Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            var game_process = GetProcess("csgo", 5000);

            var overlay = new StickyOverlayWindow(game_process.MainWindowHandle, new OverlayCreationOptions
                BypassTopmost = true,
                WindowTitle   = HelperMethods.GenerateRandomString(5, 11)

            overlay.OnWindowBoundsChanged += Overlay_OnWindowBoundsChanged;

            gfx = new Direct2DRenderer(new RendererOptions
                AntiAliasing = true,
                Hwnd         = overlay.WindowHandle,
                MeasureFps   = true,
                VSync        = false

            font            = gfx.CreateFont("Arial", 22);
            brush           = gfx.CreateBrush(255, 0, 0, 255);
            backgroundBrush = gfx.CreateBrush(0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 80);

            var timer = new FrameTimer(60);

            timer.OnFrameStart += Timer_OnFrameStart;
            timer.FPS           = 900;

Exemplo n.º 2
        private void backgroundWorker1_DoWork(object sender, DoWorkEventArgs e)
            Stopwatch jew = new Stopwatch();

            var overlay = new OverlayWindow(0, 0, (int)SystemInformation.VirtualScreen.Width, (int)SystemInformation.VirtualScreen.Height);

            var rendererOptions = new Direct2DRendererOptions()
                AntiAliasing = true,
                Hwnd         = overlay.WindowHandle,
                MeasureFps   = true,
                VSync        = false

            var d2d = new Direct2DRenderer(rendererOptions);

            var whiteSmoke = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 0, 0, 0);

            var blackBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 0, 0, 150);
            var redBrush   = d2d.CreateBrush(255, 0, 0, 255);

            while (drawRunning)
                int temp = findClosestEndPoint(listOfClicks, Form1.MousePosition, 10);
                if (temp != -1 && mousePressed)
                    listOfClicks[temp].x = MousePosition.X;
                    listOfClicks[temp].y = MousePosition.Y;
                d2d.FillCircle(listOfClicks[0].x, listOfClicks[0].y, 7, blackBrush);
                d2d.FillCircle(listOfClicks[1].x, listOfClicks[1].y, 7, blackBrush);
                d2d.FillCircle(listOfClicks[2].x, listOfClicks[2].y, 7, blackBrush);

                d2d.DrawLine(listOfClicks[0].x, listOfClicks[0].y, listOfClicks[1].x, listOfClicks[1].y, 5, redBrush);
                d2d.DrawLine(listOfClicks[0].x, listOfClicks[0].y, listOfClicks[2].x, listOfClicks[2].y, 5, redBrush);

            //running = false;
Exemplo n.º 3
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            Console.WindowHeight = Console.LargestWindowHeight / 2;
            Console.WindowWidth  = Console.LargestWindowWidth / 2;

            OverlayCreationOptions overlayOptions = new OverlayCreationOptions()
                BypassTopmost = true,
                Height        = 600,
                Width         = 600,
                WindowTitle   = HelperMethods.GenerateRandomString(5, 11),
                X             = Console.WindowLeft,
                Y             = Console.WindowTop

            StickyOverlayWindow overlay = new StickyOverlayWindow(Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainWindowHandle, overlayOptions);

            overlay.OnWindowBoundsChanged += Overlay_OnWindowBoundsChanged;

            RendererOptions rendererOptions = new RendererOptions()
                AntiAliasing = true,
                Hwnd         = overlay.WindowHandle,
                MeasureFps   = true,
                VSync        = false

            gfx = new Direct2DRenderer(rendererOptions);

            font            = gfx.CreateFont("Arial", 22);
            brush           = gfx.CreateBrush(255, 0, 0, 255);
            backgroundBrush = gfx.CreateBrush(0xCC, 0xCC, 0xCC, 80);

            FrameTimer timer = new FrameTimer(60);

            timer.OnFrameStart += Timer_OnFrameStart;




Exemplo n.º 4
        static void example()
            var overlay = new OverlayWindow(0, 0, 800, 600);

            var rendererOptions = new Direct2DRendererOptions()
                AntiAliasing = true,
                Hwnd         = overlay.WindowHandle,
                MeasureFps   = true,
                VSync        = false

            var d2d = new Direct2DRenderer(rendererOptions);

            var whiteSmoke = d2d.CreateBrush(0xF5, 0xF5, 0xF5, 100);

            var blackBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 0, 0, 255);
            var redBrush   = d2d.CreateBrush(255, 0, 0, 255);
            var greenBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 255, 0, 255);
            var blueBrush  = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 0, 255, 255);

            var font = d2d.CreateFont("Consolas", 22);

            while (true)

                d2d.DrawTextWithBackground("FPS: " + d2d.FPS, 20, 40, font, greenBrush, blackBrush);

                d2d.BorderedRectangle(300, 40, 100, 200, 4, redBrush, blackBrush);
                d2d.DrawHorizontalBar(100, 290, 40, 2, 200, 4, greenBrush, blackBrush);
                d2d.DrawHorizontalBar(100, 280, 40, 2, 200, 4, blueBrush, blackBrush);

                d2d.DrawCrosshair(CrosshairStyle.Gap, 400, 300, 25, 4, redBrush);

Exemplo n.º 5
        public Overlay(Process gameProcess)
            process = gameProcess;

            // check the game window exists then create the overlay
            while (true)
                handle = NativeMethods.FindWindow(null, "STAR WARS Battlefront II");

                if (handle != IntPtr.Zero)

            // check if game running. timed at 2-5ms per call so runs in own thread
            gameCheckThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(GameCheck));

            // Starting the ESP before the game leaves invalid process info so we'll wait a second to let the game check thread fix that
            if (process.MainWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero)

            // set up the remote process memory class

            // setup the overlay
            var rendererOptions = new Direct2DRendererOptions()
                AntiAliasing = OPTIONS_AA,
                Hwnd         = IntPtr.Zero,
                MeasureFps   = OPTIONS_ShowFPS,
                VSync        = OPTIONS_VSync

            OverlayManager manager = new OverlayManager(handle, rendererOptions);

            overlay    = manager.Window;
            d2d        = manager.Graphics;
            clearBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(0xF5, 0xF5, 0xF5, 0);  // our transparent colour

            // start the update thread
            updateThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Update));
        public OverlayManager(IntPtr parentWindowHandle, out OverlayWindow overlay, out Direct2DRenderer d2d)
            Direct2DRendererOptions options = new Direct2DRendererOptions()
                AntiAliasing = true,
                Hwnd         = IntPtr.Zero,
                MeasureFps   = true,
                VSync        = false

            setupInstance(parentWindowHandle, options);

            overlay = Window;
            d2d     = Graphics;

            d2d.whiteSmoke = d2d.CreateBrush(0xF5, 0xF5, 0xF5, 100);

            d2d.blackBrush    = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 0, 0, 255);
            d2d.redBrush      = d2d.CreateBrush(255, 0, 0, 255);
            d2d.lightRedBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(255, 100, 100, 255);
            d2d.greenBrush    = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 255, 0, 255);
            d2d.blueBrush     = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 0, 255, 255);
            d2d.font          = d2d.CreateFont("Consolas", 22);
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void Nampham()
            rect.left   = 0;    //
            rect.right  = 1366; //
            rect.top    = 21;   //
            rect.bottom = 726;  //
            int Width           = rect.right - rect.left;
            int Height          = rect.bottom - rect.top;
            int Width2          = 1382; //
            int Height2         = 744;  //
            var overlay         = new OverlayWindow(rect.left, rect.top, rect.right - rect.left, rect.bottom - rect.top);
            var rendererOptions = new Direct2DRendererOptions()
                AntiAliasing = false,
                Hwnd         = overlay.WindowHandle,
                MeasureFps   = true,
                VSync        = true

            var     d2d         = new Direct2DRenderer(rendererOptions);
            var     trains      = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 0, 0, 0);
            var     blackBrush  = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 0, 0, 255);
            var     redBrush    = d2d.CreateBrush(242, 14, 14, 255);
            var     greenBrush  = d2d.CreateBrush(33, 208, 43, 255);
            var     whiteBrush  = d2d.CreateBrush(255, 255, 255, 200);
            var     blueBrush   = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 0, 255, 255);
            var     grenBrush   = d2d.CreateBrush(33, 208, 43, 180);
            var     greenBrush2 = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 188, 0, 255);
            var     font        = d2d.CreateFont("Tahoma", 8, true);
            var     bigfont     = d2d.CreateFont("Tahoma", 14, true);
            Vector2 center      = new Vector2();

            while (true)
                center.X = Width / 2;
                center.Y = (Height / 2) + 20;
                if (Showbone)
                    var m_pWorld = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.BaseAddress + Offsets.PyGame + 0x410);
                    List <LUPPI.NP.Word> modal = new List <NP.Word>();
                    var m_pSceneContext        = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(m_pWorld + 0x8);
                    var cameraBase             = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(m_pSceneContext + 0x4);
                    var viewMatrix             = Mem.ReadMatrix <float>(cameraBase + 0xC4, 16);
                    var pSkeletonList          = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(m_pWorld + 0x290);
                    int visibleCount           = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(m_pWorld + 0x278);
                    int coutene = 0;
                    for (int i = 0; i < visibleCount; i++)
                        int r_pModel    = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(pSkeletonList + i);
                        int m_pAnimator = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(r_pModel + 0x328);
                        if (m_pAnimator > 1)
                            var intt = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(m_pAnimator + 0x528);
                            //var bon = Mem.ReadMemory<int>(m_pAnimator + 0x970);
                            var name = Mem.ReadString(intt, 35);
                            //float[] b = Mem.ReadMatrix<float>(r_pModel + 0x3B0, 16);
                            if (name.Contains("_male"))
                                coutene += 1;
                                modal.Add(new NP.Word()
                                    baseAdd = m_pAnimator, baseModal = r_pModel, isMen = true
                            else if (name.Contains("_female"))
                                coutene += 1;
                                modal.Add(new NP.Word()
                                    baseAdd = m_pAnimator, baseModal = r_pModel, isMen = false
                    d2d.DrawTextWithBackground("ENERMY : " + (coutene - 1) + " 💩", 10, 400, bigfont, redBrush, whiteBrush);
                    for (int i = 0; i < modal.Count; i++)
                        if (i == 0)//LOCALPLAYER POS
                            var m_Position1 = modal[i].pos;
                            MyPosition.X = m_Position1[12];
                            MyPosition.Y = m_Position1[13];
                            MyPosition.Z = m_Position1[14];
                        //string name = modal[i].TypeName;
                        //if (name.Contains("dataosha_male") || name.Contains("dataosha_female"))
                            var     m_Position = modal[i].pos;
                            Vector3 position;
                            position.X = m_Position[12];
                            position.Y = m_Position[13];
                            position.Z = m_Position[14];
                            var p = 0;
                            for (int j = 0; j < 0xE80; j += 0x40)
                                var ab         = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(modal[i].baseAdd + 0x970);
                                var boneMatrix = Mem.ReadMatrix <float>(ab + j, 16);
                                var bone4      = new LUPPI.NP.Matrix(boneMatrix);
                                var bone24     = new LUPPI.NP.Matrix(m_Position);
                                var result     = LUPPI.NP.Matrix.Multiply(bone4, bone24);
                                var vec3a      = new Vector3(result.M41, result.M42, result.M43);
                                Maths.WorldToScreen3(vec3a, viewMatrix, out var testeee, Width, Height);
                                d2d.DrawText(p.ToString(), testeee.X, testeee.Y, font, whiteBrush);
                            Maths.WorldToScreen(position, out var testee2, Width, Height);
                            int    khoangCach = Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, position, 20);
                            string tea        = "[" + khoangCach + "m]";
                            if (khoangCach < 150)
                                d2d.DrawText(tea, testee2.X - tea.Length, testee2.Y, font, greenBrush2);
                                d2d.DrawText(tea, testee2.X - tea.Length, testee2.Y, font, whiteBrush);
                if (isBoxEsp)
                    Vector2 vector3;
                    LocalPlayer = Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.BaseAddress + Offsets.LocalPlayer);
                    Mem.ReadMemory <int>(Mem.BaseAddress + 0x22);
                    MyPosition = GetEncryptedPosition(LocalPlayer);
                    List <Entity> ls = ReadAllEntity();
                    d2d.DrawTextWithBackground("ENERMY : " + enemyCount.ToString() + " 💩", 10, 400, bigfont, redBrush, whiteBrush);
                    d2d.DrawTextWithBackground("AIM LEG: " + aimLeg.ToString(), 10, 370, bigfont, redBrush, whiteBrush);
                    for (int i = 0; i < ls.Count; i++)
                        //ls[i].Coordinates.Y += 15f;
                        ls[i].Coordinates = ls[i].GetEncryptedPosition();
                        if (Maths.WorldToScreen(ls[i].Coordinates, out vector3, Width2, Height2))
                            int   khoangCach = Helper.GetDistance(MyPosition, ls[i].Coordinates, 10);
                            var   widthhp    = 0f;
                            var   widthhp2   = 0f;
                            float numaim     = 2f;
                            if (ls[i].isPlayer && ls[i].hp > 0)
                                float heiadd = 0f;
                                bool  flag3  = ls[i].pose == Pose.Standing;
                                if (flag3)
                                    heiadd += 18.5f;
                                bool flag4 = ls[i].pose == Pose.Prone;
                                if (flag4)
                                    heiadd += 12.5f;
                                    numaim  = 1.6f;
                                bool flag5 = ls[i].pose == Pose.Crouching;
                                if (flag5)
                                    heiadd += 4f;
                                    numaim  = 1.1f;
                                Vector2 line1, line2, line3, line4, line5, line6, line7, line8;
                                if (isBoxEsp)
                                    var a1  = ls[i].Coordinates.X;
                                    var a2  = ls[i].Coordinates.Y;
                                    var a3  = ls[i].Coordinates.Z;
                                    var v7  = a1 - 5.5f;
                                    var v8  = a2 - 2.5f;
                                    var v9  = a3 - 5.5f;
                                    var v10 = a1 + 5.5f;
                                    var v12 = a3 + 5.5f;
                                    if (Maths.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(v7, v8, v9), out line1, Width, Height))
                                        var v4  = a2 + heiadd;
                                        var v11 = a2 + heiadd;
                                        var v13 = v4;
                                        var v14 = v4;
                                        if (Maths.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(v10, v4, v12), out line2, Width, Height))
                                            if (Maths.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(v10, v8, v9), out line3, Width, Height))
                                                if (Maths.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(v7, v11, v9), out line4, Width, Height))
                                                    if (Maths.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(v7, v8, v12), out line5, Width, Height))
                                                        if (Maths.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(v7, v13, v12), out line6, Width, Height))
                                                            if (Maths.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(v10, v8, v12), out line7, Width, Height))
                                                                if (Maths.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(v10, v14, v9), out line8, Width, Height))
                                                                    d2d.DrawLine(line1.X, line1.Y, line4.X, line4.Y, 1, whiteBrush);
                                                                    d2d.DrawLine(line3.X, line3.Y, line8.X, line8.Y, 1, whiteBrush);
                                                                    d2d.DrawLine(line7.X, line7.Y, line2.X, line2.Y, 1, whiteBrush);
                                                                    d2d.DrawLine(line5.X, line5.Y, line6.X, line6.Y, 1, whiteBrush);

                                                                    d2d.DrawLine(line1.X, line1.Y, line3.X, line3.Y, 1, whiteBrush);
                                                                    d2d.DrawLine(line3.X, line3.Y, line7.X, line7.Y, 1, whiteBrush);
                                                                    d2d.DrawLine(line7.X, line7.Y, line5.X, line5.Y, 1, whiteBrush);
                                                                    d2d.DrawLine(line5.X, line5.Y, line1.X, line1.Y, 1, whiteBrush);

                                                                    d2d.DrawLine(line4.X, line4.Y, line8.X, line8.Y, 1, whiteBrush);
                                                                    d2d.DrawLine(line8.X, line8.Y, line2.X, line2.Y, 1, whiteBrush);
                                                                    d2d.DrawLine(line2.X, line2.Y, line6.X, line6.Y, 1, whiteBrush);
                                                                    d2d.DrawLine(line6.X, line6.Y, line4.X, line4.Y, 1, whiteBrush);

                                                                    widthhp  = (float)Helper.GetDistance2(line4, line2, 1);
                                                                    widthhp2 = (float)Helper.GetDistance2(line6, line8, 1);
                                                                    if (widthhp < widthhp2)
                                                                        widthhp = widthhp2;
                                var     dy = ls[i].Coordinates.X;
                                var     dy_4 = ls[i].Coordinates.Y;
                                var     v46 = ls[i].Coordinates.Z;
                                var     v27 = dy_4 + 27.0f;
                                Vector2 aimpoint, aimpoint2;
                                if (Maths.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(dy, v27, v46), out aimpoint, Width, Height))
                                    string tea = ls[i].PlayerName + " [" + khoangCach + " m]";
                                    if (khoangCach < 150)
                                        d2d.DrawText(tea, aimpoint.X - tea.Length * 2, aimpoint.Y - 10, font, redBrush);
                                        d2d.DrawText(tea, aimpoint.X - tea.Length * 2, aimpoint.Y - 10, font, whiteBrush);

                                    //Player HP
                                    if (ls[i].hp == 100)
                                        d2d.DrawVerticalBar(ls[i].hp, aimpoint.X - widthhp / 2, aimpoint.Y - 15f, widthhp, 1, 3, greenBrush2, blackBrush);
                                        d2d.DrawVerticalBar(ls[i].hp, aimpoint.X - widthhp / 2, aimpoint.Y - 15f, widthhp, 1, 3, redBrush, blackBrush);

                                if (Maths.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(dy, v27, v46), out aimpoint, Width, Height2))
                                    var v41 = dy_4 + heiadd;
                                    if (Maths.WorldToScreen(new Vector3(dy, v41, v46), out aimpoint2, Width, Height2))
                                        if ((Maths.InsideCircle((int)center.X, (int)center.Y, 80, (int)aimpoint2.X, (int)aimpoint2.Y)))
                                            if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.LShiftKey))
                                                Cursor.Position = new Point((int)(aimpoint2.X), (int)(aimpoint2.Y));
                                                if (Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Keys.LButton))
                                                    Cursor.Position = new Point((int)(aimpoint2.X), (int)(aimpoint2.Y + ls[i].Pitch));
                            if (ls[i].isItem)
                                if (ls[i].dropID == 1001 || ls[i].dropID == 1002 || ls[i].dropID == 1007 || ls[i].dropID == 1026)
                                    d2d.DrawText2("[GUN]", vector3.X, vector3.Y, font, whiteBrush, greenBrush2);
                                else if (ls[i].dropID == 1273 || ls[i].dropID == 1274 || ls[i].dropID == 1275)
                                    d2d.DrawText2("[SCOPE]", vector3.X, vector3.Y, font, whiteBrush, greenBrush2);
                                else if (khoangCach < 100)
                                    //d2d.DrawText("[I]", vector3.X, vector3.Y, font, whiteBrush);
                            if (ls[i].isItemDie && khoangCach < 100)
                                d2d.DrawText2("[DIE]", vector3.X, vector3.Y, font, whiteBrush, greenBrush2);

Exemplo n.º 8
        // Init
        public Overlay(Process process)
            this.process = process;

            // check the game window exists then create the overlay
            while (true)
                handle = NativeMethods.FindWindow(null, "Battlefield 4");

                if (handle != IntPtr.Zero)

            gameCheckThread = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(GameCheck));
            if (process.MainWindowHandle == IntPtr.Zero)


            // setup the overlay
            var rendererOptions = new Direct2DRendererOptions()
                AntiAliasing = OPTIONS_AA,
                Hwnd         = IntPtr.Zero,
                MeasureFps   = OPTIONS_ShowFPS,
                VSync        = OPTIONS_VSync

            OverlayManager manager = new OverlayManager(handle, rendererOptions);

            overlay    = manager.Window;
            d2d        = manager.Graphics;
            clearBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(0xF5, 0xF5, 0xF5, 0);  // our transparent colour

            // Init player array
            localPlayer = new GPlayer();
            //localPlayer.CurrentWeapon = new Weapon();
            localWeapons  = new List <Gun>();
            players       = new List <GPlayer>();
            targetEnimies = new List <GPlayer>();

            // Init update thread
            updateStream = new Thread(new ParameterizedThreadStart(Update));

            ScreenCapture sc = new ScreenCapture();

            sc.CaptureWindowToFile(process.MainWindowHandle, @"C:\PZ_BF4_FAIRFIGHT_GAME_SS.jpg", System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Jpeg);

            // Init Key Listener
Exemplo n.º 9
        private void OverlayControl()
                // and our font
                var font = d2d.CreateFont("Consolas", 11);

                // Check Window State
                if (IsGameRunning)
                    #region Scan Memory & Draw Players

                    #region Drawing Menu
                    if (bMenuControl)
                        DrawMenu(10, 10);

                    if (OPTIONS_ShowFPS)
                        d2d.DrawTextWithBackground($"Cheat FPS: {d2d.FPS}", 20, 20, font, d2d.CreateBrush(255, 0, 0, 255), d2d.CreateBrush(0, 0, 0, 255));

            catch (Exception ex)
                WriteOnLogFile(DateTime.Now.ToString() + " - OVERLAY ERROR : " + ex);
Exemplo n.º 10
        private void Update(object sender)
            // set up our colours for drawing
            var blackBrush      = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 0, 0, 255);
            var redBrush        = d2d.CreateBrush(153, 0, 0, 128);
            var yellowBrush     = d2d.CreateBrush(153, 153, 0, 128);
            var orangeBrush     = d2d.CreateBrush(255, 200, 0, 255);
            var darkOrangeBrush = d2d.CreateBrush(255, 100, 0, 255);
            var greenBrush      = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 255, 0, 255);
            var blueBrush       = d2d.CreateBrush(0, 0, 255, 255);
            var whiteBrush      = d2d.CreateBrush(250, 250, 250, 128);
            var vehicleBrush    = d2d.CreateBrush(243, 243, 255, 128);
            var heroVisBrush    = d2d.CreateBrush(240, 0, 255, 255);
            var heroBrush       = d2d.CreateBrush(120, 0, 120, 255);

            // and our font
            var font = d2d.CreateFont("Tahoma", 9);

            Direct2DBrush brush;


            // initialise the GameManager class that handles the player data
            gameManager = new GameManager(process, new Rectangle(0, 0, overlay.Width, overlay.Height));


            // main loop
            while (IsGameRunning)
                if (gameManager.UpdateFrame(new Rectangle(0, 0, overlay.Width, overlay.Height)))

                    if (OPTIONS_ShowFPS)
                        d2d.DrawTextWithBackground($"FPS: {d2d.FPS}", 20, 20, font, greenBrush, blackBrush);

                    foreach (Player player in gameManager.AllPlayers)
                        if (!player.IsDead)
                            if (player.IsVisible)
                                if (player.MaxHealth < 400)
                                    brush = yellowBrush;
                                    brush = heroVisBrush;
                                if (player.MaxHealth < 400)
                                    brush = redBrush;
                                    brush = heroBrush;

                            if (!player.InVehicle)
                                /*if (!player.IsVisible)*/ DrawAABB(player.TransformAABB, brush);
                                brush = vehicleBrush;

                                DrawAABB(player.TransformAABB, brush);

                            var name = player.Name;
                            var dist = $"{(int)player.Distance}m";

                            Vector3 textPos = new Vector3(player.Position.X, player.Position.Y, player.Position.Z);
                            if (gameManager.WorldToScreen(textPos, out textPos))
                                var textPosX = textPos.X - ((name.Length * font.FontSize) / 4);
                                d2d.DrawText(name, textPosX - 1, textPos.Y - 1, font, blackBrush);
                                d2d.DrawText(name, textPosX, textPos.Y, font, whiteBrush);

                                textPosX = textPos.X - ((dist.Length * font.FontSize) / 4);
                                var textPosY = textPos.Y + font.FontSize;

                                d2d.DrawText(dist, textPosX - 1, textPosY - 1, font, blackBrush);
                                d2d.DrawText(dist, textPosX, textPosY, font, whiteBrush);


            // clean up if the game has closed