Exemplo n.º 1
        private void SetClosestIndex(Color color)
            ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb rgbColorStop = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb()
                R = color.R, G = color.G, B = color.B
            Tuple <Color, double, int>[] colorWeights = new Tuple <Color, double, int> [Width];

            // Create a color weight for every cell compared to the color stop
            for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
                ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb rgbColor = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb()
                    R = this[x, 0].Foreground.R, G = this[x, 0].Foreground.G, B = this[x, 0].Foreground.B
                ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Cmy cmyColor = rgbColor.To <ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Cmy>();

                colorWeights[x] = new Tuple <Color, double, int>(this[x, 0].Foreground, rgbColorStop.Compare(cmyColor, new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Comparisons.Cie1976Comparison()), x);

            var foundColor = colorWeights.OrderBy(t => t.Item2).First();

            _selectedPosition = foundColor.Item3;
            this.IsDirty      = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public byte[] GetDMXFromColors(IEnumerable <Color> LEDColors)
            if (LEDColors == null || !LEDColors.Any())
            if (LEDColors.Count() > maxChannel / 3)
                LEDColors = LEDColors.Take(maxChannel / 3);

            byte[] channels = LEDColors.SelectMany((color) =>
                var A   = color.A / 255M;
                var RGB = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb()
                    R = (int)(color.R * A), G = (int)(color.G * A), B = (int)(color.B * A)
                var CMY = RGB.To <ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Cmy>();
                // LAB
                return(new byte[] {
                    (byte)(15 * CMY.C),
                    (byte)(15 * CMY.M),
                    (byte)(15 * CMY.Y)

Exemplo n.º 3
        private void SetClosestIndex(Color color)
            ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb rgbColorStop = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb()
                R = color.R, G = color.G, B = color.B
            Tuple <Color, double, int>[] colorWeights = new Tuple <Color, double, int> [TextSurface.Cells.Length];

            // Create a color weight for every cell compared to the color stop
            for (int x = 0; x < TextSurface.Cells.Length; x++)
                ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb rgbColor = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb()
                    R = this[x].Background.R, G = this[x].Background.G, B = this[x].Background.B
                ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Cmy cmyColor = rgbColor.To <ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Cmy>();

                colorWeights[x] = new Tuple <Color, double, int>(this[x].Background, rgbColorStop.Compare(cmyColor, new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Comparisons.Cie1976Comparison()), x);

            var foundColor = colorWeights.OrderBy(t => t.Item2).First();

            this[_selectedColorPosition.X, _selectedColorPosition.Y].Glyph = 0;
            _selectedColorPosition = SadConsole.Surfaces.BasicSurface.GetPointFromIndex(foundColor.Item3, Width);
            this[_selectedColorPosition.X, _selectedColorPosition.Y].Glyph = 4;

            this.IsDirty = true;
Exemplo n.º 4
        public override double Distance(Color3d circleColor, Color3d pixelColor, int distX, int distY)
            if (circleColor.GetType() != pixelColor.GetType())
                throw new Exception("Can't compare colors in different color spaces");

            var circleColorRgb = circleColor.ConvertTo <ColorRgb>();
            var pixelColorRgb  = pixelColor.ConvertTo <ColorRgb>();

            var mineCircleColor = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb
                R = circleColorRgb.R,
                G = circleColorRgb.G,
                B = circleColorRgb.B

            var minePixelColor = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb
                R = pixelColorRgb.R,
                G = pixelColorRgb.G,
                B = pixelColorRgb.B

            var ciede2000diff = mineCircleColor.Compare(minePixelColor, new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Comparisons.CieDe2000Comparison());
            int distFromPoint = (int)Math.Sqrt(distX * distX + distY * distY);

            return(ciede2000diff + distFromPoint);
Exemplo n.º 5
        static private void ScTextGspsShapesTest(string studyDirectoryPath, string scFileName, string outputFileName, string seriesDescription)
            string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(studyDirectoryPath);

            string sourceFilePath = files.Single(a => DicomFile.Open(a).Dataset.GetSingleValue <string>(DicomTag.Modality) != "PR");

            var dataset    = DicomFile.Open(sourceFilePath).Dataset;
            var image      = dataset.ReadL16Image();
            var newDataset = new DicomDataset();


            FontCollection fontCollection = new FontCollection();
            ushort         windowCenter   = dataset.GetValue <ushort>(DicomTag.WindowCenter, 0);
            ushort         windowWidth    = dataset.GetValue <ushort>(DicomTag.WindowWidth, 0);
            ushort         colorValue     = (ushort)(windowCenter + windowWidth);
            Color          color          = new Color(new Rgba64(colorValue, colorValue, colorValue, colorValue));
            FontFamily     fontFamily     = fontCollection.Install("/media/nikolaev_ov/CEFE3C54FE3C36D5/fonts/TimesNewRoman/TimesNewRomanRegular/TimesNewRomanRegular.ttf");
            Font           font           = new Font(fontFamily, 36, FontStyle.Regular);
            var            objectCoord    = (1000F, 1000F);
            var            objectSize     = (400F, 200f);

            image.Mutate(a =>
                a.DrawText("1: (Информация о находке)", font, color, new PointF(100, 100));
                a.DrawText(new DrawingOptions()
                    GraphicsOptions = new GraphicsOptions(), TextOptions = new TextOptions()
                        HorizontalAlignment = HorizontalAlignment.Center
                }, "1", font, color, new PointF(objectCoord.Item1 + objectSize.Item1 * 0.5F, objectCoord.Item2 + objectSize.Item2 + 5));

            var pixelData = image.ToPixelData();

            var dicomPixelData = DicomPixelData.Create(newDataset, true);

            dicomPixelData.AddFrame(new MemoryByteBuffer(pixelData));
            dataset = newDataset.Compress(DicomTransferSyntax.JPEGLSLossless, new DicomJpegLsLosslessCodec(), new DicomJpegParams());

            string destFilePath = Path.Combine(studyDirectoryPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(scFileName) + ".dcm");

            new DicomFile(dataset).Save(destFilePath);

            var         pre       = CreatePresentationState(new[] { sourceFilePath }, true, seriesDescription, 1);
            const float thickness = 2F;

            ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb rgb = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb {
                G = 255
            AddPolyline(pre, objectCoord.Item1 + thickness * 0.5F, objectCoord.Item2 + thickness * 0.5F, objectSize.Item1 - thickness, objectSize.Item2 - thickness, thickness, rgb);

            destFilePath = Path.Combine(studyDirectoryPath, Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(outputFileName) + ".dcm");
            new DicomFile(pre.PresentationStateDataset).Save(destFilePath);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public double compareColor(Color c, Color k)
            ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb cRgb = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb(c.R, c.G, c.B);
            ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb kRgb = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb(k.R, k.G, k.B);

            double delta = cRgb.Compare(kRgb, new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Comparisons.Cie1976Comparison());

            log.Info("delta  :" + delta + " color : " + c + " and " + k);
Exemplo n.º 7
        // compare two Emgu CV colors using ColorMine, an API for C#
        public static int colorDifference(Bgr c1, Bgr c2)
            var myRGB1 = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb {
                R = c1.Red, G = c1.Green, B = c1.Blue
            var myRGB2 = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb {
                R = c2.Red, G = c2.Green, B = c2.Blue

            return((int)myRGB1.Compare(myRGB2, new Cie1976Comparison()));
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// RGBカラーからMunsell文字列へ変換する
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rgb">RGBカラー</param>
        /// <returns>Munsell文字列</returns>
        public string getMunsellString(Rgb rgb)
            var r = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb {
                R = rgb.R, G = rgb.G, B = rgb.B
            var m = r.To <ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Munsell>();

            //Munsell munsell = MunsellConverter.ToColor(rgb);
            //return munsell.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 9
        public LCCColorDenorm RGBToLCC(ColorF c)
            var rgb = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb {
                R = c.R, G = c.G, B = c.B
            var lab = rgb.To <ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Hsl>();
            // https://github.com/hvalidi/ColorMine/blob/master/ColorMine/ColorSpaces/ColorSpaces.xml
            LCCColorDenorm ret;

            ret.L  = lab.L;
            ret.C1 = lab.H;
            ret.C2 = lab.S;
Exemplo n.º 10
        public static void DumpColors()
            Func <Color, Color, bool> Equals = (c1, c2) => c1.R == c2.R && c1.G == c2.G && c1.B == c2.B;

            var fn = System.IO.Path.Combine(System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().MainModule.FileName), "NamedColors.txt");

            using (var sw = new System.IO.StreamWriter(fn))
                sw.WriteLine("Color\tName\tHex (RGB)" +
                             "\tRed (RGB)\tGreen (RGB)\tBlue (RGB)" +
                             "\tL (LAB)\tA (LAB)\tB (LAB)" +
                             "\tHue (HSL)\tSat (HSL)\tLum (HSL)" +
                             "\tHue (HSV)\tSat (HSV)\tValue (HSV)" +
                             "\tRound Trip (HSL)\tRed (HSL)\tGreen (HSL)\tBlue (HSL)" +
                             "\tRound Trip (HSV)\tRed (HSV)\tGreen (HSV)\tBlue (HSV)"

                foreach (var c in ColorEx.KnownColors)
                    double L, A, B;
                    #if USE_COLORMINE
                    var lab = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb {
                        R = c.R, G = c.G, B = c.B
                    }.To <ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Lab>();
                    L = lab.L;
                    A = lab.A;
                    B = lab.B;
                    var lab = RGBtoLab(c);
                    L = lab[0];
                    A = lab[1];
                    B = lab[2];

                    HSLColor hsl   = c;
                    HSVColor hsv   = c;
                    Color    hsl2c = hsl;
                    Color    hsv2c = hsv;

                    sw.WriteLine($"\t{c.Name}\t#{ColorEx.MakeArgb(0, c.R, c.G, c.B):X6}" +
                                 $"\t{c.R}\t{c.G}\t{c.B}" +
                                 $"\t{L}\t{A}\t{B}" +
                                 $"\t{hsl.Hue}\t{hsl.Saturation}\t{hsl.Luminosity}" +
                                 $"\t{hsv.Hue}\t{hsv.Saturation}\t{hsv.Value}" +
                                 $"\t{Equals(hsl2c, c)}\t{hsl2c.R}\t{hsl2c.G}\t{hsl2c.B}" +
                                 $"\t{Equals(hsv2c, c)}\t{hsv2c.R}\t{hsv2c.G}\t{hsv2c.B}"
Exemplo n.º 11
 public ColorItem(string colorName)
     Color = Color.FromName(colorName);
     var lab = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb {
         R = Color.R, G = Color.G, B = Color.B
     }.To <ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Lab>();
     L = lab.L;
     A = lab.A;
     B = lab.B;
     var lab = RGBtoLab(this.Color);
     L = lab[0];
     A = lab[1];
     B = lab[2];
Exemplo n.º 12
        public override void SetFromRgb(byte R, byte G, byte B)
            var colorMineRgb = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb
                R = R,
                G = G,
                B = B

            var colorMineLab = colorMineRgb.To <ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Lab>();

            //var colourfulRgb = new Colourful.RGBColor(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb(R, G, B));
            //var colourfulLab = colorfulConverter.ToLab(colourfulRgb);

            L = (int)colorMineLab.L;
            a = (int)colorMineLab.A;
            b = (int)colorMineLab.B;
Exemplo n.º 13
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a specified color, get the nearest known web or system color. Transparency is ignored.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="color">Color to match</param>
        /// <returns>The known color that most closely resembles the specified color</returns>
        public static Color NearestKnownColor(this Color color)
            //using (var g = Graphics.FromHwnd(IntPtr.Zero)) return g.GetNearestColor(color);

            // For finding nearest known perceptual color, using the LAB color space gives much better results than weighted HSL.
            double L, A, B;

            #if USE_COLORMINE
            var lab = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb {
                R = color.R, G = color.G, B = color.B
            }.To <ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Lab>();
            L = lab.L;
            A = lab.A;
            B = lab.B;
            var lab = RGBtoLab(color);
            L = lab[0];
            A = lab[1];
            B = lab[2];

            double distance = double.MaxValue;
            int    index    = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < KnownColorItems.Count; i++)
                var item = KnownColorItems[i];
                var dL   = Math.Abs(item.L - L);
                var dA   = Math.Abs(item.A - A);
                var dB   = Math.Abs(item.B - B);
                var r    = dL * dL + dA * dA + dB * dB; //(L1-L2)^2 + (a1-a2)^2 + (b1-b2)^2
                if (r < distance)
                    distance = r;
                    index    = i;

Exemplo n.º 14
        public Dictionary <short, byte> GetDMXChannelColors()
            var rtn = new Dictionary <short, byte>();

            foreach (LED led in LEDList)
                var red   = HonorAlpha ? led.Red : led.Red.ApplyDimmer(led.Alpha, Dimmer);
                var green = HonorAlpha ? led.Green : led.Green.ApplyDimmer(led.Alpha, Dimmer);
                var blue  = HonorAlpha ? led.Blue : led.Blue.ApplyDimmer(led.Alpha, Dimmer);

                var A = led.Alpha / 255M;
                // var RGB = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb() { R = (int)(color.R * A), G = (int)(color.G * A), B = (int)(color.B * A) };
                var RGB = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb()
                    R = (int)(red), G = (int)(green), B = (int)(blue)
                var CMY = RGB.To <ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Cmy>();
                // LAB
                rtn.Add((short)(led.Index + 0), (byte)(15 * CMY.C));
                rtn.Add((short)(led.Index + 1), (byte)(15 * CMY.M));
                rtn.Add((short)(led.Index + 2), (byte)(15 * CMY.Y));
Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void UpdateAndDraw(ControlBase control, TimeSpan time)
            if (!(control is HueBarControl bar))
            if (!bar.IsDirty)

            control.Surface.Fill(Color.White, Color.Black, 0, null);

            bar._positions = control.Width;
            ColorGradient gradient = new ColorGradient(Color.Red, Color.Yellow, Color.Green, Color.Turquoise, Color.Blue, Color.Purple, Color.Red);

            for (int x = 0; x < control.Width; x++)
                control.Surface[x, 0].Glyph      = 219;
                control.Surface[x, 0].Foreground = gradient.Lerp((float)x / (float)(control.Width - 1));

            control.Surface[bar.SelectedPosition, 1].Glyph      = 30;
            control.Surface[bar.SelectedPosition, 1].Foreground = Color.LightGray;//this[_selectedPosition, 0].Foreground;

            // Build an array of all the colors
            Color[] colors = new Color[control.Width];
            for (int x = 0; x < control.Width; x++)
                colors[x] = control.Surface[x, 0].Foreground;

            List <int> colorIndexesFinished = new List <int>(control.Width);

            foreach (var stop in gradient.Stops)
                ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb rgbColorStop = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb()
                    R = stop.Color.R, G = stop.Color.G, B = stop.Color.B
                Tuple <Color, double, int>[] colorWeights = new Tuple <Color, double, int> [control.Width];

                // Create a color weight for every cell compared to the color stop
                for (int x = 0; x < control.Width; x++)
                    if (!colorIndexesFinished.Contains(x))
                        ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb rgbColor = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb()
                            R = colors[x].R, G = colors[x].G, B = colors[x].B
                        ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Cmy cmyColor = rgbColor.To <ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Cmy>();

                        colorWeights[x] = new Tuple <Color, double, int>(colors[x], rgbColorStop.Compare(cmyColor, new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Comparisons.Cie1976Comparison()), x);
                        colorWeights[x] = new Tuple <Color, double, int>(colors[x], 10000, x);

                var foundColor = colorWeights.OrderBy(t => t.Item2).First();

                control.Surface[foundColor.Item3, 0].Foreground = stop.Color;

            control.IsDirty = false;
        private Color rainbowRGB(double value, double max, double min)
            double range    = max - min;
            double percent  = (value - min) / range;
            double startCol = 0.2;
            double endCol   = 1;
            int    red;
            int    grn;
            int    blu;
            Color  rgb = new Color();

            //percent is the position in the spectrum 0 = red 1 = violet
            //first flip

            percent = 1 - percent;
            double threeSixty = Math.PI * 2;
            //but then we shift to squeeze into the desired range
            double scaledCol = percent * (endCol - startCol) + startCol;

            //startCol is a % into the roygbinv spectrum
            //endCol is a % before the end of the roygbinv spectrum
            red = Convert.ToInt16(Math.Sin(threeSixty * scaledCol + 2 * Math.PI / 3) * 128 + 127);
            grn = Convert.ToInt16(Math.Sin(threeSixty * scaledCol + 4 * Math.PI / 3) * 128 + 127);
            blu = Convert.ToInt16(Math.Sin(threeSixty * scaledCol + 0) * 128 + 127);
            if (red < 0)
                red = 0;
            if (red > 255)
                red = 255;
            if (grn < 0)
                grn = 0;
            if (grn > 255)
                grn = 255;
            if (blu < 0)
                blu = 0;
            if (blu > 255)
                blu = 255;

            ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb colMRGB = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb {
                R = red, B = blu, G = grn
            colMRGB.R = red;
            colMRGB.G = grn;
            colMRGB.B = blu;
            var colMHSV = colMRGB.To <ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Hsv>();

            colMHSV.S = colMHSV.S * 0.7;
            colMRGB   = colMHSV.To <ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb>();
            rgb       = Color.FromArgb((int)colMRGB.R, (int)colMRGB.G, (int)colMRGB.B);
Exemplo n.º 17
        /// <summary>
        /// Return best color match by computing the metric distance with the selected formula
        /// </summary>
        public static JToken GetNearestColor(string colorHex, JObject jColorList)
            int colorR   = int.Parse(colorHex.Substring(1, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
            int colorG   = int.Parse(colorHex.Substring(3, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
            int colorB   = int.Parse(colorHex.Substring(5, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
            var colorRgb = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb {
                R = colorR, G = colorG, B = colorB

            double bestDistance    = -1;
            JToken nearestColor    = null;
            string nearestColorHex = null;

            JObject hueColorsList = null;

            if (jColorList["Info"]["hasHueValues"].ToObject <bool>() == true && jColorList.ContainsKey("HueColors"))
                hueColorsList = jColorList["HueColors"].ToObject <JObject>();

            foreach (var item in jColorList["Colors"].ToObject <JObject>())
                string itemColorHex = item.Key;
                if (string.Compare(item.Key, colorHex, true) == 0)
                    bestDistance    = 0;
                    nearestColor    = item.Value;
                    nearestColorHex = item.Key;

                int nearestColorR = int.Parse(itemColorHex.Substring(1, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                int nearestColorG = int.Parse(itemColorHex.Substring(3, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                int nearestColorB = int.Parse(itemColorHex.Substring(5, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                var itemRgb       = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb {
                    R = nearestColorR, G = nearestColorG, B = nearestColorB

                // Space comparison formulas: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Color_difference
                // Note: Delta-e calculations are quasimetric,
                //   the result of comparing color a to b isn't always equal to comparing color b to a
                //   but it will probably be pretty close
                double deltaE = colorRgb.Compare(itemRgb, Common.spaceComparison);

                if (bestDistance < 0 || bestDistance > deltaE)
                    bestDistance    = deltaE;
                    nearestColor    = item.Value;
                    nearestColorHex = item.Key;

            // Add color info
            if (nearestColor != null)
                nearestColor["hex"] = nearestColorHex;
                int nearestColorR = int.Parse(nearestColorHex.Substring(1, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                int nearestColorG = int.Parse(nearestColorHex.Substring(3, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                int nearestColorB = int.Parse(nearestColorHex.Substring(5, 2), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier);
                nearestColor["rgb"]      = string.Format("{0}, {1}, {2}", nearestColorR, nearestColorG, nearestColorB);
                nearestColor["distance"] = bestDistance;

                // Find Hue color info
                if (hueColorsList != null)
                    string hueName = nearestColor["hueName"].ToString();
                    if (hueColorsList.ContainsKey(hueName) == true)
                        nearestColor["hueHex"] = hueColorsList[hueName]["hex"];
Exemplo n.º 18
        // compare two Emgu CV colors using ColorMine, an API for C#
        public static int colorDifference(Bgr c1, Bgr c2)
            var myRGB1 = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb { R = c1.Red, G = c1.Green, B = c1.Blue };
            var myRGB2 = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb { R = c2.Red, G = c2.Green, B = c2.Blue };

            return (int)myRGB1.Compare(myRGB2, new Cie1976Comparison());
Exemplo n.º 19
        private void SetClosestIndex(Color color)
            ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb rgbColorStop = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb() { R = color.R, G = color.G, B = color.B };
            Tuple<Color, double, int>[] colorWeights = new Tuple<Color, double, int>[Width];

            // Create a color weight for every cell compared to the color stop
            for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
                ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb rgbColor = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb() { R = this[x, 0].Foreground.R, G = this[x, 0].Foreground.G, B = this[x, 0].Foreground.B };
                ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Cmy cmyColor = rgbColor.To<ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Cmy>();

                colorWeights[x] = new Tuple<Color, double, int>(this[x, 0].Foreground, rgbColorStop.Compare(cmyColor, new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Comparisons.Cie1976Comparison()), x);


            var foundColor = colorWeights.OrderBy(t => t.Item2).First();
            _selectedPosition = foundColor.Item3;
            this.IsDirty = true;
Exemplo n.º 20
        public override void Compose()
            if (this.IsDirty)
                this.Fill(Color.White, Color.Black, 0, null);

                _positions = Width;
                ColorGradient gradient = new ColorGradient(Color.Red, Color.Yellow, Color.Green, Color.Turquoise, Color.Blue, Color.Purple, Color.Red);

                for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
                    this[x, 0].GlyphIndex = 219;
                    this[x, 0].Foreground = gradient.Lerp((float)x / (float)(Width - 1));

                this[_selectedPosition, 1].GlyphIndex = 30;
                this[_selectedPosition, 1].Foreground = Color.LightGray;//this[_selectedPosition, 0].Foreground;

                // Build an array of all the colors
                Color[] colors = new Color[Width];
                for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
                    colors[x] = this[x, 0].Foreground;

                List<int> colorIndexesFinished = new List<int>(Width);

                foreach (var stop in gradient.Stops)
                    ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb rgbColorStop = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb() { R = stop.Color.R, G = stop.Color.G, B = stop.Color.B };
                    Tuple<Color, double, int>[] colorWeights = new Tuple<Color, double, int>[Width];

                    // Create a color weight for every cell compared to the color stop
                    for (int x = 0; x < Width; x++)
                        if (!colorIndexesFinished.Contains(x))
                            ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb rgbColor = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb() { R = colors[x].R, G = colors[x].G, B = colors[x].B };
                            ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Cmy cmyColor = rgbColor.To<ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Cmy>();

                            colorWeights[x] = new Tuple<Color, double, int>(colors[x], rgbColorStop.Compare(cmyColor, new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Comparisons.Cie1976Comparison()), x);
                            colorWeights[x] = new Tuple<Color, double, int>(colors[x], 10000, x);

                    var foundColor = colorWeights.OrderBy(t => t.Item2).First();

                    this[foundColor.Item3, 0].Foreground = stop.Color;

                this.IsDirty = false;
Exemplo n.º 21
        private void SetClosestIndex(Color color)
            ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb rgbColorStop = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb() { R = color.R, G = color.G, B = color.B };
            Tuple<Color, double, int>[] colorWeights = new Tuple<Color, double, int>[textSurface.Cells.Length];

            // Create a color weight for every cell compared to the color stop
            for (int x = 0; x < textSurface.Cells.Length; x++)
                ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb rgbColor = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb() { R = this[x].Background.R, G = this[x].Background.G, B = this[x].Background.B };
                ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Cmy cmyColor = rgbColor.To<ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Cmy>();

                colorWeights[x] = new Tuple<Color, double, int>(this[x].Background, rgbColorStop.Compare(cmyColor, new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Comparisons.Cie1976Comparison()), x);


            var foundColor = colorWeights.OrderBy(t => t.Item2).First();

            this[_selectedColorPosition.X, _selectedColorPosition.Y].GlyphIndex = 0;
            _selectedColorPosition = SadConsole.Consoles.TextSurface.GetPointFromIndex(foundColor.Item3, Width);
            this[_selectedColorPosition.X, _selectedColorPosition.Y].GlyphIndex = 4;

            this.IsDirty = true;