Exemplo n.º 1
        //Whenever your spells deal damage, restore that much Health to your hero.

        public override void onCardIsGoingToBePlayed(Playfield p, CardDB.Card c, bool wasOwnCard, Minion triggerEffectMinion, Minion target, int choice)
            if (triggerEffectMinion.own == wasOwnCard && c.type == CardDB.cardtype.SPELL)
                //Minion target2 = (wasOwnCard) ? p.ownHero : p.enemyHero;
                //int spellpower = (wasOwnCard) ? p.spellpower : p.enemyspellpower;
                //p.minionGetDamageOrHeal(target2, spellpower);
                Minion target2 = (wasOwnCard) ? p.ownHero : p.enemyHero;
                p.minionGetDamageOrHeal(target2, -p.penman.guessTotalSpellDamage(p, c.name, wasOwnCard));
Exemplo n.º 2
//    ruft am ende jedes zuges alle befreundeten diener herbei, die in diesem zug gestorben sind.
        public override void OnTurnEndsTrigger(Playfield p, Minion triggerEffectMinion, bool turnEndOfOwner)
            foreach (GraveYardItem m in p.diedMinions.ToArray()) // toArray() because a knifejuggler could kill a minion due to the summon :D
                if (triggerEffectMinion.own == m.own)
                    CardDB.Card card = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(m.cardid);
                    p.callKid(card, p.ownMinions.Count, m.own);
Exemplo n.º 3
        // 复活四个不同的友方随从.

        public override void onCardPlay(Playfield p, bool ownplay, Minion target, int choice)
            if (p.ownMaxMana >= 3)
                int         posi = ownplay ? p.ownMinions.Count : p.enemyMinions.Count;
                CardDB.Card kid  = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID((p.OwnLastDiedMinion == CardDB.cardIDEnum.None) ? CardDB.cardIDEnum.EX1_345t : p.OwnLastDiedMinion); // Shadow of Nothing 0:1 or ownMinion
                p.callKid(kid, posi, ownplay, false);
                p.callKid(kid, posi, ownplay, false);
                p.callKid(kid, posi, ownplay, false);
                p.callKid(kid, posi, ownplay, false);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Summon a 1/1 Wisp for each card in your hand.
        /// 你每有一张手牌,便召唤一个1/1的小精灵。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        /// <param name="own"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="choice"></param>
        public override void onCardPlay(Playfield p, bool ownplay, Minion target, int choice)
            CardDB.Card kid     = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.CS2_231); //小精灵
            int         posi    = (ownplay) ? p.ownMinions.Count : p.enemyMinions.Count;
            int         wispNum = Math.Min(7 - posi, (ownplay) ? p.owncards.Count : p.enemyAnzCards);

            for (int i = 0; i < wispNum; i++)
                p.CallKid(kid, posi, ownplay);
Exemplo n.º 5
 public override void onCardPlay(Playfield p, bool ownplay, Minion target, int choice)
     foreach (GraveYardItem gyi in p.diedMinions.ToArray()) // toArray() because a knifejuggler could kill a minion due to the summon :D
         if (gyi.own == ownplay)
             CardDB.Card card = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(gyi.cardid);
             int         pos  = ownplay ? p.ownMinions.Count : p.enemyMinions.Count;
             p.CallKid(card, p.ownMinions.Count, gyi.own);
Exemplo n.º 6
 /// <summary>
 /// Summon seven 1/1 Locusts with Rush.
 /// 召唤七只1/1并具有突袭的蝗虫。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="p"></param>
 /// <param name="ownplay"></param>
 /// <param name="target"></param>
 /// <param name="choice"></param>
 public override void onCardPlay(Playfield p, bool ownplay, Minion target, int choice)
     CardDB.Card locust = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardIdEnum.ULD_430t);
     if (ownplay)
         for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
             int pos = (ownplay) ? p.ownMinions.Count : p.enemyMinions.Count;
             p.CallKid(locust, pos, ownplay);
Exemplo n.º 7
 public Handcard(Handcard hc)
     this.position      = hc.position;
     this.entity        = hc.entity;
     this.manacost      = hc.manacost;
     this.card          = hc.card;
     this.addattack     = hc.addattack;
     this.addHp         = hc.addHp;
     this.isChoiceTemp  = hc.isChoiceTemp;
     this.elemPoweredUp = hc.elemPoweredUp;
     this.powerup       = hc.powerup;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void updateHero(Weapon w, string heron, CardDB.Card ability, bool abrdy, int abCost, Minion hero, int enMaxMana = 10)
            if (w.name == CardDB.cardName.foolsbane)
                w.cantAttackHeroes = true;

            if (hero.own)
                this.ownWeapon = new Weapon(w);

                this.ownHero        = new Minion(hero);
                this.heroname       = this.heroNametoEnum(heron);
                this.heronameingame = heron;
                if (this.ownHeroStartClass == TAG_CLASS.INVALID)
                    this.ownHeroStartClass = hero.cardClass;
                this.ownHero.poisonous = this.ownWeapon.poisonous;
                this.ownHero.lifesteal = this.ownWeapon.lifesteal;
                if (this.ownWeapon.name == CardDB.cardName.gladiatorslongbow)
                    this.ownHero.immuneWhileAttacking = true;

                this.heroAbility       = ability;
                this.ownHeroPowerCost  = abCost;
                this.ownAbilityisReady = abrdy;
                this.enemyWeapon = new Weapon(w);
                this.enemyHero   = new Minion(hero);;

                this.enemyHeroname       = this.heroNametoEnum(heron);
                this.enemyHeronameingame = heron;
                if (this.enemyHeroStartClass == TAG_CLASS.INVALID)
                    this.enemyHeroStartClass = enemyHero.cardClass;
                this.enemyHero.poisonous = this.enemyWeapon.poisonous;
                this.enemyHero.lifesteal = this.enemyWeapon.lifesteal;
                if (this.enemyWeapon.name == CardDB.cardName.gladiatorslongbow)
                    this.enemyHero.immuneWhileAttacking = true;

                this.enemyAbility       = ability;
                this.enemyHeroPowerCost = abCost;

                this.enemyMaxMana = enMaxMana;
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// Battlecry: Summon a random friendly minion that died this game. Give it Reborn.
 /// 战吼:随机召唤一个在本局对战中死亡的友方随从。使其获得复生。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="p"></param>
 /// <param name="own"></param>
 /// <param name="target"></param>
 /// <param name="choice"></param>
 public override void getBattlecryEffect(Playfield p, Minion own, Minion target, int choice)
     if (own.own)
         if (p.OwnLastDiedMinion != CardDB.cardIDEnum.None)
             CardDB.Card kid = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(p.OwnLastDiedMinion);
             kid.Reborn = true;
             p.CallKid(kid, own.zonepos, own.own);
Exemplo n.º 10
 public override void onCardWasPlayed(Playfield p, CardDB.Card c, bool wasOwnCard, Minion triggerEffectMinion)
     if (wasOwnCard == triggerEffectMinion.own)
         int murlocEnumValue = (int)TAG_RACE.MURLOC;
         if (triggerEffectMinion.handcard.card.race == murlocEnumValue)
             //Bluegill Warrior 蓝腮战士
             p.drawACard(CardIdEnum.CS2_173, wasOwnCard, true);
Exemplo n.º 11
        //Deal $2 damage. Summon a 0/2 Goblin Bomb.
        public override void onCardPlay(Playfield p, bool ownplay, Minion target, int choice)
            CardDB.Card kid = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.BOT_031);

            int dmg = (ownplay) ? p.getSpellDamageDamage(2) : p.getEnemySpellDamageDamage(2);

            p.minionGetDamageOrHeal(target, dmg);

            int pos = (ownplay) ? p.ownMinions.Count : p.enemyMinions.Count;

            p.callKid(kid, pos, ownplay);
Exemplo n.º 12
        //[x]<b>Battlecry:</b> If you controla <b>Secret</b>, summon two2/2 Hyenas.
        public override void getBattlecryEffect(Playfield p, Minion own, Minion target, int choice)
            CardDB.Card hyena = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.ULD_154t);

            int secretNum = (own.own) ? p.ownSecretsIDList.Count : p.enemySecretCount;

            if (secretNum > 0)
                p.callKid(hyena, own.zonepos - 1, own.own);
                p.callKid(hyena, own.zonepos, own.own);
Exemplo n.º 13
 public Handcard(Handcard hc)
     this.position            = hc.position;
     this.entity              = hc.entity;
     this.manacost            = hc.manacost;
     this.card                = hc.card;
     this.addattack           = hc.addattack;
     this.addHp               = hc.addHp;
     this.elemPoweredUp       = hc.elemPoweredUp;
     this.discardOnOwnTurnEnd = hc.discardOnOwnTurnEnd;
     this.valanyr             = hc.valanyr;
Exemplo n.º 14
        //    Deathrattle:&lt;/b&gt; Shuffle this minion into your deck.

        public override void onDeathrattle(Playfield p, Minion m)
            if (m.own)
                CardDB.Card card = CardDB.Instance.getDeckCardData(CardDB.cardName.malorne);
                CardDB.Card card = CardDB.Instance.getDeckCardData(CardDB.cardName.malorne);
Exemplo n.º 15
        //<b>Deathrattle:</b> Shuffle two 1/1 Albatross into your opponent's deck.
        public override void onDeathrattle(Playfield p, Minion m)
            CardDB.Card scarab = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.DRG_071t);//信天翁sim

            if (m.own)
                p.enemyDeckSize = p.enemyDeckSize + 2;
                p.ownDeckSize = p.ownDeckSize + 2;
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void updateEnemyHero(string weapon, int weaponAttack, int weaponDurability, string heron, int enemMaxMana, CardDB.Card eab, Minion enemyHero)
            this.enemyHeroWeapon       = CardDB.Instance.cardNamestringToEnum(weapon);
            this.enemyWeaponAttack     = weaponAttack;
            this.enemyWeaponDurability = weaponDurability;

            this.enemyMaxMana = enemMaxMana;

            this.enemyHeroname = this.heroNametoEnum(heron);

            this.enemyAbility = eab;

            this.enemyHero = new Minion(enemyHero);
Exemplo n.º 17
        //Battlecry: Your Hero Power becomes 'Summon a 1/1 Murloc.'

        public override void GetBattlecryEffect(Playfield p, Minion own, Minion target, int choice)
            CardDB.Card hewHeroPower = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.OG_006b);             //The Tidal Hand
            if (own.own)
                p.ownHeroAblility.card = hewHeroPower;
                p.ownAbilityReady      = true;
                p.enemyHeroAblility.card = hewHeroPower;
                p.enemyAbilityReady      = true;
Exemplo n.º 18
        CardDB.Card kid = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.UNG_999t2t1); //Plant

        public override void onCardIsGoingToBePlayed(Playfield p, CardDB.Card c, bool wasOwnCard, Minion triggerEffectMinion, Minion target, int choice)
            if (target != null && target.own == wasOwnCard && triggerEffectMinion.own == wasOwnCard && target.entityID == triggerEffectMinion.entityID && c.type == CardDB.cardtype.SPELL)
                int zonepos = triggerEffectMinion.zonepos;
                p.callKid(kid, zonepos, true);

                if (p.ownMinions[zonepos].name == CardDB.cardName.plant)
                    c.sim_card.onCardPlay(p, wasOwnCard, p.ownMinions[zonepos], choice);
Exemplo n.º 19
 public void updateEnemyHero(string weapon, int watt, int wdur, int heroatt, int herohp, int herodef, string heron, bool frozen, CardDB.Card eab, bool ehisim, int enemMM)
     this.enemyHeroWeapon       = CardDB.Instance.cardNamestringToEnum(weapon);
     this.enemyWeaponAttack     = watt;
     this.enemyWeaponDurability = wdur;
     this.enemyAtk        = heroatt;
     this.enemyHp         = herohp;
     this.enemyHeroname   = this.heroNametoEnum(heron);
     this.enemyDefence    = herodef;
     this.enemyfrozen     = frozen;
     this.enemyAbility    = eab;
     this.enemyHeroImmune = ehisim;
     this.enemyMaxMana    = enemMM;
Exemplo n.º 20
 public override void onDeathrattle(Playfield p, Minion m)
     CardDB.Card hewHeroPower = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.BRM_027p);             //DIE, INSECT!
     if (m.own)
         p.ownHeroAblility.card = hewHeroPower;
         p.ownAbilityReady      = true;
         p.enemyHeroAblility.card = hewHeroPower;
         p.enemyAbilityReady      = true;
Exemplo n.º 21
        //Whenever you target this minion with a spell, deal 3 damage to a random enemy.
        public override void onCardIsGoingToBePlayed(Playfield p, CardDB.Card c, bool wasOwnCard, Minion triggerEffectMinion, Minion target)
            if (triggerEffectMinion.own == wasOwnCard && c.type == CardDB.cardtype.SPELL && target!=null && target.entitiyID == triggerEffectMinion.entitiyID)
                if (p.isServer)
                    Minion choosen = p.getRandomMinionFromSide_SERVER(!triggerEffectMinion.own, true);
                    if (choosen != null) p.minionGetDamageOrHeal(choosen, 3);

                p.doDmgToRandomEnemyCLIENT(3, true, !triggerEffectMinion.own);
Exemplo n.º 22
Arquivo: Hrtprozis.cs Projeto: tnd34/e
        public void updateOwnHero(string weapon, int watt, int wdur, string heron, CardDB.Card hab, bool habrdy, Minion Hero)
            this.ownHeroWeapon = CardDB.Instance.cardNamestringToEnum(weapon);
            this.heroWeaponAttack = watt;
            this.heroWeaponDurability = wdur;

            this.heroname = this.heroNametoEnum(heron);

            this.heroAbility = hab;
            this.ownAbilityisReady = habrdy;

            this.ownHero = new Minion(Hero);
Exemplo n.º 23
        private Minion createNewMinion(CardDB.Card c, int id)
            Minion m = new Minion();

            m.card               = c;
            m.id                 = id;
            m.zonepos            = id + 1;
            m.entitiyID          = c.entityID;
            m.Posix              = 0;
            m.Posiy              = 0;
            m.Angr               = c.Attack;
            m.Hp                 = c.Health;
            m.maxHp              = c.Health;
            m.name               = c.name;
            m.playedThisTurn     = true;
            m.numAttacksThisTurn = 0;

            if (c.windfury)
                m.windfury = true;
            if (c.tank)
                m.taunt = true;
            if (c.Charge)
                m.Ready  = true;
                m.charge = true;

            if (c.poisionous)
                m.poisonous = true;

            if (c.Stealth)
                m.stealth = true;

            if (m.name == "lichtbrut" && !m.silenced)
                m.Angr = m.Hp;

Exemplo n.º 24
        /// <summary>
        /// Choose One - Summon a 6/6 Ancient with Taunt; or Restore 12 Health.
        /// 抉择:召唤一棵6/6并具有嘲讽的古树;或恢复12点生命值。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        /// <param name="ownplay"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="choice"></param>
        public override void onCardPlay(Playfield p, bool ownplay, Minion target, int choice)
            CardDB.Card ancient = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardIdEnum.ULD_135at);
            if (choice == 1 || (p.ownFandralStaghelm > 0 && ownplay))
                int pos = (ownplay) ? p.ownMinions.Count : p.enemyMinions.Count;
                p.CallKid(ancient, pos, ownplay, false);

            if (choice == 2 || (target != null && p.ownFandralStaghelm > 0 && ownplay))
                int heal = (ownplay) ? p.getSpellHeal(12) : p.getEnemySpellHeal(12);
                p.minionGetDamageOrHeal(target, -heal);
Exemplo n.º 25
        public ChooseSetDialog(CardDB.Card card, SetSelected onSelect)
            this.card          = card;
            this.onSetSelected = onSelect;

            this.CardSets    = this.card.CardSets;
            this.CardName    = this.card.Name;
            this.SelectedSet = this.card.CardSets[0];

            this.DataContext = this;

            this.PrimaryButtonText   = "OK";
            this.SecondaryButtonText = "Cancel";
Exemplo n.º 26
        //    Whenever your opponent plays a card, discard the top 3 cards of your deck.

        public override void onCardIsGoingToBePlayed(Playfield p, CardDB.Card c, bool wasOwnCard, Minion triggerEffectMinion, Minion target)
            if (wasOwnCard == triggerEffectMinion.own)
                return;                                        //owner of card = owner of minion -> no effect
            if (triggerEffectMinion.own)
                p.ownDeckSize = Math.Max(0, p.ownDeckSize - 3);
                p.enemyDeckSize = Math.Max(0, p.enemyDeckSize - 3);
Exemplo n.º 27
        private void getHandcards()
            anzcards      = 0;
            enemyAnzCards = 0;
            List <HSCard> list = TritonHs.GetCards(CardZone.Hand);

            List <HSCard> list2 = TritonHs.GetCards(CardZone.Graveyard);

            //List<HRCard> list = HRCard.GetCards(HRPlayer.GetLocalPlayer(), HRCardZone.HAND);

            foreach (HSCard entitiy in list)
                if (entitiy.ZonePosition >= 1) // own handcard
                    CardDB.Card c = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.Instance.cardIdstringToEnum(entitiy.Id));
                    //c.cost = entitiy.GetCost();
                    //c.entityID = entitiy.GetEntityId();

                    var hc = new Handmanager.Handcard();
                    hc.card      = c;
                    hc.position  = entitiy.ZonePosition;
                    hc.entity    = entitiy.EntityId;
                    hc.manacost  = entitiy.Cost;
                    hc.addattack = 0;
                    if (c.name == CardDB.cardName.bolvarfordragon)
                        hc.addattack = entitiy.GetTag(GAME_TAG.ATK) - 1;
                        // -1 because it starts with 1, we count only the additional attackvalue

            List <HSCard> allcards = TritonHs.GetAllCards();

            enemyAnzCards = 0;
            foreach (HSCard hs in allcards)
                if (hs.GetTag(GAME_TAG.ZONE) == 3 && hs.ControllerId != ownPlayerController &&
                    hs.GetTag(GAME_TAG.ZONE_POSITION) >= 1)
            // dont know if you can count the enemys-handcars in this way :D
Exemplo n.º 28
        public void equip(CardDB.Card c)
            this.name = c.name;
            this.card = c;
            this.numAttacksThisTurn   = 0;
            this.immuneWhileAttacking = c.immuneWhileAttacking;

            this.Attack     = c.Attack;
            this.Durability = c.Durability;

            this.windfury         = c.windfury;
            this.immune           = false;
            this.lifesteal        = c.lifesteal;
            this.poisonous        = c.poisonous;
            this.cantAttackHeroes = (c.name == CardDB.cardName.foolsbane) ? true : false;
Exemplo n.º 29
        public Weapon(Weapon w)
            this.name = w.name;
            this.card = w.card;
            this.numAttacksThisTurn   = w.numAttacksThisTurn;
            this.immuneWhileAttacking = w.immuneWhileAttacking;

            this.Attack     = w.Attack;
            this.Durability = w.Durability;

            this.windfury         = w.windfury;
            this.immune           = w.immune;
            this.lifesteal        = w.lifesteal;
            this.poisonous        = w.poisonous;
            this.cantAttackHeroes = w.cantAttackHeroes;
Exemplo n.º 30
 public void updateOwnHero(string weapon, int watt, int wdur, bool heroimune, int heroatt, int herohp, int herodef, string heron, bool heroready, bool alreadyatt, bool frozen, CardDB.Card hab, bool habrdy)
     this.ownHeroWeapon                    = weapon;
     this.heroWeaponAttack                 = watt;
     this.heroWeaponDurability             = wdur;
     this.heroImmuneToDamageWhileAttacking = heroimune;
     this.heroAtk                = heroatt;
     this.heroHp                 = herohp;
     this.heroDefence            = herodef;
     this.heroname               = heron;
     this.ownheroisread          = heroready;
     this.ownheroAlreadyAttacked = alreadyatt;
     this.herofrozen             = frozen;
     this.heroAbility            = hab;
     this.ownAbilityisReady      = habrdy;