Exemplo n.º 1
 private void Start()
     foreach (GameObject agentOther in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("agent"))
         _numberOfAgent += 1;
     _listenAnOtherAgent = new bool[_numberOfAgent];
     _agent                  = GetComponent(typeof(NavMeshAgent)) as NavMeshAgent;
     _code                   = PRE_CODE + 1;
     _currentState           = AgentStates.Start;
     PRE_CODE                = _code;
     _animator               = GetComponent <Animator>();
     _camera.enabled         = false;
     _canvas.enabled         = false;
     _boolStartTrust         = true;
     _checkPile              = false;
     _currentDialogue        = Discussion.NothingToSay;
     _randomDirection        = Random.Range(0, 4);
     _numberOfBatteryByPlace = new int[4];
     _actualInteractionAgent = null;
     _doneHistoric           = false;
     if (_fluctuationTrust > 10 && _fluctuationTrust < 0)
         _fluctuationTrust = 5;
     _countDown = _countDownUtilisateur;
Exemplo n.º 2
 // Use this for initialization
 void Awake()
     _states             = GetComponent <AgentStates> ();
     _inventory          = GetComponent <AgentInventory> ();
     _pheromonePlacement = GetComponent <AntPheromonePlacement> ();
     _navHelper          = GetComponent <NavAgentHelper> ();
        private void ExecuteSaveAgentStateCommand(object obj)
            AgentProgressInfo = string.Format("Saving Agent States...");
            ShowAll           = Visibility.Collapsed;
            ShowAgentProgress = Visibility.Visible;
            AgentVisibility   = Visibility.Collapsed;

            System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                Hide.Name = HideOrDisable.ToString();

                Hide.Description = string.Empty;
                ExecuteSaveScreentSettings(new object());
            }).ContinueWith((wait) =>
                ShowAgentProgress = Visibility.Collapsed;
                AgentVisibility   = Visibility.Visible;
                ShowAll           = Visibility.Visible;
 protected void SwitchState(AgentStates newState)
     previousState = this.state;
     state         = newState;
    private void AssignTask(Vector3 position)
        EAntTasks task;

        // Choose task to assing
        if (pheromoneType == EPheromoneTypes.Food)
            task = EAntTasks.HarvestFood;
        else if (pheromoneType == EPheromoneTypes.Attack)
            task = EAntTasks.Attack;

        Collider[] targetedColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(position, 0.5f, agentLayerMask);

        foreach (Collider collider in targetedColliders)
            AgentStates antStates = collider.GetComponent <AgentStates>();

            if (antStates)
Exemplo n.º 6
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        navHelper = GetComponent <NavAgentHelper> ();
        state     = GetComponent <AgentStates> ();
        inventory = GetComponent <AgentInventory> ();
        agentBase = GameObject.FindWithTag("AntHill");

        _resourceManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(ResourceManager)) as ResourceManager;
Exemplo n.º 7
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        _attack             = GetComponent <Attack> ();
        _states             = GetComponent <AgentStates> ();
        _pheromonePlacement = GetComponent <AntPheromonePlacement> ();
        _navHelper          = GetComponent <NavAgentHelper> ();

        _randomRadius = _attack.GetAttackRadius();
    void Awake()
        _navHelper = GetComponent <NavAgentHelper> ();
        _states    = GetComponent <AgentStates> ();

        // Create dicts and sets for newarby pheromones.
        _nearbyPheromones = new Dictionary <EPheromoneTypes, HashSet <Pheromone> >();
        _nearbyPheromones [EPheromoneTypes.Food]      = new HashSet <Pheromone> ();
        _nearbyPheromones [EPheromoneTypes.Attack]    = new HashSet <Pheromone> ();
        _nearbyPheromones [EPheromoneTypes.Repellant] = new HashSet <Pheromone> ();

        _agentConfiguration = FindObjectOfType(typeof(GlobalAgentConfiguration)) as GlobalAgentConfiguration;
 private void UpdateTabItem(int index)
     if (index == 1)
         tempAgents.ToList().ForEach(x => { if (!x.DefaultName.Equals("Buttons"))
         Hide          = tempAgents.FirstOrDefault(p => p.DefaultName == "Buttons");
         HideOrDisable = Hide.Name.Equals("true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? true : false;
Exemplo n.º 10
 public void IncrementState(AgentStates stateName, int increaseBy)
     if (States.ContainsKey(stateName))
         States[stateName] += increaseBy;
         if (States[stateName] <= 0)
         States.Add(stateName, increaseBy);
Exemplo n.º 11
    // Generate dialogue according of the need of the other agent
    public Discussion DialogueUpdtate(AgentStates stateAgent, int[] list)
        int maxValue = Mathf.Max(list);

        Direction   friendTarget   = _fieldOfView._agentMemberTarget;
        Discussion  friendDialogue = _fieldOfView._agentMemberDialogue;
        AgentStates friendState    = _fieldOfView._agentMemberState;

        if (stateAgent == AgentStates.Start || stateAgent == AgentStates.PutObject)
        if ((friendState == AgentStates.FindingEnergy || friendDialogue == Discussion.NeedFindEnergy) ||
            (_currentState == AgentStates.CarryingAcidToPile || _currentState == AgentStates.CarryingEnergyToPile) &&
            maxValue >= 1)
            if ((_previousTarget == friendTarget || _currentTarget == friendTarget) && (int)friendTarget < 4)
                if (list[(int)friendTarget] >= 1)
                    return((Discussion)(friendTarget + 4)); // Correspond of the no presence of battery in this point
                if (maxValue >= 1)
                    return((Discussion)System.Array.IndexOf(list, maxValue));
                    return((Discussion)_previousTarget + 4); // Correwpond of the no presence of battery in this point
        if (_fieldOfView._currentObjet == null && maxValue == 0 && stateAgent == AgentStates.FindingEnergy)
            return(Discussion.NothingToSay); // If the agent have no historic about the place
Exemplo n.º 12
    // Make a choice of Objectif (State) when he see the two pile
    public AgentStates MakeAChoiceState(float percentOfEnergy, float percentOfToxic)
        float proba = Random.Range(0f, 1f);

        if (percentOfEnergy >= 0 && percentOfEnergy <= 99 && percentOfToxic <= 20)
            AgentStates state = AgentStates.FindingEnergy;
        if (percentOfEnergy <= 10)
            AgentStates state = AgentStates.FindingEnergy;
        if (percentOfEnergy >= 0 && percentOfEnergy <= 99 && percentOfToxic > 20 && percentOfToxic < 70)
            if (proba >= 0.6f)
                AgentStates state = AgentStates.FindingAcid;
            if (proba < 0.6f)
                AgentStates state = AgentStates.FindingEnergy;
        if (percentOfToxic >= 70)
            AgentStates state = AgentStates.FindingAcid;
            if (proba >= 0.5f)
                AgentStates state = AgentStates.FindingAcid;
                AgentStates state = AgentStates.FindingEnergy;
Exemplo n.º 13
 // Agent animation manager
 public void AnimationMove(AgentStates agentStates)
     if (_mouvement == AgentMovement.Standby && _currentState == AgentStates.FindingEnergy)
         _animator.SetBool("walk", false);
         if (agentStates == AgentStates.FindingEnergy || agentStates == AgentStates.FindingAcid ||
             agentStates == AgentStates.Start || agentStates == AgentStates.CarryingEnergyToPile || agentStates == AgentStates.CarryingAcidToPile)
             _animator.SetBool("walk", true);
         if (agentStates == AgentStates.TakingEnergy || agentStates == AgentStates.TakingAcid)
Exemplo n.º 14
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col)
        // Allow to check the number of battery in the zone
        if (col.gameObject.name == "EastInformationBox")
            _numberOfbattery[(int)Direction.EastPoint] = col.GetComponent <SpawnListener>().numberOfPile;
        if (col.gameObject.name == "NorthInformationBox")
            _numberOfbattery[(int)Direction.NorthPoint] = col.GetComponent <SpawnListener>().numberOfPile;
        if (col.gameObject.name == "SouthInformationBox")
            _numberOfbattery[(int)Direction.SouthPoint] = col.GetComponent <SpawnListener>().numberOfPile;
        if (col.gameObject.name == "WestInformationBox")
            _numberOfbattery[(int)Direction.WestPoint] = col.GetComponent <SpawnListener>().numberOfPile;

        if (col.gameObject.name == "EnergyCoil(Clone)" && _owner._currentState == AgentStates.FindingEnergy && _owner._canTakeEnergy == 0)
            // Look roughly the number of pile there are in the area if there are many or not( A VOIR PLUS TARD!!!)
            _battery = col.GetComponent <PickableEnergy>();

            // If the energy enter in the field of view
            if (_battery._hasPlayer == false)
                _energyFront  = true;
                _currentObjet = col.gameObject;
                _position     = col.transform;
                _identifiant  = _battery._idEnergy;

        // If the toxic enter in the field of view
        if (col.gameObject.name == "Toxic(Clone)" && _owner._currentState == AgentStates.FindingAcid && _owner._canTakeEnergy == 0)
            _battery = col.GetComponent <PickableEnergy>();
            if (_battery._hasPlayer == false)
                _toxicFront   = true;
                _currentObjet = col.gameObject;
                _position     = col.transform;
                _identifiant  = _battery._idEnergy;

        // If the box Energy enter in the field of view
        if (col.gameObject.name == "EnergyBoxEnterAgent")
            if (_currentObjet != null && _currentObjet.name == "EnergyCoil(Clone)")

        // If the box Waste enter in the field of view
        if (col.gameObject.name == "WasteBoxEnterAgent")
            if (_currentObjet != null && _currentObjet.name == "Toxic(Clone)")

        // If the box informationBox enter in the field of view
        if (col.gameObject.name == "PileInformationBox")
            _percentOfEnergy = col.GetComponent <InformationPiles>()._energyRate;
            _percentOfWaste  = col.GetComponent <InformationPiles>()._toxicRate;
            _pileFront       = true;

        // If an agent enter in the field of view
        if (col.gameObject.tag == "agent")
            _agentFront  = true;
            _agentMember = col.GetComponent <Agent>();
            if (_agentMember._code != _owner._code && _agentFront == true)
                _agentMemberDialogue = _agentMember._currentDialogue;
                _agentMemberState    = _agentMember._currentState;
                _agentMemberTarget   = _agentMember._currentTarget;

        // Check if the Agent Friend is near enough to consider if he is front of him or not
        if (_agentMember != null)
            if (Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(_agentMember.transform.position.x, _agentMember.transform.position.z), new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.z)) > 2.2)
                _agentFront = false;
            if (Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(_agentMember.transform.position.x, _agentMember.transform.position.z), new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.z)) <= 2.2)
                _agentFront = true;
Exemplo n.º 15
 public SubGoal(AgentStates action, int importance, bool removeable)
     sgoal = new Dictionary <AgentStates, int>();
     sgoal.Add(action, importance);
     remove = removeable;
Exemplo n.º 16
 // When the agent is near enough to take the objet
 public void TakeObject(AgentStates state)
Exemplo n.º 17
 public void AddState(AgentStates stateName, int value)
     States.Add(stateName, value);
Exemplo n.º 18
     * globaalaas uzvediibas FSM (finite-state-machine)
     * @todo -- stack baased ? ---paartaisiishu, ja atradiishu vismaz 12 iemeslus
    private void thinkAbout()
        Room room = null;

        switch(CurrentState) {
        case AgentStates.idling:
            isCraving = -1; //nemeklee nekaadu resursu
            workUnit = null;

            int numResourceShortages = Needs.Shortage.Count(c => c); // ezoteeriskaa veidaa izskaita cik ir TRUE shajaa masiivaa - tik mums ir resursu, kas iet uz galu un jaaiet tos papildinaat
            if(numResourceShortages > 0){ //meklees sev resursus
                CurrentState = AgentStates.choosingResourceDestination;

            } else if(idlingFor > 0){ //pagaidiis bezdarbiibaa

                idlingFor -= Time.deltaTime;
                //bodyAnimator.SetBool("waving", true);

            } else if(workManagerScript.IsThereWorkAvailable()) { //ir kaads darbinsh pieejams
            //    print("ir kaads darbinsh");
                CurrentState = AgentStates.choosingWorkDestination;

            } else { //ja nav jaameklee resursus, tad izveeleesies nejaushu galapunktu un tur pagaidiis
                CurrentState = AgentStates.choosingRandomDestination;
                idlingFor = Random.Range(1, 3);
                //bodyAnimator.SetBool("waving", false);

               // print("STATE:idling + choseRND");
        case AgentStates.choosingRandomDestination:

            room = levelscript.roomWhereIcanDoThis(-1); //dabuus nejaushu telpa

            if(room != null) {
                Vector2 rc = levelscript.randomCubeInThisRoom(room); //randomcube - nejaushss kubiks atrastajaa telpaa
                if(GoThere(rc.x, rc.y) == -1){ // kljuuda - agjents neatrodas uz grida
                    CurrentState = AgentStates.offTheGrid;

             //   print("rooom "  + Mathf.RoundToInt(room.transform.position.x) + ", " + Mathf.RoundToInt(room.transform.position.y) + "randCube "  + Mathf.RoundToInt(rc.x) + ", " + Mathf.RoundToInt(rc.y));
              // print("RANDrooom "  + (room.transform.position.x) + ", " + (room.transform.position.y) + "   RANDcube "  + (rc.x) + ", " + (rc.y));

                CurrentState = AgentStates.traveling;
            } else {
                CurrentState = AgentStates.idling; //nav pat 1 nejaushas telpas, nu tad neko - turpina gaidiit

        case AgentStates.choosingResourceDestination:
            //jaaatrod TUVAAKAA telpa, kas apmierina vajadziibu peec resursa

            for(int need = 0; need < AgentNeeds.numTypes; need++) { //iet cauri visaam agjentvajadziibaam
                if(Needs.Shortage[need]){ //shis resurss truukst, to ir jaaiet mekleet | pirmaas vajadziibas ir svariigaakas (jo taas apskata sekvencionaali, varbuut vajag randomizeet seciibu ikreizi ?)

                    room = levelscript.roomWhereIcanDoThis(need);
                    if(room != null){ //ir atrasta sho vajadziibu apmierinosha telpa
                        isCraving = need; //pieseivos kuru vajadziibu ies apmierinaat - lai zinaatu, ka jaait prom, tikliidz TAA ir apmierinaata
                        break; //neapskata paareejaas vajadziibas

            if(room != null){  //jaaiet uz atrasto telpu
                Vector2 rc = levelscript.randomCubeInThisRoom(room); //randomcube - nejaushss kubiks atrastajaa telpaa
                if(GoThere(rc.x, rc.y) == -1){ // kljuuda - agjents neatrodas uz grida
                    CurrentState = AgentStates.offTheGrid;
                CurrentState = AgentStates.traveling;
               // print("atrada  " + rc.x + ","  + rc.y);
            } else {
                CurrentState = AgentStates.idling; //neko neatrada - jaaiet neko nedariit
              //  print("neatrada");

           // print("STATE:choosingResourceDestination craving=" + isCraving);
        case AgentStates.choosingWorkDestination:
            //print("STATE:choosingWorkDestination ");

            workUnit = null;

                workUnit = workManagerScript.GetWork(this);
                if(workUnit != null){

                    if(GoThere(workUnit.BestPositionToStandWhileWorking.x, workUnit.BestPositionToStandWhileWorking.y) == -1){ // iet uz noraadiito darbavietu (ja -1 tad Agjents neatrodas uz grida, jaaiet sho glaabt)
                        CurrentState = AgentStates.offTheGrid;

                    CurrentState = AgentStates.traveling;

                 //   print("ir straadaashana " + workUnit + "  @" + workUnit.parentGameobject.transform + "  bestPOS " + workUnit.BestPositionToStandWhileWorking);

                } else { //nav neviena briiva,pieejama darbinja
                    CurrentState = AgentStates.idling;

            } catch(System.Exception e) { // kjer pathfinding iznjeemumu, ka agjents nemaz neatrodas uz grida
                if(e.Message == "not-on-a-grid"){
                    CurrentState = AgentStates.offTheGrid; //agjents ies glaabties



        case AgentStates.traveling:
            // print("STATE:traveling");
            //kad agjents buus nonaacis galaa, tad vinja staavokli nomainiis moveAbout() metodee nevis sheit; nomainiis uz "arriving"

        case AgentStates.offTheGrid:
            //neatrodas uz navgrida, jaaatrod tuvaakais navgridaa esoshais punts un jaaevakueejas taa virzienaa

            if(offTheGridFor > 0){ //pagaidiis kaadu laicinju, lai neceptu procesoru
                offTheGridFor -= Time.deltaTime;

            if(levelscript.Navgrid.Count > 0){ //ja ir navgridaa punkti, kur mukt
                //print ("provees tikt uz celja");
                Vector2 closestPoint = new Vector2(0,0);
                float closestDistance = -1;
                float x = transform.position.x;
                float y = transform.position.y;

                foreach(KeyValuePair<Vector4, float> p in levelscript.Navgrid) {
                    if(p.Key.y == y){ //meklee tuvaakos punkts tikai shajaa staavaa
                        float d = levelscript.MapDistanceBetweenPoints(p.Key.x,p.Key.y,x,y);//cik taalu shis navgrida punkts no agjenta
                        if(closestDistance == -1 || d < closestDistance){
                            closestPoint = new Vector2(p.Key.x,p.Key.y); //shis ir tuvaakais navgrida punkts
                            closestDistance = d;

                if(closestDistance > -1){
                //    print("atradaam kaadu punktu, kur glaabties");
                    destinationNode = closestPoint;
                    actualRoute.Add(closestPoint); //manuaali izveidoju celju (stur tikai 1 punktu - kur skrienu glaabties)
                    CurrentState = AgentStates.traveling; //peec ieshanas automaatiski staavoklis buus IDLING
                    avatarAnimator.SetBool("fast", true); //manuaalie iesaaku animaaciju
                    //print(x + "," + y + " -> " + closestPoint);
                } else {
                  //  print("NEatradaam nevienu punktu, kur glaabties");
                    offTheGridFor = 3; //3 sekundes pagaidiis, liidz meegjinaas atkal, varbuut tad buuus kaut kas uzbuuveets

        case AgentStates.arriving:

            if(workUnit != null){ //te ieradies darba dariishanaas
             //   print("ieradies straaadaaat");
                workingFor = Random.Range(2,5); //dazhas sekundes pastraadaas
                avatarAnimator.SetBool("working", true);
                CurrentState = AgentStates.working;

                break; //break case

            } else if(isCraving >= 0){//sheit ieradies apmierinaat kaadu vajadziibu

                room = levelscript.roomAtThisPosition(transform.position.x,transform.position.y);  //null vai telpa

                if(room == null){ //atnaacis, bet neatrodas telpaa, hmmm
                    CurrentState = AgentStates.idling;
                 //   print("iatnaacis, bet neatrodas telpaa, hmmm");
                } else { //viss kaartiibaa ir telpaa

                    bool roomIsProviding = false;
                    for(int need = 0; need < AgentNeeds.numTypes; need++) { //iet cauri visaam agjentvajadziibaam
                        if(Needs.Shortage[need]){ //shis resurss truukst
                            if(room.AgentNeedsGeneration[need] > 0){ //telpa dod sho resursu
                                roomIsProviding = true;

                    if(roomIsProviding){ //telpa deriiga, saakam eest
                      //  print("telpa deriiga, saakam eest");
                        currentRoom = room; //piekesho telpu, kur atnaacis
                        CurrentState = AgentStates.consumingResource;
                    } else { //telpa neko nedod
                        //print("telpa neko nedod");
                        CurrentState = AgentStates.idling;


            }  else if(isCraving == -1){ //ir bezmeerkjiigi ieradies
                CurrentState = AgentStates.idling;
                break; //break case

        case AgentStates.consumingResource:
            // currentRoom -- tikai sheit droshi varu lietot sho mainiigo, jo tas ir uzsists ieprieksheejaa kadraa vieniigajaa IFaa, kas ved uz shejieni

            for(int need = 0; need < AgentNeeds.numTypes; need++) { //iet cauri visaam agjentvajadziibaam

                avatarAnimator.SetBool("eating", true); //pagaidaam ir tikai 1 teereeshanas animaacija - eeshana, visus resursus pateeree eedot - arii miedzinju XD

                Needs.Reserve[need] += currentRoom.AgentNeedsGeneration[need] * Time.deltaTime; //eed visus resursus (kas ir 0 vai pozitiivs skaitlis)

                if(Needs.Reserve[need] > Needs.Max[need]){ //neljauj paareesties, ierobesho maximumu
                    Needs.Reserve[need] = Needs.Max[need];

                if(Needs.Reserve[isCraving] == Needs.Max[isCraving]){ // vajadziiba, kuras deelj naaca uz sho telpu, ir apmierinaata
                    CurrentState = AgentStates.idling;
                    avatarAnimator.SetBool("eating", false);


        case AgentStates.working:

            if(!workUnit.IsOn()){ //darbinsh tiek izsleegts
                CurrentState = AgentStates.idling;
                avatarAnimator.SetBool("working", false);
                workUnit.ReserveWork(false); //padara darbinju pieejamu citiem

            workingFor -= Time.deltaTime;

            if(workingFor < 0){ //buus gana straadaats
                CurrentState = AgentStates.idling;
                avatarAnimator.SetBool("working", false);
                workUnit.ReserveWork(false);//padara darbinju pieejamu citiem

            //visa magjija un progress notiek workunit skriptaa


Exemplo n.º 19
 public string GetTaskString()
Exemplo n.º 20
 public double GetValue(AgentStates stateName)
Exemplo n.º 21
 public bool HasState(AgentStates stateName)
Exemplo n.º 22
    private void Update()
        // At the beginning the agent trust is the same for everyone
        if (_boolStartTrust)
            _boolStartTrust = false;

        //go out or no after x seconde of the currentTarget if there is no energy
        if (_mouvement == AgentMovement.Standby && _currentState == AgentStates.FindingEnergy && PlayerPrefs.GetInt("High") == 1)
            _countDown -= Time.deltaTime;
            bool stayOrNo = MakeAChoiceTrust(50);
            if (_countDown <= 0.0f && stayOrNo == true)
                _currentTarget = MakeAChoiceDirection(_numberOfBatteryByPlace, _previousTarget, _currentTarget);
                _countDown     = _countDownUtilisateur;
            if (_countDown <= 0.0f && stayOrNo == false)
                _countDown = _countDownUtilisateur;

        // Look if the percent of trust is >0 and <100

        // set the mouvement (walk or idle) of the agent

        // List of number of battery seen by the agent by place
        _numberOfBatteryByPlace = _fieldOfView._numberOfbattery;

        _actualInteractionAgent = _fieldOfView._agentMember;

        // Actual agent in the fieldOfview
        if (_actualInteractionAgent != null)
            _currentDialogue = DialogueUpdtate(_currentState, _numberOfBatteryByPlace);

        #region PICKABLE OBJECT
        // Detection of energy in the field of view of the agent
        if ((_fieldOfView._energyFront == true && _currentState == AgentStates.FindingEnergy))
            if (_fieldOfView._ownerCombustible == _code)
                // if the agent enough near of the energy
                if (_fieldOfView._energyPickable == true)
                    _doneHistoric = false;
                    _currentState = AgentStates.TakingEnergy;
                    _currentState = AgentStates.CarryingEnergyToPile;

                    if (_currentTarget != Direction.PileEnergyPoint && _currentTarget != Direction.PileWastePoint)
                        _previousTarget = _currentTarget;
                    _currentTarget = Direction.PileEnergyPoint;
                _canTakeEnergy = 0;

        // Detection of toxic in the field of view of the agent
        if (_fieldOfView._toxicFront == true && _currentState == AgentStates.FindingAcid)
            if (_fieldOfView._ownerCombustible == _code)
                // If the agent enough near of the energy
                if (_fieldOfView._energyPickable == true)
                    _doneHistoric = false;
                    _currentState = AgentStates.TakingAcid;
                    _currentState = AgentStates.CarryingAcidToPile;
                    if (_currentTarget != Direction.PileEnergyPoint && _currentTarget != Direction.PileWastePoint)
                        _previousTarget = _currentTarget;
                    _currentTarget = Direction.PileWastePoint;
                _canTakeEnergy = 0;

        // If nothing in front look for energy or toxic battery
        if ((_fieldOfView._energyFront == false && _currentState == AgentStates.FindingEnergy) ||
            (_fieldOfView._toxicFront == false && _currentState == AgentStates.FindingAcid))
            _canTakeEnergy = 0;

        #region AGENT CHOICE
        // Destination of the agent if he carry nothing
        if (_fieldOfView._currentObjet == null)
            // At the start of the simulation
            if (_currentState == AgentStates.Start)
                _previousTarget = (Direction)_randomDirection;
                _currentTarget  = Direction.PileEnergyPoint;

            // Choice in front of the pile : Go check the need of the different pile
            if (_fieldOfView._pileFront == true && _checkPile == false && (_currentState == AgentStates.PutObject || _currentState == AgentStates.Start))
                _percentOfEnergyPile = _fieldOfView._percentOfEnergy;
                _percentOfWastePile  = _fieldOfView._percentOfWaste;
                _currentState        = MakeAChoiceState(_percentOfEnergyPile, _percentOfWastePile);
                _currentTarget       = MakeAChoiceDirection(_numberOfBatteryByPlace, _previousTarget, _currentTarget);
                _randomDirection = Random.Range(0, 4);
                _checkPile       = true;

            if (_fieldOfView._pileFront == false)
                _checkPile = false;
            //if none agent front
            if (_fieldOfView._agentFront == false)
                _actualInteractionAgent = null;

            // Target if currentState = findingToxic
            if (_currentState == AgentStates.FindingAcid && _doneHistoric == false &&
                _fieldOfView._energyPickable == false && _fieldOfView._currentObjet == null)
                if (_currentTarget != Direction.PileEnergyPoint && _currentTarget != Direction.PileWastePoint)
                    _previousTarget = _currentTarget;
                _currentTarget = Direction.AcidPoint;
                _doneHistoric  = true;

            // If the agent have an interaction with an other agent
            if (_actualInteractionAgent != null)
                // Target if currentState = findingEnergy
                if (_currentState == AgentStates.FindingEnergy && _listenAnOtherAgent[_actualInteractionAgent._code - 1] == true && _doneHistoric == false &&
                    _fieldOfView._energyPickable == false)
                    Direction newTarget = MakeAChoiceDirection(_numberOfBatteryByPlace, _previousTarget, _currentTarget);
                    if (_currentTarget != Direction.PileEnergyPoint && _currentTarget != Direction.PileWastePoint)
                        _previousTarget = _currentTarget;
                    _currentTarget = newTarget;
                    _doneHistoric  = true;

                // If he meet an other agent
                if (_listenAnOtherAgent[_actualInteractionAgent._code - 1] == true && _fieldOfView._agentFront == true && _fieldOfView._agentMember == _actualInteractionAgent &&
                    _currentState != AgentStates.FindingAcid && _currentState != AgentStates.CarryingAcidToPile)
                    // Correspond to the Discussion (enumartion) about presence of battery : HaveManyAtNorth, HaveManyAtSouth, HaveManyAtEast, HaveManyAtWest
                    if ((int)_fieldOfView._agentMemberDialogue >= 0 && (int)_fieldOfView._agentMemberDialogue < 4 && (_currentState == AgentStates.FindingEnergy || _currentDialogue == Discussion.NeedFindEnergy))
                        Direction precedentchoiceTarget = _currentTarget;
                        _actualInteractionAgent = _fieldOfView._agentMember;
                        IndexOfAgentTrust(_actualInteractionAgent); // Attribute the value to actualAgentTrust

                        if ((int)_fieldOfView._agentMemberDialogue != (int)_currentTarget)
                            Direction newTarget = MakeAChoice(precedentchoiceTarget, _fieldOfView._agentMemberDialogue, _agentsList[System.Array.IndexOf(_agentsList.ToArray(), _actualAgentTrust)]._trust);

                            if (newTarget != precedentchoiceTarget)
                                if (precedentchoiceTarget != Direction.PileEnergyPoint && precedentchoiceTarget != Direction.PileWastePoint)
                                    _previousTarget = _currentTarget;
                                _currentTarget = newTarget;
                                _agentsList[System.Array.IndexOf(_agentsList.ToArray(), _actualAgentTrust)]._trust += _fluctuationTrust;
                                _agentsList[System.Array.IndexOf(_agentsList.ToArray(), _actualAgentTrust)]._trust -= _fluctuationTrust;
                        if ((int)_fieldOfView._agentMemberDialogue == (int)_currentTarget)
                            _agentsList[System.Array.IndexOf(_agentsList.ToArray(), _actualAgentTrust)]._trust += _fluctuationTrust;
                        _actualInteractionAgent = null;
                    // Correspond to the Discussion (enumartion) about no presence of battery :  DonthaveManyAtEast, DonthaveManyAtNorth, DonthaveManyAtWest, DonthaveManyAtSouth
                    // Caution -4 it is in order to have the same correspondance according the AgentBhavior (North, south,...)
                    if ((int)_fieldOfView._agentMemberDialogue >= 4 && (int)_fieldOfView._agentMemberDialogue <= 7 && _currentState == AgentStates.FindingEnergy)
                        Direction precedentchoiceTarget = _currentTarget;
                        _actualInteractionAgent = _fieldOfView._agentMember;
                        IndexOfAgentTrust(_actualInteractionAgent); // Attribute the value to actualAgentTrust

                        if ((int)_fieldOfView._agentMemberDialogue - 4 == (int)_currentTarget &&
                            MakeAChoiceTrust(_agentsList[System.Array.IndexOf(_agentsList.ToArray(), _actualAgentTrust)]._trust) == true)
                            _numberOfBatteryByPlace[(int)_currentTarget] = 0;
                            Direction newTarget = MakeAChoiceDirection(_numberOfBatteryByPlace, _previousTarget, _currentTarget);
                            if (precedentchoiceTarget != Direction.PileEnergyPoint && precedentchoiceTarget != Direction.PileWastePoint)
                                _previousTarget = _currentTarget;
                            _currentTarget = newTarget;
                            _agentsList[System.Array.IndexOf(_agentsList.ToArray(), _actualAgentTrust)]._trust += _fluctuationTrust;
                        if (MakeAChoiceTrust(_agentsList[System.Array.IndexOf(_agentsList.ToArray(), _actualAgentTrust)]._trust) == false)
                            _currentTarget = precedentchoiceTarget;
                            _agentsList[System.Array.IndexOf(_agentsList.ToArray(), _actualAgentTrust)]._trust -= _fluctuationTrust;
                        _actualInteractionAgent = null;

            // Animation and  destination if currentState != GoToPileEnergy and GoToPileToxic
            if (_currentState != AgentStates.CarryingEnergyToPile && _currentState != AgentStates.CarryingAcidToPile)

        // Destination of the agent if he carry something (Toxic/Energy)
        if (_fieldOfView._currentObjet != null && _currentState == AgentStates.FindingEnergy &&
            _fieldOfView._energyPickable == true && _fieldOfView._ownerCombustible == _code)
            _currentState = AgentStates.CarryingEnergyToPile;
            if ((_currentTarget != Direction.PileEnergyPoint && _currentTarget != Direction.PileWastePoint) && _doneHistoric == false)
                _previousTarget = _currentTarget;
                _doneHistoric   = true;
            _currentTarget = Direction.PileEnergyPoint;

        if (_fieldOfView._currentObjet != null && _currentState == AgentStates.FindingAcid &&
            _fieldOfView._energyPickable == true && _fieldOfView._ownerCombustible == _code && _currentTarget == Direction.AcidPoint)
            _currentState = AgentStates.CarryingAcidToPile;
            if ((_currentTarget != Direction.PileEnergyPoint && _currentTarget != Direction.PileWastePoint) && _doneHistoric == false)
                _previousTarget = _currentTarget;
                _doneHistoric   = true;
            _currentTarget = Direction.PileWastePoint;
Exemplo n.º 23
 public void RemoveState(AgentStates stateName)
Exemplo n.º 24
     * zemaakaa FMS  - ruupeeejaas par ieshanu, roteeshanu un kaapshanu uz naakamo punktu atrastajaa celjaa
    private void moveAbout()
        if(!nextRouteNodeIsSet) { //nav dabuut naakamais solis
         //   print ("njem naakamo virsotni  lastRoute.Count = "  + lastRoute.Count);
            if(actualRoute != null && actualRoute.Count > 0) { //bet ir veel celjsh priekhsaa
                nextRouteNodeIsSet = true;
                nextRouteNode = actualRoute[actualRoute.Count - 1]; //POP 2 soljos :/
                actualRoute.RemoveAt(actualRoute.Count - 1);
                //print ("panjeema naakamo virsotni");
                //lieku iet un griezties uz naakamo punktu

                if(Mathf.Round(nextRouteNode.y) != Mathf.Round(destinationNode.y)) { //buus jaakaapj pa kaapneem uz citu staavu
                    isScaling = true;
                } else { // naakamais punkts atrodas tajaa pashaa staavaa
                    isWalking = true;

                isTurning = true;
                destinationNode = new Vector3(nextRouteNode.x, nextRouteNode.y, nextRouteNode.z);
                avatarAnimator.SetBool("fast", true);

            } else {
                if(CurrentState == AgentStates.traveling) { //nomaina staavokli lielajaa FSM - ka  esam sasniegushi galapunktu
                    CurrentState = AgentStates.arriving;
                    //print ("ieshana beigusies ? esam klaat ? ");


        //print("destinationNode" + destinationNode + " turning: " + isTurning +  " walking: " +  isWalking + " isScaling: " + isScaling);

        //griezhas pret meerkji (kameer nav pagriezies) | griezhas tikai pa Y asi (personaazhs staav uz x z plaknes )
        if(isTurning) {
            float y = transform.position.y;
            float z = transform.position.z; //joka peec nofiksees arii z parametru
            Vector3 a = new Vector3(destinationNode.x, y, z);
            Vector3 b = new Vector3(transform.position.x, y, z);

            if(Vector3.Distance(a, b) > 0.01) { // zhigli apaskatiishos vai a un b punkti nav viens un tas pats (ja ir, tad nav vajadziibas griezties un kvaternionu reekjinaataajs ir verni dusmiigs, ja prasu lenjkji starp 2 identiskiem vektoriem)

                Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(a - b, Vector3.up);
                if(Quaternion.Angle(targetRotation, transform.rotation) < 10f) { //gandriiz jau ir pagriezies
                    transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, targetRotation, 100);  //atlikushos graadus norotee uzreiz
                    //print ("vairs negriezhas");
                    isTurning = false;

                } else {
                    //print ("griezhas");
                    transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, targetRotation, Time.deltaTime * turningSpeed);

            } else {
                isTurning = false;

        if(isWalking && !isTurning) { //ies tikai, ja buus  pagriezies pareizajaa virzienaa (citaadi rodas bezgaliiga groziishanaas)

            //uzskatu, ka ir atnaacis mirklii, kad saak iet iet prom: punkts uz kuru jaapaariet sahajaa kadraa ir taalaak no meerkja, nekaa pashreizeejaa lokaacija  |  shii metode ir visizturigaakaa pret FPS piikjiem
            Vector3 newpos = transform.position + transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward) * speed * Time.deltaTime; //punkts uz kuru shajaa kadraa paarvietoties
            if(Vector3.Distance(transform.position, destinationNode) < Vector3.Distance(newpos, destinationNode)) {// grib attaalinaaties
                isWalking = false;
                nextRouteNodeIsSet = false;
                avatarAnimator.SetBool("fast", false);
                transform.position = destinationNode; //ir atnaacis
            } else {
                transform.position = newpos; //iet


        if(isScaling) {

         //   print ("scaling distance " + Vector3.Distance(transform.position, destinationNode) + " = "  + transform.position + " + " +  destinationNode );

            float a = Mathf.Abs(transform.position.y);
            float b = Mathf.Abs(destinationNode.y);
            if(  Mathf.Max(a,b) - Mathf.Min(a,b)  < 0.05f) { ///ja shvaks freimreits, tad var paskriet garaam, ja rodas shii probleema, vajag skatiities arii virzienu - ja attaalinaas no meerkja, tad automaatiski => atrodas uz meerkja
                isScaling = false;
                nextRouteNodeIsSet = false;
                transform.position = destinationNode; //ir atnaacis
                avatarAnimator.SetBool("fast", false);
            } else {
                Vector3 direction; //taa kaa varonis negriezhas un augshu/leju, tad man manuaali jaapadod virzien, kuraa gribu, lai vinsh kaapj
                if(destinationNode.y > transform.position.y) {
                    direction = Vector3.up;
                } else {
                    direction = Vector3.down;

                transform.position = transform.position + transform.TransformDirection(direction) * speed * Time.deltaTime;

Exemplo n.º 25
 public void UpdateState(AgentStates basicState, int i)
     States[basicState] = i;
Exemplo n.º 26
 public string GetStatusString()