Exemplo n.º 1
        public ActionResult Update(GigFormViewModel ViewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                ViewModel.Genres = _context.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("GigForm", ViewModel));

            var UserID = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var Gig    = _context.Gigs.Single(a => a.ID == ViewModel.ID && a.ArtistID == UserID);

            Gig.Venue    = ViewModel.Venue;
            Gig.DateTime = ViewModel.GetDateTime();
            Gig.GenreID  = ViewModel.Genre;

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult Update(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _context.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("GigForm", viewModel));
            var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var gig    = _context.Gigs.Single(g => g.Id == viewModel.Id && g.ArtistId == userId);

            gig.Venue    = viewModel.Venue;
            gig.DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime();
            gig.GenreId  = viewModel.Genre;


            return(RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs"));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            var userId    = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var gig       = _context.Gigs.Single(g => g.Id == id && g.ArtistId == userId);
            var genres    = _genreRepository.GetGenres();
            var viewModel = new GigFormViewModel
                Id      = gig.Id,
                Genres  = genres,
                Venue   = gig.Venue,
                Date    = gig.Date.ToString("dd MMM yyyy"),
                Time    = gig.Date.ToString("HH:mm"),
                Genre   = gig.GenreId,
                Heading = "Edit a Gig"

            return(View("GigForm", viewModel));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            var gig    = unitofwork.Gigs.GetGigToEdit(id, User.Identity.GetUserId());
            var genres = unitofwork.Genres.GetAllGenres();

            var viewModel = new GigFormViewModel
                Id      = gig.Id,
                Heading = "Edit a Gig",
                Genres  = genres,
                Date    = gig.Datetime.ToString("dd/MM/yyyy"),
                Time    = gig.Datetime.ToString("HH:mm"),
                Genre   = gig.GenreId,
                Venue   = gig.Venue

            return(View("GigForm", viewModel));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            //var artistId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            //var artist = _context.Users.Single(u => u.Id == artistId);
            //var genre = _context.Genres.Single(g => g.Id == viewModel.Genre);
            var gig = new Gig
                ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                DateTime = viewModel.DateTime,
                GenreId  = viewModel.Genre,
                Venue    = viewModel.Venue


            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var gig    = _context.Gigs.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == id && x.ArtistId == userId);

            var viewModel = new GigFormViewModel()
                Heading = "Edit a Gig",
                Id      = gig.Id,
                Genres  = _context.Genres.ToList(),
                Date    = gig.DateTime.ToString("d MMM yyyy"),
                Time    = gig.DateTime.ToString("HH:mm"),
                Genre   = gig.GenreId,
                Venue   = gig.Venue

            return(View("GigForm", viewModel));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public ActionResult Edit(int id) //gets the id passed over from view as an anonymus object
            var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();

            var singleGig = _context.Gigs.Single(g => g.Id == id && g.ArtistId == userId);
            var viewModel = new GigFormViewModel
                Genres  = _context.Genres.ToList(),
                Id      = singleGig.Id,
                Date    = singleGig.DateTime.ToString("d MMM yyyy"),
                Time    = singleGig.DateTime.ToString("HH:mm"),
                Genre   = singleGig.GenreId,
                Venue   = singleGig.Venue,
                Heading = "Edit Gig"

            return(View("GigForm", viewModel));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            var artistId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var artist   = _context.Users.Single(u => u.Id == artistId);
            var genre    = _context.Genres.Single(g => g.Id == viewModel.Genre);
            var gig      = new Gig
                Artist   = artist,
                DateTime = DateTime.Parse(string.Format("{0} {1}", viewModel.Date, viewModel.Time)),
                Genre    = genre,
                Venu     = viewModel.Venu


            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
Exemplo n.º 9
        [ValidateAntiForgeryToken] // prevent csrf attack
        public ActionResult Update(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _context.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("GigForm", viewModel));

            var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var gig    = _context.Gigs
                         .Include(a => a.Attendances.Select(s => s.Attendee)) // eager eager loading
                         .Single(g => g.Id == viewModel.Id && g.ArtistId == userId);

            gig.Modify(viewModel.GetDatetime(), viewModel.Venue, viewModel.Genre);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            Gig gig    = _context.Gigs.Single(g => g.Id == id && g.ArtistId == userId);

            GigFormViewModel viewModel = new GigFormViewModel
                Id      = gig.Id,
                Genres  = _context.Genres.ToList(),
                Date    = gig.DateTime.ToString("d MMM yyyy"),
                Time    = gig.DateTime.ToString("HH:mm"),
                Genre   = gig.GenreId,
                Venue   = gig.Venue,
                Heading = "Edit a Gig"

            return(View("GigsForm", viewModel));
Exemplo n.º 11
        public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var gig    = _context.Gigs.Where(g => g.Id == id && g.ArtistId == userId).FirstOrDefault();

            var viewModel = new GigFormViewModel
                Id      = id,
                Heading = $"Edit {gig.Genre}",
                Genres  = _context.Genres.ToList(),
                Date    = gig.DateTime.ToString("d MMM yyyy"),
                Time    = gig.DateTime.ToString("HH:mm"),
                Genre   = gig.GenreId,
                Venue   = gig.Venue

            return(View("GigForm", viewModel));
Exemplo n.º 12
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            //var artistId = User.Identity.GetUserId();

            //Lamda expression doesn't understand the User.Identity.GetUserId() method
            //so we need to extract the value and store it to a separate variable artistId.
            //var artist = _context.Users.Single(u => u.Id == artistId);
            //var genre = _context.Genres.Single(g => g.Id == viewModel.Genre);

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _context.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("Create", viewModel));

            var gig = new Gig
                ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(),

                //This below line is not a good SoC, controller should not do the job of parsing
                //a variable. So there is a INFORMATION EXPERT principal which means the class or
                //the object has the information to do sth should be one that will carry that responsibility.
                // In this case, it is viewModel who knows the Date and Time so it should be ViewModel to tackle
                // the string format

                 * //Metaphor: A Chef knows recipes so he is the one does the cook. -- Information Expert Principal.

                //DateTime = DateTime.Parse(string.Format("{0} {1}", viewModel.Date, viewModel.Time)),

                //Instead create a DateTime Property to transfter date time to string
                DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime(),

                GenreId = viewModel.Genre,
                Venue   = viewModel.Venue


            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
Exemplo n.º 13
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
             *  This used to be 2 calls to the DB to get the artist and genre for the currently logged in user.
             *  But by changing the Domain Model (adding FK's GenreId and ArtistId) these calls are unnecessary.
             *  --> When loading the view, everything is loaded using foreign keys.
             *  var artistId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
             *  var artist = _context.Users.Single(u => u.Id == artistId);
             *  var genre = _context.Genres.Single(g => g.Id == viewModel.Genre);

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _context.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("Create", viewModel));

            var gig = new Gig
                 *  Artist = artist,
                 *  Genre = genre,

                 *  Parsing is too detailed for a Controller.
                 *  A Controller is like a manager, coördination only.
                 *  DateTime = DateTime.Parse($"{viewModel.Date} {viewModel.Time}"),

                ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                GenreId  = viewModel.Genre,
                DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime(),
                Venue    = viewModel.Venue


            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home")); //temporary send the user to the homepage.
Exemplo n.º 14
        public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var gig    = _context.Gigs.Single(g => g.Id == id && g.ArtistId == userId);

            var viewModel = new GigFormViewModel
                Genres = _context.Genres.ToList(),
                // Initialize the Id property otherwise it add a new gig instead of updating
                Id      = gig.Id,
                Date    = gig.DateTime.ToString("d MMM yyyy"),
                Time    = gig.DateTime.ToString("HH:MM"),
                Genre   = gig.GenreId,
                Venue   = gig.Venue,
                Heading = "Edit a Gig!"

            return(View("GigForm", viewModel));
Exemplo n.º 15
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _genreRepository.GetAllGenres();
                return(View("GigForm", viewModel));
            var gig = new Gig
                ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime(),
                GenreId  = viewModel.Genre,
                Venue    = viewModel.Venue,

            return(RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs"));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public ActionResult Edit(GigFormViewModel gigFormViewModel)
            //mapping vm to db obj and save in DB
            Gig gig = null;
            var currentlyloggedUserId = User.Identity.GetUserId();

            gig = dbContext.Gigs.Where(e => e.Id == gigFormViewModel.Id && e.ArtistId == currentlyloggedUserId).SingleOrDefault();
            if (gigFormViewModel != null)
                gig.Modifiy(gigFormViewModel.Venue, gigFormViewModel.GetDateTime(), gigFormViewModel.Genere);

            List <Gig> gigsLsList = dbContext.Gigs.ToList();

            return(RedirectToAction("ViewMyUpCommingGigs", "Gigs"));
Exemplo n.º 17
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel ViewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                ViewModel.Genres = _unitOfWork.Genres.GetGenres();
                return(View("GigForm", ViewModel));
            Gig gig = new Gig(


            return(RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs"));
        public ActionResult Edit(int id)
            var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var gig    = _context.Gigs.Single(g => g.Id == id && g.ArtistId == userId);

            var ViewModel = new GigFormViewModel
                // get a list of genres from the Genres database table
                Heading = "Edit Gig",
                Id      = gig.Id,
                Genres  = _context.Genres.ToList(),
                Date    = gig.DateTime.ToString("d MMM yyyy"),
                Time    = gig.DateTime.ToString("HH:mm"),
                Genre   = gig.GenreId,
                Venue   = gig.Venue

            return(View("GigForm", ViewModel));
Exemplo n.º 19
        public ActionResult Update(GigFormViewModel model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                model.Genres = _context.Genre.ToList();
                return(View("GigForm", model));

            var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var gig    = _context.Gig
                         .Include(g => g.Attendances.Select(a => a.Attendee))
                         .Single(g => g.Id == model.Id && g.ArtistId == userId);

            gig.Update(model.GetDateTime(), model.Venue, model.Genre);


            return(RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs"));
Exemplo n.º 20
        public ActionResult Edit(GigFormViewModel viewmodel)
            // makesure of the validation of the form properties
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewmodel.Genres = _Context.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("GigForm", viewmodel));
            var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var genre  = _Context.Genres.Single(g => g.Id == viewmodel.Genre);
            // eager loading
            var gig = _Context.Gigs
                      .Include(a => a.Attendances.Select(b => b.Attendee))
                      .Single(s => s.Id == viewmodel.Id && s.ArtistId == userId);

            gig.modify(viewmodel.GetDateTime(), viewmodel.Venue, viewmodel.Genre);
            return(RedirectToAction("mine", "Gigs"));
Exemplo n.º 21
        public ActionResult Update(int gigid)
            var Artist = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var gig    = DB.Gigs.Single(g => g.id == gigid && g.ArtistID == Artist);

            GigFormViewModel model = new GigFormViewModel()
                id      = gigid,
                Genres  = DB.Genres.ToList(),
                Date    = gig.DateTime.ToString("d MMM yyyy"),
                Time    = gig.DateTime.ToString("HH:mm"),
                Genre   = gig.GenreID,
                Venue   = gig.Venue,
                Heading = "Edit a gig "

            return(View("GigForm", model));
Exemplo n.º 22
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel gigViewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                gigViewModel.Genres = _unitOfWork.Genres.GetGenres();

                return(View("GigForm", gigViewModel));



            return(RedirectToAction("MyUpcomingGigs", "Gig"));
Exemplo n.º 23
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel formViewModel)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                formViewModel.Genres = _context.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("GigForm", formViewModel));
            var gig = new Gig
                ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                GigDate  = formViewModel.GetDateTime(),
                GenreId  = formViewModel.Genre,
                Venue    = formViewModel.Venue

            return(RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs"));
Exemplo n.º 24
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _context.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("Create", viewModel));
            var gig = new Gig
                ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime(),
                GenreId  = viewModel.Genre,
                Venue    = viewModel.Venue

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
Exemplo n.º 25
        public ActionResult Update(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = Context.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("GigForm", viewModel));
            var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var gigs   = Context.Gigs
                         .Include(x => x.Attendences.Select(a => a.Attendee))
                         .Single(x => x.Id == viewModel.Id && x.ArtistId == userId);

            gigs.Modify(viewModel.Vanue, viewModel.GetDateTime(), viewModel.Genre);

            return(RedirectToAction("MyUpcomingGigs", "Gigs"));
Exemplo n.º 26
        public ActionResult Edit(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _context.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("GigForm", viewModel));
            var userId = User.Identity.GetUserId();
            var gig    = _context.Gigs.FirstOrDefault(g => g.Id == viewModel.Id && g.ArtistId == userId);

            gig.Venue    = viewModel.Venue;
            gig.DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime();
            gig.GenreId  = viewModel.Genre;


Exemplo n.º 27
        public IActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel gigModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                gigModel.Genres = _dbContext.Genres;
            var artistId = _userManager.GetUserId(User);
            var gig      = new Gig {
                ArtistId = artistId,
                GenreId  = gigModel.Genre,
                Venue    = gigModel.Venue,
                DateTime = DateTime.Parse(string.Format("{0} {1}", gigModel.Date, gigModel.Time))

            return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Home"));
Exemplo n.º 28
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = _unitOfWork.Genres.GetGenresList();
                return(View("Create", viewModel));
            var gig = new Gig
                ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime(),
                Venue    = viewModel.Venue,
                GenreId  = viewModel.Genre

            return(RedirectToAction("Mine", "Gigs"));
Exemplo n.º 29
        public ActionResult Create(GigFormViewModel viewModel)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)
                viewModel.Genres = Context.Genres.ToList();
                return(View("GigForm", viewModel));
            var gigs = new Gig()
                ArtistId = User.Identity.GetUserId(),
                DateTime = viewModel.GetDateTime(),
                GenreId  = viewModel.Genre,
                Vanue    = viewModel.Vanue,

            return(RedirectToAction("MyUpcomingGigs", "Gigs"));
Exemplo n.º 30
        public void Modify(GigFormViewModel updatedViewModel)
            //CODE FOR GIG
            Descreption = updatedViewModel.Descreption;
            GigName     = updatedViewModel.GigName;
            UserRating  = updatedViewModel.UserRating;




            SpecificIndustryID = updatedViewModel.SpecificIndustryID;