Esempio n. 1
        private void TestZ(GLMatrixCalc c, Vector4[] boundingbox, float zpoint)
            Vector4[] modelboundingbox = boundingbox.Transform(c.ModelMatrix);

            Vector4[] intercepts = new Vector4[6];
            Vector3[] texpoints  = new Vector3[6];
            int       count      = 0;

            modelboundingbox[0].FindVectorFromZ(modelboundingbox[1], ref intercepts, ref texpoints, new Vector3(0, 9, 0), ref count, zpoint);
            modelboundingbox[1].FindVectorFromZ(modelboundingbox[2], ref intercepts, ref texpoints, new Vector3(9, 1, 0), ref count, zpoint);
            modelboundingbox[3].FindVectorFromZ(modelboundingbox[2], ref intercepts, ref texpoints, new Vector3(1, 9, 0), ref count, zpoint);
            modelboundingbox[0].FindVectorFromZ(modelboundingbox[3], ref intercepts, ref texpoints, new Vector3(9, 0, 0), ref count, zpoint);

            modelboundingbox[4].FindVectorFromZ(modelboundingbox[5], ref intercepts, ref texpoints, new Vector3(0, 9, 1), ref count, zpoint);
            modelboundingbox[5].FindVectorFromZ(modelboundingbox[6], ref intercepts, ref texpoints, new Vector3(9, 1, 1), ref count, zpoint);
            modelboundingbox[7].FindVectorFromZ(modelboundingbox[6], ref intercepts, ref texpoints, new Vector3(1, 9, 1), ref count, zpoint);
            modelboundingbox[4].FindVectorFromZ(modelboundingbox[7], ref intercepts, ref texpoints, new Vector3(9, 0, 1), ref count, zpoint);

            modelboundingbox[0].FindVectorFromZ(modelboundingbox[4], ref intercepts, ref texpoints, new Vector3(0, 0, 9), ref count, zpoint);
            modelboundingbox[1].FindVectorFromZ(modelboundingbox[5], ref intercepts, ref texpoints, new Vector3(0, 1, 9), ref count, zpoint);
            modelboundingbox[2].FindVectorFromZ(modelboundingbox[6], ref intercepts, ref texpoints, new Vector3(1, 1, 9), ref count, zpoint);
            modelboundingbox[3].FindVectorFromZ(modelboundingbox[7], ref intercepts, ref texpoints, new Vector3(1, 0, 9), ref count, zpoint);

            if (count >= 3)
                Vector4 avg    = intercepts.Average();
                float[] angles = new float[6];
                for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                    angles[i] = -(float)Math.Atan2(intercepts[i].Y - avg.Y, intercepts[i].X - avg.X);        // all on the same z plane, so x/y only need be considered
                    System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("C" + intercepts[i].ToStringVec() + " ang " + angles[i].Degrees() + " t " + texpoints[i]);
Esempio n. 2
        ///<summary> Execute a RenderableItem.
        /// Use to execute outside of the normal RenderableItemList system. For a compute shader for instance.  Or for a finder.
        /// appliedstate if not null overrides this.RenderState and uses that instead </summary>
        public void Execute(IGLProgramShader shader, GLRenderState glstate, GLMatrixCalc c = null, GLRenderState appliedstate = null, bool noshaderstart = false)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.Assert(glstate != null && shader != null);
            if (shader.Enable)
                if (!noshaderstart)

                GLRenderState curstate = RenderState;
                if (appliedstate != null)
                    RenderState = appliedstate;

                Bind(glstate, shader, c);


                if (!noshaderstart)

                RenderState = curstate;
Esempio n. 3
        // code from the volumetric testers to help debug stuff
        private void Test(GLMatrixCalc c, Vector4[] boundingbox, float percent)
            Vector4[] modelboundingbox = boundingbox.Transform(c.ModelMatrix);

            float minzv = float.MaxValue, maxzv = float.MinValue;

            foreach (var m in modelboundingbox)
                if (m.Z < minzv)
                    minzv = m.Z;
                if (m.Z > maxzv)
                    maxzv = m.Z;

                Vector4[] proj = modelboundingbox.Transform(c.ProjectionMatrix);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Model {0} -> {1}", m, proj);

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Min {0} Max {1}", minzv, maxzv);

            float zpoint = minzv + (maxzv - minzv) * percent;

            TestZ(c, boundingbox, zpoint);
        /// <summary> </summary>

        public override void Start(GLMatrixCalc c)
            Matrix4 a = ModelTranslation;

            GL.ProgramUniformMatrix4(Id, 22, false, ref a);
        /// <summary> Start shader </summary>
        public override void Start(GLMatrixCalc c)

            GL.ProgramUniform1(Id, 15, TimeDelta);
        /// <summary> Start shader </summary>
        public override void Start(GLMatrixCalc c)
            Matrix4 t = Transform.Transform;

            GL.ProgramUniformMatrix4(Id, 23, false, ref t);
Esempio n. 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a control display
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="items">Items to store GL data to</param>
        /// <param name="win">GLWindowControl to hook to</param>
        /// <param name="mc">Matrix Calc to use</param>
        /// <param name="depthtest">Enable depth test</param>
        /// <param name="startz">Start Z for nearest top level window</param>
        /// <param name="deltaz">Delta Z between each top level window</param>
        /// <param name="arbbufferid">ARB buffer to use for texture bindless storage</param>
        public GLControlDisplay(GLItemsList items, GLWindowControl win, GLMatrixCalc mc,
                                bool depthtest  = true,             // do depth testing or not
                                float startz    = 0.001f,           // z for the deepest window (only will apply if depth testing
                                float deltaz    = 0.001f,           // delta betwwen them
                                int arbbufferid = 10
                                ) : base("displaycontrol", new Rectangle(0, 0, mc.ScreenCoordMax.Width, mc.ScreenCoordMax.Height))
            glwin      = win;
            MatrixCalc = mc;
            context    = GLStatics.GetContext();

            this.items = items;

            vertexes = items.NewBuffer();

            vertexarray = items.NewVertexArray();
            vertexes.Bind(vertexarray, 0, 0, vertexesperentry * sizeof(float));                            // bind to 0, from 0, 2xfloats. Must bind after vertexarray is made as its bound during construction

            vertexarray.Attribute(0, 0, vertexesperentry, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.VertexAttribType.Float); // bind 0 on attr 0, 2 components per vertex

            GLRenderState rc = GLRenderState.Tri();

            rc.PrimitiveRestart = 0xff;
            rc.DepthTest        = depthtest;

            this.startz = startz;
            this.deltaz = deltaz;

            ri = new GLRenderableItem(PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, rc, 0, vertexarray); // create a renderable item
            ri.CreateRectangleElementIndexByte(items.NewBuffer(), 255 / 5);             // note this limits top level controls number to 255/5.
            ri.DrawCount = 0;                                                           // nothing to draw at this point

            shader = new GLShaderPipeline(new GLPLVertexShaderScreenTexture(), new GLPLFragmentShaderBindlessTexture(arbbufferid, true, discardiftransparent: true));

            textures = new Dictionary <GLBaseControl, GLTexture2D>();
            size     = new Dictionary <GLBaseControl, Size>();
            visible  = new Dictionary <GLBaseControl, bool>();

            texturebinds = items.NewBindlessTextureHandleBlock(arbbufferid);

            glwin.MouseMove        += Gc_MouseMove;
            glwin.MouseClick       += Gc_MouseClick;
            glwin.MouseDoubleClick += Gc_MouseDoubleClick;
            glwin.MouseDown        += Gc_MouseDown;
            glwin.MouseUp          += Gc_MouseUp;
            glwin.MouseEnter       += Gc_MouseEnter;
            glwin.MouseLeave       += Gc_MouseLeave;
            glwin.MouseWheel       += Gc_MouseWheel;
            glwin.KeyDown          += Gc_KeyDown;
            glwin.KeyUp            += Gc_KeyUp;
            glwin.KeyPress         += Gc_KeyPress;
            glwin.Resize           += Gc_Resize;
            glwin.Paint            += Gc_Paint;

            suspendLayoutCount = 0;
Esempio n. 8
        /// <summary> Called by render list and executes the operation </summary>
        public override void Execute(GLMatrixCalc c)
            if (QueryBuffer != null)

            GL.BeginQueryIndexed(Target, Index, Id);
        /// <summary> Start shader </summary>
        public override void Start(GLMatrixCalc c)
            Matrix4 a = ModelTranslation;

            GL.ProgramUniformMatrix4(Id, 22, false, ref a);
            Vector3 b = WorldPositionOffset;

            GL.ProgramUniform3(Id, 23, ref b);
Esempio n. 10
        /// <inheritdoc cref="GLOFC.GL4.GLScissors.SetToScreenCoords(int, GLMatrixCalc)"/>
        public GLOperationScissors(int viewport, GLMatrixCalc matrixcalc)
            this.viewport = viewport;
            float leftoffset = matrixcalc.ScreenCoordClipSpaceOffset.X - (-1);
            float topoffset  = 1 - matrixcalc.ScreenCoordClipSpaceOffset.Y;
            int   left       = (int)(leftoffset / 2.0f * matrixcalc.ViewPort.Width) + matrixcalc.ViewPort.Left;
            int   top        = (int)(topoffset / 2.0f * matrixcalc.ViewPort.Height) + matrixcalc.ViewPort.Top;
            int   width      = (int)(matrixcalc.ScreenCoordClipSpaceSize.Width / 2.0f * matrixcalc.ViewPort.Width);
            int   height     = (int)(matrixcalc.ScreenCoordClipSpaceSize.Height / 2.0f * matrixcalc.ViewPort.Height);

            this.rect = new Rectangle(left, top, width, height);
Esempio n. 11
 /// <summary> Called before Render (normally by RenderList::Render) to set up data for the render.
 /// currentstate may be null, meaning, don't apply
 /// RenderState may be null, meaning don't change</summary>
 public void Bind(GLRenderState currentstate, IGLProgramShader shader, GLMatrixCalc matrixcalc)
     if (currentstate != null && RenderState != null)    // if either null, it means the last render state applied is the same as our render state, so no need to apply
         currentstate.ApplyState(RenderState);           // else go to this state
     VertexArray?.Bind();                                // give the VA a chance to bind to GL
     RenderData?.Bind(this, shader, matrixcalc);         // optional render data supplied by the user to bind
     ElementBuffer?.BindElement();                       // if we have an element buffer, give it a chance to bind
     IndirectBuffer?.BindIndirect();                     // if we have an indirect buffer, give it a chance to bind
     ParameterBuffer?.BindParameter();                   // if we have a parameter buffer, give it a chance to bind
Esempio n. 12
 /// <summary> Called by render list and executes the operation </summary>
 public override void Execute(GLMatrixCalc c)
     for (int i = 0; i < TransformFeedbackOperation.VaryingBuffers.Length; i++)
         //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"TF {TransformFeedbackOperation.Id} bp {i}");
         GLBuffer.UnbindTransformFeedback(i, TransformFeedbackOperation.Id);
Esempio n. 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Setup scissors to screen defined by MatrixCalc
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="viewport">Viewport to scissor</param>
        /// <param name="matrixcalc">MatrixCalc with current screen setup</param>
        static public void SetToScreenCoords(int viewport, GLMatrixCalc matrixcalc)
            float leftoffset = matrixcalc.ScreenCoordClipSpaceOffset.X - (-1);
            float topoffset  = 1 - matrixcalc.ScreenCoordClipSpaceOffset.Y;
            int   left       = (int)(leftoffset / 2.0f * matrixcalc.ViewPort.Width) + matrixcalc.ViewPort.Left;
            int   top        = (int)(topoffset / 2.0f * matrixcalc.ViewPort.Height) + matrixcalc.ViewPort.Top;
            int   width      = (int)(matrixcalc.ScreenCoordClipSpaceSize.Width / 2.0f * matrixcalc.ViewPort.Width);
            int   height     = (int)(matrixcalc.ScreenCoordClipSpaceSize.Height / 2.0f * matrixcalc.ViewPort.Height);

            GL.ScissorIndexed(viewport, left, matrixcalc.ScreenSize.Height - (top + height), width, height);
            GL.Enable(IndexedEnableCap.ScissorTest, viewport);
        /// <summary> Start the shader. Bind the program and call Start on each sumcomponent.  Then invoke StartAction</summary>
        public virtual void Start(GLMatrixCalc c)
            GL.UseProgram(0);           // ensure no active program - otherwise the stupid thing picks it

            foreach (var x in shaders)                             // let any programs do any special set up

            StartAction?.Invoke(this, c);                           // any shader hooks get a chance.
        /// <summary>
        /// Minimal set - ProjectionModelMatrix only
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrixcalc">The current matrix calc to store information from </param>
        public void SetMinimal(GLMatrixCalc matrixcalc)
            if (lastmccount != matrixcalc.CountMatrixCalcs)
                if (NotAllocated)
                    AllocateBytes(MatrixCalcUse, BufferUsageHint.DynamicCopy);

                StartWrite(0, Length);        // the whole schebang
                StopReadWrite();              // and complete..
                lastmccount = matrixcalc.CountMatrixCalcs;
Esempio n. 16
            public virtual void Bind(IGLRenderableItem ri, IGLProgramShader shader, GLMatrixCalc c)     // called per renderable item..

                if (texture.Id >= 0)
                    if (texture.MipMapAutoGenNeeded)
                        texture.MipMapAutoGenNeeded = false;

Esempio n. 17
        /// <summary> Called by render list and executes the operation </summary>
        public override void Execute(GLMatrixCalc c)
            TransformFeedback.Bind();  // bind this transformfeedback to target transform feedback

            // bind these buffer at offset/set and binding index starting at 0
            for (int i = 0; i < VaryingBuffers.Length; i++)
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"TF {TransformFeedback.Id} bp {i} to buf {VaryingBuffers[i].Id}");
                VaryingBuffers[i].BindTransformFeedback(i, TransformFeedback.Id, Offsets == null ? 0 : Offsets[i], Sizes == null ? 0 : Sizes[i]);


            GLTransformFeedback.Begin(PrimitiveType);       // and start
Esempio n. 18
        /// <summary> Start shader</summary>
        public override void Start(GLMatrixCalc c)
            if (UpdateControls)
                GL.ProgramUniform1(Id, 10, Frequency);
                GL.ProgramUniform1(Id, 11, UnRadius);
                GL.ProgramUniform1(Id, 12, Scutoff);
                GL.ProgramUniform1(Id, 13, Blackdeepness);
                GL.ProgramUniform1(Id, 14, Concentrationequator);
                UpdateControls = false;

            GL.ProgramUniform1(Id, 15, TimeDeltaSurface);
            GL.ProgramUniform1(Id, 16, TimeDeltaSpots);

Esempio n. 19
        /// <summary>Bind data to uniforms </summary>
        public virtual void Bind(IGLRenderableItem ri, IGLProgramShader shader, GLMatrixCalc c)
            int sid = shader.GetShader(ShaderType.VertexShader).Id;

            GL.ProgramUniformMatrix4(sid, TransformUniform, false, ref transform);

            if (lookatangle)
                Vector2 res = pos.AzEl(c.EyePosition, false);
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Object Bind eye " + c.EyePosition + " to " + pos + " az " + res.Y.Degrees() + " inc " + res.X.Degrees());
                Matrix4 tx2 = Matrix4.Identity;
                tx2 *= Matrix4.CreateRotationX((-res.X));
                tx2 *= Matrix4.CreateRotationY(((float)Math.PI + res.Y));
                GL.ProgramUniformMatrix4(sid, LookAtUniform, false, ref tx2);

 /// <summary>
 /// All set - All fields
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="matrixcalc">The current matrix calc to store information from</param>
 public void SetFull(GLMatrixCalc matrixcalc)
     if (lastmccount != matrixcalc.CountMatrixCalcs)
         if (NotAllocated)
             AllocateBytes(MatrixCalcUse, BufferUsageHint.DynamicCopy);
         StartWrite(0, Length);                            // the whole schebang
         Write(matrixcalc.ProjectionModelMatrix);          //0, 64 long
         Write(matrixcalc.ProjectionMatrix);               //64, 64 long
         Write(matrixcalc.ModelMatrix);                    //128, 64 long
         Write(matrixcalc.LookAt, 0);                      //192, vec4, 16 long
         Write(matrixcalc.EyePosition, 0);                 // 208, vec4, 16 long
         Write(matrixcalc.EyeDistance);                    // 224, float, 4 long
         Write(matrixcalc.MatrixScreenCoordToClipSpace()); // 240-303, into the project model matrix slot, used for text
         StopReadWrite();                                  // and complete..
         lastmccount = matrixcalc.CountMatrixCalcs;
        /// <summary>
        /// Normal set - All up to EyeDistance inclusive
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="matrixcalc">The current matrix calc to store information from </param>
        public void Set(GLMatrixCalc matrixcalc)
            if (lastmccount != matrixcalc.CountMatrixCalcs)
                if (NotAllocated)
                    AllocateBytes(MatrixCalcUse, BufferUsageHint.DynamicCopy);

                StartWrite(0, Length);                   // the whole schebang
                Write(matrixcalc.ProjectionModelMatrix); // 0- 63
                Write(matrixcalc.ProjectionMatrix);      // 64-127
                Write(matrixcalc.ModelMatrix);           // 128-191
                Write(matrixcalc.LookAt, 0);             // 192-207
                Write(matrixcalc.EyePosition, 0);        // 208-223
                Write(matrixcalc.EyeDistance);           // 224-239
                StopReadWrite();                         // and complete..
                lastmccount = matrixcalc.CountMatrixCalcs;
Esempio n. 22
        /// <summary>
        /// Start shader
        /// </summary>
        public override void Start(GLMatrixCalc c)

            Matrix4 t = CommonTransform.Transform;

            GL.ProgramUniformMatrix4(Id, 20, false, ref t);

            int   image1 = (int)Math.Floor(Blend);          // compute first and next image indexes
            int   image2 = BlendImages > 0 ? (image1 + 1) % BlendImages : 0;
            float mix    = Blend - image1;                  // and the mix between them

            GL.ProgramUniform1(Id, 25, mix);
            GL.ProgramUniform1(Id, 26, image1);
            GL.ProgramUniform1(Id, 27, image2);

            // System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Blend " + image1 + " to " + image2 + " Mix of" + mix);

Esempio n. 23
 /// <summary> Shader start </summary>
 public override void Start(GLMatrixCalc c)
     GL.ProgramUniform2(Id, 24, TexOffset);
 /// <summary> Start shader </summary>
 public override void Start(GLMatrixCalc c)
     GL.ProgramUniform1(Id, 30, Blend);
Esempio n. 25
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            Closed += ShaderTest_Closed;

            items.Add(new GLMatrixCalcUniformBlock(), "MCUB");      // create a matrix uniform block

            int front = -20000, back = front + 90000, left = -45000, right = left + 90000, vsize = 2000;

            Vector4[] displaylines = new Vector4[]
                new Vector4(left, -vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(left, +vsize, front, 1),
                new Vector4(left, +vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(right, +vsize, front, 1),
                new Vector4(right, +vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(right, -vsize, front, 1),
                new Vector4(right, -vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(left, -vsize, front, 1),

                new Vector4(left, -vsize, back, 1), new Vector4(left, +vsize, back, 1),
                new Vector4(left, +vsize, back, 1), new Vector4(right, +vsize, back, 1),
                new Vector4(right, +vsize, back, 1), new Vector4(right, -vsize, back, 1),
                new Vector4(right, -vsize, back, 1), new Vector4(left, -vsize, back, 1),

                new Vector4(left, -vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(left, -vsize, back, 1),
                new Vector4(left, +vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(left, +vsize, back, 1),
                new Vector4(right, -vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(right, -vsize, back, 1),
                new Vector4(right, +vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(right, +vsize, back, 1),

            GLRenderState rl       = GLRenderState.Lines(1);

                items.Add(new GLFixedShader(System.Drawing.Color.Yellow), "LINEYELLOW");
                rObjects.Add(items.Shader("LINEYELLOW"), GLRenderableItem.CreateVector4(items, PrimitiveType.Lines, rl, displaylines));

            float h = 0;

            if (h != -1)
                items.Add(new GLColorShaderWorld(), "COS-1L");

                int   dist = 1000;
                Color cr   = Color.FromArgb(100, Color.White);
                rObjects.Add(items.Shader("COS-1L"),    // horizontal
                             GLRenderableItem.CreateVector4Color4(items, PrimitiveType.Lines, rl,
                                                                  GLShapeObjectFactory.CreateLines(new Vector3(left, h, front), new Vector3(left, h, back), new Vector3(dist, 0, 0), (back - front) / dist + 1),
                                                                  new Color4[] { cr })

                             GLRenderableItem.CreateVector4Color4(items, PrimitiveType.Lines, rl,
                                                                  GLShapeObjectFactory.CreateLines(new Vector3(left, h, front), new Vector3(right, h, front), new Vector3(0, 0, dist), (right - left) / dist + 1),
                                                                  new Color4[] { cr })

            GLMatrixCalc mc = new GLMatrixCalc();

            mc.PerspectiveNearZDistance = 1f;
            mc.PerspectiveFarZDistance  = 500000f;

            if (true)
                bool testform1 = true;

                mc.ResizeViewPort(this, glwfc.Size);                               // must establish size before starting

                displaycontrol           = new GLControlDisplay(items, glwfc, mc); // hook form to the window - its the master, it takes its size fro mc.ScreenCoordMax
                displaycontrol.Focusable = true;                                   // we want to be able to focus and receive key presses.
                displaycontrol.Name      = "displaycontrol";

                if (testform1)
                    GLForm pform = new GLForm("Form1", "GL Menu demonstration", new Rectangle(10, 10, 600, 200));

                    if (true)
                        GLMenuStrip menubar = new GLMenuStrip("Menubar", new Rectangle(0, 0, 500, 24));
                        menubar.AutoOpenDelay      = 1000;
                        menubar.Font               = new Font("Euro Caps", 12);
                        menubar.Dock               = DockingType.Top;
                        menubar.SubMenuBorderWidth = 1;

                        GLMenuItem l1 = new GLMenuItem("MI-0A", "MenuA");

                        GLMenuItem l1a = new GLMenuItem("A-1", "MenuA-1");
                        GLMenuItem l1b = new GLMenuItem("A-2", "MenuA-2");
                        l1b.CheckOnClick = true;
                        l1b.Checked      = true;
                        GLMenuItem l1c = new GLMenuItem("A-3", "MenuA-3")
                            Image = Properties.Resources.GoToHomeSystem
                        l1c.CheckOnClick = true;
                        l1.SubMenuItems  = new List <GLBaseControl>()
                            l1a, l1b, l1c

                        GLMenuItem l1a1 = new GLMenuItem("A-1-1", "MenuA-1-1");
                        GLMenuItem l1a2 = new GLMenuItem("A-1-2", "MenuA-1-2");

                        GLMenuItem l1a21 = new GLMenuItem("A-1-2-1", "MenuA-1-2-1");
                        GLMenuItem l1a22 = new GLMenuItem("A-1-2-2", "MenuA-1-2-2");
                        l1a2.SubMenuItems = new List <GLBaseControl>()
                            l1a21, l1a22

                        GLCheckBox l1a3 = new GLCheckBox("A-1-3", new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0), "CheckBox A-1-3");
                        l1a3.CheckOnClick  = true;
                        l1a3.CheckChanged += (bc) => { menubar.CloseMenus(); };     // need to associate check changed with closing menus - optional

                        GLComboBox l1a4 = new GLComboBox("A-1-4", new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0), new List <string>()
                            "one", "two", "three"
                        l1a4.SelectedIndexChanged += (c) => { menubar.CloseMenus(); };
                        l1a4.DisableChangeKeys     = true;
                        l1a.SubMenuItems           = new List <GLBaseControl>()
                            l1a1, l1a2, l1a3, l1a4

                        GLMenuItem l2 = new GLMenuItem("MI-0B", "MenuB");

                        GLMenuItem l2a = new GLMenuItem("B-1", "MenuB-1");
                        l2a.Click += (s) => { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Clicked Menu " + s.Name); };
                        GLMenuItem l2b = new GLMenuItem("B-2", "MenuB-2");
                        l2.SubMenuItems = new List <GLBaseControl>()
                            l2a, l2b

                        GLMenuItem l3 = new GLMenuItem("MI-0C", "MenuC");


                if (true)
                    GLContextMenu ctx1, ctx2;

                    ctx1 = new GLContextMenu("CM1");
                    GLMenuItem cm1 = new GLMenuItem("CM1A", "Menu-1");
                    cm1.CheckOnClick = true;

                    GLMenuItem cm2 = new GLMenuItem("CM1B", "Menu-2");
                    cm2.CheckOnClick = true;
                    GLMenuItem cm3 = new GLMenuItem("CM1C", "Menu-3");

                    GLMenuItem l1a1 = new GLMenuItem("CM1C-1", "Menu-1-1");
                    l1a1.CheckOnClick = true;
                    GLMenuItem l1a2 = new GLMenuItem("CM1C-2", "MenuA-1-2");
                    GLCheckBox l1a3 = new GLCheckBox("CM1C-3", new Rectangle(0, 0, 0, 0), "CheckBox A-1-3");
                    l1a3.CheckOnClick = true;
                    cm3.SubMenuItems  = new List <GLBaseControl>()
                        l1a1, l1a2, l1a3

                    int count = 0;
                    ctx1.Opening += (c1, c2) =>
                        bool on = count++ % 2 == 0;
                        System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Set cm2 state {on}");
                        cm2.Visible = on;


                    Color tc = Color.Orange;
                    ctx2 = new GLContextMenu("CM1", new GLMenuItem[] {
                        new GLMenuItem("CM1A", "MenuR1")
                            CheckOnClick = true, ForeColor = tc
                        new GLMenuItem("CM1B", "MenuR2")
                            CheckOnClick = true, Enabled = false, ForeColor = tc
                        new GLMenuItem("CM1C", "MenuR3")
                            CheckOnClick = true
                        new GLMenuItem("CM1C", "MenuR4")
                            CheckOnClick = true
                        new GLMenuItem("CM1C", "MenuR5")

                    ctx2.Font = new Font("Euro caps", 18f);

                    displaycontrol.MouseClick += (s, ev) =>
                        if (ev.Button == GLMouseEventArgs.MouseButtons.Left)
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"*********************** OPEN");
                            ctx1.Show(displaycontrol, ev.ScreenCoord);
                        else if (ev.Button == GLMouseEventArgs.MouseButtons.Right)
                            ctx2.Show(displaycontrol, ev.ScreenCoord);

            gl3dcontroller = new Controller3D();
            gl3dcontroller.ZoomDistance  = 5000F;
            gl3dcontroller.YHoldMovement = true;
            gl3dcontroller.PaintObjects  = Controller3dDraw;

            gl3dcontroller.KeyboardTravelSpeed = (ms, eyedist) =>
                return((float)ms * 10.0f);

            gl3dcontroller.MatrixCalc.InPerspectiveMode = true;

            if (displaycontrol != null)
                gl3dcontroller.Start(mc, displaycontrol, new Vector3(0, 0, 10000), new Vector3(140.75f, 0, 0), 0.5F); // HOOK the 3dcontroller to the form so it gets Form events

                displaycontrol.Paint += (o, ts) =>                                                                    // subscribing after start means we paint over the scene, letting transparency work
                    displaycontrol.Render(glwfc.RenderState, ts);                                                     // we use the same matrix calc as done in controller 3d draw
                gl3dcontroller.Start(glwfc, new Vector3(0, 0, 10000), new Vector3(140.75f, 0, 0), 0.5F);     // HOOK the 3dcontroller to the form so it gets Form events
            systemtimer.Interval = 25;
            systemtimer.Tick    += new EventHandler(SystemTick);
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
            Closed += ShaderTest_Closed;

            items.Add(new GLMatrixCalcUniformBlock(), "MCUB");     // create a matrix uniform block

            int front = -20000, back = front + 90000, left = -45000, right = left + 90000, vsize = 2000;

            Vector4[] displaylines = new Vector4[]
                new Vector4(left, -vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(left, +vsize, front, 1),
                new Vector4(left, +vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(right, +vsize, front, 1),
                new Vector4(right, +vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(right, -vsize, front, 1),
                new Vector4(right, -vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(left, -vsize, front, 1),

                new Vector4(left, -vsize, back, 1), new Vector4(left, +vsize, back, 1),
                new Vector4(left, +vsize, back, 1), new Vector4(right, +vsize, back, 1),
                new Vector4(right, +vsize, back, 1), new Vector4(right, -vsize, back, 1),
                new Vector4(right, -vsize, back, 1), new Vector4(left, -vsize, back, 1),

                new Vector4(left, -vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(left, -vsize, back, 1),
                new Vector4(left, +vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(left, +vsize, back, 1),
                new Vector4(right, -vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(right, -vsize, back, 1),
                new Vector4(right, +vsize, front, 1), new Vector4(right, +vsize, back, 1),

            GLRenderState rl       = GLRenderState.Lines(1);

                items.Add(new GLFixedShader(System.Drawing.Color.Yellow), "LINEYELLOW");
                             GLRenderableItem.CreateVector4(items, PrimitiveType.Lines, rl, displaylines));

            float h = 0;

            if (h != -1)
                items.Add(new GLColorShaderWorld(), "COS-1L");

                int   dist = 1000;
                Color cr   = Color.FromArgb(100, Color.White);
                rObjects.Add(items.Shader("COS-1L"),    // horizontal
                             GLRenderableItem.CreateVector4Color4(items, PrimitiveType.Lines, rl,
                                                                  GLShapeObjectFactory.CreateLines(new Vector3(left, h, front), new Vector3(left, h, back), new Vector3(dist, 0, 0), (back - front) / dist + 1),
                                                                  new Color4[] { cr })

                             GLRenderableItem.CreateVector4Color4(items, PrimitiveType.Lines, rl,
                                                                  GLShapeObjectFactory.CreateLines(new Vector3(left, h, front), new Vector3(right, h, front), new Vector3(0, 0, dist), (right - left) / dist + 1),
                                                                  new Color4[] { cr })

            GLMatrixCalc mc = new GLMatrixCalc();

            mc.PerspectiveNearZDistance = 1f;
            mc.PerspectiveFarZDistance  = 500000f;

            mc.ResizeViewPort(this, glwfc.Size);                               // must establish size before starting

            displaycontrol           = new GLControlDisplay(items, glwfc, mc); // hook form to the window - its the master, it takes its size fro mc.ScreenCoordMax
            displaycontrol.Focusable = true;                                   // we want to be able to focus and receive key presses.
            displaycontrol.Name      = "displaycontrol";
            displaycontrol.Font      = new Font("Times", 8);

            GLForm pform = new GLForm("Form1", "GL Form demonstration", new Rectangle(0, 0, 1000, 800));

            int taborder = 0;

            if (true)
                string l = "Hello there ggg qqq jjj" + Environment.NewLine + "And the ggg next line";

                GLMultiLineTextBox mtb = new GLMultiLineTextBox("mltb", new Rectangle(10, 10, 400, 200), l);
                mtb.Font = new Font("Ms Sans Serif", 24.25f);
                //mtb.Font = new Font("Arial", 25f);
                mtb.LineColor = Color.Green;
                mtb.EnableVerticalScrollBar   = true;
                mtb.EnableHorizontalScrollBar = true;
                mtb.SetSelection(16 * 2 + 2, 16 * 3 + 4);
                mtb.TabOrder           = taborder++;
                mtb.RightClickMenuFont = new Font("Euro Caps", 14f);
                mtb.FlashingCursor     = false;

            if (true)
                string l = "";
                for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                    string s = string.Format("Line " + i);
                    if (i == 0)
                        s += "And a much much longer Line which should break the width";
                    l += s + "\r\n";
                l += "trail ";
                // l = "";

                GLMultiLineTextBox mtb = new GLMultiLineTextBox("mltb", new Rectangle(0, 400, 400, 200), l);
                mtb.Font      = new Font("Ms Sans Serif", 16);
                mtb.LineColor = Color.Green;
                mtb.EnableVerticalScrollBar   = true;
                mtb.EnableHorizontalScrollBar = true;
                mtb.SetSelection(16 * 2 + 2, 16 * 3 + 4);
                mtb.TabOrder           = taborder++;
                mtb.RightClickMenuFont = new Font("Euro Caps", 14f);
                //mtb.FlashingCursor = false;
                //mtb.ReadOnly = true;

                GLMultiLineTextBox mtb2 = new GLMultiLineTextBox("mltb2", new Rectangle(500, 400, 495, 200), l);
                mtb2.Font      = new Font("Ms Sans Serif", 11);
                mtb2.LineColor = Color.Green;
                mtb2.EnableVerticalScrollBar   = true;
                mtb2.EnableHorizontalScrollBar = true;
                mtb2.SetSelection(16 * 2 + 2, 16 * 3 + 4);
                mtb2.TabOrder           = taborder++;
                mtb2.RightClickMenuFont = new Font("Arial", 14f);

            if (true)
                GLTextBox tb1 = new GLTextBox("TB1", new Rectangle(0, 300, 350, 40), "Text Box Which is a very long string of very many many characters");
                tb1.Font           = new Font("Arial", 12);
                tb1.ReturnPressed += (c1) => { System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Return pressed on text box"); };
                tb1.TabOrder       = taborder++;


            gl3dcontroller = new Controller3D();
            gl3dcontroller.ZoomDistance  = 5000F;
            gl3dcontroller.YHoldMovement = true;
            gl3dcontroller.PaintObjects  = Controller3dDraw;

            gl3dcontroller.KeyboardTravelSpeed = (ms, eyedist) =>
                return((float)ms * 10.0f);

            gl3dcontroller.MatrixCalc.InPerspectiveMode = true;

            if (displaycontrol != null)
                gl3dcontroller.Start(mc, displaycontrol, new Vector3(0, 0, 10000), new Vector3(140.75f, 0, 0), 0.5F); // HOOK the 3dcontroller to the form so it gets Form events

                displaycontrol.Paint += (o, ts) =>                                                                    // subscribing after start means we paint over the scene, letting transparency work
                    displaycontrol.Render(glwfc.RenderState, ts);                                                     // we use the same matrix calc as done in controller 3d draw
                gl3dcontroller.Start(glwfc, new Vector3(0, 0, 10000), new Vector3(140.75f, 0, 0), 0.5F);     // HOOK the 3dcontroller to the form so it gets Form events
 public override void Start(GLMatrixCalc c)
        public void ComputeUniforms(int gridwidth, GLMatrixCalc mc, Vector2 cameradir, Color textcol, Color?backcol = null)
            float sy = mc.LookAt.Y.Clamp(-2000, 2000);

            float multgrid = mc.EyeDistance / gridwidth;

            int tw = 10;

            if (multgrid < 2)
                tw = 1;
            else if (multgrid < 5)
                tw = 5;

            //                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Mult " + multgrid + " tw "+ tw);
            int majorlines = (gridwidth * tw).Clamp(0, 10000);

            int sx = (int)((mc.LookAt.X - majorlines).Clamp(-50000, 50000 - majorlines * 2)) + 50000; //move to positive rep so rounding next is always down

            if (sx % majorlines > majorlines / 2)                                                     // if we are over 1/2 way across, move over
                sx += majorlines;

            sx = sx / majorlines * majorlines - 50000;         // round and adjust back

            bool lookbackwards = (cameradir.Y > 90 || cameradir.Y < -90);
            int  zoffset       = lookbackwards ? majorlines : 0;

            int sz = (int)((mc.LookAt.Z - zoffset).Clamp(-20000, 70000 - majorlines * 2)) + 50000; //move to positive rep so rounding next is always down

            sz = sz / majorlines * majorlines - 50000;                                             // round and adjust back

            Vector3 start = new Vector3(sx, sy, sz);

            GL.ProgramUniform1(this.Id, 11, majorlines);
            GL.ProgramUniform3(this.Id, 12, ref start);
            GL.ProgramUniform1(this.Id, 13, lookbackwards ? 1 : 0);
            //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(majorlines + " " + start + " " + lookbackwards);

            if (lastsx != sx || lastsz != sz || lastsy != (int)sy || lasttextcol != textcol)
                for (int i = 0; i < texcoords.Depth; i++)
                    int    bsx   = sx + majorlines * (i / 3);
                    int    bsz   = sz + majorlines * (i % 3);
                    string label = bsx.ToStringInvariant() + "," + sy.ToStringInvariant("0") + "," + bsz.ToStringInvariant();
                    GLOFC.Utils.BitMapHelpers.DrawTextIntoFixedSizeBitmap(ref texcoords.BitMaps[i], label, gridfnt, System.Drawing.Text.TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit, textcol, backcol);
                    texcoords.LoadBitmap(texcoords.BitMaps[i], i, true, 1);
                    //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("At {0} Draw {1}", i, label);

                lastsx      = sx;
                lastsz      = sz;
                lastsy      = (int)sy;
                lasttextcol = textcol;
Esempio n. 29
        public void Start(GLWinFormControl glwfc)
            this.glwfc = glwfc;

            matrixcalc = new GLMatrixCalc();
            matrixcalc.PerspectiveNearZDistance = 1f;
            matrixcalc.PerspectiveFarZDistance  = worldsize * 2;
            matrixcalc.InPerspectiveMode        = true;
            matrixcalc.ResizeViewPort(this, glwfc.Size);

            items.Add(new GLMatrixCalcUniformBlock(), "MCUB");                         // create a matrix uniform block

            displaycontrol           = new GLControlDisplay(items, glwfc, matrixcalc); // hook form to the window - its the master, it takes its size from mc.ScreenCoordMax
            displaycontrol.Focusable = true;                                           // we want to be able to focus and receive key presses.
            displaycontrol.Name      = "displaycontrol";
            displaycontrol.Font      = new Font("Arial", 12);

            gl3dcontroller = new Controller3Dd();
            gl3dcontroller.PaintObjects          = ControllerDraw;
            gl3dcontroller.ZoomDistance          = 20e6 * 1000 * mscaling; // zoom 1 is X km
            gl3dcontroller.PosCamera.ZoomMin     = 0.001f;
            gl3dcontroller.PosCamera.ZoomMax     = 300f;
            gl3dcontroller.PosCamera.ZoomScaling = 1.08f;
            gl3dcontroller.Start(matrixcalc, displaycontrol, new Vector3d(0, 0, 0), new Vector3d(135f, 0, 0f), 0.025F, registermouseui: false, registerkeyui: true);
            gl3dcontroller.KeyboardTravelSpeed = (ms, eyedist) =>
                double eyedistr = Math.Pow(eyedist, 1.0);
                float  v        = (float)Math.Max(eyedistr / 1200, 0);
                //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Speed " + eyedistr + " "+ v);
                return((float)ms * v);

            for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
                int    v = i * i;
                double f = (gl3dcontroller.PosCamera.ZoomMax - gl3dcontroller.PosCamera.ZoomMin) * v / 100.0 + gl3dcontroller.PosCamera.ZoomMin;
                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"{i} {v} {f}");

            displaycontrol.Paint += (o, ts) =>        // subscribing after Controller start means we paint over the scene
                // MCUB set up by Controller3DDraw which did the work first
                //     System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Controls Draw");
                displaycontrol.Render(glwfc.RenderState, ts);

            displaycontrol.MouseClick += MouseClickOnMap;       // grab mouse UI
            displaycontrol.MouseUp    += MouseUpOnMap;
            displaycontrol.MouseDown  += MouseDownOnMap;
            displaycontrol.MouseMove  += MouseMoveOnMap;
            displaycontrol.MouseWheel += MouseWheelOnMap;

            double  startspeed = 60 * 60 * 6; // in sec
            GLImage minus      = new GLImage("timeplus1y", new Rectangle(0, 0, 32, 32), Properties.Resources.GoBackward);

            minus.MouseClick += (e1, m1) => { currentjd -= 365; };
            GLImage back = new GLImage("timeback", new Rectangle(40, 0, 32, 32), Properties.Resources.Backwards);

            back.MouseClick += (e1, m1) => { if (jdscaling > 0)
                                                 jdscaling /= 2;
                                             else if (jdscaling < 0)
                                                 jdscaling *= 2;
                                                 jdscaling = -startspeed;
                                             } };
            GLImage pause = new GLImage("timepause", new Rectangle(80, 0, 32, 32), Properties.Resources.Pause);

            pause.MouseClick += (e1, m1) => { jdscaling = 0; };
            GLImage fwd = new GLImage("timefwd", new Rectangle(120, 0, 32, 32), Properties.Resources.Forward);

            fwd.MouseClick += (e1, m1) => { if (jdscaling < 0)
                                                jdscaling /= 2;
                                            else if (jdscaling > 0)
                                                jdscaling *= 2;
                                                jdscaling = startspeed;
                                            } };
            GLImage plus = new GLImage("timeplus1y", new Rectangle(160, 0, 32, 32), Properties.Resources.GoForward);

            plus.MouseClick += (e1, m1) => { currentjd += 365; };

            GLImage sysleft = new GLImage("sysleft", new Rectangle(200, 0, 32, 32), Properties.Resources.GoBackward);

            sysleft.MouseClick += (e1, m1) => { DisplayNode(-1); };

            mastersystem           = new GLLabel("sysname", new Rectangle(230, 6, 70, 20), "All", Color.DarkOrange);
            mastersystem.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.MiddleCenter;

            GLImage sysright = new GLImage("sysright", new Rectangle(300, 0, 32, 32), Properties.Resources.GoForward);

            sysright.MouseClick += (e1, m1) => { DisplayNode(1); };

            timedisplay = new GLLabel("state", new Rectangle(340, 6, 800, 20), "Label", Color.DarkOrange);

            datalabel           = new GLLabel("datalabel", new Rectangle(0, 40, 400, 100), "", Color.DarkOrange);
            datalabel.TextAlign = ContentAlignment.TopLeft;

            status           = new GLLabel("Status", new Rectangle(0, 0, 2000, 24), "x");
            status.Dock      = DockingType.BottomLeft;
            status.ForeColor = Color.Orange;
            status.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(50, 50, 50, 50);

            rightclickmenubody = new GLContextMenu("RightClickMenuBody",
                                                   new GLMenuItem("RCMInfo", "Information")
                MouseClick = (s, e) =>
                                                   new GLMenuItem("RCMZoomIn", "Track")
                MouseClick = (s, e) =>
                    track = (int)rightclickmenubody.Tag;
                                                   new GLMenuItem("RCMZoomIn", "Track Central Body")
                MouseClick = (s, e) =>
                    int body = (int)rightclickmenubody.Tag;
                    if (bodyinfo[body].parentindex >= 0)
                        track = bodyinfo[body].parentindex;
                                                   new GLMenuItem("RCMZoomIn", "Zoom In")
                                                   new GLMenuItem("RCMUntrack", "Untrack")
                MouseClick = (s1, e1) =>
                    track = -1;

            rightclickmenubody.Opening += (ms, tag) =>
                ms["RCMUntrack"].Enabled = track != -1;

            rightclickmenuscreen = new GLContextMenu("RightClickMenuBody",
                                                     new GLMenuItem("RCMSysDisplay", "System Display")
                MouseClick = (s, e) =>
                                                     new GLMenuItem("RCMUntrack", "Untrack")
                MouseClick = (s1, e1) =>
                    track = -1;

            rightclickmenuscreen.Opening += (ms, tag) =>
                ms["RCMUntrack"].Enabled = track != -1;

            if (true)
                var shader = new GLColorShaderWorld();

                GLRenderState lines = GLRenderState.Lines(1);
                lines.DepthTest = false;

                int gridsize   = (int)(worldsize * mscaling);
                int gridoffset = (int)(gridlines * mscaling);
                int nolines    = gridsize / gridoffset * 2 + 1;

                Color gridcolour = Color.FromArgb(80, 80, 80, 80);
                             GLRenderableItem.CreateVector4Color4(items, PrimitiveType.Lines, lines,
                                                                  GLShapeObjectFactory.CreateLines(new Vector3(-gridsize, -0, -gridsize), new Vector3(-gridsize, -0, gridsize), new Vector3(gridoffset, 0, 0), nolines),
                                                                  new Color4[] { gridcolour })

                             GLRenderableItem.CreateVector4Color4(items, PrimitiveType.Lines, lines,
                                                                  GLShapeObjectFactory.CreateLines(new Vector3(-gridsize, -0, -gridsize), new Vector3(gridsize, -0, -gridsize), new Vector3(0, 0, gridoffset), nolines),
                                                                  new Color4[] { gridcolour }));

                Size bmpsize = new Size(128, 30);
                var  maps    = new GLBitmaps("bitmap1", rObjects, bmpsize, 3, OpenTK.Graphics.OpenGL4.SizedInternalFormat.Rgba8, false, false);
                using (StringFormat fmt = new StringFormat(StringFormatFlags.NoWrap)
                    Alignment = StringAlignment.Near, LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center
                    float hsize = 40e6f * 1000 * mscaling; // million km -> m -> scaling
                    float vsize = hsize * bmpsize.Height / bmpsize.Width;

                    Font f   = new Font("MS sans serif", 12f);
                    long pos = -nolines / 2 * (gridlines / 1000);
                    for (int i = -nolines / 2; i < nolines / 2; i++)
                        if (i != 0)
                            double v = Math.Abs(pos * 1000);
                            long   p = Math.Abs(pos);

                            maps.Add(i, (p).ToString("N0"), f, Color.White, Color.Transparent, new Vector3(i * gridoffset + hsize / 2, 0, vsize / 2),
                                     new Vector3(hsize, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), fmt);
                            maps.Add(i, (v / oneAU_m).ToString("N1") + "AU", f, Color.White, Color.Transparent, new Vector3(i * gridoffset + hsize / 2, 0, -vsize / 2),
                                     new Vector3(hsize, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), fmt);
                            maps.Add(i, (p).ToString("N0"), f, Color.White, Color.Transparent, new Vector3(hsize / 2, 0, i * gridoffset + vsize / 2),
                                     new Vector3(hsize, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), fmt);
                            maps.Add(i, (v / oneAU_m).ToString("N1") + "AU", f, Color.White, Color.Transparent, new Vector3(hsize / 2, 0, i * gridoffset - vsize / 2),
                                     new Vector3(hsize, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 0), fmt);
                        pos += 50000000;

            var orbitlinesvertshader = new GLPLVertexShaderModelWorldUniform(new Color[] { Color.FromArgb(128, 128, 0, 0), Color.FromArgb(128, 128, 128, 0) });

            orbitlineshader = new GLShaderPipeline(orbitlinesvertshader, new GLPLFragmentShaderVSColor());
            bodyplaneshader = new GLShaderPipeline(orbitlinesvertshader, new GLPLFragmentShaderVSColor());  // model pos in, with uniform world pos, vectors out, with vs_colour selected by worldpos.w

            // set up ARB IDs for all images we are going to use..
            var tbs   = items.NewBindlessTextureHandleBlock(arbblock);
            var texs  = items.NewTexture2D(null, Properties.Resources.golden, SizedInternalFormat.Rgba8);
            var texp  = items.NewTexture2D(null, Properties.Resources.moonmap1k, SizedInternalFormat.Rgba8);
            var texb  = items.NewTexture2D(null, Properties.Resources.dotted, SizedInternalFormat.Rgba8);
            var texs2 = items.NewTexture2D(null, Properties.Resources.wooden, SizedInternalFormat.Rgba8);

            tbs.WriteHandles(new IGLTexture[] { texs, texp, texb, texs2 });

            // using 0 tex coord, 4 image id and arb text binding
            var bodyfragshader = new GLPLFragmentShaderBindlessTexture(arbblock, discardiftransparent: true, useprimidover2: false);

            // takes 0:Vector4 model, 1: vec2 text, 4:matrix, out is 0:tex, 1: modelpos, 2: instance, 4 = matrix[3][3]
            var bodyvertshader = new GLPLVertexShaderModelMatrixTexture(1000000 * 1000 * mscaling, useeyedistance: false);

            bodyshader = new GLShaderPipeline(bodyvertshader, bodyfragshader);

            // hold shape
            var sphereshape = GLSphereObjectFactory.CreateTexturedSphereFromTriangles(3, 1.0f);

            spherebuffer = items.NewBuffer();      // fill buffer with model co-ords
            spheretexcobuffer = items.NewBuffer(); // fill buffer with tex coords

            bodymatrixbuffer = items.NewBuffer();    // this holds the matrix to set position and size

            GLStorageBlock findbufferresults = items.NewStorageBlock(findblock);
            var            geofind           = new GLPLGeoShaderFindTriangles(findbufferresults, 16); // pass thru normal vert/tcs/tes then to geoshader for results

            findshader = items.NewShaderPipeline(null, bodyvertshader, null, null, geofind, null, null, null);
 /// <summary> Start the class with this matrixcalc. Pass the GL window control, and the initial lookat/cameradirection and zoom.
 /// Control if registration of mouse and keyboard UI is performed with GL window control
 /// </summary>
 public void Start(GLMatrixCalc mc, GLWindowControl win, Vector3 lookat, Vector3 cameradirdegrees, float zoomn,
                   bool registermouseui = true, bool registerkeyui = true)
     MatrixCalc = mc;
     Start(win, lookat, cameradirdegrees, zoomn, registermouseui, registerkeyui);