Exemplo n.º 1
    public static unsafe void CheckSupport(
        ref PhysicsWorld world, ref PhysicsCollider collider, CharacterControllerStepInput stepInput, RigidTransform transform,
        out CharacterSupportState characterState, out float3 surfaceNormal, out float3 surfaceVelocity,
        NativeList <StatefulCollisionEvent> collisionEvents = default)
        surfaceNormal   = float3.zero;
        surfaceVelocity = float3.zero;

        // Up direction must be normalized

        // Query the world
        NativeList <ColliderCastHit> castHits = new NativeList <ColliderCastHit>(k_DefaultQueryHitsCapacity, Allocator.Temp);
        CharacterControllerAllHitsCollector <ColliderCastHit> castHitsCollector = new CharacterControllerAllHitsCollector <ColliderCastHit>(
            stepInput.RigidBodyIndex, 1.0f, ref castHits, world);
        var maxDisplacement = -stepInput.ContactTolerance * stepInput.Up;

            ColliderCastInput input = new ColliderCastInput()
                Collider    = collider.ColliderPtr,
                Orientation = transform.rot,
                Start       = transform.pos,
                End         = transform.pos + maxDisplacement

            world.CastCollider(input, ref castHitsCollector);

        // If no hits, proclaim unsupported state
        if (castHitsCollector.NumHits == 0)
            characterState = CharacterSupportState.Unsupported;

        float maxSlopeCos = math.cos(stepInput.MaxSlope);

        // Iterate over distance hits and create constraints from them
        NativeList <SurfaceConstraintInfo> constraints = new NativeList <SurfaceConstraintInfo>(k_DefaultConstraintsCapacity, Allocator.Temp);
        float maxDisplacementLength = math.length(maxDisplacement);

        for (int i = 0; i < castHitsCollector.NumHits; i++)
            ColliderCastHit hit = castHitsCollector.AllHits[i];
            CreateConstraint(stepInput.World, stepInput.Up,
                             hit.RigidBodyIndex, hit.ColliderKey, hit.Position, hit.SurfaceNormal, hit.Fraction * maxDisplacementLength,
                             stepInput.SkinWidth, maxSlopeCos, ref constraints);

        // Velocity for support checking
        float3 initialVelocity = maxDisplacement / stepInput.DeltaTime;

        // Solve downwards (don't use min delta time, try to solve full step)
        float3 outVelocity = initialVelocity;
        float3 outPosition = transform.pos;

        SimplexSolver.Solve(stepInput.DeltaTime, stepInput.DeltaTime, stepInput.Up, stepInput.MaxMovementSpeed,
                            constraints, ref outPosition, ref outVelocity, out float integratedTime, false);

        // Get info on surface
        int numSupportingPlanes = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < constraints.Length; j++)
                var constraint = constraints[j];
                if (constraint.Touched && !constraint.IsTooSteep && !constraint.IsMaxSlope)
                    surfaceNormal   += constraint.Plane.Normal;
                    surfaceVelocity += constraint.Velocity;

                    // Add supporting planes to collision events
                    if (collisionEvents.IsCreated)
                        var collisionEvent = new StatefulCollisionEvent(stepInput.World.Bodies[stepInput.RigidBodyIndex].Entity,
                                                                        stepInput.World.Bodies[constraint.RigidBodyIndex].Entity, stepInput.RigidBodyIndex, constraint.RigidBodyIndex,
                                                                        ColliderKey.Empty, constraint.ColliderKey, constraint.Plane.Normal);
                        collisionEvent.CollisionDetails = new StatefulCollisionEvent.Details(1, 0, constraint.HitPosition);

            if (numSupportingPlanes > 0)
                float invNumSupportingPlanes = 1.0f / numSupportingPlanes;
                surfaceNormal   *= invNumSupportingPlanes;
                surfaceVelocity *= invNumSupportingPlanes;

                surfaceNormal = math.normalize(surfaceNormal);

        // Check support state
            if (math.lengthsq(initialVelocity - outVelocity) < k_SimplexSolverEpsilonSq)
                // If velocity hasn't changed significantly, declare unsupported state
                characterState = CharacterSupportState.Unsupported;
            else if (math.lengthsq(outVelocity) < k_SimplexSolverEpsilonSq && numSupportingPlanes > 0)
                // If velocity is very small, declare supported state
                characterState = CharacterSupportState.Supported;
                // Check if sliding
                outVelocity = math.normalize(outVelocity);
                float slopeAngleSin   = math.max(0.0f, math.dot(outVelocity, -stepInput.Up));
                float slopeAngleCosSq = 1 - slopeAngleSin * slopeAngleSin;
                if (slopeAngleCosSq <= maxSlopeCos * maxSlopeCos)
                    characterState = CharacterSupportState.Sliding;
                else if (numSupportingPlanes > 0)
                    characterState = CharacterSupportState.Supported;
                    // If numSupportingPlanes is 0, surface normal is invalid, so state is unsupported
                    characterState = CharacterSupportState.Unsupported;
Exemplo n.º 2
    public static unsafe void CheckSupport(PhysicsWorld world, float deltaTime, RigidTransform transform,
                                           float3 downwardsDirection, float maxSlope, float contactTolerance, Collider *collider, ref NativeArray <SurfaceConstraintInfo> constraints,
                                           ref NativeArray <DistanceHit> checkSupportHits, out CharacterSupportState characterState)
        // Downwards direction must be normalized

        // "Broad phase"
        MaxHitsCollector <DistanceHit> collector = new MaxHitsCollector <DistanceHit>(contactTolerance, ref checkSupportHits);

            ColliderDistanceInput input = new ColliderDistanceInput()
                MaxDistance = contactTolerance,
                Transform   = transform,
                Collider    = collider
            world.CalculateDistance(input, ref collector);

        // Iterate over hits and create constraints from them
        for (int i = 0; i < collector.NumHits; i++)
            DistanceHit hit = collector.AllHits[i];
            CreateConstraintFromHit(world, float3.zero, deltaTime, hit.RigidBodyIndex, hit.ColliderKey,
                                    hit.Position, hit.SurfaceNormal, hit.Distance, true, out SurfaceConstraintInfo constraint);
            constraints[i] = constraint;

        // Solve downwards
        float3 outVelocity = downwardsDirection;
        float3 outPosition = transform.pos;

        SimplexSolver.Solve(world, deltaTime, -downwardsDirection, collector.NumHits, ref constraints, ref outPosition, ref outVelocity, out float integratedTime);

        // If no hits, proclaim unsupported state
        if (collector.NumHits == 0)
            characterState = CharacterSupportState.Unsupported;
            if (math.lengthsq(downwardsDirection - outVelocity) < SimplexSolver.c_SimplexSolverEpsilon)
                // If velocity hasn't changed significantly, declare unsupported state
                characterState = CharacterSupportState.Unsupported;
            else if (math.lengthsq(outVelocity) < SimplexSolver.c_SimplexSolverEpsilon)
                // If velocity is very small, declare supported state
                characterState = CharacterSupportState.Supported;
                // Check if sliding or supported
                outVelocity = math.normalize(outVelocity);
                float slopeAngleSin   = math.dot(outVelocity, downwardsDirection);
                float slopeAngleCosSq = 1 - slopeAngleSin * slopeAngleSin;
                float maxSlopeCosine  = math.cos(maxSlope);
                if (slopeAngleCosSq < maxSlopeCosine * maxSlopeCosine)
                    characterState = CharacterSupportState.Sliding;
                    characterState = CharacterSupportState.Supported;
    public static unsafe void CheckSupport(
        ref PhysicsWorld world, ref PhysicsCollider collider, CharacterControllerStepInput stepInput, RigidTransform transform, float maxSlope,
        out CharacterSupportState characterState, out float3 surfaceNormal, out float3 surfaceVelocity)
        surfaceNormal   = float3.zero;
        surfaceVelocity = float3.zero;

        // Query the world
        NativeList <DistanceHit> distanceHits = new NativeList <DistanceHit>(k_DefaultQueryHitsCapacity, Allocator.Temp);
        SelfFilteringAllHitsCollector <DistanceHit> distanceHitsCollector = new SelfFilteringAllHitsCollector <DistanceHit>(
            stepInput.RigidBodyIndex, stepInput.ContactTolerance, ref distanceHits);

            ColliderDistanceInput input = new ColliderDistanceInput()
                MaxDistance = stepInput.ContactTolerance,
                Transform   = transform,
                Collider    = collider.ColliderPtr
            world.CalculateDistance(input, ref distanceHitsCollector);

        // If no hits, proclaim unsupported state
        if (distanceHitsCollector.NumHits == 0)
            characterState = CharacterSupportState.Unsupported;

        // Downwards direction must be normalized
        float3 downwardsDirection = -stepInput.Up;


        float maxSlopeCos = math.cos(maxSlope);

        // Iterate over distance hits and create constraints from them
        NativeList <SurfaceConstraintInfo> constraints = new NativeList <SurfaceConstraintInfo>(k_DefaultConstraintsCapacity, Allocator.Temp);

        for (int i = 0; i < distanceHitsCollector.NumHits; i++)
            DistanceHit hit = distanceHitsCollector.AllHits[i];
            if (ColliderUtils.IsTrigger(world.Bodies[hit.RigidBodyIndex].Collider, hit.ColliderKey))
            CreateConstraint(stepInput.World, stepInput.Up,
                             hit.RigidBodyIndex, hit.ColliderKey, hit.Position, hit.SurfaceNormal, hit.Distance,
                             stepInput.SkinWidth, maxSlopeCos, ref constraints);

        float3 initialVelocity;
            float velAlongDownwardsDir = math.dot(stepInput.CurrentVelocity, downwardsDirection);
            bool  velocityIsAlongDownwardsDirection = velAlongDownwardsDir > 0.0f;
            if (velocityIsAlongDownwardsDirection)
                float3 downwardsVelocity = velAlongDownwardsDir * downwardsDirection;
                initialVelocity =
                    math.select(downwardsVelocity, downwardsDirection, math.abs(velAlongDownwardsDir) > 1.0f) +
                    stepInput.Gravity * stepInput.DeltaTime;
                initialVelocity = downwardsDirection;

        // Solve downwards (don't use min delta time, try to solve full step)
        float3 outVelocity = initialVelocity;
        float3 outPosition = transform.pos;

        SimplexSolver.Solve(stepInput.World, stepInput.DeltaTime, stepInput.DeltaTime, stepInput.Up, stepInput.MaxMovementSpeed,
                            constraints, ref outPosition, ref outVelocity, out float integratedTime, false);

        // Get info on surface
            int numSupportingPlanes = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < constraints.Length; j++)
                var constraint = constraints[j];
                if (constraint.Touched && !constraint.IsTooSteep)
                    surfaceNormal   += constraint.Plane.Normal;
                    surfaceVelocity += constraint.Velocity;

            if (numSupportingPlanes > 0)
                float invNumSupportingPlanes = 1.0f / numSupportingPlanes;
                surfaceNormal   *= invNumSupportingPlanes;
                surfaceVelocity *= invNumSupportingPlanes;

                surfaceNormal = math.normalize(surfaceNormal);

        // Check support state
            if (math.lengthsq(initialVelocity - outVelocity) < k_SimplexSolverEpsilonSq)
                // If velocity hasn't changed significantly, declare unsupported state
                characterState = CharacterSupportState.Unsupported;
            else if (math.lengthsq(outVelocity) < k_SimplexSolverEpsilonSq)
                // If velocity is very small, declare supported state
                characterState = CharacterSupportState.Supported;
                // Check if sliding or supported
                outVelocity = math.normalize(outVelocity);
                float slopeAngleSin   = math.max(0.0f, math.dot(outVelocity, downwardsDirection));
                float slopeAngleCosSq = 1 - slopeAngleSin * slopeAngleSin;
                if (slopeAngleCosSq < maxSlopeCos * maxSlopeCos)
                    characterState = CharacterSupportState.Sliding;
                    characterState = CharacterSupportState.Supported;
    public static unsafe void CheckSupport(CharacterControllerStepInput stepInput,
                                           RigidTransform transform, float maxSlope, MaxHitsCollector <DistanceHit> distanceHitsCollector,
                                           ref NativeArray <SurfaceConstraintInfo> constraints, out CharacterSupportState characterState)
        // If no hits, proclaim unsupported state
        if (distanceHitsCollector.NumHits == 0)
            characterState = CharacterSupportState.Unsupported;

        // Downwards direction must be normalized
        float3 downwardsDirection = -stepInput.Up;


        // Iterate over distance hits and create constraints from them
        for (int i = 0; i < distanceHitsCollector.NumHits; i++)
            DistanceHit hit = distanceHitsCollector.AllHits[i];
            CreateConstraintFromHit(stepInput.World, float3.zero, stepInput.DeltaTime, hit.RigidBodyIndex, hit.ColliderKey,
                                    hit.Position, hit.SurfaceNormal, hit.Distance, true, out SurfaceConstraintInfo constraint);
            constraints[i] = constraint;

        // Solve downwards (don't respect min delta time, try to solve full step)
        float3 outVelocity = downwardsDirection;
        float3 outPosition = transform.pos;

        SimplexSolver.Solve(stepInput.World, stepInput.DeltaTime, stepInput.Up, distanceHitsCollector.NumHits,
                            ref constraints, ref outPosition, ref outVelocity, out float integratedTime, false);

        // Check support state
            if (math.lengthsq(downwardsDirection - outVelocity) < SimplexSolver.c_SimplexSolverEpsilon)
                // If velocity hasn't changed significantly, declare unsupported state
                characterState = CharacterSupportState.Unsupported;
            else if (math.lengthsq(outVelocity) < SimplexSolver.c_SimplexSolverEpsilon)
                // If velocity is very small, declare supported state
                characterState = CharacterSupportState.Supported;
                // Check if sliding or supported
                outVelocity = math.normalize(outVelocity);
                float slopeAngleSin   = math.dot(outVelocity, downwardsDirection);
                float slopeAngleCosSq = 1 - slopeAngleSin * slopeAngleSin;
                float maxSlopeCosine  = math.cos(maxSlope);
                if (slopeAngleCosSq < maxSlopeCosine * maxSlopeCosine - SimplexSolver.c_SimplexSolverEpsilon)
                    characterState = CharacterSupportState.Sliding;
                    characterState = CharacterSupportState.Supported;
    public static unsafe void CheckSupport(
        ref PhysicsWorld world, Collider *collider, CharacterControllerStepInput stepInput, float3 groundProbeVector, RigidTransform transform, float maxSlope,
        ref NativeList <SurfaceConstraintInfo> constraints, ref NativeList <ColliderCastHit> castHits,
        out CharacterSupportState characterState, out float3 surfaceNormal, out float3 surfaceVelocity)
        surfaceNormal   = float3.zero;
        surfaceVelocity = float3.zero;

        var displacement = groundProbeVector;
        SelfFilteringAllHitsCollector <ColliderCastHit> hitCollector = new SelfFilteringAllHitsCollector <ColliderCastHit>(stepInput.RigidBodyIndex, 1.0f, ref castHits);
        ColliderCastInput input = new ColliderCastInput()
            Collider    = collider,
            Orientation = transform.rot,
            Start       = transform.pos,
            End         = transform.pos + displacement

        world.CastCollider(input, ref hitCollector);
        if (hitCollector.NumHits == 0)
            characterState = CharacterSupportState.Unsupported;

        float3 downwardsDirection = -stepInput.Up;


        float maxSlopCos = math.cos(maxSlope);

        for (int i = 0; i < hitCollector.NumHits; i++)
            var hit = hitCollector.AllHits[i];
            CreateConstraint(stepInput.World, stepInput.Up,
                             hit.RigidBodyIndex, hit.ColliderKey, hit.Position, hit.SurfaceNormal, hit.Fraction * math.length(displacement),
                             stepInput.SkinWidth, maxSlopCos, ref constraints);

        float3 initialVelocity = groundProbeVector * (1.0f / stepInput.DeltaTime);//初速度(期望在1秒内到达目标)

        float3 outVelocity = initialVelocity;
        float3 outPosition = transform.pos;

        SimplexSolver.Solve(stepInput.World, stepInput.DeltaTime, stepInput.DeltaTime, stepInput.Up, stepInput.MaxMovementSpeed,
                            constraints, ref outPosition, ref outVelocity, out float integratedTime, false);
            int numSupportingPlanes = 0;
            for (int i = 0; i < constraints.Length; i++)
                var constraint = constraints[i];
                if (constraint.Touched && !constraint.IsTooSteep)
                    surfaceNormal   += constraint.Plane.Normal;
                    surfaceVelocity += constraint.Velocity;

            if (numSupportingPlanes > 0)
                float invNumSupportingPlanes = 1.0f / numSupportingPlanes;
                surfaceNormal   *= invNumSupportingPlanes;
                surfaceVelocity *= invNumSupportingPlanes;

                surfaceNormal = math.normalize(surfaceNormal);

            if (math.lengthsq(initialVelocity - outVelocity) < k_SimplexSolverEpsilonSq)
                characterState = CharacterSupportState.Unsupported;
            else if (math.lengthsq(outVelocity) < k_SimplexSolverEpsilonSq)
                characterState = CharacterSupportState.Supported;
                outVelocity = math.normalize(outVelocity);
                float slopeAngleSin   = math.max(0.0f, math.dot(outVelocity, downwardsDirection));
                float slopeAngleCosSq = 1 - slopeAngleSin * slopeAngleSin;
                if (slopeAngleCosSq < maxSlopCos * maxSlopCos)
                    characterState = CharacterSupportState.Sliding;
                    characterState = CharacterSupportState.Supported;
 public static unsafe void CheckSupport(
     ref PhysicsWorld world, ref PhysicsCollider collider, CharacterControllerStepInput stepInput, float3 groundProbeVector, RigidTransform transform,
     float maxSlope, ref NativeList <SurfaceConstraintInfo> constraints, ref NativeList <ColliderCastHit> castHits, out CharacterSupportState characterState, out float3 surfaceNormal, out float3 surfaceVelocity)
     CheckSupport(ref world, collider.ColliderPtr, stepInput, groundProbeVector, transform, maxSlope, ref constraints, ref castHits, out characterState, out surfaceNormal, out surfaceVelocity);
Exemplo n.º 7
    public static unsafe void CheckSupport(
        ref PhysicsWorld world, Collider *collider, CharacterControllerStepInput stepInput, float3 groundProbeVector, RigidTransform transform, float maxSlope,
        ref NativeList <SurfaceConstraintInfo> constraints, ref NativeList <ColliderCastHit> castHits,
        out CharacterSupportState characterState, out float3 surfaceNormal, out float3 surfaceVelocity)
        surfaceNormal   = float3.zero;
        surfaceVelocity = float3.zero;

        // Query the world
        var displacement = groundProbeVector;
        SelfFilteringAllHitsCollector <ColliderCastHit> hitCollector = new SelfFilteringAllHitsCollector <ColliderCastHit>(stepInput.RigidBodyIndex, 1.0f, ref castHits);
        ColliderCastInput input = new ColliderCastInput()
            Collider    = collider,
            Orientation = transform.rot,
            Start       = transform.pos,
            End         = transform.pos + displacement

        world.CastCollider(input, ref hitCollector);

        // If no hits, proclaim unsupported state
        if (hitCollector.NumHits == 0)
            characterState = CharacterSupportState.Unsupported;

        // Downwards direction must be normalized
        float3 downwardsDirection = -stepInput.Up;


        float maxSlopeCos = math.cos(maxSlope);

        // Iterate over distance hits and create constraints from them
        for (int i = 0; i < hitCollector.NumHits; i++)
            var hit = hitCollector.AllHits[i];
            CreateConstraint(stepInput.World, stepInput.Up,
                             hit.RigidBodyIndex, hit.ColliderKey, hit.Position, hit.SurfaceNormal, hit.Fraction * math.length(displacement),
                             stepInput.SkinWidth, maxSlopeCos, ref constraints);

        float3 initialVelocity = groundProbeVector * (1.0f / stepInput.DeltaTime);

        // Solve downwards (don't use min delta time, try to solve full step)
        float3 outVelocity = initialVelocity;
        float3 outPosition = transform.pos;

        SimplexSolver.Solve(stepInput.World, stepInput.DeltaTime, stepInput.DeltaTime, stepInput.Up, stepInput.MaxMovementSpeed,
                            constraints, ref outPosition, ref outVelocity, out float integratedTime, false);

        // Get info on surface
            int numSupportingPlanes = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < constraints.Length; j++)
                var constraint = constraints[j];
                if (constraint.Touched && !constraint.IsTooSteep)
                    surfaceNormal   += constraint.Plane.Normal;
                    surfaceVelocity += constraint.Velocity;

            if (numSupportingPlanes > 0)
                float invNumSupportingPlanes = 1.0f / numSupportingPlanes;
                surfaceNormal   *= invNumSupportingPlanes;
                surfaceVelocity *= invNumSupportingPlanes;

                surfaceNormal = math.normalize(surfaceNormal);

        // Check support state
            if (math.lengthsq(initialVelocity - outVelocity) < k_SimplexSolverEpsilonSq)
                // If velocity hasn't changed significantly, declare unsupported state
                characterState = CharacterSupportState.Unsupported;
            else if (math.lengthsq(outVelocity) < k_SimplexSolverEpsilonSq)
                // If velocity is very small, declare supported state
                characterState = CharacterSupportState.Supported;
                // Check if sliding or supported
                outVelocity = math.normalize(outVelocity);
                float slopeAngleSin   = math.max(0.0f, math.dot(outVelocity, downwardsDirection));
                float slopeAngleCosSq = 1 - slopeAngleSin * slopeAngleSin;
                if (slopeAngleCosSq < maxSlopeCos * maxSlopeCos)
                    characterState = CharacterSupportState.Sliding;
                    characterState = CharacterSupportState.Supported;
    public static unsafe void CheckSupport(CharacterControllerStepInput stepInput,
                                           RigidTransform transform, float maxSlope, MaxHitsCollector <DistanceHit> distanceHitsCollector,
                                           ref NativeArray <SurfaceConstraintInfo> constraints, out int numConstraints, out CharacterSupportState characterState,
                                           out float3 surfaceNormal, out float3 surfaceVelocity)
        surfaceNormal   = float3.zero;
        surfaceVelocity = float3.zero;

        // If no hits, proclaim unsupported state
        if (distanceHitsCollector.NumHits == 0)
            characterState = CharacterSupportState.Unsupported;
            numConstraints = 0;

        // Downwards direction must be normalized
        float3 downwardsDirection = -stepInput.Up;


        float maxSlopeCos = math.cos(maxSlope);

        // Iterate over distance hits and create constraints from them
        numConstraints = 0;
        for (int i = 0; i < distanceHitsCollector.NumHits; i++)
            DistanceHit hit = distanceHitsCollector.AllHits[i];
            CreateConstraint(stepInput.World, stepInput.Up,
                             hit.RigidBodyIndex, hit.ColliderKey, hit.Position, hit.SurfaceNormal, hit.Distance,
                             stepInput.SkinWidth, maxSlopeCos, ref constraints, ref numConstraints);

        float3 initialVelocity;
            float velAlongDownwardsDir = math.dot(stepInput.CurrentVelocity, downwardsDirection);
            bool  velocityIsAlongDownwardsDirection = velAlongDownwardsDir > 0.0f;
            if (velocityIsAlongDownwardsDirection)
                float3 downwardsVelocity = velAlongDownwardsDir * downwardsDirection;
                initialVelocity =
                    math.select(downwardsVelocity, downwardsDirection, math.abs(velAlongDownwardsDir) > 1.0f) +
                    stepInput.Gravity * stepInput.DeltaTime;
                initialVelocity = downwardsDirection;

        // Solve downwards (don't use min delta time, try to solve full step)
        float3 outVelocity = initialVelocity;
        float3 outPosition = transform.pos;

        SimplexSolver.Solve(stepInput.World, stepInput.DeltaTime, stepInput.DeltaTime, stepInput.Up, numConstraints,
                            ref constraints, ref outPosition, ref outVelocity, out float integratedTime, false);

        // Reset touched state of constraints and get info on surface
            int numSupportingPlanes = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < numConstraints; j++)
                var constraint = constraints[j];
                if (constraint.Touched)
                    surfaceNormal   += constraint.Plane.Normal;
                    surfaceVelocity += constraint.Velocity;

                    constraint.Touched = false;
                    constraints[j]     = constraint;

            if (numSupportingPlanes > 0)
                float invNumSupportingPlanes = 1.0f / numSupportingPlanes;
                surfaceNormal   *= invNumSupportingPlanes;
                surfaceVelocity *= invNumSupportingPlanes;

                surfaceNormal = math.normalize(surfaceNormal);

        // Check support state
            if (math.lengthsq(initialVelocity - outVelocity) < k_SimplexSolverEpsilonSq)
                // If velocity hasn't changed significantly, declare unsupported state
                characterState = CharacterSupportState.Unsupported;
            else if (math.lengthsq(outVelocity) < k_SimplexSolverEpsilonSq)
                // If velocity is very small, declare supported state
                characterState = CharacterSupportState.Supported;
                // Check if sliding or supported
                outVelocity = math.normalize(outVelocity);
                float slopeAngleSin   = math.max(0.0f, math.dot(outVelocity, downwardsDirection) - k_SimplexSolverEpsilon);
                float slopeAngleCosSq = 1 - slopeAngleSin * slopeAngleSin;
                if (slopeAngleCosSq < maxSlopeCos * maxSlopeCos)
                    characterState = CharacterSupportState.Sliding;
                    characterState = CharacterSupportState.Supported;
 public static unsafe void CheckSupport(CharacterControllerStepInput stepInput,
                                        RigidTransform transform, float maxSlope, MaxHitsCollector <DistanceHit> distanceHitsCollector,
                                        ref NativeArray <SurfaceConstraintInfo> constraints, out CharacterSupportState characterState)
     CheckSupport(stepInput, transform, maxSlope, distanceHitsCollector, ref constraints, out int numConstraints,
                  out characterState, out float3 surfaceNormal, out float3 surfaceVelocity);