, fractionAdjust));
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static long Difficulty(this HashBits @this, HashBits genesisTarget)
     return((long)((decimal)Math.Pow(2, @this.GetBitOffset() - genesisTarget.GetBitOffset()) * ((decimal)genesisTarget.GetFraction() / @this.GetFraction())));