Exemplo n.º 1
        public void MatchASinglePlayerParty()
            // Create a solo party.
            _partyClient.CreateParty(new CreatePartyRequest(), _leaderMetadata);

            // Join matchmaking.
            _gatewayClient.Join(new JoinRequest
                MatchmakingType = "match1"
            }, _leaderMetadata);

            // Verify that the solo-party has been successfully matched to a deployment.
            AssertWithinSeconds(10, () =>
                var op = _operationsClient.GetOperation(LeaderPlayerId,
                                                        CallSettings.FromHeader(PitRequestHeaderName, _leaderPit));
                if (!op.Done)

                var assignment = op.Response.Unpack <JoinResponse>();
                return(assignment.DeploymentName.Equals("test_deployment_1") &&

            // Clean-up.
            _partyClient.DeleteParty(new DeletePartyRequest(), _leaderMetadata);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void AllowAJoinRequestToBeDeleted()
            // Create a solo party.
            _partyClient.CreateParty(new CreatePartyRequest(), _leaderMetadata);

            // Join matchmaking.
            var op = _gatewayClient.Join(new JoinRequest
                MatchmakingType = "no_match"
            }, _leaderMetadata);

            Assert.AreEqual(LeaderPlayerId, op.Name);

            // Verify that the party has not been matched yet.
            var fetchedOp = _operationsClient.GetOperation(LeaderPlayerId,
                                                           CallSettings.FromHeader(PitRequestHeaderName, _leaderPit));

            Assert.AreEqual(LeaderPlayerId, fetchedOp.Name);

            // Cancel matchmaking.
                                              CallSettings.FromHeader(PitRequestHeaderName, _leaderPit));

            // Verify that there is no more information within the matchmaking system about the party/player.
            var rpcException = Assert.Throws <RpcException>(() =>
                                                                                           CallSettings.FromHeader(PitRequestHeaderName, _leaderPit)));

            Assert.AreEqual(StatusCode.NotFound, rpcException.Status.StatusCode);

            // Clean-up.
            _partyClient.DeleteParty(new DeletePartyRequest(), _leaderMetadata);
Exemplo n.º 3
        private async Task <StreamingRecognizeStream> GetGoogleStream(int SampleRate)
            var sslCredentials = new SslCredentials();

            var speechBuilder = new SpeechClientBuilder();

            speechBuilder.ChannelCredentials = sslCredentials;
            //speechBuilder.Endpoint = "google.com/speech-api/";
            var speech        = speechBuilder.Build();
            var streamingCall = speech.StreamingRecognize(CallSettings.FromHeader("x-goog-api-key", ApiKey));

            // Write the initial request with the config.
            await streamingCall.WriteAsync(
                new StreamingRecognizeRequest()
                StreamingConfig = new StreamingRecognitionConfig()
                    Config = new RecognitionConfig()
                        Encoding                   = RecognitionConfig.Types.AudioEncoding.Linear16,
                        SampleRateHertz            = SampleRate,
                        LanguageCode               = CultureLanguage.ToString(),
                        EnableAutomaticPunctuation = false,
                        AudioChannelCount          = 1,
                        UseEnhanced                = true
                    InterimResults = false,

Exemplo n.º 4
        public void PreventPartiesFromQueueingTwice()
            // Create a solo party.
            _partyClient.CreateParty(new CreatePartyRequest(), _leaderMetadata);

            // Join matchmaking.
            _gatewayClient.Join(new JoinRequest
                MatchmakingType = "no_match"
            }, _leaderMetadata);

            // Verify that en exception is thrown if trying to join matchmaking again.
            var rpcException = Assert.Throws <RpcException>(() => _gatewayClient.Join(new JoinRequest
                MatchmakingType = "no_match"
            }, _leaderMetadata));

            Assert.AreEqual(StatusCode.AlreadyExists, rpcException.Status.StatusCode);
            Assert.That(rpcException.Message, Contains.Substring("already queued"));

            // Clean-up.
                                              CallSettings.FromHeader(PitRequestHeaderName, _leaderPit));
            _partyClient.DeleteParty(new DeletePartyRequest(), _leaderMetadata);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void WithEarlierDeadline_SimpleSettingsNoDeadline()
            CallSettings settings = CallSettings.FromHeader("name", "value");
            DateTime?    deadline = null;

            Assert.Same(settings, settings.WithEarlierDeadline(deadline, new FakeClock()));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void FromHeader()
            var settings = CallSettings.FromHeader("name", "value");
            var metadata = new Metadata();

            Assert.Equal("name", metadata[0].Key);
            Assert.Equal("value", metadata[0].Value);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void MatchAMultiPlayerParty()
            // Create a party with multiple players within it.
            var partyId =
                _partyClient.CreateParty(new CreatePartyRequest(), _leaderMetadata)
            var pitAnotherMember    = CreatePlayerIdentityTokenForPlayer(MemberPlayerId);
            var inviteAnotherPlayer = _inviteClient.CreateInvite(new CreateInviteRequest {
                ReceiverPlayerId = MemberPlayerId

            _partyClient.JoinParty(new JoinPartyRequest {
                PartyId = partyId
                                   new Metadata {
                { PitRequestHeaderName, pitAnotherMember }

            // Join matchmaking.
            _gatewayClient.Join(new JoinRequest
                MatchmakingType = "match1"
            }, _leaderMetadata);

            AssertWithinSeconds(10, () =>
                var leaderOp = _operationsClient.GetOperation(LeaderPlayerId,
                                                              CallSettings.FromHeader(PitRequestHeaderName, _leaderPit));
                if (!leaderOp.Done)

                var assignment = leaderOp.Response.Unpack <JoinResponse>();
                Assert.AreEqual("test_deployment_1", assignment.DeploymentName);

                // Verify that the other member has been matched into the same deployment as the leader.
                var otherMemberOp = _operationsClient.GetOperation(MemberPlayerId,
                                                                   CallSettings.FromHeader(PitRequestHeaderName, CreatePlayerIdentityTokenForPlayer(MemberPlayerId)));
                var memberAssignment = otherMemberOp.Response.Unpack <JoinResponse>();
                Assert.AreEqual("test_deployment_1", memberAssignment.DeploymentName);


            // Clean-up.
            _partyClient.DeleteParty(new DeletePartyRequest(), _leaderMetadata);
            _inviteClient.DeleteInvite(new DeleteInviteRequest {
                InviteId = inviteAnotherPlayer
            }, _leaderMetadata);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void WithHeader_NonNullSettings()
            CallSettings settings = CallSettings.FromHeader("name1", "value1");
            var          result   = settings.WithHeader("name2", "value2");
            var          metadata = new Metadata();

            Assert.Equal("name1", metadata[0].Key);
            Assert.Equal("value1", metadata[0].Value);
            Assert.Equal("name2", metadata[1].Key);
            Assert.Equal("value2", metadata[1].Value);
Exemplo n.º 9
 public async Task PollUntilCompletedAsync_NoHeaderDuplication_WithCallSettings(bool provideCallSettings)
     var baseSettings = CallSettings.FromHeader("foo", "bar");
     var client       = new FakeOperationsClient(new FakeScheduler(), baseSettings, settings => Assert.Null(settings?.HeaderMutation));
     var callSettings = provideCallSettings ? CallSettings.FromCancellationToken(new CancellationTokenSource().Token) : null;
     await client.FakeScheduler.RunAsync(async() =>
         client.AddSuccessfulOperation("op", client.Clock.GetCurrentDateTimeUtc().AddSeconds(3), new StringValue {
             Value = "result"
         var initial = Operation <StringValue, Timestamp> .PollOnceFromNameAsync("op", client).Result;
         await initial.PollUntilCompletedAsync(callSettings: callSettings);
Exemplo n.º 10
        internal WatchStream(IScheduler scheduler, IWatchState state, Target target, FirestoreDb db, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            _scheduler = scheduler;
            _state     = state;
            _target    = target;
            _db        = db;
            _callbackCancellationTokenSource = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellationToken);
            _networkCancellationTokenSource  = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(_callbackCancellationTokenSource.Token);
            _listenCallSettings = CallSettings.FromHeader(FirestoreClientImpl.ResourcePrefixHeader, db.RootPath);

            // TODO: Make these configurable?
            _backoffSettings = new BackoffSettings(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1), TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30), 2.0);
            _backoffJitter   = RetrySettings.RandomJitter;
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void PerRpc()
            string projectId = _fixture.ProjectId;
            string topicId   = _fixture.CreateTopicId();

            // Sample: PerRpc
            // Create a PublisherServiceApiClient with default settings.
            PublisherServiceApiClient client = PublisherServiceApiClient.Create();
            // Create a topic name from the projectId and topicId.
            TopicName topicName = new TopicName(projectId, topicId);
            // Create a CallSettings with a custom header.
            CallSettings callSettings = CallSettings.FromHeader("ClientVersion", "1.0.0");
            // This will cause the custom 'ClientVersion' header to be included in the RPC call.
            Topic topic = client.CreateTopic(topicName, callSettings);
            // End sample
Exemplo n.º 12
        internal WatchStream(IScheduler scheduler, IWatchState state, Target target, FirestoreDb db, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            _scheduler = scheduler;
            _state     = state;
            _target    = target;
            _db        = db;
            _callbackCancellationTokenSource = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(cancellationToken);
            _networkCancellationTokenSource  = CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(_callbackCancellationTokenSource.Token);
            _listenCallSettings = CallSettings.FromHeader(FirestoreClientImpl.ResourcePrefixHeader, db.RootPath);

            // TODO: Make these configurable?
            _backoffSettings = RetrySettings.FromExponentialBackoff(
                maxAttempts: int.MaxValue,
                initialBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1),
                maxBackoff: TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30),
                backoffMultiplier: 2.0,
                retryFilter: _ => false, // Ignored
                backoffJitter: RetrySettings.RandomJitter);
Exemplo n.º 13
        public void Client()
            string projectId = _fixture.ProjectId;
            string topicId   = _fixture.CreateTopicId();

            // Sample: ClientWide
            // Create a default PublisherServiceApiSettings, with a custom header for calls to all RPC methods.
            PublisherServiceApiSettings publisherSettings = new PublisherServiceApiSettings
                CallSettings = CallSettings.FromHeader("ClientVersion", "1.0.0")
            PublisherServiceApiClient client = new PublisherServiceApiClientBuilder {
                Settings = publisherSettings
            // Create a topic name from the projectId and topicId.
            TopicName topicName = new TopicName(projectId, topicId);
            // The custom 'ClientVersion' header will be included in the RPC call, due to
            // the client being configured with 'publishersettings' above.
            Topic topic = client.CreateTopic(topicName);
            // End sample
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void MatchARequeuedPlayerEventually()
            // Create a solo party.
            _partyClient.CreateParty(new CreatePartyRequest(), _leaderMetadata);

            // Join matchmaking.
            _gatewayClient.Join(new JoinRequest
                MatchmakingType = "to_requeue"
            }, _leaderMetadata);

            AssertWithinSeconds(25, () =>
                var op = _operationsClient.GetOperation(LeaderPlayerId,
                                                        CallSettings.FromHeader(PitRequestHeaderName, _leaderPit));
                if (!op.Done)

                if (op.Error != null)
                    Assert.Fail($"Op returned error code: {op.Error.Code}");

                var res = op.Response.Unpack <JoinResponse>();
                if (res.DeploymentName.Equals("test_deployment_requeue") && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(res.LoginToken))

                Assert.Fail($"User was not matched to correct deployment. Was: {res.DeploymentName}");

            // Clean up.
            _partyClient.DeleteParty(new DeletePartyRequest(), _leaderMetadata);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public void FromHeader_Invalid(string header, string value) =>
 Assert.Throws <InvalidOperationException>(() => CallSettings.FromHeader(header, value));
Exemplo n.º 16
        public void MatchPartiesInABatch()
            var invitesList = new List <string>();
            // Create three parties with a different amount of members. The first one is a solo party, the rest have two
            // and three members respectively.
            var leaderIds         = new List <string>();
            var leaderIdToMembers = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();
            var playerPits        = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            for (var partyCount = 1; partyCount <= 3; partyCount++)
                var leaderId  = $"leader_{partyCount}";
                var leaderPit = CreatePlayerIdentityTokenForPlayer(leaderId);
                playerPits[leaderId] = leaderPit;
                var partyId = _partyClient.CreateParty(new CreatePartyRequest(),
                                                       new Metadata {
                    { PitRequestHeaderName, leaderPit }

                for (var memberCount = 1; memberCount < partyCount; memberCount++)
                    var memberId            = $"member_{partyCount}_{memberCount}";
                    var memberPit           = CreatePlayerIdentityTokenForPlayer(memberId);
                    var inviteAnotherPlayer = _inviteClient.CreateInvite(new CreateInviteRequest {
                        ReceiverPlayerId = memberId
                                                                         new Metadata {
                        { PitRequestHeaderName, leaderPit }

                    leaderIdToMembers.TryAdd(leaderId, new List <string>());
                    playerPits[memberId] = memberPit;
                    _partyClient.JoinParty(new JoinPartyRequest {
                        PartyId = partyId
                                           new Metadata {
                        { PitRequestHeaderName, memberPit }

            // The three leaders perform a Join request for their parties.
            foreach (var leaderId in leaderIds)
                _gatewayClient.Join(new JoinRequest
                    MatchmakingType = "match3"
                }, new Metadata {
                    { PitRequestHeaderName, playerPits[leaderId] }

            AssertWithinSeconds(20, () =>
                foreach (var leaderId in leaderIds)
                    var leaderPit = playerPits[leaderId];
                    var leaderOp  = _operationsClient.GetOperation(leaderId,
                                                                   CallSettings.FromHeader(PitRequestHeaderName, leaderPit));
                    if (!leaderOp.Done)

                    // If the matchmaking op is done for the leader, other members' ops should also be completed.
                    var partyOps = new List <Operation> {
                    foreach (var memberId in leaderIdToMembers[leaderId])
                        if (memberId == leaderId)

                        var memberOp = _operationsClient.GetOperation(memberId,
                                                                      CallSettings.FromHeader(PitRequestHeaderName, playerPits[memberId]));
                        if (!memberOp.Done)
                                $"The leader has finalized matchmaking but one of the members ({memberId}) has not");


                    // None of the members should have gotten an Error code.
                    foreach (var op in partyOps)
                        if (op.Error != null)
                            Assert.Fail($"Op returned error code: {op.Error.Code}");

                    // All members of the party should have the same deployment info as the leader. Their login tokens
                    // should have been generated.
                    var leaderDeployment = leaderOp.Response.Unpack <JoinResponse>().DeploymentName;
                    foreach (var op in partyOps)
                        var joinResponse = op.Response.Unpack <JoinResponse>();
                        Assert.AreEqual(leaderDeployment, joinResponse.DeploymentName);


            // Delete the three parties which have been created.
            foreach (var leaderId in leaderIds)
                _partyClient.DeleteParty(new DeletePartyRequest(),
                                         new Metadata {
                    { PitRequestHeaderName, playerPits[leaderId] }
Exemplo n.º 17
        public void AllowAJoinRequestToBeDeletedAndNewMembersInvited()
            // Create a solo party and get its ID to later invite another player.
            var partyId = _partyClient.CreateParty(new CreatePartyRequest(), _leaderMetadata).PartyId;

            // Join matchmaking.
            var op = _gatewayClient.Join(new JoinRequest
                MatchmakingType = "no_match"
            }, _leaderMetadata);

            Assert.AreEqual(LeaderPlayerId, op.Name);

            // Verify that the party has not been matched yet.
            var fetchedOp = _operationsClient.GetOperation(LeaderPlayerId,
                                                           CallSettings.FromHeader(PitRequestHeaderName, _leaderPit));

            Assert.AreEqual(LeaderPlayerId, fetchedOp.Name);

            // Cancel matchmaking.
                                              CallSettings.FromHeader(PitRequestHeaderName, _leaderPit));

            // Verify that there is no more information within the matchmaking system about the party/player.
            var rpcException = Assert.Throws <RpcException>(() =>
                                                                                           CallSettings.FromHeader(PitRequestHeaderName, _leaderPit)));

            Assert.AreEqual(StatusCode.NotFound, rpcException.Status.StatusCode);

            // Verify that we can invite another member to the party
            var pitAnotherMember    = CreatePlayerIdentityTokenForPlayer(MemberPlayerId);
            var inviteAnotherPlayer = _inviteClient.CreateInvite(new CreateInviteRequest {
                ReceiverPlayerId = MemberPlayerId

            _partyClient.JoinParty(new JoinPartyRequest {
                PartyId = partyId
                                   new Metadata {
                { PitRequestHeaderName, pitAnotherMember }

            // Join matchmaking for the second time.
            var opSecond = _gatewayClient.Join(new JoinRequest
                MatchmakingType = "no_match"
            }, _leaderMetadata);

            Assert.AreEqual(LeaderPlayerId, opSecond.Name);

            // Verify that the party has not been matched yet.
            fetchedOp = _operationsClient.GetOperation(LeaderPlayerId,
                                                       CallSettings.FromHeader(PitRequestHeaderName, _leaderPit));
            Assert.AreEqual(LeaderPlayerId, fetchedOp.Name);

            // Cancel matchmaking.
                                              CallSettings.FromHeader(PitRequestHeaderName, _leaderPit));

            // Clean-up.
            _partyClient.DeleteParty(new DeletePartyRequest(), _leaderMetadata);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public async Task AllowOneThousandPlayersToMatchAtOnce()
            const int playersPerParty = 1;
            const int parties         = 1000;

            var startTime = DateTime.UtcNow;
            var tasks     = new List <Task>();

            for (var i = 0; i < playersPerParty * parties; i++)
                var myId       = i;
                var playerName = $"test_player_{startTime.ToLongTimeString()}_{myId}";
                var playerPit  = await CreatePlayerIdentityTokenForPlayer(playerName);

                var task = Task.Run(async() =>
                    var playerMetadata = new Metadata {
                        { PitRequestHeaderName, playerPit }
                    if (myId % playersPerParty == 0)
                        // Lead player sets up the match and invites the others
                        var party = false;
                        while (!party)
                                GetPartyClient().CreateParty(new CreatePartyRequest(), playerMetadata);
                                party = true;
                            catch (RpcException e)
                                Console.WriteLine($"CreateParty exception: {e}");

                        for (var j = 0; j < playersPerParty - 1; j++)
                            var invitedPlayerId = $"test_player_{startTime}_{myId + j + 1}";
                            GetInviteClient().CreateInvite(new CreateInviteRequest
                                ReceiverPlayerId = invitedPlayerId
                            }, playerMetadata);

                        int members = 1;
                        while (members < playersPerParty)
                            var partyData =
                                GetPartyClient().GetPartyByPlayerId(new GetPartyByPlayerIdRequest(), playerMetadata);
                            members = partyData.Party.MemberIds.Count;
                            await Task.Delay(500);

                        Console.WriteLine($"Enough players joined: Continuing as master ({playerName})");

                        // Join matchmaking.
                        var joined = false;
                        while (!joined)
                                GetGatewayClient().Join(new JoinRequest
                                    MatchmakingType = "match1"
                                }, playerMetadata);
                                joined = true;
                            catch (RpcException e)
                                if (e.StatusCode == StatusCode.AlreadyExists)
                                    joined = true;
                                Console.WriteLine($"Exception in Join ({playerName}): {e}");
                        // All other players wait for an invite
                        Console.WriteLine("Beginning as player");
                        var joined = false;
                            var invites = GetInviteClient().ListAllInvites(new ListAllInvitesRequest(), playerMetadata);
                            if (invites.InboundInvites.Count > 0)
                                _ = GetPartyClient().JoinParty(new JoinPartyRequest
                                    PartyId = invites.InboundInvites[0].PartyId
                                }, playerMetadata);
                                joined = true;
                        } while (!joined);
                }).ContinueWith(async t =>
                    // Non-leaders may not have started matchmaking yet so GetOperation could fail a few times.
                    Operation op = null;
                            op = GetOperationsClient().GetOperation(new GetOperationRequest {
                                Name = playerName
                                                                    CallSettings.FromHeader(PitRequestHeaderName, playerPit));
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Failed to poll: {e}");

                        await Task.Delay(100);
                    } while (op == null || !op.Done);
                }).ContinueWith(t =>
                    var playerMetadata = new Metadata {
                        { PitRequestHeaderName, playerPit }
                    GetPartyClient().DeleteParty(new DeletePartyRequest(), playerMetadata);


            var seconds = (DateTime.UtcNow - startTime).TotalSeconds;

            Console.WriteLine($"Test completed in {seconds}s");
            Assert.Less(seconds, TimeSpan.FromMinutes(2).TotalSeconds);