Exemplo n.º 1
        protected virtual void LoadReferentialConstraints()
            var data = GetReferentialConstraints();

            foreach (InfoRow row in data.Rows)
                //Load names for Foreign key and Unique key
                var fkSchema = row.GetAsString("CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA");
                var toSchema = row.GetAsString("UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA");
                if (!IncludeSchema(toSchema) || !IncludeSchema(fkSchema))
                var fkTableName = row.GetAsString("C_TABLE");
                var fkName      = row.GetAsString("CONSTRAINT_NAME");
                var fromKey     = FindKey(fkSchema, fkTableName, fkName);
                Util.Check(fromKey != null, "Key {0} for table {1} not found.", fkName, fkTableName);

                var toTableName = row.GetAsString("U_TABLE");
                var toTable     = Model.GetTable(toSchema, toTableName);
                if (toTable == null)
                    continue; // target table is being deleted, ignore this constraint
                var  toKey         = toTable.PrimaryKey;
                bool cascadeDelete = row.GetAsString("DELETE_RULE") == "CASCADE";
                var  refConstraint = new DbRefConstraintInfo(Model, fromKey, toKey, cascadeDelete); //will be added to list by constr
                // set FK flag
                foreach (var kCol in fromKey.KeyColumns)
                    kCol.Column.Flags |= DbColumnFlags.ForeignKey;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public override void BuildRefConstraintDropSql(DbObjectChange change, DbRefConstraintInfo dbRefConstraint)
            var fromKey = dbRefConstraint.FromKey;
            var kn      = QuoteName(fromKey.Name);

            change.AddScript(DbScriptType.RefConstraintDrop, $"ALTER TABLE {fromKey.Table.FullName} DROP FOREIGN KEY {kn};");
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void BuildRefConstraintAddSql(DbObjectChange change, DbRefConstraintInfo refConstraint)
            var  srcTable       = refConstraint.FromKey.Table;
            var  targetTable    = refConstraint.ToKey.Table;
            var  srcCols        = refConstraint.FromKey.KeyColumns.GetSqlNameList();
            var  targetCols     = refConstraint.ToKey.KeyColumns.GetSqlNameList();
            bool cascade        = refConstraint.OwnerReference.FromMember.Flags.IsSet(EntityMemberFlags.CascadeDelete);
            var  onDeleteClause = cascade ? "ON DELETE CASCADE" : string.Empty;
            var  cn             = QuoteName(refConstraint.FromKey.Name);
            var  script         = $@"ALTER TABLE {srcTable.FullName} 
  ADD CONSTRAINT {cn} FOREIGN KEY ({srcCols}) REFERENCES {targetTable.FullName} ({targetCols}) {onDeleteClause};";

            change.AddScript(DbScriptType.RefConstraintAdd, script);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private DbRefConstraintInfo FindOldRefConstraint(DbTableInfo oldTable, DbRefConstraintInfo newRefConstraint)
            var newFrom = newRefConstraint.FromKey;
            var newTo   = newRefConstraint.ToKey;

            foreach (var oldRc in oldTable.RefConstraints)
                if (oldRc.FromKey.Peer == newFrom && oldRc.ToKey.Peer == newTo && oldRc.CascadeDelete == newRefConstraint.CascadeDelete)
Exemplo n.º 5
        public virtual void BuildRefConstraintAddSql(DbObjectChange change, DbRefConstraintInfo refConstraint)
            const string sqlTemplate        = "ALTER TABLE {0} ADD CONSTRAINT \"{1}\" FOREIGN KEY ({2}) REFERENCES {3} ({4}) {5};";
            var          srcTable           = refConstraint.FromKey.Table;
            var          targetTable        = refConstraint.ToKey.Table;
            var          fullSrcTableRef    = srcTable.FullName;
            var          fullTargetTableRef = targetTable.FullName;
            var          srcCols            = refConstraint.FromKey.KeyColumns.GetSqlNameList();
            var          targetCols         = refConstraint.ToKey.KeyColumns.GetSqlNameList();
            bool         cascade            = refConstraint.OwnerReference.FromMember.Flags.IsSet(EntityMemberFlags.CascadeDelete);
            var          onDeleteClause     = cascade ? "ON DELETE CASCADE" : string.Empty;

            change.AddScript(DbScriptType.RefConstraintAdd, sqlTemplate, fullSrcTableRef, refConstraint.FromKey.Name, srcCols, fullTargetTableRef, targetCols, onDeleteClause);
Exemplo n.º 6
        protected virtual void LoadReferentialConstraints()
            var data = GetReferentialConstraintsExt();

            foreach (DbRow row in data.Rows)
                //Load names for Foreign key and Unique key
                var fkSchema = row.GetAsString("CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA");
                var toSchema = row.GetAsString("UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA");
                if (!IncludeSchema(toSchema) || !IncludeSchema(fkSchema))
                var fkTableName = row.GetAsString("C_TABLE");
                var fkName      = row.GetAsString("CONSTRAINT_NAME");
                var fromKey     = FindKey(fkSchema, fkTableName, fkName);
                Util.Check(fromKey != null, "Key {0} for table {1} not found.", fkName, fkTableName);

                var toTableName = row.GetAsString("U_TABLE");
                var toTable     = Model.GetTable(toSchema, toTableName);
                Util.Check(toTable != null, "Target table {0}.{1} not found in DB Model.", toSchema, toTableName);
                var toKey = toTable.PrimaryKey;

 *      if (toKey == null) {
 *        //catch special case - foreign key to non-key set of fields
 *        if (fromKey != null && fromKey.KeyType.IsSet(KeyType.ForeignKey))
 *          fromKey.NotSupported = true;
 *        continue; //it is not ref constraint
 *      }
                bool cascadeDelete = row.GetAsString("DELETE_RULE") == "CASCADE";
                var  refConstraint = new DbRefConstraintInfo(Model, fromKey, toKey, cascadeDelete);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public override DbModel LoadModel()
            Model = new DbModel(Settings.ModelConfig);
            //tables/views, columns
            var tblTables = ExecuteSelect("select type, tbl_name, sql from sqlite_master where type='table' OR type='view';");

            foreach (var tblRow in tblTables.Rows)
                var tblName = tblRow.GetAsString("tbl_name");
                if (tblName.StartsWith("sqlite_"))
                    continue; // sqlite_sequence and other sys tables - ignore
                var isView   = tblRow.GetAsString("type") == "view";
                var objType  = isView ? DbObjectType.View : DbObjectType.Table;
                var tableSql = tblRow.GetAsString("sql");
                var tbl      = new DbTableInfo(this.Model, string.Empty, tblName, null, objType);
                if (isView)
                    //do not load columns, it will fail
                    tbl.ViewSql = tableSql;

                //table columns
                // We detect PKs from the list of indexes. But, for tables with auto-inc columns there's no index
                // However col is marked as PK in table_info listing. So we collect these columns and use them later
                // if PK has not been set
                var pkMarkedCols = new List <DbColumnInfo>();
                var tblCols      = ExecuteSelect("PRAGMA table_info('{0}');", tblName);
                foreach (var colRow in tblCols.Rows)
                    var colName  = colRow.GetAsString("name");
                    var typeName = colRow.GetAsString("type");
                    var notNull  = colRow.GetAsInt("notnull");
                    var dftValue = colRow.GetAsString("dflt_value");
                    var typeInfo = GetSqliteTypeInfo(typeName, nullable: notNull == 0, dft: dftValue);
                    if (typeInfo == null)
                        typeInfo = GetSqliteTypeInfo("text", nullable: notNull == 0, dft: dftValue); //default to text!

                     * {
                     * LogError(
                     *  "Failed to find TypeInfo for SQL data type [{0}]. Table(view) {1}, column {2}.", typeName, tblName, colName);
                     * continue;
                     * }
                    var isNullable = notNull == 0;
                    var colInfo    = new DbColumnInfo(tbl, colName, typeInfo, isNullable);
                    // check PK flag, save the column if the flag is set
                    bool isPk = colRow.GetAsInt("pk") == 1;
                    if (isPk)
                }// foreach colRow

                // indexes, PKs
                var tblIndexes = ExecuteSelect("PRAGMA index_list('{0}')", tblName);
                foreach (var indRow in tblIndexes.Rows)
                    var indName = indRow.GetAsString("name");
                    var origin  = indRow.GetAsString("origin");
                    var unique  = indRow.GetAsInt("unique");
                    var keyType = KeyType.Index;
                    if (origin == "pk")
                        keyType = KeyType.PrimaryKey;
                    else if (unique == 1)
                        keyType |= KeyType.Unique;
                    var indCols = ExecuteSelect("PRAGMA index_info('{0}')", indName);
                    var indKey  = new DbKeyInfo(indName, tbl, keyType);
                    foreach (var colRow in indCols.Rows)
                        var colName = colRow.GetAsString("name");
                        var col     = tbl.Columns.FindByName(colName);
                        Util.Check(col != null, "Building index {0}, table {1}: column {2} not found.", indName, tblName, colName);
                        indKey.KeyColumns.Add(new DbKeyColumnInfo(col));
                    }//foreach colRow
                    if (keyType.IsSet(KeyType.PrimaryKey))
                        tbl.PrimaryKey = indKey;
                }//foreach indRow
                // check PK; if not detected, it is identity (auto-inc) col (no pk index in this case)
                if (tbl.Kind == EntityKind.Table && tbl.PrimaryKey == null)
                    Util.Check(pkMarkedCols.Count > 0, "Primary key not found on table {0}.", tblName);
                    CreateAutoIncPrimaryKey(tbl, pkMarkedCols);
            }// foreach tblRow

            // FKs - we need to do it in another loop, after all cols are created.
            foreach (var tbl in Model.Tables)
                if (tbl.Kind == EntityKind.View)
                var tname  = tbl.TableName;
                var tblFKs = ExecuteSelect("PRAGMA foreign_key_list('{0}')", tname);
                //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Table: {tname}, FKs: {tblFKs.Rows.Count}");
                var lastKeyId = -1;
                DbRefConstraintInfo constr = null;
                foreach (var fkColRow in tblFKs.Rows)
                    var fromColName = fkColRow.GetAsString("from");
                    var toTableName = fkColRow.GetAsString("table");
                    var toColName   = fkColRow.GetAsString("to");
                    var fromCol     = tbl.Columns.FindByName(fromColName);
                    Util.Check(fromCol != null, "Loading FKs, table {0}, error: column {1} not found.", tname, fromColName);
                    var toTable = FindTable(toTableName);
                    Util.Check(toTable != null, "Loading FKs, table {0}, error: target table {1} not found.", tname, toTableName);
                    var toCol = toTable.Columns.FindByName(toColName);
                    // if keyId is the same as previous one, then col belongs to the same (composite) key
                    var keyId = fkColRow.GetAsInt("id");
                    if (keyId != lastKeyId)
                        bool cascadeDelete = fkColRow.GetAsString("on_delete") == "CASCADE";
                        var  keyFrom       = new DbKeyInfo("FK_" + tname + "_" + fromColName, tbl, KeyType.ForeignKey);
                        constr    = new DbRefConstraintInfo(this.Model, keyFrom, toTable.PrimaryKey, cascadeDelete);
                        lastKeyId = keyId;
                    constr.FromKey.KeyColumns.Add(new DbKeyColumnInfo(fromCol));
                } //foreach fkColRow
            }     //foreach tbl
        }         //method
Exemplo n.º 8
 private bool RefConstraintKeysChanged(DbRefConstraintInfo constraint)
     return(_changedKeys.Contains(constraint.FromKey) || _changedKeys.Contains(constraint.ToKey));
Exemplo n.º 9

        public virtual void BuildRefConstraintDropSql(DbObjectChange change, DbRefConstraintInfo dbRefConstraint)
            BuildTableConstraintDropSql(change, dbRefConstraint.FromKey);
Exemplo n.º 10
 //not supported
 public override void BuildRefConstraintDropSql(DbObjectChange change, DbRefConstraintInfo dbRefConstraint)
Exemplo n.º 11
 public override void BuildRefConstraintAddSql(DbObjectChange change, DbRefConstraintInfo refConstraint)
Exemplo n.º 12
        public override void BuildRefConstraintDropSql(DbObjectChange change, DbRefConstraintInfo dbRefConstraint)
            var fromKey = dbRefConstraint.FromKey;

            change.AddScript(DbScriptType.RefConstraintDrop, "ALTER TABLE {0} DROP FOREIGN KEY {1};", fromKey.Table.FullName, fromKey.Name);