public string SearchForBook(string title)

            ISBNFinder finder = new ISBNFinder();

            string[] isbns = finder.FindBookInRemoteDatabase(title);

            IBookFinder amazonFinder;

            if (bool.Parse(config.GetValue("use_aws")))
                amazonFinder = new AmazonAWSBookFinder(AmazonAWSRequestDataProvider.Provide("D:\\workspace\\csharp\\book-price-comparer-csharp\\Resources\\aws_data.cfg"));
                amazonFinder = new AmazonBookFinder();
            BookInfo amazonBook = amazonFinder.ExtractBookInfo(isbns);

            IBookFinder apressFinder = new ApressBookFinder();
            BookInfo    apressBook   = apressFinder.ExtractBookInfo(isbns);

            return("apress: " + apressBook.ToString() + " | amazon: " + amazonBook.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Retrieve_ISB13()
            var        ISBN   = "9780321146533";
            ISBNFinder sut    = new ISBNFinder();
            BookInfo   actual = sut.lookup(ISBN);

            BookInfo expected = new BookInfo("Test Driven Development by Example", "Kent Beck", "0321146530", "9780321146533");

            Assert.Equal(expected.ToString(), actual.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void ISBN_RemoveDashAndSpaceCheck()
            string ISBN = "03-21146 530";

            ISBNFinder sut    = new ISBNFinder();
            BookInfo   actual = sut.lookup(ISBN);

            BookInfo expected = new BookInfo("Test Driven Development by Example", "Kent Beck", "0321146530", "9780321146533");

            Assert.Equal(expected.ToString(), actual.ToString());
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void BookTest()
            BookInfo bookInfo = new BookInfo()
                ISBN       = "978-0-7356-6745-7", Author = "Jeffrey Richter", BookTitle = "CLR via C#",
                Publishing = "Microsoft Press", YearPublishing = 2012, NumberOfPages = 826, Price = 59.99M
            string format1 = "Book: CLR via C#, Author: Jeffrey Richter.";
            string format2 = "ISBN: 978-0-7356-6745-7, Book: CLR via C#, Author: Jeffrey Richter.";
            string format3 = "ISBN: 978-0-7356-6745-7, Book: CLR via C#, Author: Jeffrey Richter, Publishing: Microsoft Press.";
            string format4 = "ISBN: 978-0-7356-6745-7, Book: CLR via C#, Author: Jeffrey Richter, Publishing: Microsoft Press, " +
                             "The year of publishing: 2012.";
            string format5 = "ISBN: 978-0-7356-6745-7, Book: CLR via C#, Author: Jeffrey Richter, Publishing: Microsoft Press, " +
                             "The year of publishing: 2012, The number of pages: 826.";
            string format6 = "ISBN: 978-0-7356-6745-7, Book: CLR via C#, Author: Jeffrey Richter, Publishing: Microsoft Press, " +
                             "The year of publishing: 2012, The number of pages: 826, Price: 59,99.";

            Assert.AreEqual(format1, bookInfo.ToString("1", null));
            Assert.AreEqual(format2, bookInfo.ToString("2", null));
            Assert.AreEqual(format3, bookInfo.ToString("3", null));
            Assert.AreEqual(format4, bookInfo.ToString("4", null));
            Assert.AreEqual(format5, bookInfo.ToString("5", null));
            Assert.AreEqual(format6, bookInfo.ToString("6", null));