Exemplo n.º 1
        private static readonly string _screenConnectClass       = @"pdwurt-screen-connect"; //class name


        #region --- Constructor ---
        internal Players(IWebDriver driver, TestSystemConfiguration config) : base(driver, config)
            PageContainerName                 = _playerContainer; //Element Div By: Id
            PageSearchField                   = _pageSearchField;
            PageUtilBarContainerClassName     = _pageUtilBarContainerClassName;
            PageFunctionBarContainerClassName = _pageFunctionBarContainerClassName;
Exemplo n.º 2
 internal ChromeBrowser(string browser, string version, string os, string deviceName, string deviceOrientation,
                        TestSystemConfiguration configuration)
     this._configuration = configuration;
     caps.SetCapability(CapabilityType.BrowserName, browser);
     caps.SetCapability(CapabilityType.Version, version);
     caps.SetCapability(CapabilityType.Platform, os);
     caps.SetCapability("deviceName", deviceName);
     caps.SetCapability("deviceOrientation", deviceOrientation);
     caps.SetCapability("username", _configuration.SauceLabsUser);
     caps.SetCapability("accessKey", _configuration.SauceLabsKey);
     caps.SetCapability("maxDuration", _configuration.MaxDuration);
Exemplo n.º 3
 public ClientMenu(IWebDriver driver, TestSystemConfiguration config) : base(driver, config)
     // Remove this property and use the base class driver property.
     // Replace all other instances of driver in this class.
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static readonly string _systemGeneratedTagList = @"//div[@class='pim-tags-legend']//div";//xpath

        #region --- Constructor ---
        public PlayerGeneralTags(IWebDriver driver, TestSystemConfiguration config) : base(driver, config)
            PageContainerName = _playerContainer; //Element Div By: Id
            PageFunctionBarContainerClassName = _lgfeContainer;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public Assets(IWebDriver driver, TestSystemConfiguration config) : base(driver, config)
Exemplo n.º 6
 public Login(IWebDriver driver, TestSystemConfiguration config) : base(driver, config)
     PageContainerName = _loginContainer;
     PageFunctionBarContainerClassName = _loginContentArea;
Exemplo n.º 7
 internal MyProfile(IWebDriver driver, TestSystemConfiguration config) : base(driver, config)
     PageContainerName = "profile-container"; // This is property is in the base class which is the string to the id attribute for the content container.
Exemplo n.º 8
        //  private LocationsSettingModal _locationsModal = null;

        /*  internal SubCards.LocationsSettingModal LocationModal
         * {
         *    get
         *    {
         *        if (_locationsModal == null)
         *        {
         *            _locationsModal = new LocationsSettingModal(this.Driver);
         *        }
         *        return _locationsModal;
         *    }
         *    set => _locationsModal = value;
         * }*/

        #region --- Constructor ---
        internal LocationDetail(IWebDriver driver, TestSystemConfiguration config) : base(driver, config)
            PageContainerName = _locationContainer;
Exemplo n.º 9
 public SideBar(IWebDriver driver, TestSystemConfiguration config) : base(driver, config)
 internal ConfigureGeneralSection(IWebDriver driver, TestSystemConfiguration config) : base(driver, config)
     PageContainerName = _locationsContainer; //Element Div By: Id
Exemplo n.º 11
 public PlayList(IWebDriver driver, TestSystemConfiguration config) : base(driver, config)
Exemplo n.º 12
 public PlayLists(IWebDriver driver, TestSystemConfiguration config) : base(driver, config)
     PageUtilBarContainerClassName = "pm-utility-bar js-playlists-utility-bar";
     PageSearchField   = "playlists-search";
     PageContainerName = "playlists-container";
Exemplo n.º 13
 protected LGBasePage(IWebDriver driver, TestSystemConfiguration config)
     _config = config;
     _driver = driver;
 internal GeneralLicenseAndSubscriptionsSection(IWebDriver driver, TestSystemConfiguration config) : base(driver, config)
     PageContainerName = _locationsContainer; //Element Div By: Id