public virtual void ProcessImage(Emgu.CV.Image<Emgu.CV.Structure.Bgr, byte> image) {
      Emgu.CV.Image<Gray, byte> gray = image.Convert<Gray, byte>();
      gray._ThresholdBinary(new Gray(_threshold), new Gray(255.0));

      Parsley.Core.EllipseDetector ed = new Parsley.Core.EllipseDetector();
      ed.MinimumContourCount = _min_contour_count;

      List < Parsley.Core.DetectedEllipse > ellipses = 
        new List<Parsley.Core.DetectedEllipse>(ed.DetectEllipses(gray));

      List < Parsley.Core.DetectedEllipse > finals = 
        new List<Parsley.Core.DetectedEllipse>(
          ellipses.Where(e => { return e.Rating < _distance_threshold; })

        (a, b) => {
          double dista = * + *;
          double distb = * + *;
          return dista.CompareTo(distb);

      Bgr bgr = new Bgr(0, 255, 0);
      MCvFont f = new MCvFont(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.FONT.CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 0.8, 0.8);
      int count = 1;
      foreach (Parsley.Core.DetectedEllipse e in finals) {
        image.Draw(e.Ellipse, bgr, 2);
        image.Draw(count.ToString(), ref f, new System.Drawing.Point((int), (int), bgr);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static Image<Bgr, Byte> DrawContours(Image<Gray, Byte> image)
            double something = 30;
            List<VectorOfPoint> convertedContours = GetContours(image, ChainApproxMethod.ChainApproxSimple, RetrType.List, 0.001, something);

            Image<Bgr, Byte> result = new Image<Bgr, Byte>(image.Width, image.Height, new Bgr(0, 0, 0));

            int counter = 1;
            Random randomGen = new Random();
            KnownColor[] names = (KnownColor[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(KnownColor));

            foreach (VectorOfPoint points in convertedContours)
                KnownColor randomColorName = names[randomGen.Next(names.Length)];
                Color randomColor = Color.FromKnownColor(randomColorName);
                Bgr color = new Bgr(randomColor);

                var temp = points.ToArray();
                result.Draw(temp, color, 2);


            return result;
Exemplo n.º 3
 // rotation, theta is in degree
 public void Rotate(double theta,Bgr color)
     Mat Tmat = new Mat();
     // CvInvoke considers rotation differently to Emgu CV image wrapper, theta is actually -theta
     CvInvoke.GetRotationMatrix2D(new PointF(matImage.Width / 2, matImage.Height / 2), -theta, 1,Tmat);
     CvInvoke.WarpAffine(matImage, destImage, Tmat, new Size(matImage.Width, matImage.Height),borderValue:new MCvScalar(color.Blue,color.Green,color.Red));
Exemplo n.º 4
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //select color
            Bgr<byte>[,] image = new Bgr<byte>[480, 640];
            Hsv<byte> color = UI.PickColor(Bgr<byte>.Red).ToHsv();

            //select mask
            Gray<byte>[,] mask = image.GetMask();
            if (mask.AsEnumerable().Sum(x => x.Intensity) == 0) //if the mask is empty

            //increase saturation incrementally
            for (int s = 0; s <= Byte.MaxValue; s++)
                color.S = (byte)s;
                image.SetValue<Bgr<byte>>(color.ToBgr(), mask);

                image.Show(scaleForm: true);
                ((double)s / Byte.MaxValue).Progress(message: "Changing saturation");


            //save last image
            string fileName = UI.SaveImage();
            if (fileName != null) image.Save(fileName);

            //close all
 public object Convert(object value, Type targetType, object parameter, CultureInfo culture)
     if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(parameter.ToString()))
         var brush = (SolidColorBrush)value;
         var color = new Bgr(brush.Color.B,brush.Color.G,brush.Color.R);
         var data = buffer.Convert<Hsv,byte>().Data;
         string param = parameter.ToString();
             case "h":
             case "H":
                 return data[0, 0, 0];
             case "s":
             case "S":
                 return data[0, 0, 1];
             case "v":
             case "V":
                 return data[0, 0, 2];
     throw new ArgumentException("Wrong Parameter. It can be only one from H,h,S,s,V,v.");
Exemplo n.º 6
        static void Main(string[] args)

            Bgr<byte>[,] image = new Bgr<byte>[480, 640];
            Hsv<byte> color = UI.PickColor(Bgr<byte>.Red).ToHsv();

            for (int s = 0; s <= Byte.MaxValue; s++)
                color.S = (byte)s;

                image.Show(scaleForm: true);
                ((double)s / Byte.MaxValue).Progress(message: "Changing saturation");


            //save last image
            string fileName = UI.SaveImage();
            if (fileName != null) image.Save(fileName);

            //close all
Exemplo n.º 7
 private void DrawEvents(Image<Bgr, Byte> image, List<Event> events, Bgr color)
     foreach(var ev in events)
         image.Draw(ev.EventCoords, color, 1);
Exemplo n.º 8
 private void DrawPolyline(Image<Bgr, Byte> image, List<MarkovState> way, Bgr color)
     for(int i = 1; i < way.Count; i++)
         image.Draw(new LineSegment2D(Geometry.GetCenter(way[i].Coords), Geometry.GetCenter(way[i-1].Coords)), color, 3);
Exemplo n.º 9
 /// <summary>
 /// loading of the form
 /// </summary>
 public Form1()
         IC = new IntrinsicCameraParameters();
     catch (Exception ex)
         MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message);
     //fill line colour array
     Random R = new Random();
     for (int i = 0; i < line_colour_array.Length; i++)
         line_colour_array[i] = new Bgr(R.Next(0, 255), R.Next(0, 255), R.Next(0, 255));
     //set up cature as normal
         _Capture = new Capture();
         _Capture.ImageGrabbed += new Emgu.CV.Capture.GrabEventHandler(_Capture_ImageGrabbed);
     catch (Exception ex)
         MessageBox.Show("Error: " + ex.Message);
Exemplo n.º 10
 private CardColor ClassifyColor(Bgr avgBgr, Hsv avgHsv)
     if (avgHsv.Satuation < 30)
         return CardColor.White;
     else if (avgHsv.Satuation < 45)
         return CardColor.Other;
     else if (avgBgr.Red > avgBgr.Blue && avgBgr.Red > avgBgr.Green)
         return CardColor.Red;
     else if (avgBgr.Green > avgBgr.Blue && avgBgr.Green > avgBgr.Red)
         return CardColor.Green;
     else if (avgBgr.Green < avgBgr.Blue && avgBgr.Green < avgBgr.Red)
         return CardColor.Purple;
         return CardColor.White;
Exemplo n.º 11
 public ImageFinder()
     rectangles = new List<Rectangle>();
     stopwatch = new Stopwatch();
     Threshold = 0.85;
     fillColor = new Bgr(Color.Magenta);
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the specified image.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">Image to display.</param>
        public void SetImage(Bgr<byte>[,] image)
            if (bmp == null || bmp.Width != image.Width() || bmp.Height != image.Height())
                bmp = new Bitmap(image.Width(), image.Height(), PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

            BitmapData bmpData = bmp.Lock();
            if (bmpData.BytesPerPixel != image.ColorInfo().Size)
                bmpData = null;
                bmp = new Bitmap(image.Width(), image.Height(), PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb);

            bmpData = bmpData ?? bmp.Lock();
            using (var uIm = image.Lock())
                Copy.UnsafeCopy2D(uIm.ImageData, bmpData.Data, uIm.Stride, bmpData.ScanWidth, uIm.Height);


            imageView.Image = bmp;

            if (ScaleForm)
                ClientSize = new Size(image.Width(), image.Height());
Exemplo n.º 13
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var img = new Bgr<byte>[480, 640];

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("********* TColor[,] <=> Image<> conversions (built-in) ****************"); Console.ResetColor();
            //to Image<>
            Image<Bgr<byte>> lockedImg = img.Lock();
            //from Image<>
            var arr = lockedImg.Clone();

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("********* Image<,> <=> OpenCV conversions (built-in) ****************"); Console.ResetColor();
            //to IplImage
            IplImage iplImage;
            using (var uImg = img.Lock())
                iplImage = uImg.AsOpenCvImage(); //data is shared
            //from IplImage
            var imgFromIpl = iplImage.AsImage();

            Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Red; Console.WriteLine("*********** Image<,> <=> Bitmap conversions (BitmapInterop) ****************"); Console.ResetColor();
            //to Bitmap
            var bmp = img.ToBitmap();
            //from Bitmap
            var imgFromBmp = bmp.ToArray();
Exemplo n.º 14
        private double s = 0; // Superpixel Intervall Int

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        // =============== Konstruktor ===============
        public Superpixels(Image<Bgr, Byte> imageBgr, int superpixelCount)
            // Werte setzen
            k = superpixelCount;
            n = imageBgr.Width * imageBgr.Height;
            s = Math.Sqrt((double)n / (double)k);
            area = Convert.ToInt32(2 * s * 2 * s);
            m = 12;

            // BGR to LAB Umrechnung und Vektormatrix erstellen
            imageLab = imageBgr.Convert<Lab, Byte>();
            pixels = new Pixel[imageBgr.Width, imageBgr.Height];
            for (int r = 0; r < imageLab.Height; r++)
                for (int c = 0; c < imageLab.Width; c++)
                    double l = (double)imageLab.Data[r, c, 0] * 100 / 255;
                    double a = (double)imageLab.Data[r, c, 1] - 128;
                    double b = (double)imageLab.Data[r, c, 2] - 128;

                    Bgr bgr = new Bgr(imageBgr.Data[r, c, 0], imageBgr.Data[r, c, 1], imageBgr.Data[r, c, 2]);

                    pixels[c, r] = new Pixel(new Vector5(l, a, b, c, r), bgr);

                    //Console.WriteLine("BGR = " + imageBgr.Data[r, c, 0] + " " + imageBgr.Data[r, c, 1] + " " + imageBgr.Data[r, c, 2]);
                    //Console.WriteLine("RGB = " + imageBgr.Data[r, c, 2] + " " + imageBgr.Data[r, c, 1] + " " + imageBgr.Data[r, c, 0]);
                    //Console.WriteLine("LAB = " + labValues[r, c].X + " " + labValues[r, c].Y + " " + labValues[r, c].Z);
Exemplo n.º 15
        private void rotatePhotos(object parameters)
            object[] paramsArray = (object[])parameters;
            List<string> fileNames = (List<string>)paramsArray[0];
            PointF rotationCenter = (PointF)paramsArray[1];
            Bitmap referencePic = new Bitmap(fileNames.First());
            Image<Bgr, Byte> referenceImage = new Image<Bgr, Byte>(referencePic);

            byte[] timeTakenRaw = referencePic.GetPropertyItem(36867).Value;
            string timeTaken = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(timeTakenRaw, 0, timeTakenRaw.Length - 1);
            DateTime referenceTime = DateTime.ParseExact(timeTaken, "yyyy:MM:d H:m:s", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);


            Bgr background = new Bgr(0, 0, 0);

            foreach (string filename in fileNames)
                Bitmap currentPic = new Bitmap(filename);
                timeTakenRaw = currentPic.GetPropertyItem(36867).Value;
                timeTaken = System.Text.Encoding.ASCII.GetString(timeTakenRaw, 0, timeTakenRaw.Length - 1);
                DateTime date = DateTime.ParseExact(timeTaken, "yyyy:MM:d H:m:s", System.Globalization.CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
                double secondsShift = (date - referenceTime).TotalSeconds;
                double rotationAngle = secondsShift / stellarDay * 360;
                RotationMatrix2D<double> rotationMatrix = new RotationMatrix2D<double>(rotationCenter, -rotationAngle, 1);

                using (Image<Bgr, Byte> rotatedImage = new Image<Bgr, Byte>(currentPic))
                    referenceImage = referenceImage.Max(rotatedImage.WarpAffine<double>(rotationMatrix, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.INTER.CV_INTER_CUBIC, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.WARP.CV_WARP_FILL_OUTLIERS, background));
                pictureProcessed(this, new PictureProcessedEventArgs(referenceImage));
            pictureProcessingComplete(this, new EventArgs());
Exemplo n.º 16
 public Filter(string name, int minCount, Bgr minBgr, Bgr maxBgr)
     _name = name;
     _minCount = minCount;
     _minBgr = minBgr;
     _maxBgr = maxBgr;
Exemplo n.º 17
        private HoughResult ProcessHoughTest(Image<Bgr, byte> image)
            const int leftMargin = 0;
            const int upMargin = 300;
            const int downMargin = 200;
            var size = image.Size;

            image.ROI = new Rectangle(leftMargin, upMargin, size.Width - leftMargin * 2,
                size.Height - upMargin - downMargin);


            var result = HoughLines.Compute(image);
            result = lineCache_.GetCachedResult();

            result.MoveRoiResult(leftMargin, upMargin);
            image.ROI = Rectangle.Empty;
            var red = new Bgr(Color.Red);
            foreach (var line in result.SolidLines)
                image.Draw(line, red, 3);
            return result;
Exemplo n.º 18
        public VShape(Point[] shape, Bgr newID)
            _shape = shape;
            _isSquare = false;
            _isTriangle = false;

            health = 10;
            ID = newID;

            int len = _shape.Length;
            sides = new double[len];

            for (int i = 0; i < len - 1; i++)
                sides[i] = Distance(_shape[i], _shape[i + 1]);
            sides[len - 1] = Distance(_shape[len - 1], _shape[0]);

            scale = Math.Round(FindScale(), 2);

            if (IsRegular() && IsEquilateral())
                if (_shape.Length == 3)
                    _isTriangle = true;
                else if (_shape.Length == 4)
                    _isSquare = true;
Exemplo n.º 19
 public void ClassifyTest()
     BgrClassifier target = new BgrClassifier();
     Bgr value = new Bgr(145, 110, 197); //Purple
     CardColor actual = target.Classify(value);
     Assert.AreEqual(CardColor.Purple, actual);
Exemplo n.º 20
        private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if (openImageFileDialog.ShowDialog() == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.OK)
                Bgr drawColor = new Bgr(Color.Blue);
                    Image<Bgr, Byte> image = new Image<Bgr, byte>(openImageFileDialog.FileName);
                    original.Image = image.ToBitmap();
                    original.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom;
                    using (Image<Gray, byte> gray = image.Convert<Gray, Byte>())
                        Tesseract.Charactor[] charactors = _ocr.GetCharactors();
                        foreach (Tesseract.Charactor c in charactors)
                            image.Draw(c.Region, drawColor, 1);

                        processed.Image = image.ToBitmap();
                        processed.SizeMode = PictureBoxSizeMode.Zoom;
                        //String text = String.Concat( Array.ConvertAll(charactors, delegate(Tesseract.Charactor t) { return t.Text; }) );
                        String text = _ocr.GetText();
                        ocrTextBox.Text = text;
                catch (Exception exception)

Exemplo n.º 21
 public Filter()
     _name = "";
     _minCount = int.MaxValue;
     _minBgr = new Bgr(0, 0, 0);
     _maxBgr = new Bgr(255, 255, 255);
Exemplo n.º 22
 private void drawDetections(IEnumerable<Rectangle> detections, Bgr<byte> color, int thickness)
     foreach (var detection in detections)
         debugImage.Draw(detection, color, thickness);
Exemplo n.º 23
 public Image<Bgr, byte> GetBigPicture()
     MCvFont font = new MCvFont(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.FONT.CV_FONT_HERSHEY_PLAIN, 1, 1);
     font.thickness = 2;
     Image<Bgr, byte> newImage = MostRecentImage.Image.Clone();
     foreach (Note note in _logic.CurrentNotes.Where(n => n.DetectedInFrames > 1))
         Point playAreaOffset = new Point(218, 262);
         Point trackOffset;
         switch (note.TrackColor)
             case NoteType.Red:
                 trackOffset = new Point(0, 0);
             case NoteType.Yellow:
                 trackOffset = new Point(66, 0);
             case NoteType.Blue:
                 trackOffset = new Point(134, 0);
             case NoteType.Green:
                 trackOffset = new Point(176, 0);
                 trackOffset = new Point(0, 0);
         Rectangle drawRectangle = new Rectangle(playAreaOffset.X + trackOffset.X + note.Rectangle.X,
                                                 playAreaOffset.Y + trackOffset.Y + note.Rectangle.Y,
                                                 note.Rectangle.Width, note.Rectangle.Height);
         Bgr color = new Bgr(0, 0, 0);
         switch (note.Color)
             case NoteType.Red:
                 color = new Bgr(0, 0, 255);
             case NoteType.Yellow:
                 color = new Bgr(0, 255, 255);
             case NoteType.Blue:
                 color = new Bgr(255, 0, 0);
             case NoteType.Green:
                 color = new Bgr(0, 255, 0);
             case NoteType.Orange:
                 color = new Bgr(255, 255, 255);
         newImage.Draw(drawRectangle, color, 2);
         newImage.Draw(note.FramesUntilHit.ToString("##.##"), ref font,
                       new Point(drawRectangle.Left, drawRectangle.Bottom), new Bgr(0, 0, 0));
         //newImage.Draw("X" + note.PerFrameVelocityX + ";Y" + note.PerFrameVelocityY, ref font,
         //              new Point(drawRectangle.Left, drawRectangle.Bottom), new Bgr(0,0,0));
         //newImage.Draw(((int) note.DistanceToTarget).ToString(), ref font,
         //              new Point(drawRectangle.Left, drawRectangle.Bottom), new Bgr(128, 128, 128));
     return newImage;
Exemplo n.º 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Draws text on the provided image.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="image">Input image.</param>
 /// <param name="text">User text.</param>
 /// <param name="font">Font.</param>
 /// <param name="botomLeftPoint">Bottom-left point.</param>
 /// <param name="color">Text color.</param>
 /// <param name="opacity">Sets alpha channel where 0 is transparent and 255 is full opaque.</param>
 public unsafe static void Draw(this Bgr<byte>[,] image, string text, Font font, Point botomLeftPoint, Bgr<byte> color, byte opacity = Byte.MaxValue)
     using(var img = image.Lock())
         var iplImage = img.AsCvIplImage();
         CvCoreInvoke.cvPutText(&iplImage, text, botomLeftPoint, ref font, color.ToCvScalar());
Exemplo n.º 25
 // Konstruktor
 public Pixel(Vector5 _vector, Bgr _bgr)
     vector = _vector;
     distance = 9999;
     clusterNr = -1;
     bgr = _bgr;
     scanned = false;
Exemplo n.º 26
 public unsafe void ValueType()
     var ptr = stackalloc Bgr[1];
     *ptr = new Bgr { B = 1, G = 2, R = 3 };
     Unsafe.Write(ptr, new Bgr { B = 11, G = 22, R = 33 });
     Assert.Equal(11, ptr[0].B);
     Assert.Equal(22, ptr[0].G);
     Assert.Equal(33, ptr[0].R);
Exemplo n.º 27
 private double ColorDistance(Bgr a, Bgr b)
     //do an euclidian distance on R, G and B
     double blue = Math.Abs(a.Blue - b.Blue) * Math.Abs(a.Blue - b.Blue);
     double green = Math.Abs(a.Green - b.Green) * Math.Abs(a.Green - b.Green);
     double red = Math.Abs(a.Red - b.Red) * Math.Abs(a.Red - b.Red);
     double result = Math.Sqrt(blue + green + red);
     return result;
        private MCvPoint3D32f[] _points; //Computer3DPointsFromStereoPair

        public StereoCameraCalibrationService()
            //set up chessboard drawing array
            Random R = new Random();
            for (int i = 0; i < _lineColourArray.Length; i++)
                _lineColourArray[i] = new Bgr(R.Next(0, 255), R.Next(0, 255), R.Next(0, 255));
Exemplo n.º 29
        public StereoImageControl()
            ViewModel = new StereoImageViewModel();
            DataContext = ViewModel;

            _bgrBlack = new Bgr(Color.Black);
            ViewModel.PropertyChanged += ViewModelOnPropertyChanged;
Exemplo n.º 30
        protected override void OnDraw(ref Image <Bgr, Byte> src)
            double maxDistMul  = (double)GetVar("MaxDistMul");
            double minDist     = (double)GetVar("MinDist");
            double verticalMul = (double)GetVar("VerticalMul");

            GloveHand lastSides = HandRecord.LastRightWithBothSides();

            if (lastSides == null)

            Bgr col  = new Bgr(0, 255, 0);
            Bgr col2 = new Bgr(0, 200, 0);

            if (GeometryExt.Distance(lastSides.SideFingers[0].LightCenter, lastSides.SideFingers[1].LightCenter) > minDist * maxDistMul)
                col  = new Bgr(0, 0, 255);
                col2 = new Bgr(0, 0, 200);
            if (GeometryExt.Distance(lastSides.SideFingers[0].LightCenter, lastSides.SideFingers[1].LightCenter) < minDist)
                col  = new Bgr(200, 200, 200);
                col2 = new Bgr(150, 150, 150);
            if (Math.Abs(lastSides.SideFingers[0].LightCenter.Y - lastSides.SideFingers[1].LightCenter.Y) >=
                Math.Abs(lastSides.SideFingers[0].LightCenter.X - lastSides.SideFingers[1].LightCenter.X) * verticalMul)         // i side sono messi in verticale
                col2 = new Bgr(255, 0, 0);

            if (lastSides.SideFingers.Length == 2)
                System.Drawing.Point p1 = lastSides.SideFingers[0].LightCenter;
                System.Drawing.Point p2 = lastSides.SideFingers[1].LightCenter;
                float smallC            = ((float)GeometryExt.Distance(p1, p2) / 2) - 8;
                float bigC = ((float)GeometryExt.Distance(p1, p2) / 2) + 8;
                if (smallC < 0)
                    smallC = 0;
                if (bigC < 0)
                    bigC = 0;
                src.Draw(new CircleF(lastSides.SideMiddlePoint, smallC), col2, 3);
                src.Draw(new CircleF(lastSides.SideMiddlePoint, bigC), col, 3);
                src.Draw(new CircleF(lastSides.SideMiddlePoint, 5), new Bgr(255, 0, 255), -1);
Exemplo n.º 31
        public Image <Bgr, byte> ReturnRotated(Image <Bgr, byte> image, double angle, int centerX = 0, int centerY = 0)
            angle = angle / 57.2956;
            var resultImage = image.CopyBlank();

            for (int x = 0; x < resultImage.Width - 1; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < resultImage.Height - 1; y++)
                    int newX = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Cos(angle) * (x - centerX) - Math.Sin(angle) * (y - centerY)) + centerX;
                    int newY = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Sin(angle) * (x - centerX) + Math.Cos(angle) * (y - centerY)) + centerY;
                    if (newX < resultImage.Width && newY < resultImage.Height && newX >= 0 && newY >= 0)
                        double X     = newX;
                        double Y     = newY;
                        double baseX = Math.Floor(X);
                        double baseY = Math.Floor(Y);

                        if (baseX >= image.Width - 1 || baseY >= image.Height - 1)

                        double rX  = X - baseX;
                        double rY  = Y - baseY;
                        double irX = 1 - rX;
                        double irY = 1 - rY;

                        Bgr c  = new Bgr();
                        Bgr c1 = new Bgr();
                        Bgr c2 = new Bgr();

                        c1.Blue  = image.Data[(int)baseY, (int)baseX, 0] * irX + image.Data[(int)baseY, (int)baseX + 1, 0] * rX;
                        c1.Green = image.Data[(int)baseY, (int)baseX, 1] * irX + image.Data[(int)baseY, (int)baseX + 1, 1] * rX;
                        c1.Red   = image.Data[(int)baseY, (int)baseX, 2] * irX + image.Data[(int)baseY, (int)baseX + 1, 2] * rX;

                        c2.Blue  = image.Data[(int)baseY + 1, (int)baseX, 0] * irX + image.Data[(int)baseY + 1, (int)baseX + 1, 0] * rX;
                        c2.Green = image.Data[(int)baseY + 1, (int)baseX, 0] * irX + image.Data[(int)baseY + 1, (int)baseX + 1, 0] * rX;
                        c2.Red   = image.Data[(int)baseY + 1, (int)baseX, 0] * irX + image.Data[(int)baseY + 1, (int)baseX + 1, 0] * rX;

                        c.Blue  = c1.Blue * irY + c2.Blue * rY;
                        c.Green = c1.Green * irY + c2.Green * rY;
                        c.Red   = c1.Red * irY + c2.Red * rY;

                        resultImage[y, x] = c;

        public void DetectConnected()
            var classificator = new SkyCloudClassification(processingImage, defaultProperties);

            DenseMatrix        dmSkyIndexDataBinary  = classificator.dmSkyIndexDataBinary();
            Image <Gray, Byte> imgSkyIndexDataBinary = ImageProcessing.grayscaleImageFromDenseMatrixWithFixedValuesBounds(dmSkyIndexDataBinary, 0.0d, 1.0d, true);

            imgSkyIndexDataBinary = imgSkyIndexDataBinary.Mul(classificator.maskImage);
            Image <Bgr, Byte> previewImage = imgSkyIndexDataBinary.CopyBlank().Convert <Bgr, Byte>();

            // Contour<Point> contoursDetected = imgSkyIndexDataBinary.FindContours(Emgu.CV.CvEnum.CHAIN_APPROX_METHOD.CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.RETR_TYPE.CV_RETR_LIST);

            #region // EmguCV 3.0
            //VectorOfVectorOfPoint contoursDetected = new VectorOfVectorOfPoint();
            //CvInvoke.FindContours(imgSkyIndexDataBinary, contoursDetected, null, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.RetrType.List,
            //    Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ChainApproxMethod.ChainApproxSimple);
            //contoursArray = new List<VectorOfPoint>();
            //int count = contoursDetected.Size;
            //var colorGen = new RandomPastelColorGenerator();
            //for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
            //    Color currentColor = colorGen.GetNext();
            //    var currentColorBgr = new Bgr(currentColor.B, currentColor.G, currentColor.R);
            //    using (VectorOfPoint currContour = contoursDetected[i])
            //    {
            //        contoursArray.Add(currContour);
            //        previewImage.Draw(currContour.ToArray(), currentColorBgr, -1); //.Draw(currContour, currentColorBgr, -1);
            //    }
            #endregion // EmguCV 3.0

            List <Contour <Point> >    contoursDetected = imgSkyIndexDataBinary.DetectContours();
            RandomPastelColorGenerator colorGen         = new RandomPastelColorGenerator();
            foreach (Contour <Point> currContour in contoursDetected)
                Color currentColor    = colorGen.GetNext();
                Bgr   currentColorBgr = new Bgr(currentColor.B, currentColor.G, currentColor.R);
                previewImage.Draw(currContour, currentColorBgr, -1);

            ThreadSafeOperations.SetTextTB(tbLog, "Количество выделенных объектов: " + contoursArray.Count + Environment.NewLine, true);

            //ShowImageForm ImgShow = new ShowImageForm(localPreviewBitmap, ParentForm, this);
            var imgShow = new SimpleShowImageForm(previewImage);
Exemplo n.º 33
        public static Image <Bgr, Byte> ColorLevel(this Image <Gray, Byte> src, ConnectLevel conn)
            var dst   = src.Convert <Bgr, Byte>();
            var color = new Bgr(0, 0, 255);

            foreach (var domain in conn.Domains)
                foreach (var p in domain.Points)
                    dst[p.Y, p.X] = color;
Exemplo n.º 34
        public static void GetSquareSuperpixelImages(Image <Gray, Byte> image, string dir, string imageName, int regionSize = 20)
            var numOfPixels    = (image.Width / regionSize) * (image.Height / regionSize);
            var segmentedImage = new Image <Bgr, Byte>(image.Width, image.Height);

            CvInvoke.CvtColor(image, segmentedImage, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ColorConversion.Gray2Bgr);
            var meanImage        = new Image <Gray, Byte>(image.Width, image.Height);
            var labels           = new int[image.Width, image.Height];
            var superpixelColors = new int[numOfPixels];
            var pixelCount       = new int[numOfPixels];

            for (int i = 0; i < image.Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < image.Height; j++)
                    labels[i, j] = 1 + i / regionSize + (image.Width / regionSize) * (j / regionSize);
                    if ((i % regionSize == 0 || j % regionSize == 0) && (i < image.Width - 1 && j < image.Height - 1))
                        segmentedImage[i, j] = new Bgr(Color.Red);
            for (int i = 0; i < image.Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < image.Height; j++)
                    var label = labels[i, j];
                    superpixelColors[label - 1] += (int)image[i, j].Intensity;
                    pixelCount[label - 1]       += 1;
            for (int i = 0; i < superpixelColors.Length; i++)
                if (pixelCount[i] != 0)
                    superpixelColors[i] /= pixelCount[i];

            for (int i = 0; i < image.Width; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < image.Height; j++)
                    var pixelNum = labels[i, j];
                    meanImage[i, j] = new Gray(superpixelColors[pixelNum - 1]);
            meanImage.Save(dir + @"\" + imageName + "_meanColors.png");
            segmentedImage.Save(dir + @"\" + imageName + "_segmented.png");
Exemplo n.º 35
        private void splineToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            img1_gp = gaussianPyr(img1);
            img2_gp = gaussianPyr(img2);
            img1_lp = laplacianPyr(img1, img1_gp);
            img2_lp = laplacianPyr(img2, img2_gp);
            lap     = new Image <Bgr, byte> [dim];
            Image <Bgr, byte> iml, imr, imf;

            for (int k = 0; k < dim - 1; k++)
                iml = img1_lp[k];
                imr = img2_lp[k];
                imf = new Image <Bgr, byte>(iml.Height, iml.Width);
                for (int i = 0; i < imf.Height; i++)
                    for (int j = 0; j < imf.Width; j++)
                        //if (i < Math.Pow(2, Math.Log - 1))
                        if (j < imf.Height / 2)
                            imf[i, j] = iml[i, j];

                        else if (j == imf.Height / 2)
                            imf[i, j] = new Bgr((iml[i, j].Blue + imr[i, j].Blue) / 2, (iml[i, j].Green + imr[i, j].Green) / 2, (iml[i, j].Red + imr[i, j].Red) / 2);

                            imf[i, j] = imr[i, j];
                lap[k] = imf;

            Image <Bgr, byte>[] fimg = lap;
            for (int k = dim - 2; k > 0; k--)
                Image <Bgr, byte> temp = new Image <Bgr, byte>(fimg[k - 1].Height, fimg[k - 1].Width);
                //fimg[k - 1] = addImage(fimg[k - 1], expand(fimg[k]));
                CvInvoke.cvPyrUp(fimg[k], temp, FILTER_TYPE.CV_GAUSSIAN_5x5);
                fimg[k - 1] = fimg[k - 1] + temp;

            imageBox3.Image = fimg[0];
Exemplo n.º 36
        public static void TestImageToArray()
            Image <Bgr, byte> img = new Image <Bgr, byte>(640, 480);

            img[5, 5] = new Bgr(128, 64, 32);

            var arr = img.ToArray();

            Console.WriteLine("Color image to array: " + arr[0, 5, 5] + " " + arr[1, 5, 5] + " " + arr[2, 5, 5]);

            /*Debug.Assert(arr[5, 5, 0] == 128 &&
             *           arr[5, 5, 1] == 64 &&
             *           arr[5, 5, 2] == 32);*/
Exemplo n.º 37
        /// <summary>
        /// Swaps the channels for an image provided by a url.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="order">Channel ordering. Each value has to be [0..2] range.</param>
        /// <param name="imgUrl">Image url.</param>
        /// <returns>Processed image.</returns>
        public Bgr <byte>[,] SwapImageChannels(Uri imgUrl, int[] order)
            if (order.Any(x => x < 0 || x > CHANNEL_COUNT - 1))
                throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Each element of the channel order must be in: [{0}..{1}] range.", 0, CHANNEL_COUNT - 1));

            Bgr <byte>[,] image = null;
            try { image = imgUrl.GetBytes().DecodeAsColorImage(); }
            catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("The specified url does not point to a valid image.", ex); }

            image.Apply(c => swapChannels(c, order), inPlace: true);
Exemplo n.º 38
        private void ProcessHeadPose(string[] p, Image <Bgr, byte> curFrame)
            MCvFont f = Font;

            Features.RotationMatrix    = new float[9];
            Features.TranslationVector = new float[3];

            for (int i = 4; i < 12; i++)
                Features.RotationMatrix[i - 4] = Convert.ToSingle(p[i], new CultureInfo("en-GB"));

            for (int i = 13; i < 16; i++)
                Features.TranslationVector[i - 13] = Convert.ToSingle(p[i], new CultureInfo("en-GB"));

            Bgr headPoseColor = new Bgr(Color.DodgerBlue);

            curFrame.Draw("O(" + Convert.ToInt32(Features.ModelPoints[0].X) + ", " + Convert.ToInt32(Features.ModelPoints[0].Y) + ")",
                          ref f, PointFToPoint(Features.ModelPoints[0]), headPoseColor);
            curFrame.Draw("X(" + Convert.ToInt32(Features.ModelPoints[1].X) + ", " + Convert.ToInt32(Features.ModelPoints[1].Y) + ")",
                          ref f, PointFToPoint(Features.ModelPoints[1]), headPoseColor);
            curFrame.Draw("Y(" + Convert.ToInt32(Features.ModelPoints[2].X) + ", " + Convert.ToInt32(Features.ModelPoints[2].Y) + ")",
                          ref f, PointFToPoint(Features.ModelPoints[2]), headPoseColor);
            curFrame.Draw("Z(" + Convert.ToInt32(Features.ModelPoints[3].X) + ", " + Convert.ToInt32(Features.ModelPoints[3].Y) + ")",
                          ref f, PointFToPoint(Features.ModelPoints[3]), headPoseColor);

            foreach (PointF mp in Features.ModelPoints)
                curFrame.Draw(new CircleF(mp, 3), headPoseColor, -1);

            curFrame.Draw(new LineSegment2DF(Features.ModelPoints[0], Features.ModelPoints[1]), headPoseColor, 2);
            curFrame.Draw(new LineSegment2DF(Features.ModelPoints[0], Features.ModelPoints[2]), headPoseColor, 2);
            curFrame.Draw(new LineSegment2DF(Features.ModelPoints[0], Features.ModelPoints[3]), headPoseColor, 2);

            Features.Distance = Convert.ToSingle(p[16], new CultureInfo("en-GB"));

            Rectangle r1 = new Rectangle(0, curFrame.Height - 30, curFrame.Width, curFrame.Height);
            Rectangle r2 = new Rectangle(0, curFrame.Height - 30, Convert.ToInt32(Features.Distance * curFrame.Width), curFrame.Height);

            curFrame.Draw(r1, new Bgr(Color.LightGray), -1);
            curFrame.Draw(r2, new Bgr(Color.Red), -1);

            curFrame.Draw("Distance: " + Convert.ToInt32(Features.Distance * 100.0) + "%", ref f, new Point(10, curFrame.Height - 7), new Bgr(0, 0, 0));

            MainWindow.MapUC.MyMap.ZoomLevel = Math.Round(((1.0 - Features.Distance) * MainWindow.MapUC.SliderZoom.Maximum) / 2.0, 0) * 2;
Exemplo n.º 39
        public Image <Bgr, byte> editBiScale(Image <Bgr, byte> sourceImage, double k)
            Image <Bgr, byte> scaleImg = new Image <Bgr, byte>((int)(sourceImage.Width * k), (int)(sourceImage.Height * k));

            for (int i = 0; i < scaleImg.Width - 1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < scaleImg.Height - 1; j++)
                    double I = (i / k);
                    double J = (j / k);

                    double baseI = Math.Floor(I);
                    double baseJ = Math.Floor(J);
                    if (baseI >= sourceImage.Width - 1)
                    if (baseJ >= sourceImage.Height - 1)

                    double rI = I - baseI;
                    double rJ = J - baseJ;

                    double irI = 1 - rI;
                    double irJ = 1 - rJ;

                    Bgr c1 = new Bgr();
                    c1.Blue  = sourceImage.Data[(int)baseJ, (int)baseI, 0] * irI + sourceImage.Data[(int)baseJ, (int)baseI + 1, 0] * rI;
                    c1.Green = sourceImage.Data[(int)baseJ, (int)baseI, 1] * irI + sourceImage.Data[(int)baseJ, (int)baseI + 1, 1] * rI;
                    c1.Red   = sourceImage.Data[(int)baseJ, (int)baseI, 2] * irI + sourceImage.Data[(int)baseJ, (int)baseI + 1, 2] * rI;

                    Bgr c2 = new Bgr();
                    c2.Blue  = sourceImage.Data[(int)(baseJ + 1), (int)baseI, 0] * irI + sourceImage.Data[(int)(baseJ + 1), (int)baseI + 1, 0] * rI;
                    c2.Green = sourceImage.Data[(int)(baseJ + 1), (int)baseI, 1] * irI + sourceImage.Data[(int)(baseJ + 1), (int)baseI + 1, 1] * rI;
                    c2.Red   = sourceImage.Data[(int)(baseJ + 1), (int)baseI, 2] * irI + sourceImage.Data[(int)(baseJ + 1), (int)baseI + 1, 2] * rI;

                    Bgr c = new Bgr();
                    c.Blue  = c1.Blue * irJ + c2.Blue * rJ;
                    c.Green = c1.Green * irJ + c2.Green * rJ;
                    c.Red   = c1.Red * irJ + c2.Red * rJ;

                    scaleImg[j, i] = c;

Exemplo n.º 40
        public void DetectBackgroundTest()
            //var path1 = "PicassoUnitTest/DetectBackgroundTest/14-211-222.png";
            //var path1 = "PicassoUnitTest/DetectBackgroundTest/107-183-51.png";
            var path1 = "PicassoUnitTest/DetectBackgroundTest/249-238-32.png";

            var    filepath1 = Path.Combine(Drive.GetDriveRoot(), path1);
            Bitmap image1    = new Bitmap(filepath1);

            Bgr expectedBackGround = new Bgr(249, 238, 32);
            Bgr actualBackGround   = Picasso.Heuristics.DetectBackground(image1, 10);

            Assert.IsTrue(Picasso.Utility.IsEqual(expectedBackGround, actualBackGround));
Exemplo n.º 41
Arquivo: LUT.cs Projeto: thegodi/Gygax
        public static void ApplyLut(ref double[,] source, out Emgu.CV.Image <Bgr, Byte> destination)
            destination = new Image <Bgr, Byte>(source.GetLength(0), source.GetLength(1));

            for (int y = 0; y < source.GetLength(1); y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < source.GetLength(0); x++)
                    var cId = Convert.ToInt32(source[y, x]);
                    destination[y, x] = new Bgr(Colors[cId, 0], Colors[cId, 1], Colors[cId, 2]);
Exemplo n.º 42
        public static void Main()
            var sourceName = String.Empty;

            //video over pipe (direct link and Youtube) (do not support seek)
            //var pipeName = new Uri("").NamedPipeFromVideoUri(); //web-video
            var pipeName = new Uri("").NamedPipeFromYoutubeUri(); //Youtube

            sourceName = String.Format(@"\\.\pipe\{0}", pipeName);

            //video http link (Supports seek)
            //sourceName = "";

            ImageStreamReader reader = new FileCapture(sourceName);


            //seek if you can
            if (reader.CanSeek)
                reader.Seek((int)(reader.Length * 0.25), System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);

            //read video frames
            Bgr <byte>[,] frame = null;
            while (true)
                reader.ReadTo(ref frame);
                if (frame == null)

                frame.Show(scaleForm: true);
                ((double)reader.Position / reader.Length).Progress();
            Console.WriteLine("The end.");

            Console.WriteLine("Downloading video...");

            string fileExtension;
            var    downloadPipeName = new Uri("").NamedPipeFromYoutubeUri(out fileExtension); //Youtube

            downloadPipeName.SaveNamedPipeStream("out" + fileExtension);
            Console.WriteLine("Video saved.");
            Process.Start("out" + fileExtension); //open local file
Exemplo n.º 43
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            if ((textBox1.Text.Length == 0) || (textBox2.Text.Length == 0))
                MessageBox.Show("You must enter player or team name", "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk);
            if (textBox1.Text == textBox2.Text)
                MessageBox.Show("Player names can't be same", "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk);
            String fnames = @"\^";

            if (Regex.IsMatch(textBox1.Text, fnames) || Regex.IsMatch(textBox2.Text, fnames))
                MessageBox.Show("Player names can't have symbol \"^\" !", "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Asterisk);

            Global.text = AddNames.Ret_names(textBox1.Text, textBox2.Text);

            Image <Bgr, byte> lll = new Image <Bgr, byte>(50, 50, new Bgr(trackBar1.Value, trackBar2.Value, trackBar3.Value));

            Mat ll = lll.Mat;

            CvInvoke.CvtColor(ll, ll, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.ColorConversion.Bgr2Hsv);

            Bgr color = (ll.ToImage <Bgr, byte>())[20, 20];

            Global.colors = new Col(color.Blue, color.Green, color.Red);

            OpenFileDialog opf = new OpenFileDialog
                Filter = "Video files | *.avi; *.mp4; *.mov"

            if (opf.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)
       = opf;
            Global.videoFromFile = true;
            Global.cancel        = false;
Exemplo n.º 44
        private void Config()
            var bgrImage = new Image <Bgr, byte>(HueColor.Size);

            for (int y = 0; y < bgrImage.Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < bgrImage.Width; x++)
                    bgrImage[y, x] = new Bgr(Color.White);
            hueImage       = bgrImage.Convert <Hsv, byte>();
            HueColor.Image = hueImage;
Exemplo n.º 45
        public unsafe void ValueType()
            var ptr = stackalloc Bgr[1];

            *ptr = new Bgr {
                B = 1, G = 2, R = 3
            Unsafe.Write(ptr, new Bgr {
                B = 11, G = 22, R = 33
            Assert.Equal(11, ptr[0].B);
            Assert.Equal(22, ptr[0].G);
            Assert.Equal(33, ptr[0].R);
Exemplo n.º 46
        Image <Bgr, Byte> yCbCrThreshold(Image <Bgr, Byte> originalImage)
            Image <Bgr, Byte> newImage = new Image <Bgr, byte>(originalImage.Width, originalImage.Height);

            for (int Y = 0; Y < originalImage.Height; Y++)
                for (int X = 0; X < originalImage.Width; X++)
                    double rRaw = originalImage[Y, X].Red;
                    double gRaw = originalImage[Y, X].Green;
                    double bRaw = originalImage[Y, X].Blue;

                    double r = rRaw / 255;
                    double g = gRaw / 255;
                    double b = bRaw / 255;

                    double y  = 0.299 * r + 0.587 * g + 0.114 * b;
                    double cB = -0.168736 * r + -0.331264 * g + 0.500 * b;
                    double cR = 0.500 * r + -0.418688 * g + -0.081312 * b;

                    bool isFire = false;

                    if (y >= cR && cR >= cB)
                        double crcb = cR - cB;
                        double ycb  = y - cB;
                        if (!((crcb >= -0.1 && ycb >= -0.1 && ycb <= 0.3) || (crcb >= 0 && crcb <= 0.4 && ycb >= 0 && ycb <= 0.8)))
                            isFire = true;

                    if (isFire)
                        isFire = !(cR - cB > -0.1 && y - cB > -0.1 && y - cB <= 0.6);

                    if (isFire)
                        newImage[Y, X] = originalImage[Y, X];
                        newImage[Y, X] = new Bgr(0, 0, 0);

Exemplo n.º 47
        public void IsEqualTest()
            // Create equal and not equal colors and ensure the IsEqual Methods returns values as expected
            Console.WriteLine("Starting Picasso.Utility.IsEqual method testing");

            var color_a = new Bgr(0, 0, 255);
            var color_b = new Bgr(Color.Red);
            var color_c = new Bgr(Color.Green);

            Assert.IsTrue(Utility.IsEqual(color_a, color_b));
            Assert.IsFalse(Utility.IsEqual(color_a, color_c));
            Assert.IsFalse(Utility.IsEqual(color_b, color_c));
            Console.WriteLine("Successfully completed Picasso.Utility.IsEqual Test");
Exemplo n.º 48
        /// <summary>
        /// Image Negative using EmguCV library
        /// Slower method
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="img">Image</param>
        internal static void Negative(Image <Bgr, byte> img)
            Bgr aux;

            for (int y = 0; y < img.Height; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < img.Width; x++)
                    // emguCV access: slower
                    aux       = img[y, x];
                    img[y, x] = new Bgr(255 - aux.Blue, 255 - aux.Green, 255 - aux.Red);
Exemplo n.º 49
        private void pictureBox2_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            Image <Bgr, byte> img = new Image <Bgr, byte>(bgr_img.Bitmap).Resize(pictureBox2.Width, pictureBox2.Height, Emgu.CV.CvEnum.Inter.Area);
            //获取imagebox1 控件的图片,并重置大小与控件的大小一致。
            Bgr color = img[e.Y, e.X];

            label1.Text = color.ToString();
            Image <Bgr, byte> img1 = new Image <Bgr, byte>(imageBox2.Width, imageBox2.Height, color);

            pictureBox1.Image = img1.Bitmap;
Exemplo n.º 50
        public TrackingControl()

            //The following detector types are supported: "MIL" – TrackerMIL; "BOOSTING" – TrackerBoosting
            _trackingDetector = new TrackingDetector("MIL");
            _camshiftDetector = new CamshiftDetector();

            _bgrRed           = new Bgr(Color.Red);
            _bgrBlue          = new Bgr(Color.Blue);
            _imageBoxSelector = new ImageBoxSelector();
            this.Load        += TrackingControl_Load;
Exemplo n.º 51
        /// <summary>
        /// Flood fill in a BFS manner, so as not to overwhelm the stack
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="image">the image we wish to fill on</param>
        /// <param name="xpixel">the x pixel to sample from</param>
        /// <param name="ypixel">the y pixel to sample from</param>
        /// <param name="threshold">the threshold of difference</param>
        /// <returns>the background which can be subtracted</returns>
        public static Bitmap FloodFill(Bitmap image, int xpixel, int ypixel, double threshold)
            //create an identically sized "background" image and fill it white
            Emgu.CV.Image <Bgr, Byte> imBackground = new Image <Bgr, byte>(image.Width, image.Height);
            Emgu.CV.Image <Bgr, Byte> imImage      = new Image <Bgr, byte>(image);
            Bgr bgrTarget = imImage[xpixel, ypixel];
            Bgr color     = new Bgr(255, 255, 255);
            Bgr white     = new Bgr(255, 255, 255);

            for (int ii = 0; ii < image.Width; ii++)
                for (int jj = 0; jj < image.Height; jj++)
                    imBackground[jj, ii] = white;
            Queue <System.Drawing.Point> pointQueue = new Queue <System.Drawing.Point>();

            pointQueue.Enqueue(new System.Drawing.Point(xpixel, ypixel));
            Bgr gray       = new Bgr(Color.Gray);
            Bgr mask_color = new Bgr(MASK_COLOR);

            System.Drawing.Point[] pList = new System.Drawing.Point[4];
            log.Info("Being iterative flood fill");
            while (!(pointQueue.Count == 0)) //make sure queue isn't empty
                System.Drawing.Point p = pointQueue.Dequeue();
                //add all neighboring points to the a list
                pList[0] = (new System.Drawing.Point(p.X, p.Y - 1)); //above
                pList[1] = (new System.Drawing.Point(p.X, p.Y + 1)); //below
                pList[2] = (new System.Drawing.Point(p.X - 1, p.Y)); //left
                pList[3] = (new System.Drawing.Point(p.X + 1, p.Y)); //right
                foreach (System.Drawing.Point neighbor in pList)
                    if (!(Utility.IsBound(image, neighbor.X, neighbor.Y)))
                    color = imBackground[neighbor.Y, neighbor.X];
                    if (Utility.IsEqual(white, color) && (Utility.Distance(imImage[neighbor.Y, neighbor.X], bgrTarget) < threshold)) //and hasn't been seen before
                        imBackground[neighbor.Y, neighbor.X] = gray;                                                                 //set as added to the queue
                        pointQueue.Enqueue(neighbor);                                                                                //and add to the queue
                imBackground[p.Y, p.X] = mask_color; //set the pixel to hot pink
Exemplo n.º 52
        static void Scan(Image <Bgr, byte> img, Image <Bgr, byte> result, int COLOR_DIFF, int DIST)
            Bgr c1, c2;

            for (int i = 0; i < img.Rows; i++)
                int flagj = 0;
                for (int j = 0; j < img.Cols && j < img.Cols - 1; j++)
                    c1 = img[i, j];
                    c2 = img[i, j + 1];
                    if (Math.Pow(Math.Pow(c1.Blue - c2.Blue, 2) + Math.Pow(c1.Green - c2.Green, 2) + Math.Pow(c1.Red - c2.Red, 2), 0.5) <= COLOR_DIFF)
                    else if (flagj >= DIST)
                        //cout << "find edge " << j << "," << i << endl;
                        //<Vec3b>(i, j).val[0] = 0;
                        //<Vec3b>(i, j).val[1] = 0;
                        //<Vec3b>(i, j).val[2] = 255;
                        result[i, j] = new Bgr(0, 0, 255);
                        flagj        = 0;
            for (int j = 0; j < img.Cols; j++)
                int flagi = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < img.Rows && i < img.Rows - 1; i++)
                    c1 = img[i, j];
                    c2 = img[i + 1, j];
                    if (Math.Pow(3 * Math.Pow(c1.Blue - c2.Blue, 2) + 4 * Math.Pow(c1.Green - c2.Green, 2) + 2 * Math.Pow(c1.Red - c2.Red, 2), 0.5) <= COLOR_DIFF)
                    else if (flagi >= DIST)
                        //<Vec3b>(i, j).val[0] = 0;
                        //<Vec3b>(i, j).val[1] = 0;
                        //<Vec3b>(i, j).val[2] = 255;
                        result[i, j] = new Bgr(0, 0, 255);
                        flagi        = 0;
            //CvInvoke.Imshow("scan", result);
        private Image <Bgr, byte> CreateMargedImage(
            Image <Bgr, byte> firstImage, Image <Bgr, byte> secondImage,
            Dictionary <KeyPoint, KeyPoint> pairs, KeyPairsTriangle ransacTriangle)
            // Marge image.
            var margedImageWidth  = firstImage.Width + secondImage.Width;
            var margedImageHeight = Math.Max(firstImage.Height, secondImage.Height);

            var imageResult = new Image <Bgr, byte>(margedImageWidth, margedImageHeight)
                ROI = new Rectangle(0, 0, firstImage.Width, firstImage.Height)


            imageResult.ROI = new Rectangle(firstImage.Width, 0, secondImage.Width, secondImage.Height);

            imageResult.ROI = Rectangle.Empty;

            // Use Ransac.
            if (ransacTriangle != null)
                var firstTriangle  = ransacTriangle.GetFirstTriangle();
                var secondTriangle = ransacTriangle.GetSecondTriangle();

                var triangleColor = new Bgr(Color.Black).MCvScalar;

                CvInvoke.Line(imageResult, firstTriangle[0], firstTriangle[1], triangleColor, 2);
                CvInvoke.Line(imageResult, firstTriangle[1], firstTriangle[2], triangleColor, 2);
                CvInvoke.Line(imageResult, firstTriangle[2], firstTriangle[0], triangleColor, 2);
                CvInvoke.Line(imageResult, secondTriangle[0].ChangeOffset(firstImage.Width),
                              secondTriangle[1].ChangeOffset(firstImage.Width), triangleColor, 2);
                CvInvoke.Line(imageResult, secondTriangle[1].ChangeOffset(firstImage.Width),
                              secondTriangle[2].ChangeOffset(firstImage.Width), triangleColor, 2);
                CvInvoke.Line(imageResult, secondTriangle[2].ChangeOffset(firstImage.Width),
                              secondTriangle[0].ChangeOffset(firstImage.Width), triangleColor, 2);

            // Draw lines.
            foreach (var _pair in pairs)
                var start  = new Point((int)_pair.Key.X, (int)_pair.Key.Y);
                var second = new Point((int)_pair.Value.X + firstImage.Width, (int)_pair.Value.Y);

                CvInvoke.Line(imageResult, start, second, new Bgr(_pair.Key.Color).MCvScalar, 1);
        public Image <Bgr, byte> resizeimage(Image <Bgr, byte> image, double k1, double k2)
            Image <Bgr, byte> resizedimage = new Image <Bgr, byte>((int)(image.Width * k1), (int)(image.Height * k2));

            for (int i = 0; i < resizedimage.Width - 1; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < resizedimage.Height - 1; j++)
                    double I = (i / k1);
                    double J = (j / k2);

                    double baseI = Math.Floor(I);
                    double baseJ = Math.Floor(J);

                    if (baseI >= image.Width - 1)
                    if (baseJ >= image.Height - 1)

                    double rI = I - baseI;
                    double rJ = J - baseJ;

                    double irI = 1 - rI;
                    double irJ = 1 - rJ;

                    Bgr c1 = new Bgr();
                    c1.Blue  = image.Data[(int)baseJ, (int)baseI, 0] * irI + image.Data[(int)baseJ, (int)(baseI + 1), 0] * rI;
                    c1.Green = image.Data[(int)baseJ, (int)baseI, 1] * irI + image.Data[(int)baseJ, (int)(baseI + 1), 1] * rI;
                    c1.Red   = image.Data[(int)baseJ, (int)baseI, 2] * irI + image.Data[(int)baseJ, (int)(baseI + 1), 2] * rI;

                    Bgr c2 = new Bgr();
                    c2.Blue  = image.Data[(int)(baseJ + 1), (int)baseI, 0] * irI + image.Data[(int)(baseJ + 1), (int)(baseI + 1), 0] * rI;
                    c2.Green = image.Data[(int)(baseJ + 1), (int)baseI, 1] * irI + image.Data[(int)(baseJ + 1), (int)(baseI + 1), 1] * rI;
                    c2.Red   = image.Data[(int)(baseJ + 1), (int)baseI, 2] * irI + image.Data[(int)(baseJ + 1), (int)(baseI + 1), 2] * rI;

                    Bgr c = new Bgr();
                    c.Blue  = c1.Blue * irJ + c2.Blue * rJ;
                    c.Green = c1.Green * irJ + c2.Green * rJ;
                    c.Red   = c1.Red * irJ + c2.Red * rJ;

                    resizedimage[j, i] = c;
Exemplo n.º 55
        private void Application_Idle(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Mat a = cap.QueryFrame();

            if (a != null)
                System.Threading.Thread.Sleep((int)(1000.0 / fps - 5));
                imageBox1.Image = a;

            if (a != null)
                textBox1.Text     = "";
                pictureBox1.Image = imageBox1.Image.Bitmap;
                Bgr drawColor = new Bgr(Color.Blue);
                    Image <Bgr, Byte>  image = new Image <Bgr, byte>(new Bitmap(pictureBox1.Image));
                    Image <Gray, byte> gray  = image.Convert <Gray, Byte>();
                    CvInvoke.GaussianBlur(gray, gray, new Size(3, 3), 1);

                    using (gray)
                        Tesseract.Character[] charactors = _ocr.GetCharacters();
                        foreach (Tesseract.Character c in charactors)
                            image.Draw(c.Region, drawColor, 1);

                        imageBox1.Image = image;

                        String text = _ocr.GetUTF8Text();
                        label1.Text = text;
                        for (int i = 0; i < charactors.Length; i++)
                            this.textBox1.Text += charactors[i].Text;
                catch (Exception exception)
Exemplo n.º 56
        public void TestKMeans()
            int clustersCount = 5;
            int sampleCount   = 300;
            int imageSize     = 500;

            Bgr[] colors = new Bgr[] {
                new Bgr(0, 0, 255),
                new Bgr(0, 255, 0),
                new Bgr(255, 100, 100),
                new Bgr(255, 0, 255),
                new Bgr(0, 255, 255)

            Image <Bgr, Byte> image = new Image <Bgr, byte>(imageSize, imageSize);

            #region generate random samples
            Matrix <float> points = new Matrix <float>(sampleCount, 1, 2);

            Matrix <int> clusters = new Matrix <int>(sampleCount, 1);
            Random       r        = new Random();
            for (int i = 0; i < clustersCount; i++)
                Matrix <float> row = points.GetRows(i * (sampleCount / clustersCount), (i + 1) * (sampleCount / clustersCount), 1);
                row.SetRandNormal(new MCvScalar(r.Next() % imageSize, r.Next() % imageSize), new MCvScalar((r.Next() % imageSize) / 6, (r.Next() % imageSize) / 6));
            using (ScalarArray ia = new ScalarArray(new MCvScalar()))
                CvInvoke.AbsDiff(points, ia, points);
            CvInvoke.RandShuffle(points, 1.0, 0);

                new MCvTermCriteria(10, 1.0),

            for (int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++)
                PointF p = new PointF(points.Data[i, 0], points.Data[i, 1]);
                image.Draw(new CircleF(p, 1.0f), colors[clusters[i, 0]], 1);

Exemplo n.º 57
        static void DoKmeans(string imagePath)
            Bgr[] clusterColors = new Bgr[] {
                new Bgr(0, 0, 255),
                new Bgr(0, 255, 0),
                new Bgr(255, 100, 100),
                new Bgr(255, 0, 255),
                new Bgr(133, 0, 99),
                new Bgr(130, 12, 49),
                new Bgr(0, 255, 255)

            var            srcImage      = new Image <Bgr, float>(imagePath);
            Matrix <float> samples       = new Matrix <float>(srcImage.Rows * srcImage.Cols, 1, 3);
            Matrix <int>   finalClusters = new Matrix <int>(srcImage.Rows * srcImage.Cols, 1);

            for (int y = 0; y < srcImage.Rows; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < srcImage.Cols; x++)
                    samples.Data[y + x * srcImage.Rows, 0] = (float)srcImage[y, x].Blue;
                    samples.Data[y + x * srcImage.Rows, 1] = (float)srcImage[y, x].Green;
                    samples.Data[y + x * srcImage.Rows, 2] = (float)srcImage[y, x].Red;

            MCvTermCriteria term = new MCvTermCriteria(100, 0.5)
                Type = TermCritType.Eps | TermCritType.Iter

            int clusterCount = 5;
            int attempts     = 5;

            CvInvoke.Kmeans(samples, clusterCount, finalClusters, term, attempts, KMeansInitType.PPCenters);

            Image <Bgr, float> outputImage = new Image <Bgr, float>(srcImage.Size);

            for (int y = 0; y < srcImage.Rows; y++)
                for (int x = 0; x < srcImage.Cols; x++)
                    PointF p = new PointF(x, y);
                    outputImage.Draw(new CircleF(p, 1.0f), clusterColors[finalClusters[y + x * srcImage.Rows, 0]], 1);

Exemplo n.º 58
        public FormGroupMatch()
            debugImage = new Bgr <byte> [pictureBox.Height, pictureBox.Width];

            var detections = getDetections();

            drawDetections(detections, Bgr <byte> .Red, 1);

            groupMatching = new RectangleClustering();
            var clusters = groupMatching.Group(detections);

            drawDetections(clusters.Select(x => x.Representative), Bgr <byte> .Green, 3);
            pictureBox.Image = debugImage.ToBitmap();
Exemplo n.º 59
        private void button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            double             blue_min  = double.Parse(txt_BlueMin.Text);
            double             blue_max  = double.Parse(txt_BlueMax.Text);
            double             green_min = double.Parse(txt_GreenMin.Text);
            double             green_max = double.Parse(txt_GreenMax.Text);
            double             red_min   = double.Parse(txt_RedMin.Text);
            double             red_max   = double.Parse(txt_RedMax.Text);
            Bgr                min       = new Bgr(blue_min, green_min, red_min); //黄色的最小值,允许一定的误差。
            Bgr                max       = new Bgr(blue_max, green_max, red_max); //黄色的最大值,允许一定的误差。
            Image <Gray, byte> result    = bgr_img.InRange(min, max);             //进行颜色提取。

            pictureBox2.Image = bgr_img.Bitmap;                                   //显示输入图像。
            imageBox2.Image   = result;                                           //显示提取颜色区域。
Exemplo n.º 60
        // compare two Emgu CV colors using ColorMine, an API for C#
        public static int colorDifference(Bgr c1, Bgr c2)
            var myRGB1 = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb { R = c1.Red, G = c1.Green, B = c1.Blue };
            var myRGB2 = new ColorMine.ColorSpaces.Rgb { R = c2.Red, G = c2.Green, B = c2.Blue };

            return (int)myRGB1.Compare(myRGB2, new Cie1976Comparison());