Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Initialize(FitnessFunction func, int dim = 2, int iterations = 100000,
                               int scoutsCount      = 10, int bestAgentsCount    = 5, int eliteAgentsCount = 2,
                               int bestPatchesCount = 3, int elitePatchesCount   = 2, double patchSize     = 1)
            PatchSize          = patchSize;
            Size               = scoutsCount + bestAgentsCount * bestPatchesCount + eliteAgentsCount * elitePatchesCount;
            Iterations         = iterations;
            BestAgentsCount    = bestAgentsCount;
            EliteAgentsCount   = eliteAgentsCount;
            BestPatchesCount   = bestPatchesCount;
            ElitePatchesCount  = elitePatchesCount;
            FitFunction        = FitnessFunctions.RosenbrocsSaddle;
            Dimension          = dim;
            CurrentIteration   = 0;
            Fitness            = Double.MaxValue;
            Position           = new Point(dim);
            PrevAverageFitness = double.MaxValue;

            // first agents initialization
            for (int i = 0; i < scoutsCount; i++)
                Agents.Add(new Agent(Agent.RoleTypes.Scout));
            for (int i = 0; i < bestAgentsCount * bestPatchesCount; i++)
                Agents.Add(new Agent(Agent.RoleTypes.Employed));
            for (int i = 0; i < eliteAgentsCount * elitePatchesCount; i++)
                Agents.Add(new Agent(Agent.RoleTypes.Onlooker));

            AverageFitness = Agents.Where(a => a.Role != Agent.RoleTypes.Scout).Sum(a => a.Fitness) / (Size - BestAgentsCount);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private Task RunTask(System.Collections.Queue syncQueue, FitnessFunction fitnessFunctionDelegate, int taskId)
            //create a simple task that calls the locally defined Evaluate function
            var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource();
            var token       = tokenSource.Token;

            //.Net 4.5 option
            //var task = Task.Run (() => EvaluateTask (syncQueue, fitnessFunctionDelegate, taskId, token), token);

            //.Net 4.0/4.5 option
            var task = new Task(() => EvaluateTask(syncQueue, fitnessFunctionDelegate, taskId, token), token);


            task.ContinueWith(t => {
                var exception = t.Exception;

                if (OnEvaluationException != null && t.Exception != null)
                    var message = new StringBuilder();
                    foreach (var ex in t.Exception.InnerExceptions)

                    var eventArgs = new ExceptionEventArgs("RunTask", message.ToString());
                    OnEvaluationException(this, eventArgs);
            }, TaskContinuationOptions.OnlyOnFaulted);

Exemplo n.º 3
        public static float EvaluateFitness(this FitnessFunction fitnessFunction, GenerationInstance instance)
            var f = instance.dieOnCollision && instance.Collided ? .5f : 1f;

            float val;

            switch (fitnessFunction)
            case FitnessFunction.Linear:
                val = instance.transform.position.y;

            case FitnessFunction.Gate:
                val = instance.transform.position.y * (Array.IndexOf(MainHandler.Gates, instance.currentGate) + 1);

            case FitnessFunction.VerticalWithGates:
                var goodDistance  = instance.transform.position.y;
                var wasteDistance = instance.totalDistance - goodDistance;

                // we want to credit those, who move upwards
                // but we dont want them to just stand
                val = Mathf.Max(0, goodDistance * (Array.IndexOf(MainHandler.Gates, instance.currentGate) + 1) - wasteDistance);

            default: return(0f);

            return(val * f);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private String ga(Set <String> population, FitnessFunction fitnessFn)
            // new_population <- empty set
            HashSet <String> newPopulation = new HashSet <String>();

            // for i = 1 to SIZE(population) do
            for (int i = 0; i < population.Count; i++)
                // x <- RANDOM-SELECTION(population, FITNESS-FN)
                String x = randomSelection(population, fitnessFn);
                // y <- RANDOM-SELECTION(population, FITNESS-FN)
                String y = randomSelection(population, fitnessFn);
                // child <- REPRODUCE(x, y)
                String child = reproduce(x, y);
                // if (small random probability) then child <- MUTATE(child)
                if (random.nextDouble() <= this.mutationProbability)
                    child = mutate(child);
                // add child to new_population
            // population <- new_population

            return(retrieveBestIndividual(population, fitnessFn));
Exemplo n.º 5
        private static PsoParameters SetupOptimizer(PsoParameters initialSettings, out FitnessFunction function)
            var particlesNum = initialSettings.ParticlesCount;
            var settings     = initialSettings;

            settings.TargetValueCondition     = false;
            settings.IterationsLimitCondition = true;

            function = new FitnessFunction(Problem.evaluateFunction);
            FunctionFactory.SaveToCache(Problem.Id, function);
            var upper  = Problem.getLargestValuesOfInterest();
            var bounds =
                .Select((x, i) => new DimensionBound(x, upper[i]))

            function.FitnessDim         = Problem.getNumberOfObjectives();
            function.LocationDim        = Problem.getDimension();
            settings.FunctionParameters = new FunctionParameters
                Dimension           = function.LocationDim,
                SearchSpace         = bounds,
                FitnessFunctionType = Problem.Id
            settings.FunctionParameters.SearchSpace = bounds;
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// A function that calculates the FITNESS for each krill in the population
 /// </summary>
 public void EvaluatePopulation(FitnessFunction fitnessFunctionDelegate)
     foreach (var krill in Population)
Exemplo n.º 7
    // Use this for initialization
    void Start()
        robots   = findtag("robot");
        numrobot = robots.Length;

        Area[] aree = ConvexOverlapping.divideSpaceIntoArea();
        positions = new Vector3[aree.Length];
        numaree   = aree.Length;
        for (int i = 0; i < aree.Length; i++)
            positions[i] = aree[i].center3D;

        ff = new FitnessFunction(numrobot, robots, positions);
        ga = new GeneticAlgorithm(numrobot + aree.Length, 10, maxIteration, ff);

         * int[] solution = ga.run ();
         * string log = "GA: [";
         * for (int i=0; i<solution.Length; i++) {
         *      log += solution[i] + ", ";
         * }
         * log = "]";
         * Debug.Log (log);
Exemplo n.º 8
 public ECOptimizationTest(
     string id, IECTestsConfig testsConfig, IECChromosome ancestor, FitnessFunction fitnessFunction)
     : base(id, testsConfig)
     this.population = new ECPopulation(testsConfig, ancestor, fitnessFunction);
     this.RandomProportionProgress = new StatisticalQuantity(testsConfig.MaxIterations);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            if (args.Length < 1)
                Console.Error.WriteLine("You have to at least specify the data file path");

            var mutation  = new UniformMutation(MutationProbability);
            var selection = new KTournamentSelection(TournamentSize);
            var crossover = new ArithmeticCrossover();

            var fitnessFunction = new FitnessFunction(args[0]);

            IGeneticAlgorithm <DecimalArrayChromosome> geneticAlgorithm;

            if (args.Length == 2 && args[1].ToLower() == "gen")
                geneticAlgorithm = new GenerationGeneticAlgorithm(mutation, selection, crossover, fitnessFunction,
                                                                  IterationLimit, FitnessTerminator, PopulationSize);
                geneticAlgorithm = new EliminationGeneticAlgorithm(mutation, selection, crossover, fitnessFunction,
                                                                   IterationLimit, FitnessTerminator, PopulationSize);

            var optimum = geneticAlgorithm.FindOptimum();

Exemplo n.º 10
    public GameObject generateMonsterAtPosition(Vector3 pos, bool shouldWalk = true)
        List <GameObject> goList = new List <GameObject> ();
        GameObject        o      = root.generateMonster(pos, 0, null, monsterMat, new Color(Random.Range(.5f, .8f), Random.Range(.5f, .8f), Random.Range(.5f, .8f)), goList);
        Creature          cr     = o.AddComponent <Creature> ();

        cr.nodeSetup(goList, monster.GetInstructions());
        FitnessFunction fn = o.AddComponent <FitnessFunction>();

        if (eye != null)
            float      eyeSmall = .3f;
            float      eyeLarge = .5f;
            float      eyeSize  = Random.Range(eyeSmall, eyeLarge);
            float      eyeDiff  = Random.Range(eyeSize / 2, .5f - eyeSize / 2);
            GameObject e1       = GameObject.Instantiate(eye);
            e1.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(eyeSize, eyeSize, eyeSize / 2);
            e1.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(-eyeDiff, 0, -.5f);
            GameObject e2 = GameObject.Instantiate(eye);
            e2.transform.localScale    = new Vector3(eyeSize, eyeSize, eyeSize / 2);
            e2.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(eyeDiff, 0, -.5f);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public GeneticAlgorithm(int selectedFitnessFunction, int populationSize, int iterationsNumber, int selectedMethod)
            this.selectedMethod = selectedMethod;
            ISelectionMethod selectionMethot = GetSelectionMethod();

            DoubleArrayChromosome chromosome      = new DoubleArrayChromosome(new AForge.Math.Random.StandardGenerator(), new AForge.Math.Random.StandardGenerator(), new AForge.Math.Random.StandardGenerator(), 2);
            FitnessFunction       fitnessfunction = new FitnessFunction(selectedFitnessFunction);
            Population            population      = new Population(populationSize, chromosome, fitnessfunction, selectionMethot);

            double[,] tmp = new double[iterationsNumber, 2];
            this.result   = new double[iterationsNumber, 2];
            int i;

            for (i = 0; i < iterationsNumber; i++)
                DoubleArrayChromosome bestChromosome = (DoubleArrayChromosome)population.BestChromosome;
                double x = (double)bestChromosome.Value.GetValue(0);
                double y = (double)bestChromosome.Value.GetValue(1);
                tmp[i, 0] = x;
                tmp[i, 1] = y;
                if (fitnessfunction.Evaluate(bestChromosome) == 100)
            this.result = new double[i, 2];
            for (int j = 0; j < i; j++)
                result[j, 0] = tmp[j, 0];
                result[j, 1] = tmp[j, 1];
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        ///     Computes the gradient vector of a given function at some specified input values.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="func">Function to compute the fitness error.</param>
        /// <param name="inputValues">Input values to compute the fitness from.</param>
        /// <returns>List of all partial derivatives at the specified input values.</returns>
        private List <double> ComputeGradient(FitnessFunction func, List <double> inputValues)
            var gradient = new List <double>();

            // Obtain partial derivatives of all inputs and their added squares.
            double derivativeSquareSum = 0;

            for (var i = 0; i < inputValues.Count; i++)
                var dV = this.ComputePartialDerivative(
                gradient.Add(dV * this.Options.LearningRate);
                derivativeSquareSum += dV * dV;

            // Root of the sum of squares is the length
            var gradientLength = Math.Sqrt(derivativeSquareSum);

            // gradientLength = Math.Sqrt(gradientLength);
            // Divide the gradient values by the gradient lenght
            gradient.ForEach(value => value /= gradientLength);

Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Fitness function calculating
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="generation"></param>
        /// <param name="unsafeMode"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private List <FitnessFunction> CalculateFitnessFunctionValues(List <List <double> > generation, bool unsafeMode)
            // Creating real neural networks by weights lists:
            List <NeuralNetworkGeneticAlg> networksList = generation.Select(t => new NeuralNetworkGeneticAlg(t, NetworkStructure)).ToList();

            // Calculating values:
            List <FitnessFunction> fitnessFuncValues = new List <FitnessFunction>();

            Parallel.For(0, networksList.Count, i =>
                FitnessFunction fitnessFunction = new FitnessFunction
                    ChromosomeIndex = i

                fitnessFunction.CalculateValue(networksList[i], InputDatasets, OutputDatasets, unsafeMode);

                lock (_sync)

Exemplo n.º 14
 public void Evaluate()
     Parallel.ForEach(GenePool, genotype =>
         genotype.Fitness = FitnessFunction.Evaluate(genotype);
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        ///     Run gradient descent algorithm.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="function">Delegate function to compute the fitness.</param>
        /// <param name="inputValues">Input values to compute the fitness from.</param>
        public void Minimize(FitnessFunction function, List <double> inputValues)
            this.Result.Values = inputValues;

            // Run minimization at least once
            var    iter = 0;
            double gLength;

                var gradient = this.ComputeGradient(function, this.Result.Values);

                // Compute gradient length
                gLength = 0;
                gradient.ForEach(g => gLength += g * g);
                gLength = Math.Sqrt(gLength);

                // Update values
                for (var i = 0; i < this.Result.Values.Count; i++)
                    this.Result.Values[i] -= gradient[i];
                this.Result.Error          = function(this.Result.Values);
                this.Result.GradientLength = gLength;
                iter++; // Increase iteration count
            } while (gLength > this.Options.Limit && iter < this.Options.MaxIterations &&
                     > this.Options.ErrorThreshold);

Exemplo n.º 16
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that invokes the operator. This should not normally be called explicitly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentPopulation"></param>
        /// <param name="newPopulation"></param>
        /// <param name="fitnessFunctionDelegate"></param>
        public void Invoke(Population currentPopulation, ref Population newPopulation, FitnessFunction fitnessFunctionDelegate)
            //if the new population is null, create an empty population
            if (newPopulation == null)
                newPopulation = currentPopulation.CreateEmptyCopy();

            if (!Enabled)

            if (currentPopulation.Solutions == null || currentPopulation.Solutions.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("There are no Solutions in the current Population.");

            if (currentPopulation.Solutions[0].Genes.Any(g => g.GeneType != GeneType.Binary))
                throw new Exception("Only Genes with a GeneType of Binary can be handled by the RandomReplace operator.");

            _fitnessFunctionDelegate = fitnessFunctionDelegate;

            Replace(currentPopulation, ref newPopulation, this.Percentage, this.AllowDuplicates, _fitnessFunctionDelegate);
Exemplo n.º 17
 public KrillHerdAlgorithm(KrillPopulation krillPopulation, FitnessFunction fitnessFunctionDelegate, Vector <double> LB_vector, Vector <double> UB_vector)
     this.LB_vector  = LB_vector;
     this.UB_vector  = UB_vector;
     KrillPopulation = krillPopulation;
     FitnessFunction = fitnessFunctionDelegate;
Exemplo n.º 18
    void testFitness()
        robots   = findtag("robot");
        numrobot = robots.Length;

        Area[] aree = ConvexOverlapping.divideSpaceIntoArea();
        positions = new Vector3[aree.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < aree.Length; i++)
            positions[i] = aree[i].center3D;
        //Debug.Log (positions.Length);
        FitnessFunction ff = new FitnessFunction(numrobot, robots, positions);

        GeneticAlgorithm ga = new GeneticAlgorithm(numrobot + aree.Length, 10, 1000, ff);

        int[] individual = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 };
        Debug.Log("Fitness: " + ga.calculateFitness(individual));

        individual = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 6, 4, 5 };
        Debug.Log("Fitness: " + ga.calculateFitness(individual));

        individual = new int[] { 0, 2, 3, 6, 1, 4, 5 };
        Debug.Log("Fitness: " + ga.calculateFitness(individual));

Exemplo n.º 19
 public void Evaluate(FitnessFunction fitnessFunctionDelegate)
     foreach (var item in Solutions)
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that invokes the operator. This should not normally be called explicitly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentPopulation"></param>
        /// <param name="newPopulation"></param>
        /// <param name="fitnessFunctionDelegate"></param>
        public void Invoke(Population currentPopulation, ref Population newPopulation, FitnessFunction fitnessFunctionDelegate)
            //if the new population is null, create an empty population
            if (newPopulation == null)
                newPopulation = currentPopulation.CreateEmptyCopy();

            if (!Enabled)

            _fitnessFunctionDelegate = fitnessFunctionDelegate;
            _currentPopulation       = currentPopulation;
            _newPopulation           = newPopulation;

            //need to store this as we cannot handle a change until once this generation has started
            _replacementMethodS = ReplacementMethod;


            //TODO: Test this, we shouldn't need it.
            newPopulation = _newPopulation;
Exemplo n.º 21
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that invokes the operator. This should not normally be called explicitly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentPopulation"></param>
        /// <param name="newPopulation"></param>
        /// <param name="fitnessFunctionDelegate"></param>
        public new virtual void Invoke(Population currentPopulation, ref Population newPopulation, FitnessFunction fitnessFunctionDelegate)
            if (currentPopulation.Solutions == null || currentPopulation.Solutions.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("There are no Solutions in the current Population.");

            if (newPopulation == null)
                newPopulation = currentPopulation.CreateEmptyCopy();

            CurrentPopulation = currentPopulation;
            NewPopulation     = newPopulation;
            FitnessFunction   = fitnessFunctionDelegate;

            if (!Enabled)

            //need to store this as we cannot handle a change until once this generation has started
            _replacementMethodS = ReplacementMethod;


            //TODO: Test this, we shouldn't need it.
            newPopulation = NewPopulation;
Exemplo n.º 22
 internal Population(Configuration config, GeneticTask task) {
     Size = config.PopSize;
     _config = config;
     _task = task;
     _fitnessFunc = task.Fitness;
     _genomes = new Genome[Size];
     _next = new Genome[Size];
Exemplo n.º 23
 public VirtualFood(KrillPopulation krillPopulation, FitnessFunction fitnessFunction, Vector <double> UB_Vector, Vector <double> LB_Vector)
     this.UB_Vector  = UB_Vector;
     this.LB_Vector  = LB_Vector;
     KrillPopulation = krillPopulation;
     FitnessFunction = fitnessFunction;
     PositionOfFood  = Vector <double> .Build.Dense(krillPopulation.Population[0].Coordinates.Count);
Exemplo n.º 24
 private EvolutionThread()
     GenerationCounter = 0;
     Timestamp         = System.DateTime.Now;
     Fitness           = FitnessFunctionFactory.CreateDefaultFunction();
     Crossover         = CrossoverFactory.CreateDefaultCrossover();
     Mutation          = MutationFactory.CreateDefaultMutation();
Exemplo n.º 25
        /// <summary>
        /// Constuctor, requires a configured Population object.
        /// </summary>/// <param name="population">Population.</param>
        /// <param name="fitnessFunctionDelegate">Fitness function delegate.</param>
        public GeneticAlgorithm(Population population, FitnessFunction fitnessFunctionDelegate)
            _population = population;

            FitnessFunction = fitnessFunctionDelegate;

            this.Operators = new List <IGeneticOperator> ();
Exemplo n.º 26
 /// <summary>
 /// Реализация интерфейса IComparable, для сортировки векторов.
 /// </summary>
 public int CompareTo(Vectors other)
     if (Function == null)
         throw new ArgumentException("Не зада исследуемая функция.");
Exemplo n.º 27
 public GeneticTrainer(IList <T> population, FitnessFunction <T> fitnessFunction, ISelection selection)
     this._eveolveFunctions = new List <IEvolveFunction>();
     this._population       = new Population <T>(population);
     this._fitnessFunction  = fitnessFunction;
     this._selection        = selection;
     this.FittestChromosome = population[0];
     this.CurrentGeneration = 0;
Exemplo n.º 28
 public InducedMotion(KrillPopulation KrillPopulation, FitnessFunction fitnessFunction, int maxIteration, double N_max)
     : base(KrillPopulation, fitnessFunction)
     this.KrillPopulation = KrillPopulation;
     Neighbourhood        = new Neighbourhood(this.KrillPopulation);
     InducedSpeedHistory  = new Dictionary <Tuple <int, int>, Vector <double> >();
     MaxIteration         = maxIteration;
     this.N_max           = N_max;
 private void InitializePopulation()
     for (var i = 0; i < PopulationSize; i++)
         var chromosome = new Chromosome(ChromosomeSize);
         chromosome.Fitness = FitnessFunction.CalculateFitness(chromosome);
Exemplo n.º 30
        /// <summary>
        /// This is the method that invokes the operator. This should not normally be called explicitly.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="currentPopulation"></param>
        /// <param name="newPopulation"></param>
        /// <param name="fitnessFunctionDelegate"></param>
        public override void Invoke(Population currentPopulation, ref Population newPopulation,
                                    FitnessFunction fitnessFunctionDelegate)
            if (currentPopulation.Solutions == null || currentPopulation.Solutions.Count == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException("There are no Solutions in the current Population.");

            if (newPopulation == null)
                newPopulation = currentPopulation.CreateEmptyCopy();

            CurrentPopulation = currentPopulation;
            NewPopulation     = newPopulation;
            FitnessFunction   = fitnessFunctionDelegate;

            if (!Enabled)

            //get the pool of solutions to choose from
            //this is safe as the current population also has the elite property set by the Elite operator
            //var populationSize = currentPopulation.Solutions.Count(s => !s.IsElite);
            var populationSize = currentPopulation.Solutions.Count();

            var chromosomes  = currentPopulation.Solutions;
            var numberToCopy = (int)System.Math.Round((chromosomes.Count() / 100.0) * this.Percentage);               //get local copy to saves locking this member unnecessarily

            if (numberToCopy > populationSize)
                numberToCopy = populationSize;

            switch (_copyMethod)
            case CopyMethod.Fittest:
                CopyFittest(currentPopulation, ref newPopulation, numberToCopy);

            case CopyMethod.Random:
                CopyRandom(currentPopulation, ref newPopulation, numberToCopy);


                CopyFittest(currentPopulation, ref newPopulation, numberToCopy);
 public CopyTaskEnvironment(CopyTaskProperties props)
     _vectorSize           = props.VectorSize;
     MaxSequenceLength     = props.MaxSequenceLength;
     LengthRule            = props.LengthRule;
     _fitnessFunction      = props.FitnessFunction;
     RandomSeed            = props.RandomSeed;
     EliminiateZeroVectors = props.EliminateZeroVectors;
Exemplo n.º 32
 public CopyTaskProperties(XmlElement xmlConfig)
     Iterations = XmlUtils.TryGetValueAsInt(xmlConfig, "Iterations") ?? DEFAULT_ITERATIONS;
     RandomSeed = XmlUtils.TryGetValueAsInt(xmlConfig, "RandomSeed") ?? 0;
     VectorSize = XmlUtils.GetValueAsInt(xmlConfig, "VectorSize");
     MaxSequenceLength = XmlUtils.TryGetValueAsInt(xmlConfig, "MaxLength") ?? DEFAULT_SEQUENCE_MAXLENGTH;
     LengthRule = (LengthRule)Enum.Parse(typeof(LengthRule), XmlUtils.GetValueAsString(xmlConfig, "LengthRule"));
     FitnessFunction = (FitnessFunction)Enum.Parse(typeof(FitnessFunction), XmlUtils.GetValueAsString(xmlConfig, "FitnessFunction"));
     EliminateZeroVectors = XmlUtils.TryGetValueAsBool(xmlConfig, "EliminateZeroVectors") ?? false;
Exemplo n.º 33
        // creates a basic genetics object with an initial population of genestrings and mutations of those strings.
        public BasicGenetics(GeneString[] initial, BasicGeneticInstanceParameters parameters)
            fitnessFunction = parameters.fitnessFunction;

            if (initial != null) parameters.generatorParameters.initial = initial;

            GeneString[] initialPopulation = parameters.generator.generatePopulation(parameters.generatorParameters);

            population = evaluateAll(initialPopulation);

Exemplo n.º 34
        // function GENETIC-ALGORITHM(population, FITNESS-FN) returns an individual
        // inputs: population, a set of individuals
        // FITNESS-FN, a function that measures the fitness of an individual
        public String geneticAlgorithm(Set<String> population,
                FitnessFunction fitnessFn, GoalTest goalTest)
            String bestIndividual = null;


            // repeat
            int cnt = 0;
                bestIndividual = ga(population, fitnessFn);
                // until some individual is fit enough, or enough time has elapsed
            } while (!goalTest.isGoalState(bestIndividual));

            // return the best individual in population, according to FITNESS-FN
            return bestIndividual;
Exemplo n.º 35
        public static IFitnessFunction<double[], double[]> GetFitnessFunction(FunctionParameters parameters)
            if (functionCache.ContainsKey(parameters.FitnessFunctionType))
                return functionCache[parameters.FitnessFunctionType];
            if (parameters.FitnessFunctionType.Contains("bbob"))
                var functionId = parameters.FitnessFunctionType;
                Problem problem;
                /* Iterate over all problems in the suite */
                while ((problem = benchmark.getNextProblem()) != null)
                    if (problem.Id != functionId) continue;
                    var upper = problem.getLargestValuesOfInterest();
                    var bounds =
                            .Select((x, i) => new DimensionBound(x, upper[i]))
                    parameters.SearchSpace = bounds;
                    var function = new FitnessFunction(problem.evaluateFunction);
                    return function;

            switch (parameters.FitnessFunctionType)
                case "quadratic":
                    return new QuadraticFunction(parameters);
                case "rastrigin":
                    return new RastriginFunction(parameters);
                case "rosenbrock":
                    return new RosenbrockFunction(parameters);
                    throw new ArgumentException("Unknown function type.");
Exemplo n.º 36
        public void Invoke(Population currentPopulation, 
			ref Population newPopulation, FitnessFunction fitnesFunctionDelegate)
            //take top 3
            var num = 3;
            var min = System.Math.Min (num, currentPopulation.Solutions.Count);

            var best = currentPopulation.GetTop (min);
            var cutoff = best [min-1].Fitness;
            var genecount = best [0].Genes.Count;

                var config_vars = (ConfigVars)best[rand.Next(0,min-1)].Genes [rand.Next(0,genecount-1)].ObjectValue;
                var index = rand.Next(0, config_vars.vars.Count-1);
                var key = config_vars.vars. ElementAt(index).Key;
                foreach (var chromosome in currentPopulation.Solutions) {
                    if (chromosome.Fitness < cutoff) {
                        foreach (var gene in chromosome.Genes) {
                            var target_config_vars = (ConfigVars)gene.ObjectValue;
                            target_config_vars.vars [key] = config_vars.vars [key];
                    newPopulation.Solutions.Add (chromosome);

            catch(Exception e) {
                Console.WriteLine ("OOPS! " + e.Message + " " + e.StackTrace);
Exemplo n.º 37
        private String ga(Set<String> population, FitnessFunction fitnessFn)
            // new_population <- empty set
            HashSet<String> newPopulation = new HashSet<String>();

            // for i = 1 to SIZE(population) do
            for (int i = 0; i < population.Count; i++)
                // x <- RANDOM-SELECTION(population, FITNESS-FN)
                String x = randomSelection(population, fitnessFn);
                // y <- RANDOM-SELECTION(population, FITNESS-FN)
                String y = randomSelection(population, fitnessFn);
                // child <- REPRODUCE(x, y)
                String child = reproduce(x, y);
                // if (small random probability) then child <- MUTATE(child)
                if (random.nextDouble() <= this.mutationProbability)
                    child = mutate(child);
                // add child to new_population
            // population <- new_population

            return retrieveBestIndividual(population, fitnessFn);
Exemplo n.º 38
        private static PsoParameters SetupOptimizer(PsoParameters initialSettings, out FitnessFunction function)
            var particlesNum = initialSettings.ParticlesCount;
            var settings = initialSettings;

            settings.TargetValueCondition = false;
            settings.IterationsLimitCondition = true;

            function = new FitnessFunction(Problem.evaluateFunction);
            FunctionFactory.SaveToCache(Problem.Id, function);
            var upper = Problem.getLargestValuesOfInterest();
            var bounds =
                    .Select((x, i) => new DimensionBound(x, upper[i]))

            function.FitnessDim = Problem.getNumberOfObjectives();
            function.LocationDim = Problem.getDimension();
            settings.FunctionParameters = new FunctionParameters
                Dimension = function.LocationDim,
                SearchSpace = bounds,
                FitnessFunctionType = Problem.Id
            settings.FunctionParameters.SearchSpace = bounds;
            return settings;
 public BasicGeneticInstanceParameters(Generator generator, GeneratorParameters generatorParameters, FitnessFunction fitnessFunction)
     this.generator = generator;
     this.generatorParameters = generatorParameters;
     this.fitnessFunction = fitnessFunction;
Exemplo n.º 40
        private String randomSelection(Set<String> population,
                FitnessFunction fitnessFn)
            String selected = null;

            // Determine all of the fitness values
            double[] fValues = new double[population.Count];
            String[] popArray = population.toArray(new String[population.Count]);
            for (int i = 0; i < popArray.length; i++)
                fValues[i] = fitnessFn.getValue(popArray[i]);

            // Normalize the fitness values
            fValues = Util.normalize(fValues);
            double prob = random.nextDouble();
            double totalSoFar = 0.0;
            for (int i = 0; i < fValues.length; i++)
                // Are at last element so assign by default
                // in case there are rounding issues with the normalized values
                totalSoFar += fValues[i];
                if (prob <= totalSoFar)
                    selected = popArray[i];

            // selected may not have been assigned
            // if there was a rounding error in the
            // addition of the normalized values (i.e. did not total to 1.0)
            if (null == selected)
                // Assign the last value
                selected = popArray[popArray.length - 1];

            return selected;
Exemplo n.º 41
        // function GENETIC-ALGORITHM(population, FITNESS-FN) returns an individual
        // inputs: population, a set of individuals
        // FITNESS-FN, a function that measures the fitness of an individual
        public String geneticAlgorithm(Set<String> population,
                FitnessFunction fitnessFn, int iterations)
            String bestIndividual = null;


            // repeat
            // until some individual is fit enough, or enough time has elapsed
            for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++)
                bestIndividual = ga(population, fitnessFn);

            // return the best individual in population, according to FITNESS-FN
            return bestIndividual;
Exemplo n.º 42
        private String retrieveBestIndividual(Set<String> population,
                FitnessFunction fitnessFn)
            String bestIndividual = null;
            double bestSoFarFValue = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;

            foreach (String individual in population)
                double fValue = fitnessFn.getValue(individual);
                if (fValue > bestSoFarFValue)
                    bestIndividual = individual;
                    bestSoFarFValue = fValue;

            return bestIndividual;
 public GeneticBackend()
     _objCalcData = new CalcDataObject();
     _FitnessFunction = new FitnessFunction(_objCalcData);
 private CopyTaskEnvironment CreateEnvironment(FitnessFunction fitnessFunction)
     CopyTaskProperties props = new CopyTaskProperties
         Iterations = 10,
         VectorSize = 2,
         FitnessFunction = fitnessFunction,
         MaxSequenceLength = 10,
         LengthRule = LengthRule.Fixed,
     return new CopyTaskEnvironment(props);