public void StartPlanning()
            // what is the highest point at which we could semi deploy? - look at all the parachutes in the craft, and consider the lowest semi deployment pressure.
            float minSemiDeployPressure = 0;
            float maxFullDeployHeight   = 0;

            parachutePresent = false; // First assume that there are no parachutes.

            // TODO should we check if each of these parachutes is withing the staging limit?
            for (int i = 0; i < autoPilot.vesselState.parachutes.Count; i++)
                ModuleParachute p = autoPilot.vesselState.parachutes[i];
                if (p.minAirPressureToOpen > minSemiDeployPressure)
                // Although this is called "minSemiDeployPressure" we want to find the largest value for each of our parachutes. This can be used to calculate the corresponding height, and hence a height at which we can be guarenteed that all our parachutes will deploy if asked to.
                    minSemiDeployPressure = p.minAirPressureToOpen;
                if (p.deployAltitude > maxFullDeployHeight)
                    maxFullDeployHeight = p.deployAltitude;

                parachutePresent = true;

            // If parachutes are present on the craft then work out the max / min semideployment heights and the starting value.
            if (parachutePresent)
                // TODO is there benefit in running an initial simulation to calculate the height at which the ratio between vertical and horizontal velocity would be the best for being able to deply the chutes to control the landing site?

                // At what ASL height does the reference body have this pressure?
                maxSemiDeployHeight = body.AltitudeForPressure(minSemiDeployPressure);

                // We have to have semi deployed by the time we fully deploy.
                minSemiDeployHeight = maxFullDeployHeight;

                maxMultiplier = maxSemiDeployHeight / minSemiDeployHeight;

                // Set the inital multiplier to be the mid point.
                currentMultiplier = maxMultiplier / 2;