Exemplo n.º 1
        public /*override*/ void render(float elapsedTime, Personaje personaje, Vector3 llegada, Explosion explosion)
            Device  device      = GuiController.Instance.D3dDevice;
            Control panel3d     = GuiController.Instance.Panel3d;
            float   aspectRatio = (float)panel3d.Width / (float)panel3d.Height;

            // if (GuiController.Instance.D3dInput.keyPressed(Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput.Key.Space ))
            //    vista_unica = !vista_unica;

            Vector3 lightPosition = (Vector3)GuiController.Instance.Modifiers["LightPosition"];

            //Modifico parametros para que la luz gire en circulos

            /*cont = cont + elapsedTime * Geometry.DegreeToRadian(120.0f);
             * lightPosition.X = lightPosition.X + (10f * (float)Math.Cos(cont));
             * lightPosition.Y = lightPosition.Y + (10f * (float)Math.Sin(cont));
             * lightPosition.Z = lightPosition.Z + (50f * (float)Math.Sin(cont));*/

            effect.Technique = "DefaultTechnique";

            //Cargar variables de shader
            effect.SetValue("fvLightPosition", TgcParserUtils.vector3ToFloat3Array(lightPosition));
            //effect.SetValue("fvEyePosition", TgcParserUtils.vector3ToFloat3Array(GuiController.Instance.RotCamera.getPosition()));
            effect.SetValue("k_la", (float)GuiController.Instance.Modifiers["Ambient"]);
            effect.SetValue("k_ld", (float)GuiController.Instance.Modifiers["Diffuse"]);
            effect.SetValue("k_ls", (float)GuiController.Instance.Modifiers["Specular"]);
            //effect.SetValue("fvAmbient", ColorValue.FromColor((Color)GuiController.Instance.Modifiers["AmbientColor"]));
            //effect.SetValue("fvDiffuse", ColorValue.FromColor((Color)GuiController.Instance.Modifiers["DiffuseColor"]));
            //effect.SetValue("fvSpecular", ColorValue.FromColor((Color)GuiController.Instance.Modifiers["SpecularColor"]));

            float distancia = FastMath.Pow2(personaje.getPersonaje().Position.X - llegada.X) +
                              FastMath.Pow2(personaje.getPersonaje().Position.Z - llegada.Z);

            distancia = FastMath.Sqrt(distancia);
            distancia = Convert.ToInt32(distancia);
            if (explosion.estaEjecutandose())
                GuiController.Instance.Fog.Enabled = false;
                if (distancia < DISNTANCIA_SIRENA)
                    GuiController.Instance.Fog.Enabled = false;
                    GuiController.Instance.Fog.Enabled = (bool)GuiController.Instance.Modifiers["Enabled"];
            GuiController.Instance.Fog.StartDistance = (float)GuiController.Instance.Modifiers["startDistance"];
            GuiController.Instance.Fog.EndDistance   = (float)GuiController.Instance.Modifiers["endDistance"];
            GuiController.Instance.Fog.Density       = (float)GuiController.Instance.Modifiers["density"];
            GuiController.Instance.Fog.Color         = (Color)GuiController.Instance.Modifiers["color"];
            //Actualizar valores de la Niebla

            //Cambio los valores del Specular Power de la luz, para simular el parpadeo de la sirena
            r = t % 10;
            if (r == 0)
                effect.SetValue("fSpecularPower", (float)10);
                effect.SetValue("fSpecularPower", (float)200);
            if (t == 1000)
                t = 0;
                t = t + 1;

            //Mover mesh que representa la luz
            //lightBox.Position = lightPosition;

            // solo una vista
            //device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target | ClearFlags.ZBuffer, Color.Black, 1.0f, 0);
            device.Viewport = ViewF;

            /*foreach (MyMesh m in scene.Meshes)
             * {
             *  if (m.Name != "escenarioPrueba")
             *  {
             *          m.effect = effect;
             *  }
             * m.render();*/
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        ///     Detectar colision entre un Ray y una Capsula
        ///     Basado en: http://www.geometrictools.com/LibMathematics/Intersection/Wm5IntrLine3Capsule3.cpp
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ray">Ray</param>
        /// <param name="capsule">Capsula</param>
        /// <param name="t">Menor instante de colision</param>
        /// <returns>True si hay colision</returns>
        private bool intersectRayCapsule(TgcRay.RayStruct ray, Capsule capsule, out float t)
            t = -1;
            var origin = ray.origin;
            var dir    = ray.direction;

            // Create a coordinate system for the capsule.  In this system, the
            // capsule segment center C is the origin and the capsule axis direction
            // W is the z-axis.  U and V are the other coordinate axis directions.
            // If P = x*U+y*V+z*W, the cylinder containing the capsule wall is
            // x^2 + y^2 = r^2, where r is the capsule radius.  The finite cylinder
            // that makes up the capsule minus its hemispherical end caps has z-values
            // |z| <= e, where e is the extent of the capsule segment.  The top
            // hemisphere cap is x^2+y^2+(z-e)^2 = r^2 for z >= e, and the bottom
            // hemisphere cap is x^2+y^2+(z+e)^2 = r^2 for z <= -e.
            var U = capsule.segment.dir;
            var V = U;
            var W = U;

            generateComplementBasis(ref U, ref V, W);
            var rSqr   = capsule.radius * capsule.radius;
            var extent = capsule.segment.extent;

            // Convert incoming line origin to capsule coordinates.
            var diff = origin - capsule.segment.center;
            var P    = new Vector3(Vector3.Dot(U, diff), Vector3.Dot(V, diff), Vector3.Dot(W, diff));

            // Get the z-value, in capsule coordinates, of the incoming line's unit-length direction.
            var dz = Vector3.Dot(W, dir);

            if (FastMath.Abs(dz) >= 1f - float.Epsilon)
                // The line is parallel to the capsule axis.  Determine whether the line intersects the capsule hemispheres.
                var radialSqrDist = rSqr - P.X * P.X - P.Y * P.Y;
                if (radialSqrDist < 0f)
                    // Line outside the cylinder of the capsule, no intersection.

                // line intersects the hemispherical caps
                var zOffset = FastMath.Sqrt(radialSqrDist) + extent;
                if (dz > 0f)
                    t = -P.Z - zOffset;
                    t = P.Z - zOffset;

            // Convert incoming line unit-length direction to capsule coordinates.
            var D = new Vector3(Vector3.Dot(U, dir), Vector3.Dot(V, dir), dz);

            // Test intersection of line P+t*D with infinite cylinder x^2+y^2 = r^2.
            // This reduces to computing the roots of a quadratic equation.  If
            // P = (px,py,pz) and D = (dx,dy,dz), then the quadratic equation is
            //   (dx^2+dy^2)*t^2 + 2*(px*dx+py*dy)*t + (px^2+py^2-r^2) = 0
            var a0    = P.X * P.X + P.Y * P.Y - rSqr;
            var a1    = P.X * D.X + P.Y * D.Y;
            var a2    = D.X * D.X + D.Y * D.Y;
            var discr = a1 * a1 - a0 * a2;

            if (discr < 0f)
                // Line does not intersect infinite cylinder.

            float root, inv, tValue, zValue;
            var   quantity = 0;

            if (discr > float.Epsilon)
                // Line intersects infinite cylinder in two places.
                root   = FastMath.Sqrt(discr);
                inv    = 1f / a2;
                tValue = (-a1 - root) * inv;
                zValue = P.Z + tValue * D.Z;
                if (FastMath.Abs(zValue) <= extent)
                    t = tValue;

                tValue = (-a1 + root) * inv;
                zValue = P.Z + tValue * D.Z;
                if (FastMath.Abs(zValue) <= extent)
                    t = TgcCollisionUtils.min(t, tValue);

                if (quantity == 2)
                    // Line intersects capsule wall in two places.
                // Line is tangent to infinite cylinder.
                tValue = -a1 / a2;
                zValue = P.Z + tValue * D.Z;
                if (FastMath.Abs(zValue) <= extent)
                    t = tValue;

            // Test intersection with bottom hemisphere.  The quadratic equation is
            // t^2 + 2*(px*dx+py*dy+(pz+e)*dz)*t + (px^2+py^2+(pz+e)^2-r^2) = 0
            // Use the fact that currently a1 = px*dx+py*dy and a0 = px^2+py^2-r^2.
            // The leading coefficient is a2 = 1, so no need to include in the
            // construction.
            var PZpE = P.Z + extent;

            a1   += PZpE * D.Z;
            a0   += PZpE * PZpE;
            discr = a1 * a1 - a0;
            if (discr > float.Epsilon)
                root   = FastMath.Sqrt(discr);
                tValue = -a1 - root;
                zValue = P.Z + tValue * D.Z;
                if (zValue <= -extent)
                    t = TgcCollisionUtils.min(t, tValue);
                    if (quantity == 2)

                tValue = -a1 + root;
                zValue = P.Z + tValue * D.Z;
                if (zValue <= -extent)
                    t = TgcCollisionUtils.min(t, tValue);
                    if (quantity == 2)
            else if (FastMath.Abs(discr) <= float.Epsilon)
                tValue = -a1;
                zValue = P.Z + tValue * D.Z;
                if (zValue <= -extent)
                    t = TgcCollisionUtils.min(t, tValue);
                    if (quantity == 2)

            // Test intersection with top hemisphere.  The quadratic equation is
            // t^2 + 2*(px*dx+py*dy+(pz-e)*dz)*t + (px^2+py^2+(pz-e)^2-r^2) = 0
            // Use the fact that currently a1 = px*dx+py*dy+(pz+e)*dz and
            // a0 = px^2+py^2+(pz+e)^2-r^2.  The leading coefficient is a2 = 1, so
            // no need to include in the construction.
            a1   -= 2f * extent * D.Z;
            a0   -= 4 * extent * P.Z;
            discr = a1 * a1 - a0;
            if (discr > float.Epsilon)
                root   = FastMath.Sqrt(discr);
                tValue = -a1 - root;
                zValue = P.Z + tValue * D.Z;
                if (zValue >= extent)
                    t = TgcCollisionUtils.min(t, tValue);
                    if (quantity == 2)

                tValue = -a1 + root;
                zValue = P.Z + tValue * D.Z;
                if (zValue >= extent)
                    t = TgcCollisionUtils.min(t, tValue);
                    if (quantity == 2)
            else if (FastMath.Abs(discr) <= float.Epsilon)
                tValue = -a1;
                zValue = P.Z + tValue * D.Z;
                if (zValue >= extent)
                    t = TgcCollisionUtils.min(t, tValue);
                    if (quantity == 2)

            return(quantity > 0);
Exemplo n.º 3
        //mueve el barco y su boundingspehere en Y; hay que refactorearlo...
        //mueve el barco y su boundingspehere en Y; hay que refactorearlo...
        virtual public void flotar()
            //normal del mar en el punto donde se encuentra el barco
            normal = Oceano.normalEnPuntoXZ(this.Position.X, this.Position.Z);

            //altura del mar en el punto de se encuentra el barco
            float Y = Oceano.alturaEnPunto(this.Position.X, this.Position.Z);

            //ponemos el bounding sphere a la altura donde esta el barco
            this.boundingSphere.moveCenter(new Vector3(0, Y - boundingSphere.Position.Y + 40, 0));

            //ubicamos al barco...
            this.Position   = new Vector3(this.Position.X, Y - 15, this.Position.Z);                                                                                    // ...en alto...
            this.rotation.Z = FastMath.Atan2(-normal.X * FastMath.Cos(this.rotation.Y), normal.Y) + FastMath.Atan2(normal.Z * FastMath.Sin(this.rotation.Y), normal.Y); // ...con rotacion en Z...
            this.rotation.X = FastMath.Atan2(normal.Z * FastMath.Cos(this.rotation.Y), normal.Y) + FastMath.Atan2(normal.X * FastMath.Sin(this.rotation.Y), normal.Y);  // ...con rotacion en Y...
        public override void Render()

            // 1) Crear una matriz de transformacion (de 4x4 para 3D) con la identidad
            var m = Matrix.Identity;

            // 2) Crear una matriz de transformacion para traslacion
            var translate = Matrix.Translation(new Vector3(100, -5, 0));

            // 3) Crear una matriz de escalado para traslacion
            var scale = Matrix.Scaling(new Vector3(2, 4, 2));

            // 4) Crear una matriz de rotacion para traslacion
            var angleY   = FastMath.PI_HALF;                                    //En radianes
            var angleX   = FastMath.ToRad(60);                                  //De grados a radianes
            var angleZ   = FastMath.PI / 14;
            var rotation = Matrix.RotationYawPitchRoll(angleY, angleX, angleZ); //Ojo con el orden de los angulos

            // 5) Combinar varias matrices en una sola. El orden depende del movimiento que se quiera lograr
            var movimientoFinal = scale * rotation * translate;

            // 6) Transformar un punto en base al movimiento de una matriz de transformacion
            var p = new Vector3(10, 5, 10);
            var transformedVec4 = Vector3.Transform(p, movimientoFinal);
            //Devuelve un Vector4 poque estan las coordenadas homogeneas
            var transformedVec3 = new Vector3(transformedVec4.X, transformedVec4.Y, transformedVec4.Z);

            //Ignoramos la componente W

            // 7) Setear la matriz de World de DirectX
            D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Transform.World = movimientoFinal;

            // 8) Crear una matriz de View mirando hacia un determinado punto y aplicarla a DirectX
            var posicionCamara = new Vector3(20, 10, 0);
            var haciaDondeMiro = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            var upVector       = new Vector3(0, 1, 0); //Indica donde es arriba y donde abajo
            var viewMatrix     = Matrix.LookAtLH(posicionCamara, haciaDondeMiro, upVector);

            D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Transform.View = viewMatrix;

            // 9) Crear una matriz de proyeccion y aplicarla en DirectX
            var fieldOfViewY       = FastMath.ToRad(45.0f);
            var aspectRatio        = D3DDevice.Instance.AspectRatio;
            var zNearPlaneDistance = 1f;
            var zFarPlaneDistance  = 10000f;
            var projection         = Matrix.PerspectiveFovLH(fieldOfViewY, aspectRatio, zNearPlaneDistance, zFarPlaneDistance);

            D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Transform.Projection = projection;

            // 10) Proyectar manualmente un punto 3D a la pantalla (lo que normalmente se hace dentro del vertex shader)
            var q             = new Vector3(100, -15, 2);
            var worldViewProj = D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Transform.World * D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Transform.View *
            //Obtener la matriz final
            var projectedPoint = Vector3.Transform(q, worldViewProj); //Proyectar

            //Dividir por w
            projectedPoint.X /= projectedPoint.W;
            projectedPoint.Y /= projectedPoint.W;
            projectedPoint.Z /= projectedPoint.W; //La z solo es necesaria si queremos hacer Depth-testing
            //Pasarlo a screen-space
            var screenPoint = new Point(
                (int)(0.5f + (p.X + 1) * 0.5f * D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Viewport.Width),
                (int)(0.5f + (1 - p.Y) * 0.5f * D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Viewport.Height));

            // 11) Con vertir de un punto 2D a uno 3D, al revez de lo que se hizo antes (normalmente para hacer picking con el mouse)
            var screenPoint2 = new Point(15, 100); //punto 2D de la pantalla
            var vAux         = new Vector3();

            vAux.X = (2.0f * screenPoint2.X / D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Viewport.Width - 1) /
            vAux.Y = -(2.0f * screenPoint2.Y / D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Viewport.Height - 1) /
            vAux.Z = 1.0f;
            var inverseView = Matrix.Invert(D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Transform.View); //Invertir ViewMatrix
            var origin      = new Vector3(inverseView.M41, inverseView.M42, inverseView.M43);
            var direction   = new Vector3(
                vAux.X * inverseView.M11 + vAux.Y * inverseView.M21 + vAux.Z * inverseView.M31,
                vAux.X * inverseView.M12 + vAux.Y * inverseView.M22 + vAux.Z * inverseView.M32,
                vAux.X * inverseView.M13 + vAux.Y * inverseView.M23 + vAux.Z * inverseView.M33);

            //Con origin y direction formamos una recta que hay que buscar interseccion contra todos los objetos del escenario y quedarnos con la mas cercana a la camara

                "Este ejemplo no muestra nada por pantalla. Sino que es para leer el codigo y sus comentarios.", 5, 50,

        /// <summary>
        ///     Indica si un cilindro colisiona con un segmento.
        ///     El cilindro se especifica con dos puntos centrales "cylinderInit" y "cylinderEnd" que forman una recta y con un
        ///     radio "radius".
        ///     Si hay colision se devuelve el instante de colision "t".
        ///     No chequear EndCaps
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="segmentInit">Punto de inicio del segmento</param>
        /// <param name="segmentEnd">Punto de fin del segmento</param>
        /// <param name="cylinderInit">Punto inicial del cilindro</param>
        /// <param name="cylinderEnd">Punto final del cilindro</param>
        /// <param name="radius">Radio del cilindro</param>
        /// <param name="t">Instante de colision</param>
        /// <returns>True si hay colision</returns>
        private static bool intersectSegmentCylinderNoEndcap(TGCVector3 segmentInit, TGCVector3 segmentEnd,
                                                             TGCVector3 cylinderInit, TGCVector3 cylinderEnd, float radius, out float t)
            t = -1;

            TGCVector3 d = cylinderEnd - cylinderInit, m = segmentInit - cylinderInit, n = segmentEnd - segmentInit;
            var        md = TGCVector3.Dot(m, d);
            var        nd = TGCVector3.Dot(n, d);
            var        dd = TGCVector3.Dot(d, d);

            // Test if segment fully outside either endcap of cylinder
            if (md < 0.0f && md + nd < 0.0f)
                return(false);                             // Segment outside ’p’ side of cylinder
            if (md > dd && md + nd > dd)
                return(false);                         // Segment outside ’q’ side of cylinder
            var nn = TGCVector3.Dot(n, n);
            var mn = TGCVector3.Dot(m, n);
            var a  = dd * nn - nd * nd;
            var k  = TGCVector3.Dot(m, m) - radius * radius;
            var c  = dd * k - md * md;

            if (FastMath.Abs(a) < float.Epsilon)
                // Segment runs parallel to cylinder axis
                if (c > 0.0f)
                    return(false);          // 'a' and thus the segment lie outside cylinder
                // Now known that segment intersects cylinder; figure out how it intersects
                if (md < 0.0f)
                    t = -mn / nn;            // Intersect segment against 'p' endcap
                else if (md > dd)
                    t = (nd - mn) / nn;               // Intersect segment against ’q’ endcap
                    t = 0.0f;  // ’a’ lies inside cylinder
            var b     = dd * mn - nd * md;
            var discr = b * b - a * c;

            if (discr < 0.0f)
                return(false);              // No real roots; no intersection
            t = (-b - FastMath.Sqrt(discr)) / a;
            if (t < 0.0f || t > 1.0f)
                return(false);                      // Intersection lies outside segment

            /* No chequear EndCaps
             * if (md + t * nd < 0.0f) {
             *  // Intersection outside cylinder on 'p' side
             *  if (nd <= 0.0f) return false; // Segment pointing away from endcap
             *  t = -md / nd;
             *  // Keep intersection if Dot(S(t) - p, S(t) - p) <= r^2
             *  return k + t * (2.0f * mn + t * nn) <= 0.0f;
             * } else if (md + t * nd > dd) {
             *  // Intersection outside cylinder on 'q' side
             *  if (nd >= 0.0f) return false; // Segment pointing away from endcap
             *  t = (dd - md) / nd;
             *  // Keep intersection if Dot(S(t) - q, S(t) - q) <= r^2
             *  return k + dd - 2.0f * md + t * (2.0f * (mn - nd) + t * nn) <= 0.0f;
             * }

            // Segment intersects cylinder between the endcaps; t is correct
Exemplo n.º 6
        // Las coordenas x,z son Originales (sin Escalado) y el z devuelto es Original también (sin Escalado)
        public float CalcularAlturaTerreno(float x, float z, bool personaje = false)
            // Calculo las coordenadas en la Matriz de Heightmap
            var pos_i = x + (HeightmapSize.Width / 2);
            var pos_j = z + (HeightmapSize.Width / 2);

            var pi      = (int)pos_i;
            var fracc_i = pos_i - pi;
            var pj      = (int)pos_j;
            var fracc_j = pos_j - pj;

            if (pi < 0)
                pi = 0;
            else if (pi > (HeightmapSize.Width - 1))
                pi = (HeightmapSize.Width - 1);

            if (pj < 0)
                pj = 0;
            else if (pj > (HeightmapSize.Width - 1))
                pj = (HeightmapSize.Width - 1);

            var pi1 = pi + 1;
            var pj1 = pj + 1;

            if (pi1 > (HeightmapSize.Width - 1))
                pi1 = (HeightmapSize.Width - 1);
            if (pj1 > (HeightmapSize.Width - 1))
                pj1 = (HeightmapSize.Width - 1);

            var pi2 = pi - 1;
            var pj2 = pj - 1;

            if (pi2 < 0)
                pi2 = 0;
            if (pj2 < 0)
                pj2 = 0;

            // 2x2 percent closest filtering usual:
            var H0 = terrain.HeightmapData[pi, pj];
            var H1 = terrain.HeightmapData[pi1, pj];
            var H2 = terrain.HeightmapData[pi, pj1];
            var H3 = terrain.HeightmapData[pi1, pj1];

            var H4 = terrain.HeightmapData[pi2, pj];
            var H5 = terrain.HeightmapData[pi2, pj1];
            var H6 = terrain.HeightmapData[pi2, pj2];
            var H7 = terrain.HeightmapData[pi, pj2];
            var H8 = terrain.HeightmapData[pi1, pj2];

            var H = (H0 * (1 - fracc_i) + H1 * fracc_i) * (1 - fracc_j) +
                    (H2 * (1 - fracc_i) + H3 * fracc_i) * fracc_j;

            if (personaje)
                H = FastMath.Max(FastMath.Max(FastMath.Max(H0, H1), FastMath.Max(H2, H3)), FastMath.Max(H4, H5)) + 1;
                //H = ((H0 + H1 + H2 + H3 + H4 + H5) / 6)+2;

Exemplo n.º 7
        public override void Render()

            bool invisibilidadActivada = (SwitchInvisibilidadJ1 - 1 == SwitchCamara) || (SwitchInvisibilidadJ2 == SwitchCamara);

            //Permito las particulas
            D3DDevice.Instance.ParticlesEnabled = true;

            switch (SwitchInicio)
            case 1:
                if (Input.keyPressed(Key.C))
                    SwitchInicio = 2;
                if (Input.keyPressed(Key.D1))
                    Jugadores[1] = null;
                    SwitchInicio = 3;
                    SwitchMusica = true;
                    SwitchFX     = true;
                    inGame = true;
                if (Input.keyPressed(Key.D2))
                    juegoDoble   = true;
                    SwitchInicio = 4;
                    SwitchMusica = true;
                    SwitchFX     = true;
                    SwitchCamara = 3;
                    inGame = true;

            case 2:
                if (Input.keyPressed(Key.V))
                    SwitchInicio = 1;

            case 3:
                var device = D3DDevice.Instance.Device;

                Tiempo += ElapsedTime;
                AutoFisico1.ElapsedTime = ElapsedTime;
                AutoFisico1.FXActivado  = SwitchFX;

                // ShaderInvisibilidad -----
                Invisibilidad.Technique = "DefaultTechnique";
                var pOldRT = device.GetRenderTarget(0);
                var pSurf  = g_pRenderTarget.GetSurfaceLevel(0);
                if (invisibilidadActivada)
                    device.SetRenderTarget(0, pSurf);
                var pOldDS = device.DepthStencilSurface;

                if (invisibilidadActivada)
                    device.DepthStencilSurface = g_pDepthStencil;

                device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target | ClearFlags.ZBuffer, Color.Black, 1.0f, 0);



                if (invisibilidadActivada)
                    device.DepthStencilSurface = pOldDS;
                    device.SetRenderTarget(0, pOldRT);
                    Invisibilidad.Technique = "PostProcess";
                    Invisibilidad.SetValue("time", Tiempo);
                    device.VertexFormat = CustomVertex.PositionTextured.Format;
                    device.SetStreamSource(0, g_pVBV3D, 0);
                    Invisibilidad.SetValue("g_RenderTarget", g_pRenderTarget);

                    device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target | ClearFlags.ZBuffer, Color.Black, 1.0f, 0);
                    device.DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, 0, 2);

                Hud.Juego(invisibilidadActivada, JugadorActivo, juegoDoble, pantallaDoble, AutoFisico1, AutoFisico2);

                if (AutoFisico1.Vida < 0)
                    TiempoFinal = Tiempo;
                    SwitchInicio = 5;

                if (Input.keyDown(Key.F10))

                //  Shader Enviroment Map --------------------------------
                var g_pCubeMap = new CubeTexture(D3DDevice.Instance.Device, 256, 1, Usage.RenderTarget, Format.A16B16G16R16F, Pool.Default);
                var pOldRT2    = D3DDevice.Instance.Device.GetRenderTarget(0);

                D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Transform.Projection = TGCMatrix.PerspectiveFovLH(Geometry.DegreeToRadian(90.0f), 1f, 1f, 10000f).ToMatrix();

                // Genero las caras del enviroment map
                for (var nFace = CubeMapFace.PositiveX; nFace <= CubeMapFace.NegativeZ; ++nFace)
                    var pFace = g_pCubeMap.GetCubeMapSurface(nFace, 0);
                    D3DDevice.Instance.Device.SetRenderTarget(0, pFace);
                    TGCVector3 Dir, VUP;
                    Color      color;
                    switch (nFace)
                    case CubeMapFace.PositiveX:
                        // Left
                        Dir   = new TGCVector3(1, 0, 0);
                        VUP   = TGCVector3.Up;
                        color = Color.Black;

                    case CubeMapFace.NegativeX:
                        // Right
                        Dir   = new TGCVector3(-1, 0, 0);
                        VUP   = TGCVector3.Up;
                        color = Color.Red;

                    case CubeMapFace.PositiveY:
                        // Up
                        Dir   = TGCVector3.Up;
                        VUP   = new TGCVector3(0, 0, -1);
                        color = Color.Gray;

                    case CubeMapFace.NegativeY:
                        // Down
                        Dir   = TGCVector3.Down;
                        VUP   = new TGCVector3(0, 0, 1);
                        color = Color.Yellow;

                    case CubeMapFace.PositiveZ:
                        // Front
                        Dir   = new TGCVector3(0, 0, 1);
                        VUP   = TGCVector3.Up;
                        color = Color.Green;

                    case CubeMapFace.NegativeZ:
                        // Back
                        Dir   = new TGCVector3(0, 0, -1);
                        VUP   = TGCVector3.Up;
                        color = Color.Blue;

                    D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target | ClearFlags.ZBuffer, color, 1.0f, 0);

                    foreach (var mesh in AutoFisico1.Mayas)
                        mesh.Effect    = EnvMap;
                        mesh.Technique = "RenderScene";

                D3DDevice.Instance.Device.SetRenderTarget(0, pOldRT2);
                D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Transform.View       = Camara.GetViewMatrix().ToMatrix();
                D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Transform.Projection = TGCMatrix.PerspectiveFovLH(Geometry.DegreeToRadian(45.0f), D3DDevice.Instance.AspectRatio, 1f, 10000f).ToMatrix();

                //D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target | ClearFlags.ZBuffer, Color.Black, 1.0f, 0);
                EnvMap.SetValue("g_txCubeMap", g_pCubeMap);

                foreach (var mesh in AutoFisico1.Mayas)
                    mesh.Effect    = EnvMap;
                    mesh.Technique = "RenderScene";
                foreach (var rueda in AutoFisico1.Ruedas)
                    rueda.Effect    = EnvMap;
                    rueda.Technique = "RenderScene";
                foreach (var mesh in GrupoPolicias.Todos[0].Mayas)
                    mesh.Effect    = EnvMap;
                    mesh.Technique = "RenderScene";



            case 4:
                var device = D3DDevice.Instance.Device;

                Tiempo += ElapsedTime;
                AutoFisico1.ElapsedTime = ElapsedTime;
                AutoFisico2.ElapsedTime = ElapsedTime;
                AutoFisico1.FXActivado  = SwitchFX;
                AutoFisico2.FXActivado  = SwitchFX;

                // ShaderInvisibilidad -----
                Invisibilidad.Technique = "DefaultTechnique";
                var pOldRT = device.GetRenderTarget(0);
                var pSurf  = g_pRenderTarget.GetSurfaceLevel(0);
                if (invisibilidadActivada)
                    device.SetRenderTarget(0, pSurf);
                var pOldDS = device.DepthStencilSurface;

                if (invisibilidadActivada)
                    device.DepthStencilSurface = g_pDepthStencil;

                device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target | ClearFlags.ZBuffer, Color.Black, 1.0f, 0);

                DrawText.drawText("Velocidad P1:" + AutoFisico1.Velocidad, 0, 90, Color.Green);



                if (invisibilidadActivada)
                    device.DepthStencilSurface = pOldDS;
                    device.SetRenderTarget(0, pOldRT);
                    Invisibilidad.Technique = "PostProcess";
                    Invisibilidad.SetValue("time", Tiempo);
                    device.VertexFormat = CustomVertex.PositionTextured.Format;
                    device.SetStreamSource(0, g_pVBV3D, 0);
                    Invisibilidad.SetValue("g_RenderTarget", g_pRenderTarget);

                    device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target | ClearFlags.ZBuffer, Color.Black, 1.0f, 0);
                    device.DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleStrip, 0, 2);

                Hud.Juego(invisibilidadActivada, JugadorActivo, juegoDoble, pantallaDoble, AutoFisico1, AutoFisico2);
                if (AutoFisico1.Vida < 0)
                    SwitchCamara = 2;
                    Jugadores[1] = null;
                    inGame = false;
                if (AutoFisico2.Vida < 0)
                    SwitchCamara = 1;
                    Jugadores[0] = null;
                    inGame = false;

                if (Input.keyDown(Key.F10))

                if (Input.keyDown(Key.F10))

                //  Shader Enviroment Map --------------------------------
                var g_pCubeMap = new CubeTexture(D3DDevice.Instance.Device, 256, 1, Usage.RenderTarget, Format.A16B16G16R16F, Pool.Default);
                var pOldRT2    = D3DDevice.Instance.Device.GetRenderTarget(0);

                D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Transform.Projection = TGCMatrix.PerspectiveFovLH(Geometry.DegreeToRadian(90.0f), 1f, 1f, 10000f).ToMatrix();

                // Genero las caras del enviroment map
                for (var nFace = CubeMapFace.PositiveX; nFace <= CubeMapFace.NegativeZ; ++nFace)
                    var pFace = g_pCubeMap.GetCubeMapSurface(nFace, 0);
                    D3DDevice.Instance.Device.SetRenderTarget(0, pFace);
                    TGCVector3 Dir, VUP;
                    Color      color;
                    switch (nFace)
                    case CubeMapFace.PositiveX:
                        // Left
                        Dir   = new TGCVector3(1, 0, 0);
                        VUP   = TGCVector3.Up;
                        color = Color.Black;

                    case CubeMapFace.NegativeX:
                        // Right
                        Dir   = new TGCVector3(-1, 0, 0);
                        VUP   = TGCVector3.Up;
                        color = Color.Red;

                    case CubeMapFace.PositiveY:
                        // Up
                        Dir   = TGCVector3.Up;
                        VUP   = new TGCVector3(0, 0, -1);
                        color = Color.Gray;

                    case CubeMapFace.NegativeY:
                        // Down
                        Dir   = TGCVector3.Down;
                        VUP   = new TGCVector3(0, 0, 1);
                        color = Color.Yellow;

                    case CubeMapFace.PositiveZ:
                        // Front
                        Dir   = new TGCVector3(0, 0, 1);
                        VUP   = TGCVector3.Up;
                        color = Color.Green;

                    case CubeMapFace.NegativeZ:
                        // Back
                        Dir   = new TGCVector3(0, 0, -1);
                        VUP   = TGCVector3.Up;
                        color = Color.Blue;

                    D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target | ClearFlags.ZBuffer, color, 1.0f, 0);

                    foreach (var mesh in AutoFisico1.Mayas)
                        mesh.Effect    = EnvMap;
                        mesh.Technique = "RenderScene";

                    foreach (var mesh in AutoFisico2.Mayas)
                        mesh.Effect    = EnvMap;
                        mesh.Technique = "RenderScene";

                D3DDevice.Instance.Device.SetRenderTarget(0, pOldRT2);
                D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Transform.View       = Camara.GetViewMatrix().ToMatrix();
                D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Transform.Projection = TGCMatrix.PerspectiveFovLH(Geometry.DegreeToRadian(45.0f), D3DDevice.Instance.AspectRatio, 1f, 10000f).ToMatrix();

                //D3DDevice.Instance.Device.Clear(ClearFlags.Target | ClearFlags.ZBuffer, Color.Black, 1.0f, 0);
                EnvMap.SetValue("g_txCubeMap", g_pCubeMap);

                foreach (var mesh in AutoFisico1.Mayas)
                    mesh.Effect    = EnvMap;
                    mesh.Technique = "RenderScene";
                foreach (var mesh in AutoFisico2.Mayas)
                    mesh.Effect    = EnvMap;
                    mesh.Technique = "RenderScene";
                foreach (var rueda in AutoFisico1.Ruedas)
                    rueda.Effect    = EnvMap;
                    rueda.Technique = "RenderScene";
                foreach (var mesh in GrupoPolicias.Todos[0].Mayas)
                    mesh.Effect    = EnvMap;
                    mesh.Technique = "RenderScene";



            case 5:
                SwitchFX     = false;
                SwitchMusica = false;
                inGame       = false;
                if (Input.keyPressed(Key.M))
                    SwitchInicio = 1;

Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        ///     Calcular Tangent y Binormal en base a los 3 vertices de un triangulo y la normal del primero de ellos
        ///     Basado en: http://www.dhpoware.com/demos/d3d9NormalMapping.html
        /// </summary>
        public static void computeTangentBinormal(BumpMappingVertex v1, BumpMappingVertex v2, BumpMappingVertex v3,
                                                  out TGCVector3 tangent, out TGCVector3 binormal)
            // Given the 3 vertices (position and texture coordinates) of a triangle
            // calculate and return the triangle's tangent vector. The handedness of
            // the local coordinate system is stored in tangent.w. The bitangent is
            // then: float3 bitangent = cross(normal, tangent.xyz) * tangent.w.

            // Create 2 vectors in object space.
            // edge1 is the vector from vertex positions v1 to v2.
            // edge2 is the vector from vertex positions v1 to v3.
            var edge1 = v2.Position - v1.Position;
            var edge2 = v3.Position - v1.Position;


            // Create 2 vectors in tangent (texture) space that point in the same
            // direction as edge1 and edge2 (in object space).
            // texEdge1 is the vector from texture coordinates texCoord1 to texCoord2.
            // texEdge2 is the vector from texture coordinates texCoord1 to texCoord3.
            var texEdge1 = new TGCVector2(v2.Tu - v1.Tu, v2.Tv - v1.Tv);
            var texEdge2 = new TGCVector2(v3.Tu - v1.Tu, v3.Tv - v1.Tv);


            // These 2 sets of vectors form the following system of equations:
            //  edge1 = (texEdge1.x * tangent) + (texEdge1.y * bitangent)
            //  edge2 = (texEdge2.x * tangent) + (texEdge2.y * bitangent)
            // Using matrix notation this system looks like:
            //  [ edge1 ]     [ texEdge1.x  texEdge1.y ]  [ tangent   ]
            //  [       ]  =  [                        ]  [           ]
            //  [ edge2 ]     [ texEdge2.x  texEdge2.y ]  [ bitangent ]
            // The solution is:
            //  [ tangent   ]        1     [ texEdge2.y  -texEdge1.y ]  [ edge1 ]
            //  [           ]  =  -------  [                         ]  [       ]
            //  [ bitangent ]      det A   [-texEdge2.x   texEdge1.x ]  [ edge2 ]
            //  where:
            //        [ texEdge1.x  texEdge1.y ]
            //    A = [                        ]
            //        [ texEdge2.x  texEdge2.y ]
            //    det A = (texEdge1.x * texEdge2.y) - (texEdge1.y * texEdge2.x)
            // From this solution the tangent space basis vectors are:
            //    tangent = (1 / det A) * ( texEdge2.y * edge1 - texEdge1.y * edge2)
            //  bitangent = (1 / det A) * (-texEdge2.x * edge1 + texEdge1.x * edge2)
            //     normal = cross(tangent, bitangent)

            var det = texEdge1.X * texEdge2.Y - texEdge1.Y * texEdge2.X;

            if (FastMath.Abs(det) < 0.0001f) // almost equal to zero
                tangent  = new TGCVector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);
                binormal = new TGCVector3(0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f);
                det = 1.0f / det;

                tangent   = TGCVector3.Empty;
                tangent.X = (texEdge2.Y * edge1.X - texEdge1.Y * edge2.X) * det;
                tangent.Y = (texEdge2.Y * edge1.Y - texEdge1.Y * edge2.Y) * det;
                tangent.Z = (texEdge2.Y * edge1.Z - texEdge1.Y * edge2.Z) * det;
                //tangent.W = 0.0f;

                binormal   = TGCVector3.Empty;
                binormal.X = (-texEdge2.X * edge1.X + texEdge1.X * edge2.X) * det;
                binormal.Y = (-texEdge2.X * edge1.Y + texEdge1.X * edge2.Y) * det;
                binormal.Z = (-texEdge2.X * edge1.Z + texEdge1.X * edge2.Z) * det;


            // Calculate the handedness of the local tangent space.
            // The bitangent vector is the cross product between the triangle face
            // normal vector and the calculated tangent vector. The resulting bitangent
            // vector should be the same as the bitangent vector calculated from the
            // set of linear equations above. If they point in different directions
            // then we need to invert the cross product calculated bitangent vector.
            var b = TGCVector3.Cross(v1.Normal, tangent);
            var w = TGCVector3.Dot(b, binormal) < 0.0f ? -1.0f : 1.0f;

            binormal = b * w;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void Update()
            var velocidadCaminar  = 300f;
            var velocidadSalto    = 100f;
            var velocidadRotacion = 120f;

            vectorDesplazamiento = TGCVector3.Empty;
            vectorColision       = TGCVector3.Empty;

            //Calcular proxima posicion de personaje segun Input
            var   Input       = GModel.Input;
            var   moveForward = 0f;
            var   moveJump    = 0f;
            float rotate      = 0;
            var   moving      = false;
            var   rotating    = false;

            var lastPos = personaje.Position;

            desplazamientoDePlataforma = TGCVector3.Empty;

            if (Input.keyDown(Key.W))
                moveForward = velocidadCaminar * GModel.ElapsedTime;
                moving      = true;

            if (Input.keyDown(Key.S))
                moveForward = -velocidadCaminar * GModel.ElapsedTime;
                moving      = true;

            if (Input.keyDown(Key.D))
                rotate   = velocidadRotacion;
                rotating = true;

            if (Input.keyDown(Key.A))
                rotate   = -velocidadRotacion;
                rotating = true;

            //Si hubo rotacion
            if (rotating)
                //Rotar personaje y la camara, hay que multiplicarlo por el tiempo transcurrido para no atarse a la velocidad el hardware
                var rotAngle = FastMath.ToRad(rotate * GModel.ElapsedTime);
                matrizRotacionPersonajeY *= TGCMatrix.RotationY(rotAngle);

                anguloDeRotacion += rotAngle;
                //Ajustar la matriz de rotacion segun el angulo de rotacion (sobre el sentido de la orientacion)
                //Lo que se desplaza en cada eje depende del angulo de rotacion
                //Cada componente podria separarse en funcion del seno y coseno
                orientacion.X = FastMath.Sin(anguloDeRotacion);
                orientacion.Z = FastMath.Cos(anguloDeRotacion);

            if (moving)
                //Activar animacion de caminando
                personaje.playAnimation("Caminando", true);
                //Ajustar el vector desplazamiento en base a lo que se movio y la orientacion que tiene
                vectorDesplazamiento.X += moveForward * orientacion.X;
                vectorDesplazamiento.Z += moveForward * orientacion.Z;
            } //Si no se esta moviendo, activar animacion de Parado
                personaje.playAnimation("Parado", true);

            //Por el momento solamente parece que flota
            if (Input.keyDown(Key.Space) /*&& colliderY != null*/)
                moveJump = velocidadSalto * GModel.ElapsedTime;
                vectorDesplazamiento.Y += moveJump;

            //---------prueba gravedad----------

            vectorDesplazamiento.Y += FastMath.Clamp(gravedad * GModel.ElapsedTime, -10, 10);

            //--------Colision con el piso a nivel triangulo
            TgcBoundingAxisAlignBox colliderPlano = null;

            foreach (var obstaculo in GModel.escenario1.getPiso())
                if (TgcCollisionUtils.testAABBAABB(personaje.BoundingBox, obstaculo.BoundingBox))
                    colliderPlano = obstaculo.BoundingBox;
                    //No le afecta la gravedad si está en el piso
                    vectorDesplazamiento.Y -= FastMath.Clamp(gravedad * GModel.ElapsedTime, -10, 10);

            this.posicion = posicion + vectorDesplazamiento;

            //Reseteo el vector desplazamiento una vez que lo sume
            vectorDesplazamiento = TGCVector3.Empty;

            //---------Colisiones objetos--------------------------
            var collide = false;

            foreach (var obstaculo in GModel.escenario1.getAABBDelEscenario() /*GModel.escenario1.getPared1()*/)
                if (TgcCollisionUtils.testAABBAABB(personaje.BoundingBox, obstaculo))
                    collide  = true;
                    collider = obstaculo;

            //Una buena idea seria diferenciar las plataformas del resto de los objetos
            foreach (var plataforma in GModel.escenario1.getPlataformasDelEscenario())
                if (TgcCollisionUtils.testAABBAABB(personaje.BoundingBox, plataforma))
                    collide  = true;
                    collider = plataforma;
                    //Pensamos en calcular cuanto se desplaza la plataforma y mandarselo al personaje para que se muevan juntos
                    //Todavia no funciona como esperamos
                    desplazamientoDePlataforma = GModel.escenario1.desplazamientoDePlataforma(collider);

            if (collide)
                var movementRay = lastPos - posicion;
                //Cuando choca con algo que se ponga rojo, nos sirve para probar
                var rs = TGCVector3.Empty;
                if (((personaje.BoundingBox.PMax.X > collider.PMax.X && movementRay.X > 0) ||
                     (personaje.BoundingBox.PMin.X < collider.PMin.X && movementRay.X < 0)) &&
                    ((personaje.BoundingBox.PMax.Z > collider.PMax.Z && movementRay.Z > 0) ||
                     (personaje.BoundingBox.PMin.Z < collider.PMin.Z && movementRay.Z < 0)) &&
                    ((personaje.BoundingBox.PMax.Y > collider.PMax.Y && movementRay.Y > 0) ||
                     (personaje.BoundingBox.PMin.Y < collider.PMin.Y && movementRay.Y < 0)))
                    if (personaje.Position.X > collider.PMin.X && personaje.Position.X < collider.PMax.X)
                        //El personaje esta contenido en el bounding X

                        rs = new TGCVector3(movementRay.X, movementRay.Y, 0);
                    if (personaje.Position.Z > collider.PMin.Z && personaje.Position.Z < collider.PMax.Z)
                        //El personaje esta contenido en el bounding Z

                        rs = new TGCVector3(0, movementRay.Y, movementRay.Z);
                    if (personaje.Position.Y > collider.PMin.Y && personaje.Position.Y < collider.PMax.Y)
                        //El personaje esta contenido en el bounding Y

                        rs = new TGCVector3(movementRay.X, 0, movementRay.Z);
                    if ((personaje.BoundingBox.PMax.X > collider.PMax.X && movementRay.X > 0) ||
                        (personaje.BoundingBox.PMin.X < collider.PMin.X && movementRay.X < 0))
                        rs = new TGCVector3(0, movementRay.Y, movementRay.Z);
                    if ((personaje.BoundingBox.PMax.Z > collider.PMax.Z && movementRay.Z > 0) ||
                        (personaje.BoundingBox.PMin.Z < collider.PMin.Z && movementRay.Z < 0))
                        rs = new TGCVector3(movementRay.X, movementRay.Y, 0);
                    if ((personaje.BoundingBox.PMax.Y > collider.PMax.Y && movementRay.Y > 0) ||
                        (personaje.BoundingBox.PMin.Y < collider.PMin.Y && movementRay.Y < 0))
                        //Si esta sobre un plano XZ tampoco deberia afectarle la gravedad
                        vectorDesplazamiento.Y -= FastMath.Clamp(gravedad * GModel.ElapsedTime, -10, 10);
                        rs = new TGCVector3(movementRay.X, 0, movementRay.Z);
                //El vector rs actua como "freno" al movimiento del personaje
                //Le "descuento" la gravedad si es que colisiona con el plano XZ
                personaje.Position = lastPos - rs + new TGCVector3(0, vectorDesplazamiento.Y, 0);
                posicion           = personaje.Position;

            personaje.Position = posicion;

            //Una forma de reiniciar, que se active con R o cuando el personaje muere
            //Por ahora el personaje muere solamente si su coordenada en Y es inferior a un valor determinado
            if (Input.keyDown(Key.R) || this.estaMuerto())
                posicion = this.checkpoint;

            matrizPosicionamientoPersonaje = TGCMatrix.Translation(posicion /*+ desplazamientoDePlataforma*/);

            GModel.camaraInterna.Target = GModel.tgcPersonaje.getPosicion();
Exemplo n.º 10
        public override void Effect(Character character)
            var hitPointsGained = healingRate * character.maxHitPoints;

            character.hitPoints = FastMath.Min(character.maxHitPoints, character.hitPoints + hitPointsGained);
Exemplo n.º 11
            /// <summary>
            /// Find a complex root for the polynomial with the given coefficients,
            /// starting from the given initial value.
            /// </summary>
            /// <param name="coefficients"> Polynomial coefficients. </param>
            /// <param name="initial"> Start value. </param>
            /// <returns> the point at which the function value is zero. </returns>
            /// <exception cref="org.apache.commons.math3.exception.TooManyEvaluationsException">
            /// if the maximum number of evaluations is exceeded. </exception>
            /// <exception cref="NullArgumentException"> if the {@code coefficients} is
            /// {@code null}. </exception>
            /// <exception cref="NoDataException"> if the {@code coefficients} array is empty. </exception>
            public virtual Complex Solve(Complex[] coefficients, Complex initial)
                if (coefficients == null)
                    throw new NullArgumentException();

                int n = coefficients.Length - 1;

                if (n == 0)
                    throw new NoDataException(LocalizedFormats.POLYNOMIAL);

                double absoluteAccuracy      = outerInstance.AbsoluteAccuracy;
                double relativeAccuracy      = outerInstance.RelativeAccuracy;
                double functionValueAccuracy = outerInstance.FunctionValueAccuracy;

                Complex nC  = new Complex(n, 0);
                Complex n1C = new Complex(n - 1, 0);

                Complex z    = initial;
                Complex oldz = new Complex(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity);

                while (true)
                    // Compute pv (polynomial value), dv (derivative value), and
                    // d2v (second derivative value) simultaneously.
                    Complex pv  = coefficients[n];
                    Complex dv  = Complex.ZERO;
                    Complex d2v = Complex.ZERO;
                    for (int j = n - 1; j >= 0; j--)
                        d2v = dv.add(z.multiply(d2v));
                        dv  = pv.add(z.multiply(dv));
                        pv  = coefficients[j].add(z.multiply(pv));
                    d2v = d2v.multiply(new Complex(2.0, 0.0));

                    // Check for convergence.
                    double tolerance = FastMath.max(relativeAccuracy * z.abs(), absoluteAccuracy);
                    if ((z.subtract(oldz)).abs() <= tolerance)
                    if (pv.abs() <= functionValueAccuracy)

                    // Now pv != 0, calculate the new approximation.
                    Complex G     = dv.divide(pv);
                    Complex G2    = G.multiply(G);
                    Complex H     = G2.subtract(d2v.divide(pv));
                    Complex delta = n1C.multiply((nC.multiply(H)).subtract(G2));
                    // Choose a denominator larger in magnitude.
                    Complex deltaSqrt   = delta.sqrt();
                    Complex dplus       = G.add(deltaSqrt);
                    Complex dminus      = G.subtract(deltaSqrt);
                    Complex denominator = dplus.abs() > dminus.abs() ? dplus : dminus;
                    // Perturb z if denominator is zero, for instance,
                    // p(x) = x^3 + 1, z = 0.
                    if (denominator.Equals(new Complex(0.0, 0.0)))
                        z    = z.add(new Complex(absoluteAccuracy, absoluteAccuracy));
                        oldz = new Complex(double.PositiveInfinity, double.PositiveInfinity);
                        oldz = z;
                        z    = z.subtract(nC.divide(denominator));
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        ///     Radio del BoundingBox
        /// </summary>
        public float calculateBoxRadius()
            var rsq = calculateBoxRadiusSquare();

Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the inverse erf.
        /// <para>
        /// This implementation is described in the paper:
        /// <a href="http://people.maths.ox.ac.uk/gilesm/files/gems_erfinv.pdf">Approximating
        /// the erfinv function</a> by Mike Giles, Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance,
        /// which was published in GPU Computing Gems, volume 2, 2010.
        /// The source code is available <a href="http://gpucomputing.net/?q=node/1828">here</a>.
        /// </para>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="x">the value</param>
        /// <returns>t such that x = erf(t)</returns>
        public static double erfInv(double x)
            // beware that the logarithm argument must be
            // commputed as (1.0 - x) * (1.0 + x),
            // it must NOT be simplified as 1.0 - x * x as this
            // would induce rounding errors near the boundaries +/-1
            double w = -FastMath.log((1.0 - x) * (1.0 + x));
            double p;

            if (w < 6.25)
                w -= 3.125;
                p  = -3.6444120640178196996e-21;
                p  = -1.685059138182016589e-19 + p * w;
                p  = 1.2858480715256400167e-18 + p * w;
                p  = 1.115787767802518096e-17 + p * w;
                p  = -1.333171662854620906e-16 + p * w;
                p  = 2.0972767875968561637e-17 + p * w;
                p  = 6.6376381343583238325e-15 + p * w;
                p  = -4.0545662729752068639e-14 + p * w;
                p  = -8.1519341976054721522e-14 + p * w;
                p  = 2.6335093153082322977e-12 + p * w;
                p  = -1.2975133253453532498e-11 + p * w;
                p  = -5.4154120542946279317e-11 + p * w;
                p  = 1.051212273321532285e-09 + p * w;
                p  = -4.1126339803469836976e-09 + p * w;
                p  = -2.9070369957882005086e-08 + p * w;
                p  = 4.2347877827932403518e-07 + p * w;
                p  = -1.3654692000834678645e-06 + p * w;
                p  = -1.3882523362786468719e-05 + p * w;
                p  = 0.0001867342080340571352 + p * w;
                p  = -0.00074070253416626697512 + p * w;
                p  = -0.0060336708714301490533 + p * w;
                p  = 0.24015818242558961693 + p * w;
                p  = 1.6536545626831027356 + p * w;
            else if (w < 16.0)
                w = FastMath.sqrt(w) - 3.25;
                p = 2.2137376921775787049e-09;
                p = 9.0756561938885390979e-08 + p * w;
                p = -2.7517406297064545428e-07 + p * w;
                p = 1.8239629214389227755e-08 + p * w;
                p = 1.5027403968909827627e-06 + p * w;
                p = -4.013867526981545969e-06 + p * w;
                p = 2.9234449089955446044e-06 + p * w;
                p = 1.2475304481671778723e-05 + p * w;
                p = -4.7318229009055733981e-05 + p * w;
                p = 6.8284851459573175448e-05 + p * w;
                p = 2.4031110387097893999e-05 + p * w;
                p = -0.0003550375203628474796 + p * w;
                p = 0.00095328937973738049703 + p * w;
                p = -0.0016882755560235047313 + p * w;
                p = 0.0024914420961078508066 + p * w;
                p = -0.0037512085075692412107 + p * w;
                p = 0.005370914553590063617 + p * w;
                p = 1.0052589676941592334 + p * w;
                p = 3.0838856104922207635 + p * w;
            else if (!Double.IsInfinity(w))
                w = FastMath.sqrt(w) - 5.0;
                p = -2.7109920616438573243e-11;
                p = -2.5556418169965252055e-10 + p * w;
                p = 1.5076572693500548083e-09 + p * w;
                p = -3.7894654401267369937e-09 + p * w;
                p = 7.6157012080783393804e-09 + p * w;
                p = -1.4960026627149240478e-08 + p * w;
                p = 2.9147953450901080826e-08 + p * w;
                p = -6.7711997758452339498e-08 + p * w;
                p = 2.2900482228026654717e-07 + p * w;
                p = -9.9298272942317002539e-07 + p * w;
                p = 4.5260625972231537039e-06 + p * w;
                p = -1.9681778105531670567e-05 + p * w;
                p = 7.5995277030017761139e-05 + p * w;
                p = -0.00021503011930044477347 + p * w;
                p = -0.00013871931833623122026 + p * w;
                p = 1.0103004648645343977 + p * w;
                p = 4.8499064014085844221 + p * w;
                // this branch does not appears in the original code, it
                // was added because the previous branch does not handle
                // x = +/-1 correctly. In this case, w is positive infinity
                // and as the first coefficient (-2.71e-11) is negative.
                // Once the first multiplication is done, p becomes negative
                // infinity and remains so throughout the polynomial evaluation.
                // So the branch above incorrectly returns negative infinity
                // instead of the correct positive infinity.
                p = Double.PositiveInfinity;

            return(p * x);
Exemplo n.º 14
 public float distance(Vector3 a, Vector3 b)
     return(FastMath.Sqrt(FastMath.Pow2(a.X - b.X) + FastMath.Pow2(a.Y - b.Y) + FastMath.Pow2(a.Z - b.Z)));
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// {@inheritDoc} </summary>
        protected internal override double DoIntegrate()
            // compute first estimate with a single step
            double oldt = Stage(1);

            int n = 2;

            while (true)
                // improve integral with a larger number of steps
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final':
//ORIGINAL LINE: final double t = stage(n);
                double t = Stage(n);

                // estimate error
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final':
//ORIGINAL LINE: final double delta = org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.abs(t - oldt);
                double delta = FastMath.Abs(t - oldt);
//JAVA TO C# CONVERTER WARNING: The original Java variable was marked 'final':
//ORIGINAL LINE: final double limit = org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.max(getAbsoluteAccuracy(), getRelativeAccuracy() * (org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.abs(oldt) + org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath.abs(t)) * 0.5);
                double limit = FastMath.Max(GetAbsoluteAccuracy(), GetRelativeAccuracy() * (FastMath.Abs(oldt) + FastMath.Abs(t)) * 0.5);

                // check convergence
                if ((GetIterations() + 1 >= GetMinimalIterationCount()) && (delta <= limit))

                // prepare next iteration
                double ratio = FastMath.Min(4, FastMath.Pow(delta / limit, 0.5 / abscissas.Length));
                n    = FastMath.Max((int)(ratio * n), n + 1);
                oldt = t;
Exemplo n.º 16
 public Boolean MaxSpeed()
     return(FastMath.Abs(velocidadGeneral - maximaVelocidad) < 20);
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void fire(int opposite, Device dsDevice)
            rigidBody.WorldTransform = Matrix.Translation(opposite * shooter.meshAxisRadius.X * 0.8f, 0.265f, -shooter.meshAxisRadius.Z - shooter.currentSpeed * 0.01f - 0.47f) * Matrix.RotationY(shooter.yawPitchRoll.Y) * Matrix.Translation(shooter.Mesh.Transform.Origin.ToBsVector);
            rigidBody.ApplyCentralImpulse(new Vector3(shooter.frontVector.X, 0, shooter.frontVector.Z) * (25 + (FastMath.Sqrt(FastMath.Abs(shooter.currentSpeed)) / 2)));

            sound             = new Tgc3dSound(Game.Default.MediaDirectory + Game.Default.FXDirectory + "machinegun.wav", shooter.Mesh.Transform.Origin, dsDevice);
            sound.MinDistance = 50f;
Exemplo n.º 18
 /// <summary>
 ///     Compara que dos floats sean iguales, o casi
 /// </summary>
 public static bool equalsFloat(float f1, float f2)
     return(FastMath.Abs(f1 - f2) <= EPSILON);
Exemplo n.º 19
 /// <summary>
 /// [Ganrod] Nidel: Check if between two values are near with tolerance.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="valueToHave"></param>
 /// <param name="compareToCompare"></param>
 /// <param name="tolerance"></param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public static bool IsNearValue(int valueToHave, int compareToCompare, ushort tolerance)
     return(FastMath.Abs(valueToHave - compareToCompare) <= FastMath.Abs(tolerance));
        private void CreateSpark()
            ParticleNode node = new ParticleNode(me.SceneMgr, IdMgr.GetNewId(me.SceneMgr.GetCurrentPlayer().GetId()));

            // TODO spawn in a whole volume
            bool left = me.SceneMgr.GetRandomGenerator().Next(2) == 0 ? false : true;

            if (left)
                Vector position = (meNode.Center - (meNode.Direction.Rotate(Math.PI / 4) * (asteroid.Radius)));
                position      += meNode.Direction * (asteroid.Radius * 1.5);
                node.Position  = position;
                node.Direction = meNode.Direction.Rotate(FastMath.DegToRad(-10));
                Vector position = (meNode.Center - (meNode.Direction.Rotate(-Math.PI / 4) * (asteroid.Radius)));
                position      += meNode.Direction * (asteroid.Radius * 1.5);
                node.Position  = position;
                node.Direction = meNode.Direction.Rotate(FastMath.DegToRad(10));

            float minSize = (float)FastMath.LinearInterpolate(0.2, 0.5, me.SceneMgr.GetRandomGenerator().NextDouble());
            float maxSize = minSize * 1.2f;

            ParticleEmmitor smokeEmmitor = ParticleEmmitorFactory.CreateBasicFire(me.SceneMgr, Color.FromArgb(80, 0, 0, 0));

            smokeEmmitor.Amount      = 20;
            smokeEmmitor.MinLife     = 0.3f;
            smokeEmmitor.MaxLife     = 0.4f;
            smokeEmmitor.MinSize     = minSize * 1.3f;
            smokeEmmitor.MaxSize     = maxSize * 1.3f;
            smokeEmmitor.SpawnRadius = 4f;
            smokeEmmitor.Infinite    = true;

            ParticleEmmitor fireEmmitor = ParticleEmmitorFactory.CreateBasicFire(me.SceneMgr, Color.FromArgb(150, 255, 100, 0));

            fireEmmitor.Amount   = 20;
            fireEmmitor.MinLife  = 0.1f;
            fireEmmitor.MaxLife  = 0.2f;
            fireEmmitor.MinSize  = minSize * 1.1f;
            fireEmmitor.MaxSize  = maxSize * 1.1f;
            fireEmmitor.Infinite = true;

            ParticleEmmitor fireEmmitor2 = ParticleEmmitorFactory.CreateBasicFire(me.SceneMgr, Color.FromArgb(200, 255, 200, 0));

            fireEmmitor2.Amount   = 20;
            fireEmmitor2.MinLife  = 0.1f;
            fireEmmitor2.MaxLife  = 0.1f;
            fireEmmitor2.MinSize  = minSize;
            fireEmmitor2.MaxSize  = maxSize;
            fireEmmitor2.Infinite = true;

            EmmitorGroup grp = new EmmitorGroup();


            node.AddEmmitorGroup(grp, new Vector(), false);

            NewtonianMovementControl nmc = new NewtonianMovementControl();

            nmc.Speed = (asteroid.GetControlOfType <IMovementControl>().RealSpeed / tpf) * 0.75f;
            node.AddControl(new LimitedLifeControl((float)FastMath.LinearInterpolate(0.5, 2, me.SceneMgr.GetRandomGenerator().NextDouble())));

Exemplo n.º 21
        public float AnguloEntreVectores(TGCVector3 v1, TGCVector3 v2)
            var angle = FastMath.Acos(TGCVector3.Dot(TGCVector3.Normalize(v1), TGCVector3.Normalize(v2)));

Exemplo n.º 22
 public double Log(double x)
     return(FastMath.Log2(x + 1));
        private void CheckInputs(float ElapsedTime, ref bool estaEnNave_)
            int  w     = Input.keyDown(Key.W) ? 1 : 0;
            int  s     = Input.keyDown(Key.S) ? 1 : 0;
            int  d     = Input.keyDown(Key.D) ? 1 : 0;
            int  a     = Input.keyDown(Key.A) ? 1 : 0;
            int  space = Input.keyDown(Key.Space) ? 1 : 0;
            int  ctrl  = Input.keyDown(Key.LeftControl) ? 1 : 0;
            bool o     = Input.keyDown(Key.O);
            bool i     = Input.keyDown(Key.I);

            // nuestra "implementacion" del key pressed (porque nos da false todo el tiempo el de TGC)
            if (o)
                o         = false;
                presionoO = true;
                if (presionoO)
                    o         = true;
                    presionoO = false;

            if (i)
                i         = false;
                presionoI = true;
                if (presionoI)
                    i         = true;
                    presionoI = false;

            float fmov = w - s;        //foward movement
            float hmov = a - d;        //horizontal movement
            float vmov = space - ctrl; //vertical movement

            //Check for in-ship movement
            var LookDir = Camara.LookDir();
            var LeftDir = Camara.LeftDir();

            if (estaEnNave)
                LookDir.Y = 0;
                LeftDir.Y = 0;
                vmov      = 0;

            //Move player
            TGCVector3 movement = LookDir * fmov * speed + Camara.LeftDir() * hmov * speed + TGCVector3.Up * vmov * vspeed;

            movement  *= ElapsedTime;
            movement.Y = mesh.Position.Y + movement.Y < MIN_Y_POS ? 0 : movement.Y;

            if (IsOnTopOfWater())
                movement.Y = FastMath.Min(movement.Y, 0);

            Move(movement, ElapsedTime);

            if (i)
                if (!Hud.IsCurrentStatus(Hud.Status.MainMenu) && !Hud.IsCurrentStatus(Hud.Status.GameOver))
                    if (!Hud.IsCurrentStatus(Hud.Status.Inventory) && !Hud.IsCurrentStatus(Hud.Status.Crafting))
                        if (!estaEnNave)

            if (o)
                estaEnNave_ = !estaEnNave_;
                if (estaEnNave_)
                    // guardar la posicion en la que estaba para que cuando vuelva, ponerlo en esa posicion anterior
                    // posiciono dentro de nave
                    posicionMar   = mesh.Position;
                    mesh.Position = posicionInteriorNave;
                    mesh.Position = posicionMar;


            bool p = Input.keyDown(Key.P);

            // usar nuestra implementacion del key pressed
            if (p)
                p         = false;
                presionoP = true;
                if (presionoP)
                    p         = true;
                    presionoP = false;
            if (p)
                godmode = !godmode; GodMode(godmode);
Exemplo n.º 24
 public double ILog(double y)
     return(FastMath.Pow(2, y) - 1);
Exemplo n.º 25
        public void Init(TgcD3dInput input)
            var d3dDevice = D3DDevice.Instance.Device;

            drawer2D = new Drawer2D();

            #region configurarSprites

            play.Bitmap = new CustomBitmap(GameModel.mediaDir + "\\sprites\\menuCopy.png", D3DDevice.Instance.Device);
            var textureSize = play.Bitmap.Size;
            play.Position = new TGCVector2(FastMath.Max((D3DDevice.Instance.Width - textureSize.Width) * 0.5f, 0), FastMath.Max((D3DDevice.Instance.Height - textureSize.Height) * 0.5f, 0));// 200, 100);

            seleccion1.Bitmap   = new CustomBitmap(GameModel.mediaDir + "\\sprites\\seleccion1.png", D3DDevice.Instance.Device);
            textureSize         = seleccion1.Bitmap.Size;
            seleccion1.Position = play.Position;

            seleccion2.Bitmap   = new CustomBitmap(GameModel.mediaDir + "\\sprites\\seleccion2.png", D3DDevice.Instance.Device);
            textureSize         = seleccion2.Bitmap.Size;
            seleccion2.Position = play.Position;

            seleccion3.Bitmap   = new CustomBitmap(GameModel.mediaDir + "\\sprites\\seleccion3.png", D3DDevice.Instance.Device);
            textureSize         = seleccion3.Bitmap.Size;
            seleccion3.Position = play.Position;
Exemplo n.º 26
        public override void Update()

            //Actualizar valores al sprite interno.
            sprite.Position = new Vector2(0f, 0f);
            sprite.Scaling  = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
            sprite.Rotation = 0f;
            //Internamente realiza Matrix.Transformation2D(scalingCenter, 0, scaling, rotationCenter, rotation, position);

            /*El método Transformation2D calcula la matriz de transformación afín por medio de la fórmula siguiente, evaluando la concatenación de la matriz de izquierda a derecha.
             * M salida = (M ce )-1 * (M re )-1 * M s* M re* M ce * (M cr )-1 * M r* M cr* M t
             * donde:
             * M salida = matriz de transformación de salida (el valor devuelto)
             * M ce = matriz de centro de escala (scalingCenter)
             * M re = matriz de rotación de escala(scalingRotation)
             * M e = matriz de escala(scaling)
             * M cr = matriz de centro de rotación(rotationCenter)
             * M r = matriz de rotación(rotation)
             * M t = matriz de traslación(translation)

            //Sacar toda transformación.
            matrixIdentity = Matrix.Identity;

            //Traslación al centro de la pantalla.
            traslation = Matrix.Translation(centerScreen.X, centerScreen.Y, 0f);

            //Un escalado, siempre olvidar la coordenada Z.
            scaling = Matrix.Scaling(sprite.Scaling.X, sprite.Scaling.Y, 1f);

            //Las rotaciones en 2D serán siempre rotaciones con eje Z.
            rotation = Matrix.RotationZ(FastMath.ToRad(45));

            //Rotación animada (dependiente de frames)
            rotationAnimateFrameDepend = rotationAnimateFrameDepend * Matrix.RotationZ(FastMath.ToRad(25));

            //Una rotación animada cada 1 segundo.
            if (acumlatedTime > 1f)
                acumlatedTime         = 0;
                rotationAnimateOneSec = rotationAnimateOneSec * Matrix.RotationZ(FastMath.ToRad(25)); //roto 25 grados por segundo
            acumlatedTime += ElapsedTime;

            //rotación animada por render (Sin acoplar),
            //Si ElapsedTime es muy chico (como suele pasar con buenas computadoras y poco procesamiento)
            //Al multiplicarlo por nuestra velocidad angular, se transformaran en "pequeñas rotaciones".
            rotationAnimate = rotationAnimate * Matrix.RotationZ(FastMath.ToRad(25) * ElapsedTime);
Exemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Moves the entity to the specified location in the time given.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="destination"></param>
        /// <param name="time"></param>
        public void PhysicsMove(Vector3 destination, float time, Color debugColor, bool checkGroundedness, bool Xmove, bool Ymove, Entity[] neighbouringEntities)
            if (time == Time.PhysicsDeltaTime)
                //Get the colliders
                bool        Intersected = false, Grounded = false;
                BoundingBox newCollider = _coll.Offset(destination);

                Vector3Int MinBounds = Vector3Int.Floor(newCollider.Min);
                Vector3Int MaxBounds = Vector3Int.Ceiling(newCollider.Max);

                float axisPoint = 0;
                float axis      = 0;            //TEMP VAR

                for (int x = MinBounds.X; x <= MaxBounds.X; x++)
                    for (int y = MinBounds.Y; y <= MaxBounds.Y; y++)
                        for (int z = MinBounds.Z; z <= MaxBounds.Z; z++)
                            //Intersection test
                            if (Xmove)
                                Intersected = Intersected || TestIntersectionX(new Vector3Int(x, y, z), newCollider, out axis);
                                axisPoint   = FastMath.ClosestToZero(axis, axisPoint);
                                if (Ymove)
                                    if (checkGroundedness)
                                        Grounded = Grounded || TestIntersectionY(new Vector3Int(x, y, z), newCollider, out axis);
                                    Intersected = Intersected || TestIntersectionY(new Vector3Int(x, y, z), newCollider, out axis);
                                    axisPoint   = FastMath.ClosestToZero(axis, axisPoint);
                                    Intersected = Intersected || TestIntersectionZ(new Vector3Int(x, y, z), newCollider, out axis);
                                    axisPoint   = FastMath.ClosestToZero(axis, axisPoint);

                            //Exit the loop if we collided, these are all extra iterations
                            if (Intersected)

                        //Exit the loop if we collided, these are all extra iterations
                        if (Intersected)

                    //Exit the loop if we collided, these are all extra iterations
                    if (Intersected)

                //TODO: Entity intersections

                if (GameSettings.Debug.RenderPhysicsTestLocations)
                    //Entity Collider
                    RenderUtils.DebugRenderBox(newCollider, debugColor, GameSettings.BlockOutlineWidth);

                //GameClient.LOGGER.debug(-1, "=======================================");

                //Check for intersecting bounding boxes
                if (EnablePhysics)
                    if (Intersected == false)
                        //GameClient.LOGGER.debug(-1, "intersected: " + Intersected);
                        //No intersection. Move the entity
                        position = destination;
                        if (!IsGrounded)
                            //Intersection. Add axis point to the corresponding axis

                            //Convert axisPoint to a Vector3
                            if (Xmove)
                                position.X += axisPoint;
                                if (Ymove)
                                    position.Y += axisPoint;
                                    position.Z += axisPoint;
                else if (!EnablePhysics)
                    //Move the entity
                    position = destination;

                if (checkGroundedness && Ymove)
                    //Check for y
                    IsGrounded = Grounded;
Exemplo n.º 28
        public override void Render()

            //Obtener boolean para saber si hay que mostrar Bounding Box
            var showBB = (bool)Modifiers.getValue("showBoundingBox");

            //obtener velocidades de Modifiers
            var velocidadCaminar  = (float)Modifiers.getValue("VelocidadCaminar");
            var velocidadRotacion = (float)Modifiers.getValue("VelocidadRotacion");

            //Calcular proxima posicion de personaje segun Input
            var   moveForward = 0f;
            float rotate      = 0;
            var   d3dInput    = TgcD3dInput.Instance;
            var   moving      = false;
            var   rotating    = false;
            float jump        = 0;

            if (d3dInput.keyDown(Key.W))
                moveForward = -velocidadCaminar;
                moving      = true;

            if (d3dInput.keyDown(Key.S))
                moveForward = velocidadCaminar;
                moving      = true;

            if (d3dInput.keyDown(Key.D))
                rotate   = velocidadRotacion;
                rotating = true;

            if (d3dInput.keyDown(Key.A))
                rotate   = -velocidadRotacion;
                rotating = true;

            if (d3dInput.keyDown(Key.Space))
                jump   = 30;
                moving = true;

            //Si hubo rotacion
            if (rotating)
                //Rotar personaje y la camara, hay que multiplicarlo por el tiempo transcurrido para no atarse a la velocidad el hardware
                var rotAngle = Geometry.DegreeToRadian(rotate * ElapsedTime);

            //Si hubo desplazamiento
            if (moving)
                //Activar animacion de caminando
                personaje.playAnimation("Caminando", true);

            //Si no se esta moviendo, activar animacion de Parado
                personaje.playAnimation("Parado", true);

            //Vector de movimiento
            var movementVector = Vector3.Empty;

            if (moving)
                //Aplicar movimiento, desplazarse en base a la rotacion actual del personaje
                movementVector = new Vector3(FastMath.Sin(personaje.Rotation.Y) * moveForward, jump,
                                             FastMath.Cos(personaje.Rotation.Y) * moveForward);

            //Actualizar valores de gravedad
            collisionManager.GravityEnabled = (bool)Modifiers["HabilitarGravedad"];
            collisionManager.GravityForce   = (Vector3)Modifiers["Gravedad"];
            collisionManager.SlideFactor    = (float)Modifiers["SlideFactor"];

            //Mover personaje con detección de colisiones, sliding y gravedad
            var realMovement = collisionManager.moveCharacter(characterSphere, movementVector, objetosColisionables);


            //Hacer que la camara siga al personaje en su nueva posicion
            camaraInterna.Target = personaje.Position;

            //Actualizar valores de la linea de movimiento
            directionArrow.PStart = characterSphere.Center;
            directionArrow.PEnd   = characterSphere.Center + Vector3.Multiply(movementVector, 50);

            //Cargar desplazamiento realizar en UserVar
            UserVars.setValue("Movement", TgcParserUtils.printVector3(realMovement));

            //Ver cual de las mallas se interponen en la visión de la cámara en 3ra persona.
            foreach (var mesh in escenario.Meshes)
                Vector3 q;
                if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectSegmentAABB(Camara.Position, camaraInterna.Target,
                                                           mesh.BoundingBox, out q))

            //Render mallas que no se interponen
            foreach (var mesh in objectsInFront)
                if (showBB)

            //Para las mallas que se interponen a la cámara, solo renderizar su BoundingBox
            foreach (var mesh in objectsBehind)

            //Render personaje
            if (showBB)

            //Render linea

            //Render SkyBox

Exemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        ///     Vuelve a crear la esfera si hubo cambio en el nivel de detalle, color o coordenadas de textura o si ForceUpdate
        ///     esta en true.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual void updateValues()
            if (!mustUpdate && !ForceUpdate)

            if (indexBuffer != null && !indexBuffer.Disposed)
            if (vertexBuffer != null && !vertexBuffer.Disposed)

            //Obtengo las posiciones de los vertices e indices de la esfera
            List <TGCVector3> positions;

            createSphereSubdividingAPolyhedron(out positions, out indices);


            vertices = new List <Vertex.PositionColoredTexturedNormal>();

            var iverticesU1 = new List <int>();

            var polos = new int[2];
            var p     = 0;

            var c = Color.ToArgb();

            var twoPi = FastMath.TWO_PI;

            //Creo la lista de vertices
            for (var i = 0; i < positions.Count; i++)
                var pos = positions[i];
                var u   = 0.5f + FastMath.Atan2(pos.Z, pos.X) / twoPi;
                var v   = 0.5f - 2 * FastMath.Asin(pos.Y) / twoPi;
                vertices.Add(new Vertex.PositionColoredTexturedNormal(pos, c, UVTiling.X * u + UVOffset.X,
                                                                      UVTiling.Y * v + UVOffset.Y, pos));

                if (u == 1 || esPolo(vertices[i]))

                    if (u != 1)
                            polos[p++] = i;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            //Arreglar esto... y despues quitar el try catch :(

            //Corrijo los triangulos que tienen mal las coordenadas debido a vertices compartidos
            fixTexcoords(vertices, indices, iverticesU1, polos);

            verticesCount = vertices.Count;
            triangleCount = indices.Count / 3;

            vertexBuffer = new VertexBuffer(typeof(Vertex.PositionColoredTexturedNormal), verticesCount,
                                            Usage.Dynamic | Usage.WriteOnly, Vertex.PositionColoredTexturedNormal.Format, Pool.Default);
            vertexBuffer.SetData(vertices.ToArray(), 0, LockFlags.None);

            indexBuffer = new IndexBuffer(typeof(int), indices.Count, D3DDevice.Instance.Device,
                                          Usage.Dynamic | Usage.WriteOnly,
            indexBuffer.SetData(indices.ToArray(), 0, LockFlags.None);

            mustUpdate = false;
Exemplo n.º 30
        public override void render(float elapsedTime)
            Device d3dDevice = GuiController.Instance.D3dDevice;

            //Si hacen clic con el mouse, ver si hay colision con el suelo
            if (GuiController.Instance.D3dInput.buttonPressed(TgcViewer.Utils.Input.TgcD3dInput.MouseButtons.BUTTON_LEFT))
                //Actualizar Ray de colisión en base a posición del mouse

                //Detectar colisión Ray-AABB
                if (TgcCollisionUtils.intersectRayAABB(pickingRay.Ray, suelo.BoundingBox, out newPosition))
                    //Fijar nueva posición destino
                    applyMovement = true;

                    collisionPointMesh.Position = newPosition;
                    directionArrow.PEnd         = new Vector3(newPosition.X, 30f, newPosition.Z);

                    //Rotar modelo en base a la nueva dirección a la que apunta
                    Vector3 direction    = Vector3.Normalize(newPosition - mesh.Position);
                    float   angle        = FastMath.Acos(Vector3.Dot(originalMeshRot, direction));
                    Vector3 axisRotation = Vector3.Cross(originalMeshRot, direction);
                    meshRotationMatrix = Matrix.RotationAxis(axisRotation, angle);

            float speed = (float)GuiController.Instance.Modifiers["speed"];

            //Interporlar movimiento, si hay que mover
            if (applyMovement)
                //Ver si queda algo de distancia para mover
                Vector3 posDiff       = newPosition - mesh.Position;
                float   posDiffLength = posDiff.LengthSq();
                if (posDiffLength > float.Epsilon)
                    //Movemos el mesh interpolando por la velocidad
                    float currentVelocity = speed * elapsedTime;

                    //Ajustar cuando llegamos al final del recorrido
                    Vector3 newPos = mesh.Position + posDiff;
                    if (posDiff.LengthSq() > posDiffLength)
                        newPos = newPosition;

                    //Actualizar flecha de movimiento
                    directionArrow.PStart = new Vector3(mesh.Position.X, 30f, mesh.Position.Z);

                    //Actualizar posicion del mesh
                    mesh.Position = newPos;

                    //Como desactivamos la transformacion automatica, tenemos que armar nosotros la matriz de transformacion
                    mesh.Transform = meshRotationMatrix * Matrix.Translation(mesh.Position);

                    //Actualizar camara
                    GuiController.Instance.ThirdPersonCamera.Target = mesh.Position;
                //Se acabo el movimiento
                    applyMovement = false;

            //Mostrar caja con lugar en el que se hizo click, solo si hay movimiento
            if (applyMovement)
