Beispiel #1
        //Whenever your spells deal damage, restore that much Health to your hero.

        public override void onCardIsGoingToBePlayed(Playfield p, CardDB.Card c, bool wasOwnCard, Minion triggerEffectMinion, Minion target, int choice)
            if (triggerEffectMinion.own == wasOwnCard && c.type == CardDB.cardtype.SPELL)
                //Minion target2 = (wasOwnCard) ? p.ownHero : p.enemyHero;
                //int spellpower = (wasOwnCard) ? p.spellpower : p.enemyspellpower;
                //p.minionGetDamageOrHeal(target2, spellpower);
                Minion target2 = (wasOwnCard) ? p.ownHero : p.enemyHero;
                p.minionGetDamageOrHeal(target2, -p.penman.guessTotalSpellDamage(p,, wasOwnCard));
Beispiel #2
//    ruft am ende jedes zuges alle befreundeten diener herbei, die in diesem zug gestorben sind.
        public override void OnTurnEndsTrigger(Playfield p, Minion triggerEffectMinion, bool turnEndOfOwner)
            foreach (GraveYardItem m in p.diedMinions.ToArray()) // toArray() because a knifejuggler could kill a minion due to the summon :D
                if (triggerEffectMinion.own == m.own)
                    CardDB.Card card = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(m.cardid);
                    p.callKid(card, p.ownMinions.Count, m.own);
Beispiel #3
        // 复活四个不同的友方随从.

        public override void onCardPlay(Playfield p, bool ownplay, Minion target, int choice)
            if (p.ownMaxMana >= 3)
                int         posi = ownplay ? p.ownMinions.Count : p.enemyMinions.Count;
                CardDB.Card kid  = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID((p.OwnLastDiedMinion == CardDB.cardIDEnum.None) ? CardDB.cardIDEnum.EX1_345t : p.OwnLastDiedMinion); // Shadow of Nothing 0:1 or ownMinion
                p.callKid(kid, posi, ownplay, false);
                p.callKid(kid, posi, ownplay, false);
                p.callKid(kid, posi, ownplay, false);
                p.callKid(kid, posi, ownplay, false);
Beispiel #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Summon a 1/1 Wisp for each card in your hand.
        /// 你每有一张手牌,便召唤一个1/1的小精灵。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        /// <param name="own"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="choice"></param>
        public override void onCardPlay(Playfield p, bool ownplay, Minion target, int choice)
            CardDB.Card kid     = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.CS2_231); //小精灵
            int         posi    = (ownplay) ? p.ownMinions.Count : p.enemyMinions.Count;
            int         wispNum = Math.Min(7 - posi, (ownplay) ? p.owncards.Count : p.enemyAnzCards);

            for (int i = 0; i < wispNum; i++)
                p.CallKid(kid, posi, ownplay);
Beispiel #5
 public override void onCardPlay(Playfield p, bool ownplay, Minion target, int choice)
     foreach (GraveYardItem gyi in p.diedMinions.ToArray()) // toArray() because a knifejuggler could kill a minion due to the summon :D
         if (gyi.own == ownplay)
             CardDB.Card card = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(gyi.cardid);
             int         pos  = ownplay ? p.ownMinions.Count : p.enemyMinions.Count;
             p.CallKid(card, p.ownMinions.Count, gyi.own);
Beispiel #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Summon seven 1/1 Locusts with Rush.
 /// 召唤七只1/1并具有突袭的蝗虫。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="p"></param>
 /// <param name="ownplay"></param>
 /// <param name="target"></param>
 /// <param name="choice"></param>
 public override void onCardPlay(Playfield p, bool ownplay, Minion target, int choice)
     CardDB.Card locust = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardIdEnum.ULD_430t);
     if (ownplay)
         for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
             int pos = (ownplay) ? p.ownMinions.Count : p.enemyMinions.Count;
             p.CallKid(locust, pos, ownplay);
Beispiel #7
 public Handcard(Handcard hc)
     this.position      = hc.position;
     this.entity        = hc.entity;
     this.manacost      = hc.manacost;
     this.card          = hc.card;
     this.addattack     = hc.addattack;
     this.addHp         = hc.addHp;
     this.isChoiceTemp  = hc.isChoiceTemp;
     this.elemPoweredUp = hc.elemPoweredUp;
     this.powerup       = hc.powerup;
        public void updateHero(Weapon w, string heron, CardDB.Card ability, bool abrdy, int abCost, Minion hero, int enMaxMana = 10)
            if ( == CardDB.cardName.foolsbane)
                w.cantAttackHeroes = true;

            if (hero.own)
                this.ownWeapon = new Weapon(w);

                this.ownHero        = new Minion(hero);
                this.heroname       = this.heroNametoEnum(heron);
                this.heronameingame = heron;
                if (this.ownHeroStartClass == TAG_CLASS.INVALID)
                    this.ownHeroStartClass = hero.cardClass;
                this.ownHero.poisonous = this.ownWeapon.poisonous;
                this.ownHero.lifesteal = this.ownWeapon.lifesteal;
                if ( == CardDB.cardName.gladiatorslongbow)
                    this.ownHero.immuneWhileAttacking = true;

                this.heroAbility       = ability;
                this.ownHeroPowerCost  = abCost;
                this.ownAbilityisReady = abrdy;
                this.enemyWeapon = new Weapon(w);
                this.enemyHero   = new Minion(hero);;

                this.enemyHeroname       = this.heroNametoEnum(heron);
                this.enemyHeronameingame = heron;
                if (this.enemyHeroStartClass == TAG_CLASS.INVALID)
                    this.enemyHeroStartClass = enemyHero.cardClass;
                this.enemyHero.poisonous = this.enemyWeapon.poisonous;
                this.enemyHero.lifesteal = this.enemyWeapon.lifesteal;
                if ( == CardDB.cardName.gladiatorslongbow)
                    this.enemyHero.immuneWhileAttacking = true;

                this.enemyAbility       = ability;
                this.enemyHeroPowerCost = abCost;

                this.enemyMaxMana = enMaxMana;
Beispiel #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Battlecry: Summon a random friendly minion that died this game. Give it Reborn.
 /// 战吼:随机召唤一个在本局对战中死亡的友方随从。使其获得复生。
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="p"></param>
 /// <param name="own"></param>
 /// <param name="target"></param>
 /// <param name="choice"></param>
 public override void getBattlecryEffect(Playfield p, Minion own, Minion target, int choice)
     if (own.own)
         if (p.OwnLastDiedMinion != CardDB.cardIDEnum.None)
             CardDB.Card kid = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(p.OwnLastDiedMinion);
             kid.Reborn = true;
             p.CallKid(kid, own.zonepos, own.own);
Beispiel #10
 public override void onCardWasPlayed(Playfield p, CardDB.Card c, bool wasOwnCard, Minion triggerEffectMinion)
     if (wasOwnCard == triggerEffectMinion.own)
         int murlocEnumValue = (int)TAG_RACE.MURLOC;
         if (triggerEffectMinion.handcard.card.race == murlocEnumValue)
             //Bluegill Warrior 蓝腮战士
             p.drawACard(CardIdEnum.CS2_173, wasOwnCard, true);
Beispiel #11
        //Deal $2 damage. Summon a 0/2 Goblin Bomb.
        public override void onCardPlay(Playfield p, bool ownplay, Minion target, int choice)
            CardDB.Card kid = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.BOT_031);

            int dmg = (ownplay) ? p.getSpellDamageDamage(2) : p.getEnemySpellDamageDamage(2);

            p.minionGetDamageOrHeal(target, dmg);

            int pos = (ownplay) ? p.ownMinions.Count : p.enemyMinions.Count;

            p.callKid(kid, pos, ownplay);
Beispiel #12
        //[x]<b>Battlecry:</b> If you controla <b>Secret</b>, summon two2/2 Hyenas.
        public override void getBattlecryEffect(Playfield p, Minion own, Minion target, int choice)
            CardDB.Card hyena = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.ULD_154t);

            int secretNum = (own.own) ? p.ownSecretsIDList.Count : p.enemySecretCount;

            if (secretNum > 0)
                p.callKid(hyena, own.zonepos - 1, own.own);
                p.callKid(hyena, own.zonepos, own.own);
Beispiel #13
 public Handcard(Handcard hc)
     this.position            = hc.position;
     this.entity              = hc.entity;
     this.manacost            = hc.manacost;
     this.card                = hc.card;
     this.addattack           = hc.addattack;
     this.addHp               = hc.addHp;
     this.elemPoweredUp       = hc.elemPoweredUp;
     this.discardOnOwnTurnEnd = hc.discardOnOwnTurnEnd;
     this.valanyr             = hc.valanyr;
Beispiel #14
        //    Deathrattle:&lt;/b&gt; Shuffle this minion into your deck.

        public override void onDeathrattle(Playfield p, Minion m)
            if (m.own)
                CardDB.Card card = CardDB.Instance.getDeckCardData(CardDB.cardName.malorne);
                CardDB.Card card = CardDB.Instance.getDeckCardData(CardDB.cardName.malorne);
Beispiel #15
        //<b>Deathrattle:</b> Shuffle two 1/1 Albatross into your opponent's deck.
        public override void onDeathrattle(Playfield p, Minion m)
            CardDB.Card scarab = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.DRG_071t);//信天翁sim

            if (m.own)
                p.enemyDeckSize = p.enemyDeckSize + 2;
                p.ownDeckSize = p.ownDeckSize + 2;
Beispiel #16
        public void updateEnemyHero(string weapon, int weaponAttack, int weaponDurability, string heron, int enemMaxMana, CardDB.Card eab, Minion enemyHero)
            this.enemyHeroWeapon       = CardDB.Instance.cardNamestringToEnum(weapon);
            this.enemyWeaponAttack     = weaponAttack;
            this.enemyWeaponDurability = weaponDurability;

            this.enemyMaxMana = enemMaxMana;

            this.enemyHeroname = this.heroNametoEnum(heron);

            this.enemyAbility = eab;

            this.enemyHero = new Minion(enemyHero);
Beispiel #17
        //Battlecry: Your Hero Power becomes 'Summon a 1/1 Murloc.'

        public override void GetBattlecryEffect(Playfield p, Minion own, Minion target, int choice)
            CardDB.Card hewHeroPower = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.OG_006b);             //The Tidal Hand
            if (own.own)
                p.ownHeroAblility.card = hewHeroPower;
                p.ownAbilityReady      = true;
                p.enemyHeroAblility.card = hewHeroPower;
                p.enemyAbilityReady      = true;
Beispiel #18
        CardDB.Card kid = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.UNG_999t2t1); //Plant

        public override void onCardIsGoingToBePlayed(Playfield p, CardDB.Card c, bool wasOwnCard, Minion triggerEffectMinion, Minion target, int choice)
            if (target != null && target.own == wasOwnCard && triggerEffectMinion.own == wasOwnCard && target.entityID == triggerEffectMinion.entityID && c.type == CardDB.cardtype.SPELL)
                int zonepos = triggerEffectMinion.zonepos;
                p.callKid(kid, zonepos, true);

                if (p.ownMinions[zonepos].name == CardDB.cardName.plant)
                    c.sim_card.onCardPlay(p, wasOwnCard, p.ownMinions[zonepos], choice);
Beispiel #19
 public void updateEnemyHero(string weapon, int watt, int wdur, int heroatt, int herohp, int herodef, string heron, bool frozen, CardDB.Card eab, bool ehisim, int enemMM)
     this.enemyHeroWeapon       = CardDB.Instance.cardNamestringToEnum(weapon);
     this.enemyWeaponAttack     = watt;
     this.enemyWeaponDurability = wdur;
     this.enemyAtk        = heroatt;
     this.enemyHp         = herohp;
     this.enemyHeroname   = this.heroNametoEnum(heron);
     this.enemyDefence    = herodef;
     this.enemyfrozen     = frozen;
     this.enemyAbility    = eab;
     this.enemyHeroImmune = ehisim;
     this.enemyMaxMana    = enemMM;
Beispiel #20
 public override void onDeathrattle(Playfield p, Minion m)
     CardDB.Card hewHeroPower = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.cardIDEnum.BRM_027p);             //DIE, INSECT!
     if (m.own)
         p.ownHeroAblility.card = hewHeroPower;
         p.ownAbilityReady      = true;
         p.enemyHeroAblility.card = hewHeroPower;
         p.enemyAbilityReady      = true;
Beispiel #21
        //Whenever you target this minion with a spell, deal 3 damage to a random enemy.
        public override void onCardIsGoingToBePlayed(Playfield p, CardDB.Card c, bool wasOwnCard, Minion triggerEffectMinion, Minion target)
            if (triggerEffectMinion.own == wasOwnCard && c.type == CardDB.cardtype.SPELL && target!=null && target.entitiyID == triggerEffectMinion.entitiyID)
                if (p.isServer)
                    Minion choosen = p.getRandomMinionFromSide_SERVER(!triggerEffectMinion.own, true);
                    if (choosen != null) p.minionGetDamageOrHeal(choosen, 3);

                p.doDmgToRandomEnemyCLIENT(3, true, !triggerEffectMinion.own);
Beispiel #22
        public void updateOwnHero(string weapon, int watt, int wdur, string heron, CardDB.Card hab, bool habrdy, Minion Hero)
            this.ownHeroWeapon = CardDB.Instance.cardNamestringToEnum(weapon);
            this.heroWeaponAttack = watt;
            this.heroWeaponDurability = wdur;

            this.heroname = this.heroNametoEnum(heron);

            this.heroAbility = hab;
            this.ownAbilityisReady = habrdy;

            this.ownHero = new Minion(Hero);
Beispiel #23
        private Minion createNewMinion(CardDB.Card c, int id)
            Minion m = new Minion();

            m.card               = c;
                   = id;
            m.zonepos            = id + 1;
            m.entitiyID          = c.entityID;
            m.Posix              = 0;
            m.Posiy              = 0;
            m.Angr               = c.Attack;
            m.Hp                 = c.Health;
            m.maxHp              = c.Health;
            m.playedThisTurn     = true;
            m.numAttacksThisTurn = 0;

            if (c.windfury)
                m.windfury = true;
            if (c.tank)
                m.taunt = true;
            if (c.Charge)
                m.Ready  = true;
                m.charge = true;

            if (c.poisionous)
                m.poisonous = true;

            if (c.Stealth)
                m.stealth = true;

            if ( == "lichtbrut" && !m.silenced)
                m.Angr = m.Hp;

Beispiel #24
        /// <summary>
        /// Choose One - Summon a 6/6 Ancient with Taunt; or Restore 12 Health.
        /// 抉择:召唤一棵6/6并具有嘲讽的古树;或恢复12点生命值。
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="p"></param>
        /// <param name="ownplay"></param>
        /// <param name="target"></param>
        /// <param name="choice"></param>
        public override void onCardPlay(Playfield p, bool ownplay, Minion target, int choice)
            CardDB.Card ancient = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardIdEnum.ULD_135at);
            if (choice == 1 || (p.ownFandralStaghelm > 0 && ownplay))
                int pos = (ownplay) ? p.ownMinions.Count : p.enemyMinions.Count;
                p.CallKid(ancient, pos, ownplay, false);

            if (choice == 2 || (target != null && p.ownFandralStaghelm > 0 && ownplay))
                int heal = (ownplay) ? p.getSpellHeal(12) : p.getEnemySpellHeal(12);
                p.minionGetDamageOrHeal(target, -heal);
        public ChooseSetDialog(CardDB.Card card, SetSelected onSelect)
            this.card          = card;
            this.onSetSelected = onSelect;

            this.CardSets    = this.card.CardSets;
            this.CardName    = this.card.Name;
            this.SelectedSet = this.card.CardSets[0];

            this.DataContext = this;

            this.PrimaryButtonText   = "OK";
            this.SecondaryButtonText = "Cancel";
Beispiel #26
        //    Whenever your opponent plays a card, discard the top 3 cards of your deck.

        public override void onCardIsGoingToBePlayed(Playfield p, CardDB.Card c, bool wasOwnCard, Minion triggerEffectMinion, Minion target)
            if (wasOwnCard == triggerEffectMinion.own)
                return;                                        //owner of card = owner of minion -> no effect
            if (triggerEffectMinion.own)
                p.ownDeckSize = Math.Max(0, p.ownDeckSize - 3);
                p.enemyDeckSize = Math.Max(0, p.enemyDeckSize - 3);
Beispiel #27
        private void getHandcards()
            anzcards      = 0;
            enemyAnzCards = 0;
            List <HSCard> list = TritonHs.GetCards(CardZone.Hand);

            List <HSCard> list2 = TritonHs.GetCards(CardZone.Graveyard);

            //List<HRCard> list = HRCard.GetCards(HRPlayer.GetLocalPlayer(), HRCardZone.HAND);

            foreach (HSCard entitiy in list)
                if (entitiy.ZonePosition >= 1) // own handcard
                    CardDB.Card c = CardDB.Instance.getCardDataFromID(CardDB.Instance.cardIdstringToEnum(entitiy.Id));
                    //c.cost = entitiy.GetCost();
                    //c.entityID = entitiy.GetEntityId();

                    var hc = new Handmanager.Handcard();
                    hc.card      = c;
                    hc.position  = entitiy.ZonePosition;
                    hc.entity    = entitiy.EntityId;
                    hc.manacost  = entitiy.Cost;
                    hc.addattack = 0;
                    if ( == CardDB.cardName.bolvarfordragon)
                        hc.addattack = entitiy.GetTag(GAME_TAG.ATK) - 1;
                        // -1 because it starts with 1, we count only the additional attackvalue

            List <HSCard> allcards = TritonHs.GetAllCards();

            enemyAnzCards = 0;
            foreach (HSCard hs in allcards)
                if (hs.GetTag(GAME_TAG.ZONE) == 3 && hs.ControllerId != ownPlayerController &&
                    hs.GetTag(GAME_TAG.ZONE_POSITION) >= 1)
            // dont know if you can count the enemys-handcars in this way :D
Beispiel #28
        public void equip(CardDB.Card c)
            this.card = c;
            this.numAttacksThisTurn   = 0;
            this.immuneWhileAttacking = c.immuneWhileAttacking;

            this.Attack     = c.Attack;
            this.Durability = c.Durability;

            this.windfury         = c.windfury;
            this.immune           = false;
            this.lifesteal        = c.lifesteal;
            this.poisonous        = c.poisonous;
            this.cantAttackHeroes = ( == CardDB.cardName.foolsbane) ? true : false;
Beispiel #29
        public Weapon(Weapon w)
            this.card = w.card;
            this.numAttacksThisTurn   = w.numAttacksThisTurn;
            this.immuneWhileAttacking = w.immuneWhileAttacking;

            this.Attack     = w.Attack;
            this.Durability = w.Durability;

            this.windfury         = w.windfury;
            this.immune           = w.immune;
            this.lifesteal        = w.lifesteal;
            this.poisonous        = w.poisonous;
            this.cantAttackHeroes = w.cantAttackHeroes;
Beispiel #30
 public void updateOwnHero(string weapon, int watt, int wdur, bool heroimune, int heroatt, int herohp, int herodef, string heron, bool heroready, bool alreadyatt, bool frozen, CardDB.Card hab, bool habrdy)
     this.ownHeroWeapon                    = weapon;
     this.heroWeaponAttack                 = watt;
     this.heroWeaponDurability             = wdur;
     this.heroImmuneToDamageWhileAttacking = heroimune;
     this.heroAtk                = heroatt;
     this.heroHp                 = herohp;
     this.heroDefence            = herodef;
     this.heroname               = heron;
     this.ownheroisread          = heroready;
     this.ownheroAlreadyAttacked = alreadyatt;
     this.herofrozen             = frozen;
     this.heroAbility            = hab;
     this.ownAbilityisReady      = habrdy;