Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that actually does the work.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="DA">The DA object is used to retrieve from inputs and store in outputs.</param>
        protected override void SolveInstance(IGH_DataAccess DA)
            if (GH_Document.IsEscapeKeyDown())
                GH_Document GHDocument = OnPingDocument();


            bool           reset           = new bool();
            int            iterations      = new int();
            List <object>  init_Settings   = new List <object>();
            List <object>  move_Settings   = new List <object>();
            IGH_VisualData visual_Settings = null;

            object behavioral_Settings = null;

            if (!DA.GetDataList(0, init_Settings) || init_Settings.Count == 0 || init_Settings == null)
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "No Init Settings Detected, please connect Init Settings to enable the component");
            if (!DA.GetDataList(1, move_Settings) || move_Settings.Count == 0 || move_Settings == null)
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "No Move Settings Detected, please connect Move Settings to enable the component");
            if (!DA.GetData(3, ref visual_Settings) || visual_Settings == null)
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "No Visual Settings Detected, please connect Visual Settings to enable the component");
            if (!DA.GetData(4, ref iterations))
            if (!DA.GetData(5, ref reset))
            Random rnd = new Random();

            if (!DA.GetData(2, ref behavioral_Settings) || behavioral_Settings == null)
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Input Object is Null");
            string objtype = behavioral_Settings.GetType().Name.ToString();

            if (!(behavioral_Settings.GetType() == typeof(IGH_BehaviorData)))
                AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, "You did not input a Behavior Data Object, please ensure input is Behavior Data Object and not " + objtype);
                #region Initialize / Data Parse
                //------------------------Init Settings--------------------------
                if (init_Settings.Count != 0)
                    String init_Convert = "";
                    if (init_Settings[0].GetType() == typeof(GH_String))
                        GH_String value = (GH_String)init_Settings[0];
                        init_Convert = value.Value;
                    if (init_Convert == "Box")
                        this.spawnData = "box";
                        GH_Convert.ToBox_Primary(init_Settings[3], ref this.box);
                        GH_Convert.ToInt32(init_Settings[4], out this.spawnType, GH_Conversion.Primary);
                        GH_Convert.ToInt32(init_Settings[5], out this.pointCount, GH_Conversion.Primary);
                        GH_Convert.ToInt32(init_Settings[1], out this.dimensions, GH_Conversion.Primary);
                    else if (init_Convert == "Points")
                        this.spawnData = "Points";
                        var wrapperToGoo = GH_Convert.ToGoo(init_Settings[3]);
                        wrapperToGoo.CastTo <List <Point3d> >(out this.ptList);
                        GH_Convert.ToInt32(init_Settings[1], out this.dimensions, GH_Conversion.Primary);
                        GH_Convert.ToBox_Primary(init_Settings[4], ref this.box);
                    GH_Convert.ToInt32(init_Settings[2], out this.bounds, GH_Conversion.Primary);
                //------------------------Move Settings--------------------------
                Vector3d initialVector = new Vector3d();
                if (move_Settings.Count != 0)
                    if (move_Settings[0].GetType() == typeof(GH_Vector))
                        GH_Vector value = (GH_Vector)move_Settings[0];
                        initialVector = value.Value;
                    else if (move_Settings[0].GetType() == typeof(GH_Number))
                        GH_Number value = (GH_Number)move_Settings[0];
                        this.initialSpeed = value.Value;
                    GH_Convert.ToDouble(move_Settings[1], out this.maxSpeed, GH_Conversion.Primary);
                    GH_Convert.ToDouble(move_Settings[2], out this.maxForce, GH_Conversion.Primary);
                    GH_Convert.ToDouble(move_Settings[3], out this.velMultiplier, GH_Conversion.Primary);
                //------------------------Visual Settings--------------------------
                TrailData td = visual_Settings.Value.trailData;
                ColorData cd = visual_Settings.Value.colorData;
                this.trail           = td.createTrail;
                this.displayMode     = visual_Settings.Value.displayMode;
                this.trailStep       = td.trailStep;
                this.maxTrailSize    = td.maxTrailSize;
                this.particleTexture = cd.particleTexture;
                this.graphicType     = cd.colorDataType;
                this.useTexture      = visual_Settings.Value.useTexture;
                if (cd.colorDataType == "Gradient")
                    this.maxthick       = cd.maxThickness;
                    this.minthick       = cd.minThickness;
                    this.redValues[0]   = cd.redChannel[0];
                    this.redValues[1]   = cd.redChannel[1];
                    this.greenValues[0] = cd.greenChannel[0];
                    this.greenValues[1] = cd.greenChannel[1];
                    this.blueValues[0]  = cd.blueChannel[0];
                    this.blueValues[1]  = cd.blueChannel[1];
                else if (cd.colorDataType == "GraphicPolyline")
                    this.polylineColor = cd.color;
                    this.dotted        = cd.dotted;
                    this.maxthick      = cd.maxThickness;
                else if (cd.colorDataType == "Disco")
                    this.maxthick = cd.maxThickness;
                    this.minthick = cd.minThickness;
                else if (cd.colorDataType == "Base")
                    this.maxthick = 3;
                    this.minthick = 1;
                IGH_PreviewObject comp = (IGH_PreviewObject)this;
                if (comp.Hidden && (this.displayMode == 0))
                    AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Component preview must be enabled to see Graphic Mode on Canvas, right click on component and set preview on");
                #region Pre Simulation Code
                //------------------------RESET STARTS HERE--------------------------
                if (reset)
                { //We are using the reset to reinitialize all the variables and positions
                    this.bb = new BoundingBox();
                    int  loopCount = new int();
                    bool create    = new bool();
                    if (this.spawnData == "box")
                        this.bb   = this.box.BoundingBox;
                        loopCount = this.pointCount;
                        create    = true;
                    else if (this.spawnData == "Points")
                        loopCount = this.ptList.Count;
                        create    = false;
                        this.bb   = this.box.BoundingBox;
                    this.moveList       = new List <Vector3d>();
                    this.startList      = new List <Vector3d>();
                    this.creepList      = new List <CulebraObject>();
                    this.currentPosList = new List <Point3d>();
                    this.networkList    = new List <Line>();
                    flattenedTrails     = new List <Vector3d>();

                    for (int i = 0; i < loopCount; i++)
                        if (this.dimensions == 0)
                        { //If we want 2D
                            General.setViewport("Top", "Shaded");
                            if (create)
                            { //If are creating random points inside bbox
                                if (this.spawnType == 0 || this.spawnType == 2)
                                    this.startPos = new Vector3d((int)bb.Min[0], rnd.Next((int)bb.Min[1], (int)bb.Max[1]), 0); //spawn along the y axis of the bounding area
                                else if (this.spawnType == 1 || this.spawnType == 3)
                                    this.startPos = new Vector3d(rnd.Next((int)bb.Min[0], (int)bb.Max[0]), rnd.Next((int)bb.Min[1], (int)bb.Max[1]), 0); //spawn randomly inside the bounding area
                                if (initialVector.Length > 0)
                                    this.moveVec = initialVector; //move in the user specified direction
                                    this.moveVec = new Vector3d(rnd.Next(-1, 2) * initialSpeed, rnd.Next(-1, 2) * initialSpeed, 0); //move randomly in any direction 2d
                            { //If we are using user defined points
                                this.startPos = (Vector3d)this.ptList[i];
                                if (initialVector.Length > 0)
                                    this.moveVec = initialVector; //move in the user specified direction
                                    this.moveVec = new Vector3d(rnd.Next(-1, 2) * initialSpeed, rnd.Next(-1, 2) * initialSpeed, 0); //move randomly in any direction 2d
                            this.creep = new Creeper(this.startPos, this.moveVec, true, false);
                        { //If we want 3D
                            General.setViewport("Perspective", "Shaded");
                            if (create)
                            { //If are creating random points inside bbox
                                if (this.spawnType == 0 || this.spawnType == 2)
                                    this.startPos = new Vector3d(rnd.Next((int)bb.Min[0], (int)bb.Max[0]), rnd.Next((int)bb.Min[1], (int)bb.Max[1]), (int)bb.Min[2]); //start randomly on the lowest plane of the 3d bounds
                                    if (initialVector.Length > 0)
                                        this.moveVec = initialVector; //move in the user specified direction
                                        this.moveVec = new Vector3d(rnd.Next(-2, 2) * initialSpeed, rnd.Next(-2, 2) * initialSpeed, 1 * initialSpeed); //move randomly in the xy axis and up in the z axis
                                else if (this.spawnType == 1 || this.spawnType == 3)
                                    this.startPos = new Vector3d(rnd.Next((int)bb.Min[0], (int)bb.Max[0]), rnd.Next((int)bb.Min[1], (int)bb.Max[1]), rnd.Next((int)bb.Min[2], (int)bb.Max[2])); //start randomly inside the 3d bounds
                                    if (initialVector.Length > 0)
                                        this.moveVec = initialVector; //move in the user specified direction
                                        this.moveVec = new Vector3d(rnd.Next(-2, 2) * initialSpeed, rnd.Next(-2, 2) * initialSpeed, rnd.Next(-2, 2) * initialSpeed); //move randomly in any direction 3d
                            { //If we are using user defined points
                                this.startPos = (Vector3d)this.ptList[i];
                                if (initialVector.Length > 0)
                                    this.moveVec = initialVector; //move in the user specified direction
                                    this.moveVec = new Vector3d(rnd.Next(-2, 2) * initialSpeed, rnd.Next(-2, 2) * initialSpeed, rnd.Next(-2, 2) * initialSpeed); //move randomly in any direction 3d
                            this.creep = new Creeper(this.startPos, this.moveVec, true, true);
                        this.startList.Add(this.startPos); //add the initial starting positions to the list to pass once we start running
                        this.moveList.Add(this.moveVec);   //add the initial move vectors to the list to pass once we start running
                    #region Simulation Code
                    this.trailTree    = new DataTree <Point3d>();
                    this.globalEngine = new Engine_Global();
                    for (int z = 0; z < iterations; z++)
                        this.particleSet    = new DataTree <Point3d>();
                        this.currentPosList = new List <Point3d>();


                        if (this.moveList == null)
                            AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Warning, "Please Reset the CreepyCrawlers Component"); return;
                            globalEngine.Action(this.creepList, this.dimensions, behavioral_Settings, this.displayMode, this.networkList,
                                                this.maxSpeed, this.maxForce, this.velMultiplier, this.flattenedTrails, this.particleList, this.particleSet, networkTree, trailStep, maxTrailSize, bounds, bb, currentPosList, trail, trailTree);
                        catch (Exception e)
                            AddRuntimeMessage(GH_RuntimeMessageLevel.Error, e.Message.ToString());


                    DA.SetDataList(0, this.currentPosList);
                    DA.SetDataTree(2, networkTree);
                    if (this.displayMode == 1 && this.trail)
                        DA.SetDataTree(1, trailTree);