Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Send(Gamepad.GamepadOutput player)
            if (!_isConnected)
                if (_class.MDefine.GcmapiConnect != null) _class.MDefine.GcmapiConnect((ushort) _class.Write.DevId);
                _isConnected = true;

            if (_class.MDefine.GcmapiIsConnected(player.Index - 1) == 1)
                //todo: assign active divice to each player. For now, just assign player number to device, also menu options for multiplayer
                _class.MDefine.GcmapiWrite(player.Index - 1, player.Output);
                //_class.MDefine.GcmapiWrite(_activeIndex, player.Output);

                if (!_class.System.UseRumble) return;

                var report = new Define.GcmapiReport();

                if (_class.MDefine.GcmapiRead(player.Index - 1, ref report) != IntPtr.Zero)
                    GamePad.SetState(player.PlayerIndex, report.Rumble[0], report.Rumble[1]);
                _class.System.Debug("titanone.log", "not connected to " + _activeDevice);
 public void Initializegames(Transform[] games, bool[] AIStatus, Gamepad[] newGamepad)
     numOfGames = games.Length;
     Transform input = Instantiate(InputControllerPrefab);
     inputController = input.GetComponent<ScaleableInputController>();
     inputController.gameController = this;
     game = new GameClass[games.Length];
     Rect[] campos = GetCameraPositions(games.Length);
     for (int i = 0; i < games.Length; i++)
         game[i] = MakeGame(games[i], gamePos[i], campos[i], i, offsets[i], AIStatus[i]);
     Camera[] camCol = new Camera[game.Length];
     for (int i = 0; i < games.Length; i++)
         camCol[i] = game[i].cam;
     for (int i = 0; i < games.Length; i++)
         Camera[] otherCams = new Camera[game.Length-1];
         int j = 0;
         for (int k = 0; k < games.Length-1; k++)
             if (i == j) { j++; }
             otherCams[k] = game[j].cam;
     inputController.GameSetup(game, newGamepad);
Exemplo n.º 3
    public void Update()
        string[] joystickNames = Input.GetJoystickNames();

        int countDelta = joystickNames.Length - gamepads.Count;

        if (countDelta > 0)
            //Debug.Log("Just added " + countDelta + " gamepad" + (countDelta == 1 ? "" : "s"));
            while(countDelta > 0)
                countDelta --;
                Gamepad gamepad = new Gamepad(joystickNames[gamepads.Count]);
                Debug.Log("Adding gamepad " + joystickNames[gamepads.Count]);

            isStateCertain = false;
            framesToWaitBeforeCertain = CERTAIN_FRAMES;
        else if(countDelta < 0)
            //Debug.Log("Just removed " + (-countDelta) + " gamepad" + (countDelta == -1 ? "" : "s"));

            while(countDelta < 0)
                Debug.Log("Removing gamepad " + gamepads.GetLastObject().index);

            isStateCertain = false;
            framesToWaitBeforeCertain = CERTAIN_FRAMES;

        for(int g = 0; g<gamepads.Count; g++)
            gamepads[g].index = g;

        if (isFirstRun) //gamepads should be good at first run
            isFirstRun = false;
            framesToWaitBeforeCertain = 0;

        if (framesToWaitBeforeCertain > 0)
            isStateCertain = false;
        else if (framesToWaitBeforeCertain == 0)
            framesToWaitBeforeCertain = -1;

            isStateCertain = true;
Exemplo n.º 4
		internal GamepadCollection ( Game Game )
			gamepads	=	new Gamepad[4];
			gamepads[0]	=	new Gamepad( Game.InputDevice.GetGamepad( 0 ) );
			gamepads[1]	=	new Gamepad( Game.InputDevice.GetGamepad( 1 ) );
			gamepads[2]	=	new Gamepad( Game.InputDevice.GetGamepad( 2 ) );
			gamepads[3]	=	new Gamepad( Game.InputDevice.GetGamepad( 3 ) );
Exemplo n.º 5
    public void startGame(bool[] isAI, Gamepad[] newGamepads, Transform[] gamesToMake)
        if (gamesToMake.Length == 0) { Application.LoadLevel("MenuScene"); }
        Transform gamectrl;

        gamectrl = Instantiate(gameController);
        GameController ctrl = gamectrl.GetComponent<GameController>();
        ctrl.Initializegames(gamesToMake, isAI, newGamepads);
Exemplo n.º 6
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        sceneName = "Boss";
        popUp = GameObject.Find("SceneManager").GetComponent<DataObjectPopUp>();
        controllerBoss = new ControllerBoss (Boss);
        eventsVerifyBoss = gameObject.GetComponent<EventsVerifyBoss> ();
        eventsVerifyBoss.setController (controllerBoss);

        controllerDino = new ControllerDino(Dino);
        gamepad = gameObject.AddComponent<Gamepad>();
        gamepad.SetController (controllerDino);

        controllerPauseOptions = new ControllerPauseOptions();
        gamepad = gameObject.AddComponent<Gamepad>();
        gamepad.SetController (controllerPauseOptions);
Exemplo n.º 7
    public void RunCheck()
        for (int i = 0; i < subMenus.Length; i++)
            if (subMenus[i].isSelected)
                PressStartText[i].color = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);
                Ready[i].color = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 255f);
                PressStartText[i].color = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 255f);
                Ready[i].color = new Color(0f, 0f, 0f, 0f);

        if (subMenus[0].isSelected && subMenus[1].isSelected && subMenus[2].isSelected && subMenus[3].isSelected)
            int numOfGames = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < subMenus.Length; i++)
                if (subMenus[i].playertype != 0)
            bool[] isAI = new bool[numOfGames];
            Gamepad[] newGamepads = new Gamepad[numOfGames];
            Transform[] gamesToMake = new Transform[numOfGames];
            int j = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < subMenus.Length; i++)

                if (subMenus[i].playertype == 0) { continue; }
                else { newGamepads[j] = gamepads[i]; }
                if (subMenus[i].playertype == 2) { isAI[j] = true; }
                int GametoSet = 0;
                if (subMenus[i].GetSelectGame() == 4) { GametoSet = Random.Range(0, 3); }
                else { GametoSet = subMenus[i].GetSelectGame(); }
                gamesToMake[j] = games[GametoSet];
            //gamecol =  new Transform[] { games[subMenus[0].GetSelectGame()], games[subMenus[1].GetSelectGame()], games[subMenus[2].GetSelectGame()], games[subMenus[3].GetSelectGame()]};
            startGame(isAI, newGamepads, gamesToMake);
Exemplo n.º 8
        private GamePad()
            _islistening = false;
            var foundpad = false;

            // This is f*****g strange, but it takes 2-3 calls to the Gamepads[] array
            // before anything is returned.
            while (!foundpad)
                    _msftpad = Gamepad.Gamepads[0];
                    foundpad = true;
                catch { }
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void Send(Gamepad.GamepadOutput player)
            if (_class.Define.Write == null) return;

            var boolOverride = _class.BaseClass.Home.boolIDE;

            if ((_class.Define.IsConnected() != 1) && !boolOverride) return;


            var report = new Define.GcapiReportControllermax();
            if (_class.Define.Read(ref report) == IntPtr.Zero) return;

            if (_class.BaseClass.System.UseRumble)
                GamePad.SetState(player.PlayerIndex, report.Rumble[0], report.Rumble[1]);

            //TODO: Read report to see what authenticating controller is doing
Exemplo n.º 10
 private void HandleGamepadAdded(object sender, Gamepad gamepad)
Exemplo n.º 11
        private void checkButtonState(Controller controller, UserIndex userIndex, Gamepad oldState, GamepadButtonFlags button)
            Gamepad currentState = controller.GetState().Gamepad;

            if ((oldState.Buttons & button) != (currentState.Buttons & button))
                if ((currentState.Buttons & button) != 0)
                    buttonPressed(controller, userIndex, button);
                    buttonReleased(controller, userIndex, button);
Exemplo n.º 12
 private void OnGamepadDisconnect(Gamepad gamepad)
     _gamepad = null;
Exemplo n.º 13
 public override GamepadHardware createGamepad(Gamepad pad)
Exemplo n.º 14
 static void source_Tick()
     #if DEBUG
     if (sController != null && sController.IsConnected)
         sGamepad = sController.GetState().Gamepad;
     #if DEBUG
    private void UpdateGamepadState()
        if (GamepadManager.instance.isStateCertain)
            bool wasGamepadNull = (gamepad == null);

            gamepad = GamepadManager.instance.GetGamepad(index);

            if(wasGamepadNull && gamepad != null)
                didJustConnect = true;
            else if(!wasGamepadNull && gamepad == null)
                didJustDisconnect = true;
Exemplo n.º 16
    //private List<GameObject> enemiesPositions;
    void Awake()
        sceneName = "Level 0";
        popUp = GameObject.Find("SceneManager").GetComponent<DataObjectPopUp>();
        controllerDino = new ControllerDino(dino, BarraDeFome, 2);
        BarraDeFome.maxValue = dino.GetComponent<DataObjectDino>().InitialFome;

        controllercamera = new ControllerCamera(dino);
        gamepad = gameObject.AddComponent<Gamepad>();
        gamepad.SetController (controllerDino);

        //enemiesPositions = new List<GameObject>(GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Enemy"));
        //for(int i=0;i<enemiesPositions.Count;i++)
        foreach(GameObject enemy in new List<GameObject>(GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Spawner")))
            EventsObjects.Add(enemy.name, enemy);

        controllerPauseOptions = new ControllerPauseOptions();
        gamepad = gameObject.AddComponent<Gamepad>();
        gamepad.SetController (controllerPauseOptions);
 public GamepadEvents(Gamepad This)
     this.This = This;
Exemplo n.º 18
 private void Gamepad_GamepadAdded(object sender, Gamepad gamepad)
Exemplo n.º 19
 private void Gamepad_GamepadRemoved(object sender, Gamepad gamepad)
Exemplo n.º 20
 private void Gamepad_GamepadAdded(object sender, Gamepad e)
     gamepad = e;
Exemplo n.º 21
 private void Gamepad_GamepadRemoved(object sender, Gamepad e)
     gamepad = null;
Exemplo n.º 22
 // Start is called before the first frame update
 void Start()
     playerGamepad = GetComponent <PlayerInput>().GetGamepad();
     isAttacking   = false;
     startAngle    = 0f;
Exemplo n.º 23
 private void Gamepad_GamepadUpdated(object sender, Gamepad e)
     GamepadUpdated?.Invoke(this, e);
Exemplo n.º 24
 public void Update()
Exemplo n.º 25
 public override void DoBeforeNextExecute()
     //This method will be executed each iteration of the script
       connected = XBoxController.IsConnected;
       if (XBoxController.IsConnected == true)
       Controller = XBoxController.GetState().Gamepad;
Exemplo n.º 26
 protected override GamepadHardware CreateGamepadHardwareImpl(Gamepad pad)
     return(new AndroidGamepad(pad));
Exemplo n.º 27
        public void Update(float dt)
            ThumbstickState old_l = LeftStick;
            ThumbstickState old_r = RightStick;

            // If not connected, nothing to update
            if (!Connected) return;

            if (_vibrationTime > _elapsed)
                _elapsed += dt;
                _elapsed = 0;
                _vibrationTime = 0;
                Vibrate(0, 0);

            // If same packet, nothing to update
            State state = Controller.GetState();
            if (lastPacket == state.PacketNumber) return;
            lastPacket = state.PacketNumber;

            var gamepadState = state.Gamepad;

            // Shoulders
            LeftShoulder = (gamepadState.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.LeftShoulder) != 0;
            RightShoulder = (gamepadState.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.RightShoulder) != 0;

            // Triggers
            LeftTrigger = gamepadState.LeftTrigger / (float)byte.MaxValue;
            RightTrigger = gamepadState.RightTrigger / (float)byte.MaxValue;

            // Buttons
            Start = (gamepadState.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.Start) != 0;
            Back = (gamepadState.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.Back) != 0;

            A = (gamepadState.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.A) != 0;
            B = (gamepadState.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.B) != 0;
            X = (gamepadState.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.X) != 0;
            Y = (gamepadState.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.Y) != 0;

            // D-Pad
            DPad = new DPadState((gamepadState.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.DPadUp) != 0,
                                 (gamepadState.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.DPadDown) != 0,
                                 (gamepadState.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.DPadLeft) != 0,
                                 (gamepadState.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.DPadRight) != 0);

            // Thumbsticks
            LeftStick = new ThumbstickState(
                Normalize(gamepadState.LeftThumbX, gamepadState.LeftThumbY, Gamepad.GamepadLeftThumbDeadZone),
                (gamepadState.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.LeftThumb) != 0);
            RightStick = new ThumbstickState(
                Normalize(gamepadState.RightThumbX, gamepadState.RightThumbY, Gamepad.GamepadRightThumbDeadZone),
                (gamepadState.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.RightThumb) != 0);

            foreach (var flag in Enum.GetValues(typeof(GamepadButtonFlags)))
                if (OnButtonUp != null)
                    if ((old_state.Buttons & (GamepadButtonFlags)flag) != 0 && (gamepadState.Buttons & (GamepadButtonFlags)flag) == 0)
                        OnButtonUp(this, (GamepadButtons)((GamepadButtonFlags)flag));
                if (OnButtonPress != null)
                    if ((old_state.Buttons & (GamepadButtonFlags)flag) == 0 && (gamepadState.Buttons & (GamepadButtonFlags)flag) != 0)
                        OnButtonPress(this, (GamepadButtons)((GamepadButtonFlags)flag));
                if (OnButtonDown != null)
                    if ((gamepadState.Buttons & (GamepadButtonFlags)flag) != 0)
                        OnButtonDown(this, (GamepadButtons)gamepadState.Buttons);

            if (OnLeftTrigger != null)
                if (gamepadState.LeftTrigger != old_state.LeftTrigger)
                    OnLeftTrigger(this, new TriggerState(LeftTrigger, LeftTrigger - (old_state.LeftTrigger / (float)byte.MaxValue)));
            if (OnRightTrigger != null)
                if (gamepadState.RightTrigger != old_state.RightTrigger)
                    OnRightTrigger(this, new TriggerState(RightTrigger, RightTrigger - (old_state.RightTrigger / (float)byte.MaxValue)));

            if (OnLeftStick != null)
                if (LeftStick.Position != old_l.Position || LeftStick.Clicked != old_l.Clicked)
                    OnLeftStick(this, LeftStick, LeftStick.Position - old_l.Position);
            if (OnRightStick != null)
                if (RightStick.Position != old_r.Position || RightStick.Clicked != old_r.Clicked)
                    OnRightStick(this, RightStick, RightStick.Position - old_r.Position);

            old_state = gamepadState;
Exemplo n.º 28
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert DiStates to XInput states.
        /// </summary>
        void UpdateXiStates()
            // Get all mapped devices.
            var settings = SettingsManager.Settings.Items
                           .Where(x => x.MapTo > (int)MapTo.None)

            for (int i = 0; i < settings.Length; i++)
                var setting = settings[i];
                var ud      = SettingsManager.GetDevice(setting.InstanceGuid);
                // If device was not found then continue.
                if (ud == null)
                // If device is offline then continue.
                if (!ud.IsOnline)
                //// If device is not set or test device then...
                //var device = ud.Device;
                //if (device == null)
                //	// Continue loop.
                //	continue;
                var padSetting = SettingsManager.GetPadSetting(setting.PadSettingChecksum);
                // If setting was not found then continue.
                if (padSetting == null)
                var diState = ud.DiState;
                // If custom directInput state is not available then continue.
                if (diState == null)
                // Create GamePad to map to.
                var         gp = new Gamepad();
                bool        success;
                int         index;
                SettingType type;

                // --------------------------------------------------------
                // Convert DInput POV Hat value to D-PAD buttons.
                // --------------------------------------------------------

                // Create array to store 4 buttons for each POV.
                var dPadButtons = new bool[4 * diState.Povs.Length];
                // Loop trough D-Pad button states.
                for (int d = 0; d < diState.Povs.Length; ++d)
                    // Get degree value from the POV.
                    int povdeg = diState.Povs[d];
                    // If POV is pressed into one of the directions then...
                    if (povdeg >= 0)
                        // Split PoV degrees into 8 groups by
                        // converting PoV degree from 0 to 36000 to number from 0 to 7.
                        // This will allow to have more flexible degree values mapped to buttons.
                        var y = ((2250 + povdeg) / 4500) % 8;
                        // XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_UP
                        dPadButtons[d * 4 + 0] = (y >= 0 && y <= 1) || y == 7;
                        // XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_RIGHT
                        dPadButtons[d * 4 + 1] = (y >= 1 && y <= 3);
                        // XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_DOWN
                        dPadButtons[d * 4 + 2] = (y >= 3 && y <= 5);
                        // XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_LEFT
                        dPadButtons[d * 4 + 3] = (y >= 5 && y <= 7);

                // --------------------------------------------------------
                // MAP: D-PAD
                // --------------------------------------------------------

                success = SettingsConverter.TryParseTextValue(padSetting.DPad, out type, out index);
                // If POV index is mapped to the D-PAD
                if (success && index > 0 && type == SettingType.POV)
                    var dPadIndex = index - 1;
                    // --------------------------------------------------------
                    // Target: Button (DPad).
                    // --------------------------------------------------------
                    if (dPadButtons[dPadIndex * 4 + 0])
                        gp.Buttons |= GamepadButtonFlags.DPadUp;
                    if (dPadButtons[dPadIndex * 4 + 1])
                        gp.Buttons |= GamepadButtonFlags.DPadRight;
                    if (dPadButtons[dPadIndex * 4 + 2])
                        gp.Buttons |= GamepadButtonFlags.DPadDown;
                    if (dPadButtons[dPadIndex * 4 + 3])
                        gp.Buttons |= GamepadButtonFlags.DPadLeft;

                // --------------------------------------------------------
                // MAP:
                // --------------------------------------------------------

                // Get all mapped items.
                var maps = padSetting.Maps;

                foreach (var map in maps)
                    // If not mapped then continue.
                    if (map.Index == 0)

                    // --------------------------------------------------------
                    // MAP Source: Button
                    // --------------------------------------------------------
                    if (map.IsButton)
                        // If mapped index is in range then...
                        if (map.Index < diState.Buttons.Length)
                            var pressed = diState.Buttons[map.Index - 1];
                            if (pressed)
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                // Target: Button.
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                if (map.Target == TargetType.Button)
                                    gp.Buttons |= map.ButtonFlag;
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                // Target: Trigger.
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                else if (map.Target == TargetType.LeftTrigger)
                                    gp.LeftTrigger = byte.MaxValue;
                                else if (map.Target == TargetType.RightTrigger)
                                    gp.RightTrigger = byte.MaxValue;
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                // Target: Thumb.
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                else if (map.Target == TargetType.LeftThumbX)
                                    gp.LeftThumbX = map.IsInverted ? short.MinValue : short.MaxValue;
                                else if (map.Target == TargetType.LeftThumbY)
                                    gp.LeftThumbY = map.IsInverted ? short.MinValue : short.MaxValue;
                                else if (map.Target == TargetType.RightThumbX)
                                    gp.RightThumbX = map.IsInverted ? short.MinValue : short.MaxValue;
                                else if (map.Target == TargetType.RightThumbY)
                                    gp.RightThumbY = map.IsInverted ? short.MinValue : short.MaxValue;
                    // --------------------------------------------------------
                    // MAP Source: D-PAD button converted from POV.
                    // --------------------------------------------------------
                    else if (map.Type == SettingType.DPOVButton)
                        // If mapped index is in range then...
                        if (map.Index < dPadButtons.Length)
                            var pressed = dPadButtons[map.Index - 1];
                            if (pressed)
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                // Target: Button.
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                if (map.Target == TargetType.Button)
                                    gp.Buttons |= map.ButtonFlag;
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                // Target: Trigger.
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                else if (map.Target == TargetType.LeftTrigger)
                                    gp.LeftTrigger = byte.MaxValue;
                                else if (map.Target == TargetType.RightTrigger)
                                    gp.RightTrigger = byte.MaxValue;
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                // Target: Thumb.
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                else if (map.Target == TargetType.LeftThumbX)
                                    gp.LeftThumbX = map.IsInverted ? short.MinValue : short.MaxValue;
                                else if (map.Target == TargetType.LeftThumbY)
                                    gp.LeftThumbY = map.IsInverted ? short.MinValue : short.MaxValue;
                                else if (map.Target == TargetType.RightThumbX)
                                    gp.RightThumbX = map.IsInverted ? short.MinValue : short.MaxValue;
                                else if (map.Target == TargetType.RightThumbY)
                                    gp.RightThumbY = map.IsInverted ? short.MinValue : short.MaxValue;
                    // --------------------------------------------------------
                    // MAP Source: Axis or Slider.
                    // --------------------------------------------------------
                    else if (map.IsAxis || map.IsSlider)
                        // Get source value.
                        int[] values = map.IsAxis
                            ? diState.Axis
                            : diState.Sliders;

                        // If index is out of range then...
                        if (map.Index > values.Length)

                        // Get value.
                        var v = (ushort)values[map.Index - 1];

                        // Destination range.
                        //var min = short.MinValue; // -32768;
                        //var max = short.MaxValue; //  32767;

                        // If value is inverted (I) then...
                        if (map.IsInverted)
                            // Convert [0;65535] range to [65535;0] range.
                            v = (ushort)(ushort.MaxValue - v);

                        /// If half value (H) then...
                        //else if (!map.IsInverted && map.IsHalf)
                        //	// If value is in [32768;65535] range then...
                        //	v = (v > max)
                        //		// Convert [32768;65535] range to [0;65535] range.
                        //		? (ushort)ConvertHelper.ConvertRange(max + 1, ushort.MaxValue, ushort.MinValue, ushort.MaxValue, v)
                        //		: (ushort)0;
                        // If inverted half value (IH) then...
                        //else if (map.IsInverted && map.IsHalf)
                        //	// If value is in [0;32767] range then...
                        //	v = (v <= max)
                        //		// Convert [32767;0] range to [0;65535] range.
                        //		? (ushort)ConvertHelper.ConvertRange(max, 0, ushort.MinValue, ushort.MaxValue, v)
                        //		: (ushort)0;

                        // --------------------------------------------------------
                        // Target: Button.
                        // --------------------------------------------------------
                        if (map.Target == TargetType.Button)
                            // If value is inverted (I) then...
                            if (map.IsHalf)
                                // Map only if [32768;65535];
                                if (v > short.MaxValue)
                                    v = (ushort)(v + short.MinValue);
                                    v = 0;
                            // If axis reached beyond dead zone then...
                            if (v > map.DeadZone)
                                gp.Buttons |= map.ButtonFlag;
                        // --------------------------------------------------------
                        // Target: Trigger.
                        // --------------------------------------------------------
                        else if (map.Target == TargetType.LeftTrigger || map.Target == TargetType.RightTrigger)
                            var triggerValue = (byte)ConvertHelper.GetThumbValue(v, map.DeadZone, map.AntiDeadZone, map.Linear, map.IsInverted, map.IsHalf, false);
                            if (map.Target == TargetType.LeftTrigger)
                                gp.LeftTrigger = triggerValue;
                            if (map.Target == TargetType.RightTrigger)
                                gp.RightTrigger = triggerValue;
                        // --------------------------------------------------------
                        // Target: Thumb.
                        // --------------------------------------------------------
                        else if (map.Target != TargetType.None)
                            var thumbValue = (short)ConvertHelper.GetThumbValue(v, map.DeadZone, map.AntiDeadZone, map.Linear, map.IsInverted, map.IsHalf);
                            if (map.Target == TargetType.LeftThumbX)
                                gp.LeftThumbX = thumbValue;
                            if (map.Target == TargetType.LeftThumbY)
                                gp.LeftThumbY = thumbValue;
                            if (map.Target == TargetType.RightThumbX)
                                gp.RightThumbX = thumbValue;
                            if (map.Target == TargetType.RightThumbY)
                                gp.RightThumbY = thumbValue;
                setting.XiState = gp;

                //        [  32768 steps | 32768 steps ]
                // ushort [      0 32767 | 32768 65535 ] DInput
                //  short [ -32768    -1 |     0 32767 ] XInput

                //        [  128 steps | 128 steps ]
                //  byte  [    0   127 | 128   255 ]
                // sbyte  [ -128    -1 |   0   127 ]

                // From Button:    OFF   |     ON
                // From Axis  :      0 - D - 65535 (D - DeadZone)
                //   To Button:    OFF   |     ON

                // From  IAxis:  65535   -      0    x = uint.Max - x;
                // From  HAxis:  32768   -  65535    map only if x >  32768; x = (x - 32768) * 2 + 1;
                // From IHAxis:  32767   -      0    map only if x <= 32767; x = (32767 - x) * 2 + 1;
                // From   Axis:      0   -  65535    x = x;
                //   To Triger:      0   -    255    scale: 255
                //   To   Axis: -32768   -  32767    shift: -32768
            var ev = StatesUpdated;

            if (ev != null)
                ev(this, new DInputEventArgs());
Exemplo n.º 29
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GamepadAxis"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gamepad">The gamepad.</param>
 /// <param name="code">The input code.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The input name.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The axis type.</param>
 public GamepadAxis(Gamepad gamepad, int code, string name, AxisType type) : base(gamepad, code, name, type)
     this.Gamepad = gamepad;
Exemplo n.º 30
 public void SetAssignedGamepad(Gamepad gp)
     assigned_gamepad = gp;
Exemplo n.º 31
 private void OnAcquireGamepad(Gamepad gamepad)
     _gamepad = gamepad;
Exemplo n.º 32
 private void Instance_GamepadConnectedCallback(Gamepad gamepad)
     Console.WriteLine("Gamepad connected");
Exemplo n.º 33
 public void OnGamepadRemoved(Object o, Gamepad args)
Exemplo n.º 34
 public GamepadWatcher(Gamepad controller)
     _controller = controller ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(controller));
Exemplo n.º 35
        private void TimerGamepad_Elapsed(object sender, ElapsedEventArgs e)
            double VLinMax     = 1; //1.2 ~= 0.3m/s
            double VThetaMax   = 1.5 * Math.PI;
            double valeurRampe = 0.6;
            double Vx;
            double Vy;

            double vitessePriseBalle;

            if (controller.IsConnected)
                gamepad = controller.GetState().Gamepad;

                if (gamepad.LeftThumbY > deadband)
                    Vx = gamepad.LeftThumbY - deadband;
                else if (gamepad.LeftThumbY < -deadband)
                    Vx = gamepad.LeftThumbY + deadband;
                    Vx = 0;
                Vx = Vx / short.MaxValue * VLinMax;

                //Inversion sur Vy pour avoir Vy positif quand on va vers la gauche.
                double gamePadVy = -gamepad.LeftThumbX;
                if (gamePadVy > deadband)
                    Vy = gamePadVy - deadband;
                else if (gamePadVy < -deadband)
                    Vy = gamePadVy + deadband;
                    Vy = 0;
                Vy = Vy / short.MaxValue * VLinMax;

                //Inversion sur VTHeta pour avoir VTheta positif quand on va vers la gauche.
                double gamePadVTheta = -gamepad.RightThumbX;
                if (gamePadVTheta > deadband)
                    Vtheta = gamePadVTheta - deadband;
                else if (gamePadVTheta < -deadband)
                    Vtheta = gamePadVTheta + deadband;
                    Vtheta = 0;
                Vtheta = Vtheta / short.MaxValue * VThetaMax;

                //Console.WriteLine("Gamepad Vx : " + Vx + " Vy : "+Vy +" VTheta : "+Vtheta);
                vitessePriseBalle = (float)(gamepad.RightTrigger) / 2.55;
                if (gamepad.Buttons.HasFlag(GamepadButtonFlags.X))
                    OnTirToRobot(robotId, 50);

                if (gamepad.Buttons.HasFlag(GamepadButtonFlags.DPadUp))
                if (gamepad.Buttons.HasFlag(GamepadButtonFlags.DPadDown))
                if (gamepad.Buttons.HasFlag(GamepadButtonFlags.Start))
                    if (stopped)
                        stopped = false;
                        stopped = true;

                if (useRampe)
                    if (Vx >= VxRampe)
                        VxRampe += valeurRampe;
                        VxRampe  = Math.Min(VxRampe, Vx);
                        VxRampe -= valeurRampe;
                        VxRampe  = Math.Max(VxRampe, Vx);

                    if (Vy >= VyRampe)
                        VyRampe += valeurRampe;
                        VyRampe  = Math.Min(VyRampe, Vy);
                        VyRampe -= valeurRampe;
                        VyRampe  = Math.Max(VyRampe, Vy);

                    if (Vtheta >= VthetaRampe)
                        VthetaRampe += valeurRampe;
                        VthetaRampe  = Math.Min(VthetaRampe, Vtheta);
                        VthetaRampe -= valeurRampe;
                        VthetaRampe  = Math.Max(VthetaRampe, Vtheta);
                    VxRampe     = Vx;
                    VyRampe     = Vy;
                    VthetaRampe = Vtheta;

                OnSpeedConsigneToRobot(robotId, VxRampe, VyRampe, VthetaRampe);
                //OnPriseBalleToRobot(2, (float)(Vx*33.3));
                OnPriseBalleToRobot(5, vitessePriseBalle);
                OnPriseBalleToRobot(6, -vitessePriseBalle);
        public void UpdateVirtualKeyboard(Gamepad pad)
            // Get the shift flag.
            vkshiftkey = (pad.RightTrigger > 10 || pad.LeftTrigger > 10) ? true : false;

            // get the actual cursor moving parameter.
            // 0.7.11: also use thumbsticks
            float dzone      = Program.Input.deadzone;
            int   moveCursor = -1;

            if ((pad.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.DPadUp) == GamepadButtonFlags.DPadUp ||
                pad.LeftThumbY > dzone || pad.RightThumbY > dzone)
                moveCursor = 1; // up
            if ((pad.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.DPadDown) == GamepadButtonFlags.DPadDown ||
                pad.LeftThumbY < -dzone || pad.RightThumbY < -dzone)
                moveCursor = 2; // down
            if ((pad.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.DPadLeft) == GamepadButtonFlags.DPadLeft ||
                pad.LeftThumbX < -dzone || pad.RightThumbX < -dzone)
                moveCursor = 3; // left
            if ((pad.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.DPadRight) == GamepadButtonFlags.DPadRight ||
                pad.LeftThumbX > dzone || pad.RightThumbX > dzone)
                moveCursor = 4;     // right
            // set the y cursor position directly
            // with the shortcut keys. And then press.
            if ((pad.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.RightShoulder) == GamepadButtonFlags.RightShoulder)
                moveCursor = 9;
            if ((pad.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.A) == GamepadButtonFlags.A)
                moveCursor = 8;
            if ((pad.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.B) == GamepadButtonFlags.B)
                moveCursor = 7;
            if ((pad.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.X) == GamepadButtonFlags.X)
                moveCursor = 6;
            if ((pad.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.Y) == GamepadButtonFlags.Y)
                moveCursor = 5;

            // or hit the key under the cursor directly with LS.
            if ((pad.Buttons & GamepadButtonFlags.LeftShoulder) == GamepadButtonFlags.LeftShoulder)
                moveCursor = 10;

            // update the cursor position, but just once.
            if (moveCursor != lastVKCursorKey ||
                (VKfirsttime == false && VKtimer > 60) ||
                (VKfirsttime == true && VKtimer > 250))
                switch (moveCursor)
                case 1:     // up
                    vkPosY -= 1;
                    if (vkPosY < 0)
                        vkPosY = vkMaxY - 1;

                case 2:     // down
                    vkPosY += 1;
                    if (vkPosY >= vkMaxY)
                        vkPosY = 0;

                case 3:     // left
                    vkPosX -= 1;
                    if (vkPosX < 0)
                        vkPosX = vkMaxX - 1;

                case 4:     // right
                    vkPosX += 1;
                    if (vkPosX >= vkMaxX)
                        vkPosX = 0;

                // special shortcut cursor
                // positions with a direct keyhit.
                case 5:
                case 6:
                case 7:
                case 8:
                case 9:
                    vkPosY = moveCursor - 5;

                case 10:

                // reset timer.
                VKtimer = 0;
                // reset the first timer only
                // if another key is pressed.
                if (moveCursor == lastVKCursorKey)
                    VKfirsttime = false;
                    VKfirsttime = true;
            lastVKCursorKey = moveCursor;
            VKtimer        += 20;
            Program.UpdateVKForm(vkshiftkey, vkPosX, vkPosY);
Exemplo n.º 37
 private void Start()
     gamepads    = new Gamepad[2];
     gamepads[0] = new Gamepad();
     gamepads[1] = new Gamepad();
 public void GameSetup(GameClass[] games, Gamepad[] newGamepads)
     game = games;
     gamepads = newGamepads;
Exemplo n.º 39
 internal GamepadDPad(Gamepad gamepad, PlayerIndex? playerIndex = null)
     this.gamepad = gamepad;
     this.playerIndex = playerIndex;
Exemplo n.º 40
        private void inputAdquireTimer_Tick(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (gamepadConnected == false || controller.IsConnected == false)

            gamepad = controller.GetState().Gamepad;
            controller.SetVibration(new Vibration()
                LeftMotorSpeed = (ushort)(65535 * (gamepad.LeftTrigger / 255)), RightMotorSpeed = (ushort)(65535 * (gamepad.RightTrigger / 255))

            motorPower += gamepad.RightTrigger * 0.01f;
            motorPower -= gamepad.LeftTrigger * 0.01f;

            if (gamepad.Buttons.HasFlag(GamepadButtonFlags.LeftShoulder))
                motorPower -= 10;
            if (motorPower < 0)
                motorPower = 0;
            if (motorPower > 100)
                motorPower = 100;

            trackBarThrottle.Value = (int)motorPower;

            //Do axis goals
            if (gamepad.LeftThumbX == -32768)
                gamepad.LeftThumbX = -32767;
            if (gamepad.LeftThumbY == -32768)
                gamepad.LeftThumbY = -32767;
            if (gamepad.RightThumbX == -32768)
                gamepad.RightThumbX = -32767;
            if (gamepad.RightThumbY == -32768)
                gamepad.RightThumbY = -32767;

            if (Math.Abs(gamepad.LeftThumbX) < 5000)
                rollGoal = 0;
                if (gamepad.LeftThumbY > 0)
                    rollGoal = Map(gamepad.LeftThumbX, 5000, 32790, 0, 20);
                    rollGoal = Map(gamepad.LeftThumbX, -32790, -5000, -20, 0);

            if (Math.Abs(gamepad.LeftThumbY) < 5000)
                pitchGoal = 0;
                if (gamepad.LeftThumbY > 0)
                    pitchGoal = Map(gamepad.LeftThumbY, 5000, 32790, 0, 20);
                    pitchGoal = Map(gamepad.LeftThumbY, -32790, -5000, -20, 0);

            if (Math.Abs(gamepad.RightThumbX) > 5000)
                if (gamepad.RightThumbX > 0)
                    yawGoal += Map(gamepad.RightThumbX, 5000, 32767, 0, 2.1f);
                    yawGoal += Map(gamepad.RightThumbX, -32790, -5000, -2.1f, 0);

            yawGoal = yawGoal % 360;
            if (yawGoal < 0)
                yawGoal += 360;
Exemplo n.º 41
        public void DeclareClasses(BaseClass baseClass)
            BaseClass = baseClass;
            Main = baseClass.Home;

            Debug = new Debug();
            Profile = new Profile(this);
            Set = new Set(this);
            Var = new Var(this);
            Xml = new XmlData(this);
            Log = new Log();
            Settings = new Settings(this);
            Gamepad = new Gamepad(this);
            Display = new Display(this);
            TitanOneConfig = new TitanOne(this);
            ControllerMaxConfig = new ControllerMax(this);
            Vr = new Vr(this);
Exemplo n.º 42
 public XBox360PluginGlobal(UserIndex index)
     controller = new Controller(index);
     pad = new Gamepad();
Exemplo n.º 43
 void Awake()
     controllerMenuButtons = new ControllerExitButtons();
     gamepad = GetComponent<Gamepad>();
Exemplo n.º 44
 void Awake()
     controllerCredits = new ControllerCredits ();
     gamepad = GetComponent<Gamepad> ();
     gamepad.SetController (controllerCredits);
Exemplo n.º 45
 void Start()
     gamepad        = Gamepad.current;
     follow         = GetComponent <PathFollower>();
     playerCollider = GetComponent <Collider>();
Exemplo n.º 46
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a GamepadHardware object that manipulates the given Gamepad.
 /// </summary>
 /// <returns>The new gamepad.</returns>
 public abstract GamepadHardware createGamepad(Gamepad pad);
Exemplo n.º 47
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="GamepadButton"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="gamepad">The gamepad.</param>
 /// <param name="code">The button code.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The button name.</param>
 public GamepadButton(Gamepad gamepad, int code, string name) : base(gamepad, code, name)
     this.Gamepad = gamepad;
Exemplo n.º 48
 public XBox360PluginGlobal(UserIndex index)
     controller = new Controller(index);
     pad        = new Gamepad();
Exemplo n.º 49
 internal void Update()
     if (controller.IsConnected) 
         pad = controller.GetState().Gamepad;
Exemplo n.º 50
 public static Vector2 Get(AirVRCameraRig cameraRig, Gamepad.Axis2D axis)
     return(GetAxis2D(cameraRig, AirVRInputDeviceName.Gamepad, Gamepad.ParseControlID(axis)));
Exemplo n.º 51
 internal GamepadThumbsticks(Gamepad gamepad, PlayerIndex? playerIndex = null)
     this.gamepad = gamepad;
     this.playerIndex = playerIndex;
Exemplo n.º 52
 public static float Get(AirVRCameraRig cameraRig, Gamepad.Axis axis)
     return(GetAxis(cameraRig, AirVRInputDeviceName.Gamepad, Gamepad.ParseControlID(axis)));
Exemplo n.º 53
 void Awake()
     controllerOptionsButtons = new ControllerOptionsButtons();
     gamepad = GetComponent<Gamepad> ();
Exemplo n.º 54
 public static bool GetUp(AirVRCameraRig cameraRig, Gamepad.Button button)
     return(GetButtonUp(cameraRig, AirVRInputDeviceName.Gamepad, Gamepad.ParseControlID(button)));
Exemplo n.º 55
        // [Menu]
        public void SetGamepad(Gamepad gamepad)
            Gamepad = gamepad;

            // TODO: we should listen for the device disconnecting so we can release it
Exemplo n.º 56
 private async void Gamepad_GamepadAdded(object sender, Gamepad e)
     await Log("Controller Added");
Exemplo n.º 57
 public override void DoBeforeNextExecute()
     //This method will be executed each iteration of the script
      Controller = XBoxController.GetState().Gamepad;
Exemplo n.º 58
    public void CustomUpdate()
        var deadzone = 0.2f;
        // Hard-coded controls for now
        //var gamepad = Gamepad.current;
        //if (gamepad == null)
        // return; // No gamepad connected
        //gamepad.leftStick.x.ReadValue() >= deadzone
        // Player One

        // P1 gets gamepad.

         * var p1Controls = new MyControls();
         * p1Controls.devices = new[] { Gamepad.all[0] };
         * p1Controls.bindingMask = InputBinding.MaskByGroup("Gamepad");
         * p1Controls.Enable();

        // P2 gets keyboard&mouse.

         * var p2Controls = new MyControls();
         * p2Controls.devices = new[] { Keyboard.current, Mouse.current };
         * p2Controls.bindingMask = InputBinding.MaskByGroup("KeyboardMouse");
         * p2Controls.Enable();
        var keyboard_right     = false;
        var keyboard_left      = false;
        var keyboard_up        = false;
        var keyboard_down      = false;
        var keyboard_primary   = false;
        var keyboard_secondary = false;

        //Debug.Log(myInputActionAsset.FindAction("Player/Move", true).phase == InputActionPhase.Started);
        var axis    = myInputActionAsset.FindAction("Player/Move", true).ReadValue <Vector2>();
        var primary = myInputActionAsset.FindAction("Player/Primary", true).ReadValue <float>();
        var jump    = myInputActionAsset.FindAction("Player/Jump", true).ReadValue <float>();
        var walk    = 1f - myInputActionAsset.FindAction("Player/Walk", true).ReadValue <float>();

        //var gamepad = new InputControls();
        //gamepad.devices = new[] { Gamepad.all[0] };

        var     isGamepad = Gamepad.all.Count != 0;
        Gamepad gamepad   = null;

        if (isGamepad)
            gamepad = Gamepad.all[0];
        // var keyboard = Keyboard.current;
        //var myControls = new InputControls();
        //myControls.devices = new InputDevice[] { Keyboard.current };
        //myControls.bindingMask = InputBinding.MaskByGroup("Player");
        //if (
        //InputAction primaryAction = myInputActionAsset.FindAction("PrimaryAction", true);

        if (gamepad != null)
            InputHandler.inputs[0].inAxis[0].val = gamepad.leftStick.x.ReadValue();
            InputHandler.inputs[0].inAxis[1].val = gamepad.leftStick.y.ReadValue();
            InputHandler.inputs[0].inAxis[0].val = axis.x * Mathf.Clamp(walk, 0.3f, 1f);
            InputHandler.inputs[0].inAxis[1].val = axis.y;

        // Update Left stick
        if ((gamepad != null && gamepad.leftStick.x.ReadValue() >= deadzone) || axis.x > 0)

        if ((gamepad != null && gamepad.leftStick.x.ReadValue() <= -deadzone) || axis.x < 0)

        if ((gamepad != null && gamepad.leftStick.y.ReadValue() <= -deadzone) || axis.y < 0)

        // Temp keyboard controls

        // Update Jump Button
        if (gamepad != null && (gamepad.xButton.isPressed || gamepad.yButton.isPressed) || jump == 1f)

        // Update Attack/Primary button
        if ((gamepad != null && gamepad.aButton.isPressed) || primary == 1f)
Exemplo n.º 59
 internal GamepadTriggerPair(Gamepad gamepad, PlayerIndex? playerIndex = null)
     this.gamepad = gamepad;
     this.playerIndex = playerIndex;
Exemplo n.º 60
        private void ComputeXboxFoV( Gamepad gamepad )
            if( Camera == null )

            byte lt = gamepad.LeftTrigger;
            byte rt = gamepad.RightTrigger;

            // do nothing if both triggers are held down
            if( lt > 0 && rt > 0 )
            float fov = Camera.FieldOfView;            

            // left trigger: zoom out
            if( lt > 0 )
                fov += lt * XboxGamepadParameters.FoVRadiansPerTick;
            // right trigger: zoom in
                fov -= rt * XboxGamepadParameters.FoVRadiansPerTick;  

            fov = fov.Clamp( Arithmetic.DegreesToRadians( 1 ), Arithmetic.DegreesToRadians( 179 ) );
            Camera.FieldOfView = fov;