Exemplo n.º 1
        public Contour()
            // cvContourArea, cvArcLength
            // 輪郭によって区切られた領域の面積と,輪郭の長さを求める
            const int SIZE = 500;

            // (1)画像を確保し初期化する
            using (CvMemStorage storage = new CvMemStorage())
            using (IplImage img = new IplImage(SIZE, SIZE, BitDepth.U8, 3))
                // (2)点列を生成する 
                CvSeq<CvPoint> points = new CvSeq<CvPoint>(SeqType.PolyLine, storage);
                CvRNG rng = new CvRNG((ulong)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
                double scale = rng.RandReal() + 0.5;
                CvPoint pt0 = new CvPoint
                    X = (int)(Math.Cos(0) * SIZE / 4 * scale + SIZE / 2),
                    Y = (int)(Math.Sin(0) * SIZE / 4 * scale + SIZE / 2)
                img.Circle(pt0, 2, CvColor.Green);
                for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++)
                    scale = rng.RandReal() + 0.5;
                    CvPoint pt1 = new CvPoint
                        X = (int)(Math.Cos(i * 2 * Math.PI / 20) * SIZE / 4 * scale + SIZE / 2),
                        Y = (int)(Math.Sin(i * 2 * Math.PI / 20) * SIZE / 4 * scale + SIZE / 2)
                    img.Line(pt0, pt1, CvColor.Green, 2);
                    pt0.X = pt1.X;
                    pt0.Y = pt1.Y;
                    img.Circle(pt0, 3, CvColor.Green, Cv.FILLED);
                img.Line(pt0, points.GetSeqElem(0).Value, CvColor.Green, 2);
                // (3)包含矩形,面積,長さを求める
                CvRect rect = points.BoundingRect(false);
                double area = points.ContourArea();
                double length = points.ArcLength(CvSlice.WholeSeq, 1);
                // (4)結果を画像に書き込む
                img.Rectangle(new CvPoint(rect.X, rect.Y), new CvPoint(rect.X + rect.Width, rect.Y + rect.Height), CvColor.Red, 2);
                string text_area = string.Format("Area:   wrect={0}, contour={1}", rect.Width * rect.Height, area);
                string text_length = string.Format("Length: rect={0}, contour={1}", 2 * (rect.Width + rect.Height), length);
                using (CvFont font = new CvFont(FontFace.HersheySimplex, 0.7, 0.7, 0, 1, LineType.AntiAlias))
                    img.PutText(text_area, new CvPoint(10, img.Height - 30), font, CvColor.White);
                    img.PutText(text_length, new CvPoint(10, img.Height - 10), font, CvColor.White);
                // (5)画像を表示,キーが押されたときに終了 
                using (CvWindow window = new CvWindow("BoundingRect", WindowMode.AutoSize))
                    window.Image = img;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public Contour()
            // cvContourArea, cvArcLength
            // 輪郭によって区切られた領域の面積と,輪郭の長さを求める

            const int SIZE = 500;

            // (1)画像を確保し初期化する
            using (CvMemStorage storage = new CvMemStorage())
                using (IplImage img = new IplImage(SIZE, SIZE, BitDepth.U8, 3))
                    // (2)点列を生成する
                    CvSeq <CvPoint> points = new CvSeq <CvPoint>(SeqType.PolyLine, storage);
                    CvRNG           rng    = new CvRNG((ulong)DateTime.Now.Ticks);
                    double          scale  = rng.RandReal() + 0.5;
                    CvPoint         pt0    = new CvPoint
                        X = (int)(Math.Cos(0) * SIZE / 4 * scale + SIZE / 2),
                        Y = (int)(Math.Sin(0) * SIZE / 4 * scale + SIZE / 2)
                    img.Circle(pt0, 2, CvColor.Green);
                    for (int i = 1; i < 20; i++)
                        scale = rng.RandReal() + 0.5;
                        CvPoint pt1 = new CvPoint
                            X = (int)(Math.Cos(i * 2 * Math.PI / 20) * SIZE / 4 * scale + SIZE / 2),
                            Y = (int)(Math.Sin(i * 2 * Math.PI / 20) * SIZE / 4 * scale + SIZE / 2)
                        img.Line(pt0, pt1, CvColor.Green, 2);
                        pt0.X = pt1.X;
                        pt0.Y = pt1.Y;
                        img.Circle(pt0, 3, CvColor.Green, Cv.FILLED);
                    img.Line(pt0, points.GetSeqElem(0).Value, CvColor.Green, 2);
                    // (3)包含矩形,面積,長さを求める
                    CvRect rect   = points.BoundingRect(false);
                    double area   = points.ContourArea();
                    double length = points.ArcLength(CvSlice.WholeSeq, 1);
                    // (4)結果を画像に書き込む
                    img.Rectangle(new CvPoint(rect.X, rect.Y), new CvPoint(rect.X + rect.Width, rect.Y + rect.Height), CvColor.Red, 2);
                    string text_area   = string.Format("Area:   wrect={0}, contour={1}", rect.Width * rect.Height, area);
                    string text_length = string.Format("Length: rect={0}, contour={1}", 2 * (rect.Width + rect.Height), length);
                    using (CvFont font = new CvFont(FontFace.HersheySimplex, 0.7, 0.7, 0, 1, LineType.AntiAlias))
                        img.PutText(text_area, new CvPoint(10, img.Height - 30), font, CvColor.White);
                        img.PutText(text_length, new CvPoint(10, img.Height - 10), font, CvColor.White);
                    // (5)画像を表示,キーが押されたときに終了
                    using (CvWindow window = new CvWindow("BoundingRect", WindowMode.AutoSize))
                        window.Image = img;
Exemplo n.º 3
        static CvPoint[] FindSquares4(IplImage img, CvMemStorage storage)
            const int N = 11;

            CvSize   sz   = new CvSize(img.Width & -2, img.Height & -2);
            IplImage timg = img.Clone(); // make a copy of input image
            IplImage gray = new IplImage(sz, BitDepth.U8, 1);
            IplImage pyr  = new IplImage(sz.Width / 2, sz.Height / 2, BitDepth.U8, 3);
            // create empty sequence that will contain points -
            // 4 points per square (the square's vertices)
            CvSeq <CvPoint> squares = new CvSeq <CvPoint>(SeqType.Zero, CvSeq.SizeOf, storage);

            // select the maximum ROI in the image
            // with the width and height divisible by 2
            timg.ROI = new CvRect(0, 0, sz.Width, sz.Height);

            // down-scale and upscale the image to filter out the noise
            Cv.PyrDown(timg, pyr, CvFilter.Gaussian5x5);
            Cv.PyrUp(pyr, timg, CvFilter.Gaussian5x5);
            IplImage tgray = new IplImage(sz, BitDepth.U8, 1);

            // find squares in every color plane of the image
            for (int c = 0; c < 3; c++)
                // extract the c-th color plane
                timg.COI = c + 1;
                Cv.Copy(timg, tgray, null);

                // try several threshold levels
                for (int l = 0; l < N; l++)
                    // hack: use Canny instead of zero threshold level.
                    // Canny helps to catch squares with gradient shading
                    if (l == 0)
                        // apply Canny. Take the upper threshold from slider
                        // and set the lower to 0 (which forces edges merging)
                        Cv.Canny(tgray, gray, 0, Thresh, ApertureSize.Size5);
                        // dilate canny output to remove potential
                        // holes between edge segments
                        Cv.Dilate(gray, gray, null, 1);
                        // apply threshold if l!=0:
                        //     tgray(x,y) = gray(x,y) < (l+1)*255/N ? 255 : 0
                        Cv.Threshold(tgray, gray, (l + 1) * 255.0 / N, 255, ThresholdType.Binary);

                    // find contours and store them all as a list
                    CvSeq <CvPoint> contours;
                    Cv.FindContours(gray, storage, out contours, CvContour.SizeOf, ContourRetrieval.List, ContourChain.ApproxSimple, new CvPoint(0, 0));

                    // test each contour
                    while (contours != null)
                        // approximate contour with accuracy proportional
                        // to the contour perimeter
                        CvSeq <CvPoint> result = Cv.ApproxPoly(contours, CvContour.SizeOf, storage, ApproxPolyMethod.DP, contours.ContourPerimeter() * 0.02, false);
                        // square contours should have 4 vertices after approximation
                        // relatively large area (to filter out noisy contours)
                        // and be convex.
                        // Note: absolute value of an area is used because
                        // area may be positive or negative - in accordance with the
                        // contour orientation
                        if (result.Total == 4 && Math.Abs(result.ContourArea(CvSlice.WholeSeq)) > 1000 && result.CheckContourConvexity())
                            double s = 0;

                            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                                // find minimum Angle between joint
                                // edges (maximum of cosine)
                                if (i >= 2)
                                    double t = Math.Abs(Angle(result[i].Value, result[i - 2].Value, result[i - 1].Value));
                                    s = s > t ? s : t;

                            // if cosines of all angles are small
                            // (all angles are ~90 degree) then write quandrange
                            // vertices to resultant sequence
                            if (s < 0.3)
                                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)

                        // take the next contour
                        contours = contours.HNext;

            // release all the temporary images
