Exemplo n.º 1
        private void rightAlignTextFields()
            int rightLoc;

            if (message != null)
                rightLoc = HMath.Max(this.name.Location.X, this.location.Location.X, Time.Location.X, EType.Location.X, message.Location.X);
                rightLoc = HMath.Max(this.name.Location.X, this.location.Location.X, Time.Location.X, EType.Location.X, messagePic.Location.X);
            name.Location     = new Point(rightLoc, this.name.Location.Y);
            location.Location = new Point(rightLoc, this.location.Location.Y);
            Time.Location     = new Point(rightLoc, Time.Location.Y);
            EType.Location    = new Point(rightLoc, EType.Location.Y);
            if (message != null)
                message.Location = new Point(rightLoc, message.Location.Y);
                messagePic.Location = new Point(rightLoc, messagePic.Location.Y);
Exemplo n.º 2
        /** 打飞 */
        public void HitFly()
            if (unitData.unitType == UnitType.Solider)
                SteeringAgentComponent m_steeringAgent = GetComponent <SteeringAgentComponent>();

                if (transform.position != unitData.hitFlyPoint)
                    Vector3 dir = (unitData.hitFlyPoint - transform.position).normalized;
                    unitAgent.angel = HMath.AngleBetweenForward2Vector(dir);
                    unitData.hitFlyPoint += (unitData.to.unit.transform.position - transform.position).normalized * 3f;

                Rigidbody rigidbody = GetComponent <Rigidbody>();
                rigidbody.useGravity = true;
                rigidbody.AddExplosionForce(unitData.hitFlyPower, unitData.hitFlyPoint, unitData.hitFlyPowerRadius, unitData.hitFlyPowerUp);

                unitAgent.action = "die";

//				BSolider_Alpha_Hide soliderAlphaHide = GetComponent<BSolider_Alpha_Hide>();
//				soliderAlphaHide.enabled = true;

//				Collider collider = GetComponent<Collider>();
//				collider.enabled = true;
            /// <summary>
            /// Получение суммы по столбцу
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="indxCol">индекс столбца</param>
            /// <returns>сумма по столбцу</returns>
            private double summaColumnValues(int indxCol, out int counter)
                counter = 0;
                double dblRes = 0F;

                try {
                    foreach (DataGridViewRow row in Rows)
                        if (row.Index < Rows.Count - 1)
                            // все кроме крайней строки
                            if ((!(row.Cells[indxCol].Value == null)) &&
                                (string.IsNullOrEmpty(row.Cells[indxCol].Value.ToString()) == false))
                                // только, если есть значение для разбора
                                dblRes += HMath.doubleParse(row.Cells[indxCol].Value.ToString());

                } catch (Exception e) {
                    Logging.Logg().Exception(e, string.Format(@"PanelTaskVedomostBl::summaColumnValues () - суммирования столбца №{0}...", indxCol), Logging.INDEX_MESSAGE.NOT_SET);

Exemplo n.º 4
            /// <summary>
            /// Установить содержание для запроса
            /// </summary>
            protected override void setQuery()
                int idReq  = HMath.GetRandomNumber()
                , i        = -1;
                string cmd = string.Empty;

                //перевод даты для суточного набора
                if (DateTimeStart != DateTimeBegin)
                    DateTimeBegin = (DateTimeBegin - DateTimeBegin.TimeOfDay).AddHours(23);
                    DateTimeBegin = (DateTimeStart - DateTimeStart.TimeOfDay).AddHours(-1);

                //Формировать запрос
                i = 0;

                m_strQuery = "SELECT ДатаВремя, ";
                foreach (GroupSignalsVzletNativeDSql.SIGNALMSTKKSNAMEsql s in m_arSignals)
                    m_strQuery += s.m_kks_name + ", ";

                m_strQuery = m_strQuery.Remove(m_strQuery.Length - 2, 1);

                m_strQuery += " FROM " + NameTable + " ";

                m_strQuery += @"WHERE ДатаВремя > '" + DateTimeBegin + "' and ДатаВремя <= '" + DateTimeBegin.AddSeconds(PeriodMain.TotalSeconds) + "'";

                //DateTimeBegin = DateTimeBegin.AddSeconds(secUTCOffsetToData);
Exemplo n.º 5
            public static double Corr(Vector bfactor1, Vector bfactor2, bool ignore_nan = false)
                double hcorr = HMath.HCorr(bfactor1, bfactor2, ignore_nan);

                if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                    double corr = double.NaN;
                    using (new Matlab.NamedLock("CORR"))
                        Matlab.PutVector("CORR.bfactor1", bfactor1);
                        Matlab.PutVector("CORR.bfactor2", bfactor2);
                        if (ignore_nan)
                            Matlab.Execute("CORR.idxnan = isnan(CORR.bfactor1) | isnan(CORR.bfactor2);");
                            Matlab.Execute("CORR.bfactor1 = CORR.bfactor1(~CORR.idxnan);");
                            Matlab.Execute("CORR.bfactor2 = CORR.bfactor2(~CORR.idxnan);");
                        if (Matlab.GetValueInt("min(size(CORR.bfactor1))") != 0)
                            corr = Matlab.GetValue("corr(CORR.bfactor1, CORR.bfactor2)");
                    if ((double.IsNaN(hcorr) && double.IsNaN(corr)) == false)
                        HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, hcorr - corr);
                    //HDebug.ToDo("use HMath.HCorr(...) instead");
Exemplo n.º 6
            /// <summary>
            /// Заполнение массива данными
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="dgvActive">активное отображение данных</param>
            private void fillToArray(DataGridView dgvActive)
                arrayData = new object[dgvActive.RowCount, dgvActive.ColumnCount - 1];
                int indexArray = -1;

                for (int i = 0; i < dgvActive.Rows.Count; i++)
                    indexArray = 0;

                    arrayData[i, indexArray++] = dgvActive.Rows[i].Tag.ToString();

                    for (int j = 0; j < dgvActive.Columns.Count; j++)
                        //if (j >= ((int)DataGridViewVedomostBl.INDEX_SERVICE_COLUMN.COUNT - 1)) {
                        //if (j > ((int)DataGridViewVedomostBl.INDEX_SERVICE_COLUMN.COUNT - 1))
                        arrayData[i, indexArray] =
                    //??? получить дату
                    //    arrayData[i, indexArray] = dgvActive.Rows[i].Cells[j].Value.ToString();

                    //} else
                    //    ;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void SetAroundPoint(Vector3 point, Vector3 buildPoint)
            state       = UnitPathState.Around;
            aroundPoint = point;
            Vector3 d1 = point - buildPoint;
            Vector3 d2 = transform.position - buildPoint;
            float   d  = Vector3.Dot(d1.normalized, d2.normalized);

//			Debug.Log("SetAroundPoint point=" + point + "  d=" + d);

            Vector3[] points = null;
            if (d < 0)
                Vector3 inPoint = HMath.IntersectionPoint(buildPoint, transform.position, point);
                Vector3 p       = buildPoint + (inPoint - buildPoint).normalized * aroundRadius;
                points = new Vector3[] { transform.position, p, point };
                points = new Vector3[] { transform.position, point };
            aroundPoints = points;

//			m_steeringAgent.SteerAlongPath(points, m_pathAgent.PathManager.PathTerrain );
            m_steeringAgent.SteerAlongPath(points, null);
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the least common sector between a set of <see cref="WorldPoint"/>s.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="points">The set of <see cref="WorldPoint"/>s.</param>
        /// <returns>A new <see cref="WorldPoint"/>, located at the origin of the least common sector.</returns>
        public static WorldPoint LeastCommonSector(params WorldPoint[] points)
            if (points != null && points.Length > 0)
                int[] x = new int[points.Length];
                int[] y = new int[points.Length];

                for (int i = 0; i < points.Length; i++)
                    x[i] = points[i].X.Sector;
                    y[i] = points[i].Y.Sector;

                int xSec = HMath.Min(x);
                int ySec = HMath.Min(y);

                return(new WorldPoint(new WorldCoordinate(xSec, 0), new WorldCoordinate(ySec, 0)));
                Log.Error("couldn't find least common sector: WorldPoint array is null or 0-length");

Exemplo n.º 9
            /// <summary>
            /// Установить содержание для запроса
            /// </summary>
            protected override void setQuery()
                int idReq  = HMath.GetRandomNumber()
                , i        = -1;
                string cmd = string.Empty;
                long   secUTCOffsetToData = m_msecUTCOffsetToServer / 1000;

                //перевод даты для суточного набора
                if (DateTimeStart != DateTimeBegin)
                    DateTimeBegin = (DateTimeBegin - DateTimeBegin.TimeOfDay).AddDays(PeriodMain.Days);
                    DateTimeBegin = (DateTimeStart - DateTimeStart.TimeOfDay);

                //Формировать запрос
                i = 0;
                foreach (GroupSignalsKTSTUDsql.SIGNALIdsql s in m_arSignals)
                    if (s.IsFormula == false)
                        if (i == 0)
                            cmd = @"List";
                        if (i == 1)
                            cmd = @"ListAdd";

                        m_strQuery += @"exec e6work.dbo.ep_AskVTIdata @cmd='" + cmd + @"',"
                                      + @"@idVTI=" + s.m_iIdLocal + @","
                                      + @"@TimeStart='" + DateTimeBeginFormat + @"',"
                                      + @"@TimeEnd='" + DateTimeEndFormat + @"',"
                                      + @"@idReq=" + idReq
                                      + @";";

                        // формула

                m_strQuery += @"SELECT idVTI as [ID],idReq,TimeIdx,TimeRTC, DATEADD(Second," + secUTCOffsetToData + ",TimeSQL) as [DATETIME],idState,ValueFl as [VALUE],ValueInt,IsInteger,idUnit"
                              + @", DATEDIFF(HH, GETDATE(), GETUTCDATE()) as [UTC_OFFSET]"
                              + @" FROM e6work.dbo.VTIdataList"
                              + @" WHERE idReq=" + idReq
                              + @";";

                m_strQuery += @"exec e6work.dbo.ep_AskVTIdata @cmd='" + @"Clear" + @"',"
                              + @"@idReq=" + idReq
                              + @";";
Exemplo n.º 10
    /** 直线与圆相交。圆半径和直线的相交点 */
    public static Vector3 IntersectionPoint(Vector3 point, Vector3 hit, float radius, Vector3 lineFrom, Vector3 lineTo)
        float c = radius;
        float a = HMath.distance(point, lineFrom, lineTo);
        float b = Mathf.Sqrt(c * c - a * a);

        return(hit + (lineTo - lineFrom).normalized * b);
Exemplo n.º 11
        Vector3 Extended(Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
            Vector3 point = Vector3.zero;

            point.x = HMath.directionPointX(from.x, from.z, to.x, to.z, extended);
            point.z = HMath.directionPointY(from.x, from.z, to.x, to.z, extended);
Exemplo n.º 12
        IEnumerator addForceParabolaGo(Vector3 srcPos, float skillRange)
            float idxRand = Random.Range(0, 0.2f);

            yield return(new WaitForSeconds(idxRand));

            float currentDist = Vector3.Distance(this.transform.position, srcPos);
            float randValue   = Random.Range(0, 5.0f);
            // print("==="+ randValue);
            Vector3 t = (transform.position - srcPos).normalized;

            m_endPos    = srcPos + (transform.position - srcPos).normalized * (currentDist + trackParam.range + randValue);
            m_endPos.y  = transform.position.y;
            m_endPos2   = m_endPos + (transform.position - srcPos).normalized * (trackParam.range / 4);
            m_endPos2.y = transform.position.y;
            float idxDis = Random.Range(0, 1.0f);

            m_pathAll[0] = transform.position;
            m_pathAll[1] = new Vector3((m_endPos.x - transform.position.x) / 2 + transform.position.x, trackParam.high + idxDis,
                                       (m_endPos.z - transform.position.z) / 2 + transform.position.z + idxDis);
            m_pathAll[2] = m_endPos;
            Vector3   a     = new Vector3(0, 0, 1);
            Vector3   b     = transform.position - srcPos;
            float     angle = HMath.angle(0, 0, b.z, b.x);
            Hashtable args  = new Hashtable();

            args.Add("path", m_pathAll);
            //args.Add("easeType", iTween.EaseType.easeOutQuad);
            args.Add("easeType", iTween.EaseType.linear);
            args.Add("speed", trackParam.speedTrack);
            //args.Add("delay", 0.2f);
            // args.Add("movetopath", true);
            //args.Add("orienttopath", true);

            args.Add("onstart", "AnimationStart");
            args.Add("onstartparams", angle);

            args.Add("oncomplete", "AnimationEnd");
            args.Add("oncompleteparams", "end");
            args.Add("oncompletetarget", gameObject);
            //args.Add("onupdate", "AnimationUpdate");
            //args.Add("onupdatetarget", gameObject);
            //args.Add("onupdateparams", true);
            iTween.MoveTo(this.gameObject, args);
Exemplo n.º 13
            public bool CheckModeWithHess(MatrixByArr hess, double[] masses, ILinAlg la, Mode[] modes = null, double tolerance = 0.00001)
                if (modes == null)
                    modes = ToModes(masses);

                HessMatrix ohess = new HessMatrixDense
                    hess = modes.GetHessian(masses, la),
                double corr = HMath.HCorr(hess.ToArray().HToArray1D(), ohess.ToArray().HToArray1D());

                System.Console.Write("corr(TestHess,HessVibr:{0}  ", corr);

                    HDebug.Assert(hess.ColSize == ohess.ColSize);
                    HDebug.Assert(hess.RowSize == ohess.RowSize);
                    double ltolerance = hess.ToArray().HAbs().HMax() * tolerance;
                    ltolerance = tolerance;
                    for (int c = 0; c < ohess.ColSize; c++)
                        for (int r = 0; r < ohess.RowSize; r++)
                            double v    = hess[c, r];
                            double mwv  = ohess[c, r];
                            double diff = Math.Abs(v - mwv);
                            if (diff >= ltolerance)
                //    Matrix vhess  =  hess /  hess.ToArray().HToArray1D().HVar();
                //    Matrix vohess = ohess / ohess.ToArray().HToArray1D().HVar();
                //    HDebug.Assert(hess.ColSize == ohess.ColSize);
                //    HDebug.Assert(hess.RowSize == ohess.RowSize);
                //    HDebug.Assert(vhess.Size == vohess.Size);
                //    for(int c=0; c<vhess.ColSize; c++)
                //    for(int r=0; r<vhess.RowSize; r++)
                //    {
                //        double v = vhess[c,r];
                //        double vo = vohess[c,r];
                //        double diff = Math.Abs(v - vo);
                //        if(diff >= tolerance)
                //        {
                //            HDebug.Assert(false);
                //            return false;
                //        }
                //    }
Exemplo n.º 14
        float GetAngle(Vector3 from, Vector3 to)
            float angle = HMath.angle(from.x, from.z, to.x, to.z);

            if (angle < 0)
                angle += 360;
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void Draw(Window window, Camera camera)
            ScreenPoint pos = camera.WorldToViewportPosition(Position.PixelTranslate(Rect.BottomLeft));
            int         w   = HMath.RoundToInt(Rect.Extents.X * 2);
            int         h   = HMath.RoundToInt(Rect.Extents.Y * 2);

            ScreenRect rect = new ScreenRect(pos.X, pos.Y, w, h);

            window.DrawRect(rect, Fill, Color);
Exemplo n.º 16
            /// <summary>
            /// Формирование запроса
            /// </summary>
            protected override void setQuery()
                int idReq  = HMath.GetRandomNumber()
                ,i         = -1;
                string cmd =

                //Формировать запрос
                i = 0;
                foreach (GroupSignalsKTSTUsql.SIGNALIdsql s in m_arSignals)
                    if (s.IsFormula == false)
                        if (i == 0)
                            cmd = @"List";
                        if (i == 1)
                            cmd = @"ListAdd";
                            ;     // оставить без изменений
                        m_strQuery += @"exec e6work.dbo.ep_AskVTIdata @cmd='" + cmd + @"',"
                                      + @"@idVTI=" + s.m_iIdLocal + @","
                                      + @"@TimeStart='" + DateTimeBeginFormat + @"',"
                                      + @"@TimeEnd='" + DateTimeEndFormat + @"',"
                                      + @"@idReq=" + idReq
                                      + @";";

                        // формула

                m_strQuery += @"SELECT idVTI as [ID],idReq,TimeIdx,TimeRTC,TimeSQL as [DATETIME],idState,ValueFl as [VALUE],ValueInt,IsInteger,idUnit"
                              + @", DATEDIFF(HH, GETDATE(), GETUTCDATE()) as [UTC_OFFSET]"
                              + @" FROM e6work.dbo.VTIdataList"
                              + @" WHERE idReq=" + idReq
                              + @";";

                m_strQuery += @"exec e6work.dbo.ep_AskVTIdata @cmd='" + @"Clear" + @"',"
                              + @"@idReq=" + idReq
                              + @";";
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Linearly interpolates between two <see cref="WorldCoordinate"/>s.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="a">The interpolation start point.</param>
        /// <param name="b">The interpolation end point.</param>
        /// <param name="t">A 0-1 fraction, indicating which value between the two points to return.</param>
        /// <returns>A <see cref="WorldCoordinate"/> value between the start and end point.</returns>
        public static WorldCoordinate Lerp(WorldCoordinate a, WorldCoordinate b, float t)
            WorldCoordinate diff = b - a;

            float secAdd = diff.Sector * t;
            float subAdd = diff.Subposition * t;
            float secRem = secAdd % 1;

            int   sec = a.Sector + HMath.FloorToInt(secAdd);
            float sub = a.Subposition + subAdd + secRem;

            return(new WorldCoordinate(sec, sub, false));
            public static double[,] ModeContribToBFactorCorr(IList <Mode> modes1, IList <Mode> modes2)
                /// Similar to "double[] ModeContribToBFactorCorr(bfactor1, modes2)",
                /// the correlation between bfactor1 and bfactor 2 can be decomposed as
                /// the list of correlation contributions by "normalized bfactor by modes1.m_i"
                ///                                      and "normalized bfactor by modes2.m_j"
                /// in a matrix form.
                /// therefore, the correlation of bfactor1 and bfactor(modes2) is determined as their normalized dot-product:
                ///     corr = dot(nbfactor1, nbfactor2) / (n-1)
                ///          = 1/(n-1) *   dot(nbfactor1, nmwbfactor(modes2.m1)                 + nmwbfactor(modes2.m2)  + ... )
                ///          = 1/(n-1) * ( dot(nbfactor1, nmwbfactor(modes2.m1)) + dot(nbfactor1, nmwbfactor(modes2.m2)) + ... )
                ///          = 1/(n-1) * ( dot(nmwbfactor(modes1.m1), nmwbfactor(modes2.m1)) + dot(nmwbfactor(modes1.m1), nmwbfactor(modes2.m2)) + ...
                ///                        dot(nmwbfactor(modes1.m2), nmwbfactor(modes2.m1)) + dot(nmwbfactor(modes1.m2), nmwbfactor(modes2.m2)) + ... )
                ///          = 1/(n-1) * sum_{ i1=1..m1, i2=1..m2 } dot(nmwbfactor(modes1.m_i), nmwbfactor(modes2.m_j))
                ///          = sum_{ i1=1..m1, i2=1..m2 } dot(nmwbfactor(modes1.m_i), nmwbfactor(modes2.m_j))/(n-1)
                ///          = sum_{ i1=1..m1, i2=1..m2 } "correlation contribution by modes1.m_i and modes2.m_j"
                Vector[] nbfactor1mw = GetBFactorModewiseNormalized(modes1);
                Vector[] nbfactor2mw = GetBFactorModewiseNormalized(modes2);

                int n  = nbfactor1mw[0].Size;
                int m1 = modes1.Count; HDebug.Assert(nbfactor1mw.Length == m1);
                int m2 = modes2.Count; HDebug.Assert(nbfactor2mw.Length == m2);

                MatrixByArr contrib = new double[m1, m2];

                for (int i1 = 0; i1 < m1; i1++)
                    for (int i2 = 0; i2 < m2; i2++)
                        HDebug.Assert(nbfactor1mw[i1].Size == n);
                        HDebug.Assert(nbfactor2mw[i2].Size == n);
                        contrib[i1, i2] = LinAlg.VtV(nbfactor1mw[i1], nbfactor2mw[i2]) / (n - 1);

                if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                    Vector bfactor1  = modes1.GetBFactor().ToArray();
                    Vector nbfactor1 = GetBFactorNormalized(bfactor1);
                    Vector bfactor2  = modes2.GetBFactor().ToArray();
                    Vector nbfactor2 = GetBFactorNormalized(bfactor2);
                    double corr0     = HMath.HCorr(bfactor1, bfactor2);
                    double corr1     = LinAlg.VtV(nbfactor1, nbfactor2) / (n - 1);
                    double corr2     = contrib.ToArray().HSum();
                    HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, corr0 - corr1, corr0 - corr2, corr1 - corr2);

            public static double[] ModeContribToBFactorCorr(Vector bfactor1, IList <Mode> modes2)
                /// the correlation(corr) of two bfactors (bfactor1, bfactor 2) is the same to
                /// the dot product of their normalizeds (mean 0, variance 1):
                ///   corr = Math.HCorr( bfactor1,  bfactor2)
                ///        = Math.HCorr(nbfactor1, nbfactor2)
                ///        = LinAlg.VtV(nbfactor1, nbfactor2)            (for   biased estimation)
                ///        = LinAlg.VtV(nbfactor1, nbfactor2) / (n-1)    (for unbiased estimation)
                /// bfactor of mode(m1,m2,...) can be determined by the sum of bfactors of each mode:
                ///     bfactor(mode) = bfactor(m1) + bfactor(m2) + ...
                /// in the similar manner, the normalized bfactor of mode(m1,m2,...) is determined by
                /// sum of normalized-modewise-bfactor (GetBFactorModewiseNormalized):
                ///     normal-bfactor(mode) = nmwbfactor(m1) + nmwbfactor(m2) + ...
                /// therefore, the correlation of bfactor1 and bfactor(modes2) is determined as their normalized dot-product:
                ///     corr = dot(nbfactor1, nbfactor2)                                                                           / (n-1)
                ///          = dot(nbfactor1, nmwbfactor(modes2.m1)        + nmwbfactor(modes2.m2)                         + ... ) / (n-1)
                ///          = dot(nbfactor1, nmwbfactor(modes2.m1))/(n-1) + dot(nbfactor1, nmwbfactor(modes2.m2)) / (n-1) + ...
                Vector nbfactor1 = GetBFactorNormalized(bfactor1);

                Vector[] nbfactor2mw = GetBFactorModewiseNormalized(modes2);

                int n = bfactor1.Size;
                int m = modes2.Count;

                HDebug.Assert(nbfactor2mw.Length == m);

                Vector contrib = new double[m];

                for (int i = 0; i < m; i++)
                    contrib[i] = LinAlg.VtV(nbfactor1, nbfactor2mw[i]) / (n - 1);

                if (HDebug.IsDebuggerAttached)
                    Vector bfactor2  = modes2.GetBFactor().ToArray();
                    Vector nbfactor2 = GetBFactorNormalized(bfactor2);
                    double corr0     = HMath.HCorr(bfactor1, bfactor2);
                    double corr1     = LinAlg.VtV(nbfactor1, nbfactor2) / (n - 1);
                    double corr2     = contrib.Sum();
                    HDebug.AssertTolerance(0.00000001, corr0 - corr1, corr0 - corr2, corr1 - corr2);

Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Constructs a new WorldCoordinate at the given position.
        /// <para>If clampSubposition is false, subposition values not within 0-1 will be added to the
        /// new <see cref="WorldCoordinate"/>'s sector position.</para>
        /// For instance, setting the sector to 1 and subposition 1.5 would place the new <see cref="WorldCoordinate"/>
        /// at sector 2, subposition 0.5.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sector">The new <see cref="WorldCoordinate"/>'s sector position.</param>
        /// <param name="subposition">The new <see cref="WorldCoordinate"/>'s subposition within its sector.</param>
        /// <param name="clampSubposition">Whether to clamp subposition between 0 and 1, or add excess
        /// position to the sector value.</param>
        public WorldCoordinate(int sector, float subposition, bool clampSubposition = true)
            if (clampSubposition)
                Sector      = sector;
                Subposition = HMath.Clamp(subposition, 0, 1 - float.Epsilon);
                int diff = HMath.FloorToInt(subposition);

                Sector      = sector + diff;
                Subposition = subposition - diff;
Exemplo n.º 21
            /// <summary>
            /// Установить содержание для запроса
            /// </summary>
            protected override void setQuery()
                int idReq  = HMath.GetRandomNumber()
                , i        = -1;
                string cmd =

                //Формировать запрос
                i = 0;
                foreach (GroupSignalsKTSTUDsql.SIGNALIdsql s in m_arSignals)
                    if (s.IsFormula == false)
                        m_strQuery += string.Format(@"exec dbo.ep_AskVTIdata @cmd='{0}'"
                                                    + @", @idVTI={1}"
                                                    + @", @TimeStart='{2}'"
                                                    + @", @TimeEnd='{3}'"
                                                    + @", @idReq={4};"
                                                    , i++ == 0 ? @"List" : @"ListAdd", s.m_iIdLocal, DateTimeBeginFormat, DateTimeEndFormat, idReq);
                        // формула

                // все поля idVTI, idReq, TimeIdx, TimeRTC, TimeSQL, idState, ValueFl, ValueInt, IsInteger, idUnit
                m_strQuery += string.Format(@"SELECT res.[idVTI] as [ID], SUM(res.[ValueFl]) as [VALUE]"
                                            + @", res.[DATETIME]"
                                            //+ @", {2} as [UTC_OFFSET]" //DATEDIFF(HOUR, GETDATE(), GETUTCDATE()) as [UTC_OFFSET]
                                            + @", COUNT(*) as [COUNT]"
                                            + @" FROM ("
                                            + @"SELECT [idVTI], [ValueFl]"
                                            + @", DATEADD(MINUTE, ceiling(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, CAST('{0}' as datetime)), 0), [TimeSQL]) / 60.) * 60, DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, CAST('{0}' as datetime)), 0)) as [DATETIME]"
                                            + @" FROM [VTIdataList]"
                                            + @" WHERE idREQ = {1}"
                                            + @" GROUP BY [IdResult], [idVTI], [ValueFl]"
                                            + @", DATEADD(MINUTE, ceiling(DATEDIFF(MINUTE, DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, CAST('{0}' as datetime)), 0), [TimeSQL]) / 60.) * 60, DATEADD(DAY, DATEDIFF(DAY, 0, CAST('{0}' as datetime)), 0))"
                                            + @") res"
                                            + @" GROUP BY [idVTI], [DATETIME]"
                                            + @" ORDER BY [idVTI], [DATETIME];"
                                            , DateTimeBeginFormat, idReq); //, TimeSpan.FromSeconds(m_secOffsetUTCToData).Hours

                m_strQuery += string.Format(@"exec [dbo].ep_AskVTIdata @cmd='{0}'"
                                            + @", @idReq={1};", @"Clear", idReq);
Exemplo n.º 22
            public static Trans3 GetTrans(IList <Vector> C1, IList <Vector> C2, HPack <int> optIter = null, HPack <List <double> > optListWeightSum = null)
                HDebug.Assert(C1.Count == C2.Count);
                int size = C1.Count;

                if (optIter != null)
                    optIter.value = 0;

                Trans3 trans0 = new Trans3(new double[3], 1, Quaternion.UnitRotation);
                Trans3 trans1 = Geometry.AlignPointPoint.MinRMSD.GetTrans(C2, C1);

                if (optListWeightSum != null)
                    optListWeightSum.value = new List <double>();
                while ((trans0.TransformMatrix - trans1.TransformMatrix).ToArray().HAbs().HMax() > 0.00000001)
                    if (optIter != null)
                    Vector[] C2trans = trans1.GetTransformed(C2).ToArray();

                    double[] weight = new double[size];
                    double[] dist2s = new double[size];
                    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++)
                        double dist2 = (C1[i] - C2trans[i]).Dist2;
                        dist2     = HMath.Between(0.001, dist2, double.PositiveInfinity);
                        weight[i] = 1 / dist2;
                        dist2s[i] = dist2;
                    if (optListWeightSum != null)

                    trans0 = trans1;
                    trans1 = Geometry.AlignPointPoint.MinRMSD.GetTrans(C2, C1, weight);

Exemplo n.º 23
        static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WriteLine("any key start");
            var AO1 = CompilerHelper.ASyncBuild_MHX_DATA(new[] { "demo.exe" });

            int index = 0;

            while (AO1.isDone == false)
                //Console.SetCursorPosition(index, 2);
                index = HMath.Clamp(index, 0, 100);
                //Console.SetCursorPosition(0, 3);
            Console.WriteLine("FINISHED 1");
            var AO2 = Compiler.AsyncTryComplire("输出.exe");

            index = 0;
            while (AO2.isDone == false)
                index = HMath.Clamp(index, 0, 100);

            Console.WriteLine("ALL FINISHED..");
            Console.WriteLine("Any key esc.");
Exemplo n.º 24
            /// <summary>
            /// Проверка на изменение значений в двух таблицах
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="origin">оригинальная таблица</param>
            /// <param name="editValue">значение</param>
            /// <param name="i">номер строки</param>
            /// <param name="idAlg">номер алгоритма</param>
            /// <param name="typeValues">тип данных</param>
            /// <returns>показатель изменения</returns>
            private int diffRowsInTables(DataTable origin, double editValue, int i, string formatRound, HandlerDbTaskCalculate.ID_VIEW_VALUES typeValues)
                int    quality = 1;
                double originValues;

                //??? зачем сортировка
                origin = sortDataTable(origin, "ID_PUT, WR_DATETIME");

                if (origin.Rows.Count - 1 < i)
                    originValues = 0;
                    originValues =

                switch (typeValues)
                case HandlerDbTaskCalculate.ID_VIEW_VALUES.ARCHIVE:
                    //??? почему сравниваются строки
                    if (originValues.ToString(formatRound, CultureInfo.InvariantCulture).Equals(editValue.ToString().Trim()) == false)
                        quality = 2;

                case HandlerDbTaskCalculate.ID_VIEW_VALUES.SOURCE_LOAD:
                    quality = 1;

                case HandlerDbTaskCalculate.ID_VIEW_VALUES.DEFAULT:


Exemplo n.º 25
        override public void Play()
            isPlay = true;
            from   = fromTransform.position;
            to     = toTransform.position;

            localTo           = to - from;
            content.position  = from;
            time              = localTo.magnitude / speed;
            backtime          = time / 4;
            arrowScale        = localTo.magnitude / 2;
            arrow.eulerAngles = new Vector3(0F, 0F, HMath.angle(0, 0, localTo.x, localTo.y));
            arrow.localScale  = new Vector3(0, Mathf.Clamp(0, 0, 2F), 1);

            _time = 0;
    public static void DrawCircle(Vector3 position, float radius)
        int smoothAngle = 10;
        int count       = 360 / smoothAngle;

        Vector3 prePoint = HMath.PointAngle(position, 0, radius);
        Vector3 point;

        for (int i = 1; i < count - 1; i++)
            int angle = smoothAngle * i;
            point = HMath.PointAngle(position, angle, radius);
            Gizmos.DrawLine(prePoint, point);
            prePoint = point;

        point = HMath.PointAngle(position, 360, radius);
        Gizmos.DrawLine(prePoint, point);
Exemplo n.º 27
    public List <Vector3> GetPoints(int num)
        List <Vector3> list   = new List <Vector3>();
        float          gap    = (angleEnd - angleBegin) / num;
        int            mi     = mGetPointIndex % 4;
        int            sg     = mi % 2 == 0 ? 1 : -1;
        float          offset = sg * gap / (1 + mi) + gap * 0.5f;

//		Debug.Log("offset=" + offset + "  mGetPointIndex=" + mGetPointIndex  + " count=" + count + " gap=" + gap);
        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
            float   a = angleBegin + gap * i + offset;
            Vector3 p = HMath.PointAngle(o, a, r + mGetPointIndex * 0f);
        count += num;

Exemplo n.º 28
        public Attack getNearestAttack(Entity thisEntity, Point tPoint)
            Attack nAttack = Attacks[0];
            double dist    = HMath.Distance(tPoint, thisEntity.Bounds.Center);

            foreach (Attack a in Attacks)
                if (a.Owner == thisEntity)

                double d = HMath.Distance(tPoint, a.Rectangle.Center);
                if (d < dist)
                    dist    = d;
                    nAttack = a;
Exemplo n.º 29
        public NearEntity getNearestEntity(Entity thisEntity, Point tPoint)
            Entity nEntity = GScreen.Player;
            double dist    = HMath.Distance(tPoint, nEntity.Bounds.Center);

            foreach (Entity e in Entities)
                if (!e.Alive || e == thisEntity)

                double d = HMath.Distance(tPoint, e.Bounds.Center);
                if (d < dist)
                    dist    = d;
                    nEntity = e;
            return(new NearEntity(nEntity, dist));
Exemplo n.º 30
        public void MoveTo(UnitCtl fromCtl, UnitCtl toCtl)
            fromUnitData = fromCtl.unitData;
            toUnitData   = toCtl.unitData;
            this.from    = fromCtl.transform;
            this.to      = toCtl.transform;
            Vector3 fromPoint = from.position;
            Vector3 toPoint   = to.position;

            Vector3 direction = (toPoint - fromPoint).normalized * beginDistance;

            float radian = HMath.radian(0, 0, direction.x, direction.z);

            radian += Mathf.PI * 0.5F;

            direction += fromPoint;
            float x = HMath.radianPointX(radian, gap * index, direction.x);
            float z = HMath.radianPointY(radian, gap * index, direction.z);

            begionTarget.x = x;
            begionTarget.z = z;

            direction = (toPoint - fromPoint).normalized * endDistance;
            radian    = HMath.radian(0, 0, direction.x, direction.z);
            radian   += Mathf.PI * 0.5F;

            direction = toPoint - direction;
            x         = HMath.radianPointX(radian, gap * index, direction.x);
            z         = HMath.radianPointY(radian, gap * index, direction.z);

            endTarget.x = x;
            endTarget.z = z;
