Exemplo n.º 1
    private ShapeClip DetectClip(CvSeq <CvPoint> contour, IplImage image)
        // Approximate contours to rectange.
        CvMemStorage    cstorage = new CvMemStorage();
        CvSeq <CvPoint> verts    = contour.ApproxPoly(CvContour.SizeOf, cstorage, ApproxPolyMethod.DP, contour.ContourPerimeter() * 0.05);
        CvRect          rect     = Cv.BoundingRect(verts);

        // scale BB
        CvSize originalSize = rect.Size;
        CvSize size         = new CvSize((int)(rect.Width * 1.5), (int)(rect.Height * 1.5));
        CvSize sizeDist     = new CvSize(rect.Width - size.Width, rect.Height - size.Height);

        rect = new CvRect(
            Math.Max(rect.Location.X + sizeDist.Width / 2, 0),
            Math.Max(rect.Location.Y + sizeDist.Height / 2, 0), size.Width, size.Height);

        // If rect, convert to region of interest and approximate top.
        if (verts.Total >= 4 && new CvRect(0, 0, image.Width, image.Height).Contains(rect))
            DetectionState detectionState = verts.Total == 4 ? DetectionState.SemiOriented : DetectionState.Candidate;
            double         angle          = (180.0 / Math.PI) * ComputeOrientationFromVerts(verts.ToArray());

            using (IplImage region = image.Clone(rect))
                using (IplImage finalRegion = image.Clone(rect))
                    using (IplImage colorRegion = new IplImage(region.Size.Width, region.Size.Height, BitDepth.U8, 3))
                        using (IplImage debug = new IplImage(region.Size.Width + 20, region.Size.Height + 20, BitDepth.U8, 3))
                            // Rotate into position based on the line angle estimate
                            Cv.WarpAffine(region, region, Cv.GetRotationMatrix2D(new CvPoint2D32f(rect.Width / 2, rect.Height / 2), angle, 1));
                            Cv.FloodFill(region, new CvPoint(0, 0), 255, 0, 150);

                            // Project image and find clusters
                            double[] horizontalProjection, verticalProjection;
                            int[]    horizontalPrjClusters = ComputeClusters(region, true, out horizontalProjection);
                            int      horizontalClusters = horizontalPrjClusters[0], lastHorizontalCluster = horizontalPrjClusters[1];
                            int[]    verticalPrjClusters = ComputeClusters(region, false, out verticalProjection);
                            int      verticalClusters = verticalPrjClusters[0], lastVerticalCluster = verticalPrjClusters[1];

                            // Correct the orientation based on the clusters found
                            bool foundLDRs = false;
                            if (verticalClusters > horizontalClusters)
                                // 90 deg

                                if (lastHorizontalCluster < region.Width / 2)
                                    // 90deg
                                    angle    += 90;
                                    foundLDRs = true;
                                    // 270 deg
                                    angle    += 270;
                                    foundLDRs = true;
                            else if (verticalClusters < horizontalClusters)
                                // 0 deg
                                if (lastVerticalCluster < region.Height / 2)
                                    // 0deg
                                    foundLDRs = true;
                                    // 180 deg
                                    angle    += 180;
                                    foundLDRs = true;
                                // something went wrong with our initial alignment
                                //    NO proper orientation found - could not identify the LDRs

                            #region DEBUG
                            //Cv.CvtColor(finalRegion, colorRegion, ColorConversion.GrayToRgb);
                            //debug.DrawImage(20, 0, region.Width, region.Height, colorRegion);

                            //for (int i = 0; i < region.Width / 2; i++)
                            //    debug.DrawRect(20 + i, debug.Height - (int)(horizontalProjection[i] * 100), 20 + i, debug.Height, CvColor.Red, 1);
                            //for (int i = 0; i < region.Height / 2; i++)
                            //    debug.DrawRect(0, i, (int)(verticalProjection[i] * 100), i, CvColor.Red, 1);

                            if (foundLDRs)
                                detectionState = DetectionState.FullyOriented;

            // Compute pixel space mapping
            Vec2F scale = new Vec2F(screenResolution.X / image.Width, screenResolution.Y / image.Height);

            return(new ShapeClip(
                       new Vec2F(rect.Location.X + 0.5f * rect.Width, rect.Location.Y + 0.5f * rect.Height).Scale(scale),
                       new Vec2F(originalSize).Scale(scale),