Exemplo n.º 1
        public override bool ExecuteAction(ActionProgramRun ap)
            string             say;
            ConditionVariables statementvars;

            if (FromString(userdata, out say, out statementvars))
                string             errlist = null;
                ConditionVariables vars    = statementvars.ExpandAll(ap.functions, statementvars, out errlist);

                if (errlist == null)
                    bool wait = vars.GetInt(waitname, 0) != 0;

                    string prior = (vars.Exists(priorityname) && vars[priorityname].Length > 0) ? vars[priorityname] : (ap.VarExist(globalvarspeechpriority) ? ap[globalvarspeechpriority] : "Normal");
                    AudioQueue.Priority priority = AudioQueue.GetPriority(prior);

                    string start  = vars.GetString(startname, checklen: true);
                    string finish = vars.GetString(finishname, checklen: true);
                    string voice  = (vars.Exists(voicename) && vars[voicename].Length > 0)? vars[voicename] : (ap.VarExist(globalvarspeechvoice) ? ap[globalvarspeechvoice] : "Default");

                    int vol = vars.GetInt(volumename, -999);
                    if (vol == -999)
                        vol = ap.variables.GetInt(globalvarspeechvolume, 60);

                    int rate = vars.GetInt(ratename, -999);
                    if (rate == -999)
                        rate = ap.variables.GetInt(globalvarspeechrate, 0);

                    int queuelimitms = vars.GetInt(queuelimit, 0);

                    string culture = (vars.Exists(culturename) && vars[culturename].Length > 0) ? vars[culturename] : (ap.VarExist(globalvarspeechculture) ? ap[globalvarspeechculture] : "Default");

                    bool literal   = vars.GetInt(literalname, 0) != 0;
                    bool dontspeak = vars.GetInt(dontspeakname, 0) != 0;

                    string prefixsoundpath  = vars.GetString(prefixsound, checklen: true);
                    string postfixsoundpath = vars.GetString(postfixsound, checklen: true);
                    string mixsoundpath     = vars.GetString(mixsound, checklen: true);

                    ConditionVariables  globalsettings = ap.VarExist(globalvarspeecheffects) ? new ConditionVariables(ap[globalvarspeecheffects], ConditionVariables.FromMode.MultiEntryComma) : null;
                    SoundEffectSettings ses            = SoundEffectSettings.Set(globalsettings, vars); // work out the settings

                    if (queuelimitms > 0)
                        int queue = ap.actioncontroller.AudioQueueSpeech.InQueuems();

                        if (queue >= queuelimitms)
                            ap["SaySaid"] = "!LIMIT";
                            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Abort say due to queue being at " + queue);

                    string expsay;
                    if (ap.functions.ExpandString(say, out expsay) != ConditionFunctions.ExpandResult.Failed)
                        if (!literal)
                            expsay = expsay.PickOneOfGroups(rnd);       // expand grouping if not literal
                        ap["SaySaid"] = expsay;

                        if ((ap.VarExist("SpeechDebug") && ap["SpeechDebug"].Contains("Print")))
                            ap.actioncontroller.LogLine("Say: " + expsay);
                            expsay = "";

                        if (dontspeak)
                            expsay = "";

                        System.IO.MemoryStream ms = ap.actioncontroller.SpeechSynthesizer.Speak(expsay, culture, voice, rate);

                        if (ms != null)
                            AudioQueue.AudioSample audio = ap.actioncontroller.AudioQueueSpeech.Generate(ms, ses, true);

                            if (audio == null)
                                ap.ReportError("Say could not create audio, check Effects settings");

                            if (mixsoundpath != null)
                                AudioQueue.AudioSample mix = ap.actioncontroller.AudioQueueSpeech.Generate(mixsoundpath);

                                if (mix == null)
                                    ap.ReportError("Say could not create mix audio, check audio file format is supported and effects settings");

                                audio = ap.actioncontroller.AudioQueueSpeech.Mix(audio, mix);     // audio in MIX format

                            if (prefixsoundpath != null)
                                AudioQueue.AudioSample p = ap.actioncontroller.AudioQueueSpeech.Generate(prefixsoundpath);

                                if (p == null)
                                    ap.ReportError("Say could not create prefix audio, check audio file format is supported and effects settings");

                                audio = ap.actioncontroller.AudioQueueSpeech.Append(p, audio);        // audio in AUDIO format.

                            if (postfixsoundpath != null)
                                AudioQueue.AudioSample p = ap.actioncontroller.AudioQueueSpeech.Generate(postfixsoundpath);

                                if (p == null)
                                    ap.ReportError("Say could not create postfix audio, check audio file format is supported and effects settings");

                                audio = ap.actioncontroller.AudioQueueSpeech.Append(audio, p);         // Audio in P format

                            if (start != null)
                                audio.sampleStartTag = new AudioEvent {
                                    apr = ap, eventname = start, ev = ActionEvent.onSayStarted
                                audio.sampleStartEvent += Audio_sampleEvent;

                            if (wait || finish != null)        // if waiting, or finish call
                                audio.sampleOverTag = new AudioEvent()
                                    apr = ap, wait = wait, eventname = finish, ev = ActionEvent.onSayFinished
                                audio.sampleOverEvent += Audio_sampleEvent;

                            ap.actioncontroller.AudioQueueSpeech.Submit(audio, vol, priority);

                            return(!wait);       //False if wait, meaning terminate and wait for it to complete, true otherwise, continue
                ap.ReportError("Say command line not in correct format");

Exemplo n.º 2
        public override bool ExecuteAction(ActionProgramRun ap)
            string             say;
            ConditionVariables statementvars;

            if (FromString(userdata, out say, out statementvars))
                string             errlist = null;
                ConditionVariables vars    = statementvars.ExpandAll(ap.functions, statementvars, out errlist);

                if (errlist == null)
                    bool wait = vars.GetInt(waitname, 0) != 0;
                    Audio.AudioQueue.Priority priority = Audio.AudioQueue.GetPriority(vars.GetString(priorityname, "Normal"));
                    string start  = vars.GetString(startname);
                    string finish = vars.GetString(finishname);
                    string voice  = vars.Exists(voicename) ? vars[voicename] : (ap.VarExist(globalvarspeechvoice) ? ap[globalvarspeechvoice] : "Default");

                    int vol = vars.GetInt(volumename, -999);
                    if (vol == -999)
                        vol = ap.variables.GetInt(globalvarspeechvolume, 60);

                    int rate = vars.GetInt(ratename, -999);
                    if (rate == -999)
                        rate = ap.variables.GetInt(globalvarspeechrate, 0);

                    string culture = vars.Exists(culturename) ? vars[culturename] : (ap.VarExist(globalvarspeechculture) ? ap[globalvarspeechculture] : "Default");

                    bool literal   = vars.GetInt(literalname, 0) != 0;
                    bool dontspeak = vars.GetInt(dontspeakname, 0) != 0;

                    Audio.SoundEffectSettings ses = new Audio.SoundEffectSettings(vars);       // use the rest of the vars to place effects

                    if (!ses.Any && !ses.OverrideNone && ap.VarExist(globalvarspeecheffects))  // if can't see any, and override none if off, and we have a global, use that
                        vars = new ConditionVariables(ap[globalvarspeecheffects], ConditionVariables.FromMode.MultiEntryComma);

                    string expsay;
                    if (ap.functions.ExpandString(say, out expsay) != EDDiscovery.ConditionFunctions.ExpandResult.Failed)
                        if (!literal)
                            expsay = expsay.PickOneOfGroups(rnd);       // expand grouping if not literal
                        ap["SaySaid"] = expsay;

                        if ((ap.VarExist("SpeechDebug") && ap["SpeechDebug"].Contains("Print")))
                            ap.actioncontroller.LogLine("Say: " + expsay);
                            expsay = "";

                        if (dontspeak)
                            expsay = "";

                        System.IO.MemoryStream ms = ap.actioncontroller.DiscoveryForm.SpeechSynthesizer.Speak(expsay, culture, voice, rate);

                        if (ms != null)
                            Audio.AudioQueue.AudioSample audio = ap.actioncontroller.DiscoveryForm.AudioQueueSpeech.Generate(ms, vars, true);

                            if (audio != null)
                                if (start != null && start.Length > 0)
                                    audio.sampleStartTag = new AudioEvent {
                                        apr = ap, eventname = start, triggername = "onSayStarted"
                                    audio.sampleStartEvent += Audio_sampleEvent;
                                if (wait || (finish != null && finish.Length > 0))       // if waiting, or finish call
                                    audio.sampleOverTag = new AudioEvent()
                                        apr = ap, wait = wait, eventname = finish, triggername = "onSayFinished"
                                    audio.sampleOverEvent += Audio_sampleEvent;

                                ap.actioncontroller.DiscoveryForm.AudioQueueSpeech.Submit(audio, vol, priority);

                                return(!wait);       //False if wait, meaning terminate and wait for it to complete, true otherwise, continue
                                ap.ReportError("Say could not create audio, check Effects settings");
                ap.ReportError("Say command line not in correct format");

Exemplo n.º 3
        public override bool ExecuteAction(ActionProgramRun ap)
            string             pathunexpanded;
            ConditionVariables statementvars;

            if (FromString(userdata, out pathunexpanded, out statementvars))
                string             errlist = null;
                ConditionVariables vars    = statementvars.ExpandAll(ap.functions, statementvars, out errlist);

                if (errlist == null)
                    string path;
                    if (ap.functions.ExpandString(pathunexpanded, out path) != ConditionFunctions.ExpandResult.Failed)
                        if (System.IO.File.Exists(path))
                            bool wait = vars.GetInt(waitname, 0) != 0;
                            AudioQueue.Priority priority = AudioQueue.GetPriority(vars.GetString(priorityname, "Normal"));
                            string start  = vars.GetString(startname);
                            string finish = vars.GetString(finishname);

                            int vol = vars.GetInt(volumename, -999);
                            if (vol == -999)
                                vol = ap.variables.GetInt(globalvarplayvolume, 60);

                            SoundEffectSettings ses = new SoundEffectSettings(vars);                // use the rest of the vars to place effects

                            if (!ses.Any && !ses.OverrideNone && ap.VarExist(globalvarplayeffects)) // if can't see any, and override none if off, and we have a global, use that
                                vars = new ConditionVariables(ap[globalvarplayeffects], ConditionVariables.FromMode.MultiEntryComma);

                            AudioQueue.AudioSample audio = ap.actioncontroller.AudioQueueWave.Generate(path, vars);

                            if (audio != null)
                                if (start != null && start.Length > 0)
                                    audio.sampleStartTag = new AudioEvent {
                                        apr = ap, eventname = start, triggername = "onPlayStarted"
                                    audio.sampleStartEvent += Audio_sampleEvent;
                                if (wait || (finish != null && finish.Length > 0))       // if waiting, or finish call
                                    audio.sampleOverTag = new AudioEvent()
                                        apr = ap, wait = wait, eventname = finish, triggername = "onPlayFinished"
                                    audio.sampleOverEvent += Audio_sampleEvent;

                                ap.actioncontroller.AudioQueueWave.Submit(audio, vol, priority);
                                return(!wait);       //False if wait, meaning terminate and wait for it to complete, true otherwise, continue
                                ap.ReportError("Play could not create audio, check audio file format is supported and effects settings");
                            ap.ReportError("Play could not find file " + path);
                ap.ReportError("Play command line not in correct format");
