Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary> Constructor with buffer. </summary>
 internal PlaceLocation(ref Buffer b)
     Id = b.DeserializeString();
     PostPlacePosture    = new TrajectoryMsgs.JointTrajectory(ref b);
     PlacePose           = new GeometryMsgs.PoseStamped(ref b);
     PrePlaceApproach    = new GripperTranslation(ref b);
     PostPlaceRetreat    = new GripperTranslation(ref b);
     AllowedTouchObjects = b.DeserializeStringArray();
Exemplo n.º 2
 /// <summary> Explicit constructor. </summary>
 public PlaceLocation(string Id, TrajectoryMsgs.JointTrajectory PostPlacePosture, GeometryMsgs.PoseStamped PlacePose, GripperTranslation PrePlaceApproach, GripperTranslation PostPlaceRetreat, string[] AllowedTouchObjects)
     this.Id = Id;
     this.PostPlacePosture    = PostPlacePosture;
     this.PlacePose           = PlacePose;
     this.PrePlaceApproach    = PrePlaceApproach;
     this.PostPlaceRetreat    = PostPlaceRetreat;
     this.AllowedTouchObjects = AllowedTouchObjects;
Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary> Constructor for empty message. </summary>
 public PlaceLocation()
     Id = string.Empty;
     PostPlacePosture    = new TrajectoryMsgs.JointTrajectory();
     PlacePose           = new GeometryMsgs.PoseStamped();
     PrePlaceApproach    = new GripperTranslation();
     PostPlaceRetreat    = new GripperTranslation();
     AllowedTouchObjects = System.Array.Empty <string>();
Exemplo n.º 4
 /// <summary> Constructor for empty message. </summary>
 public PositionIKRequest()
     GroupName         = string.Empty;
     RobotState        = new MoveitMsgs.RobotState();
     Constraints       = new Constraints();
     IkLinkName        = string.Empty;
     PoseStamped       = new GeometryMsgs.PoseStamped();
     IkLinkNames       = System.Array.Empty <string>();
     PoseStampedVector = System.Array.Empty <GeometryMsgs.PoseStamped>();
Exemplo n.º 5
 /// <summary> Constructor with buffer. </summary>
 internal VisibilityConstraint(ref Buffer b)
     TargetRadius        = b.Deserialize <double>();
     TargetPose          = new GeometryMsgs.PoseStamped(ref b);
     ConeSides           = b.Deserialize <int>();
     SensorPose          = new GeometryMsgs.PoseStamped(ref b);
     MaxViewAngle        = b.Deserialize <double>();
     MaxRangeAngle       = b.Deserialize <double>();
     SensorViewDirection = b.Deserialize <byte>();
     Weight = b.Deserialize <double>();
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary> Explicit constructor. </summary>
 public VisibilityConstraint(double TargetRadius, GeometryMsgs.PoseStamped TargetPose, int ConeSides, GeometryMsgs.PoseStamped SensorPose, double MaxViewAngle, double MaxRangeAngle, byte SensorViewDirection, double Weight)
     this.TargetRadius        = TargetRadius;
     this.TargetPose          = TargetPose;
     this.ConeSides           = ConeSides;
     this.SensorPose          = SensorPose;
     this.MaxViewAngle        = MaxViewAngle;
     this.MaxRangeAngle       = MaxRangeAngle;
     this.SensorViewDirection = SensorViewDirection;
     this.Weight = Weight;
Exemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary> Explicit constructor. </summary>
 public PositionIKRequest(string GroupName, MoveitMsgs.RobotState RobotState, Constraints Constraints, bool AvoidCollisions, string IkLinkName, GeometryMsgs.PoseStamped PoseStamped, string[] IkLinkNames, GeometryMsgs.PoseStamped[] PoseStampedVector, duration Timeout, int Attempts)
     this.GroupName         = GroupName;
     this.RobotState        = RobotState;
     this.Constraints       = Constraints;
     this.AvoidCollisions   = AvoidCollisions;
     this.IkLinkName        = IkLinkName;
     this.PoseStamped       = PoseStamped;
     this.IkLinkNames       = IkLinkNames;
     this.PoseStampedVector = PoseStampedVector;
     this.Timeout           = Timeout;
     this.Attempts          = Attempts;
Exemplo n.º 8
 /// <summary> Constructor with buffer. </summary>
 internal Grasp(ref Buffer b)
     Id = b.DeserializeString();
     PreGraspPosture     = new TrajectoryMsgs.JointTrajectory(ref b);
     GraspPosture        = new TrajectoryMsgs.JointTrajectory(ref b);
     GraspPose           = new GeometryMsgs.PoseStamped(ref b);
     GraspQuality        = b.Deserialize <double>();
     PreGraspApproach    = new GripperTranslation(ref b);
     PostGraspRetreat    = new GripperTranslation(ref b);
     PostPlaceRetreat    = new GripperTranslation(ref b);
     MaxContactForce     = b.Deserialize <float>();
     AllowedTouchObjects = b.DeserializeStringArray();
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary> Explicit constructor. </summary>
 public Grasp(string Id, TrajectoryMsgs.JointTrajectory PreGraspPosture, TrajectoryMsgs.JointTrajectory GraspPosture, GeometryMsgs.PoseStamped GraspPose, double GraspQuality, GripperTranslation PreGraspApproach, GripperTranslation PostGraspRetreat, GripperTranslation PostPlaceRetreat, float MaxContactForce, string[] AllowedTouchObjects)
     this.Id = Id;
     this.PreGraspPosture     = PreGraspPosture;
     this.GraspPosture        = GraspPosture;
     this.GraspPose           = GraspPose;
     this.GraspQuality        = GraspQuality;
     this.PreGraspApproach    = PreGraspApproach;
     this.PostGraspRetreat    = PostGraspRetreat;
     this.PostPlaceRetreat    = PostPlaceRetreat;
     this.MaxContactForce     = MaxContactForce;
     this.AllowedTouchObjects = AllowedTouchObjects;
Exemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary> Constructor with buffer. </summary>
 internal PositionIKRequest(ref Buffer b)
     GroupName         = b.DeserializeString();
     RobotState        = new MoveitMsgs.RobotState(ref b);
     Constraints       = new Constraints(ref b);
     AvoidCollisions   = b.Deserialize <bool>();
     IkLinkName        = b.DeserializeString();
     PoseStamped       = new GeometryMsgs.PoseStamped(ref b);
     IkLinkNames       = b.DeserializeStringArray();
     PoseStampedVector = b.DeserializeArray <GeometryMsgs.PoseStamped>();
     for (int i = 0; i < PoseStampedVector.Length; i++)
         PoseStampedVector[i] = new GeometryMsgs.PoseStamped(ref b);
     Timeout  = b.Deserialize <duration>();
     Attempts = b.Deserialize <int>();
Exemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary> Constructor for empty message. </summary>
 public VisibilityConstraint()
     TargetPose = new GeometryMsgs.PoseStamped();
     SensorPose = new GeometryMsgs.PoseStamped();