public Vector3d GetPointOnGlideslope(double glideslope, double distanceOnCenterline)
            Vector3d runwayStart = GetVectorToTouchdown();
            Vector3d runwayEnd   = End();

            Vector3d runwayDir = (runwayEnd - runwayStart).normalized;

            Vector3d glideslopeDir     = QuaternionD.AngleAxis(glideslope, Vector3d.up) * runwayDir;
            Vector3d pointOnGlideslope = runwayStart - (distanceOnCenterline * glideslopeDir);

            double latAtDistance, lonAtDistance, altAtDistance;

            body.GetLatLonAlt(pointOnGlideslope, out latAtDistance, out lonAtDistance, out altAtDistance);

            double latAtTouchdown, lonAtTouchdown, altAtTouchdown;

            body.GetLatLonAlt(GetVectorToTouchdown(), out latAtTouchdown, out lonAtTouchdown, out altAtTouchdown);

            if (altAtDistance < altAtTouchdown)
                // TODO: can we optimize this?
                glideslopeDir     = QuaternionD.AngleAxis(-glideslope, Vector3d.up) * runwayDir;
                pointOnGlideslope = runwayStart - (distanceOnCenterline * glideslopeDir);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public Vector3d GetSurfaceNormalVector()
            CelestialBody body = ParentBody ? ParentBody : ParentVessel?.mainBody;

            if (body == null)
            body.GetLatLonAlt(position, out double lat, out double lon, out double _);
            return(body.GetSurfaceNVector(lat, lon));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public Vector3d GetPointOnGlideslope(double glideslope, double distanceOnCenterline)
            Vector3d runwayStart       = Start();
            Vector3d runwayEnd         = End();
            Vector3d runwayDir         = (runwayEnd - runwayStart).normalized;
            Vector3d pointOnGlideslope = runwayStart - (distanceOnCenterline * runwayDir);

            double altitude = start.altitude + Math.Tan(glideslope * Mathf.Deg2Rad) * distanceOnCenterline;

            body.GetLatLonAlt(pointOnGlideslope, out double latAtDistance, out double lonAtDistance, out double altAtDistance);

            return(body.GetWorldSurfacePosition(latAtDistance, lonAtDistance, altitude));
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Coroutine for adding scripts to the Lua context.  Paced to load one
        /// string per frame.
        /// It also looks for existing global RasterPropMonitor COLOR_ definitions.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>null when done</returns>
        private IEnumerator LoadAvionicsSystemAssets()
            ConfigNode[] userScriptNodes = GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNodes("MAS_LUA");
            if (userScriptNodes.Length > 0)
                for (int nodeIdx = 0; nodeIdx < userScriptNodes.Length; ++nodeIdx)
                    if (userScriptNodes[nodeIdx].HasValue("name"))
                        ConfigNode node    = userScriptNodes[nodeIdx];
                        string[]   scripts = node.GetValues("script");
                        Utility.LogMessage(this, "Parsing MAS_LUA node \"{0}\" ({1} script references)", node.GetValue("name"), scripts.Length);

                        for (int scriptIdx = 0; scriptIdx < scripts.Length; ++scriptIdx)
                                userScripts.Add(string.Join(Environment.NewLine, File.ReadAllLines(KSPUtil.ApplicationRootPath + "GameData/" + scripts[scriptIdx], Encoding.UTF8)));
                            catch (Exception e)
                                Utility.LogError(this, "Exception caught trying to load script \"{0}\": {1}", scripts[scriptIdx], e.ToString());
                        yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

            ConfigNode[] rpmColorNodes = GameDatabase.Instance.GetConfigNodes("RPM_GLOBALCOLORSETUP");
            for (int colorNodeIdx = 0; colorNodeIdx < rpmColorNodes.Length; ++colorNodeIdx)
                ConfigNode[] colorDef = rpmColorNodes[colorNodeIdx].GetNodes("COLORDEFINITION");
                for (int defIdx = 0; defIdx < colorDef.Length; ++defIdx)
                    if (colorDef[defIdx].HasValue("name") && colorDef[defIdx].HasValue("color"))
                        string  name  = "COLOR_" + (colorDef[defIdx].GetValue("name").Trim());
                        Color32 color = ConfigNode.ParseColor32(colorDef[defIdx].GetValue("color").Trim());
                        if (namedColors.ContainsKey(name))
                            namedColors[name] = color;
                            namedColors.Add(name, color);

                        //Utility.LogMessage(this, "{0} = {1}", name, color);
                yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

            // Add XKCD colors
            Type t = typeof(XKCDColors);

            PropertyInfo[] properties    = t.GetProperties();
            int            numProperties = properties.Length;

            for (int i = 0; i < numProperties; ++i)
                    // This is probably overkill in terms of checks.
                    if (properties[i].PropertyType == typeof(Color) && properties[i].CanRead)
                        MethodInfo[] accessor = properties[i].GetAccessors();
                        for (int j = 0; j < accessor.Length; ++j)
                            if (accessor[j].ReturnType == typeof(Color))
                                object o     = accessor[j].Invoke(null, null);
                                Color  color = (Color)o;

                                StringBuilder sb = StringBuilderCache.Acquire();
                                string name = sb.ToStringAndRelease();
                                if (namedColors.ContainsKey(name))
                                    namedColors[name] = color;
                                    namedColors.Add(name, color);
                catch { }
            yield return(new WaitForEndOfFrame());

            var dsn = UnityEngine.Object.FindObjectsOfType <CommNet.CommNetHome>();

            if (dsn != null)
                CelestialBody             kerbin = Planetarium.fetch.Home;
                List <FinePrint.Waypoint> relays = new List <FinePrint.Waypoint>();

                for (int i = 0; i < dsn.Length; ++i)
                    // TODO: Support non-Kerbin stations?

                    // Unfortunately, the lat/lon/alt/body fields are all protected, so I have
                    // to do this, instead:
                    Vector3d position = dsn[i].nodeTransform.position;

                    double latitude, longitude, altitude;
                    kerbin.GetLatLonAlt(position, out latitude, out longitude, out altitude);

                    FinePrint.Waypoint dsnWp = new FinePrint.Waypoint();

                    dsnWp.latitude      = latitude;
                    dsnWp.longitude     = longitude;
                    dsnWp.celestialName =;
                    dsnWp.altitude      = altitude;
                    = dsn[i].nodeName;
                    dsnWp.index         = 256;      // ?
                    dsnWp.navigationId  = Guid.NewGuid();
                      = "vessel"; // seems to be icon name.  May be WPM-specific.


                deepSpaceNetwork = relays.ToArray();
                Array.Sort(deepSpaceNetwork, waypointNameComparer);
                deepSpaceNetwork = new FinePrint.Waypoint[0];
Exemplo n.º 5
        private void FixedUpdate()
            if (Settings.fetch.NewGui)

            float t = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;

            if (t < lastStringRenderTime + stringRenderInterval)

            lastStringRenderTime = t;

            Trajectory traj = Trajectory.fetch;

            Trajectory.Patch lastPatch     = traj.Patches.LastOrDefault();
            CelestialBody    lastPatchBody = lastPatch?.StartingState.ReferenceBody;
            CelestialBody    targetBody    = Trajectory.Target.Body;

            guistring_gForce = (traj.MaxAccel / 9.81).ToString("0.00");

            if (lastPatch != null && lastPatch.ImpactPosition.HasValue)
                Vector3 up      = lastPatch.ImpactPosition.Value.normalized;
                Vector3 vel     = lastPatch.ImpactVelocity.Value - lastPatchBody.getRFrmVel(lastPatch.ImpactPosition.Value + lastPatchBody.position);
                float   vVelMag = Vector3.Dot(vel, up);
                Vector3 vVel    = up * vVelMag;
                float   hVelMag = (vel - vVel).magnitude;

                guistring_impactVelocity = String.Format("Impact: V = {0,6:F0}m/s, H = {1,6:F0}m/s", -vVelMag, hVelMag);
                guistring_impactVelocity = "";

            if (Settings.fetch.DisplayTargetGUI)
                if (lastPatchBody != null && targetBody != null && lastPatch.ImpactPosition.HasValue &&
                    lastPatchBody == targetBody && Trajectory.Target.WorldPosition.HasValue)
                    // Get Latitude and Longitude from impact position
                    double impactLat;
                    double impatLon;
                    double impactAlt;

                    // Get Latitude and Longitude from impact position
                    impactPos = lastPatch.ImpactPosition.Value + lastPatchBody.position;
                    lastPatchBody.GetLatLonAlt(impactPos, out impactLat, out impatLon, out impactAlt);

                    // Get Latitude and Longitude for target position
                    double targetLat;
                    double targetLon;
                    double targetAlt;
                    targetPos = Trajectory.Target.WorldPosition.Value + targetBody.position;
                    targetBody.GetLatLonAlt(targetPos, out targetLat, out targetLon, out targetAlt);

                    float targetDistance = (float)(Util.DistanceFromLatitudeAndLongitude(targetBody.Radius + impactAlt,
                                                                                         impactLat, impatLon, targetLat, targetLon) / 1e3);

                    float targetDistanceNorth = (float)(Util.DistanceFromLatitudeAndLongitude(targetBody.Radius + impactAlt,
                                                                                              impactLat, targetLon, targetLat, targetLon) / 1e3) * ((targetLat - impactLat) < 0 ? -1.0f : +1.0f);

                    float targetDistanceEast = (float)(Util.DistanceFromLatitudeAndLongitude(targetBody.Radius + impactAlt,
                                                                                             targetLat, impatLon, targetLat, targetLon) / 1e3) * ((targetLon - impatLon) < 0 ? -1.0f : +1.0f);

                    // format distance to target string
                    guistring_targetDistance = String.Format("{0,6:F1}km | {1}: {2,6:F1}km | {3}: {4,6:F1}km",
                                                             targetDistanceNorth > 0.0f ? 'N' : 'S',
                                                             targetDistanceEast > 0.0f ? 'E' : 'W',
                    guistring_targetDistance = "";

            if (FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel != null)
                var body = FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.mainBody;

                guistring_Latitude  = body.GetLatitude(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.GetWorldPos3D()).ToString("000.000000");
                guistring_Longitude = body.GetLongitude(FlightGlobals.ActiveVessel.GetWorldPos3D()).ToString("000.000000");