Exemplo n.º 1
        public override bool CastFrom(object source)
            // This function is called when Grasshopper needs to convert other data
            // into GsaSection.

            if (source == null)

            //Cast from GsaSection
            if (typeof(GsaSection).IsAssignableFrom(source.GetType()))
                Value = (GsaSection)source;

            //Cast from string
            if (GH_Convert.ToString(source, out string name, GH_Conversion.Both))
                Value.Section.Profile = name;

            //Cast from integer
            if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(source, out int idd, GH_Conversion.Both))
                Value.ID = idd;
Exemplo n.º 2
            public override void GetData(IGH_DataAccess DA, GH_ComponentParamServer Params)
                GH_ObjectWrapper gh_typ = new GH_ObjectWrapper();

                if (DA.GetData(0, ref gh_typ))
                    if (gh_typ.Value is GH_String)
                        string tempfile = "";
                        if (GH_Convert.ToString(gh_typ, out tempfile, GH_Conversion.Both))
                            if (!tempfile.EndsWith(".gwb"))
                                tempfile = tempfile + ".gwb";
                            GsaModel.FileName = tempfile;
                    else if (gh_typ.Value is GsaAPI.Model)
                        GsaAPI.Model model = new Model();
                        gh_typ.CastTo(ref model);
                        GsaModel.Model = model;
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static object To_String(object in_val)
            string n = "";
            var    y = GH_Convert.ToString(in_val, out n, GH_Conversion.Both);

Exemplo n.º 4
 public bool GetParameterValueArray(int dataAccessIndexNames, int dataAccessIndexValues, ref List <string> parameterNames, out GH_Structure <GH_String> parameterValues, out string[,] parameterArray)
     GetInput(dataAccessIndexNames, ref parameterNames);
     GetInput(dataAccessIndexValues, out parameterValues);
     if ((parameterNames == null) || (parameterValues == null))
         parameterArray = null;
     if ((parameterValues.Branches.Count == 0) || (parameterNames.Count == 0))
         parameterArray = null;
     parameterArray = new string[parameterValues.Branches.Count, parameterNames.Count];
     for (int i = 0; i < parameterValues.Branches.Count; i++)
         List <Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_String> branch = parameterValues.Branches[i];
         for (int j = 0; j < branch.Count; j++)
             string valueString = null;
             GH_Convert.ToString(branch[j], out valueString, GH_Conversion.Both);
             parameterArray[i, j] = valueString;
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GsaSection sect = new GsaSection();

            GH_String gh_profile = new GH_String();

            if (DA.GetData(0, ref gh_profile))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(gh_profile, out string profile, GH_Conversion.Both))
                    sect.Section.Profile = profile;

                    // 1 material
                    // to be implemented

                    // 2 pool
                    GH_Integer gh_pool = new GH_Integer();
                    if (DA.GetData(2, ref gh_pool))
                        if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(gh_pool, out int pool, GH_Conversion.Both))
                            sect.Section.Pool = pool;

                    // 3 ID
                    GH_Integer gh_id = new GH_Integer();
                    if (DA.GetData(3, ref gh_id))
                        if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(gh_id, out int idd, GH_Conversion.Both))
                            sect.ID = idd;

                    // 4 name
                    GH_String gh_n = new GH_String();
                    if (DA.GetData(4, ref gh_n))
                        if (GH_Convert.ToString(gh_n, out string name, GH_Conversion.Both))
                            sect.Section.Name = name;

                    // 5 colour
                    GH_Colour gh_Colour = new GH_Colour();
                    if (DA.GetData(5, ref gh_Colour))
                        if (GH_Convert.ToColor(gh_Colour, out System.Drawing.Color colour, GH_Conversion.Both))
                            sect.Section.Colour = colour;
                DA.SetData(0, new GsaSectionGoo(sect));
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GsaGravityLoad gravityLoad = new GsaGravityLoad();

            //Load case
            int        lc    = 1;
            GH_Integer gh_lc = new GH_Integer();

            if (DA.GetData(0, ref gh_lc))
                GH_Convert.ToInt32(gh_lc, out lc, GH_Conversion.Both);
            gravityLoad.GravityLoad.Case = lc;

            //element/beam list
            string    beamList = "all";
            GH_String gh_bl    = new GH_String();

            if (DA.GetData(1, ref gh_bl))
                GH_Convert.ToString(gh_bl, out beamList, GH_Conversion.Both);
            gravityLoad.GravityLoad.Elements = beamList;

            // 2 Name
            string    name    = "";
            GH_String gh_name = new GH_String();

            if (DA.GetData(2, ref gh_name))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(gh_name, out name, GH_Conversion.Both))
                    gravityLoad.GravityLoad.Name = name;

            Vector3   factor    = new Vector3();
            Vector3d  vect      = new Vector3d(0, 0, -1);
            GH_Vector gh_factor = new GH_Vector();

            if (DA.GetData(3, ref gh_factor))
                GH_Convert.ToVector3d(gh_factor, ref vect, GH_Conversion.Both);
            factor.X = vect.X; factor.Y = vect.Y; factor.Z = vect.Z;
            gravityLoad.GravityLoad.Factor = factor;

            GsaLoad gsaLoad = new GsaLoad(gravityLoad);

            DA.SetData(0, new GsaLoadGoo(gsaLoad));
Exemplo n.º 7
        public override bool CastFrom(object source)
            if (source == null)
            string Name = "";

            if (GH_Convert.ToString(source, out Name, GH_Conversion.Both))
                //bold, Italic都为false
                Value = new System.Drawing.Font(Name, 12F);
Exemplo n.º 8
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GsaSection gsaSection = new GsaSection();

            GH_String gh_profile = new GH_String();

            if (DA.GetData(0, ref gh_profile))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(gh_profile, out string profile, GH_Conversion.Both))
                    gsaSection.Section         = new Section();
                    gsaSection.Section.Profile = profile;

                    // 3 Material
                    GH_ObjectWrapper gh_typ = new GH_ObjectWrapper();
                    if (DA.GetData(1, ref gh_typ))
                        GsaMaterial material = new GsaMaterial();
                        if (gh_typ.Value is GsaMaterialGoo)
                            gh_typ.CastTo(ref material);
                            gsaSection.Material = material;
                            if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(gh_typ.Value, out int idd, GH_Conversion.Both))
                                gsaSection.Material = new GsaMaterial(idd);
                                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Unable to convert PB input to a Section Property of reference integer");
                        gsaSection.Material = new GsaMaterial(7);
Exemplo n.º 9
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GsaMember3d gsaMember3d = new GsaMember3d();

            if (DA.GetData(0, ref gsaMember3d))
                if (gsaMember3d == null)
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Member3D input is null");
                GsaMember3d mem = gsaMember3d.Duplicate();

                // #### inputs ####

                // 1 ID
                GH_Integer ghID = new GH_Integer();
                if (DA.GetData(1, ref ghID))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(ghID, out int id, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        mem.ID = id;

                // 2 geometry
                GH_ObjectWrapper gh_typ = new GH_ObjectWrapper();
                if (DA.GetData(2, ref gh_typ))
                    GsaMember3d tempMem = new GsaMember3d();
                    Brep        brep    = new Brep();
                    Mesh        mesh    = new Mesh();
                    if (GH_Convert.ToBrep(gh_typ.Value, ref brep, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        tempMem = new GsaMember3d(brep);
                    else if (GH_Convert.ToMesh(gh_typ.Value, ref mesh, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        tempMem = new GsaMember3d(mesh);
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Unable to convert Geometry input to a 3D Member");
                    mem.SolidMesh = tempMem.SolidMesh;

                // 3 prop3d -- to be implemented GsaAPI
                gh_typ = new GH_ObjectWrapper();
                if (DA.GetData(3, ref gh_typ))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(gh_typ.Value, out int idd, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        mem.Member.Property = idd;
                    //GsaProp3d prop3d = new GsaProp3d();
                    //if (gh_typ.Value is GsaProp3dGoo)
                    //    gh_typ.CastTo(ref prop3d);
                    //    if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(gh_typ.Value, out int idd, GH_Conversion.Both))
                    //        prop3d.ID = idd;
                    //    else
                    //    {
                    //        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Unable to convert PA input to a 3D Property of reference integer");
                    //        return;
                    //    }
                    //mem.Property = prop3d;

                // 4 mesh size
                GH_Number ghmsz = new GH_Number();
                if (DA.GetData(4, ref ghmsz))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToDouble(ghmsz, out double msz, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        mem.Member.MeshSize = msz;

                // 5 mesh with others
                GH_Boolean ghbool = new GH_Boolean();
                if (DA.GetData(5, ref ghbool))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToBoolean(ghbool, out bool mbool, GH_Conversion.Both))

                // 6 name
                GH_String ghnm = new GH_String();
                if (DA.GetData(6, ref ghnm))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghnm, out string name, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        mem.Member.Name = name;

                // 7 Group
                GH_Integer ghgrp = new GH_Integer();
                if (DA.GetData(7, ref ghgrp))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(ghgrp, out int grp, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        mem.Member.Group = grp;

                // 8 Colour
                GH_Colour ghcol = new GH_Colour();
                if (DA.GetData(8, ref ghcol))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToColor(ghcol, out System.Drawing.Color col, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        mem.Member.Colour = col;

                // 9 Dummy
                GH_Boolean ghdum = new GH_Boolean();
                if (DA.GetData(9, ref ghdum))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToBoolean(ghdum, out bool dum, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        mem.Member.IsDummy = dum;

                // #### outputs ####

                DA.SetData(0, new GsaMember3dGoo(mem));
                DA.SetData(1, mem.ID);
                DA.SetData(2, mem.SolidMesh);

                //DA.SetData(3, mem.Property);

                DA.SetData(4, mem.Member.MeshSize);
                //DA.SetData(5, mem.Member.MeshWithOthers);

                DA.SetData(6, mem.Member.Name);
                DA.SetData(7, mem.Member.Group);
                DA.SetData(8, mem.Member.Colour);
                DA.SetData(9, mem.Member.IsDummy);
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            List <Object> Spawn_Type = new List <Object>();
            int           Dimension  = new int();
            int           Bounds     = new int();

            if (!DA.GetDataList(0, Spawn_Type))
            if (!DA.GetData(1, ref Dimension))
            if (!DA.GetData(2, ref Bounds))

            if (Dimension > 1 || Dimension < 0)
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Dimension value cannot be less than 0 and higher than 1, please adjust"); return;
            if (Bounds > 2 || Bounds < 0)
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Boundary value cannot be less than 0 and higher than 2, please adjust"); return;

            GH_Convert.ToString(Spawn_Type[0], out this.text, GH_Conversion.Both);
            ArrayList myAL = new ArrayList();

            if (this.text == "Box")
                DA.SetDataList(0, myAL);
            else if (this.text == "Points")
                DA.SetDataList(0, myAL);
            else if (this.text == "Mesh")
                DA.SetDataList(0, myAL);
            else if (this.text == "Curve")
                DA.SetDataList(0, myAL);
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Please input a valid spawn type");
Exemplo n.º 11
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            PythonScript script = PythonScript.Create();
            string       outDir = "";

                script.ExecuteScript("import scriptcontext as sc\nV=sc.sticky['NOAH_PROJECT']\nT=sc.sticky['TASK_TICKET']\nG=sc.sticky['NOAH_GENERATOR']\nID=sc.sticky['UUID']");
                NOAH_PROJECT   = (string)script.GetVariable("V");
                TASK_TICKET    = (string)script.GetVariable("T");
                NOAH_GENERATOR = (string)script.GetVariable("G");
                UUID           = (string)script.GetVariable("ID");
                if (File.Exists(NOAH_PROJECT))
                    outDir      = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(NOAH_PROJECT), ".noah", "tasks", UUID, TASK_TICKET, "out");
                    ProjectInfo = JObject.Parse(File.ReadAllText(NOAH_PROJECT));
                    JArray generators = JArray.Parse(ProjectInfo["generators"].ToString());
                    FindJobjectFromJArray(generators, NOAH_GENERATOR, out Generator, out GeneratorIndex);
            catch (Exception ex)
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, ex.Message);
            int outIndex = 0;

            DA.GetData(1, ref outIndex);

            JArray output = JArray.Parse(Generator["output"].ToString());

            if (outIndex >= output.Count)
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "定义时未指定此输出端口");
            switch (m_mode)
            case ExportMode.None:
                Message = null;

            case ExportMode.Rhino:
                string fileName = Convert.ToString(outIndex) + ".3dm";
                string filePath = Path.Combine(outDir, fileName);

                File3dmWriter          writer     = new File3dmWriter(filePath);
                List <int>             ll         = new List <int>();
                List <ObjectLayerInfo> layeredObj = new List <ObjectLayerInfo>();
                DA.GetDataList(0, layeredObj);
                layeredObj.ForEach(x =>
                    ll.Add(writer.CreateLayer(x.Name, x.Color));
                if (layeredObj.Count > 0)
                    writer.Write(layeredObj, ll);
                    if (!exported)
                        ProjectInfo["generators"][GeneratorIndex]["output"][outIndex]["value"] = filePath;
                        File.WriteAllText(NOAH_PROJECT, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ProjectInfo, Formatting.Indented));
                        exported = true;


            case ExportMode.Text:
                if (!exported)
                    string outputData = "";
                    DA.GetData(0, ref outputData);
                    ProjectInfo["generators"][GeneratorIndex]["output"][outIndex]["value"] = outputData;
                    File.WriteAllText(NOAH_PROJECT, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ProjectInfo, Formatting.Indented));
                    exported = true;

            case ExportMode.Data:
                fileName = Convert.ToString(outIndex) + ".noahdata";
                filePath = Path.Combine(outDir, fileName);
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(filePath))
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "未指定文件.");

                GH_LooseChunk val = new GH_LooseChunk("Grasshopper Data");
                val.SetGuid("OriginId", base.InstanceGuid);
                val.SetInt32("Count", base.Params.Input.Count);
                IGH_Param     iGH_Param    = base.Params.Input[0];
                IGH_Structure volatileData = iGH_Param.VolatileData;
                GH_IWriter    val2         = val.CreateChunk("Block", 0);
                val2.SetString("Name", iGH_Param.NickName);
                val2.SetBoolean("Empty", volatileData.IsEmpty);
                if (!volatileData.IsEmpty)
                    GH_Structure <IGH_Goo> tree = null;
                    DA.GetDataTree(0, out tree);
                    if (!tree.Write(val2.CreateChunk("Data")))
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, $"There was a problem writing the {iGH_Param.NickName} data.");
                byte[] bytes = val.Serialize_Binary();
                    File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, bytes);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, ex.Message);
                if (!exported)
                    ProjectInfo["generators"][GeneratorIndex]["output"][outIndex]["value"] = filePath;
                    File.WriteAllText(NOAH_PROJECT, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ProjectInfo, Formatting.Indented));
                    exported = true;

            case ExportMode.CSV:
                fileName = Convert.ToString(outIndex) + ".csv";
                filePath = Path.Combine(outDir, fileName);
                List <object> oList = new List <object>();
                List <string> sList = new List <string>();
                DA.GetDataList(0, oList);
                oList.ForEach(el =>
                    string tmp = "";
                    GH_Convert.ToString(el, out tmp, GH_Conversion.Both);
                File.WriteAllText(filePath, string.Join(Environment.NewLine, sList));
                if (!exported)
                    ProjectInfo["generators"][GeneratorIndex]["output"][outIndex]["value"] = filePath;
                    File.WriteAllText(NOAH_PROJECT, JsonConvert.SerializeObject(ProjectInfo, Formatting.Indented));
                    exported = true;
Exemplo n.º 12
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            // Model to work on
            GsaModel in_Model = new GsaModel();

            // Get Model
            GH_ObjectWrapper gh_typ = new GH_ObjectWrapper();

            if (DA.GetData(0, ref gh_typ))
                #region Inputs
                if (gh_typ.Value is GsaModelGoo)
                    gh_typ.CastTo(ref in_Model);
                    if (gsaModel != null)
                        if (in_Model.GUID != gsaModel.GUID)
                            gsaModel   = in_Model;
                            getresults = true;
                        gsaModel = in_Model;
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Error converting input to GSA Model");

                // Get analysis case
                GH_Integer gh_aCase = new GH_Integer();
                DA.GetData(1, ref gh_aCase);
                GH_Convert.ToInt32(gh_aCase, out int tempanalCase, GH_Conversion.Both);

                // Get element filter list
                GH_String gh_elList = new GH_String();
                DA.GetData(2, ref gh_elList);
                GH_Convert.ToString(gh_elList, out string tempelemList, GH_Conversion.Both);

                // Get colours
                List <Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Colour> gh_Colours = new List <Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Colour>();
                List <System.Drawing.Color> colors = new List <System.Drawing.Color>();
                if (DA.GetDataList(3, gh_Colours))
                    for (int i = 0; i < gh_Colours.Count; i++)
                        System.Drawing.Color color = new System.Drawing.Color();
                        GH_Convert.ToColor(gh_Colours[i], out color, GH_Conversion.Both);
                Grasshopper.GUI.Gradient.GH_Gradient gH_Gradient = UI.Colour.Stress_Gradient(colors);


                #region get results?
                // check if we must get results or just update display
                if (analCase == 0 || analCase != tempanalCase)
                    analCase   = tempanalCase;
                    getresults = true;

                if (elemList == "" || elemList != tempelemList)
                    elemList   = tempelemList;
                    getresults = true;


                #region Create results output
                if (getresults)
                    #region Get results from GSA
                    // ### Get results ###
                    //Get analysis case from model
                    AnalysisCaseResult analysisCaseResult = null;
                    gsaModel.Model.Results().TryGetValue(analCase, out analysisCaseResult);
                    if (analysisCaseResult == null)
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "No results exist for Analysis Case " + analCase + " in file");
                    IReadOnlyDictionary <int, Element3DResult> globalResults = analysisCaseResult.Element3DResults(elemList);


                    // ### Loop through results ###
                    // clear existing result lists
                    xyz_out    = new DataTree <Vector3d>();
                    xxyyzz_out = new DataTree <Vector3d>();

                    // maximum and minimum result values for colouring later
                    dmax_x      = 0;
                    dmax_y      = 0;
                    dmax_z      = 0;
                    dmax_xx     = 0;
                    dmax_yy     = 0;
                    dmax_zz     = 0;
                    dmax_xyz    = 0;
                    dmax_xxyyzz = 0;
                    dmin_x      = 0;
                    dmin_y      = 0;
                    dmin_z      = 0;
                    dmin_xx     = 0;
                    dmin_yy     = 0;
                    dmin_zz     = 0;
                    dmin_xyz    = 0;
                    dmin_xxyyzz = 0;
                    keys        = new List <int>();

                    double unitfactorxyz    = 1;
                    double unitfactorxxyyzz = 1;

                    foreach (int key in globalResults.Keys)

                        // lists for results
                        Element3DResult elementResults;
                        if (globalResults.TryGetValue(key, out elementResults))
                            List <Vector3d> xyz    = new List <Vector3d>();
                            List <Vector3d> xxyyzz = new List <Vector3d>();

                            switch (_mode)
                            case FoldMode.Displacement:
                                unitfactorxyz = 0.001;
                                List <Double3> trans_vals = elementResults.Displacement.ToList();
                                foreach (Double3 val in trans_vals)
                                    Vector3d valxyz = new Vector3d
                                        X = val.X / unitfactorxyz,
                                        Y = val.Y / unitfactorxyz,
                                        Z = val.Z / unitfactorxyz

                            case FoldMode.Stress:
                                unitfactorxxyyzz = 1000000;

                                List <Tensor3> stress_vals = elementResults.Stress.ToList();
                                foreach (Tensor3 val in stress_vals)
                                    Vector3d valxxyyzz = new Vector3d
                                        X = val.XX / unitfactorxxyyzz,
                                        Y = val.YY / unitfactorxxyyzz,
                                        Z = val.ZZ / unitfactorxxyyzz

                                    Vector3d valxyyzzx = new Vector3d
                                        X = val.XY / unitfactorxxyyzz,
                                        Y = val.YZ / unitfactorxxyyzz,
                                        Z = val.ZX / unitfactorxxyyzz


                            // update max and min values
                            dmax_x = Math.Max(xyz.Max(val => val.X), dmax_x);
                            dmax_y = Math.Max(xyz.Max(val => val.Y), dmax_y);
                            dmax_z = Math.Max(xyz.Max(val => val.Z), dmax_z);

                            dmax_xyz = Math.Max(
                                xyz.Max(val =>
                                            Math.Pow(val.X, 2) +
                                            Math.Pow(val.Y, 2) +
                                            Math.Pow(val.Z, 2))),

                            dmin_x = Math.Min(xyz.Min(val => val.X), dmin_x);
                            dmin_y = Math.Min(xyz.Min(val => val.Y), dmin_y);
                            dmin_z = Math.Min(xyz.Min(val => val.Z), dmin_z);

                            if (_mode == FoldMode.Stress)
                                dmax_xx = Math.Max(xxyyzz.Max(val => val.X), dmax_xx);
                                dmax_yy = Math.Max(xxyyzz.Max(val => val.Y), dmax_yy);
                                dmax_zz = Math.Max(xxyyzz.Max(val => val.Z), dmax_zz);

                                dmin_xx = Math.Min(xxyyzz.Min(val => val.X), dmin_xx);
                                dmin_yy = Math.Min(xxyyzz.Min(val => val.Y), dmin_yy);
                                dmin_zz = Math.Min(xxyyzz.Min(val => val.Z), dmin_zz);

                            // add vector lists to main lists
                            xyz_out.AddRange(xyz, new GH_Path(key - 1));
                            xxyyzz_out.AddRange(xxyyzz, new GH_Path(key - 1));
                    getresults = false;

                #region Result mesh values
                // ### Coloured Result Meshes ###

                // round max and min to reasonable numbers
                double dmax = 0;
                double dmin = 0;
                switch (_disp)
                case (DisplayValue.X):
                    dmax = dmax_x;
                    dmin = dmin_x;

                case (DisplayValue.Y):
                    dmax = dmax_y;
                    dmin = dmin_y;

                case (DisplayValue.Z):
                    dmax = dmax_z;
                    dmin = dmin_z;

                case (DisplayValue.resXYZ):
                    dmax = dmax_xyz;
                    dmin = dmin_xyz;

                case (DisplayValue.XX):
                    dmax = dmax_xx;
                    dmin = dmin_xx;

                case (DisplayValue.YY):
                    dmax = dmax_yy;
                    dmin = dmin_yy;

                case (DisplayValue.ZZ):
                    dmax = dmax_zz;
                    dmin = dmin_zz;

                case (DisplayValue.resXXYYZZ):
                    dmax = dmax_xxyyzz;
                    dmin = dmin_xxyyzz;

                List <double> rounded = Util.Gsa.ResultHelper.SmartRounder(dmax, dmin);
                dmax = rounded[0];
                dmin = rounded[1];

                #region create mesh
                // create mesh

                // get elements and nodes from model
                elemList = string.Join(" ", keys.ToList());
                IReadOnlyDictionary <int, Element> elems = gsaModel.Model.Elements(elemList);
                IReadOnlyDictionary <int, Node>    nodes = gsaModel.Model.Nodes();

                List <int>        elemID       = new List <int>();
                List <int>        parentMember = new List <int>();
                List <ResultMesh> resultMeshes = new List <ResultMesh>();
                List <Mesh>       meshes       = new List <Mesh>();

                // loop through elements
                foreach (int key in elems.Keys)
                    elems.TryGetValue(key, out Element element);

                    Mesh tempmesh = GhSA.Util.Gsa.FromGSA.ConvertElement3D(element, nodes);
                    if (tempmesh == null)

                    List <Vector3d> transformation = null;
                    // add mesh colour
                    List <double> vals = new List <double>();

                    GH_Path path = new GH_Path(key - 1);

                    List <Vector3d> tempXYZ    = xyz_out.Branch(path);
                    List <Vector3d> tempXXYYZZ = xxyyzz_out.Branch(path);
                    switch (_disp)
                    case (DisplayValue.X):
                        vals           = tempXYZ.ConvertAll(val => val.X);
                        transformation = new List <Vector3d>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < vals.Count; i++)
                            transformation.Add(new Vector3d(vals[i] * Value / 1000, 0, 0));

                    case (DisplayValue.Y):
                        vals           = tempXYZ.ConvertAll(val => val.Y);
                        transformation = new List <Vector3d>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < vals.Count; i++)
                            transformation.Add(new Vector3d(0, vals[i] * Value / 1000, 0));

                    case (DisplayValue.Z):
                        vals           = tempXYZ.ConvertAll(val => val.Z);
                        transformation = new List <Vector3d>();
                        for (int i = 0; i < vals.Count; i++)
                            transformation.Add(new Vector3d(0, 0, vals[i] * Value / 1000));

                    case (DisplayValue.resXYZ):
                        vals = tempXYZ.ConvertAll(val => (
                                                          Math.Pow(val.X, 2) +
                                                          Math.Pow(val.Y, 2) +
                                                          Math.Pow(val.Z, 2))));
                        transformation = tempXYZ.ConvertAll(vec => Vector3d.Multiply(Value / 1000, vec));

                    case (DisplayValue.XX):
                        vals = tempXXYYZZ.ConvertAll(val => val.X);

                    case (DisplayValue.YY):
                        vals = tempXXYYZZ.ConvertAll(val => val.Y);

                    case (DisplayValue.ZZ):
                        vals = tempXXYYZZ.ConvertAll(val => val.Z);

                    case (DisplayValue.resXXYYZZ):
                        vals = tempXXYYZZ.ConvertAll(val => (
                                                             Math.Pow(val.X, 2) +
                                                             Math.Pow(val.Y, 2) +
                                                             Math.Pow(val.Z, 2))));

                    for (int i = 1; i < vals.Count; i++) // start at i=1 as the first index is the centre point in GsaAPI output
                        //normalised value between -1 and 1
                        double tnorm             = 2 * (vals[i] - dmin) / (dmax - dmin) - 1;
                        System.Drawing.Color col = (double.IsNaN(tnorm)) ? System.Drawing.Color.Transparent : gH_Gradient.ColourAt(tnorm);
                        if (transformation != null)
                            Point3f def = tempmesh.Vertices[i - 1];
                            tempmesh.Vertices[i - 1] = def;

                    ResultMesh resultMesh = new ResultMesh(tempmesh, vals);


                #region Legend
                // ### Legend ###
                // loop through number of grip points in gradient to create legend

                //Find Colour and Values for legend output
                List <double> ts = new List <double>();
                List <System.Drawing.Color> cs = new List <System.Drawing.Color>();

                for (int i = 0; i < gH_Gradient.GripCount; i++)
                    double t   = dmin + (dmax - dmin) / ((double)gH_Gradient.GripCount - 1) * (double)i;
                    double scl = Math.Pow(10, Math.Floor(Math.Log10(Math.Abs(t))) + 1);
                    scl = Math.Max(scl, 1);
                    t   = scl * Math.Round(t / scl, 3);

                    System.Drawing.Color gradientcolour = gH_Gradient.ColourAt(2 * (double)i / ((double)gH_Gradient.GripCount - 1) - 1);

                // set outputs
                int outind = 0;
                DA.SetDataTree(outind++, xyz_out);
                if (_mode == FoldMode.Stress)
                    DA.SetDataTree(outind++, xxyyzz_out);
                DA.SetDataList(outind++, resultMeshes);
                DA.SetDataList(outind++, cs);
                DA.SetDataList(outind++, ts);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public override bool CastFrom(object source)
            if (source == null)
            int        val;
            LayerTable LT = Rhino.RhinoDoc.ActiveDoc.Layers;

            if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(source, out val, GH_Conversion.Both))
                Rhino.DocObjects.Layer La = LT.FindIndex(val);
                if (La == null)
                    Value = null;
                    Value = La;
            Guid id;

            if (GH_Convert.ToGUID(source, out id, GH_Conversion.Both))
                Rhino.DocObjects.Layer La = LT.FindId(id);
                if (La == null)
                    Value = null;
                    Value = La;
            string Name;

            if (GH_Convert.ToString(source, out Name, GH_Conversion.Both))
                int Index = LT.FindByFullPath(Name, -1);
                if (Index == -1)
                    Rhino.DocObjects.Layer La = new Layer();
                    La.Name = Name;
                    Value   = La;
                    Value = LT.FindIndex(Index);
            if (source.GetType() == typeof(Layer))
                Value = (Layer)source;
            if (source.GetType() == typeof(Hu_Layer))
                Value = ((Hu_Layer)source).Value;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public override bool CastFrom(object source)
            // This function is called when Grasshopper needs to convert other data
            // into GsaBool6.

            if (source == null)

            //Cast from GsaBool6
            if (typeof(GsaBool6).IsAssignableFrom(source.GetType()))
                Value = (GsaBool6)source;

            //Cast from Bool
            if (GH_Convert.ToBoolean(source, out bool mybool, GH_Conversion.Both))
                Value.X  = mybool;
                Value.Y  = mybool;
                Value.Z  = mybool;
                Value.XX = mybool;
                Value.YY = mybool;
                Value.ZZ = mybool;

            //Cast from string
            if (GH_Convert.ToString(source, out string mystring, GH_Conversion.Both))
                mystring = mystring.Trim();
                mystring = mystring.ToLower();

                if (mystring == "free")
                    Value.X  = false;
                    Value.Y  = false;
                    Value.Z  = false;
                    Value.XX = false;
                    Value.YY = false;
                    Value.ZZ = false;
                if (mystring == "pin" | mystring == "pinned")
                    Value.X  = true;
                    Value.Y  = true;
                    Value.Z  = true;
                    Value.XX = false;
                    Value.YY = false;
                    Value.ZZ = false;
                if (mystring == "fix" | mystring == "fixed")
                    Value.X  = true;
                    Value.Y  = true;
                    Value.Z  = true;
                    Value.XX = true;
                    Value.YY = true;
                    Value.ZZ = true;
                if (mystring == "release" | mystring == "released" | mystring == "hinge" | mystring == "hinged" | mystring == "charnier")
                    Value.X  = false;
                    Value.Y  = false;
                    Value.Z  = false;
                    Value.XX = false;
                    Value.YY = true;
                    Value.ZZ = true;
Exemplo n.º 15
        public override bool CastFrom(object source)
            // This function is called when Grasshopper needs to convert other data
            // into GsaMaterial.

            if (source == null)

            //Cast from GsaMaterial
            if (typeof(GsaMaterial).IsAssignableFrom(source.GetType()))
                Value = (GsaMaterial)source;

            //Cast from string
            if (GH_Convert.ToString(source, out string mat, GH_Conversion.Both))
                if (mat.ToUpper() == "STEEL")
                    Value.Type = GsaMaterial.MatType.STEEL;

                if (mat.ToUpper() == "CONCRETE")
                    Value.Type = GsaMaterial.MatType.CONCRETE;

                if (mat.ToUpper() == "FRP")
                    Value.Type = GsaMaterial.MatType.FRP;

                if (mat.ToUpper() == "ALUMINIUM")
                    Value.Type = GsaMaterial.MatType.ALUMINIUM;

                if (mat.ToUpper() == "TIMBER")
                    Value.Type = GsaMaterial.MatType.TIMBER;

                if (mat.ToUpper() == "GLASS")
                    Value.Type = GsaMaterial.MatType.GLASS;

                if (mat.ToUpper() == "FABRIC")
                    Value.Type = GsaMaterial.MatType.FABRIC;

                if (mat.ToUpper() == "GENERIC")
                    Value.Type = GsaMaterial.MatType.GENERIC;


            //Cast from integer
            if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(source, out int idd, GH_Conversion.Both))
                Value.AnalysisProperty = idd;
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GsaSection gsaSection = new GsaSection();

            if (DA.GetData(0, ref gsaSection))
                if (gsaSection != null)
                    // #### input ####
                    // 1 profile
                    string profile = "";
                    if (DA.GetData(1, ref profile))
                        gsaSection.Section.Profile = profile;

                    // 2 Material
                    // to be implemented

                    // 3 analysis type
                    int analtype = 0; //prop.Prop2d.Thickness;
                    if (DA.GetData(3, ref analtype))
                        gsaSection.Section.MaterialAnalysisProperty = analtype;

                    // 4 section pool
                    int pool = 0; //prop.Prop2d.Thickness;
                    if (DA.GetData(4, ref pool))
                        gsaSection.Section.Pool = pool;

                    // 5 offset

                    int offset = 0;
                    if (DA.GetData(5, ref offset))
                        //prop.Prop2d.Offeset = offset;

                    // 6 ID
                    GH_Integer ghID = new GH_Integer();
                    if (DA.GetData(6, ref ghID))
                        if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(ghID, out int id, GH_Conversion.Both))
                            gsaSection.ID = id;

                    // 7 name
                    GH_String ghnm = new GH_String();
                    if (DA.GetData(7, ref ghnm))
                        if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghnm, out string name, GH_Conversion.Both))
                            gsaSection.Section.Name = name;

                    // 8 Colour
                    GH_Colour ghcol = new GH_Colour();
                    if (DA.GetData(8, ref ghcol))
                        if (GH_Convert.ToColor(ghcol, out System.Drawing.Color col, GH_Conversion.Both))
                            gsaSection.Section.Colour = col;

                    // #### outputs ####
                    DA.SetData(0, new GsaSectionGoo(gsaSection));

                    DA.SetData(1, gsaSection.Section.Profile.Replace("%", " "));
                    //DA.SetData(2, gsaProp2d.Prop2d.Material); // to be implemented
                    DA.SetData(3, gsaSection.Section.MaterialAnalysisProperty);
                    DA.SetData(4, gsaSection.Section.Pool);
                    //DA.SetData(5, gsaSection.Section.Offset);
                    DA.SetData(6, gsaSection.ID);
                    DA.SetData(7, gsaSection.Section.Name);
                    DA.SetData(8, gsaSection.Section.Colour);
Exemplo n.º 17
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            // Model to work on
            GsaModel in_Model = new GsaModel();

            // Get Model
            GH_ObjectWrapper gh_typ = new GH_ObjectWrapper();

            if (DA.GetData(0, ref gh_typ))
                #region Inputs
                if (gh_typ.Value is GsaModelGoo)
                    gh_typ.CastTo(ref in_Model);
                    if (gsaModel != null)
                        if (in_Model.GUID != gsaModel.GUID)
                            gsaModel   = in_Model;
                            getresults = true;
                        gsaModel = in_Model;
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Error converting input to GSA Model");

                // Get analysis case
                GH_Integer gh_aCase = new GH_Integer();
                DA.GetData(1, ref gh_aCase);
                GH_Convert.ToInt32(gh_aCase, out int tempanalCase, GH_Conversion.Both);

                // Get node filter list
                GH_String gh_noList = new GH_String();
                DA.GetData(2, ref gh_noList);
                GH_Convert.ToString(gh_noList, out string tempnodeList, GH_Conversion.Both);

                // Get colours
                List <Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Colour> gh_Colours = new List <Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Colour>();
                List <System.Drawing.Color> colors = new List <System.Drawing.Color>();
                if (DA.GetDataList(3, gh_Colours))
                    for (int i = 0; i < gh_Colours.Count; i++)
                        System.Drawing.Color color = new System.Drawing.Color();
                        GH_Convert.ToColor(gh_Colours[i], out color, GH_Conversion.Both);
                Grasshopper.GUI.Gradient.GH_Gradient gH_Gradient = UI.Colour.Stress_Gradient(colors);

                // Get scalar
                GH_Number gh_Scale = new GH_Number();
                DA.GetData(4, ref gh_Scale);
                double scale = 1;
                GH_Convert.ToDouble(gh_Scale, out scale, GH_Conversion.Both);

                #region get results?
                // check if we must get results or just update display
                if (analCase == 0 || analCase != tempanalCase)
                    analCase   = tempanalCase;
                    getresults = true;

                if (nodeList == "" || nodeList != tempnodeList)
                    nodeList   = tempnodeList;
                    getresults = true;

                if (getresults)
                    #region Get results from GSA
                    // ### Get results ###
                    //Get analysis case from model
                    AnalysisCaseResult analysisCaseResult = null;
                    gsaModel.Model.Results().TryGetValue(analCase, out analysisCaseResult);
                    if (analysisCaseResult == null)
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "No results exist for Analysis Case " + analCase + " in file");
                    IReadOnlyDictionary <int, NodeResult> results = analysisCaseResult.NodeResults(nodeList);
                    IReadOnlyDictionary <int, Node>       nodes   = gsaModel.Model.Nodes(nodeList);

                    #region Create results output
                    // ### Loop through results ###
                    // clear any existing lists of vectors to output results in:
                    xyz    = new List <Vector3d>();
                    xxyyzz = new List <Vector3d>();

                    // maximum and minimum result values for colouring later
                    dmax_x      = 0;
                    dmax_y      = 0;
                    dmax_z      = 0;
                    dmax_xx     = 0;
                    dmax_yy     = 0;
                    dmax_zz     = 0;
                    dmax_xyz    = 0;
                    dmax_xxyyzz = 0;
                    dmin_x      = 0;
                    dmin_y      = 0;
                    dmin_z      = 0;
                    dmin_xx     = 0;
                    dmin_yy     = 0;
                    dmin_zz     = 0;
                    dmin_xyz    = 0;
                    dmin_xxyyzz = 0;

                    double unitfactorxyz    = 1;
                    double unitfactorxxyyzz = 1;

                    // if reaction type, then we reuse the nodeList to filter support nodes from the rest
                    if (_mode == FoldMode.Reaction)
                        nodeList = "";

                    foreach (var key in results.Keys)
                        NodeResult result;
                        Double6    values = null;

                        if (_mode == FoldMode.Reaction)
                            bool isSupport = false;
                            Node node      = new Node();
                            nodes.TryGetValue(key, out node);
                            NodalRestraint rest = node.Restraint;
                            if (rest.X || rest.Y || rest.Z || rest.XX || rest.YY || rest.ZZ)
                                isSupport = true;
                            if (!isSupport)
                                if (nodeList == "")
                                    nodeList = key.ToString();
                                    nodeList += " " + key;

                        results.TryGetValue(key, out result);
                        switch (_mode)
                        case (FoldMode.Displacement):
                            values           = result.Displacement;
                            unitfactorxyz    = 0.001;
                            unitfactorxxyyzz = 1;

                        case (FoldMode.Reaction):
                            values           = result.Reaction;
                            unitfactorxyz    = 1000;
                            unitfactorxxyyzz = 1000;

                        case (FoldMode.SpringForce):
                            values           = result.SpringForce;
                            unitfactorxyz    = 1000;
                            unitfactorxxyyzz = 1000;

                        case (FoldMode.Constraint):
                            values = result.Constraint;

                        // update max and min values
                        if (values.X / unitfactorxyz > dmax_x)
                            dmax_x = values.X / unitfactorxyz;
                        if (values.Y / unitfactorxyz > dmax_y)
                            dmax_y = values.Y / unitfactorxyz;
                        if (values.Z / unitfactorxyz > dmax_z)
                            dmax_z = values.Z / unitfactorxyz;
                        if (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(values.X, 2) + Math.Pow(values.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(values.Z, 2)) / unitfactorxyz > dmax_xyz)
                            dmax_xyz = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(values.X, 2) + Math.Pow(values.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(values.Z, 2)) / unitfactorxyz;

                        if (values.XX / unitfactorxxyyzz > dmax_xx)
                            dmax_xx = values.XX / unitfactorxxyyzz;
                        if (values.YY / unitfactorxxyyzz > dmax_yy)
                            dmax_yy = values.YY / unitfactorxxyyzz;
                        if (values.ZZ / unitfactorxxyyzz > dmax_zz)
                            dmax_zz = values.ZZ / unitfactorxxyyzz;
                        if (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(values.XX, 2) + Math.Pow(values.YY, 2) + Math.Pow(values.ZZ, 2)) / unitfactorxxyyzz > dmax_xxyyzz)
                            dmax_xxyyzz = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(values.XX, 2) + Math.Pow(values.YY, 2) + Math.Pow(values.ZZ, 2)) / unitfactorxxyyzz;

                        if (values.X / unitfactorxyz < dmin_x)
                            dmin_x = values.X / unitfactorxyz;
                        if (values.Y / unitfactorxyz < dmin_y)
                            dmin_y = values.Y / unitfactorxyz;
                        if (values.Z / unitfactorxyz < dmin_z)
                            dmin_z = values.Z / unitfactorxyz;
                        if (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(values.X, 2) + Math.Pow(values.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(values.Z, 2)) / unitfactorxyz < dmin_xyz)
                            dmin_xyz = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(values.X, 2) + Math.Pow(values.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(values.Z, 2)) / unitfactorxyz;

                        if (values.XX / unitfactorxxyyzz < dmin_xx)
                            dmin_xx = values.XX / unitfactorxxyyzz;
                        if (values.YY / unitfactorxxyyzz < dmin_yy)
                            dmin_yy = values.YY / unitfactorxxyyzz;
                        if (values.ZZ / unitfactorxxyyzz < dmin_zz)
                            dmin_zz = values.ZZ / unitfactorxxyyzz;
                        if (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(values.XX, 2) + Math.Pow(values.YY, 2) + Math.Pow(values.ZZ, 2)) / unitfactorxxyyzz < dmin_xxyyzz)
                            dmin_xxyyzz = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(values.XX, 2) + Math.Pow(values.YY, 2) + Math.Pow(values.ZZ, 2)) / unitfactorxxyyzz;

                        // add the values to the vector lists
                        xyz.Add(new Vector3d(values.X / unitfactorxyz, values.Y / unitfactorxyz, values.Z / unitfactorxyz));
                        xxyyzz.Add(new Vector3d(values.XX / unitfactorxxyyzz, values.YY / unitfactorxxyyzz, values.ZZ / unitfactorxxyyzz));
                    getresults = false;

                #region Result point values
                // ### Coloured Result Points ###

                // Get nodes for point location and restraint check in case of reaction force
                IReadOnlyDictionary <int, Node> nDict = gsaModel.Model.Nodes(nodeList);
                List <GsaNodeGoo> gsanodes            = Util.Gsa.FromGSA.GetNodes(nDict, gsaModel.Model);

                //Find Colour and Values for legend output

                List <double> ts = new List <double>();
                List <System.Drawing.Color> cs = new List <System.Drawing.Color>();

                // round max and min to reasonable numbers
                double dmax = 0;
                double dmin = 0;
                switch (_disp)
                case (DisplayValue.X):
                    dmax = dmax_x;
                    dmin = dmin_x;

                case (DisplayValue.Y):
                    dmax = dmax_y;
                    dmin = dmin_y;

                case (DisplayValue.Z):
                    dmax = dmax_z;
                    dmin = dmin_z;

                case (DisplayValue.resXYZ):
                    dmax = dmax_xyz;
                    dmin = dmin_xyz;

                case (DisplayValue.XX):
                    dmax = dmax_xx;
                    dmin = dmin_xx;

                case (DisplayValue.YY):
                    dmax = dmax_yy;
                    dmin = dmin_yy;

                case (DisplayValue.ZZ):
                    dmax = dmax_zz;
                    dmin = dmin_zz;

                case (DisplayValue.resXXYYZZ):
                    dmax = dmax_xxyyzz;
                    dmin = dmin_xxyyzz;

                List <double> rounded = Util.Gsa.ResultHelper.SmartRounder(dmax, dmin);
                dmax = rounded[0];
                dmin = rounded[1];

                // Loop through nodes and set result colour into ResultPoint format
                List <ResultPoint>          pts = new List <ResultPoint>();
                List <System.Drawing.Color> col = new List <System.Drawing.Color>();

                for (int i = 0; i < gsanodes.Count; i++)
                    if (gsanodes[i].Value != null)
                        if (!(dmin == 0 & dmax == 0))
                            double   t           = 0;
                            Vector3d translation = new Vector3d(0, 0, 0);
                            // pick the right value to display
                            switch (_disp)
                            case (DisplayValue.X):
                                t             = xyz[i].X;
                                translation.X = t * Value / 1000;

                            case (DisplayValue.Y):
                                t             = xyz[i].Y;
                                translation.Y = t * Value / 1000;

                            case (DisplayValue.Z):
                                t             = xyz[i].Z;
                                translation.Z = t * Value / 1000;

                            case (DisplayValue.resXYZ):
                                t             = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(xyz[i].X, 2) + Math.Pow(xyz[i].Y, 2) + Math.Pow(xyz[i].Z, 2));
                                translation.X = xyz[i].X * Value / 1000;
                                translation.Y = xyz[i].Y * Value / 1000;
                                translation.Z = xyz[i].Z * Value / 1000;

                            case (DisplayValue.XX):
                                t = xxyyzz[i].X;

                            case (DisplayValue.YY):
                                t = xxyyzz[i].Y;

                            case (DisplayValue.ZZ):
                                t = xxyyzz[i].Z;

                            case (DisplayValue.resXXYYZZ):
                                t = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(xxyyzz[i].X, 2) + Math.Pow(xxyyzz[i].Y, 2) + Math.Pow(xxyyzz[i].Z, 2));

                            //normalised value between -1 and 1
                            double tnorm = 2 * (t - dmin) / (dmax - dmin) - 1;

                            // get colour for that normalised value
                            System.Drawing.Color valcol = gH_Gradient.ColourAt(tnorm);

                            // set the size of the point for ResultPoint class. Size is calculated from 0-base, so not a normalised value between extremes
                            float size = (t >= 0 && dmax != 0) ?
                                         Math.Max(2, (float)(t / dmax * scale)) :
                                         Math.Max(2, (float)(Math.Abs(t) / Math.Abs(dmin) * scale));

                            // create deflection point
                            Point3d def = new Point3d(gsanodes[i].Value.Point);

                            // add our special resultpoint to the list of points
                            pts.Add(new ResultPoint(def, t, valcol, size));

                            // add the colour to the colours list

                #region Legend
                // ### Legend ###
                // loop through number of grip points in gradient to create legend
                for (int i = 0; i < gH_Gradient.GripCount; i++)
                    double t   = dmin + (dmax - dmin) / ((double)gH_Gradient.GripCount - 1) * (double)i;
                    double scl = Math.Pow(10, Math.Floor(Math.Log10(Math.Abs(t))) + 1);
                    scl = Math.Max(scl, 1);
                    t   = scl * Math.Round(t / scl, 3);

                    System.Drawing.Color gradientcolour = gH_Gradient.ColourAt(2 * (double)i / ((double)gH_Gradient.GripCount - 1) - 1);

                // set outputs
                DA.SetDataList(0, xyz);
                DA.SetDataList(1, xxyyzz);
                DA.SetDataList(2, pts);
                DA.SetDataList(3, col);
                DA.SetDataList(4, cs);
                DA.SetDataList(5, ts);
Exemplo n.º 18
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            bool update = false;

            GH_String ghstr = new GH_String();

            if (DA.GetData(0, ref ghstr))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghstr, out string unit, GH_Conversion.Both))
                    Util.Unit.Force = unit;
                    update          = true;

            ghstr = new GH_String();
            if (DA.GetData(1, ref ghstr))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghstr, out string unit, GH_Conversion.Both))
                    Util.Unit.LengthLarge = unit;
                    update = true;
            ghstr = new GH_String();
            if (DA.GetData(2, ref ghstr))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghstr, out string unit, GH_Conversion.Both))
                    Util.Unit.LengthSmall = unit;
                    update = true;
            ghstr = new GH_String();
            if (DA.GetData(3, ref ghstr))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghstr, out string unit, GH_Conversion.Both))
                    Util.Unit.LengthSection = unit;
                    update = true;
            ghstr = new GH_String();
            if (DA.GetData(4, ref ghstr))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghstr, out string unit, GH_Conversion.Both))
                    Util.Unit.Mass = unit;
                    update         = true;
            ghstr = new GH_String();
            if (DA.GetData(5, ref ghstr))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghstr, out string unit, GH_Conversion.Both))
                    Util.Unit.Temperature = unit;
                    update = true;
            ghstr = new GH_String();
            if (DA.GetData(6, ref ghstr))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghstr, out string unit, GH_Conversion.Both))
                    Util.Unit.Stress = unit;
                    update           = true;
            ghstr = new GH_String();
            if (DA.GetData(7, ref ghstr))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghstr, out string unit, GH_Conversion.Both))
                    Util.Unit.Strain = unit;
                    update           = true;
            ghstr = new GH_String();
            if (DA.GetData(8, ref ghstr))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghstr, out string unit, GH_Conversion.Both))
                    Util.Unit.Velocity = unit;
                    update             = true;
            ghstr = new GH_String();
            if (DA.GetData(9, ref ghstr))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghstr, out string unit, GH_Conversion.Both))
                    Util.Unit.Acceleration = unit;
                    update = true;
            ghstr = new GH_String();
            if (DA.GetData(10, ref ghstr))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghstr, out string unit, GH_Conversion.Both))
                    Util.Unit.Energy = unit;
                    update           = true;
            ghstr = new GH_String();
            if (DA.GetData(11, ref ghstr))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghstr, out string unit, GH_Conversion.Both))
                    Util.Unit.Angle = unit;
                    update          = true;
            ghstr = new GH_String();
            if (DA.GetData(12, ref ghstr))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghstr, out string unit, GH_Conversion.Both))
                    Util.Unit.TimeShort = unit;
                    update = true;
            ghstr = new GH_String();
            if (DA.GetData(13, ref ghstr))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghstr, out string unit, GH_Conversion.Both))
                    Util.Unit.TimeMedium = unit;
                    update = true;
            ghstr = new GH_String();
            if (DA.GetData(14, ref ghstr))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghstr, out string unit, GH_Conversion.Both))
                    Util.Unit.TimeLong = unit;
                    update             = true;
            List <string> units = new List <string>
                "Force: " + Util.Unit.Force,
                "Length Large: " + Util.Unit.LengthLarge
                + ((Util.Unit.LengthLarge == Util.Unit.RhinoDocUnit) ? "" : System.Environment.NewLine + "NB: Not similar to Rhino Document units!"),
                "Length Small: " + Util.Unit.LengthSmall,
                "Length Section: " + Util.Unit.LengthSection,
                "Mass: " + Util.Unit.Mass,
                "Temperature: " + Util.Unit.Temperature,
                "Stress: " + Util.Unit.Stress,
                "Strain: " + Util.Unit.Strain,
                "Velocity: " + Util.Unit.Velocity,
                "Acceleration: " + Util.Unit.Acceleration,
                "Energy: " + Util.Unit.Energy,
                "Angle: " + Util.Unit.Angle,
                "Time - short: " + Util.Unit.TimeShort,
                "Time - medium: " + Util.Unit.TimeMedium,
                "Time - long: " + Util.Unit.TimeLong,

            if (update)
            DA.SetDataList(0, units);
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GsaElement1d gsaElement1d = new GsaElement1d();

            if (DA.GetData(0, ref gsaElement1d))
                GsaElement1d elem = gsaElement1d.Duplicate();

                // #### inputs ####
                // 1 curve
                GH_Line ghcrv = new GH_Line();
                if (DA.GetData(1, ref ghcrv))
                    Line crv = new Line();
                    if (GH_Convert.ToLine(ghcrv, ref crv, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        LineCurve    ln      = new LineCurve(crv);
                        GsaElement1d tmpelem = new GsaElement1d(ln)
                            ID           = elem.ID,
                            Element      = elem.Element,
                            ReleaseEnd   = elem.ReleaseEnd,
                            ReleaseStart = elem.ReleaseStart
                        elem = tmpelem;

                // 2 section
                GH_ObjectWrapper gh_typ = new GH_ObjectWrapper();
                if (DA.GetData(2, ref gh_typ))
                    GsaSection section = new GsaSection();
                    if (gh_typ.Value is GsaSection)
                        gh_typ.CastTo(ref section);
                    else if (gh_typ.Value is GH_Number)
                        if (GH_Convert.ToInt32((GH_Number)gh_typ.Value, out int idd, GH_Conversion.Both))
                            section.ID = idd;
                    elem.Section = section;

                // 3 offset
                GsaOffset offset = new GsaOffset();
                if (DA.GetData(3, ref offset))
                    elem.Element.Offset.X1 = offset.X1;
                    elem.Element.Offset.X2 = offset.X2;
                    elem.Element.Offset.Y  = offset.Y;
                    elem.Element.Offset.Z  = offset.Z;

                // 4 start release
                GsaBool6 start = new GsaBool6();
                if (DA.GetData(4, ref start))
                    elem.ReleaseStart = start; //should handle setting the release in elem.Element.SetRelease

                // 5 end release
                GsaBool6 end = new GsaBool6();
                if (DA.GetData(5, ref end))
                    elem.ReleaseEnd = end; //should handle setting the release in elem.Element.SetRelease

                // 6 orientation angle
                GH_Number ghangle = new GH_Number();
                if (DA.GetData(6, ref ghangle))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToDouble(ghangle, out double angle, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        elem.Element.OrientationAngle = angle;

                // 7 orientation node
                GH_Integer ghori = new GH_Integer();
                if (DA.GetData(7, ref ghori))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(ghori, out int orient, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        elem.Element.OrientationNode = orient;

                // 8 type
                GH_Integer ghinteg = new GH_Integer();
                if (DA.GetData(8, ref ghinteg))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(ghinteg, out int type, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        elem.Element.Type = Util.Gsa.GsaToModel.Element1dType(type);

                // 9 ID
                GH_Integer ghID = new GH_Integer();
                if (DA.GetData(9, ref ghID))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(ghID, out int id, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        elem.ID = id;

                // 10 name
                GH_String ghnm = new GH_String();
                if (DA.GetData(10, ref ghnm))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghnm, out string name, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        elem.Element.Name = name;

                // 11 Group
                GH_Integer ghgrp = new GH_Integer();
                if (DA.GetData(11, ref ghgrp))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(ghgrp, out int grp, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        elem.Element.Group = grp;

                // 12 Colour
                GH_Colour ghcol = new GH_Colour();
                if (DA.GetData(12, ref ghcol))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToColor(ghcol, out System.Drawing.Color col, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        elem.Element.Colour = col;

                // #### outputs ####
                DA.SetData(0, new GsaElement1dGoo(elem));

                DA.SetData(1, elem.Line);
                DA.SetData(2, elem.Section);

                GsaOffset offset1 = new GsaOffset
                    X1 = elem.Element.Offset.X1,
                    X2 = elem.Element.Offset.X2,
                    Y  = elem.Element.Offset.Y,
                    Z  = elem.Element.Offset.Z
                DA.SetData(3, offset1);

                DA.SetData(4, elem.ReleaseStart);
                DA.SetData(5, elem.ReleaseEnd);

                DA.SetData(6, elem.Element.OrientationAngle);
                DA.SetData(7, elem.Element.OrientationNode);

                DA.SetData(8, elem.Element.Type);

                DA.SetData(9, elem.ID);
                DA.SetData(10, elem.Element.Name);
                DA.SetData(11, elem.Element.Group);
                DA.SetData(12, elem.Element.Colour);

                try { DA.SetData(13, elem.Element.ParentMember.Member); } catch (Exception) { }
                //DA.SetData(16, gsaElement1d.Element.IsDummy);
Exemplo n.º 20
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GsaNode gsaNode = new GsaNode();

            if (!DA.GetData(0, ref gsaNode))
                gsaNode = new GsaNode(new Point3d(0, 0, 0));

            if (gsaNode != null)
                // #### inputs ####

                GH_Integer ghInt = new GH_Integer();
                if (DA.GetData(1, ref ghInt))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(ghInt, out int id, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        gsaNode.ID = id;

                GH_String ghStr = new GH_String();
                if (DA.GetData(2, ref ghStr))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghStr, out string name, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        gsaNode.Node.Name = name;

                GH_Point ghPt = new GH_Point();
                if (DA.GetData(3, ref ghPt))
                    Point3d pt = new Point3d();
                    if (GH_Convert.ToPoint3d(ghPt, ref pt, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        gsaNode.Point           = pt;
                        gsaNode.Node.Position.X = pt.X;
                        gsaNode.Node.Position.Y = pt.Y;
                        gsaNode.Node.Position.Z = pt.Z;

                GH_Plane ghPln = new GH_Plane();
                if (DA.GetData(4, ref ghPln))
                    Plane pln = new Plane();
                    if (GH_Convert.ToPlane(ghPln, ref pln, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        pln.Origin        = gsaNode.Point;
                        gsaNode.LocalAxis = pln;

                GsaBool6 restraint = new GsaBool6();
                if (DA.GetData(5, ref restraint))
                    restraint.X  = gsaNode.Node.Restraint.X;
                    restraint.Y  = gsaNode.Node.Restraint.Y;
                    restraint.Z  = gsaNode.Node.Restraint.Z;
                    restraint.XX = gsaNode.Node.Restraint.XX;
                    restraint.YY = gsaNode.Node.Restraint.YY;
                    restraint.ZZ = gsaNode.Node.Restraint.ZZ;

                GsaSpring spring = new GsaSpring();
                if (DA.GetData(6, ref spring))
                    if (gsaNode.Spring != null)
                        gsaNode.Spring = spring;

                // #### outputs ####
                DA.SetData(0, new GsaNodeGoo(gsaNode));

                DA.SetData(1, gsaNode.ID);
                DA.SetData(2, gsaNode.Node.Name);

                DA.SetData(3, gsaNode.Point);

                DA.SetData(4, gsaNode.LocalAxis);

                GsaBool6 restraint1 = new GsaBool6
                    X  = gsaNode.Node.Restraint.X,
                    Y  = gsaNode.Node.Restraint.Y,
                    Z  = gsaNode.Node.Restraint.Z,
                    XX = gsaNode.Node.Restraint.XX,
                    YY = gsaNode.Node.Restraint.YY,
                    ZZ = gsaNode.Node.Restraint.ZZ
                DA.SetData(5, restraint1);

                GsaSpring spring1 = new GsaSpring();
                if (gsaNode.Spring != null)
                    spring1 = gsaNode.Spring.Duplicate();
                DA.SetData(6, new GsaSpringGoo(spring1));

                try { DA.SetDataList(7, gsaNode.Node.ConnectedElements); } catch (Exception) { }

                try { DA.SetDataList(8, gsaNode.Node.ConnectedMembers); } catch (Exception) { }
Exemplo n.º 21
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GsaProp2d gsaProp2d = new GsaProp2d();

            if (DA.GetData(0, ref gsaProp2d))
                GsaProp2d prop = gsaProp2d.Duplicate();

                // #### inputs ####
                // 1 thickness
                string thk = ""; //prop.Prop2d.Thickness;
                if (DA.GetData(1, ref thk))
                    //prop.Prop2d.Thickness = thk;

                // 2 Material
                // to be implemented

                // 3 analysis type
                int analtype = 0; //prop.Prop2d.Thickness;
                if (DA.GetData(3, ref analtype))
                    prop.Prop2d.MaterialAnalysisProperty = analtype;

                // 4 alignment
                string ali = "";
                if (DA.GetData(4, ref ali))
                    // to be implement / GsaAPI can handle alignment / reference surface

                // 5 offset
                GsaOffset offsetGSA = new GsaOffset();
                double    offset    = 0;
                if (DA.GetData(5, ref offsetGSA))
                    //prop.Prop2d.Offeset = offsetGSA.Z;
                else if (DA.GetData(5, ref offset))
                    //prop.Prop2d.Offeset = offset;

                // 6 ID
                GH_Integer ghID = new GH_Integer();
                if (DA.GetData(6, ref ghID))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(ghID, out int id, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        prop.ID = id;

                // 7 name
                GH_String ghnm = new GH_String();
                if (DA.GetData(7, ref ghnm))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghnm, out string name, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        prop.Prop2d.Name = name;

                // 8 Colour
                GH_Colour ghcol = new GH_Colour();
                if (DA.GetData(8, ref ghcol))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToColor(ghcol, out System.Drawing.Color col, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        prop.Prop2d.Colour = col;

                //#### outputs ####
                DA.SetData(0, new GsaProp2dGoo(prop));

                //DA.SetData(1, gsaProp2d.Thickness); // GsaAPI to be updated
                //DA.SetData(2, gsaProp2d.Prop2d.Material); // to be implemented
                DA.SetData(3, prop.Prop2d.MaterialAnalysisProperty); // GsaAPI to be updated
                //DA.SetData(4, gsaProp2d.??); GsaAPI to include alignment / reference surface

                GsaOffset gsaoffset = new GsaOffset();
                //offset.Z = gsaProp2d.Prop2d.Offset; // GsaAPI to include prop2d offset
                DA.SetData(5, gsaoffset);

                DA.SetData(6, prop.ID);
                DA.SetData(7, prop.Prop2d.Name);
                DA.SetData(8, prop.Prop2d.Colour);
Exemplo n.º 22
        private void StoreOutput()
            DebugEvent("Start Store Output");
            GH_DocumentServer doc_server = Instances.DocumentServer;

            if (doc_server == null)
                throw new Exception("No Document Server exist!");

            GH_Document doc = doc_server.ToList().Find(x => x.Properties.ProjectFileName == ID.ToString());

            if (doc == null)
                throw new Exception("Tasker 未找到GH_Document");

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(workspace) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ticket))
                throw new Exception("工作目录和Ticket为空");

            string outDir = Path.Combine(taskspace, ID.ToString(), ticket);

            var hooks = doc.ClusterOutputHooks();

            if (hooks == null)

            foreach (var hook in hooks)
                string info = hook.CustomDescription;
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(info))
                var paraMap = ConvertUrlParam(info);

                if (!paraMap.TryGetValue("Index", out string index) ||
                    !paraMap.TryGetValue("Type", out string type))

                DebugEvent($"Index: {index}; Type: {type}");

                string fileName = Path.Combine(outDir, index + "@" + DateTime.Now.ToString("HH-mm-ss MM-dd"));

                var volatileData = hook.VolatileData;

                if (volatileData.IsEmpty)

                dynamic content = null;

                switch (type)
                case "CSV":
                    var           allData = volatileData.AllData(true);
                    List <string> sList   = new List <string>();
                    allData.ToList().ForEach(el =>
                            GH_Convert.ToString(el, out string tmp, GH_Conversion.Both);

                    string csv = string.Join(Environment.NewLine, sList);

                    fileName += ".csv";
                    File.WriteAllText(fileName, csv, Encoding.UTF8);
                    content = fileName;

                case "3DM":
                    fileName += ".3dm";

                    File3dmWriter writer = new File3dmWriter(fileName);

                    foreach (var data in volatileData.AllData(true))
                        GeometryBase obj = GH_Convert.ToGeometryBase(data);

                        if (obj == null)

                        string layer = obj.GetUserString("Layer");
                        if (layer == null)
                        ObjectAttributes att = new ObjectAttributes
                            LayerIndex = writer.GetLayer(layer, Color.Black)

                        writer.ObjectMap.Add(att, obj);

                    content = fileName;

                case "Data":
                        GH_Structure <IGH_Goo> tree = volatileData as GH_Structure <IGH_Goo>;

                        content = IO.SerializeGrasshopperData(tree, hook.CustomName, volatileData.IsEmpty);
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        ErrorEvent(this, ex.Message);


                case "EPS":
                    List <GeometryBase> objs = new List <GeometryBase>();

                    foreach (var data in volatileData.AllData(true))
                        if (data == null)
                        GeometryBase obj = GH_Convert.ToGeometryBase(data);
                        if (obj == null)


                    if (!Directory.Exists(fileName))

                    content = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(SaveAdobeDocument(fileName, objs, AdobeDocType.EPS));

                case "PDF":
                    List <GeometryBase> objs = new List <GeometryBase>();

                    fileName += ".pdf";

                    foreach (var data in volatileData.AllData(true))
                        if (data == null)
                        GeometryBase obj = GH_Convert.ToGeometryBase(data);
                        if (obj == null)


                    var res = SaveAdobeDocument(fileName, objs, AdobeDocType.PDF);
                    if (res == null || res.Count == 0)
                    content = res[0];

                case "RhinoPDF":
                    var pdf = FilePdf.Create();

                    fileName += ".pdf";

                    DebugEvent("RhinoPDF Begin");

                    foreach (var page in volatileData.AllData(true))
                        DebugEvent("RhinoPDF got 1 page");
                        if (!page.CastTo(out RhinoPageView view))
                            DebugEvent(string.Format("{0} can not convert to RhinoPageView", page.GetType()));

                        DebugEvent("Data is converted to RhinoPage");

                        ViewCaptureSettings settings = new ViewCaptureSettings(view, 300)
                            OutputColor = ViewCaptureSettings.ColorMode.DisplayColor,
                            RasterMode  = true


                    content = fileName;

                case "DXF":


                StoreEvent(this, new JObject
                    ["route"]   = "task-stored",
                    ["id"]      = ID.ToString(),
                    ["index"]   = index.ToString(),
                    ["type"]    = type,
                    ["content"] = content
Exemplo n.º 23
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GH_ObjectWrapper gh_typ = new GH_ObjectWrapper();

            if (DA.GetData(0, ref gh_typ))
                GsaNode gsaNode = new GsaNode();
                Point3d tempPt  = new Point3d();
                if (gh_typ.Value is GsaNodeGoo)
                    gh_typ.CastTo(ref gsaNode);
                    if (gsaNode == null)
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Node input is null");
                    if (gsaNode.Node == null)
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Node input is null");
                else if (GH_Convert.ToPoint3d(gh_typ.Value, ref tempPt, GH_Conversion.Both))
                    gsaNode = new GsaNode(tempPt);
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Unable to convert input to Node");
                GsaNode node = gsaNode.Duplicate();

                // #### inputs ####

                // 1 ID
                GH_Integer ghInt = new GH_Integer();
                if (DA.GetData(1, ref ghInt))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(ghInt, out int id, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        node.ID = id;

                // 2 Point
                GH_Point ghPt = new GH_Point();
                if (DA.GetData(2, ref ghPt))
                    Point3d pt = new Point3d();
                    if (GH_Convert.ToPoint3d(ghPt, ref pt, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        node.Point           = pt;
                        node.Node.Position.X = pt.X;
                        node.Node.Position.Y = pt.Y;
                        node.Node.Position.Z = pt.Z;

                // 3 plane
                GH_Plane ghPln = new GH_Plane();
                if (DA.GetData(3, ref ghPln))
                    Plane pln = new Plane();
                    if (GH_Convert.ToPlane(ghPln, ref pln, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        pln.Origin     = node.Point;
                        node.LocalAxis = pln;

                // 4 Restraint
                GsaBool6 restraint = new GsaBool6();
                if (DA.GetData(4, ref restraint))
                    node.Node.Restraint.X  = restraint.X;
                    node.Node.Restraint.Y  = restraint.Y;
                    node.Node.Restraint.Z  = restraint.Z;
                    node.Node.Restraint.XX = restraint.XX;
                    node.Node.Restraint.YY = restraint.YY;
                    node.Node.Restraint.ZZ = restraint.ZZ;

                // 5 Spring
                GsaSpring spring = new GsaSpring();
                if (DA.GetData(5, ref spring))
                    if (spring != null)
                        node.Spring = spring;

                // 6 Name
                GH_String ghStr = new GH_String();
                if (DA.GetData(6, ref ghStr))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghStr, out string name, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        node.Node.Name = name;

                // 7 Colour
                GH_Colour ghcol = new GH_Colour();
                if (DA.GetData(7, ref ghcol))
                    if (GH_Convert.ToColor(ghcol, out System.Drawing.Color col, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        node.Colour = col;

                // #### outputs ####
                DA.SetData(0, new GsaNodeGoo(node));
                DA.SetData(1, node.ID);
                DA.SetData(2, node.Point);
                DA.SetData(3, node.LocalAxis);
                GsaBool6 restraint1 = new GsaBool6
                    X  = node.Node.Restraint.X,
                    Y  = node.Node.Restraint.Y,
                    Z  = node.Node.Restraint.Z,
                    XX = node.Node.Restraint.XX,
                    YY = node.Node.Restraint.YY,
                    ZZ = node.Node.Restraint.ZZ
                DA.SetData(4, restraint1);
                GsaSpring spring1 = new GsaSpring();
                if (node.Spring != null)
                    spring1 = node.Spring.Duplicate();
                DA.SetData(5, new GsaSpringGoo(spring1));
                DA.SetData(6, node.Node.Name);
                DA.SetData(7, node.Colour);
                try { DA.SetDataList(8, node.Node.ConnectedElements); } catch (Exception) { }
                try { DA.SetDataList(9, node.Node.ConnectedMembers); } catch (Exception) { }
Exemplo n.º 24
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GsaNodeLoad nodeLoad = new GsaNodeLoad();

            // Node load type
            switch (_mode)
            case FoldMode.Node:
                nodeLoad.NodeLoadType = GsaNodeLoad.NodeLoadTypes.NODE_LOAD;

            case FoldMode.Applied_Displ:
                nodeLoad.NodeLoadType = GsaNodeLoad.NodeLoadTypes.APPLIED_DISP;

            case FoldMode.Settlements:
                nodeLoad.NodeLoadType = GsaNodeLoad.NodeLoadTypes.SETTLEMENT;

            // 0 Load case
            int        lc    = 1;
            GH_Integer gh_lc = new GH_Integer();

            if (DA.GetData(0, ref gh_lc))
                GH_Convert.ToInt32(gh_lc, out lc, GH_Conversion.Both);
            nodeLoad.NodeLoad.Case = lc;

            // 1 element/beam list
            string    nodeList = "all";
            GH_String gh_nl    = new GH_String();

            if (DA.GetData(1, ref gh_nl))
                GH_Convert.ToString(gh_nl, out nodeList, GH_Conversion.Both);
            nodeLoad.NodeLoad.Nodes = nodeList;

            // 3 Name
            string    name    = "";
            GH_String gh_name = new GH_String();

            if (DA.GetData(3, ref gh_name))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(gh_name, out name, GH_Conversion.Both))
                    nodeLoad.NodeLoad.Name = name;

            // 3 direction
            string    dir   = "Z";
            Direction direc = Direction.Z;

            GH_String gh_dir = new GH_String();

            if (DA.GetData(3, ref gh_dir))
                GH_Convert.ToString(gh_dir, out dir, GH_Conversion.Both);
            dir = dir.ToUpper().Trim();
            if (dir == "X")
                direc = Direction.X;
            if (dir == "Y")
                direc = Direction.Y;
            if (dir == "XX")
                direc = Direction.XX;
            if (dir == "YY")
                direc = Direction.YY;
            if (dir == "ZZ")
                direc = Direction.ZZ;

            nodeLoad.NodeLoad.Direction = direc;

            double load = 0;

            if (DA.GetData(4, ref load))
                if (direc == Direction.Z)
                    load *= -1000; //convert to kN
                    load *= 1000;

            nodeLoad.NodeLoad.Value = load;

            GsaLoad gsaLoad = new GsaLoad(nodeLoad);

            DA.SetData(0, new GsaLoadGoo(gsaLoad));
Exemplo n.º 25
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            // Model to work on
            GsaModel in_Model = new GsaModel();

            // Get Model
            GH_ObjectWrapper gh_typ = new GH_ObjectWrapper();

            if (DA.GetData(0, ref gh_typ))
                #region Inputs
                if (gh_typ.Value is GsaModelGoo)
                    gh_typ.CastTo(ref in_Model);
                    if (gsaModel != null)
                        if (in_Model.GUID != gsaModel.GUID)
                            gsaModel   = in_Model;
                            getresults = true;
                        gsaModel = in_Model;
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Error converting input to GSA Model");

                // Get analysis case
                GH_Integer gh_aCase = new GH_Integer();
                DA.GetData(1, ref gh_aCase);
                GH_Convert.ToInt32(gh_aCase, out int tempanalCase, GH_Conversion.Both);

                // Get element filter list
                GH_String gh_elList = new GH_String();
                DA.GetData(2, ref gh_elList);
                GH_Convert.ToString(gh_elList, out string tempelemList, GH_Conversion.Both);

                // Get number of divisions
                GH_Integer gh_Div = new GH_Integer();
                DA.GetData(3, ref gh_Div);
                GH_Convert.ToInt32(gh_Div, out int temppositionsCount, GH_Conversion.Both);

                // Get colours
                List <Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Colour> gh_Colours = new List <Grasshopper.Kernel.Types.GH_Colour>();
                List <System.Drawing.Color> colors = new List <System.Drawing.Color>();
                if (DA.GetDataList(4, gh_Colours))
                    for (int i = 0; i < gh_Colours.Count; i++)
                        System.Drawing.Color color = new System.Drawing.Color();
                        GH_Convert.ToColor(gh_Colours[i], out color, GH_Conversion.Both);
                Grasshopper.GUI.Gradient.GH_Gradient gH_Gradient = UI.Colour.Stress_Gradient(colors);

                // Get scalar
                GH_Number gh_Scale = new GH_Number();
                DA.GetData(5, ref gh_Scale);
                double scale = 1;
                GH_Convert.ToDouble(gh_Scale, out scale, GH_Conversion.Both);

                #region get results?
                // check if we must get results or just update display
                if (analCase == 0 || analCase != tempanalCase)
                    analCase   = tempanalCase;
                    getresults = true;

                if (elemList == "" || elemList != tempelemList)
                    elemList   = tempelemList;
                    getresults = true;

                if (positionsCount == 0 || positionsCount != temppositionsCount)
                    positionsCount = temppositionsCount;
                    getresults     = true;

                #region Create results output
                if (getresults)
                    #region Get results from GSA
                    // ### Get results ###
                    //Get analysis case from model
                    AnalysisCaseResult analysisCaseResult = null;
                    gsaModel.Model.Results().TryGetValue(analCase, out analysisCaseResult);
                    if (analysisCaseResult == null)
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "No results exist for Analysis Case " + analCase + " in file");
                    IReadOnlyDictionary <int, Element1DResult> globalResults = analysisCaseResult.Element1DResults(elemList, positionsCount);
                    IReadOnlyDictionary <int, Element>         elems         = gsaModel.Model.Elements(elemList);
                    IReadOnlyDictionary <int, Node>            nodes         = gsaModel.Model.Nodes();

                    // ### Loop through results ###
                    // clear existing result lists
                    xyz_out      = new DataTree <Vector3d>();
                    xxyyzz_out   = new DataTree <Vector3d>();
                    segmentlines = new DataTree <Line>();

                    List <int> elemID       = new List <int>();
                    List <int> parentMember = new List <int>();

                    // maximum and minimum result values for colouring later
                    dmax_x      = 0;
                    dmax_y      = 0;
                    dmax_z      = 0;
                    dmax_xx     = 0;
                    dmax_yy     = 0;
                    dmax_zz     = 0;
                    dmax_xyz    = 0;
                    dmax_xxyyzz = 0;
                    dmin_x      = 0;
                    dmin_y      = 0;
                    dmin_z      = 0;
                    dmin_xx     = 0;
                    dmin_yy     = 0;
                    dmin_zz     = 0;
                    dmin_xyz    = 0;
                    dmin_xxyyzz = 0;

                    double unitfactorxyz    = 1;
                    double unitfactorxxyyzz = 1;

                    foreach (int key in globalResults.Keys)
                        // lists for results
                        Element1DResult elementResults;
                        globalResults.TryGetValue(key, out elementResults);
                        List <Double6>  values = new List <Double6>();
                        List <Vector3d> xyz    = new List <Vector3d>();
                        List <Vector3d> xxyyzz = new List <Vector3d>();

                        // list for element geometry and info
                        Element element = new Element();
                        elems.TryGetValue(key, out element);
                        Node start = new Node();
                        nodes.TryGetValue(element.Topology[0], out start);
                        Node end = new Node();
                        nodes.TryGetValue(element.Topology[1], out end);
                        Line ln = new Line(
                            new Point3d(start.Position.X, start.Position.Y, start.Position.Z),
                            new Point3d(end.Position.X, end.Position.Y, end.Position.Z));

                        // set the result type dependent on user selection in dropdown
                        switch (_mode)
                        case (FoldMode.Displacement):
                            values           = elementResults.Displacement.ToList();
                            unitfactorxyz    = 0.001;
                            unitfactorxxyyzz = 1;

                        case (FoldMode.Force):
                            values           = elementResults.Force.ToList();
                            unitfactorxyz    = 1000;
                            unitfactorxxyyzz = 1000;

                        // prepare the line segments
                        int         segments       = Math.Max(1, values.Count - 1); // number of segment lines is 1 less than number of points
                        int         segment        = 0;                             // counter for segments
                        List <Line> segmentedlines = new List <Line>();

                        // loop through the results
                        foreach (Double6 result in values)
                            // update max and min values
                            if (result.X / unitfactorxyz > dmax_x)
                                dmax_x = result.X / unitfactorxyz;
                            if (result.Y / unitfactorxyz > dmax_y)
                                dmax_y = result.Y / unitfactorxyz;
                            if (result.Z / unitfactorxyz > dmax_z)
                                dmax_z = result.Z / unitfactorxyz;
                            if (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(result.X, 2) + Math.Pow(result.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(result.Z, 2)) / unitfactorxyz > dmax_xyz)
                                dmax_xyz = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(result.X, 2) + Math.Pow(result.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(result.Z, 2)) / unitfactorxyz;

                            if (result.XX / unitfactorxxyyzz > dmax_xx)
                                dmax_xx = result.XX / unitfactorxxyyzz;
                            if (result.YY / unitfactorxxyyzz > dmax_yy)
                                dmax_yy = result.YY / unitfactorxxyyzz;
                            if (result.ZZ / unitfactorxxyyzz > dmax_zz)
                                dmax_zz = result.ZZ / unitfactorxxyyzz;
                            if (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(result.XX, 2) + Math.Pow(result.YY, 2) + Math.Pow(result.ZZ, 2)) / unitfactorxxyyzz > dmax_xxyyzz)
                                dmax_xxyyzz = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(result.XX, 2) + Math.Pow(result.YY, 2) + Math.Pow(result.ZZ, 2)) / unitfactorxxyyzz;

                            if (result.X / unitfactorxyz < dmin_x)
                                dmin_x = result.X / unitfactorxyz;
                            if (result.Y / unitfactorxyz < dmin_y)
                                dmin_y = result.Y / unitfactorxyz;
                            if (result.Z / unitfactorxyz < dmin_z)
                                dmin_z = result.Z / unitfactorxyz;
                            if (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(result.X, 2) + Math.Pow(result.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(result.Z, 2)) / unitfactorxyz < dmin_xyz)
                                dmin_xyz = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(result.X, 2) + Math.Pow(result.Y, 2) + Math.Pow(result.Z, 2)) / unitfactorxyz;

                            if (result.XX / unitfactorxxyyzz < dmin_xx)
                                dmin_xx = result.XX / unitfactorxxyyzz;
                            if (result.YY / unitfactorxxyyzz < dmin_yy)
                                dmin_yy = result.YY / unitfactorxxyyzz;
                            if (result.ZZ / unitfactorxxyyzz < dmin_zz)
                                dmin_zz = result.ZZ / unitfactorxxyyzz;
                            if (Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(result.XX, 2) + Math.Pow(result.YY, 2) + Math.Pow(result.ZZ, 2)) / unitfactorxxyyzz < dmin_xxyyzz)
                                dmin_xxyyzz = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(result.XX, 2) + Math.Pow(result.YY, 2) + Math.Pow(result.ZZ, 2)) / unitfactorxxyyzz;

                            // add the values to the vector lists
                            xyz.Add(new Vector3d(result.X / unitfactorxyz, result.Y / unitfactorxyz, result.Z / unitfactorxyz));
                            xxyyzz.Add(new Vector3d(result.XX / unitfactorxxyyzz, result.YY / unitfactorxxyyzz, result.ZZ / unitfactorxxyyzz));

                            // create ResultLines
                            if (segment < segments)
                                Line segmentline = new Line(
                                    ln.PointAt((double)segment / segments),
                                    ln.PointAt((double)(segment + 1) / segments)
                        // add the vector list to the out tree
                        xyz_out.AddRange(xyz, new GH_Path(key - 1));
                        xxyyzz_out.AddRange(xxyyzz, new GH_Path(key - 1));
                        segmentlines.AddRange(segmentedlines, new GH_Path(key - 1));
                    getresults = false;

                #region Result line values
                // ### Coloured Result Lines ###

                // round max and min to reasonable numbers
                double dmax = 0;
                double dmin = 0;
                switch (_disp)
                case (DisplayValue.X):
                    dmax = dmax_x;
                    dmin = dmin_x;

                case (DisplayValue.Y):
                    dmax = dmax_y;
                    dmin = dmin_y;

                case (DisplayValue.Z):
                    dmax = dmax_z;
                    dmin = dmin_z;

                case (DisplayValue.resXYZ):
                    dmax = dmax_xyz;
                    dmin = dmin_xyz;

                case (DisplayValue.XX):
                    dmax = dmax_xx;
                    dmin = dmin_xx;

                case (DisplayValue.YY):
                    dmax = dmax_yy;
                    dmin = dmin_yy;

                case (DisplayValue.ZZ):
                    dmax = dmax_zz;
                    dmin = dmin_zz;

                case (DisplayValue.resXXYYZZ):
                    dmax = dmax_xxyyzz;
                    dmin = dmin_xxyyzz;

                List <double> rounded = Util.Gsa.ResultHelper.SmartRounder(dmax, dmin);
                dmax = rounded[0];
                dmin = rounded[1];

                // Loop through segmented lines and set result colour into ResultLine format
                DataTree <ResultLine>           lines_out = new DataTree <ResultLine>();
                DataTree <System.Drawing.Color> col_out   = new DataTree <System.Drawing.Color>();

                foreach (GH_Path path in segmentlines.Paths)
                    List <ResultLine>           lns = new List <ResultLine>();
                    List <System.Drawing.Color> col = new List <System.Drawing.Color>();

                    List <Line> segmentedlines = segmentlines.Branch(path);

                    for (int j = 0; j < segmentedlines.Count; j++)
                        if (!(dmin == 0 & dmax == 0))
                            Vector3d startTranslation = new Vector3d(0, 0, 0);
                            Vector3d endTranslation   = new Vector3d(0, 0, 0);

                            double t1 = 0;
                            double t2 = 0;

                            // pick the right value to display
                            switch (_disp)
                            case (DisplayValue.X):
                                t1 = xyz_out[path, j].X;
                                t2 = xyz_out[path, j + 1].X;
                                startTranslation.X = t1 * Value / 1000;
                                endTranslation.X   = t2 * Value / 1000;

                            case (DisplayValue.Y):
                                t1 = xyz_out[path, j].Y;
                                t2 = xyz_out[path, j + 1].Y;
                                startTranslation.Y = t1 * Value / 1000;
                                endTranslation.Y   = t2 * Value / 1000;

                            case (DisplayValue.Z):
                                t1 = xyz_out[path, j].Z;
                                t2 = xyz_out[path, j + 1].Z;
                                startTranslation.Z = t1 * Value / 1000;
                                endTranslation.Z   = t2 * Value / 1000;

                            case (DisplayValue.resXYZ):
                                t1 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(xyz_out[path, j].X, 2) + Math.Pow(xyz_out[path, j].Y, 2) + Math.Pow(xyz_out[path, j].Z, 2));
                                t2 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(xyz_out[path, j + 1].X, 2) + Math.Pow(xyz_out[path, j + 1].Y, 2) + Math.Pow(xyz_out[path, j + 1].Z, 2));
                                startTranslation.X = xyz_out[path, j].X * Value / 1000;
                                endTranslation.X   = xyz_out[path, j + 1].X * Value / 1000;
                                startTranslation.Y = xyz_out[path, j].Y * Value / 1000;
                                endTranslation.Y   = xyz_out[path, j + 1].Y * Value / 1000;
                                startTranslation.Z = xyz_out[path, j].Z * Value / 1000;
                                endTranslation.Z   = xyz_out[path, j + 1].Z * Value / 1000;

                            case (DisplayValue.XX):
                                t1 = xxyyzz_out[path, j].X;
                                t2 = xxyyzz_out[path, j + 1].X;

                            case (DisplayValue.YY):
                                t1 = xxyyzz_out[path, j].Y;
                                t2 = xxyyzz_out[path, j + 1].Y;

                            case (DisplayValue.ZZ):
                                t1 = xxyyzz_out[path, j].Z;
                                t2 = xxyyzz_out[path, j + 1].Z;

                            case (DisplayValue.resXXYYZZ):
                                t1 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(xxyyzz_out[path, j].X, 2) + Math.Pow(xxyyzz_out[path, j].Y, 2) + Math.Pow(xxyyzz_out[path, j].Z, 2));
                                t2 = Math.Sqrt(Math.Pow(xxyyzz_out[path, j + 1].X, 2) + Math.Pow(xxyyzz_out[path, j + 1].Y, 2) + Math.Pow(xxyyzz_out[path, j + 1].Z, 2));
                            Point3d start = new Point3d(segmentedlines[j].PointAt(0));
                            Point3d end = new Point3d(segmentedlines[j].PointAt(1));
                            Line segmentline = new Line(start, end);

                            //normalised value between -1 and 1
                            double tnorm1 = 2 * (t1 - dmin) / (dmax - dmin) - 1;
                            double tnorm2 = 2 * (t2 - dmin) / (dmax - dmin) - 1;

                            // get colour for that normalised value

                            System.Drawing.Color valcol1 = double.IsNaN(tnorm1) ? System.Drawing.Color.Black : gH_Gradient.ColourAt(tnorm1);
                            System.Drawing.Color valcol2 = double.IsNaN(tnorm2) ? System.Drawing.Color.Black : gH_Gradient.ColourAt(tnorm2);

                            // set the size of the line ends for ResultLine class. Size is calculated from 0-base, so not a normalised value between extremes
                            float size1 = (t1 >= 0 && dmax != 0) ?
                                          Math.Max(2, (float)(t1 / dmax * scale)) :
                                          Math.Max(2, (float)(Math.Abs(t1) / Math.Abs(dmin) * scale));
                            if (double.IsNaN(size1))
                                size1 = 1;
                            float size2 = (t2 >= 0 && dmax != 0) ?
                                          Math.Max(2, (float)(t2 / dmax * scale)) :
                                          Math.Max(2, (float)(Math.Abs(t2) / Math.Abs(dmin) * scale));
                            if (double.IsNaN(size2))
                                size2 = 1;

                            // add our special resultline to the list of lines
                            lns.Add(new ResultLine(segmentline, t1, t2, valcol1, valcol2, size1, size2));

                            // add the colour to the colours list
                            if (j == segmentedlines.Count - 1)
                    lines_out.AddRange(lns, path);
                    col_out.AddRange(col, path);

                #region Legend
                // ### Legend ###
                // loop through number of grip points in gradient to create legend

                //Find Colour and Values for legend output
                List <double> ts = new List <double>();
                List <System.Drawing.Color> cs = new List <System.Drawing.Color>();

                for (int i = 0; i < gH_Gradient.GripCount; i++)
                    double t   = dmin + (dmax - dmin) / ((double)gH_Gradient.GripCount - 1) * (double)i;
                    double scl = Math.Pow(10, Math.Floor(Math.Log10(Math.Abs(t))) + 1);
                    scl = Math.Max(scl, 1);
                    t   = scl * Math.Round(t / scl, 3);

                    System.Drawing.Color gradientcolour = gH_Gradient.ColourAt(2 * (double)i / ((double)gH_Gradient.GripCount - 1) - 1);

                // set outputs
                DA.SetDataTree(0, xyz_out);
                DA.SetDataTree(1, xxyyzz_out);
                DA.SetDataTree(2, lines_out);
                DA.SetDataTree(3, col_out);
                DA.SetDataList(4, cs);
                DA.SetDataList(5, ts);
Exemplo n.º 26
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GsaFaceLoad faceLoad = new GsaFaceLoad();

            // 0 Load case
            int        lc    = 1;
            GH_Integer gh_lc = new GH_Integer();

            if (DA.GetData(0, ref gh_lc))
                GH_Convert.ToInt32(gh_lc, out lc, GH_Conversion.Both);
            faceLoad.FaceLoad.Case = lc;

            // 1 element/beam list
            string    elemList = "";
            GH_String gh_el    = new GH_String();

            if (DA.GetData(1, ref gh_el))
                GH_Convert.ToString(gh_el, out elemList, GH_Conversion.Both);
            //var isNumeric = int.TryParse(elemList, out int n);
            //if (isNumeric)
            //    elemList = "PA" + n;

            faceLoad.FaceLoad.Elements = elemList;

            // 2 Name
            string    name    = "";
            GH_String gh_name = new GH_String();

            if (DA.GetData(2, ref gh_name))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(gh_name, out name, GH_Conversion.Both))
                    faceLoad.FaceLoad.Name = name;

            // 3 axis
            int axis = -1;

            faceLoad.FaceLoad.AxisProperty = 0; //Note there is currently a bug/undocumented in GsaAPI that cannot translate an integer into axis type (Global, Local or edformed local)
            GH_Integer gh_ax = new GH_Integer();

            if (DA.GetData(3, ref gh_ax))
                GH_Convert.ToInt32(gh_ax, out axis, GH_Conversion.Both);
                if (axis == 0 || axis == -1)
                    faceLoad.FaceLoad.AxisProperty = axis;

            // 4 direction
            string    dir   = "Z";
            Direction direc = Direction.Z;

            GH_String gh_dir = new GH_String();

            if (DA.GetData(4, ref gh_dir))
                GH_Convert.ToString(gh_dir, out dir, GH_Conversion.Both);
            dir = dir.ToUpper().Trim();
            if (dir == "X")
                direc = Direction.X;
            if (dir == "Y")
                direc = Direction.Y;

            faceLoad.FaceLoad.Direction = direc;

            switch (_mode)
            case FoldMode.Uniform:
                if (_mode == FoldMode.Uniform)
                    faceLoad.FaceLoad.Type = FaceLoadType.CONSTANT;

                    bool       prj    = false;
                    GH_Boolean gh_prj = new GH_Boolean();
                    if (DA.GetData(5, ref gh_prj))
                        GH_Convert.ToBoolean(gh_prj, out prj, GH_Conversion.Both);
                    faceLoad.FaceLoad.IsProjected = prj;

                    double load1 = 0;
                    if (DA.GetData(6, ref load1))
                        if (direc == Direction.Z)
                            load1 *= -1000;     //convert to kN
                            load1 *= 1000;

                    // set position and value
                    faceLoad.FaceLoad.SetValue(0, load1);

            case FoldMode.Variable:
                if (_mode == FoldMode.Variable)
                    faceLoad.FaceLoad.Type = FaceLoadType.GENERAL;

                    bool       prj    = false;
                    GH_Boolean gh_prj = new GH_Boolean();
                    if (DA.GetData(5, ref gh_prj))
                        GH_Convert.ToBoolean(gh_prj, out prj, GH_Conversion.Both);
                    faceLoad.FaceLoad.IsProjected = prj;

                    double load1 = 0;
                    if (DA.GetData(6, ref load1))
                        if (direc == Direction.Z)
                            load1 *= -1000;     //convert to kN
                            load1 *= 1000;
                    double load2 = 0;
                    if (DA.GetData(7, ref load2))
                        if (direc == Direction.Z)
                            load2 *= -1000;     //convert to kN
                            load2 *= 1000;
                    double load3 = 0;
                    if (DA.GetData(8, ref load3))
                        if (direc == Direction.Z)
                            load3 *= -1000;     //convert to kN
                            load3 *= 1000;
                    double load4 = 0;
                    if (DA.GetData(9, ref load4))
                        if (direc == Direction.Z)
                            load4 *= -1000;     //convert to kN
                            load4 *= 1000;

                    // set value
                    faceLoad.FaceLoad.SetValue(0, load1);
                    faceLoad.FaceLoad.SetValue(1, load2);
                    faceLoad.FaceLoad.SetValue(2, load3);
                    faceLoad.FaceLoad.SetValue(3, load4);

            case FoldMode.Point:
                if (_mode == FoldMode.Point)
                    faceLoad.FaceLoad.Type = FaceLoadType.POINT;

                    bool       prj    = false;
                    GH_Boolean gh_prj = new GH_Boolean();
                    if (DA.GetData(5, ref gh_prj))
                        GH_Convert.ToBoolean(gh_prj, out prj, GH_Conversion.Both);
                    faceLoad.FaceLoad.IsProjected = prj;

                    double load1 = 0;
                    if (DA.GetData(6, ref load1))
                        if (direc == Direction.Z)
                            load1 *= -1000;     //convert to kN
                            load1 *= 1000;
                    double r = 0;
                    DA.GetData(7, ref r);

                    double s = 0;
                    DA.GetData(8, ref s);

                    // set position and value
                    faceLoad.FaceLoad.SetValue(0, load1);
                    //faceLoad.Position.X = r; //note Vector2 currently only get in GsaAPI
                    //faceLoad.Position.Y = s;

            case FoldMode.Edge:
                if (_mode == FoldMode.Edge)
                    //faceLoad.Type = BeamLoadType.EDGE; GsaAPI implementation missing

                    // get data
                    int edge = 1;
                    DA.GetData(5, ref edge);

                    double load1 = 0;
                    if (DA.GetData(6, ref load1))
                        if (direc == Direction.Z)
                            load1 *= -1000;     //convert to kN
                            load1 *= 1000;

                    double load2 = 0;
                    if (DA.GetData(7, ref load2))
                        if (direc == Direction.Z)
                            load2 *= -1000;     //convert to kN
                            load2 *= 1000;

                    // set value
                    faceLoad.FaceLoad.SetValue(0, load1);
                    faceLoad.FaceLoad.SetValue(1, load2);
                    //faceLoad.Edge = edge; //note implementation of edge-load is not yet supported in GsaAPI

                    faceLoad = null;

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            GsaLoad gsaLoad = new GsaLoad(faceLoad);

            DA.SetData(0, new GsaLoadGoo(gsaLoad));
Exemplo n.º 27
        /////////////////////////////////////////  CastFrom  //////////////////////////////////////////

        public override bool CastFrom(object source)
            //Abort immediately on bogus data.
            if (source == null)

            //Type t = source.GetType();

            // I don't yet understand this method very well. If I use a recommended conversion like:
            //    GH_Convert.ToInt32(source, out val, GH_Conversion.Both)
            // I think I will get reals converted to ints (?). Likewise, if I do GH_Convert.ToDouble(), I think
            // I will get integers converted to reals. I don't want either of these, so instead I first try
            // inspecting the raw type. LAter I fall through to GH_Convert methods.

            // I don't know what types Grasshopper will ever give me. Maybe it never uses float, for example? What about, say, char or uint?
            if (source is int || source is long || source is float || source is double || source is bool || source is string)
                Value = new Expr(source);
            else if (source is GH_Integer)
                int val;
                GH_Convert.ToInt32(source, out val, GH_Conversion.Both);
                this.Value = new Expr(val);
            else if (source is GH_Number)
                double val;
                GH_Convert.ToDouble(source, out val, GH_Conversion.Both);
                this.Value = new Expr(val);
            else if (source is GH_Boolean)
                bool val;
                GH_Convert.ToBoolean(source, out val, GH_Conversion.Both);
                this.Value = new Expr(val);

            // Try a series of conversions.
            double dval;

            if (GH_Convert.ToDouble(source, out dval, GH_Conversion.Both))
                this.Value = new Expr(dval);

            int ival;

            if (GH_Convert.ToInt32(source, out ival, GH_Conversion.Both))
                this.Value = new Expr(ival);

            string str = null;

            if (GH_Convert.ToString(source, out str, GH_Conversion.Both))
                this.Value = new Expr(str);

Exemplo n.º 28
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GsaBeamLoad beamLoad = new GsaBeamLoad();

            // 0 Load case
            int        lc    = 1;
            GH_Integer gh_lc = new GH_Integer();

            if (DA.GetData(0, ref gh_lc))
                GH_Convert.ToInt32(gh_lc, out lc, GH_Conversion.Both);
            beamLoad.BeamLoad.Case = lc;

            // 1 element/beam list
            string    beamList = ""; //pick an initial name that is sure not to be used...
            GH_String gh_bl    = new GH_String();

            if (DA.GetData(1, ref gh_bl))
                GH_Convert.ToString(gh_bl, out beamList, GH_Conversion.Both);
            //var isNumeric = int.TryParse(beamList, out int n);
            //if (isNumeric)
            //    beamList = "PB" + n;
            beamLoad.BeamLoad.Elements = beamList;

            // 2 Name
            string    name    = "";
            GH_String gh_name = new GH_String();

            if (DA.GetData(2, ref gh_name))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(gh_name, out name, GH_Conversion.Both))
                    beamLoad.BeamLoad.Name = name;

            // 3 axis
            int axis = 0;

            beamLoad.BeamLoad.AxisProperty = 0; //Note there is currently a bug/undocumented in GsaAPI that cannot translate an integer into axis type (Global, Local or edformed local)
            GH_Integer gh_ax = new GH_Integer();

            if (DA.GetData(3, ref gh_ax))
                GH_Convert.ToInt32(gh_ax, out axis, GH_Conversion.Both);
                if (axis == 0 || axis == -1)
                    beamLoad.BeamLoad.AxisProperty = axis;

            // 4 direction
            string    dir   = "Z";
            Direction direc = Direction.Z;

            GH_String gh_dir = new GH_String();

            if (DA.GetData(4, ref gh_dir))
                GH_Convert.ToString(gh_dir, out dir, GH_Conversion.Both);
            dir = dir.ToUpper().Trim();
            if (dir == "X")
                direc = Direction.X;
            if (dir == "Y")
                direc = Direction.Y;
            if (dir == "XX")
                direc = Direction.XX;
            if (dir == "YY")
                direc = Direction.YY;
            if (dir == "ZZ")
                direc = Direction.ZZ;

            beamLoad.BeamLoad.Direction = direc;

            // 5 projection
            bool       prj    = false;
            GH_Boolean gh_prj = new GH_Boolean();

            if (DA.GetData(5, ref gh_prj))
                GH_Convert.ToBoolean(gh_prj, out prj, GH_Conversion.Both);
            beamLoad.BeamLoad.IsProjected = prj;

            // 6 value (1)
            double load1 = 0;

            if (DA.GetData(6, ref load1))
                if (direc == Direction.Z)
                    load1 *= -1000; //convert to kN
                    load1 *= 1000;

            switch (_mode)
            case FoldMode.Point:
                if (_mode == FoldMode.Point)
                    beamLoad.BeamLoad.Type = BeamLoadType.POINT;

                    // 7 pos (1)
                    double pos = 0;
                    if (DA.GetData(7, ref pos))
                        pos *= -1;

                    // set position and value
                    beamLoad.BeamLoad.SetValue(0, load1);
                    beamLoad.BeamLoad.SetPosition(0, pos);

            case FoldMode.Uniform:
                if (_mode == FoldMode.Uniform)
                    beamLoad.BeamLoad.Type = BeamLoadType.UNIFORM;
                    // set value
                    beamLoad.BeamLoad.SetValue(0, load1);

            case FoldMode.Linear:
                if (_mode == FoldMode.Linear)
                    beamLoad.BeamLoad.Type = BeamLoadType.LINEAR;

                    // 6 value (2)
                    double load2 = 0;
                    if (DA.GetData(7, ref load2))
                        if (direc == Direction.Z)
                            load2 *= -1000;     //convert to kN
                            load2 *= 1000;

                    // set value
                    beamLoad.BeamLoad.SetValue(0, load1);
                    beamLoad.BeamLoad.SetValue(1, load2);

            case FoldMode.Patch:
                if (_mode == FoldMode.Patch)
                    beamLoad.BeamLoad.Type = BeamLoadType.PATCH;

                    // 7 pos (1)
                    double pos1 = 0;
                    if (DA.GetData(7, ref pos1))
                        pos1 *= -1;

                    // 9 pos (2)
                    double pos2 = 1;
                    if (DA.GetData(9, ref pos2))
                        pos2 *= -1;

                    // 8 value (2)
                    double load2 = 0;
                    if (DA.GetData(8, ref load2))
                        if (direc == Direction.Z)
                            load2 *= -1000;     //convert to kN
                            load2 *= 1000;

                    // set value
                    beamLoad.BeamLoad.SetValue(0, load1);
                    beamLoad.BeamLoad.SetValue(1, load2);
                    beamLoad.BeamLoad.SetPosition(0, pos1);
                    beamLoad.BeamLoad.SetPosition(1, pos2);

            case FoldMode.Trilinear:
                if (_mode == FoldMode.Trilinear)
                    beamLoad.BeamLoad.Type = BeamLoadType.TRILINEAR;

                    // 7 pos (1)
                    double pos1 = 0;
                    if (DA.GetData(7, ref pos1))
                        pos1 *= -1;

                    // 9 pos (2)
                    double pos2 = 1;
                    if (DA.GetData(9, ref pos2))
                        pos2 *= -1;

                    // 8 value (2)
                    double load2 = 0;
                    if (DA.GetData(8, ref load2))
                        if (direc == Direction.Z)
                            load2 *= -1000;     //convert to kN
                            load2 *= 1000;

                    // set value
                    beamLoad.BeamLoad.SetValue(0, load1);
                    beamLoad.BeamLoad.SetValue(1, load2);
                    beamLoad.BeamLoad.SetPosition(0, pos1);
                    beamLoad.BeamLoad.SetPosition(1, pos2);

                throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException();

            GsaLoad gsaLoad = new GsaLoad(beamLoad);

            DA.SetData(0, new GsaLoadGoo(gsaLoad));
Exemplo n.º 29
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            Model model = new Model();

            GH_ObjectWrapper gh_typ = new GH_ObjectWrapper();

            if (DA.GetData(0, ref gh_typ))
                if (gh_typ.Value is GH_String)
                    string tempfile = "";
                    if (GH_Convert.ToString(gh_typ, out tempfile, GH_Conversion.Both))
                        fileName = tempfile;

                    if (!fileName.EndsWith(".gwb"))
                        fileName = fileName + ".gwb";

                    ReturnValue status = model.Open(fileName);

                    if (status == 0)
                        GsaModel gsaModel = new GsaModel
                            Model    = model,
                            FileName = fileName


                        string mes = Path.GetFileName(fileName);
                        mes     = mes.Substring(0, mes.Length - 4);
                        Message = mes;
                        DA.SetData(0, new GsaModelGoo(gsaModel));
                        AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Unable to open Model" + System.Environment.NewLine + status.ToString());
                else if (gh_typ.Value is GsaAPI.Model)
                    gh_typ.CastTo(ref model);
                    GsaModel gsaModel = new GsaModel
                        Model = model,

                    DA.SetData(0, new GsaModelGoo(gsaModel));
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Unable to open Model");
                ReturnValue status = model.Open(fileName);

                if (status == 0)
                    GsaModel gsaModel = new GsaModel
                        Model    = model,
                        FileName = fileName


                    string mes = Path.GetFileName(fileName);
                    mes     = mes.Substring(0, mes.Length - 4);
                    Message = mes;
                    DA.SetData(0, new GsaModelGoo(gsaModel));
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "Unable to open Model" + System.Environment.NewLine + status.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 30
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            GH_String ghstr = new GH_String();

            if (DA.GetData(0, ref ghstr))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghstr, out string title, GH_Conversion.Both))

            ghstr = new GH_String();
            if (DA.GetData(1, ref ghstr))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghstr, out string title, GH_Conversion.Both))
            ghstr = new GH_String();
            if (DA.GetData(2, ref ghstr))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghstr, out string title, GH_Conversion.Both))
            ghstr = new GH_String();
            if (DA.GetData(3, ref ghstr))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghstr, out string title, GH_Conversion.Both))
            ghstr = new GH_String();
            if (DA.GetData(4, ref ghstr))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghstr, out string title, GH_Conversion.Both))
            ghstr = new GH_String();
            if (DA.GetData(5, ref ghstr))
                if (GH_Convert.ToString(ghstr, out string title, GH_Conversion.Both))

            List <string> titles = new List <string>
                "Job Number: " + Titles.JobNumber,
                "Initials: " + Titles.Initials,
                "Title: " + Titles.Title,
                "Sub Title: " + Titles.SubTitle,
                "Calculation Header: " + Titles.Calculation,
                "Notes: " + Titles.Notes

            DA.SetDataList(0, titles);