Exemplo n.º 1
        public virtual IReturnVector executeFunction(Rete engine, IParameter[] params_Renamed)
            // the first thing we do is set the values
            DefaultReturnVector ret = new DefaultReturnVector();

            if (params_Renamed.Length == inputParams.Length)
                for (int idx = 0; idx < inputParams.Length; idx++)
                    BoundParam bp = (BoundParam)inputParams[idx];
                    bindings.Put(bp.VariableName, params_Renamed[idx].Value);
                for (int idx = 0; idx < functionParams.Length; idx++)
                    ret = (DefaultReturnVector)internalFunction[idx].executeFunction(engine, functionParams[idx]);
                DefaultReturnValue rv = new DefaultReturnValue(Constants.BOOLEAN_OBJECT, false);
                DefaultReturnValue rv2 = new DefaultReturnValue(Constants.STRING_TYPE, "incorrect number of parameters");
Exemplo n.º 2
 static Strategies()
     DEPTH    = new DepthStrategy();
     BREADTH  = new BreadthStrategy();
     RECENCY  = new RecencyStrategy();
     registry = new GenericHashMap <String, IStrategy>();
         registry.Put(DEPTH.Name, DEPTH);
         registry.Put(BREADTH.Name, BREADTH);
         registry.Put(RECENCY.Name, RECENCY);
Exemplo n.º 3
 static Strategies()
     DEPTH = new DepthStrategy();
     BREADTH = new BreadthStrategy();
     RECENCY = new RecencyStrategy();
     registry = new GenericHashMap<String, IStrategy>();
         registry.Put(DEPTH.Name, DEPTH);
         registry.Put(BREADTH.Name, BREADTH);
         registry.Put(RECENCY.Name, RECENCY);
Exemplo n.º 4
 public static void register(IStrategy strat)
     if (strat != null)
         registry.Put(strat.Name, strat);
        /// <summary> the function will printout one or more templates. This implementation
        /// is slightly different than CLIPS in that it can take one or more
        /// template names. The definition in CLIPS beginners guide states the
        /// function does the following: (ppdeftemplate &lt;deftemplate-name>)
        /// </summary>
        public virtual IReturnVector executeFunction(Rete engine, IParameter[] params_Renamed)
            GenericHashMap <object, object> filter = new GenericHashMap <object, object>();

            if (params_Renamed != null && params_Renamed.Length > 0)
                for (int idx = 0; idx < params_Renamed.Length; idx++)
                    if (params_Renamed[idx] is ValueParam)
                        Object df = ((ValueParam)params_Renamed[idx]).Value;
                        filter.Put(df, df);
            List <Object> templ = (List <Object>)engine.CurrentFocus.Templates;
            IEnumerator   itr   = templ.GetEnumerator();

            while (itr.MoveNext())
                ITemplate tp = (ITemplate)itr.Current;
                if (filter.Get(tp.Name) != null)
                    engine.writeMessage(tp.toPPString() + "\r\n", "t");
            return(new DefaultReturnVector());
Exemplo n.º 6
 public GenericHashMap<string, string> createGenericHashMap(int count)
     GenericHashMap<string, string> map = new GenericHashMap<string, string>();
     for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++)
         map.Put(count.ToString(), count + "value");
     return map;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public GenericHashMap <object, object> createHashMap(int count)
            GenericHashMap <object, object> map = new GenericHashMap <object, object>();

            for (int idx = 0; idx < count; idx++)
                map.Put(count.ToString(), count + "value");
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void testIndex()
            Defclass    dc    = new Defclass(typeof(TestBean2));
            Deftemplate dtemp = dc.createDeftemplate("testBean2");
            TestBean2   bean  = new TestBean2();

            bean.Attr1 = ("testString");
            bean.Attr2 = (1);
            short a3 = 3;

            bean.Attr3 = (a3);
            long a4 = 101;

            bean.Attr4 = (a4);
            float a5 = 10101;

            bean.Attr5 = (a5);
            double a6 = 101.101;

            bean.Attr6 = (a6);

            IFact fact = dtemp.createFact(bean, dc, 1);

            CompositeIndex ci =
                new CompositeIndex("attr1", Constants.EQUAL, fact.getSlotValue(0));

            GenericHashMap <object, object> map = new GenericHashMap <object, object>();

            map.Put(ci, bean);

            CompositeIndex ci2 =
                new CompositeIndex("attr1", Constants.EQUAL, fact.getSlotValue(0));


            CompositeIndex ci3 =
                new CompositeIndex("attr1", Constants.NOTEQUAL, fact.getSlotValue(0));


            CompositeIndex ci4 =
                new CompositeIndex("attr1", Constants.NILL, fact.getSlotValue(0));


            CompositeIndex ci5 =
                new CompositeIndex("attr1", Constants.NOTNILL, fact.getSlotValue(0));

Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary> If the function is called without any parameters, it prints out
        /// all the memories. if parameters are passed, the output will be
        /// filtered.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual IReturnVector executeFunction(Rete engine, IParameter[] params_Renamed)
            GenericHashMap <Object, Object> filter = new GenericHashMap <Object, Object>();

            if (params_Renamed != null && params_Renamed.Length > 0)
                // now we populate the filter
                for (int idx = 0; idx < params_Renamed.Length; idx++)
                    if (params_Renamed[idx] is ValueParam)
                        filter.Put(((ValueParam)params_Renamed[idx]).StringValue, null);
                    else if (params_Renamed[idx] is BoundParam)
                        // for now, BoundParam is not supported
            return(new DefaultReturnVector());
Exemplo n.º 10
 /// <summary> the function will printout one or more templates. This implementation
 /// is slightly different than CLIPS in that it can take one or more
 /// template names. The definition in CLIPS beginners guide states the 
 /// function does the following: (ppdeftemplate &lt;deftemplate-name>)
 /// </summary>
 public virtual IReturnVector executeFunction(Rete engine, IParameter[] params_Renamed)
     GenericHashMap<object, object> filter = new GenericHashMap<object, object>();
     if (params_Renamed != null && params_Renamed.Length > 0)
         for (int idx = 0; idx < params_Renamed.Length; idx++)
             if (params_Renamed[idx] is ValueParam)
                 Object df = ((ValueParam) params_Renamed[idx]).Value;
                 filter.Put(df, df);
     List<Object> templ = (List<Object>) engine.CurrentFocus.Templates;
     IEnumerator itr = templ.GetEnumerator();
     while (itr.MoveNext())
         ITemplate tp = (ITemplate) itr.Current;
         if (filter.Get(tp.Name) != null)
             engine.writeMessage(tp.toPPString() + "\r\n", "t");
     return new DefaultReturnVector();
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void testHashMapIndex()
            Defclass    dc    = new Defclass(typeof(TestBean2));
            Deftemplate dtemp = dc.createDeftemplate("testBean2");
            TestBean2   bean  = new TestBean2();

            bean.Attr1 = "testString";
            bean.Attr2 = 1;
            short a3 = 3;

            bean.Attr3 = a3;
            long a4 = 101;

            bean.Attr4 = a4;
            float a5 = 10101;

            bean.Attr5 = a5;
            double a6 = 101.101;

            bean.Attr6 = a6;

            TestBean2 bean2 = new TestBean2();

            bean2.Attr1 = "testString2";
            bean2.Attr2 = 12;
            short a32 = 32;

            bean2.Attr3 = a32;
            long a42 = 1012;

            bean2.Attr4 = a42;
            float a52 = 101012;

            bean2.Attr5 = a52;
            double a62 = 101.1012;

            bean2.Attr6 = a62;

            TestBean2 bean3 = new TestBean2();

            bean3.Attr1 = "testString3";
            bean3.Attr2 = 13;
            short a33 = 33;

            bean3.Attr3 = a33;
            long a43 = 1013;

            bean3.Attr4 = a43;
            float a53 = 101013;

            bean3.Attr5 = a53;
            double a63 = 101.1013;

            bean3.Attr6 = a63;

            TestBean2 bean4 = new TestBean2();

            bean4.Attr1 = "testString4";
            bean4.Attr2 = 14;
            short a34 = 34;

            bean4.Attr3 = a34;
            long a44 = 1014;

            bean4.Attr4 = a44;
            float a54 = 101014;

            bean4.Attr5 = a54;
            double a64 = 101.1014;

            bean4.Attr6 = a64;

            TestBean2 bean5 = new TestBean2();

            bean5.Attr1 = "testString5";
            bean5.Attr2 = 15;
            short a35 = 35;

            bean5.Attr3 = a35;
            long a45 = 1015;

            bean5.Attr4 = a45;
            float a55 = 101015;

            bean5.Attr5 = a55;
            double a65 = 101.1015;

            bean5.Attr6 = a65;

            IFact fact  = dtemp.createFact(bean, dc, 1);
            IFact fact2 = dtemp.createFact(bean2, dc, 1);
            IFact fact3 = dtemp.createFact(bean3, dc, 1);
            IFact fact4 = dtemp.createFact(bean4, dc, 1);
            IFact fact5 = dtemp.createFact(bean5, dc, 1);

            IFact[] list1 = new IFact[] { fact, fact2, fact3, fact4, fact5 };
            IFact[] list2 = new IFact[] { fact, fact2, fact3, fact4, fact5 };

            Index in1 = new Index(list1);
            Index in2 = new Index(list2);

            Assert.AreEqual(true, in1.Equals(in2));

            GenericHashMap <object, object> map = new GenericHashMap <object, object>();

            map.Put(in1, list1);
            // simple test to see if HashMap.ContainsKey(in1) works
            Assert.AreEqual(true, map.ContainsKey(in1));
            // now test with the second instance of index, this should return
            // true, since Index class overrides Equals() and GetHashCode().
            Assert.AreEqual(true, map.ContainsKey(in2));
Exemplo n.º 12
        public void testIndex()
            Defclass dc = new Defclass(typeof (TestBean2));
            Deftemplate dtemp = dc.createDeftemplate("testBean2");
            TestBean2 bean = new TestBean2();
            bean.Attr1 = ("testString");
            bean.Attr2 = (1);
            short a3 = 3;
            bean.Attr3 = (a3);
            long a4 = 101;
            bean.Attr4 = (a4);
            float a5 = 10101;
            bean.Attr5 = (a5);
            double a6 = 101.101;
            bean.Attr6 = (a6);

            IFact fact = dtemp.createFact(bean, dc, 1);
            CompositeIndex ci =
                new CompositeIndex("attr1", Constants.EQUAL, fact.getSlotValue(0));
            GenericHashMap<object, object> map = new GenericHashMap<object, object>();
            map.Put(ci, bean);

            CompositeIndex ci2 =
                new CompositeIndex("attr1", Constants.EQUAL, fact.getSlotValue(0));

            CompositeIndex ci3 =
                new CompositeIndex("attr1", Constants.NOTEQUAL, fact.getSlotValue(0));

            CompositeIndex ci4 =
                new CompositeIndex("attr1", Constants.NILL, fact.getSlotValue(0));

            CompositeIndex ci5 =
                new CompositeIndex("attr1", Constants.NOTNILL, fact.getSlotValue(0));
Exemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary> If the function is called without any parameters, it prints out
 /// all the memories. if parameters are passed, the output will be
 /// filtered.
 /// </summary>
 public virtual IReturnVector executeFunction(Rete engine, IParameter[] params_Renamed)
     GenericHashMap<Object, Object> filter = new GenericHashMap<Object, Object>();
     if (params_Renamed != null && params_Renamed.Length > 0)
         // now we populate the filter
         for (int idx = 0; idx < params_Renamed.Length; idx++)
             if (params_Renamed[idx] is ValueParam)
                 filter.Put(((ValueParam) params_Renamed[idx]).StringValue, null);
             else if (params_Renamed[idx] is BoundParam)
                 // for now, BoundParam is not supported
     return new DefaultReturnVector();
Exemplo n.º 14
 static ConversionUtils()
         OPR_MAP = new GenericHashMap <string, string>();
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.ADD.ToString(), Constants.ADD_STRING);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.SUBTRACT.ToString(), Constants.SUBTRACT_STRING);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.MULTIPLY.ToString(), Constants.MULTIPLY_STRING);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.DIVIDE.ToString(), Constants.DIVIDE_STRING);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.LESS.ToString(), Constants.LESS_STRING);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.LESSEQUAL.ToString(), Constants.LESSEQUAL_STRING);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.GREATER.ToString(), Constants.GREATER_STRING);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.GREATEREQUAL.ToString(), Constants.GREATEREQUAL_STRING);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.EQUAL.ToString(), Constants.EQUAL_STRING);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.NOTEQUAL.ToString(), Constants.NOTEQUAL_STRING);
         STROPR_MAP = new GenericHashMap <string, string>();
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.ADD_STRING, Constants.ADD_SYMBOL);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.SUBTRACT_STRING, Constants.SUBTRACT_SYMBOL);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.MULTIPLY_STRING, Constants.MULTIPLY_SYMBOL);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.DIVIDE_STRING, Constants.DIVIDE_SYMBOL);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.LESS_STRING, Constants.LESS_SYMBOL);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.GREATER_STRING, Constants.GREATER_SYMBOL);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.EQUAL_STRING, Constants.EQUAL_SYMBOL);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.NOTEQUAL_STRING, Constants.NOTEQUAL_SYMBOL);
Exemplo n.º 15
        public void testHashMapIndex()
            Defclass dc = new Defclass(typeof (TestBean2));
            Deftemplate dtemp = dc.createDeftemplate("testBean2");
            TestBean2 bean = new TestBean2();
            bean.Attr1 = "testString";
            bean.Attr2 = 1;
            short a3 = 3;
            bean.Attr3 = a3;
            long a4 = 101;
            bean.Attr4 = a4;
            float a5 = 10101;
            bean.Attr5 = a5;
            double a6 = 101.101;
            bean.Attr6 = a6;

            TestBean2 bean2 = new TestBean2();
            bean2.Attr1 = "testString2";
            bean2.Attr2 = 12;
            short a32 = 32;
            bean2.Attr3 = a32;
            long a42 = 1012;
            bean2.Attr4 = a42;
            float a52 = 101012;
            bean2.Attr5 = a52;
            double a62 = 101.1012;
            bean2.Attr6 = a62;

            TestBean2 bean3 = new TestBean2();
            bean3.Attr1 = "testString3";
            bean3.Attr2 = 13;
            short a33 = 33;
            bean3.Attr3 = a33;
            long a43 = 1013;
            bean3.Attr4 = a43;
            float a53 = 101013;
            bean3.Attr5 = a53;
            double a63 = 101.1013;
            bean3.Attr6 = a63;

            TestBean2 bean4 = new TestBean2();
            bean4.Attr1 = "testString4";
            bean4.Attr2 = 14;
            short a34 = 34;
            bean4.Attr3 = a34;
            long a44 = 1014;
            bean4.Attr4 = a44;
            float a54 = 101014;
            bean4.Attr5 = a54;
            double a64 = 101.1014;
            bean4.Attr6 = a64;

            TestBean2 bean5 = new TestBean2();
            bean5.Attr1 = "testString5";
            bean5.Attr2 = 15;
            short a35 = 35;
            bean5.Attr3 = a35;
            long a45 = 1015;
            bean5.Attr4 = a45;
            float a55 = 101015;
            bean5.Attr5 = a55;
            double a65 = 101.1015;
            bean5.Attr6 = a65;

            IFact fact = dtemp.createFact(bean, dc, 1);
            IFact fact2 = dtemp.createFact(bean2, dc, 1);
            IFact fact3 = dtemp.createFact(bean3, dc, 1);
            IFact fact4 = dtemp.createFact(bean4, dc, 1);
            IFact fact5 = dtemp.createFact(bean5, dc, 1);

            IFact[] list1 = new IFact[] {fact, fact2, fact3, fact4, fact5};
            IFact[] list2 = new IFact[] {fact, fact2, fact3, fact4, fact5};

            Index in1 = new Index(list1);
            Index in2 = new Index(list2);
            Assert.AreEqual(true, in1.Equals(in2));

            GenericHashMap<object, object> map = new GenericHashMap<object, object>();
            map.Put(in1, list1);
            // simple test to see if HashMap.ContainsKey(in1) works
            Assert.AreEqual(true, map.ContainsKey(in1));
            // now test with the second instance of index, this should return
            // true, since Index class overrides Equals() and GetHashCode().
            Assert.AreEqual(true, map.ContainsKey(in2));
Exemplo n.º 16
 static ConversionUtils()
         OPR_MAP = new GenericHashMap<string, string>();
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.ADD.ToString(), Constants.ADD_STRING);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.SUBTRACT.ToString(), Constants.SUBTRACT_STRING);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.MULTIPLY.ToString(), Constants.MULTIPLY_STRING);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.DIVIDE.ToString(), Constants.DIVIDE_STRING);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.LESS.ToString(), Constants.LESS_STRING);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.LESSEQUAL.ToString(), Constants.LESSEQUAL_STRING);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.GREATER.ToString(), Constants.GREATER_STRING);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.GREATEREQUAL.ToString(), Constants.GREATEREQUAL_STRING);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.EQUAL.ToString(), Constants.EQUAL_STRING);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.NOTEQUAL.ToString(), Constants.NOTEQUAL_STRING);
         STROPR_MAP = new GenericHashMap<string, string>();
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.ADD_STRING, Constants.ADD_SYMBOL);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.SUBTRACT_STRING, Constants.SUBTRACT_SYMBOL);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.MULTIPLY_STRING, Constants.MULTIPLY_SYMBOL);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.DIVIDE_STRING, Constants.DIVIDE_SYMBOL);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.LESS_STRING, Constants.LESS_SYMBOL);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.GREATER_STRING, Constants.GREATER_SYMBOL);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.EQUAL_STRING, Constants.EQUAL_SYMBOL);
         OPR_MAP.Put(Constants.NOTEQUAL_STRING, Constants.NOTEQUAL_SYMBOL);