예제 #1
        protected virtual void LoadReferentialConstraints()
            var data = GetReferentialConstraints();

            foreach (InfoRow row in data.Rows)
                //Load names for Foreign key and Unique key
                var fkSchema = row.GetAsString("CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA");
                var toSchema = row.GetAsString("UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA");
                if (!IncludeSchema(toSchema) || !IncludeSchema(fkSchema))
                var fkTableName = row.GetAsString("C_TABLE");
                var fkName      = row.GetAsString("CONSTRAINT_NAME");
                var fromKey     = FindKey(fkSchema, fkTableName, fkName);
                Util.Check(fromKey != null, "Key {0} for table {1} not found.", fkName, fkTableName);

                var toTableName = row.GetAsString("U_TABLE");
                var toTable     = Model.GetTable(toSchema, toTableName);
                if (toTable == null)
                    continue; // target table is being deleted, ignore this constraint
                var  toKey         = toTable.PrimaryKey;
                bool cascadeDelete = row.GetAsString("DELETE_RULE") == "CASCADE";
                var  refConstraint = new DbRefConstraintInfo(Model, fromKey, toKey, cascadeDelete); //will be added to list by constr
                // set FK flag
                foreach (var kCol in fromKey.KeyColumns)
                    kCol.Column.Flags |= DbColumnFlags.ForeignKey;
예제 #2
        public override void BuildRefConstraintDropSql(DbObjectChange change, DbRefConstraintInfo dbRefConstraint)
            var fromKey = dbRefConstraint.FromKey;
            var kn      = QuoteName(fromKey.Name);

            change.AddScript(DbScriptType.RefConstraintDrop, $"ALTER TABLE {fromKey.Table.FullName} DROP FOREIGN KEY {kn};");
예제 #3
        public override void BuildRefConstraintAddSql(DbObjectChange change, DbRefConstraintInfo refConstraint)
            var  srcTable       = refConstraint.FromKey.Table;
            var  targetTable    = refConstraint.ToKey.Table;
            var  srcCols        = refConstraint.FromKey.KeyColumns.GetSqlNameList();
            var  targetCols     = refConstraint.ToKey.KeyColumns.GetSqlNameList();
            bool cascade        = refConstraint.OwnerReference.FromMember.Flags.IsSet(EntityMemberFlags.CascadeDelete);
            var  onDeleteClause = cascade ? "ON DELETE CASCADE" : string.Empty;
            var  cn             = QuoteName(refConstraint.FromKey.Name);
            var  script         = $@"ALTER TABLE {srcTable.FullName} 
  ADD CONSTRAINT {cn} FOREIGN KEY ({srcCols}) REFERENCES {targetTable.FullName} ({targetCols}) {onDeleteClause};";

            change.AddScript(DbScriptType.RefConstraintAdd, script);
예제 #4
        private DbRefConstraintInfo FindOldRefConstraint(DbTableInfo oldTable, DbRefConstraintInfo newRefConstraint)
            var newFrom = newRefConstraint.FromKey;
            var newTo   = newRefConstraint.ToKey;

            foreach (var oldRc in oldTable.RefConstraints)
                if (oldRc.FromKey.Peer == newFrom && oldRc.ToKey.Peer == newTo && oldRc.CascadeDelete == newRefConstraint.CascadeDelete)
예제 #5
        public virtual void BuildRefConstraintAddSql(DbObjectChange change, DbRefConstraintInfo refConstraint)
            const string sqlTemplate        = "ALTER TABLE {0} ADD CONSTRAINT \"{1}\" FOREIGN KEY ({2}) REFERENCES {3} ({4}) {5};";
            var          srcTable           = refConstraint.FromKey.Table;
            var          targetTable        = refConstraint.ToKey.Table;
            var          fullSrcTableRef    = srcTable.FullName;
            var          fullTargetTableRef = targetTable.FullName;
            var          srcCols            = refConstraint.FromKey.KeyColumns.GetSqlNameList();
            var          targetCols         = refConstraint.ToKey.KeyColumns.GetSqlNameList();
            bool         cascade            = refConstraint.OwnerReference.FromMember.Flags.IsSet(EntityMemberFlags.CascadeDelete);
            var          onDeleteClause     = cascade ? "ON DELETE CASCADE" : string.Empty;

            change.AddScript(DbScriptType.RefConstraintAdd, sqlTemplate, fullSrcTableRef, refConstraint.FromKey.Name, srcCols, fullTargetTableRef, targetCols, onDeleteClause);
예제 #6
        protected virtual void LoadReferentialConstraints()
            var data = GetReferentialConstraintsExt();

            foreach (DbRow row in data.Rows)
                //Load names for Foreign key and Unique key
                var fkSchema = row.GetAsString("CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA");
                var toSchema = row.GetAsString("UNIQUE_CONSTRAINT_SCHEMA");
                if (!IncludeSchema(toSchema) || !IncludeSchema(fkSchema))
                var fkTableName = row.GetAsString("C_TABLE");
                var fkName      = row.GetAsString("CONSTRAINT_NAME");
                var fromKey     = FindKey(fkSchema, fkTableName, fkName);
                Util.Check(fromKey != null, "Key {0} for table {1} not found.", fkName, fkTableName);

                var toTableName = row.GetAsString("U_TABLE");
                var toTable     = Model.GetTable(toSchema, toTableName);
                Util.Check(toTable != null, "Target table {0}.{1} not found in DB Model.", toSchema, toTableName);
                var toKey = toTable.PrimaryKey;

 *      if (toKey == null) {
 *        //catch special case - foreign key to non-key set of fields
 *        if (fromKey != null && fromKey.KeyType.IsSet(KeyType.ForeignKey))
 *          fromKey.NotSupported = true;
 *        continue; //it is not ref constraint
 *      }
                bool cascadeDelete = row.GetAsString("DELETE_RULE") == "CASCADE";
                var  refConstraint = new DbRefConstraintInfo(Model, fromKey, toKey, cascadeDelete);
예제 #7
        public override DbModel LoadModel()
            Model = new DbModel(Settings.ModelConfig);
            //tables/views, columns
            var tblTables = ExecuteSelect("select type, tbl_name, sql from sqlite_master where type='table' OR type='view';");

            foreach (var tblRow in tblTables.Rows)
                var tblName = tblRow.GetAsString("tbl_name");
                if (tblName.StartsWith("sqlite_"))
                    continue; // sqlite_sequence and other sys tables - ignore
                var isView   = tblRow.GetAsString("type") == "view";
                var objType  = isView ? DbObjectType.View : DbObjectType.Table;
                var tableSql = tblRow.GetAsString("sql");
                var tbl      = new DbTableInfo(this.Model, string.Empty, tblName, null, objType);
                if (isView)
                    //do not load columns, it will fail
                    tbl.ViewSql = tableSql;

                //table columns
                // We detect PKs from the list of indexes. But, for tables with auto-inc columns there's no index
                // However col is marked as PK in table_info listing. So we collect these columns and use them later
                // if PK has not been set
                var pkMarkedCols = new List <DbColumnInfo>();
                var tblCols      = ExecuteSelect("PRAGMA table_info('{0}');", tblName);
                foreach (var colRow in tblCols.Rows)
                    var colName  = colRow.GetAsString("name");
                    var typeName = colRow.GetAsString("type");
                    var notNull  = colRow.GetAsInt("notnull");
                    var dftValue = colRow.GetAsString("dflt_value");
                    var typeInfo = GetSqliteTypeInfo(typeName, nullable: notNull == 0, dft: dftValue);
                    if (typeInfo == null)
                        typeInfo = GetSqliteTypeInfo("text", nullable: notNull == 0, dft: dftValue); //default to text!

                     * {
                     * LogError(
                     *  "Failed to find TypeInfo for SQL data type [{0}]. Table(view) {1}, column {2}.", typeName, tblName, colName);
                     * continue;
                     * }
                    var isNullable = notNull == 0;
                    var colInfo    = new DbColumnInfo(tbl, colName, typeInfo, isNullable);
                    // check PK flag, save the column if the flag is set
                    bool isPk = colRow.GetAsInt("pk") == 1;
                    if (isPk)
                }// foreach colRow

                // indexes, PKs
                var tblIndexes = ExecuteSelect("PRAGMA index_list('{0}')", tblName);
                foreach (var indRow in tblIndexes.Rows)
                    var indName = indRow.GetAsString("name");
                    var origin  = indRow.GetAsString("origin");
                    var unique  = indRow.GetAsInt("unique");
                    var keyType = KeyType.Index;
                    if (origin == "pk")
                        keyType = KeyType.PrimaryKey;
                    else if (unique == 1)
                        keyType |= KeyType.Unique;
                    var indCols = ExecuteSelect("PRAGMA index_info('{0}')", indName);
                    var indKey  = new DbKeyInfo(indName, tbl, keyType);
                    foreach (var colRow in indCols.Rows)
                        var colName = colRow.GetAsString("name");
                        var col     = tbl.Columns.FindByName(colName);
                        Util.Check(col != null, "Building index {0}, table {1}: column {2} not found.", indName, tblName, colName);
                        indKey.KeyColumns.Add(new DbKeyColumnInfo(col));
                    }//foreach colRow
                    if (keyType.IsSet(KeyType.PrimaryKey))
                        tbl.PrimaryKey = indKey;
                }//foreach indRow
                // check PK; if not detected, it is identity (auto-inc) col (no pk index in this case)
                if (tbl.Kind == EntityKind.Table && tbl.PrimaryKey == null)
                    Util.Check(pkMarkedCols.Count > 0, "Primary key not found on table {0}.", tblName);
                    CreateAutoIncPrimaryKey(tbl, pkMarkedCols);
            }// foreach tblRow

            // FKs - we need to do it in another loop, after all cols are created.
            foreach (var tbl in Model.Tables)
                if (tbl.Kind == EntityKind.View)
                var tname  = tbl.TableName;
                var tblFKs = ExecuteSelect("PRAGMA foreign_key_list('{0}')", tname);
                //System.Diagnostics.Trace.WriteLine($"Table: {tname}, FKs: {tblFKs.Rows.Count}");
                var lastKeyId = -1;
                DbRefConstraintInfo constr = null;
                foreach (var fkColRow in tblFKs.Rows)
                    var fromColName = fkColRow.GetAsString("from");
                    var toTableName = fkColRow.GetAsString("table");
                    var toColName   = fkColRow.GetAsString("to");
                    var fromCol     = tbl.Columns.FindByName(fromColName);
                    Util.Check(fromCol != null, "Loading FKs, table {0}, error: column {1} not found.", tname, fromColName);
                    var toTable = FindTable(toTableName);
                    Util.Check(toTable != null, "Loading FKs, table {0}, error: target table {1} not found.", tname, toTableName);
                    var toCol = toTable.Columns.FindByName(toColName);
                    // if keyId is the same as previous one, then col belongs to the same (composite) key
                    var keyId = fkColRow.GetAsInt("id");
                    if (keyId != lastKeyId)
                        bool cascadeDelete = fkColRow.GetAsString("on_delete") == "CASCADE";
                        var  keyFrom       = new DbKeyInfo("FK_" + tname + "_" + fromColName, tbl, KeyType.ForeignKey);
                        constr    = new DbRefConstraintInfo(this.Model, keyFrom, toTable.PrimaryKey, cascadeDelete);
                        lastKeyId = keyId;
                    constr.FromKey.KeyColumns.Add(new DbKeyColumnInfo(fromCol));
                } //foreach fkColRow
            }     //foreach tbl
        }         //method
예제 #8
 private bool RefConstraintKeysChanged(DbRefConstraintInfo constraint)
     return(_changedKeys.Contains(constraint.FromKey) || _changedKeys.Contains(constraint.ToKey));
예제 #9

        public virtual void BuildRefConstraintDropSql(DbObjectChange change, DbRefConstraintInfo dbRefConstraint)
            BuildTableConstraintDropSql(change, dbRefConstraint.FromKey);
예제 #10
 //not supported
 public override void BuildRefConstraintDropSql(DbObjectChange change, DbRefConstraintInfo dbRefConstraint)
예제 #11
 public override void BuildRefConstraintAddSql(DbObjectChange change, DbRefConstraintInfo refConstraint)
예제 #12
        public override void BuildRefConstraintDropSql(DbObjectChange change, DbRefConstraintInfo dbRefConstraint)
            var fromKey = dbRefConstraint.FromKey;

            change.AddScript(DbScriptType.RefConstraintDrop, "ALTER TABLE {0} DROP FOREIGN KEY {1};", fromKey.Table.FullName, fromKey.Name);