/// <inheritdoc cref="GeometryTransformer.TransformCoordinates(CoordinateSequence, Geometry)"/>
            protected override CoordinateSequence TransformCoordinates(CoordinateSequence coords, Geometry parent)
                var inputPts = coords.ToCoordinateArray();
                var newPts   = inputPts.Length == 0
                    ? new Coordinate[0]
                    : DouglasPeuckerLineSimplifier.Simplify(inputPts, _container.DistanceTolerance);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public RouteData Split(RouteData routeData, string routingType)
            var allRoutePoints   = routeData.segments.SelectMany(s => s.latlngs).ToList();
            var coordinates      = ToWgs84Coordinates(allRoutePoints);
            int maximumPoints    = Math.Max(3, Math.Min((int)(new LineString(coordinates).Length / _options.MinimalSegmentLength), _options.MaxSegmentsNumber));
            var currentTolerance = _options.MinimalSplitSimplificationTolerace;

            Coordinate[] simplifiedCoordinates;
                simplifiedCoordinates = DouglasPeuckerLineSimplifier.Simplify(coordinates, currentTolerance);
                currentTolerance     *= 2;
            } while (simplifiedCoordinates.Length > maximumPoints);

            var manipulatedRouteData = new RouteData
                segments = new List <RouteSegmentData> {
                    new RouteSegmentData
                        routePoint = allRoutePoints.First(),
                        latlngs    = new List <LatLng> {
                            allRoutePoints.First(), allRoutePoints.First()
                name = routeData.name

            for (int index = 1; index < simplifiedCoordinates.Length; index++)
                var currentIndex = coordinates.ToList().IndexOf(simplifiedCoordinates[index]);
                coordinates = coordinates.Skip(currentIndex).ToArray();

                var latLngs = allRoutePoints.Take(currentIndex + 1).ToList();
                allRoutePoints = allRoutePoints.Skip(currentIndex).ToList();
                manipulatedRouteData.segments.Add(new RouteSegmentData
                    latlngs     = latLngs,
                    routePoint  = latLngs.Last(),
                    routingType = routingType

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the DP line simplefy tool programaticaly
        /// Ping Yang Added it for external Testing
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The input polygon feature set</param>
        /// <param name="tolerance">The tolerance to use when simplefiying</param>
        /// <param name="output">The output polygon feature set</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public bool Execute(IFeatureSet input, double tolerance, IFeatureSet output)
            // Validates the input and output data
            if (input == null || output == null)

            // We copy all the fields
            foreach (DataColumn inputColumn in input.DataTable.Columns)
                output.DataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(inputColumn.ColumnName, inputColumn.DataType));

            foreach (IFeature t in input.Features)
                Geometry geom = t.BasicGeometry as Geometry;
                if (geom != null)
                    for (int part = 0; part < geom.NumGeometries; part++)
                        Geometry geomPart = (Geometry)geom.GetGeometryN(part);

                        // do the simplification
                        IList <Coordinate> oldCoords = geomPart.Coordinates;
                        IList <Coordinate> newCoords = DouglasPeuckerLineSimplifier.Simplify(
                            oldCoords, tolerance);

                        // convert the coordinates back to a geometry
                        Geometry newGeom    = new LineString(newCoords);
                        Feature  newFeature = new Feature(newGeom, output);
                        foreach (DataColumn colSource in input.DataTable.Columns)
                            newFeature.DataRow[colSource.ColumnName] = t.DataRow[colSource.ColumnName];

Exemplo n.º 4
        private void reductionWorkerDoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs args)
            var worker       = sender as BackgroundWorker;
            var lineSimplify = new DouglasPeuckerLineSimplifier(CoordinateConvertor.LocationCollectionToCoordinates(Original));

            for (int i = 21; i > 0; i--)
                if (worker != null && worker.CancellationPending)
                    args.Cancel = true;

                var simplificationDistance = (1 / (Math.Pow(2, i - 1)));
                lineSimplify.DistanceTolerance = simplificationDistance;
                Reduced.Add(i, CoordinateConvertor.CoordinatesToLocationCollection(lineSimplify.Simplify()));

            Initalized = true;
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Executes the DP line simplefy tool programmatically
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="input">The input polygon feature set</param>
        /// <param name="tolerance">The tolerance to use when simplefiying</param>
        /// <param name="output">The output polygon feature set</param>
        /// <param name="cancelProgressHandler">The progress handler</param>
        /// <returns>True, if executed successfully.</returns>
        public bool Execute(IFeatureSet input, double tolerance, IFeatureSet output, ICancelProgressHandler cancelProgressHandler)
            // Validates the input and output data
            if (input == null || output == null)

            // We copy all the fields
            foreach (DataColumn inputColumn in input.DataTable.Columns)
                output.DataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(inputColumn.ColumnName, inputColumn.DataType));

            int numTotalOldPoints = 0;
            int numTotalNewPoints = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < input.Features.Count; j++)
                int numOldPoints = 0;
                int numNewPoints = 0;

                Geometry geom = input.Features[j].Geometry as Geometry;
                if (geom != null)
                    numOldPoints = geom.NumPoints;

                numTotalOldPoints += numOldPoints;
                if (geom != null)
                    for (int part = 0; part < geom.NumGeometries; part++)
                        Geometry geomPart = (Geometry)geom.GetGeometryN(part);

                        // do the simplification
                        Coordinate[] oldCoords = geomPart.Coordinates;
                        Coordinate[] newCoords = DouglasPeuckerLineSimplifier.Simplify(oldCoords, tolerance);

                        // convert the coordinates back to a geometry
                        Geometry newGeom = new LineString(newCoords);
                        numNewPoints      += newGeom.NumPoints;
                        numTotalNewPoints += numNewPoints;
                        Feature newFeature = new Feature(newGeom, output);
                        foreach (DataColumn colSource in input.DataTable.Columns)
                            newFeature.DataRow[colSource.ColumnName] = input.Features[j].DataRow[colSource.ColumnName];

                // Status updates is done here, shows number of old / new points
                cancelProgressHandler.Progress(Convert.ToInt32((Convert.ToDouble(j) / Convert.ToDouble(input.Features.Count)) * 100), numOldPoints + "-->" + numNewPoints);
                if (cancelProgressHandler.Cancel)

            cancelProgressHandler.Progress(100, TextStrings.Originalnumberofpoints + numTotalOldPoints + " " + TextStrings.Newnumberofpoints + numTotalNewPoints);

Exemplo n.º 6
        public bool Execute(
            IFeatureSet input, double tolerance, IFeatureSet output,
            ICancelProgressHandler cancelProgressHandler)
            if (input == null || output == null)

            // 复制表
            foreach (DataColumn inputColumn in input.DataTable.Columns)
                output.DataTable.Columns.Add(new DataColumn(inputColumn.ColumnName, inputColumn.DataType));

            int numTotalOldPoints = 0;
            int numTotalNewPoints = 0;

            for (int j = 0; j < input.Features.Count; j++)
                int numOldPoints = 0;
                int numNewPoints = 0;

                Geometry geom = input.Features[j].BasicGeometry as Geometry;
                if (geom != null)
                    numOldPoints = geom.NumPoints;

                numTotalOldPoints += numOldPoints;
                if (geom != null)
                    for (int part = 0; part < geom.NumGeometries; part++)
                        Geometry geomPart = (Geometry)geom.GetGeometryN(part);

                        // 简化
                        IList <Coordinate> oldCoords = geomPart.Coordinates;
                        IList <Coordinate> newCoords = DouglasPeuckerLineSimplifier.Simplify(
                            oldCoords, tolerance);

                        // coordinates -> geometry
                        Geometry newGeom = new LineString(newCoords);
                        numNewPoints      += newGeom.NumPoints;
                        numTotalNewPoints += numNewPoints;
                        Feature newFeature = new Feature(newGeom, output);
                        foreach (DataColumn colSource in input.DataTable.Columns)
                            newFeature.DataRow[colSource.ColumnName] = input.Features[j].DataRow[colSource.ColumnName];

                    Convert.ToInt32((Convert.ToDouble(j) / Convert.ToDouble(input.Features.Count)) * 100),
                    numOldPoints + "-->" + numNewPoints);
                if (cancelProgressHandler.Cancel)

                "Old / Processed number of points:" + numTotalOldPoints + "/"
                + numTotalNewPoints);

Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Generalization of polyline
        /// shapefiles using the Douglas-Peucker line simplification
        /// algorithm. This method will output a line shapefile.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="inFileName">Input shapefile</param>
        /// <param name="outFileName">Output shapefile</param>
        /// <param name="tolerance">tolerance parameter -
        /// specfies the maximum allowed distance between original polyline
        /// and simplified polyline</param>
        /// <param name="cback">Use this parameter for reporting progress. Set to null if not needed</param>
        public static void Generalize(string inFileName, string outFileName, double tolerance, MapWinGIS.ICallback cback)
            MapWinGIS.Shapefile oldSF = new MapWinGIS.Shapefile();
            if (!oldSF.Open(inFileName, null))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Shapefile {0} could not be opened. Error: {1}",
                                                          inFileName, oldSF.get_ErrorMsg(oldSF.LastErrorCode)));

            //Check if it's a line shapefile
            if (!(oldSF.ShapefileType == MapWinGIS.ShpfileType.SHP_POLYLINE ||
                  oldSF.ShapefileType == MapWinGIS.ShpfileType.SHP_POLYLINEM ||
                  oldSF.ShapefileType == MapWinGIS.ShpfileType.SHP_POLYLINEZ))
                throw new ArgumentException(string.Format("Shapefile {0} must be a polyline shapefile.", inFileName));

            int numShapes = oldSF.NumShapes;
            int numFields = oldSF.NumFields;

            //create a new output shapefile
            MapWinGIS.Shapefile   newSF  = new MapWinGIS.Shapefile();
            MapWinGIS.ShpfileType sftype = MapWinGIS.ShpfileType.SHP_POLYLINE;

            // if shapefile exists - open it and clear all shapes
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(outFileName))
                    //TODO: ask for overwriting..
                    bool deleted = MapWinGeoProc.DataManagement.DeleteShapefile(ref outFileName);

            if (!newSF.CreateNew(outFileName, sftype))
                throw new InvalidOperationException
                          ("Error creating shapefile " + outFileName + " " + newSF.get_ErrorMsg(newSF.LastErrorCode));
            newSF.StartEditingShapes(true, cback);

            //Copy all fields
            if (!Globals.CopyFields(ref oldSF, ref newSF))
                throw new InvalidOperationException(string.Format("Error copying fields from {0} to {1}",
                                                                  oldSF.Filename, newSF.Filename));

            int newShapeIndex = 0;

            for (int shpIdx = 0; shpIdx < numShapes; ++shpIdx)
                MapWinGIS.Shape shp = oldSF.get_Shape(shpIdx);

                // convert each part of the polyline shape to a 'geometry' object
                Geometry geom = MapWinGeoProc.NTS_Adapter.ShapeToGeometry(shp);
                for (int partIdx = 0; partIdx < geom.NumGeometries; ++partIdx)
                    Geometry geomPart = (Geometry)geom.GetGeometryN(partIdx);

                    //do the simplification
                    ICoordinate[] oldCoords = geomPart.Coordinates;
                    DouglasPeuckerLineSimplifier simplifier = new DouglasPeuckerLineSimplifier(oldCoords);
                    simplifier.DistanceTolerance = tolerance;
                    ICoordinate[] newCoords = simplifier.Simplify();

                    //convert the coordinates back to a geometry
                    Geometry newGeom = new LineString(newCoords);

                    //convert the geometry back to a shape
                    MapWinGIS.Shape newShape = MapWinGeoProc.NTS_Adapter.GeometryToShape(newGeom);

                    //add the shape to the new shapefile
                    newShapeIndex = newSF.NumShapes;
                    if (newSF.EditInsertShape(newShape, ref newShapeIndex) == false)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Error inserting shape: " +
                    //add attribute values
                    for (int fldIdx = 0; fldIdx < numFields; ++fldIdx)
                        object val = oldSF.get_CellValue(fldIdx, shpIdx);
                        if (newSF.EditCellValue(fldIdx, newSF.NumShapes - 1, val) == false)
                            throw new InvalidOperationException("Error editing cell value: " +
            //close the old shapefile

            //stop editing and close the new shapefile
            newSF.StopEditingShapes(true, true, cback);