Exemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            /*Check if it is valid*/
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _context.Genres.ToList(); /* this is needed to pre-build the gig */
                return(View("Create", viewModel));

            var gig = new Gig
                ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime(),
                GenreId  = viewModel.Genre,
                Venue    = viewModel.Venue

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            //if something went wrong, return the same view with the typed data and the error messages
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _context.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("GigForm", viewModel));

            var gig = new Gig
                ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime(),
                GenreId  = viewModel.Genre,
                Venue    = viewModel.Venue

            return(RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs"));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel viewModel) // we need to convert viewModel into gig model and save it
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _context.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("Create", viewModel));

            var gig = new Gig
                ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime(),
                GenreId  = viewModel.Genre,
                Venue    = viewModel.Venue


            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public ActionResult Update(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres  = _context.Genres.ToList();
                viewModel.Heading = "Edit a gig";
                return(View("GigForm", viewModel));

            var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();

            var gig = _context.Gigs
                      .Include(g => g.Attendances.Select(a => a.Attendee))
                      .Single(g => g.Id == viewModel.Id && g.ArtistId == userId);

            gig.Modify(viewModel.GetDateTime(), viewModel.Venue, viewModel.Genre);


            return(RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs"));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public async Task <ActionResult> Create(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _dbContext.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("Create", viewModel));

            var gig = new Gig()
                Venue    = viewModel.Venue,
                ArtistId = User.FindFirstValue(ClaimTypes.NameIdentifier),
                DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime(),
                GenreId  = viewModel.Genre

            await _dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public ActionResult Update(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _unitOfWork.Genres.GetGenres();
                return View("GigForm", viewModel);

            var gig = _unitOfWork.Gigs.GetGigWithAttendees(viewModel.Id);

            if (gig == null)
                return HttpNotFound();

            if (gig.ArtistId != User.Identity.GetUserId())
                return new HttpUnauthorizedResult();

            gig.Modify(viewModel.GetDateTime(), viewModel.Venue, viewModel.Genre);

            return RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs");
Exemplo n.º 7
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _unitOfWork.Genres.GetGenres();
                return(View("GigForm", viewModel));

            var gig = new Gig
                ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime(),
                GenreId  = viewModel.Genre,
                Venue    = viewModel.Venue


            return(RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs"));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public ActionResult Update(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (this.ModelState.IsValid)
                var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
                var gig    = this.context.Gigs
                             .Include(g => g.Attendances.Select(att => att.Attendee))
                             .Single(g => g.Id == viewModel.Id && g.ArtistId == userId);
                gig.Venue    = viewModel.Venue;
                gig.DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime();
                gig.GenreId  = viewModel.Genre;


                return(this.RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs"));

            viewModel.Genres = this.context.Genres.ToList();
            return(this.View("GigForm", "Gigs"));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _context.Genres.ToList();  // This is necessary to populate the Genres dropdown when we re-show them the form
                return(View("Create", viewModel));

            var gig = new Gig
                ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime(),
                GenreId  = viewModel.Genre,
                Venue    = viewModel.Venue


            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
Exemplo n.º 10
        public ActionResult Update(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _context.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("GigForm", viewModel)); //if not valid, the page will be displayed with valid messages
            var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();

            var gig = _context.Gigs
                      .Include(g => g.Attendances.Select(a => a.Attendee)) // In order to remove getting list of attendees
                      .Single(g => g.Id == viewModel.Id && g.ArtistId == userId);

            gig.Modify(viewModel.GetDateTime(), viewModel.Venue, viewModel.Genre);


            return(RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs"));
Exemplo n.º 11
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _context.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("Create", viewModel));

            var gig = new Gig
                ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime(),
                GenreId  = viewModel.Genre,
                Venue    = viewModel.Venue


            return(RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs"));
Exemplo n.º 12
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            //used cntr shift R to refactor and inline variable
            //therfore combining it where it is used below
            //var artistId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            //var genreId = viewModel.Genre;

            //below are no longer used changed were made to model and migration made to
            //simplify this replacing Artist and Genre
            //var artist = _context.Users.Single(u => u.Id == artistId);
            //var genre = _context.Genres.Single(g => g.Id == genreId);

            //if below is not valid returns create view and used viewmodel passed to this method so all existing values are present along with validation methods.
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _unitOfWork.Genres.GetGenres();//this was done to prevent returning null in view when rending dropdown list GENRES IS NOt POPULATED
                return(View("GigForm", viewModel));

            var gig = new Gig
                //Artist = artist,
                ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                //GetDateTime = GetDateTime.Parse(string.Format("{0} {1}", viewModel.Date, viewModel.Time)),
                DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime(),
                //Genre = genre,
                GenreId = viewModel.Genre,
                Venue   = viewModel.Venue

            // _context.Gigs.Add(gig);

            //instead of redirecting to home we will redirct to myy upcoming gigs
            // return RedirectToAction("Index", "Home");
            return(RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs"));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _context.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("Create", viewModel));
            var gig = new Gig
                ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime(),
                GenreId  = viewModel.Genre,
                Venue    = viewModel.Venue

            catch (DbEntityValidationException e)
                foreach (var eve in e.EntityValidationErrors)
                    Console.WriteLine("Entity of type \"{0}\" in state \"{1}\" has the following validation errors:",
                                      eve.Entry.Entity.GetType().Name, eve.Entry.State);
                    foreach (var ve in eve.ValidationErrors)
                        Console.WriteLine("- Property: \"{0}\", Value: \"{1}\", Error: \"{2}\"",
                                          eve.Entry.CurrentValues.GetValue <object>(ve.PropertyName),

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
Exemplo n.º 14
        [ValidateAntiForgeryToken]//Anti Cross Site Request Forgeryf
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)                            //invalid model
                viewModel.Generes = dbContext.Generes.ToList(); //bug fix : while post back ,viewModel is a new object ,Geners not intialized

                return(View("GigForm", viewModel));

            var gig = new Gig()
                ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(), //Get Currently logged User.
                DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime(),   //combine two fields to one filed: {data,time}=>datetime
                GenereId = viewModel.Genere,          // type of music selected by user
                Venue    = viewModel.Venue            //the place selected by user

            return(RedirectToAction("ViewMyUpCommingGigs", "Gigs"));
            //return View();
Exemplo n.º 15
        public ActionResult Update(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _context.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("Gigform", viewModel));

            var UserId = User.Identity.GetUserId();

            var gig = _context.Gigs.Single(g => g.Id == viewModel.id && g.ArtistId == UserId);

            gig.Venue    = viewModel.Venue;
            gig.DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime();
            gig.GenreId  = viewModel.Genre;


            return(RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs"));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public ActionResult Update(GigFormViewModel ViewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                ViewModel.Genres = new ApplicationDbContext().Genres.ToList();
                return(View("GigForm", ViewModel));

            var gig = _unitOfWork.Gigs.GetGigWithAttendees(ViewModel.id);

            if (IsArtistAUser(gig, out ActionResult actionResult))

            gig.Modify(ViewModel.GetDateTime(), ViewModel.Venue, ViewModel.Genre);

            return(RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs"));
Exemplo n.º 17
        public ActionResult Edit(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _unitOfWork.Genres.GetGenres();
                return(View("GigForm", viewModel));
            // we make that beacuse it translated into sql query and sql didn't know what identity and getuserId()
            var gig = _unitOfWork.Gigs.GetGigWithAttendees(viewModel.Id);

            if (gig == null)
            if (gig.ArtistId != User.Identity.GetUserId())
                return(new HttpUnauthorizedResult());
            gig.Modify(viewModel.GetDateTime(), viewModel.Genre, viewModel.Venue);
            return(RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs"));
Exemplo n.º 18
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                model.Genres = _context.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("Create", model));

            //var artist = _context.Users.Single(u => u.Id == User.Identity.GetUserId());
            // var genre = _context.Genres.Single(g => g.Id == model.Genre);
            var gig = new Gig
                ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                DateTime = model.GetDateTime(),
                GenreId  = model.Genre,
                Venue    = model.Venue

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
Exemplo n.º 19
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            //Si se tiene errores, que se cargue nuevamente pero con los datos que había completado en el formulario
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _context.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("Create", viewModel));

            var gig = new Gig {
                ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime(),
                GenreId  = viewModel.Genre,
                Venue    = viewModel.Venue


            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
Exemplo n.º 20
        public async Task <ActionResult> Create(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (ModelState.IsValid == false)
                viewModel.Genres = await _unitOfWork.Genres.GetAll();

                return(View("GigForm", viewModel));

            var gig = new Gig
                ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime(),
                GenreId  = viewModel.Genre,
                Venue    = viewModel.Venue

            await _unitOfWork.Complete();

Exemplo n.º 21
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _context.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("Create", viewModel));

            //covert view model to gig object, add to context and save changes
            var gig = new Gig
                ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime(),
                GenreId  = viewModel.Genre,
                Venue    = viewModel.Venue


            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); //temporary redirect user to homepage
Exemplo n.º 22
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel viewmodel)
            // makesure of the validation of the form properties
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewmodel.Genres = _Context.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("GigForm", viewmodel));

            var genre = _Context.Genres.Single(g => g.Id == viewmodel.Genre);
            var gig   = new GIg
                ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                DateTime = viewmodel.GetDateTime(),
                GenreId  = viewmodel.Genre,
                Venue    = viewmodel.Venue

            return(RedirectToAction("mine", "Gigs"));
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _context.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("GigForm", viewModel));

            var gig = new Gig
                ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime(),    //The user here enters DATE and TIME uniquely from GigFormViewModel
                GenreId  = viewModel.Genre,
                Venue    = viewModel.Venue


            return(RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs")); //Before the user was directed to ("index", "Home") index in HomeController
                                                      //but we need to redirect them to mine after they Create a Gig
Exemplo n.º 24
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                model.Genres  = _context.Genres.ToList();
                model.Heading = "Add a Gig";
                return(View("GigForm", model));
            var gig = new Gig
                ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                DateTime = model.GetDateTime(),
                GenreId  = model.Genre,
                Venue    = model.Venue
            var notification = Notification.GigCreated(gig);


            return(RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs"));
Exemplo n.º 25
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                var gig = new Gig()
                    GenreId  = viewModel.Genre,
                    ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                    Venue    = viewModel.Venue,
                    DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime()

                viewModel.Genres = _unitOfWork.Genres.GetAllGenres();
                return(View("GigForm", viewModel));

            return(RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs"));
        public ActionResult Update(GigFormViewModel ViewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                // get a list of genres from the Genres database table
                ViewModel.Genres = _context.Genres.ToList();

                return(View("GigForm", ViewModel));  // the returned view (GigFormView needs Genres to be populated again

            var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var gig    = _context.Gigs
                         .Include(g => g.Attendances.Select(a => a.Attendee))
                         .Single(g => g.Id == ViewModel.Id && g.ArtistId == userId);

            gig.Modify(ViewModel.GetDateTime(), ViewModel.Venue, ViewModel.Genre);


            //Then redirect the user back to the home page
            return(RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs"));
Exemplo n.º 27
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel Model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                Model.Genres = DB.Genres.ToList();

                return(View("GigForm", Model));

            var gig = new Gig()
                ArtistID = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                GenreID  = Model.Genre,
                DateTime = Model.GetDateTime(),
                Venue    = Model.Venue


            return(RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs"));
Exemplo n.º 28
        public ActionResult Update(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _context.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("GigForm", viewModel));

            var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var gig    = _context.Gigs
                         .Include(g => g.Attendances.Select(a => a.Attendee))
                         .Single(g => g.Id == viewModel.Id && g.ArtistId == userId);

            gig.Modify(viewModel.GetDateTime(), viewModel.Venue, viewModel.Genre);

            //gig.Venue = viewModel.Venue;
            //gig.DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime();         //this combines date and time and reutnrs them as an object
            //gig.GenreId = viewModel.Genre;


            return(RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs"));
Exemplo n.º 29
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Heading = "Add a Gig";
                viewModel.Genres  = _unitOfWork.Genres.GetGenres();
                return(View("GigForm", viewModel));

            var artistId = User.Identity.GetUserId();

            var gig = new Gig(artistId, viewModel.Location, viewModel.GetDateTime(), viewModel.GenreId);


            var followers = _unitOfWork.Followings.GetFollowersByArtist(artistId);



            return(RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs"));
Exemplo n.º 30
        public ActionResult Update(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _context.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("GigForm", viewModel));                // The input fields will be displayed with validation messages.

            var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var gig    = _context.Gigs
                         .Include(g => g.Attendances.Select(a => a.Attendee))
                         .Single(g => g.Id == viewModel.Id && g.ArtistId == userId);

            gig.Modify(viewModel.GetDateTime(), viewModel.Venue, viewModel.Genre);

            //gig.Venue = viewModel.Venue;
            //gig.DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime();
            //gig.GenreId = viewModel.Genre;


            return(RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs"));