Exemplo n.º 1
        private void TestZ(GLMatrixCalc c, Vector4[] boundingbox, float zpoint)
            Vector4[] modelboundingbox = boundingbox.Transform(c.ModelMatrix);

            Vector4[] intercepts = new Vector4[6];
            Vector3[] texpoints  = new Vector3[6];
            int       count      = 0;

            modelboundingbox[0].FindVectorFromZ(modelboundingbox[1], ref intercepts, ref texpoints, new Vector3(0, 9, 0), ref count, zpoint);
            modelboundingbox[1].FindVectorFromZ(modelboundingbox[2], ref intercepts, ref texpoints, new Vector3(9, 1, 0), ref count, zpoint);
            modelboundingbox[3].FindVectorFromZ(modelboundingbox[2], ref intercepts, ref texpoints, new Vector3(1, 9, 0), ref count, zpoint);
            modelboundingbox[0].FindVectorFromZ(modelboundingbox[3], ref intercepts, ref texpoints, new Vector3(9, 0, 0), ref count, zpoint);

            modelboundingbox[4].FindVectorFromZ(modelboundingbox[5], ref intercepts, ref texpoints, new Vector3(0, 9, 1), ref count, zpoint);
            modelboundingbox[5].FindVectorFromZ(modelboundingbox[6], ref intercepts, ref texpoints, new Vector3(9, 1, 1), ref count, zpoint);
            modelboundingbox[7].FindVectorFromZ(modelboundingbox[6], ref intercepts, ref texpoints, new Vector3(1, 9, 1), ref count, zpoint);
            modelboundingbox[4].FindVectorFromZ(modelboundingbox[7], ref intercepts, ref texpoints, new Vector3(9, 0, 1), ref count, zpoint);

            modelboundingbox[0].FindVectorFromZ(modelboundingbox[4], ref intercepts, ref texpoints, new Vector3(0, 0, 9), ref count, zpoint);
            modelboundingbox[1].FindVectorFromZ(modelboundingbox[5], ref intercepts, ref texpoints, new Vector3(0, 1, 9), ref count, zpoint);
            modelboundingbox[2].FindVectorFromZ(modelboundingbox[6], ref intercepts, ref texpoints, new Vector3(1, 1, 9), ref count, zpoint);
            modelboundingbox[3].FindVectorFromZ(modelboundingbox[7], ref intercepts, ref texpoints, new Vector3(1, 0, 9), ref count, zpoint);

            if (count >= 3)
                Vector4 avg    = intercepts.Average();
                float[] angles = new float[6];
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    angles[i] = -(float)Math.Atan2(intercepts[i].Y - avg.Y, intercepts[i].X - avg.X);        // all on the same z plane, so x/y only need be considered
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("C" + intercepts[i].ToStringVec() + " ang " + angles[i].Degrees() + " t " + texpoints[i]);
Exemplo n.º 2
        ///<summary> Execute a RenderableItem.
        /// Use to execute outside of the normal RenderableItemList system. For a compute shader for instance.  Or for a finder.
        /// appliedstate if not null overrides this.RenderState and uses that instead </summary>
        public void Execute(IGLProgramShader shader, GLRenderState glstate, GLMatrixCalc c = null, GLRenderState appliedstate = null, bool noshaderstart = false)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(glstate != null && shader != null);
            if (shader.Enable)
                if (!noshaderstart)

                GLRenderState curstate = RenderState;
                if (appliedstate != null)
                    RenderState = appliedstate;

                Bind(glstate, shader, c);


                if (!noshaderstart)

                RenderState = curstate;
Exemplo n.º 3
        // code from the volumetric testers to help debug stuff
        private void Test(GLMatrixCalc c, Vector4[] boundingbox, float percent)
            Vector4[] modelboundingbox = boundingbox.Transform(c.ModelMatrix);

            float minzv = float.MaxValue, maxzv = float.MinValue;

            foreach (var m in modelboundingbox)
                if (m.Z < minzv)
                    minzv = m.Z;
                if (m.Z > maxzv)
                    maxzv = m.Z;

                Vector4[] proj = modelboundingbox.Transform(c.ProjectionMatrix);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Model {0} -> {1}", m, proj);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Min {0} Max {1}", minzv, maxzv);

            float zpoint = minzv + (maxzv - minzv) * percent;

            TestZ(c, boundingbox, zpoint);
        /// <summary> </summary>

        public override void Start(GLMatrixCalc c)
            Matrix4 a = ModelTranslation;

            GL.ProgramUniformMatrix4(Id, 22, false, ref a);
        /// <summary> Start shader </summary>
        public override void Start(GLMatrixCalc c)

            GL.ProgramUniform1(Id, 15, TimeDelta);
        /// <summary> Start shader </summary>
        public override void Start(GLMatrixCalc c)
            Matrix4 t = Transform.Transform;

            GL.ProgramUniformMatrix4(Id, 23, false, ref t);
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a control display
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="items">Items to store GL data to</param>
        /// <param name="win">GLWindowControl to hook to</param>
        /// <param name="mc">Matrix Calc to use</param>
        /// <param name="depthtest">Enable depth test</param>
        /// <param name="startz">Start Z for nearest top level window</param>
        /// <param name="deltaz">Delta Z between each top level window</param>
        /// <param name="arbbufferid">ARB buffer to use for texture bindless storage</param>
        public GLControlDisplay(GLItemsList items, GLWindowControl win, GLMatrixCalc mc,
                                bool depthtest  = true,             // do depth testing or not
                                float startz    = 0.001f,           // z for the deepest window (only will apply if depth testing
                                float deltaz    = 0.001f,           // delta betwwen them
                                int arbbufferid = 10
                                ) : base("displaycontrol", new Rectangle(0, 0, mc.ScreenCoordMax.Width, mc.ScreenCoordMax.Height))
            glwin      = win;
            MatrixCalc = mc;
            context    = GLStatics.GetContext();

            this.items = items;

            vertexes = items.NewBuffer();

            vertexarray = items.NewVertexArray();
            vertexes.Bind(vertexarray, 0, 0, vertexesperentry * sizeof(float));                            // bind to 0, from 0, 2xfloats. Must bind after vertexarray is made as its bound during construction

            vertexarray.Attribute(0, 0, vertexesperentry, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.VertexAttribType.Float); // bind 0 on attr 0, 2 components per vertex

            GLRenderState rc = GLRenderState.Tri();

            rc.PrimitiveRestart = 0xff;
            rc.DepthTest        = depthtest;

            this.startz = startz;
            this.deltaz = deltaz;

            ri = new GLRenderableItem(PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, rc, 0, vertexarray); // create a renderable item
            ri.CreateRectangleElementIndexByte(items.NewBuffer(), 255 / 5);             // note this limits top level controls number to 255/5.
            ri.DrawCount = 0;                                                           // nothing to draw at this point

            shader = new GLShaderPipeline(new GLPLVertexShaderScreenTexture(), new GLPLFragmentShaderBindlessTexture(arbbufferid, true, discardiftransparent: true));

            textures = new Dictionary <GLBaseControl, GLTexture2D>();
            size     = new Dictionary <GLBaseControl, Size>();
            visible  = new Dictionary <GLBaseControl, bool>();

            texturebinds = items.NewBindlessTextureHandleBlock(arbbufferid);

            glwin.MouseMove        += Gc_MouseMove;
            glwin.MouseClick       += Gc_MouseClick;
            glwin.MouseDoubleClick += Gc_MouseDoubleClick;
            glwin.MouseDown        += Gc_MouseDown;
            glwin.MouseUp          += Gc_MouseUp;
            glwin.MouseEnter       += Gc_MouseEnter;
            glwin.MouseLeave       += Gc_MouseLeave;
            glwin.MouseWheel       += Gc_MouseWheel;
            glwin.KeyDown          += Gc_KeyDown;
            glwin.KeyUp            += Gc_KeyUp;
            glwin.KeyPress         += Gc_KeyPress;
            glwin.Resize           += Gc_Resize;
            glwin.Paint            += Gc_Paint;

            suspendLayoutCount = 0;
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary> Called by render list and executes the operation </summary>
        public override void Execute(GLMatrixCalc c)
            if (QueryBuffer != null)

            GL.BeginQueryIndexed(Target, Index, Id);
        /// <summary> Start shader </summary>
        public override void Start(GLMatrixCalc c)
            Matrix4 a = ModelTranslation;

            GL.ProgramUniformMatrix4(Id, 22, false, ref a);
            Vector3 b = WorldPositionOffset;

            GL.ProgramUniform3(Id, 23, ref b);
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <inheritdoc cref="GLOFC.GL4.GLScissors.SetToScreenCoords(int, GLMatrixCalc)"/>
        public GLOperationScissors(int viewport, GLMatrixCalc matrixcalc)
            this.viewport = viewport;
            float leftoffset = matrixcalc.ScreenCoordClipSpaceOffset.X - (-1);
            float topoffset  = 1 - matrixcalc.ScreenCoordClipSpaceOffset.Y;
            int   left       = (int)(leftoffset / 2.0f * matrixcalc.ViewPort.Width) + matrixcalc.ViewPort.Left;
            int   top        = (int)(topoffset / 2.0f * matrixcalc.ViewPort.Height) + matrixcalc.ViewPort.Top;
            int   width      = (int)(matrixcalc.ScreenCoordClipSpaceSize.Width / 2.0f * matrixcalc.ViewPort.Width);
            int   height     = (int)(matrixcalc.ScreenCoordClipSpaceSize.Height / 2.0f * matrixcalc.ViewPort.Height);

            this.rect = new Rectangle(left, top, width, height);
Exemplo n.º 11
 /// <summary> Called before Render (normally by RenderList::Render) to set up data for the render.
 /// currentstate may be null, meaning, don't apply
 /// RenderState may be null, meaning don't change</summary>
 public void Bind(GLRenderState currentstate, IGLProgramShader shader, GLMatrixCalc matrixcalc)
     if (currentstate != null && RenderState != null)    // if either null, it means the last render state applied is the same as our render state, so no need to apply
         currentstate.ApplyState(RenderState);           // else go to this state
     VertexArray?.Bind();                                // give the VA a chance to bind to GL
     RenderData?.Bind(this, shader, matrixcalc);         // optional render data supplied by the user to bind
     ElementBuffer?.BindElement();                       // if we have an element buffer, give it a chance to bind
     IndirectBuffer?.BindIndirect();                     // if we have an indirect buffer, give it a chance to bind
     ParameterBuffer?.BindParameter();                   // if we have a parameter buffer, give it a chance to bind
Exemplo n.º 12
 /// <summary> Called by render list and executes the operation </summary>
 public override void Execute(GLMatrixCalc c)
     for (int i = 0; i < TransformFeedbackOperation.VaryingBuffers.Length; i++)
         //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"TF {TransformFeedbackOperation.Id} bp {i}");
         GLBuffer.UnbindTransformFeedback(i, TransformFeedbackOperation.Id);
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup scissors to screen defined by MatrixCalc
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="viewport">Viewport to scissor</param>
        /// <param name="matrixcalc">MatrixCalc with current screen setup</param>
        static public void SetToScreenCoords(int viewport, GLMatrixCalc matrixcalc)
            float leftoffset = matrixcalc.ScreenCoordClipSpaceOffset.X - (-1);
            float topoffset  = 1 - matrixcalc.ScreenCoordClipSpaceOffset.Y;
            int   left       = (int)(leftoffset / 2.0f * matrixcalc.ViewPort.Width) + matrixcalc.ViewPort.Left;
            int   top        = (int)(topoffset / 2.0f * matrixcalc.ViewPort.Height) + matrixcalc.ViewPort.Top;
            int   width      = (int)(matrixcalc.ScreenCoordClipSpaceSize.Width / 2.0f * matrixcalc.ViewPort.Width);
            int   height     = (int)(matrixcalc.ScreenCoordClipSpaceSize.Height / 2.0f * matrixcalc.ViewPort.Height);

            GL.ScissorIndexed(viewport, left, matrixcalc.ScreenSize.Height - (top + height), width, height);
            GL.Enable(IndexedEnableCap.ScissorTest, viewport);
        /// <summary> Start the shader. Bind the program and call Start on each sumcomponent.  Then invoke StartAction</summary>
        public virtual void Start(GLMatrixCalc c)
            GL.UseProgram(0);           // ensure no active program - otherwise the stupid thing picks it

            foreach (var x in shaders)                             // let any programs do any special set up

            StartAction?.Invoke(this, c);                           // any shader hooks get a chance.
        /// <summary>
        /// Minimal set - ProjectionModelMatrix only
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrixcalc">The current matrix calc to store information from </param>
        public void SetMinimal(GLMatrixCalc matrixcalc)
            if (lastmccount != matrixcalc.CountMatrixCalcs)
                if (NotAllocated)
                    AllocateBytes(MatrixCalcUse, BufferUsageHint.DynamicCopy);

                StartWrite(0, Length);        // the whole schebang
                StopReadWrite();              // and complete..
                lastmccount = matrixcalc.CountMatrixCalcs;
Exemplo n.º 16
            public virtual void Bind(IGLRenderableItem ri, IGLProgramShader shader, GLMatrixCalc c)     // called per renderable item..

                if (texture.Id >= 0)
                    if (texture.MipMapAutoGenNeeded)
                        texture.MipMapAutoGenNeeded = false;

Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary> Called by render list and executes the operation </summary>
        public override void Execute(GLMatrixCalc c)
            TransformFeedback.Bind();  // bind this transformfeedback to target transform feedback

            // bind these buffer at offset/set and binding index starting at 0
            for (int i = 0; i < VaryingBuffers.Length; i++)
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"TF {TransformFeedback.Id} bp {i} to buf {VaryingBuffers[i].Id}");
                VaryingBuffers[i].BindTransformFeedback(i, TransformFeedback.Id, Offsets == null ? 0 : Offsets[i], Sizes == null ? 0 : Sizes[i]);


            GLTransformFeedback.Begin(PrimitiveType);       // and start
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary> Start shader</summary>
        public override void Start(GLMatrixCalc c)
            if (UpdateControls)
                GL.ProgramUniform1(Id, 10, Frequency);
                GL.ProgramUniform1(Id, 11, UnRadius);
                GL.ProgramUniform1(Id, 12, Scutoff);
                GL.ProgramUniform1(Id, 13, Blackdeepness);
                GL.ProgramUniform1(Id, 14, Concentrationequator);
                UpdateControls = false;

            GL.ProgramUniform1(Id, 15, TimeDeltaSurface);
            GL.ProgramUniform1(Id, 16, TimeDeltaSpots);

Exemplo n.º 19
        /// <summary>Bind data to uniforms </summary>
        public virtual void Bind(IGLRenderableItem ri, IGLProgramShader shader, GLMatrixCalc c)
            int sid = shader.GetShader(ShaderType.VertexShader).Id;

            GL.ProgramUniformMatrix4(sid, TransformUniform, false, ref transform);

            if (lookatangle)
                Vector2 res = pos.AzEl(c.EyePosition, false);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Object Bind eye " + c.EyePosition + " to " + pos + " az " + res.Y.Degrees() + " inc " + res.X.Degrees());
                Matrix4 tx2 = Matrix4.Identity;
                tx2 *= Matrix4.CreateRotationX((-res.X));
                tx2 *= Matrix4.CreateRotationY(((float)Math.PI + res.Y));
                GL.ProgramUniformMatrix4(sid, LookAtUniform, false, ref tx2);

 /// <summary>
 /// All set - All fields
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="matrixcalc">The current matrix calc to store information from</param>
 public void SetFull(GLMatrixCalc matrixcalc)
     if (lastmccount != matrixcalc.CountMatrixCalcs)
         if (NotAllocated)
             AllocateBytes(MatrixCalcUse, BufferUsageHint.DynamicCopy);
         StartWrite(0, Length);                            // the whole schebang
         Write(matrixcalc.ProjectionModelMatrix);          //0, 64 long
         Write(matrixcalc.ProjectionMatrix);               //64, 64 long
         Write(matrixcalc.ModelMatrix);                    //128, 64 long
         Write(matrixcalc.LookAt, 0);                      //192, vec4, 16 long
         Write(matrixcalc.EyePosition, 0);                 // 208, vec4, 16 long
         Write(matrixcalc.EyeDistance);                    // 224, float, 4 long
         Write(matrixcalc.MatrixScreenCoordToClipSpace()); // 240-303, into the project model matrix slot, used for text
         StopReadWrite();                                  // and complete..
         lastmccount = matrixcalc.CountMatrixCalcs;
        /// <summary>
        /// Normal set - All up to EyeDistance inclusive
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrixcalc">The current matrix calc to store information from </param>
        public void Set(GLMatrixCalc matrixcalc)
            if (lastmccount != matrixcalc.CountMatrixCalcs)
                if (NotAllocated)
                    AllocateBytes(MatrixCalcUse, BufferUsageHint.DynamicCopy);

                StartWrite(0, Length);                   // the whole schebang
                Write(matrixcalc.ProjectionModelMatrix); // 0- 63
                Write(matrixcalc.ProjectionMatrix);      // 64-127
                Write(matrixcalc.ModelMatrix);           // 128-191
                Write(matrixcalc.LookAt, 0);             // 192-207
                Write(matrixcalc.EyePosition, 0);        // 208-223
                Write(matrixcalc.EyeDistance);           // 224-239
                StopReadWrite();                         // and complete..
                lastmccount = matrixcalc.CountMatrixCalcs;
Exemplo n.º 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Start shader
        /// </summary>
        public override void Start(GLMatrixCalc c)

            Matrix4 t = CommonTransform.Transform;

            GL.ProgramUniformMatrix4(Id, 20, false, ref t);

            int   image1 = (int)Math.Floor(Blend);          // compute first and next image indexes
            int   image2 = BlendImages > 0 ? (image1 + 1) % BlendImages : 0;
            float mix    = Blend - image1;                  // and the mix between them

            GL.ProgramUniform1(Id, 25, mix);
            GL.ProgramUniform1(Id, 26, image1);
            GL.ProgramUniform1(Id, 27, image2);

            // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Blend " + image1 + " to " + image2 + " Mix of" + mix);

Exemplo n.º 23
 /// <summary> Shader start </summary>
 public override void Start(GLMatrixCalc c)
     GL.ProgramUniform2(Id, 24, TexOffset);
 /// <summary> Start shader </summary>
 public override void Start(GLMatrixCalc c)
     GL.ProgramUniform1(Id, 30, Blend);
Exemplo n.º 25
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            Closed += ShaderTest_Closed;

            items.Add(new GLMatrixCalcUniformBlock(), "MCUB");      // create a matrix uniform block

            int front = -20000, back = front + 90000, left = -45000, right = left + 90000, vsize = 2000;

            Vector4[] displaylines = new Vector4[]
                new Vector4(left, -vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(left, +vsize, front, 1),
                new Vector4(left, +vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(right, +vsize, front, 1),
                new Vector4(right, +vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(right, -vsize, front, 1),
                new Vector4(right, -vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(left, -vsize, front, 1),

                new Vector4(left, -vsize, back, 1), new Vector4(left, +vsize, back, 1),
                new Vector4(left, +vsize, back, 1), new Vector4(right, +vsize, back, 1),
                new Vector4(right, +vsize, back, 1), new Vector4(right, -vsize, back, 1),
                new Vector4(right, -vsize, back, 1), new Vector4(left, -vsize, back, 1),

                new Vector4(left, -vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(left, -vsize, back, 1),
                new Vector4(left, +vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(left, +vsize, back, 1),
                new Vector4(right, -vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(right, -vsize, back, 1),
                new Vector4(right, +vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(right, +vsize, back, 1),

            GLRenderState rl       = GLRenderState.Lines(1);

                items.Add(new GLFixedShader(System.Drawing.Color.Yellow), "LINEYELLOW");
                rObjects.Add(items.Shader("LINEYELLOW"), GLRenderableItem.CreateVector4(items, PrimitiveType.Lines, rl, displaylines));

            float h = 0;

            if (h != -1)
                items.Add(new GLColorShaderWorld(), "COS-1L");

                int   dist = 1000;
                Color cr   = Color.FromArgb(100, Color.White);
                rObjects.Add(items.Shader("COS-1L"),    // horizontal
                             GLRenderableItem.CreateVector4Color4(items, PrimitiveType.Lines, rl,
                                                                  GLShapeObjectFactory.CreateLines(new Vector3(left, h, front), new Vector3(left, h, back), new Vector3(dist, 0, 0), (back - front) / dist + 1),
                                                                  new Color4[] { cr })

                             GLRenderableItem.CreateVector4Color4(items, PrimitiveType.Lines, rl,
                                                                  GLShapeObjectFactory.CreateLines(new Vector3(left, h, front), new Vector3(right, h, front), new Vector3(0, 0, dist), (right - left) / dist + 1),
                                                                  new Color4[] { cr })

            GLMatrixCalc mc = new GLMatrixCalc();

            mc.PerspectiveNearZDistance = 1f;
            mc.PerspectiveFarZDistance  = 500000f;

            if (true)
                bool testform1 = true;

                mc.ResizeViewPort(this, glwfc.Size);                               // must establish size before starting

                displaycontrol           = new GLControlDisplay(items, glwfc, mc); // hook form to the window - its the master, it takes its size fro mc.ScreenCoordMax
                displaycontrol.Focusable = true;                                   // we want to be able to focus and receive key presses.
                displaycontrol.Name      = "displaycontrol";

                if (testform1)
                    GLForm pform = new GLForm("Form1", "GL Menu demonstration", new Rectangle(10, 10, 600, 200));

                    if (true)
                        GLMenuStrip menubar = new GLMenuStrip("Menubar", new Rectangle(0, 0, 500, 24));
                        menubar.AutoOpenDelay      = 1000;
                        menubar.Font               = new Font("Euro Caps", 12);
                        menubar.Dock               = DockingType.Top;
                        menubar.SubMenuBorderWidth = 1;

                        GLMenuItem l1 = new GLMenuItem("MI-0A", "MenuA");

                        GLMenuItem l1a = new GLMenuItem("A-1", "MenuA-1");
                        GLMenuItem l1b = new GLMenuItem("A-2", "MenuA-2");
                        l1b.CheckOnClick = true;
                        l1b.Checked      = true;
                        GLMenuItem l1c = new GLMenuItem("A-3", "MenuA-3")
                            Image = Properties.Resources.GoToHomeSystem
                        l1c.CheckOnClick = true;
                        l1.SubMenuItems  = new List <GLBaseControl>()
                            l1a, l1b, l1c

                        GLMenuItem l1a1 = new GLMenuItem("A-1-1", "MenuA-1-1");
                        GLMenuItem l1a2 = new GLMenuItem("A-1-2", "MenuA-1-2");

                        GLMenuItem l1a21 = new GLMenuItem("A-1-2-1", "MenuA-1-2-1");
                        GLMenuItem l1a22 = new GLMenuItem("A-1-2-2", "MenuA-1-2-2");
                        l1a2.SubMenuItems = new List <GLBaseControl>()
                            l1a21, l1a22

                        GLCheckBox l1a3 = new GLCheckBox("A-1-3", new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0), "CheckBox A-1-3");
                        l1a3.CheckOnClick  = true;
                        l1a3.CheckChanged += (bc) => { menubar.CloseMenus(); };     // need to associate check changed with closing menus - optional

                        GLComboBox l1a4 = new GLComboBox("A-1-4", new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0), new List <string>()
                            "one", "two", "three"
                        l1a4.SelectedIndexChanged += (c) => { menubar.CloseMenus(); };
                        l1a4.DisableChangeKeys     = true;
                        l1a.SubMenuItems           = new List <GLBaseControl>()
                            l1a1, l1a2, l1a3, l1a4

                        GLMenuItem l2 = new GLMenuItem("MI-0B", "MenuB");

                        GLMenuItem l2a = new GLMenuItem("B-1", "MenuB-1");
                        l2a.Click += (s) => { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Clicked Menu " + s.Name); };
                        GLMenuItem l2b = new GLMenuItem("B-2", "MenuB-2");
                        l2.SubMenuItems = new List <GLBaseControl>()
                            l2a, l2b

                        GLMenuItem l3 = new GLMenuItem("MI-0C", "MenuC");


                if (true)
                    GLContextMenu ctx1, ctx2;

                    ctx1 = new GLContextMenu("CM1");
                    GLMenuItem cm1 = new GLMenuItem("CM1A", "Menu-1");
                    cm1.CheckOnClick = true;

                    GLMenuItem cm2 = new GLMenuItem("CM1B", "Menu-2");
                    cm2.CheckOnClick = true;
                    GLMenuItem cm3 = new GLMenuItem("CM1C", "Menu-3");

                    GLMenuItem l1a1 = new GLMenuItem("CM1C-1", "Menu-1-1");
                    l1a1.CheckOnClick = true;
                    GLMenuItem l1a2 = new GLMenuItem("CM1C-2", "MenuA-1-2");
                    GLCheckBox l1a3 = new GLCheckBox("CM1C-3", new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0), "CheckBox A-1-3");
                    l1a3.CheckOnClick = true;
                    cm3.SubMenuItems  = new List <GLBaseControl>()
                        l1a1, l1a2, l1a3

                    int count = 0;
                    ctx1.Opening += (c1, c2) =>
                        bool on = count++ % 2 == 0;
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Set cm2 state {on}");
                        cm2.Visible = on;


                    Color tc = Color.Orange;
                    ctx2 = new GLContextMenu("CM1", new GLMenuItem[] {
                        new GLMenuItem("CM1A", "MenuR1")
                            CheckOnClick = true, ForeColor = tc
                        new GLMenuItem("CM1B", "MenuR2")
                            CheckOnClick = true, Enabled = false, ForeColor = tc
                        new GLMenuItem("CM1C", "MenuR3")
                            CheckOnClick = true
                        new GLMenuItem("CM1C", "MenuR4")
                            CheckOnClick = true
                        new GLMenuItem("CM1C", "MenuR5")

                    ctx2.Font = new Font("Euro caps", 18f);

                    displaycontrol.MouseClick += (s, ev) =>
                        if (ev.Button == GLMouseEventArgs.MouseButtons.Left)
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"*********************** OPEN");
                            ctx1.Show(displaycontrol, ev.ScreenCoord);
                        else if (ev.Button == GLMouseEventArgs.MouseButtons.Right)
                            ctx2.Show(displaycontrol, ev.ScreenCoord);

            gl3dcontroller = new Controller3D();
            gl3dcontroller.ZoomDistance  = 5000F;
            gl3dcontroller.YHoldMovement = true;
            gl3dcontroller.PaintObjects  = Controller3dDraw;

            gl3dcontroller.KeyboardTravelSpeed = (ms, eyedist) =>
                return((float)ms * 10.0f);

            gl3dcontroller.MatrixCalc.InPerspectiveMode = true;

            if (displaycontrol != null)
                gl3dcontroller.Start(mc, displaycontrol, new Vector3(0, 0, 10000), new Vector3(140.75f, 0, 0), 0.5F); // HOOK the 3dcontroller to the form so it gets Form events

                displaycontrol.Paint += (o, ts) =>                                                                    // subscribing after start means we paint over the scene, letting transparency work
                    displaycontrol.Render(glwfc.RenderState, ts);                                                     // we use the same matrix calc as done in controller 3d draw
                gl3dcontroller.Start(glwfc, new Vector3(0, 0, 10000), new Vector3(140.75f, 0, 0), 0.5F);     // HOOK the 3dcontroller to the form so it gets Form events
            systemtimer.Interval = 25;
            systemtimer.Tick    += new EventHandler(SystemTick);
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            Closed += ShaderTest_Closed;

            items.Add(new GLMatrixCalcUniformBlock(), "MCUB");     // create a matrix uniform block

            int front = -20000, back = front + 90000, left = -45000, right = left + 90000, vsize = 2000;

            Vector4[] displaylines = new Vector4[]
                new Vector4(left, -vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(left, +vsize, front, 1),
                new Vector4(left, +vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(right, +vsize, front, 1),
                new Vector4(right, +vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(right, -vsize, front, 1),
                new Vector4(right, -vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(left, -vsize, front, 1),

                new Vector4(left, -vsize, back, 1), new Vector4(left, +vsize, back, 1),
                new Vector4(left, +vsize, back, 1), new Vector4(right, +vsize, back, 1),
                new Vector4(right, +vsize, back, 1), new Vector4(right, -vsize, back, 1),
                new Vector4(right, -vsize, back, 1), new Vector4(left, -vsize, back, 1),

                new Vector4(left, -vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(left, -vsize, back, 1),
                new Vector4(left, +vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(left, +vsize, back, 1),
                new Vector4(right, -vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(right, -vsize, back, 1),
                new Vector4(right, +vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(right, +vsize, back, 1),

            GLRenderState rl       = GLRenderState.Lines(1);

                items.Add(new GLFixedShader(System.Drawing.Color.Yellow), "LINEYELLOW");
                             GLRenderableItem.CreateVector4(items, PrimitiveType.Lines, rl, displaylines));

            float h = 0;

            if (h != -1)
                items.Add(new GLColorShaderWorld(), "COS-1L");

                int   dist = 1000;
                Color cr   = Color.FromArgb(100, Color.White);
                rObjects.Add(items.Shader("COS-1L"),    // horizontal
                             GLRenderableItem.CreateVector4Color4(items, PrimitiveType.Lines, rl,
                                                                  GLShapeObjectFactory.CreateLines(new Vector3(left, h, front), new Vector3(left, h, back), new Vector3(dist, 0, 0), (back - front) / dist + 1),
                                                                  new Color4[] { cr })

                             GLRenderableItem.CreateVector4Color4(items, PrimitiveType.Lines, rl,
                                                                  GLShapeObjectFactory.CreateLines(new Vector3(left, h, front), new Vector3(right, h, front), new Vector3(0, 0, dist), (right - left) / dist + 1),
                                                                  new Color4[] { cr })

            GLMatrixCalc mc = new GLMatrixCalc();

            mc.PerspectiveNearZDistance = 1f;
            mc.PerspectiveFarZDistance  = 500000f;

            mc.ResizeViewPort(this, glwfc.Size);                               // must establish size before starting

            displaycontrol           = new GLControlDisplay(items, glwfc, mc); // hook form to the window - its the master, it takes its size fro mc.ScreenCoordMax
            displaycontrol.Focusable = true;                                   // we want to be able to focus and receive key presses.
            displaycontrol.Name      = "displaycontrol";
            displaycontrol.Font      = new Font("Times", 8);

            GLForm pform = new GLForm("Form1", "GL Form demonstration", new Rectangle(0, 0, 1000, 800));

            int taborder = 0;

            if (true)
                string l = "Hello there ggg qqq jjj" + Environment.NewLine + "And the ggg next line";

                GLMultiLineTextBox mtb = new GLMultiLineTextBox("mltb", new Rectangle(10, 10, 400, 200), l);
                mtb.Font = new Font("Ms Sans Serif", 24.25f);
                //mtb.Font = new Font("Arial", 25f);
                mtb.LineColor = Color.Green;
                mtb.EnableVerticalScrollBar   = true;
                mtb.EnableHorizontalScrollBar = true;
                mtb.SetSelection(16 * 2 + 2, 16 * 3 + 4);
                mtb.TabOrder           = taborder++;
                mtb.RightClickMenuFont = new Font("Euro Caps", 14f);
                mtb.FlashingCursor     = false;

            if (true)
                string l = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    string s = string.Format("Line " + i);
                    if (i == 0)
                        s += "And a much much longer Line which should break the width";
                    l += s + "\r\n";
                l += "trail ";
                // l = "";

                GLMultiLineTextBox mtb = new GLMultiLineTextBox("mltb", new Rectangle(0, 400, 400, 200), l);
                mtb.Font      = new Font("Ms Sans Serif", 16);
                mtb.LineColor = Color.Green;
                mtb.EnableVerticalScrollBar   = true;
                mtb.EnableHorizontalScrollBar = true;
                mtb.SetSelection(16 * 2 + 2, 16 * 3 + 4);
                mtb.TabOrder           = taborder++;
                mtb.RightClickMenuFont = new Font("Euro Caps", 14f);
                //mtb.FlashingCursor = false;
                //mtb.ReadOnly = true;

                GLMultiLineTextBox mtb2 = new GLMultiLineTextBox("mltb2", new Rectangle(500, 400, 495, 200), l);
                mtb2.Font      = new Font("Ms Sans Serif", 11);
                mtb2.LineColor = Color.Green;
                mtb2.EnableVerticalScrollBar   = true;
                mtb2.EnableHorizontalScrollBar = true;
                mtb2.SetSelection(16 * 2 + 2, 16 * 3 + 4);
                mtb2.TabOrder           = taborder++;
                mtb2.RightClickMenuFont = new Font("Arial", 14f);

            if (true)
                GLTextBox tb1 = new GLTextBox("TB1", new Rectangle(0, 300, 350, 40), "Text Box Which is a very long string of very many many characters");
                tb1.Font           = new Font("Arial", 12);
                tb1.ReturnPressed += (c1) => { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Return pressed on text box"); };
                tb1.TabOrder       = taborder++;


            gl3dcontroller = new Controller3D();
            gl3dcontroller.ZoomDistance  = 5000F;
            gl3dcontroller.YHoldMovement = true;
            gl3dcontroller.PaintObjects  = Controller3dDraw;

            gl3dcontroller.KeyboardTravelSpeed = (ms, eyedist) =>
                return((float)ms * 10.0f);

            gl3dcontroller.MatrixCalc.InPerspectiveMode = true;

            if (displaycontrol != null)
                gl3dcontroller.Start(mc, displaycontrol, new Vector3(0, 0, 10000), new Vector3(140.75f, 0, 0), 0.5F); // HOOK the 3dcontroller to the form so it gets Form events

                displaycontrol.Paint += (o, ts) =>                                                                    // subscribing after start means we paint over the scene, letting transparency work
                    displaycontrol.Render(glwfc.RenderState, ts);                                                     // we use the same matrix calc as done in controller 3d draw
                gl3dcontroller.Start(glwfc, new Vector3(0, 0, 10000), new Vector3(140.75f, 0, 0), 0.5F);     // HOOK the 3dcontroller to the form so it gets Form events
Exemplo n.º 27
 public override void Start(GLMatrixCalc c)
Exemplo n.º 28
        public void ComputeUniforms(int gridwidth, GLMatrixCalc mc, Vector2 cameradir, Color textcol, Color?backcol = null)
            float sy = mc.LookAt.Y.Clamp(-2000, 2000);

            float multgrid = mc.EyeDistance / gridwidth;

            int tw = 10;

            if (multgrid < 2)
                tw = 1;
            else if (multgrid < 5)
                tw = 5;

            //                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Mult " + multgrid + " tw "+ tw);
            int majorlines = (gridwidth * tw).Clamp(0, 10000);

            int sx = (int)((mc.LookAt.X - majorlines).Clamp(-50000, 50000 - majorlines * 2)) + 50000; //move to positive rep so rounding next is always down

            if (sx % majorlines > majorlines / 2)                                                     // if we are over 1/2 way across, move over
                sx += majorlines;

            sx = sx / majorlines * majorlines - 50000;         // round and adjust back

            bool lookbackwards = (cameradir.Y > 90 || cameradir.Y < -90);
            int  zoffset       = lookbackwards ? majorlines : 0;

            int sz = (int)((mc.LookAt.Z - zoffset).Clamp(-20000, 70000 - majorlines * 2)) + 50000; //move to positive rep so rounding next is always down

            sz = sz / majorlines * majorlines - 50000;                                             // round and adjust back

            Vector3 start = new Vector3(sx, sy, sz);

            GL.ProgramUniform1(this.Id, 11, majorlines);
            GL.ProgramUniform3(this.Id, 12, ref start);
            GL.ProgramUniform1(this.Id, 13, lookbackwards ? 1 : 0);
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(majorlines + " " + start + " " + lookbackwards);

            if (lastsx != sx || lastsz != sz || lastsy != (int)sy || lasttextcol != textcol)
                for (int i = 0; i < texcoords.Depth; i++)
                    int    bsx   = sx + majorlines * (i / 3);
                    int    bsz   = sz + majorlines * (i % 3);
                    string label = bsx.ToStringInvariant() + "," + sy.ToStringInvariant("0") + "," + bsz.ToStringInvariant();
                    GLOFC.Utils.BitMapHelpers.DrawTextIntoFixedSizeBitmap(ref texcoords.BitMaps[i], label, gridfnt, System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit, textcol, backcol);
                    texcoords.LoadBitmap(texcoords.BitMaps[i], i, true, 1);
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("At {0} Draw {1}", i, label);

                lastsx      = sx;
                lastsz      = sz;
                lastsy      = (int)sy;
                lasttextcol = textcol;
Exemplo n.º 29
        public void Start(GLWinFormControl glwfc)
            this.glwfc = glwfc;

            matrixcalc = new GLMatrixCalc();
            matrixcalc.PerspectiveNearZDistance = 1f;
            matrixcalc.PerspectiveFarZDistance  = worldsize * 2;
            matrixcalc.InPerspectiveMode        = true;
            matrixcalc.ResizeViewPort(this, glwfc.Size);

            items.Add(new GLMatrixCalcUniformBlock(), "MCUB");                         // create a matrix uniform block

            displaycontrol           = new GLControlDisplay(items, glwfc, matrixcalc); // hook form to the window - its the master, it takes its size from mc.ScreenCoordMax
            displaycontrol.Focusable = true;                                           // we want to be able to focus and receive key presses.
            displaycontrol.Name      = "displaycontrol";
            displaycontrol.Font      = new Font("Arial", 12);

            gl3dcontroller = new Controller3Dd();
            gl3dcontroller.PaintObjects          = ControllerDraw;
            gl3dcontroller.ZoomDistance          = 20e6 * 1000 * mscaling; // zoom 1 is X km
            gl3dcontroller.PosCamera.ZoomMin     = 0.001f;
            gl3dcontroller.PosCamera.ZoomMax     = 300f;
            gl3dcontroller.PosCamera.ZoomScaling = 1.08f;
            gl3dcontroller.Start(matrixcalc, displaycontrol, new Vector3d(0, 0, 0), new Vector3d(135f, 0, 0f), 0.025F, registermouseui: false, registerkeyui: true);
            gl3dcontroller.KeyboardTravelSpeed = (ms, eyedist) =>
                double eyedistr = Math.Pow(eyedist, 1.0);
                float  v        = (float)Math.Max(eyedistr / 1200, 0);
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Speed " + eyedistr + " "+ v);
                return((float)ms * v);

            for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                int    v = i * i;
                double f = (gl3dcontroller.PosCamera.ZoomMax - gl3dcontroller.PosCamera.ZoomMin) * v / 100.0 + gl3dcontroller.PosCamera.ZoomMin;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{i} {v} {f}");

            displaycontrol.Paint += (o, ts) =>        // subscribing after Controller start means we paint over the scene
                // MCUB set up by Controller3DDraw which did the work first
                //     System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Controls Draw");
                displaycontrol.Render(glwfc.RenderState, ts);

            displaycontrol.MouseClick += MouseClickOnMap;       // grab mouse UI
            displaycontrol.MouseUp    += MouseUpOnMap;
            displaycontrol.MouseDown  += MouseDownOnMap;
            displaycontrol.MouseMove  += MouseMoveOnMap;
            displaycontrol.MouseWheel += MouseWheelOnMap;

            double  startspeed = 60 * 60 * 6; // in sec
            GLImage minus      = new GLImage("timeplus1y", new Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), Properties.Resources.GoBackward);

            minus.MouseClick += (e1, m1) => { currentjd -= 365; };
            GLImage back = new GLImage("timeback", new Rectangle(40, 0, 32, 32), Properties.Resources.Backwards);

            back.MouseClick += (e1, m1) => { if (jdscaling > 0)
                                                 jdscaling /= 2;
                                             else if (jdscaling < 0)
                                                 jdscaling *= 2;
                                                 jdscaling = -startspeed;
                                             } };
            GLImage pause = new GLImage("timepause", new Rectangle(80, 0, 32, 32), Properties.Resources.Pause);

            pause.MouseClick += (e1, m1) => { jdscaling = 0; };
            GLImage fwd = new GLImage("timefwd", new Rectangle(120, 0, 32, 32), Properties.Resources.Forward);

            fwd.MouseClick += (e1, m1) => { if (jdscaling < 0)
                                                jdscaling /= 2;
                                            else if (jdscaling > 0)
                                                jdscaling *= 2;
                                                jdscaling = startspeed;
                                            } };
            GLImage plus = new GLImage("timeplus1y", new Rectangle(160, 0, 32, 32), Properties.Resources.GoForward);

            plus.MouseClick += (e1, m1) => { currentjd += 365; };

            GLImage sysleft = new GLImage("sysleft", new Rectangle(200, 0, 32, 32), Properties.Resources.GoBackward);

            sysleft.MouseClick += (e1, m1) => { DisplayNode(-1); };

            mastersystem           = new GLLabel("sysname", new Rectangle(230, 6, 70, 20), "All", Color.DarkOrange);
            mastersystem.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;

            GLImage sysright = new GLImage("sysright", new Rectangle(300, 0, 32, 32), Properties.Resources.GoForward);

            sysright.MouseClick += (e1, m1) => { DisplayNode(1); };

            timedisplay = new GLLabel("state", new Rectangle(340, 6, 800, 20), "Label", Color.DarkOrange);

            datalabel           = new GLLabel("datalabel", new Rectangle(0, 40, 400, 100), "", Color.DarkOrange);
            datalabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft;

            status           = new GLLabel("Status", new Rectangle(0, 0, 2000, 24), "x");
            status.Dock      = DockingType.BottomLeft;
            status.ForeColor = Color.Orange;
            status.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(50, 50, 50, 50);

            rightclickmenubody = new GLContextMenu("RightClickMenuBody",
                                                   new GLMenuItem("RCMInfo", "Information")
                MouseClick = (s, e) =>
                                                   new GLMenuItem("RCMZoomIn", "Track")
                MouseClick = (s, e) =>
                    track = (int)rightclickmenubody.Tag;
                                                   new GLMenuItem("RCMZoomIn", "Track Central Body")
                MouseClick = (s, e) =>
                    int body = (int)rightclickmenubody.Tag;
                    if (bodyinfo[body].parentindex >= 0)
                        track = bodyinfo[body].parentindex;
                                                   new GLMenuItem("RCMZoomIn", "Zoom In")
                                                   new GLMenuItem("RCMUntrack", "Untrack")
                MouseClick = (s1, e1) =>
                    track = -1;

            rightclickmenubody.Opening += (ms, tag) =>
                ms["RCMUntrack"].Enabled = track != -1;

            rightclickmenuscreen = new GLContextMenu("RightClickMenuBody",
                                                     new GLMenuItem("RCMSysDisplay", "System Display")
                MouseClick = (s, e) =>
                                                     new GLMenuItem("RCMUntrack", "Untrack")
                MouseClick = (s1, e1) =>
                    track = -1;

            rightclickmenuscreen.Opening += (ms, tag) =>
                ms["RCMUntrack"].Enabled = track != -1;

            if (true)
                var shader = new GLColorShaderWorld();

                GLRenderState lines = GLRenderState.Lines(1);
                lines.DepthTest = false;

                int gridsize   = (int)(worldsize * mscaling);
                int gridoffset = (int)(gridlines * mscaling);
                int nolines    = gridsize / gridoffset * 2 + 1;

                Color gridcolour = Color.FromArgb(80, 80, 80, 80);
                             GLRenderableItem.CreateVector4Color4(items, PrimitiveType.Lines, lines,
                                                                  GLShapeObjectFactory.CreateLines(new Vector3(-gridsize, -0, -gridsize), new Vector3(-gridsize, -0, gridsize), new Vector3(gridoffset, 0, 0), nolines),
                                                                  new Color4[] { gridcolour })

                             GLRenderableItem.CreateVector4Color4(items, PrimitiveType.Lines, lines,
                                                                  GLShapeObjectFactory.CreateLines(new Vector3(-gridsize, -0, -gridsize), new Vector3(gridsize, -0, -gridsize), new Vector3(0, 0, gridoffset), nolines),
                                                                  new Color4[] { gridcolour }));

                Size bmpsize = new Size(128, 30);
                var  maps    = new GLBitmaps("bitmap1", rObjects, bmpsize, 3, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SizedInternalFormat.Rgba8, false, false);
                using (StringFormat fmt = new StringFormat(StringFormatFlags.NoWrap)
                    Alignment = StringAlignment.Near, LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
                    float hsize = 40e6f * 1000 * mscaling; // million km -> m -> scaling
                    float vsize = hsize * bmpsize.Height / bmpsize.Width;

                    Font f   = new Font("MS sans serif", 12f);
                    long pos = -nolines / 2 * (gridlines / 1000);
                    for (int i = -nolines / 2; i < nolines / 2; i++)
                        if (i != 0)
                            double v = Math.Abs(pos * 1000);
                            long   p = Math.Abs(pos);

                            maps.Add(i, (p).ToString("N0"), f, Color.White, Color.Transparent, new Vector3(i * gridoffset + hsize / 2, 0, vsize / 2),
                                     new Vector3(hsize, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), fmt);
                            maps.Add(i, (v / oneAU_m).ToString("N1") + "AU", f, Color.White, Color.Transparent, new Vector3(i * gridoffset + hsize / 2, 0, -vsize / 2),
                                     new Vector3(hsize, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), fmt);
                            maps.Add(i, (p).ToString("N0"), f, Color.White, Color.Transparent, new Vector3(hsize / 2, 0, i * gridoffset + vsize / 2),
                                     new Vector3(hsize, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), fmt);
                            maps.Add(i, (v / oneAU_m).ToString("N1") + "AU", f, Color.White, Color.Transparent, new Vector3(hsize / 2, 0, i * gridoffset - vsize / 2),
                                     new Vector3(hsize, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), fmt);
                        pos += 50000000;

            var orbitlinesvertshader = new GLPLVertexShaderModelWorldUniform(new Color[] { Color.FromArgb(128, 128, 0, 0), Color.FromArgb(128, 128, 128, 0) });

            orbitlineshader = new GLShaderPipeline(orbitlinesvertshader, new GLPLFragmentShaderVSColor());
            bodyplaneshader = new GLShaderPipeline(orbitlinesvertshader, new GLPLFragmentShaderVSColor());  // model pos in, with uniform world pos, vectors out, with vs_colour selected by worldpos.w

            // set up ARB IDs for all images we are going to use..
            var tbs   = items.NewBindlessTextureHandleBlock(arbblock);
            var texs  = items.NewTexture2D(null, Properties.Resources.golden, SizedInternalFormat.Rgba8);
            var texp  = items.NewTexture2D(null, Properties.Resources.moonmap1k, SizedInternalFormat.Rgba8);
            var texb  = items.NewTexture2D(null, Properties.Resources.dotted, SizedInternalFormat.Rgba8);
            var texs2 = items.NewTexture2D(null, Properties.Resources.wooden, SizedInternalFormat.Rgba8);

            tbs.WriteHandles(new IGLTexture[] { texs, texp, texb, texs2 });

            // using 0 tex coord, 4 image id and arb text binding
            var bodyfragshader = new GLPLFragmentShaderBindlessTexture(arbblock, discardiftransparent: true, useprimidover2: false);

            // takes 0:Vector4 model, 1: vec2 text, 4:matrix, out is 0:tex, 1: modelpos, 2: instance, 4 = matrix[3][3]
            var bodyvertshader = new GLPLVertexShaderModelMatrixTexture(1000000 * 1000 * mscaling, useeyedistance: false);

            bodyshader = new GLShaderPipeline(bodyvertshader, bodyfragshader);

            // hold shape
            var sphereshape = GLSphereObjectFactory.CreateTexturedSphereFromTriangles(3, 1.0f);

            spherebuffer = items.NewBuffer();      // fill buffer with model co-ords
            spheretexcobuffer = items.NewBuffer(); // fill buffer with tex coords

            bodymatrixbuffer = items.NewBuffer();    // this holds the matrix to set position and size

            GLStorageBlock findbufferresults = items.NewStorageBlock(findblock);
            var            geofind           = new GLPLGeoShaderFindTriangles(findbufferresults, 16); // pass thru normal vert/tcs/tes then to geoshader for results

            findshader = items.NewShaderPipeline(null, bodyvertshader, null, null, geofind, null, null, null);
 /// <summary> Start the class with this matrixcalc. Pass the GL window control, and the initial lookat/cameradirection and zoom.
 /// Control if registration of mouse and keyboard UI is performed with GL window control
 /// </summary>
 public void Start(GLMatrixCalc mc, GLWindowControl win, Vector3 lookat, Vector3 cameradirdegrees, float zoomn,
                   bool registermouseui = true, bool registerkeyui = true)
     MatrixCalc = mc;
     Start(win, lookat, cameradirdegrees, zoomn, registermouseui, registerkeyui);