Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets Crop Dates given a year and group number
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="year"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CropDatesDataSet.CropDatesDataTable GetCropDataTable(int?year, string cbtt, int?group)
            CropDatesDataSet.CropDatesDataTable table = new CropDatesDataSet.CropDatesDataTable();
            var sql = "select * from cropdates where 1=1 ";

            if (year.HasValue)
                sql += " and year = " + year;

            if (cbtt != "")
                sql += " and cbtt = '" + cbtt + "' ";

            if (group.HasValue)
                sql += " and \"group\" = " + group;

            sql += " ORDER BY year,cbtt,SortIndex";

            DB.FillTable(table, sql);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private void buttonRead_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
                CropDatesDataSet.DB = HydrometTools.Database.GetServer("agrimet");
            catch (Exception ex)

            bool hasYear  = textBoxYear.Text.Trim() != "";
            bool hasGroup = textBoxGroup.Text.Trim() != "";

            int?yr = null;

            if (hasYear)
                yr = Convert.ToInt32(this.textBoxYear.Text);

            int?group = null;

            if (hasGroup)
                group = Convert.ToInt32(textBoxGroup.Text);

            tbl = CropDatesDataSet.GetCropDataTable(yr, textBoxCbtt.Text.ToUpper(), group);

Exemplo n.º 3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets Crop Dates given a station and a year - Used for Crop Chart generation
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cbtt"></param>
        /// <param name="year"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CropDatesDataSet.CropDatesDataTable GetCropDataTable(int year, string[] cbttList)
            var table = new CropDatesDataSet.CropDatesDataTable();
            if (cbttList.Length == 0)
                return table;// nothing to do.

            var sql = "select * from CropDates WHERE year = " + year
                + " and cbtt IN ('" + String.Join("','", cbttList) + "') order by CBTT,SortIndex "; 

            DB.FillTable(table,sql );
            return table;
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets Crop Dates given a year , used by user interface to edit crops
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="year"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static CropDatesDataSet.CropDatesDataTable GetCropDataTable(int year, bool includeEmptyDates = true)
            CropDatesDataSet.CropDatesDataTable table = new CropDatesDataSet.CropDatesDataTable();
            var sql = "select * from CropDates where year = " + year;

            if (!includeEmptyDates)
                sql += " and StartDate is not null and FullCoverDate is not null and TerminateDate is not null";

            sql += " ORDER BY cbtt,SortIndex";

            DB.FillTable(table, sql);
            //SQL search for Year and CBTT from the Access DB
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy a new year's worth of Crop Dates from the previous years data
        /// Designed to run for the current year so run on 1/1/(CurrentYear) or later
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="year"></param>
        public static void InitializeYear(int year)
            if (DateTime.Now.Year != year)
                throw new ArgumentException("You can't initialize years other than the current one!");
                var prevYearTable = new CropDatesDataSet.CropDatesDataTable();
                DB.FillTable(prevYearTable, "SELECT * FROM CropDates WHERE year = " + (year - 1).ToString());

                var newYearTable = new CropDatesDataSet.CropDatesDataTable();
                DB.FillTable(newYearTable, "SELECT * FROM CropDates WHERE year = " + year.ToString());

                if (newYearTable.Rows.Count != 0)
                    throw new Exception("Error:  there is existing data for year " + year);

                int nextIndex = CropDatesDataSet.GetNextIndex();
                var rowCount  = prevYearTable.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < rowCount; i++)
                    var row    = prevYearTable[i];
                    var newRow = newYearTable.NewCropDatesRow();

                    newRow.index     = nextIndex;
                    newRow.year      = year;
                    newRow.sortindex = row.sortindex;
                    newRow.group     = row.group;
                    newRow.cbtt      = row.cbtt;
                    newRow.cropname  = row.cropname;
                    //newRow.UIDX = row.UIDX;
                    newRow.cropcurvenumber = row.cropcurvenumber;



Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates Daily and Summary Crop Reports
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cbttList">list of cbtt to create charts for</param>
        /// <param name="year">year used to filter database of crop dates</param>
        /// <param name="date">terminate date (or if null use etr terminate date)</param>
        public static void CreateCropReports(int year, string outputDirectory)
            CropDatesDataSet.CropDatesDataTable cropTable = new CropDatesDataSet.CropDatesDataTable();

            cropTable = CropDatesDataSet.GetCropDataTable(year, false);

            var cbttList = (from row in cropTable.AsEnumerable() // get list of cbtt
                            select row.cbtt).Distinct().ToArray();

            if (cbttList.Length > 1)
            {// for performance query hydromet only once.
                var cache = new HydrometDataCache();
                // boii, abei
                // boii et, abei et
                var      s         = String.Join(" ETRS,", cbttList) + " ETRS";
                var      cbttPcode = s.Split(',');
                DateTime t1        = new DateTime(year, 1, 1);
                DateTime t2        = new DateTime(year, 12, 31);
                if (t2 > DateTime.Now.Date)
                    t2 = DateTime.Now.Date;

                cache.Add(cbttPcode, t1, t2, HydrometHost.PN, TimeSeries.TimeInterval.Daily);
                HydrometDailySeries.Cache = cache;;

            DateTime t = DateTime.Now.Date;

            for (int i = 0; i < cbttList.Length; i++)
                var cropDates = cropTable.Where(x => x.cbtt == cbttList[i] &&
                                                !x.IsterminatedateNull() &&
                                                !x.IsstartdateNull() &&

                if (cropDates.Length == 0)

                ValidateCropDates(cbttList[i], cropDates);

                var terminateDate = TerminateDate(cbttList[i], cropDates);

                if (terminateDate < DateTime.Now)
                    t = terminateDate.AddDays(1);
                    t = DateTime.Now.Date;

                // Generates Daily and Summary Crop Charts
                var dailyChart = CreateDailyReport(cbttList[i], t, cropDates);
                var sumChart   = CreateSummaryReport(cbttList[i], t, cropDates);

                //string header = "AgriMet is excited to announce a partnership with Washington State University to icorporate AgriMet data into WSU's Irrigation Scheduler. To customize crop consumptive water use specific to your field or fields, visit http://weather.wsu.edu/is/";

                var fnDaily = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, cbttList[i].ToLower() + "ch.txt");
                var fnSum   = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, cbttList[i].ToLower() + t.Year.ToString().Substring(2) + "et.txt");

                WriteCropFile(dailyChart, fnDaily);
                WriteCropFile(sumChart, fnSum);
            Console.WriteLine(" Daily and Summary Crop Charts Saved for " + cbttList.Length + " sites");
Exemplo n.º 7
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates Daily Crop Water Use Charts
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cbtt"></param>
        /// <param name="t"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private static void CreateDailyHTMLWebReport(string cbtt, DateTime t,
                                                     CropDatesDataSet.CropDatesRow[] cropRow)
            CropDatesDataSet.CropDatesDataTable cropTable = new CropDatesDataSet.CropDatesDataTable();
            cropTable = CropDatesDataSet.GetCropDataTable(t.Year, false);
            var agrimetDir = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["AgriMetCropOutputDirectory"];

            string html_file = Path.Combine(agrimetDir, "chart", "agricultureEmail-V2.html");

            if (!File.Exists(html_file))
                Logger.WriteLine("Error: missing file :" + html_file);

            //var fn = Path.Combine(agrimetDir, "chart", html_file);
            var contents = File.ReadAllText(html_file);
            var outputfn = Path.Combine(agrimetDir, "chart", t.Year.ToString(), (cbtt + ".html"));
            var et       = new HydrometDailySeries(cbtt, "ETRS", s_host);

            // Below is the calculation to determine how many days to read back. Set to calculate based on ETr Start Date.
            var etStartDate = cropRow[0].startdate.DayOfYear;
            var etTodayDate = t.DayOfYear;
            int numDaysRead = etTodayDate - etStartDate - 1;

            et.Read(t.AddDays(-numDaysRead), t.AddDays(-1));

            var pcode     = new string[] { "MX", "MN", "PP", "TA", "UA", "WG" };
            var htmlPcode = new string[] {

            DateTime yesterday = DateTime.Now.Date.AddDays(-1);

            for (int i = 0; i < pcode.Length; i++)
                var s = new HydrometDailySeries(cbtt, pcode[i], s_host);
                s.Read(yesterday, yesterday);

                var val = "";
                if (s.Count == 1 && !s[0].IsMissing)
                    val = s[0].Value.ToString("F2");

                contents = contents.Replace(htmlPcode[i], val);
            contents = contents.Replace("{site_name}", cbtt);
            contents = contents.Replace("{yesterday}", yesterday.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"));

            contents = contents.Replace("{site_m1}", t.AddDays(-1).Month.ToString() + "/" + t.AddDays(-1).Day.ToString());
            contents = contents.Replace("{site_m2}", t.AddDays(-2).Month.ToString() + "/" + t.AddDays(-2).Day.ToString());
            contents = contents.Replace("{site_m3}", t.AddDays(-3).Month.ToString() + "/" + t.AddDays(-3).Day.ToString());
            contents = contents.Replace("{site_m4}", t.AddDays(-4).Month.ToString() + "/" + t.AddDays(-4).Day.ToString());

            String[] cropCode  = { "ETr", "ALFP", "ALFM", "HAYP", "HAYM", "POTA", "POTS", "WGRN", "SGRN" };
            String[] cropNames = { "site_ref", "alfalfa_peak", "alfalfa_mean", "grass_peak", "grass_mean", "russet",
                                   "shepody",  "winter_grain", "spring_grain" };
            for (int i = 0; i < cropNames.Length; i++)
                var rows = cropTable.Select("cbtt= '" + cbtt + "' and cropname= '" + cropCode[i] + "'");
                if (rows.Length == 0)

                var cRow = cropTable.NewCropDatesRow();
                cRow.ItemArray = rows[0].ItemArray;

                var crop = cropNames[i];
                contents = contents.Replace("{" + crop + "_et_m1}", CropCurves.ETCropDaily(numDaysRead, 1, et, cRow));
                contents = contents.Replace("{" + crop + "_et_m2}", CropCurves.ETCropDaily(numDaysRead, 2, et, cRow));
                contents = contents.Replace("{" + crop + "_et_m3}", CropCurves.ETCropDaily(numDaysRead, 3, et, cRow));
                contents = contents.Replace("{" + crop + "_et_m4}", CropCurves.ETCropDaily(numDaysRead, 4, et, cRow));
                contents = contents.Replace("{" + crop + "_et_avg}", (CropCurves.EtSummation(4, et, cRow, numDaysRead) / 4).ToString("F2"));
                contents = contents.Replace("{" + crop + "_7_day}", CropCurves.EtSummation(7, et, cRow, numDaysRead).ToString("F1"));
                contents = contents.Replace("{" + crop + "_14_day}", CropCurves.EtSummation(14, et, cRow, numDaysRead).ToString("F1"));
                contents = contents.Replace("{" + crop + "_total}", CropCurves.EtSummation(numDaysRead, et, cRow, numDaysRead).ToString("F1"));
                contents = contents.Replace("{" + crop + "_start_date}", cRow.startdate.ToString("MM/dd"));
                contents = contents.Replace("{" + crop + "_cover_date}", cRow.fullcoverdate.ToString("MM/dd"));
                contents = contents.Replace("{" + crop + "_term_date}", cRow.terminatedate.ToString("MM/dd"));

            File.WriteAllText(outputfn, contents);
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates Daily and Summary Crop Reports
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="cbttList">list of cbtt to create charts for</param>
        /// <param name="year">year used to filter database of crop dates</param>
        /// <param name="date">terminate date (or if null use etr terminate date)</param>
        public static void CreateCropReports(int year, string outputDirectory, HydrometHost host = HydrometHost.PNLinux)
            s_host = host;
            CropDatesDataSet.CropDatesDataTable cropTable = new CropDatesDataSet.CropDatesDataTable();

            cropTable = CropDatesDataSet.GetCropDataTable(year, false);

            var cbttList = (from row in cropTable.AsEnumerable() // get list of cbtt
                            select row.cbtt).Distinct().ToArray();

            if (cbttList.Length > 1)
            {// for performance query hydromet only once.
                DateTime t1 = new DateTime(year, 1, 1);
                DateTime t2 = new DateTime(year, 12, 31);
                if (t2 > DateTime.Now.Date)
                    t2 = DateTime.Now.Date;

                AddToCache(host, cbttList, "ETRS", t1, t2);

                var pcode = new string[] { "MX", "MN", "PP", "TA", "UA", "WG" };
                for (int i = 0; i < pcode.Length; i++)
                { // without 192 seconds., with = 21 seconds
                    AddToCache(host, cbttList, pcode[i], t1, t2);

            DateTime t = DateTime.Now.Date;

            for (int i = 0; i < cbttList.Length; i++)
                var cropDates = cropTable.Where(x => x.cbtt == cbttList[i] &&
                                                !x.IsterminatedateNull() &&
                                                !x.IsstartdateNull() &&

                if (cropDates.Length == 0)

                ValidateCropDates(cbttList[i], cropDates);

                var terminateDate = TerminateDate(cbttList[i], cropDates);

                if (terminateDate < DateTime.Now)
                    t = terminateDate.AddDays(1);     // daily is read in one more day
                    t = DateTime.Now.Date;

                // Generates Daily and Summary Crop Charts
                var dailyTxtChart  = CreateDailyUglyTextReport(cbttList[i], t, cropDates);
                var dailyHtmlChart = CreateDailyHTMLReport(cbttList[i], t, cropDates);
                var sumChart       = CreateSummaryReport(cbttList[i], terminateDate, cropDates);

                CreateDailyHTMLWebReport(cbttList[i], t, cropDates); // for emails

                //string header = "AgriMet is excited to announce a partnership with Washington State University to icorporate AgriMet data into WSU's Irrigation Scheduler. To customize crop consumptive water use specific to your field or fields, visit http://weather.wsu.edu/is/";

                var fnDaily     = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, cbttList[i].ToLower() + "ch.txt");
                var fnDailyHtml = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, cbttList[i].ToLower() + "_crop_summary.html");
                var fnSum       = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, cbttList[i].ToLower() + terminateDate.Year.ToString().Substring(2) + "et.txt");

                File.WriteAllLines(fnDailyHtml, dailyHtmlChart.ToArray());

                WriteCropFile(dailyTxtChart, fnDaily);
                WriteCropFile(sumChart, fnSum);
            Console.WriteLine(" Daily and Summary Crop Charts Saved for " + cbttList.Length + " sites");
Exemplo n.º 9
 private static void SetupIndexColumn(CropDatesDataSet.CropDatesDataTable table)
     table.indexColumn.AutoIncrement     = true;
     table.indexColumn.AutoIncrementSeed = GetNextIndex();