Exemplo n.º 1
        public void CreateVehicle(Vector3D pUpDir, CBody pNewtonBody)
            m_Handle = Newton.NewtonConstraintCreateVehicle(m_World.Handle,
                                                            new NewtonVector3(pUpDir).NWVector3,

            CHashTables.Joint.Add(m_Handle, this);
Exemplo n.º 2
    CPinnedParticles _oPinnedParticles; // Special component in charge of 'pinning' through Flex springs some of the Flex particles in this softbody to their appropriate position on the body's surface

    #endregion Fields

    #region Methods

    //---------------------------------------------------------------------------	INIT
    public static CSoftBody Create(CBody oBody, Type oTypeBMesh, string sNameBoneAnchor_HACK)
        string sNameSoftBody = oTypeBMesh.Name.Substring(1);                            // Obtain the name of our detached body part ('Breasts', 'Penis', 'V****a') from a substring of our class name.  Must match Blender!!  ###WEAK?
        _sNameBoneAnchor_HACK = sNameBoneAnchor_HACK;
        CGame.gBL_SendCmd("CBody", "CBodyBase_GetBodyBase(" + oBody._oBodyBase._nBodyID.ToString() + ").oBody.CreateSoftBody('" + sNameSoftBody + "', " + CGame.INSTANCE.nSoftBodyFlexColliderShrinkRatio.ToString() + ")");      // Separate the softbody from the source body.
        CSoftBody oSoftBody = (CSoftBody)CBMesh.Create(null, oBody._oBodyBase, ".oBody.aSoftBodies['" + sNameSoftBody + "'].oMeshSoftBody", oTypeBMesh);       // Create the softbody mesh from the just-created Blender mesh.
        return oSoftBody;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public static void WriteEntity(this NetBuffer message, int id, CBody cbody, CTransform ctransform,
                                string modelname, bool isPlayer)
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static int ReadEntityLight(this NetBuffer message, ref CBody cBody, ref CTransform ctransform,
                                          ref string modelname, ref bool isPlayer)
            int id = message.ReadInt32();

            cBody.Velocity      = message.ReadVector3();
            ctransform.Position = message.ReadVector3();
            ctransform.Rotation = message.ReadMatrix();
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static int ReadEntity(this NetBuffer message, ref CBody cBody, ref CTransform ctransform,
                                     ref string modelname, ref bool isPlayer)
            int id = message.ReadInt32();

            isPlayer   = message.ReadBoolean();
            cBody      = ReadCBody(message);
            ctransform = ReadCTransform(message);
            modelname  = message.ReadString();
Exemplo n.º 6
    public CClothEdit(CBody oBody, string sClothType)
        _oBody			= oBody;
        _sClothType		= sClothType;

        //        CBody.CBody._aBodies[0].CreateCloth("BodySuit", "_ClothSkinnedArea_Top", "Shirt")      ###One of teh body suits?
        string sCmd = _oBody._oBodyBase._sBlenderInstancePath_CBodyBase + ".CreateCloth('BodySuit', '_ClothSkinnedArea_Top', '" + _sClothType + "')";          //###DESIGN: Pass in all args from Unity?  Blender determines?
        CGame.gBL_SendCmd("CBody", sCmd);
        _sBlenderInstancePath_CClothEdit = "aCloths['" + _sClothType + "']";

        _oClothSource = CBMesh.Create(null, _oBody._oBodyBase, _sBlenderInstancePath_CClothEdit + ".oMeshClothSource", typeof(CBMesh));
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void TryToJump()
     if (!InVehicle && Upward && !IsFlying && !pup && CBody.SupportFinder.HasSupport)
         pup = true;
     else if (!Upward)
         pup = false;
Exemplo n.º 8
        public static ConvexBody3D GetConvexBodyFromUserData(CBody body)
            if (body.UserData is ConvexBody3D)
            else if (body.UserData is IMapObject)

Exemplo n.º 9
        public static Body GetBodyFromUserData(CBody body)
            if (body.UserData is Body)
            else if (body.UserData is IMapObject)

Exemplo n.º 10
 public static void WriteCBody(this NetBuffer message, CBody cbody)
     message.WriteRotation(cbody.Rot, 8);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void CreateUserBilateral(int pMaxDOF,
                                        EventHandler <CUserBilateralEventArgs> pCallback,
                                        CBody pChildBody,
                                        CBody pParentBody)
            m_UserBilateral       = pCallback;
            m_NewtonUserBilateral = new Newton.NewtonUserBilateral(InvokeUserBilateral);

            m_Handle = Newton.NewtonConstraintCreateUserJoint(m_World.Handle,

            CHashTables.Joint.Add(m_Handle, this);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public static CBody ReadCBody(this NetBuffer message)
            CBody retval = new CBody();

            retval.Radius             = message.ReadFloat();
            retval.InvMass            = message.ReadFloat();
            retval.LinDrag            = message.ReadFloat();
            retval.Restitution        = message.ReadFloat();
            retval.SpeedMultiplier    = message.ReadFloat();
            retval.RotationMultiplier = message.ReadFloat();
            retval.Velocity           = message.ReadVector3();
            retval.MaxVelocity        = message.ReadFloat();
            retval.EnableRot          = message.ReadBoolean();
            retval.Rot    = message.ReadRotation(8);
            retval.RotAx  = message.ReadVector3();
            retval.RotVel = message.ReadFloat();
Exemplo n.º 13
        protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing)
            if (disposing)
                if (_body != null)
                    _body.Destructor -= _body_Destructor;

                    if (_isInitialised)

                        _isInitialised = false;
                    _body = null;
Exemplo n.º 14
        public void Initialise(World world)
            if (_isInitialised)

            if (world == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("world");

            _world = world;

            _collision = OnInitialise(world);

            if (_collision == null)
                _collision = new NullCollision(_world);

            _body             = new CBody(_collision.NewtonCollision);
            _body.Destructor += _body_Destructor;
            _body.AutoFreeze  = this.AutoPause;
            _body.UserData    = this;
            _body.Matrix      = _visualMatrix.Matrix;

            OnInitialiseEnd();  // this might adjust the _body.Matrix property

            // not initialised yet, nothing should be called on property changed event
            this.Transform = new MatrixTransform3D(_body.Matrix);

            _body.SetTransform        += body_setTransform;
            _body.ApplyForceAndTorque += body_ApplyForceAndTorque;


            _isInitialised = true;
Exemplo n.º 15
    CHandTarget _oHandTarget_RaycastPin; // Commonly used hand target used during commonly-used raycast to position hands.

    #endregion Fields

    #region Methods

    //void ConfigFingerRoot(int nFingerID, string sFingerName) {		//###OBS?					//###WEAK: 3dsMax bone rotation for fingers need massive rework... these ranges kept limited to compensate... FIX MODEL!
    //    CJointDriver oJointFingerBoneParent = _oJointExtremity;
    //    oJointFingerBoneParent = ConfigFingerBone(oJointFingerBoneParent, nFingerID, 0, sFingerName, 020f, -020f, -009f,  000f);		// First  bone: Can twist about y also
    //    oJointFingerBoneParent = ConfigFingerBone(oJointFingerBoneParent, nFingerID, 1, sFingerName, 010f, -020f,  000f,  000f);		// Second bone: Only X
    //    oJointFingerBoneParent = ConfigFingerBone(oJointFingerBoneParent, nFingerID, 2, sFingerName, 010f, -020f,  000f,  000f);		// Third  bone: Only X (more limited)		//###CHECK: Joint free vs fixed affecting these??
    //CJointDriver ConfigFingerBone(CJointDriver oJointFingerBoneParent, int nFingerID, int nFingerBoneID, string sFingerName, float XL, float XH, float YR, float ZR) {		//###OBS?
    //    CJointDriver oJointDrv = CJointDriver.Create(this, oJointFingerBoneParent, _sSidePrefixL+sFingerName + (nFingerBoneID+1).ToString(), 1.0f, 0.01f, XL,  XH, -YR,  YR,  -ZR,  ZR);		//###TODO: Calibrate different fingers specially!
    //    _aJoints.Add(oJointDrv);
    //    JointDrive oDrive = oJointDrv._oConfJoint.slerpDrive;
    //    oDrive.positionSpring = 1;						//###TUNE
    //    oDrive.positionDamper = 0;// .001f;				//***NOW!
    //    oJointDrv._oConfJoint.slerpDrive = oDrive;
    //    oJointDrv._oRigidBody.mass = 0.0001f;			//###TODO!
    //    oJointDrv._oRigidBody.drag = 0;					// Remove all damping so finger joint gets the least stress as possible to avoid 'disjointed rubber fingers'
    //    oJointDrv._oRigidBody.angularDrag = 0;
    //    CapsuleCollider oCollCap = (CapsuleCollider)CUtility.FindOrCreateComponent(oJointDrv._oTransform.gameObject, typeof(CapsuleCollider));
    //    oCollCap.direction = 2;			// z = 2 as per docs at http://docs.unity3d.com/Documentation/ScriptReference/CapsuleCollider-direction.html
    //    oCollCap.radius = 0.011f;
    //    oCollCap.height = 0.04f;
    //    _aaFingers[nFingerID, nFingerBoneID] = oJointDrv;
    //    return oJointDrv;
    public static CHandTarget FindHandTarget(CBody oBody, EHandTargets eHandTarget, bool bRightSideOfBody)
        //string sNameHandTarget = "CHandTarget-" + eHandTarget.ToString();				// The enum name of hand target is prefixed by 'CHandTarget-' in the bone tree
        //Transform oHandTargetT = oBody.SearchBone(oBody._oBonesT, sNameHandTarget);
        //CHandTarget oHandTarget = oHandTargetT.GetComponent<CHandTarget>();
        //if (bRightSideOfBody)		// The right side of body has 'create as needed' hand targets that are mirrored from the left side...
        //	oHandTarget = CHandTarget.FindOrCreateRightSideHandTarget(oHandTarget);
        //return oHandTarget;
        return null;        //###BROKEN
Exemplo n.º 16
 public CBody GetBodyOther(CBody oBody)
     // Returns the other body.  Assumes only a 2-body scene.
     return null;		//###BROKEN#11
     //if (oBody == _aBodyBases[0])		//###DESIGN: Revisit this once we fix assumptions as to bodies in body 0/1
     //	return _aBodyBases[1];
     //	return _aBodyBases[0];
Exemplo n.º 17
    public void AddLookTargetsToOtherBody(CBody oBodyOther)
        // Send by CGamePlay when scene gets a body added / removed
        //###IMPROVE: Have a special 'object of interest' object that overrides... such as end of penis when cumming


        _aLookTargets.Add(Camera.main.transform);			// We always add the camera		//###DESIGN???

        if (oBodyOther != null) {			//###IMPROVE?? Add parts of self body to look at like penis tip?
            //_aLookTargets.Add(oBodyOther.FindBone("chest/lCollar/lShldr/lForeArm/lHand"));		//###DESIGN???
        _nTimeNextChangeLookTarget = -1;		// Force an immediate refresh of node to look at
Exemplo n.º 18
 //---------------------------------------------------------------------------	ARM RAYCAST PINNING: User selecting where to place the closest arm of the selected body on a body surface through raycasting
 public void ArmRaycastPin_Begin()
     _oHandTarget = _oHandTarget_RaycastPin;
     _oHandTarget.transform.position = _oJointExtremity.transform.position;			// Manually set the hand target position to the hand position so slerp in Update doesn't start from some old stale position  ###MOVE?
     _oBodyArmPin = null;
     //_nArmPinBodyColVert = -1;
     //_nTimeStartPinSet = 0;			// Reset our start-of-slerp time to zero so it's initialize at first real pin position
     //_bPinByClosestVert = false;		// We start pinning by ray position as it's much more accurate.  When user releases pinning key we go to vert pinning which will handle changes in body orientation  ###IMPROVE: Always have 'ray precision' pinning by storing offset and rotating to closest vert normal?
     _oConfJoint_Extremity.angularXMotion = _oConfJoint_Extremity.angularYMotion = _oConfJoint_Extremity.angularZMotion = ConfigurableJointMotion.Free;	// We free rotation constraint so hand is just attraced by position (and repelled by colliders)  Greatly simplifies hand raycasting!!
Exemplo n.º 19
 private CChild Child(Entity mParent, CBody mCBody)
     return(new CChild(mParent, mCBody));
Exemplo n.º 20
 private CAI AI(CStats mCStats, CBody mCBody, CMovement mCMovement, CRender mCRender, CLineOfSight mCLineOfSight)
     return(new CAI(_game, mCStats, mCBody, mCMovement, mCRender, mCLineOfSight));
Exemplo n.º 21
 private CMovement Movement(CBody mCBody)
     return(new CMovement(mCBody));
Exemplo n.º 22
        public override void Update(float t, float dt)
            KeyboardState currentState = Keyboard.GetState();

            Keys[] pressedKeys = currentState.GetPressedKeys();
            yaw = 0;

            foreach (var input in Game1.Inst.Scene.GetComponents <CInput>())
                CBody body = null;
                if (Game1.Inst.Scene.EntityHasComponent <CBody>(input.Key))
                    body = (CBody)Game1.Inst.Scene.GetComponentFromEntity <CBody>(input.Key);
                var transform  = (CTransform)Game1.Inst.Scene.GetComponentFromEntity <CTransform>(input.Key);
                var inputValue = (CInput)input.Value;

                //For Network Chat
                foreach (Keys key in pressedKeys)
                    if (lastPressedKeys != null && !lastPressedKeys.Contains(key))
                        Game1.Inst.RaiseInScene("key_to_write", key);
                lastPressedKeys = pressedKeys;
                if (!Game1.Inst.Scene.EntityHasComponent <CBody>(input.Key))
                if (currentState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape))
                    Game1.Inst.Exit(); // TODO: We Should leave the scene
                var movementSpeed = dt * 100f * body.SpeedMultiplier;
                var rotationSpeed = dt * 2.4f * body.RotationMultiplier;

                Vector3 acceleration = Vector3.Zero;

                if (currentState.IsKeyDown(Keys.LeftShift))
                    movementSpeed *= 0.4f;
                if (currentState.IsKeyDown(inputValue.ForwardMovementKey))
                    var w = transform.Frame.Forward;

                    if (!isInAir && isOnGround)
                        var tx = transform.Position.X;
                        var tz = transform.Position.Z;

                        var fv1 = w;

                        var fv2 = fv1;
                        fv2 *= 0.05f;

                        // Compute height delta.
                        var y1 = Heightmap.HeightAt(tx, tz);
                        var y2 = Heightmap.HeightAt(tx + fv2.X, tz + fv2.Z);
                        fv2.Y = (float)Math.Max(0.0f, y2 - y1);


                        var maxAngle = (float)Math.Cos(MathHelper.ToRadians(70.0f));
                        var fac      = (float)Math.Max(0.0f, Vector3.Dot(fv1, fv2) - maxAngle);
                        movementSpeed *= fac;

                    acceleration += movementSpeed * w;

                if (currentState.IsKeyDown(inputValue.BackwardMovementKey))
                    var w = transform.Frame.Backward;

                    if (!isInAir && isOnGround)
                        var tx = transform.Position.X;
                        var tz = transform.Position.Z;

                        var fv1 = w;

                        var fv2 = fv1;
                        fv2 *= 0.05f;

                        // Compute height delta.
                        var y1 = Heightmap.HeightAt(tx, tz);
                        var y2 = Heightmap.HeightAt(tx + fv2.X, tz + fv2.Z);
                        fv2.Y = (float)Math.Max(0.0f, y2 - y1);


                        var maxAngle = (float)Math.Cos(MathHelper.ToRadians(70.0f));
                        var fac      = (float)Math.Max(0.0f, Vector3.Dot(fv1, fv2) - maxAngle);
                        movementSpeed *= fac;

                    acceleration += movementSpeed * w;

                acceleration.Y = 0.0f;
                body.Velocity += acceleration - dt * body.Velocity * 10.0f * new Vector3(1.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f);

                //if (acceleration.X + body.Velocity.X < body.MaxVelocity && acceleration.X + body.Velocity.X > -body.MaxVelocity)
                ///body.Velocity.X += acceleration.X;
                //if (acceleration.Y + body.Velocity.Y < body.MaxVelocity || acceleration.Y + body.Velocity.Y > -body.MaxVelocity)
                //  body.Velocity.Y += acceleration.Y;
                //if (acceleration.Z + body.Velocity.Z < body.MaxVelocity && acceleration.Z + body.Velocity.Z > -body.MaxVelocity)
                //body.Velocity.Z += acceleration.Z;

                if (currentState.IsKeyDown(inputValue.LeftMovementKey))
                    yaw = rotationSpeed;
                if (currentState.IsKeyDown(inputValue.RightMovementKey))
                    yaw = -rotationSpeed;
                if (currentState.IsKeyDown(Keys.K) && !prevState.IsKeyDown(Keys.K))
                    if (Game1.Inst.Scene.EntityHasComponent <CPlayer>(input.Key))
                        var cp = (CPlayer)Game1.Inst.Scene.GetComponentFromEntity <CPlayer>(input.Key);
                        var p  = (CHit)Game1.Inst.Scene.GetComponentFromEntity <CHit>(cp.HitId);
                        if (!p.IsAttacking)
                            SfxUtil.PlaySound("Sounds/Effects/Swing", vol: 1, randomPitch: true);

                            Game1.Inst.Scene.Raise("attack", new HitSystem.HitInfo {
                                EntityID    = input.Key,
                                IsAttacking = true,
                                StartTime   = t

                if (currentState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && !prevState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Space) && !isInAir)
                    body.Velocity.Y += 11f;

                    if (transform.Position.Y > WaterY)
                        isInAir = true;
                    SfxUtil.PlaySound("Sounds/Effects/jump_start", vol: 1, randomPitch: true);
                    var model = (CImportedModel)Game1.Inst.Scene.GetComponentFromEntity <C3DRenderable>(input.Key);
                    model.animFn = SceneUtils.playerAnimation(input.Key, 12, 0.01f);
                if (currentState.IsKeyDown(Keys.H) && !prevState.IsKeyDown(Keys.H))
                    if (Game1.Inst.Scene.GetType() == typeof(WorldScene))
                        var scene = (WorldScene)Game1.Inst.Scene;
                        var list  = Game1.Inst.Scene.GetComponents <CPickUp>();
                        var inv   = (CInventory)Game1.Inst.Scene.GetComponentFromEntity <CInventory>(input.Key);
                        foreach (var ball in list)
                            var ballBody = (CBody)Game1.Inst.Scene.GetComponentFromEntity <CBody>(ball.Key);

                            if (body.ReachableArea.Intersects(ballBody.Aabb) && !inv.isFull)
                                var b = new CInventoryItem(ballBody);
                                prevState = currentState;
                                // Return so only one item will be picked up.
                if (currentState.IsKeyDown(Keys.J) && !prevState.IsKeyDown(Keys.J))
                    if (Game1.Inst.Scene.EntityHasComponent <CInventory>(input.Key))
                        var inv = (CInventory)Game1.Inst.Scene.GetComponentFromEntity <CInventory>(input.Key);
                        if (inv.items.Count > 0)
                            var item = inv.items.ElementAt(inv.items.Count - 1);

                            var ts      = dt * 100f * item.itemBody.SpeedMultiplier;
                            var newItem = item;
                            newItem.itemBody.Velocity += /*transform.Rotation.Forward
                                                          */new Vector3(item.itemBody.Aabb.Max.X * 2 + .5f, 0f, item.itemBody.Aabb.Max.Z * 2 + .5f) * ts;

                prevState = currentState;

                addRot              = Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll(yaw, pitch, roll);
                transform.Heading  += yaw;
                transform.Rotation *= addRot;
Exemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>Checks for and solves collisions against the world bounds.</summary>
        /// <param name="eid">The ID of the entity to check.</param>
        /// <param name="body">The body component of the entity to check.</param>
        /// <param name="transf">The transform component of the entity to check.</param>
        /// <param name="aabb">The axis-aligned bounding box component of the entity to check.</param>
        private void CheckBodyWorld(int eid, CBody body, CTransform transf, BoundingBox aabb)
            // This function is pretty trivial, so we can solve the collision immediately - no need to
            // store it for solving during the fine-solver phase. Basically, just check the bounding box
            // against the world bounds and bounce against them with full restitution. In practice, this
            // method should only be used to prevent objects from leaving universe to prevent
            // hard-to-detect errors in the physical simulation. Don't use it for in-game mechanics.

            if (aabb.Min.X < Bounds.Min.X)
                transf.Position.X = Bounds.Min.X - body.Aabb.Min.X;
                body.Velocity.X  *= -body.Restitution;
            else if (aabb.Max.X > Bounds.Max.X)
                transf.Position.X = Bounds.Max.X - body.Aabb.Max.X;
                body.Velocity.X  *= -body.Restitution;

            if (aabb.Min.Y < Bounds.Min.Y)
                transf.Position.Y = Bounds.Min.Y - body.Aabb.Min.Y;
                body.Velocity.Y  *= -body.Restitution;
            else if (aabb.Max.Y > Bounds.Max.Y)
                transf.Position.Y = Bounds.Max.Y - body.Aabb.Max.Y;
                body.Velocity.Y  *= -body.Restitution;

            if (aabb.Min.Z < Bounds.Min.Z)
                transf.Position.Z = Bounds.Min.Z - body.Aabb.Min.Z;
                body.Velocity.Z  *= -body.Restitution;
            else if (aabb.Max.Z > Bounds.Max.Z)
                transf.Position.Z = Bounds.Max.Z - body.Aabb.Max.Z;
                body.Velocity.Z  *= -body.Restitution;

            // If we have a map system, check that we don't fall below the ground. This part is part of
            // game mechanics.
            if (Heightmap != null)
                //sometimes nan Values??
                if (double.IsNaN(transf.Position.X))
                var mapHeight = Heightmap.HeightAt(transf.Position.X, transf.Position.Z);

                if (aabb.Min.Y < mapHeight)
                    transf.Position.Y = mapHeight - body.Aabb.Min.Y;
                    body.Velocity.Y  *= -body.Restitution;

                    Scene.Raise("collisionwithground", new CollisionInfo {
                        Entity1 = eid
Exemplo n.º 24
 private CRender Render(CBody mCBody, string mTextureName, string mTilesetName = null, string mLabelName = null,
                        float mRotation = 0)
     return(new CRender(_game, mCBody, mTextureName, mTilesetName, mLabelName, mRotation));
Exemplo n.º 25
    public void OnStart(CBody oBody)
        _oBody = oBody;						//###MOD: Init segment from code as our component is added at runtime now
        BendingSegment oSeg = new BendingSegment();

        oSeg.firstTransform		= _oBody._oBodyBase.FindBone("chest/neck");			//###IMPROVE?  Can spine be added (or would interfere with our anim too much?)
        oSeg.lastTransform		= _oBody._oBodyBase.FindBone("chest/neck/head");
        oSeg.thresholdAngleDifference = 0;			//###???
        oSeg.bendingMultiplier = 1.0f;				//###IMPROVE!!!: Add 'eyes' and get them to move part of the way
        oSeg.maxAngleDifference = 90;
        oSeg.maxBendingAngle = 40;					//###IMPROVE: Reduce angle for head up / down and wider for head left/right
        oSeg.responsiveness = 3.0f;					//###TUNE!!!
        segments[0] = oSeg;

        if (rootNode == null)
            rootNode = transform;

        // Setup segments
        foreach (BendingSegment segment in segments) {
            Quaternion parentRot = segment.firstTransform.parent.rotation;
            Quaternion parentRotInv = Quaternion.Inverse(parentRot);
            segment.referenceLookDir =
                parentRotInv * rootNode.rotation * headLookVector.normalized;
            segment.referenceUpDir =
                parentRotInv * rootNode.rotation * headUpVector.normalized;
            segment.angleH = 0;
            segment.angleV = 0;
            segment.dirUp = segment.referenceUpDir;

            segment.chainLength = 1;
            Transform t = segment.lastTransform;
            while (t != segment.firstTransform && t != t.root) {
                t = t.parent;

            segment.origRotations = new Quaternion[segment.chainLength];
            t = segment.lastTransform;
            for (int i=segment.chainLength - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
                segment.origRotations[i] = t.localRotation;
                t = t.parent;
Exemplo n.º 26
        /// <summary> Message loop to check type of message and handle it accordingly </summary>
        public void MessageLoop()
            while ((_msg = _peer.ReadMessage()) != null)
                s_bpsBytes += _msg.LengthBytes;
                switch (_msg.MessageType)
                case NetIncomingMessageType.DiscoveryRequest:
                    //Debug.WriteLine("ReceivePeersData DiscoveryRequest");
                    _peer.SendDiscoveryResponse(null, _msg.SenderEndPoint);

                case NetIncomingMessageType.DiscoveryResponse:
                    // just connect to first server discovered
                    //Debug.WriteLine("ReceivePeersData DiscoveryResponse CONNECT");
                    if (_peer.Connections.Any(x => x.RemoteEndPoint.Address.Equals(_msg.SenderEndPoint.Address)))

                case NetIncomingMessageType.ConnectionApproval:
                    //Debug.WriteLine("ReceivePeersData ConnectionApproval");
                    //broadcast this to all connected clients
                    SendPeerInfo(_msg.SenderEndPoint.Address, _msg.SenderEndPoint.Port);

                case NetIncomingMessageType.Data:
                    //another client sent us data
                    //Read TypeData First
                    Enums.MessageType mType = (Enums.MessageType)_msg.ReadByte();

                    if (mType == Enums.MessageType.String)
                        var metadata = _msg.ReadString();
                        if (metadata == "StartEvent")
                            var map = _msg.ReadString();
                            _isMaster           = false;
                            MasterNetConnection = _peer.Connections.FirstOrDefault(x => x.RemoteEndPoint.Address.ToString() == _msg.SenderEndPoint.Address.ToString());
                            Game1.Inst.Scene.Raise("startgame", map);
                        else if (metadata == "metadata")
                            Game1.Inst.Scene.Raise("network_data_text", _msg.ReadString());
                    else if (mType == Enums.MessageType.PeerInformation)
                        int       byteLenth    = _msg.ReadInt32();
                        byte[]    addressBytes = _msg.ReadBytes(byteLenth);
                        IPAddress ip           = new IPAddress(addressBytes);
                        int       port         = _msg.ReadInt32();
                        IPEndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(ip, port);
                        Debug.WriteLine("Data::PeerInfo::Detecting if we're connected");
                        if (_peer.GetConnection(endPoint) == null)
                        {    //are we already connected?
                            //Don't try to connect to ourself!
                            if (_peer.Configuration.LocalAddress.GetHashCode() != endPoint.Address.GetHashCode() ||
                                _peer.Configuration.Port.GetHashCode() != endPoint.Port.GetHashCode())
                                Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("Data::PeerInfo::Initiate new connection to: {0}:{1}", endPoint.Address.ToString(), endPoint.Port.ToString()));
                    else if (mType == Enums.MessageType.Entity || mType == Enums.MessageType.EntityLight)
                        var    cbody      = new CBody();
                        var    ctransform = new CTransform();
                        string modelname  = "";
                        bool   isPlayer   = false;
                        int    id         = 0;
                        id = mType == Enums.MessageType.EntityLight ? _msg.ReadEntityLight(ref cbody, ref ctransform, ref modelname, ref isPlayer) : _msg.ReadEntity(ref cbody, ref ctransform, ref modelname, ref isPlayer);
                        Game1.Inst.Scene.Raise("entityupdate", new EntitySync {
                            ID = id, CBody = cbody, CTransform = ctransform, ModelFileName = modelname, IsPlayer = isPlayer
                    else if (mType == Enums.MessageType.CTransform)
                        var metadata = _msg.ReadString();
                        var data     = _msg.ReadCTransform();
                        //Game1.Inst.Scene.Raise("network_data", data);
                    else if (mType == Enums.MessageType.Vector3)
                        var metadata = _msg.ReadString();
                        var data     = _msg.ReadCTransform();
                        //Game1.Inst.Scene.Raise("network_data", data);
                    else if (mType == Enums.MessageType.CText)
                        var id   = _msg.ReadInt32();
                        var data = _msg.ReadCText();
                        Game1.Inst.Scene.Raise("network_menu_data_received", new MenuItem {
                            CText = data, Id = id
                    else if (mType == Enums.MessageType.Int32)
                        var metadata = _msg.ReadString();
                        var data     = _msg.ReadInt32();
                        if (metadata == "network_game_end")
                            Game1.Inst.Scene.Raise("game_end", data);
                    else if (mType == Enums.MessageType.PlayerInfo)
                        var date = _msg.ReadInt64();
                        if (!players.Any(x => x.IP == _msg.SenderEndPoint.Address.ToString() + " " + _msg.SenderEndPoint.Port.ToString()))
                            players.Add(new NetworkPlayer {
                                IP = _msg.SenderEndPoint.Address.ToString() + " " + _msg.SenderEndPoint.Port.ToString(), Time = new DateTime(date), You = false
                            Game1.Inst.Scene.Raise("update_peers", players.OrderBy(x => x.Time).ToList());
                    //Console.WriteLine("END ReceivePeersData Data");

                case NetIncomingMessageType.UnconnectedData:
                    Debug.WriteLine("UnconnectedData: " + _msg.ReadString());

                case NetIncomingMessageType.VerboseDebugMessage:
                    Debug.WriteLine(NetIncomingMessageType.VerboseDebugMessage + " " + _msg.ReadString());

                case NetIncomingMessageType.DebugMessage:
                    Debug.WriteLine(NetIncomingMessageType.DebugMessage + " " + _msg.ReadString());

                case NetIncomingMessageType.WarningMessage:
                    Debug.WriteLine(NetIncomingMessageType.WarningMessage + " " + _msg.ReadString());

                case NetIncomingMessageType.ErrorMessage:
                    Debug.WriteLine(NetIncomingMessageType.ErrorMessage + " " + _msg.ReadString());

                    Debug.WriteLine("ReceivePeersData Unknown type: " + _msg.MessageType.ToString());
                        if (_msg.SenderConnection.Status == NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected)
                            //Maybe try to reconnect
                        Debug.WriteLine("Couldn't parse unknown to string.");
Exemplo n.º 27
    //---------------------------------------------------------------------------	CREATE / DESTROY
    public virtual void OnStart(CBody oBody)
        _oBody 	= oBody;

        _eBodySide = gameObject.name.EndsWith("R") ? EBodySide.Right : EBodySide.Left;		// Extract what side we are from our node name (e.g. ArmL, LegR, etc)
        _sSidePrefixL = (_eBodySide == 0) ? "l" : "r";
        _sSidePrefixU = _sSidePrefixL.ToUpper();
        _oConfJoint_Extremity = GetComponent<ConfigurableJoint>();

        GetComponent<Renderer>().enabled = false;					// Hidden by default.  CGame shows/hides us with call to OnBroadcast_HideOrShowHelperObjects


        _oObj.PropSet(EActorNode.Pinned, 1);            //###NOW### Pin by default??

        SetActorPosToBonePos();         //###CHECK
Exemplo n.º 28
    List<int> aShapeVerts = new List<int>(); // Array of which vert / particle is also a shape

    #endregion Fields

    #region Methods

    public static CFlexSkin_OBS Create(CBody oBody, string sNameFlexSkin)
        // Static function override from CBMesh::Create() to route to proper Blender request command
        string sBodyID = "CBodyBase_GetBodyBase(" + oBody._oBodyBase._nBodyID.ToString() + ").";
        CFlexSkin_OBS.s_sNameFlexSkin_HACK = "aFlexSkins['" + sNameFlexSkin + "']";
        string sBlenderInstancePath = CFlexSkin_OBS.s_sNameFlexSkin_HACK + ".oMeshFlexSkin";
        CGame.gBL_SendCmd("CBody", sBodyID + "CreateFlexSkin('" + sNameFlexSkin + "')");      // Create the Blender-side CCloth entity to service our requests
        CFlexSkin_OBS oFlexSkin = (CFlexSkin_OBS)CBMesh.Create(null, oBody._oBodyBase, sBlenderInstancePath, typeof(CFlexSkin_OBS));
        return oFlexSkin;
Exemplo n.º 29
 private CControl Control(CBody mCBody, CStats mCStats, CMovement mCMovement, CRender mCRender)
     return(new CControl(_game, mCStats, mCBody, mCMovement, mCRender));
Exemplo n.º 30
 private void _body_Destructor(object sender, CBodyDestructorEventArgs e)
     _body.Destructor -= _body_Destructor;
     _body             = null;
Exemplo n.º 31
    public void OnChangeBodyMode(EBodyBaseModes eBodyBaseMode)
        if (_eBodyBaseMode == eBodyBaseMode)

        Debug.LogFormat("MODE: Body#{0} going from '{1}' to '{2}'", _nBodyID.ToString(), _eBodyBaseMode.ToString(), eBodyBaseMode.ToString());

        //=== Perform special processing when going from configure to play to update the morph mesh in Blender ===
        if (_eBodyBaseMode == EBodyBaseModes.Configure && eBodyBaseMode == EBodyBaseModes.Play) {           //###HACK#14: Better way to do mode changes???
            //=== Going from configure to play mode.  Destroy all configure-time Flex objects for performance.  They will have to be re-created upon re-entry into configure mode ===
            //=== Send Blender all the sliders values so it updates its morphing body for game-time body generation ===
            foreach (CProp oProp in _oObj._aProps)			// Manually dump all our Blender properties into Blender so UpdateMorphResultMesh() has the user's morph sliders.  (We don't update at every slider value change for performance)
                oProp._nValueLocal = float.Parse(CGame.gBL_SendCmd("CBody", _oObj._sBlenderAccessString + ".PropSetString('" + oProp._sNameProp + "'," + oProp._nValueLocal.ToString() + ")"));
            //=== Ask Blender to update its morphing body from user-selected slider choices ===
            CGame.gBL_SendCmd("CBody", _sBlenderInstancePath_CBodyBase + ".UpdateMorphResultMesh()");
            _oMeshMorphResult.UpdateVertsFromBlenderMesh(true);         // Morphing can radically change normals.  Recompute them. (Accurate normals needed below anyways for Flex collider)

        //=== Set the new game mode ===
        _eBodyBaseMode = eBodyBaseMode;

        //=== Notify Blender of the switch of body mode.  Makes a lot of things happen! ===
        CGame.gBL_SendCmd("CBody", _sBlenderInstancePath_CBodyBase + ".OnChangeBodyMode('" + _eBodyBaseMode.ToString() + "')");

        //=== Hide or show the body base components depending on new body mode ===
        bool bShowBodyBase = (_eBodyBaseMode == EBodyBaseModes.Configure);
        _oMeshMorphResult.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().enabled = bShowBodyBase;     // Hide / show the morphing mesh
        _oCanvas.gameObject.SetActive(bShowBodyBase);								// Hide / show the entire morphing UI

        //=== Switch body mode ===
        switch (_eBodyBaseMode) {
            case EBodyBaseModes.Startup:
                CUtility.ThrowException("CBodyBase.OnChangeBodyMode() cannot go back to Startup mode!");
            case EBodyBaseModes.Configure:
                FlexObjects_Create();						// Re-create the Flex objects
                if (_oBody != null)
                    _oBody = _oBody.DoDestroy();			// Destroys *everthing* related to gametime (softbodies, cloth, flex colliders, etc) on both Unity and Blender side!
            case EBodyBaseModes.Play:
                if (_oBody == null)							// If entering play mode (while having null body), create everything game-play related on Unity & Blender side (huge operation)
                    _oBody = new CBody(this);
            case EBodyBaseModes.Disabled:
                if (_oBody == null)
                    CUtility.ThrowException("CBodyBase.OnChangeBodyMode() went to disabled mode with no _oBody!");
        public override void Update(float t, float dt)
            KeyboardState currentState = Keyboard.GetState();

            if (currentState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Escape))

            foreach (var input in Game1.Inst.Scene.GetComponents <CInput>())
                CBody body = null;
                if (Game1.Inst.Scene.EntityHasComponent <CBody>(input.Key))
                    body = (CBody)Game1.Inst.Scene.GetComponentFromEntity <CBody>(input.Key);
                var inputValue = (CInput)input.Value;

                if (Game1.Inst.Scene.EntityHasComponent <CCamera>(input.Key))
                    var     transform       = (CTransform)Game1.Inst.Scene.GetComponentFromEntity <CTransform>(input.Key);
                    CCamera cameraComponent = (CCamera)Game1.Inst.Scene.GetComponentFromEntity <CCamera>(input.Key);

                    if (lastMouseState == null)
                        lastMouseState = Mouse.GetState();
                    if (currentState.IsKeyDown(inputValue.CameraMovementForward))
                        transform.Position     += CAMERASPEED * new Vector3((float)(cameraComponent.Distance * Math.Sin(cameraComponent.Heading + Math.PI * 0.5f)), 0, (float)((-cameraComponent.Distance) * Math.Cos(cameraComponent.Heading + Math.PI * 0.5f)));
                        cameraComponent.Target += CAMERASPEED * new Vector3((float)(cameraComponent.Distance * Math.Sin(cameraComponent.Heading + Math.PI * 0.5f)), 0, (float)((-cameraComponent.Distance) * Math.Cos(cameraComponent.Heading + Math.PI * 0.5f)));
                    if (currentState.IsKeyDown(inputValue.CameraMovementBackward))
                        transform.Position     -= CAMERASPEED * new Vector3((float)(cameraComponent.Distance * Math.Sin(cameraComponent.Heading + Math.PI * 0.5f)), 0, (float)((-cameraComponent.Distance) * Math.Cos(cameraComponent.Heading + Math.PI * 0.5f)));
                        cameraComponent.Target -= CAMERASPEED * new Vector3((float)(cameraComponent.Distance * Math.Sin(cameraComponent.Heading + Math.PI * 0.5f)), 0, (float)((-cameraComponent.Distance) * Math.Cos(cameraComponent.Heading + Math.PI * 0.5f)));
                    if (Mouse.GetState().X < lastMouseState.X || currentState.IsKeyDown(inputValue.CameraMovementLeft))
                        cameraComponent.Heading -= 0.05f;
                        transform.Position       = Vector3.Subtract(cameraComponent.Target, new Vector3((float)(cameraComponent.Distance * Math.Sin(cameraComponent.Heading + Math.PI * 0.5f)), cameraComponent.Height, (float)((-cameraComponent.Distance) * Math.Cos(cameraComponent.Heading + Math.PI * 0.5f))));
                    if (Mouse.GetState().X > lastMouseState.X || currentState.IsKeyDown(inputValue.CameraMovementRight))
                        cameraComponent.Heading += 0.05f;
                        transform.Position       = Vector3.Subtract(cameraComponent.Target, new Vector3((float)(cameraComponent.Distance * Math.Sin(cameraComponent.Heading + Math.PI * 0.5f)), cameraComponent.Height, (float)((-cameraComponent.Distance) * Math.Cos(cameraComponent.Heading + Math.PI * 0.5f))));

                    lastMouseState = Mouse.GetState();
                if (!Game1.Inst.Scene.EntityHasComponent <CBody>(input.Key))

                if (_mapSystem != null)
                    body.Position.Y = _mapSystem.HeightPosition(body.Position.X, body.Position.Z);

                if (currentState.IsKeyDown(inputValue.ForwardMovementKey))
                    body.Velocity.Z -= 50f * dt;
                if (currentState.IsKeyDown(inputValue.BackwardMovementKey))
                    body.Velocity.Z += 50f * dt;
                if (currentState.IsKeyDown(inputValue.LeftMovementKey))
                    body.Velocity.X -= 50f * dt;
                if (currentState.IsKeyDown(inputValue.RightMovementKey))
                    body.Velocity.X += 50f * dt;
                if (currentState.IsKeyDown(Keys.X))
                    body.Velocity.Y -= 50f * dt;
                if (currentState.IsKeyDown(Keys.Z))
                    body.Velocity.Y += 50f * dt;

                body.LinDrag = 0.3f;

                 * //((LookAtCamera)Camera).Target = new Vector3(m.M41, m.M42*0.0f, m.M43);
                 * //var ta = ((LookAtCamera)Camera).Target;
                 * var p = b.Position;
                 * var c = ((LookAtCamera)Camera).Position;
                 * var dist = 30f;
                 * var yDist = -20f;
                 * var h = b.Heading;
                 * // Vi positionerar kamera utifrån karaktärens heading (h), p = karaktärerns position, c = kamerans position, t = kamerans target, dist = avstånd till objektet
                 * // yDist = höjd för kameran, samt t = p -- alltså att kamerans target är position för karaktären.
                 * // Då gäller c=p-[d*sin(h + pi/2), y, (-d)*cos(h + pi/2)]
                 * c = Vector3.Subtract(p, new Vector3((float)(dist * Math.Sin(h + Math.PI * 0.5f)), yDist, (float)((-dist) * Math.Cos(h + Math.PI * 0.5f))));
                 * c.Y = -yDist; // Lock camera to given height
                 * p.Y = 0; // Target too because it was really ugly otherwise
                 * ((LookAtCamera)Camera).Target = p;
                 * ((LookAtCamera)Camera).Position = c;
                 * return Matrix.CreateLookAt(Position, (Vector3)m_Target, Up);
Exemplo n.º 33
 public void OnStart(CBody oBody)
     _oEvalProxy = gameObject.AddComponent<CEvalProxy>();