Exemplo n.º 1
        public static IList <ViewBox> GetViewBoxes(ViewSheet vs)
            ISet <ElementId> views = vs.GetAllPlacedViews();
            List <ViewBox>   boxes = new List <ViewBox>();

            foreach (ElementId id in views)
                View v = vs.Document.GetElement(id) as View;
                switch (v.ViewType)
                case ViewType.AreaPlan:
                case ViewType.CeilingPlan:
                case ViewType.Elevation:
                case ViewType.EngineeringPlan:
                case ViewType.FloorPlan:
                case ViewType.Section:
                case ViewType.ThreeD:
                    ViewBox box = GetViewBox(v);
                    if (box != null)

                    // skip
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static ViewBox getPlanViewBox(ViewPlan vp)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ViewPlan: " + vp.Id + " Outline: " + vp.Outline.Min.U + "," + vp.Outline.Min.V + " to " + vp.Outline.Max.U + "," + vp.Outline.Max.V);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ViewPlan Scale: " + vp.Scale);

            XYZ tmp1 = vp.Origin.Add(new XYZ(vp.Outline.Min.U * (double)vp.Scale, vp.Outline.Min.V * (double)vp.Scale, 0));
            XYZ tmp2 = vp.Origin.Add(new XYZ(vp.Outline.Max.U * (double)vp.Scale, vp.Outline.Max.V * (double)vp.Scale, 0));

            // double check the cropbox, if it is smaller...
            if (vp.CropBoxActive)
                tmp1 = vp.CropBox.Min;
                tmp2 = vp.CropBox.Max;

            // in a plan view, we will work with the cropbox (if it is set?)
            ViewBox box = new ViewBox()
                P1 = tmp1, P2 = tmp2

            // now reset by the level and the viewdepth
            if (vp.GenLevel != null)
                PlanViewRange pvr   = vp.GetViewRange();
                ElementId     topId = pvr.GetLevelId(PlanViewPlane.TopClipPlane);

                ElementId bottomId = pvr.GetLevelId(PlanViewPlane.ViewDepthPlane);
                if (bottomId.IntegerValue == -4)
                    bottomId = pvr.GetLevelId(PlanViewPlane.BottomClipPlane);
                if (bottomId.IntegerValue == -4)
                    bottomId = pvr.GetLevelId(PlanViewPlane.UnderlayBottom);

                if (topId != ElementId.InvalidElementId)
                    Level top = vp.Document.GetElement(topId) as Level;
                    box.P2 = new XYZ(box.P2.X, box.P2.Y, top.Elevation + pvr.GetOffset(PlanViewPlane.TopClipPlane));
                if (bottomId != ElementId.InvalidElementId)
                    Level bottom = vp.Document.GetElement(bottomId) as Level;
                    box.P1 = new XYZ(box.P1.X, box.P1.Y, bottom.Elevation + pvr.GetOffset(PlanViewPlane.ViewDepthPlane));

            // set the transform
            box.TransformationMatrix = Transform.Identity;
            box.DirectionUp          = vp.UpDirection;
            box.EyePosition          = vp.Origin.Add(vp.ViewDirection.Multiply(10));
            box.DirectionView        = vp.ViewDirection.Negate();
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static View3D GetMatching3DView(this View view, Document doc)
            ViewFamilyType viewFamilyType = (from v in new FilteredElementCollector(doc).
                                             Cast <ViewFamilyType>()
                                             where v.ViewFamily == ViewFamily.ThreeDimensional
                                             select v).First();

            View3D view3d = View3D.CreateIsometric(doc, viewFamilyType.Id);

            view3d.Name = view.Name + " 3D temp view";

            ViewBox myviewbox = GetViewBox(view);

            if (myviewbox.bbox == null)
                BoundingBoxXYZ boundingBoxXYZ = new BoundingBoxXYZ();

                boundingBoxXYZ.Min = myviewbox.P1;
                boundingBoxXYZ.Max = myviewbox.P2;
            view3d.SetOrientation(new ViewOrientation3D(myviewbox.EyePosition, myviewbox.DirectionUp, myviewbox.DirectionView));

            foreach (Category cat in doc.Settings.Categories)
                    if (cat.CategoryType == CategoryType.Model && cat.get_AllowsVisibilityControl(view3d))
                        view3d.SetVisibility(cat, view.GetVisibility(cat));
                catch (System.Exception e) { }


Exemplo n.º 4
        private static ViewBox getSectionViewBox(ViewSection vs)
            ViewBox box = new ViewBox();

            XYZ tmp1  = vs.Origin;
            XYZ right = XYZ.BasisZ.CrossProduct(vs.ViewDirection);

            box.P1 = vs.CropBox.Transform.OfPoint(vs.CropBox.Min);
            box.P2 = vs.CropBox.Transform.OfPoint(vs.CropBox.Max);

            box.TransformationMatrix = vs.CropBox.Transform;
            box.DirectionUp          = vs.UpDirection;
            box.EyePosition          = vs.Origin.Add(vs.ViewDirection.Multiply(10));
            box.DirectionView        = vs.ViewDirection.Negate();
            box.bbox = vs.CropBox;
Exemplo n.º 5
        private static ViewBox getSectionViewBox(ViewSection vs)
            ViewBox box = new ViewBox();

            XYZ tmp1 = vs.Origin;
            XYZ right = XYZ.BasisZ.CrossProduct(vs.ViewDirection);

            box.P1 = vs.CropBox.Transform.OfPoint(vs.CropBox.Min);
            box.P2 = vs.CropBox.Transform.OfPoint(vs.CropBox.Max);

            box.TransformationMatrix = vs.CropBox.Transform;
            box.DirectionUp = vs.UpDirection;
            box.EyePosition = vs.Origin.Add(vs.ViewDirection.Multiply(10));
            box.DirectionView = vs.ViewDirection.Negate();
            box.bbox = vs.CropBox;
            return box;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private static ViewBox getPlanViewBox(ViewPlan vp)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ViewPlan: " + vp.Id + " Outline: " + vp.Outline.Min.U + "," + vp.Outline.Min.V + " to " + vp.Outline.Max.U + "," + vp.Outline.Max.V);
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("ViewPlan Scale: " + vp.Scale);

            XYZ tmp1 = vp.Origin.Add(new XYZ(vp.Outline.Min.U * (double)vp.Scale, vp.Outline.Min.V * (double)vp.Scale, 0));
            XYZ tmp2 = vp.Origin.Add(new XYZ(vp.Outline.Max.U * (double)vp.Scale, vp.Outline.Max.V * (double)vp.Scale, 0));

            // double check the cropbox, if it is smaller...
            if (vp.CropBoxActive)
                tmp1 = vp.CropBox.Min;
                tmp2 = vp.CropBox.Max;

            // in a plan view, we will work with the cropbox (if it is set?)
            ViewBox box = new ViewBox() { P1 = tmp1, P2 = tmp2 };

            // now reset by the level and the viewdepth
            if (vp.GenLevel != null)
                PlanViewRange pvr = vp.GetViewRange();
                ElementId topId = pvr.GetLevelId(PlanViewPlane.TopClipPlane);

                ElementId bottomId = pvr.GetLevelId(PlanViewPlane.ViewDepthPlane);
                if (bottomId.IntegerValue == -4)
                    bottomId = pvr.GetLevelId(PlanViewPlane.BottomClipPlane);
                if (bottomId.IntegerValue == -4)
                    bottomId = pvr.GetLevelId(PlanViewPlane.UnderlayBottom);

                if (topId != ElementId.InvalidElementId)
                    Level top = vp.Document.GetElement(topId) as Level;
                    box.P2 = new XYZ(box.P2.X, box.P2.Y, top.Elevation + pvr.GetOffset( PlanViewPlane.TopClipPlane ) );

                if (bottomId != ElementId.InvalidElementId)
                    Level bottom = vp.Document.GetElement(bottomId) as Level;
                    box.P1 = new XYZ(box.P1.X, box.P1.Y, bottom.Elevation + pvr.GetOffset(PlanViewPlane.ViewDepthPlane));

            // set the transform
            box.TransformationMatrix = Transform.Identity;
            box.DirectionUp = vp.UpDirection;
            box.EyePosition = vp.Origin.Add(vp.ViewDirection.Multiply(10));
            box.DirectionView = vp.ViewDirection.Negate();
            return box;