Exemplo n.º 1
 private void OnDeserialized()
     if (serializationBuffer != null)
         FastReader fastReader = new FastReader(serializationBuffer);
         int        num        = fastReader.ReadInt32();
         for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
             string text     = fastReader.ReadKleiString();
             int    num2     = fastReader.ReadInt32();
             int    position = fastReader.Position;
             Type   type     = Type.GetType(text);
             if (type == null)
                 DebugUtil.LogWarningArgs("Type no longer exists: " + text);
                 ItemType val = (typeof(ItemType) == type) ? default(ItemType) : ((ItemType)Activator.CreateInstance(type));
                 Deserializer.DeserializeTypeless(val, fastReader);
                 if (fastReader.Position != position + num2)
                     DebugUtil.LogWarningArgs("Expected to be at offset", position + num2, "but was only at offset", fastReader.Position, ". Skipping to catch up.");
                     fastReader.SkipBytes(position + num2 - fastReader.Position);
 public virtual void Deserialize(FastReader fs)
     m_miniRam = fs.ReadInt32();
     m_maxiRam = fs.ReadInt32();
     javapath  = fs.ReadString();
     corepath  = fs.ReadString();
     jvm_line  = fs.ReadString();
    private static void ParseHashTable(FastReader reader)
        int num = reader.ReadInt32();

        for (int i = 0; i < num; i++)
            int    hash = reader.ReadInt32();
            string text = reader.ReadKleiString();
            HashCache.Get().Add(hash, text);
Exemplo n.º 4
    public unsafe static int Load(FastReader reader)
        //IL_0026: Incompatible stack types: I vs Ref
        int num = reader.ReadInt32();

        byte[] array = reader.ReadBytes(num);
        IntPtr intPtr;

        fixed(byte *msg = &((array != null && array.Length != 0) ? ref array[0] : ref *(byte *)null))
            intPtr = SIM_HandleMessage(-672538170, num, msg);

        if (intPtr == IntPtr.Zero)
        GameDataUpdate *ptr = (GameDataUpdate *)(void *)intPtr;

        Grid.elementIdx                            = ptr->elementIdx;
        Grid.temperature                           = ptr->temperature;
        Grid.mass                                  = ptr->mass;
        Grid.properties                            = ptr->properties;
        Grid.strengthInfo                          = ptr->strengthInfo;
        Grid.insulation                            = ptr->insulation;
        Grid.diseaseIdx                            = ptr->diseaseIdx;
        Grid.diseaseCount                          = ptr->diseaseCount;
        Grid.AccumulatedFlowValues                 = ptr->accumulatedFlow;
        PropertyTextures.externalFlowTex           = ptr->propertyTextureFlow;
        PropertyTextures.externalLiquidTex         = ptr->propertyTextureLiquid;
        PropertyTextures.externalExposedToSunlight = ptr->propertyTextureExposedToSunlight;
    public static void ParseAnimData(KBatchGroupData data, HashedString fileNameHash, FastReader reader, KAnimFileData animFile)
        CheckHeader("ANIM", reader);
        uint num = reader.ReadUInt32();

        Assert(num == 5, "Invalid anim.bytes version");
        int num2 = reader.ReadInt32();

        animFile.maxVisSymbolFrames = 0;
        animFile.animCount          = 0;
        animFile.frameCount         = 0;
        animFile.elementCount       = 0;
        animFile.firstAnimIndex     = data.anims.Count;
        animFile.animBatchTag       = data.groupID;
        data.animIndex.Add(fileNameHash, data.anims.Count);
        animFile.firstElementIndex = data.frameElements.Count;
        for (int i = 0; i < num2; i++)
            KAnim.Anim anim = new KAnim.Anim(animFile, data.anims.Count);
            anim.name = reader.ReadKleiString();
            string text = animFile.name + "." + anim.name;
            anim.id = text;
            anim.hash = anim.name;
            anim.rootSymbol.HashValue = reader.ReadInt32();
            anim.frameRate            = reader.ReadSingle();
            anim.firstFrameIdx        = data.animFrames.Count;
            anim.numFrames            = reader.ReadInt32();
            anim.totalTime            = (float)anim.numFrames / anim.frameRate;
            anim.scaledBoundingRadius = 0f;
            for (int j = 0; j < anim.numFrames; j++)
                KAnim.Anim.Frame item = default(KAnim.Anim.Frame);
                float            num3 = reader.ReadSingle();
                float            num4 = reader.ReadSingle();
                float            num5 = reader.ReadSingle();
                float            num6 = reader.ReadSingle();
                item.bbox = new AABB3(new Vector3(num3 - num5 * 0.5f, 0f - (num4 + num6 * 0.5f), 0f) * 0.005f, new Vector3(num3 + num5 * 0.5f, 0f - (num4 - num6 * 0.5f), 0f) * 0.005f);
                float num7 = Math.Max(Math.Abs(item.bbox.max.x), Math.Abs(item.bbox.min.x));
                float num8 = Math.Max(Math.Abs(item.bbox.max.y), Math.Abs(item.bbox.min.y));
                float num9 = Math.Max(num7, num8);
                anim.unScaledSize.x       = Math.Max(anim.unScaledSize.x, num7 / 0.005f);
                anim.unScaledSize.y       = Math.Max(anim.unScaledSize.y, num8 / 0.005f);
                anim.scaledBoundingRadius = Math.Max(anim.scaledBoundingRadius, Mathf.Sqrt(num9 * num9 + num9 * num9));
                item.idx             = data.animFrames.Count;
                item.firstElementIdx = data.frameElements.Count;
                item.numElements     = reader.ReadInt32();
                int num10 = 0;
                for (int k = 0; k < item.numElements; k++)
                    KAnim.Anim.FrameElement item2 = default(KAnim.Anim.FrameElement);
                    item2.fileHash = fileNameHash;
                    item2.symbol   = new KAnimHashedString(reader.ReadInt32());
                    item2.frame    = reader.ReadInt32();
                    item2.folder   = new KAnimHashedString(reader.ReadInt32());
                    item2.flags    = reader.ReadInt32();
                    float a = reader.ReadSingle();
                    float b = reader.ReadSingle();
                    float g = reader.ReadSingle();
                    float r = reader.ReadSingle();
                    item2.multColour = new Color(r, g, b, a);
                    float m  = reader.ReadSingle();
                    float m2 = reader.ReadSingle();
                    float m3 = reader.ReadSingle();
                    float m4 = reader.ReadSingle();
                    float m5 = reader.ReadSingle();
                    float m6 = reader.ReadSingle();
                    item2.transform.m00 = m;
                    item2.transform.m01 = m3;
                    item2.transform.m02 = m5;
                    item2.transform.m10 = m2;
                    item2.transform.m11 = m4;
                    item2.transform.m12 = m6;
                    int symbolIndex = data.GetSymbolIndex(item2.symbol);
                    if (symbolIndex == -1)
                        item2.symbol = MISSING_SYMBOL;
                        item2.symbolIdx = symbolIndex;
                item.numElements -= num10;
        Debug.Assert(num2 == animFile.animCount);
        data.animCount[fileNameHash] = animFile.animCount;
        animFile.maxVisSymbolFrames  = Math.Max(animFile.maxVisSymbolFrames, reader.ReadInt32());
    public static int ParseBuildData(KBatchGroupData data, KAnimHashedString fileNameHash, FastReader reader, List <Texture2D> textures)
        CheckHeader("BILD", reader);
        int num = reader.ReadInt32();

        if (num != 10 && num != 9)
            Debug.LogError(fileNameHash + " has invalid build.bytes version [" + num + "]");
        KAnimGroupFile.Group group = KAnimGroupFile.GetGroup(data.groupID);
        if (group == null)
            Debug.LogErrorFormat("[{1}] Failed to get group [{0}]", data.groupID, fileNameHash.DebuggerDisplay);
        KAnim.Build build = null;
        int         num2  = reader.ReadInt32();
        int         num3  = reader.ReadInt32();

        build = data.AddNewBuildFile(fileNameHash);
        build.textureCount = textures.Count;
        if (textures.Count > 0)
        build.symbols  = new KAnim.Build.Symbol[num2];
        build.frames   = new KAnim.Build.SymbolFrame[num3];
        build.name     = reader.ReadKleiString();
        build.batchTag = ((!group.swapTarget.IsValid) ? data.groupID : group.target);
        build.fileHash = fileNameHash;
        int num4 = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < build.symbols.Length; i++)
            KAnimHashedString  hash   = new KAnimHashedString(reader.ReadInt32());
            KAnim.Build.Symbol symbol = new KAnim.Build.Symbol();
            symbol.build = build;
            symbol.hash  = hash;
            if (num > 9)
                symbol.path = new KAnimHashedString(reader.ReadInt32());
            symbol.colourChannel            = new KAnimHashedString(reader.ReadInt32());
            symbol.flags                    = reader.ReadInt32();
            symbol.firstFrameIdx            = data.symbolFrameInstances.Count;
            symbol.numFrames                = reader.ReadInt32();
            symbol.symbolIndexInSourceBuild = i;
            int num5 = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < symbol.numFrames; j++)
                KAnim.Build.SymbolFrame         symbolFrame = new KAnim.Build.SymbolFrame();
                KAnim.Build.SymbolFrameInstance item        = default(KAnim.Build.SymbolFrameInstance);
                item.symbolFrame           = symbolFrame;
                symbolFrame.fileNameHash   = fileNameHash;
                symbolFrame.sourceFrameNum = reader.ReadInt32();
                symbolFrame.duration       = reader.ReadInt32();
                item.buildImageIdx         = data.textureStartIndex[fileNameHash] + reader.ReadInt32();
                if (item.buildImageIdx >= textures.Count + data.textureStartIndex[fileNameHash])
                    Debug.LogErrorFormat("{0} Symbol: [{1}] tex count: [{2}] buildImageIdx: [{3}] group total [{4}]", fileNameHash.ToString(), symbol.hash, textures.Count, item.buildImageIdx, data.textureStartIndex[fileNameHash]);
                item.symbolIdx = data.GetSymbolCount();
                num5           = Math.Max(symbolFrame.sourceFrameNum + symbolFrame.duration, num5);
                float num6 = reader.ReadSingle();
                float num7 = reader.ReadSingle();
                float num8 = reader.ReadSingle();
                float num9 = reader.ReadSingle();
                symbolFrame.bboxMin = new Vector2(num6 - num8 * 0.5f, num7 - num9 * 0.5f);
                symbolFrame.bboxMax = new Vector2(num6 + num8 * 0.5f, num7 + num9 * 0.5f);
                float x     = reader.ReadSingle();
                float num10 = reader.ReadSingle();
                float x2    = reader.ReadSingle();
                float num11 = reader.ReadSingle();
                symbolFrame.uvMin  = new Vector2(x, 1f - num10);
                symbolFrame.uvMax  = new Vector2(x2, 1f - num11);
                build.frames[num4] = symbolFrame;
            symbol.numLookupFrames = num5;
            build.symbols[i] = symbol;