public async Task SaveImage()
            var res = await _DiscogsClient.GetMaster(47813);


            await _DiscogsClient.SaveImage(res.images[0], Path.GetTempPath(), "Ornette-TSOAJTC");
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads artist or album images from Discogs.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="discogsImages">Array of DiscogsImage of artist or album.</param>
        /// <param name="imageNamePattern">Name of album or artist generally.</param>
        /// <param name="imageData">List of image data from db.</param>
        /// <param name="ownerId">Id of imageDataCollection owner.</param>
        /// <param name="targetDirPath">Directory path to store images.</param>
        public void DownloadArtistOrAlbumImages(DiscogsImage[] discogsImages, string imageNamePattern, ICollection <ImageData> imageData, int ownerId, string targetDirPath)
            var number = 1;
            //list of image names in target directory
            var imageNamesInTargetDirectory = _fileManager.GetFileNamesFromDirectory(targetDirPath);

                foreach (var discogsImage in discogsImages)
                    //check imageDataCollection for exact image copies with the same not null source
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(discogsImage.uri) && imageData.Any(arg => arg.Source.Equals(discogsImage.uri)))
                    //generate name for new image
                    var newImageNameAndNumber = _fileManager.GenerateNameForDownloadedImage(imageNamesInTargetDirectory, imageNamePattern, number);
                    var newImageName          = newImageNameAndNumber.Item1;
                    number = newImageNameAndNumber.Item2 + 1;
                    //save image to temp directory
                    _discogsClient.SaveImage(discogsImage, _tempImageDirectoryPath, newImageName);
                    //create new ImageData (important to add url to source property)
                    var tempImagePath = Path.Combine(_tempImageDirectoryPath, newImageName);
                    //move image to target directory
                    _fileManager.MoveFile(tempImagePath, targetDirPath);
                    //add new imageDataCollection to imageDataCollection
                    var downloadedImageData = new ImageData()
                        Name = newImageName, Source = discogsImage.uri, Status = ImageStatus.InCollection
                //save image data for downloaded discogs images
                _repository.AddImagesData(imageData, ownerId);
            //TODO: Add exception handling to ImageCollectionManager
            catch (Exception e)