private void BuildMethodDeclaration(string tcLine)
            //Locate the position of a colon and if we find it then break the method line and parent
            int nColon = tcLine.IndexOf(":");

            if (nColon > 0)
                this.MethodParentToken = tcLine.Substring(nColon + 1);
                tcLine = tcLine.Substring(0, nColon);

                //fix the MethodParentToken first [COMMENTED FOR NOW. NOT SURE IF REQUIRED]
                //string lcParameters = this.GetParameters(this.MethodParentToken);
                //int nEndPos = this.MethodParentToken.IndexOf("(");
                //this.MethodParentToken = this.MethodParentToken.Substring(0, nEndPos) + lcParameters;

            //Break the method call into two parts
            // 1. Method definition
            // 2. Parameters passed

            // Let us get the parameters
            tcLine = ReplaceManager.GetSingledSpacedString(tcLine).Trim();
            int    nOpenParen   = 0;
            int    nClosedParen = 0;
            string cParameters  = "";
            string cDefinition  = tcLine;
            int    k;

            for (int i = tcLine.Length; 0 < i; i--)
                k = i - 1;
                if (tcLine[k] == ')')

                if (tcLine[k] == '(')

                if (nOpenParen != 0 && nClosedParen != 0)
                    if (nOpenParen - nClosedParen == 0)
                        //Create the two seperate strings and exit out
                        cDefinition = tcLine.Substring(0, k);
                        cParameters = tcLine.Substring(k).Trim();

            this.ParameterToken = this.GetParameters(cParameters);

            //split the definition and if the length is two then add a private modifier as default
            cDefinition = ReplaceManager.GetSingledSpacedString(cDefinition);             //safety purposes

            //Check for any modifiers in this string and if so then handle them

            string[] cTemp = cDefinition.Split(' ');
            if (cTemp.Length == 2)
                //add a private modifier
                cDefinition = "private " + cDefinition;

            //If we find a void in the definition part it is a Sub else a Function
            //In VB Sub do not return a value and Functions do return a value
            if (cDefinition.IndexOf("void ") >= 0)
                this.MethodType = "Sub";

            cDefinition = " " + cDefinition.Trim() + " ";
            cDefinition = ReplaceManager.HandleModifiers(cDefinition);

            //The last word will always be the name of the method
            cDefinition = cDefinition.Trim();
            int npos = cDefinition.LastIndexOf(" ");

            this.MethodNameToken = cDefinition.Substring(npos).Trim();
            cDefinition          = cDefinition.Substring(0, npos);

            //In this case the second last value will be the return value datatype of the method
            if (this.MethodType != "Sub")
                npos = cDefinition.LastIndexOf(" ");
                if (npos >= 0)
                    this.ReturnValueToken = " As " + cDefinition.Substring(npos).Trim();
                    cDefinition           = cDefinition.Substring(0, npos);

            //if(cDefinition.Length > 0)
            if (npos > 0)
                this.MethodModifiersToken = cDefinition.Substring(0, npos) + " ";
Exemplo n.º 2
        public string GetBlock(string tcLine)
            // Initialize the properties


            //Check if the operation is ++ or --
            int npos;

            tcLine = ReplaceManager.GetSingledSpacedString(tcLine);

            // Check for an equal sign in the variable block and if so, then this is the declaration
            int nEqualsPosition = tcLine.IndexOf("=");

            if (nEqualsPosition > 0)
                // Capture the declaration
                string lcDeclaration = tcLine.Substring(0, nEqualsPosition);

                // Fix the declaration by passing it to the appropriate handler
                FieldManager fm = new FieldManager();
                this.DeclarationBlock = fm.GetConvertedExpression(lcDeclaration).Replace(";", "") + " = ";

                tcLine = tcLine.Substring(nEqualsPosition + 1).Trim();

            // Verify that the expression has atleast a ++ or --
            npos = tcLine.IndexOf("++");
            if (npos < 0)
                npos = tcLine.IndexOf("--");
                if (npos < 0)
                    this.ExpressionBlock = "- 1";
                this.ExpressionBlock = "+ 1";

            //best case scenario
            //Determine the expression part and update the variable block
            if (npos != 0)
                //between this and the previous whitespace
                this.VariableBlock = tcLine.Substring(0, npos);
                // Begin by removing the semicolon
                tcLine = tcLine.Replace(";", "").Trim();

                // Check if there is extra space at the end left
                int nBlankPos = tcLine.IndexOf(" ");
                if (nBlankPos > 0)
                    // Extract all the padding and store it seperately
                    this.PaddingBlock = tcLine.Substring(nBlankPos);
                    tcLine            = tcLine.Substring(0, nBlankPos);
                this.VariableBlock = tcLine.Replace("++", "").Replace("--", "").Trim();

            // Update the declaration
            if (this.DeclarationBlock.Length == 0)
                this.DeclarationBlock = this.VariableBlock + " = ";
