Exemplo n.º 1
    public async Task <GameServerDeployment> CreateDeploymentAsync(
        string projectId, string deploymentId)
        // Create the client.
        GameServerDeploymentsServiceClient client = await GameServerDeploymentsServiceClient.CreateAsync();

        GameServerDeployment deployment = new GameServerDeployment()
            GameServerDeploymentName = GameServerDeploymentName.FromProjectLocationDeployment(projectId, "global", deploymentId)
        CreateGameServerDeploymentRequest request = new CreateGameServerDeploymentRequest
            DeploymentId         = deploymentId,
            ParentAsLocationName = LocationName.FromProjectLocation(projectId, "global"),
            GameServerDeployment = deployment

        // Make the request.
        Operation <GameServerDeployment, OperationMetadata> response = await client.CreateGameServerDeploymentAsync(request);

        // Poll until the returned long-running operation is complete.
        Operation <GameServerDeployment, OperationMetadata> completedResponse = await response.PollUntilCompletedAsync();

        // Retrieve the operation result.
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a new game deployment
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="projectId">Your Google Cloud Project Id</param>
        /// <param name="deploymentId">Deployment Id</param>
        public string CreateDeployment(
            string projectId    = "YOUR-PROJECT-ID",
            string deploymentId = "YOUR-DEPLOYMENT-ID")
            // Build a spec as shown at https://agones.dev/site/docs/reference/gameserver/
            var container = new JObject();

            container.Add("name", "default");
            container.Add("image", "gcr.io/agones-images/default:1.0");
            var containers = new JArray();


            var spec = new JObject();

            spec.Add("containers", containers);

            var template = new JObject();

            template.Add("spec", spec);

            var port = new JObject();

            port.Add("name", "default");

            var ports = new JArray();


            var specObject = new JObject();

            specObject.Add("ports", ports);
            specObject.Add("template", template);

            // Initialize the client
            var client = GameServerDeploymentsServiceClient.Create();

            // Construct the request
            string parent             = $"projects/{projectId}/locations/global";
            string deploymentName     = $"{parent}/gameServerDeployments/{deploymentId}";
            var    gameServerTemplate = new GameServerTemplate
                Spec       = specObject.ToString(),
                TemplateId = "default"
            var gameServerDeployment = new GameServerDeployment
                Name = deploymentName,
                NewGameServerTemplate = gameServerTemplate,
            var request = new CreateGameServerDeploymentRequest
                Parent               = parent,
                DeploymentId         = deploymentId,
                GameServerDeployment = gameServerDeployment,

            // Call the API
                var created = client.CreateGameServerDeployment(request);

                // Inspect the result
                return($"Game server deployment created for {deploymentId}. OperationId: {created.Name}");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine($"CreateGameServerDeployment error:");