Exemplo n.º 1
    void startPlacement(BuyObject buyObject)
        if (placingObject != null)
            OnPlacementInteract?.Invoke(true, true);
        placingObject = Instantiate(buyObject.GetBuyObjectScriptable().prefab);
        placingObject.transform.rotation = Quaternion.Euler(0, 130, 0);
        if (placingObject.GetComponent <BuyObjectBehaviour>() == null)
            placingObject.AddComponent <BuyObjectBehaviour>();
        placingObject.GetComponent <BuyObjectBehaviour>().Initialize(buyObject.BuyValue, buyObject.SatisfactionGain);

        currentBuyObject = buyObject;
        meshBounds       = placingObject.GetComponent <Collider>().bounds;
        ignoredPlanes    = getIgnorableTransforms(placingObject);

        MainCanvas.mainCanvas.freezeOverride = true;

        if (placingObject.GetComponent <WorldInteractive>() != null)
            placingObject.GetComponent <WorldInteractive>().beingMoved = true;
Exemplo n.º 2
    // Funktion
    void Update()
        // Verweise der Variable TotalCost auf die Komponente BuyObject der Variable ToBuyObject
        TotalCost = ToBuyObject.GetComponent <BuyObject> ();

        // WENN Objekt gekauft wurde, bzw. aktiv ist
        // DANN deaktiviere den Button und lasse den checkArrow anzeigen
        // ANSONSTEN WENN die Kosten groesser als das verfuegbare Geld sind
        // DANN setze den Kaufbutton auf Inaktiv und setze zusaetzlich den CheckArrow nochmal auf inaktiv
        // ANSONSTEN WENN die Kosten kleiner oder gleich dem verfuegbaren Geld sind
        // DANN setze den Kaufbutton auf Aktiv, aber lasse den checkArrow noch inaktiv
        if (ToBuyObject.activeSelf == true)
            BuyButton.interactable = false;
        else if (TotalCost.totalcost > availableMoney.money)
            BuyButton.interactable = false;
        else if (TotalCost.totalcost <= availableMoney.money)
            BuyButton.interactable = true;
Exemplo n.º 3
    // Save function
    public void Save()
        // A new Binary Format
        BinaryFormatter binary = new BinaryFormatter();
        // To write files: Open the FileStream and wirte saveFile.tavern in the persistentDataPath (appdata) of the Application
        FileStream fStream = File.Create(Application.persistentDataPath + "/saveFile.tavern");

        // To Read out the Data of the SaveManager class
        // Reference to Savemanager
        SaveManager saver = new SaveManager();

        // Saves the money to saver
        saver.currentMoney = PlayerResources.Instance.money;
        // saves the current round to saver
        saver.currentRound = RoundSystem.Instance.currentRound;

        // ===== Inventory Save =====
        string content = string.Empty;                                       //Creates a string for containing infor about the items inside the inventory

        for (int i = 0; i < Inventory.Instance.AllSlots.Count; i++)          //Runs through all slots in the inventory
            Slot tmp = Inventory.Instance.AllSlots[i].GetComponent <Slot>(); //Creates a reference to the slot at the current index

            if (!tmp.IsEmpty)                                                //We only want to save the info if the slot contains an item
                //Creates a string with this format: SlotIndex-ItemType-AmountOfItems; this string can be read so that we can rebuild the inventory
                content += i + "-" + tmp.CurrentItem.type.ToString() + "-" + tmp.Items.Count.ToString() + ";";

        // saves the content string to saver
        saver.inventoryContent = content;
        // Saves the rows to saver
        saver.currentRows = Inventory.Instance.rows;
        // Saves the slots to saver
        saver.currentSlots = Inventory.Instance.slots;
        // ===== Inventory Save Finish =====

        // ===== BuyObject List =====
        content = string.Empty;
        foreach (GameObject objectTmp in buyObjectsList)
            BuyObject buyObjectTmp = objectTmp.GetComponent <BuyObject>();
            if (objectTmp.activeSelf == true)
                content += buyObjectTmp.objectName + "-true;";

        saver.buyObjectContent = content;

        // all other...

        // Save "saver" to FileStream "fStream"
        binary.Serialize(fStream, saver);
        // Close the file stream (end file writing)
Exemplo n.º 4
    void callForPurchase()

        PlayerEconomy.createPurchase(currentBuyObject.BuyName, -currentBuyObject.BuyValue);
        currentBuyObject = null;
Exemplo n.º 5
    void Start()
        // Variable availableMoney enthaelt die Klasse PlayerResources
        availableMoney = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("GameController").GetComponent <PlayerResources>();

        // Verweise der Variable TotalCost auf die Komponente BuyObject der Variable ToBuyObject
        TotalCost = ToBuyObject.GetComponent <BuyObject> ();
Exemplo n.º 6
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var results = new Dictionary <string, TimeSpan>();

            Console.WriteLine("AnyClone Performance Testing");

            var buyObject = new BuyObject()
                AcceptedFrom   = Guid.NewGuid(),
                ActualSnapshot = new List <int> {
                    1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
                AdId                 = 100,
                BuyTypeId            = BuyType.NoFee,
                Id                   = 999,
                RowVersion           = 111,
                SkipVersionIncrement = true,
                ExternalOrderVersion = 2,
                ChildHeaderId        = 123234234
            var clonedObjects = new List <BuyObject>();

            // clone using AnyClone
            var timer = new Stopwatch();

            Console.WriteLine($"Measuring AnyClone.Clone() X {TestObjects:N0}...");
            for (var i = 0; i < TestObjects; i++)
            results.Add("AnyClone", timer.Elapsed);
            Console.WriteLine($"AnyClone took {timer.Elapsed}");

            Console.WriteLine($"Measuring DeepCloner.DeepClone() X {TestObjects:N0}...");
            for (var i = 0; i < TestObjects; i++)
            results.Add("DeepCloner", timer.Elapsed);
            Console.WriteLine($"DeepCloner took {timer.Elapsed}");

            Console.WriteLine($"\r\nFinished performance tests!\r\n");
            Console.WriteLine($"Results: \r\n");

            var resultNumber = 1;

            foreach (var result in results.OrderBy(x => x.Value))
                Console.WriteLine($"#{resultNumber}: {result.Key} took {result.Value}, {(result.Value.TotalMilliseconds / TestObjects):N2}ms per clone operation");
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void Should_Clone_BuyObject()
            // this test represents cloning of a very complex class
            var original = new BuyObject();
            var cloned   = original.Clone();
            Func <BuyObject, int> func = i => 100;
            Expression <Func <BuyObject, int> > newUnits = i => func(i);

            cloned.Units = newUnits;

            Assert.AreEqual(newUnits, cloned.Units);
            Assert.AreNotEqual(newUnits, original.Units);
Exemplo n.º 8
 void resetInteraction()
     MainCanvas.mainCanvas.freezeOverride = false;
     if (placingObject != null)
         currentBuyObject = null;
Exemplo n.º 9
    // Load function
    public void Load()
        // If the savegame exists
        if (File.Exists(Application.persistentDataPath + "/saveFile.tavern"))
            // A new binary Formatter
            BinaryFormatter binary = new BinaryFormatter();
            // Open the filestream of the .tavern file
            FileStream fstream = File.Open(Application.persistentDataPath + "/saveFile.tavern", FileMode.Open);
            // Take Data out of File Stream, deserialize them and save them in "saver"
            SaveManager saver = (SaveManager)binary.Deserialize(fstream);
            // Close the file stream

            // Read the playermoney of the savegame
            PlayerResources.Instance.money = saver.currentMoney;
            // Read the currentRound of the savegame
            RoundSystem.Instance.currentRound = saver.currentRound;

            // Creates a new string to read the Inventory String of the savegame file
            string content = saver.inventoryContent;
            // If the string is NOT empty
            if (content != string.Empty)
                // Read the rows
                Inventory.Instance.rows = saver.currentRows;
                // Read the slots
                Inventory.Instance.slots = saver.currentSlots;

                // Layout muss neu geschrieben werden: FUNKTIONIERT AUS IRGENDEINEM GRUND NICHT
                // EINFACH KOMMENTAR WEGMACHEN ZUM TESTEN. Der uebrige Code, der die reihen und slots speichert ist noch aktiv
                // Inventory.Instance.CreateLayout(); // Should recreate the Layout...does not work?!

                //Splits the loaded content string into segments, so that each index in the splitContent array contains information about a single slot
                string[] splitContent = content.Split(';');

                //Runs through every single slot we have information about -1 is to avoid an empty string error
                for (int x = 0; x < splitContent.Length - 1; x++)
                    //Splits the slot's information into single values, so that each index in the splitValues array contains info about a value
                    //E.g[0]InventorIndex [1]ITEMTYPE [2]Amount of items
                    string[] splitValues = splitContent[x].Split('-');

                    //int index = Int32.Parse(splitValues[0]); //InventorIndex

                    string itemName = splitValues[1];         //ITEMTYPE

                    int amount = Int32.Parse(splitValues[2]); //Amount of items

                    Item tmp = null;                          // Resets the tmp Item

                    for (int i = 0; i < amount; i++)          //Adds the correct amount of items to the inventory
                        // Run through the itemList which is attached to SaveLoad (look at the top of the script)
                        // This loop is necessary because we can not add items from nothing
                        // We need the reference list to check which Item is to add
                        foreach (GameObject tmpItem in itemList)
                            // Create a temporary reference to the Item script
                            Item tmp1 = tmpItem.GetComponent <Item>();
                            // If tmp is empty
                            if (tmp == null)
                                // If the itemType (saved in itemName) is the same type as the one of the list (toString to make them compareable, because itemName is a string)
                                if (itemName == tmp1.type.ToString())
                                    // THEN save the current Item of the foreach-Loop in ladedItem
                                    GameObject loadedItem = tmpItem;
                                    // And add it to the Inventory
                                    Inventory.Instance.AddItem(loadedItem.GetComponent <Item>());
                                    //Destroy(loadedItem);// Necessary? If Item is destroyed it cannot be bought anymore?

            // Resets content string string to read the buyObject String of the savegame file
            content = string.Empty;
            content = saver.buyObjectContent;

            if (content != string.Empty)
                //Splits the loaded content string into segments, so that each index in the splitContent array contains information about a single slot
                string[] splitContent = content.Split(';');

                for (int x = 0; x < splitContent.Length - 1; x++)
                    //Splits the slot's information into single values, so that each index in the splitValues array contains info about a value
                    //E.g[0]InventorIndex [1]ITEMTYPE [2]Amount of items
                    string[] splitValues = splitContent[x].Split('-');

                    string buyObjectName = splitValues[0];                //ITEMNAME
                    bool   isBought      = Boolean.Parse(splitValues[1]); //IS AKTIVE?

                    BuyObject tmp = null;                                 // Resets the tmp Item

                    foreach (GameObject tmpBuyObject in buyObjectsList)
                        // Create a temporary reference to the Item script
                        BuyObject tmp1 = tmpBuyObject.GetComponent <BuyObject>();
                        // If tmp is empty
                        if (tmp == null)
                            // If the itemType (saved in itemName) is the same type as the one of the list (toString to make them compareable, because itemName is a string)
                            if (buyObjectName == tmp1.objectName.ToString() && isBought == true)

            //all other...