private static void ApplySkinModifications(GameObject modelObject, AppliedModifications modifications)
            var characterModel = modelObject.GetComponent <CharacterModel>();

            LastModelObject = modelObject;
            foreach (var mod in ModificationList)
                ApplyModification(modelObject, characterModel, mod, modifications);
        private static void ApplySkinModifications(GameObject modelObject, AppliedModifications modifications)
            var characterModel = modelObject.GetComponent <CharacterModel>();

            LastModelObject = modelObject;
            /// TODO: create a loop that iterates through the list of modifications and applies them
            foreach (var mod in ModificationList)
                ApplyModification(modelObject, characterModel, mod, modifications);
        private static void ClearSkinModifications(GameObject modelObject, AppliedModifications modifications)
            //NOTE: modifications that modify the base bone list need to have their bones removed first before destruction
            //Modifications that modify the base bone list have to be removed in reverse order in order to maintain correct indexing

            //Clear Mods that modify base bone list, these need to be done in reverse order
            while (modifications.BaseModelModifications.Count != 0)
                var mod = modifications.BaseModelModifications.Pop();

                clearModification(mod, modelObject, modifications);

            //clear rest of mods
            while (modifications.OtherModifications.Count != 0)
                clearModification(modifications.OtherModifications[0], modelObject, modifications); //clearmodification calls remove on applied Mod.
            //remove the object from modified once all mods are cleared
        ////// Local Functions (these should not need to be changed when added to different skins)

        //private static void SkinDefApply(On.RoR2.SkinDef.orig_Apply orig, SkinDef self, GameObject modelObject) //Old SkinDefApply for use w/ mmhook
        private static void SkinDefApply(Action <SkinDef, GameObject> orig, SkinDef self, GameObject modelObject)
            orig(self, modelObject);


            ModifiedObjects.TryGetValue(modelObject, out var modificatons);

                //if we are on another character/skin
                if (self != SkinDef)
                    if (modificatons != null)
                        ClearSkinModifications(LastModelObject, modificatons);

                if (modificatons == null)
                    //otherwise if are now applying modded skin and no modifcations have been made, then apply modifications

                    //create new Applied Entry and pass into Apply
                    AppliedModifications NewMods = new AppliedModifications();
                    ModifiedObjects.Add(modelObject, NewMods);
                    ApplySkinModifications(modelObject, NewMods);
            catch (Exception e)
                //error logging may need to be skin specific
                InstanceLogger.LogWarning("An error occured while adding accessories to a skin");

            //print heiarchy
        private static void clearModification(Modification modification, GameObject modelObject, AppliedModifications modifications)
            //Destroy Dynamic Bones colliders
            if (modification.inst_DB_colliders != null)
                foreach (var collider in modification.inst_DB_colliders)

            //Remove Additions to Bone Arrays
            if (modification.affectsbasemodel)
                var renderers = GetBaseSkinRenderers(modelObject);
                var oldBones  = renderers[0].bones.ToList();

                oldBones.RemoveRange(modification.boneIndex, modification.boneCount);

                foreach (var renderer in renderers)
                    renderer.bones = oldBones.ToArray();

            //Destroy Dynamic Bones Component (Probably don't have to do this since it will be destroyed along with PrefabInstance if parented to it)
            //Destroy Armature
            //Destroy Prefab Instance

            bool removed = modifications.OtherModifications.Remove(modification);

            if (!removed)
                InstanceLogger.LogError("Skin Modification was not removed");
        ////// Local Functions

        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="modelObject">GameObject of ModelObject</param>
        /// <param name="modifications">List for Storing Modifctions</param>
        /// <param name="characterModel">Character Model of ModelObject</param>
        /// <param name="modification">Modification to be apllied</param>
        private static void ApplyModification(GameObject modelObject, CharacterModel characterModel, Modification modification, AppliedModifications modifications)
            //Get aramture bone that new prefab will be parented to
            var bodyname   = modification.bodyname;
            var parentname = modification.parentname;

            var parentBone = RuneFoxMods.Utils.FindChildInTree(modelObject.transform, parentname);
            //var parentBone = modelObject.transform.Find(RuneFoxMods.ChildHelper.GetPath(bodyname, parentname));

            GameObject newPart;

            //we have to instantiate the prefabs in two different ways based on if they affect the model or not

            if (modification.affectsbasemodel)
                //instantiate the model
                newPart                    = GameObject.Instantiate(modification.prefab, parentBone, false);
                     = RuneFoxMods.Utils.RemoveCloneNaming(;
                modification.instance      = newPart;
                modification.inst_armature = newPart; //the armature of the modifications that affect the base mode is the whole prefab

                /// Add Bones to Base Armature here
                var skinRenderers = GetBaseSkinRenderers(modelObject);

                var newBones = skinRenderers[0].bones.ToList();//assumption is that we find a skinrenderer here, if not then whoops

                var newBoneIndex = FindBoneIndex2(parentBone, newBones);
                //insert new bones into array at end of array
                var modBoneArray = BoneArrayBuilder(modification.instance.transform);
                newBones.InsertRange(newBoneIndex, modBoneArray);

                //add index and bonecount to modification
                modification.boneIndex = newBoneIndex;
                modification.boneCount = modBoneArray.Length;

                //assign bones to skin renderers
                foreach (var renderer in skinRenderers)
                    renderer.bones = newBones.ToArray();


                /// Add Bones to Base Armature here
                //instantiate it w/ model as parent
                newPart               = GameObject.Instantiate(modification.prefab, modelObject.transform, false);
                = RuneFoxMods.Utils.RemoveCloneNaming(;
                modification.instance = newPart;

                var armature = GetArmature(newPart);

                //if (armature == null)
                //  Debug.Log("Armature not found");
                //  Debug.Log("armature found: " +;

                //then parent the armature to the parentboned
                armature.transform.SetParent(parentBone, false);
                modification.inst_armature = armature.gameObject;
            modification.instance = newPart;

            //TODO: add a way to load multiple DynamicBone Scripts for a single modification

            /// Add dynamic bones stuff here
            /// Things like DynamicBones Component, assigning values to dynamic bones component, adding DB_Colliders and editing them, etc.

            if (modification.dynamicBoneData != null)
                //Add Dynamic Bone Component
                DynamicBone DB = modification.instance.AddComponent <DynamicBone>();
                modification.inst_dynamicBone = DB;

                /// Add DynamicBones Colliders to other armature bones (Need to do this before Modifying Dynamic Bones component as we add them to the DB list during modification)
                List <DynamicBoneCollider> bonelist = new List <DynamicBoneCollider>();

                foreach (var colliderData in modification.dynamicBoneData.m_Colliders)
                    var parent = RuneFoxMods.Utils.FindChildInTree(modelObject.transform, colliderData.m_parent_name);
                    //var parent = modelObject.transform.Find(RuneFoxMods.ChildHelper.GetPath(bodyname, colliderData.m_parent_name));

                    var bonecollider = parent.gameObject.AddComponent <DynamicBoneCollider>();

                    bonecollider.m_Direction = colliderData.m_Direction;
                    bonecollider.m_Center    = colliderData.m_Center;
                    bonecollider.m_Bound     = colliderData.m_Bound;
                    bonecollider.m_Radius    = colliderData.m_Radius;
                    bonecollider.m_Height    = colliderData.m_Height;


                modification.inst_DB_colliders = bonelist;

                // Modify DynamicBones Component with data

                var root = RuneFoxMods.Utils.FindChildInTree(modification.inst_armature.transform, modification.dynamicBoneData.m_Root);

                DB.m_Root              = root;
                DB.m_Damping           = modification.dynamicBoneData.m_Damping;
                DB.m_DampingDistrib    = modification.dynamicBoneData.m_DampingDistrib;
                DB.m_Elasticity        = modification.dynamicBoneData.m_Elasticity;
                DB.m_ElasticityDistrib = modification.dynamicBoneData.m_ElasticityDistrib;
                DB.m_Stiffness         = modification.dynamicBoneData.m_Stiffness;
                DB.m_StiffnessDistrib  = modification.dynamicBoneData.m_StiffnessDistrib;
                DB.m_Inert             = modification.dynamicBoneData.m_Inert;
                DB.m_InertDistrib      = modification.dynamicBoneData.m_InertDistrib;
                DB.m_Radius            = modification.dynamicBoneData.m_Radius;
                DB.m_RadiusDistrib     = modification.dynamicBoneData.m_RadiusDistrib;
                DB.m_EndLength         = modification.dynamicBoneData.m_EndLength;
                DB.m_EndOffset         = modification.dynamicBoneData.m_EndOffset;
                DB.m_Gravity           = modification.dynamicBoneData.m_Gravity;
                DB.m_Force             = modification.dynamicBoneData.m_Force;

                DB.m_Colliders  = bonelist;
                DB.m_Exclusions = new List <Transform>();
                foreach (var exclude in modification.dynamicBoneData.m_Exclusions)
                    //NOTE: Assumption here is that the dynamic bone root is part of the new armature and we are only excluding bones located in root
                    var transform = RuneFoxMods.Utils.FindChildInTree(root, exclude);

                    if (transform != null)
                        Debug.Log("Tried to exclude a transform that could not be found");

                DB.m_FreezeAxis = modification.dynamicBoneData.m_FreezeAxis;

                //TODO: Read DB and compare it to what's made in OG mod cause skirt is behaving oddly

            /// Add dynamic bones stuff here

            /// Add renderers to the character's renderer list

            //get renderers
            var renderers = newPart.GetComponentsInChildren <SkinnedMeshRenderer>(true);

            //resize render array to account for new renderers
            Array.Resize(ref characterModel.baseRendererInfos, characterModel.baseRendererInfos.Length + renderers.Length);

            //NOTE: Need to save the number of renderers added to the character render info so we can remove them cleanly. Probably add this to modifications
            if (renderers.Length != 0)
                int i = renderers.Length;
                foreach (var renderer in renderers)
                    //2 to add - 3 in
                    //resize array to 5
                    //first is added at 5-2 (3) which is position 4
                    //second is added at 5-1 (4) which is position 5

                    characterModel.baseRendererInfos[characterModel.baseRendererInfos.Length - i] = new CharacterModel.RendererInfo
                        renderer                 = renderers[renderers.Length - i],
                        ignoreOverlays           = false,
                        defaultShadowCastingMode = UnityEngine.Rendering.ShadowCastingMode.On,
                        defaultMaterial          = renderer.sharedMaterial

                    i--; //decrement i to reach the next renederer
            /// Add renderers to the character's renderer list

            //Push to applied modifications when done