Beispiel #1
 private void Start()
     foreach (GameObject agentOther in GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("agent"))
         _numberOfAgent += 1;
     _listenAnOtherAgent = new bool[_numberOfAgent];
     _agent                  = GetComponent(typeof(NavMeshAgent)) as NavMeshAgent;
     _code                   = PRE_CODE + 1;
     _currentState           = AgentStates.Start;
     PRE_CODE                = _code;
     _animator               = GetComponent <Animator>();
     _camera.enabled         = false;
     _canvas.enabled         = false;
     _boolStartTrust         = true;
     _checkPile              = false;
     _currentDialogue        = Discussion.NothingToSay;
     _randomDirection        = Random.Range(0, 4);
     _numberOfBatteryByPlace = new int[4];
     _actualInteractionAgent = null;
     _doneHistoric           = false;
     if (_fluctuationTrust > 10 && _fluctuationTrust < 0)
         _fluctuationTrust = 5;
     _countDown = _countDownUtilisateur;
 // Use this for initialization
 void Awake()
     _states             = GetComponent <AgentStates> ();
     _inventory          = GetComponent <AgentInventory> ();
     _pheromonePlacement = GetComponent <AntPheromonePlacement> ();
     _navHelper          = GetComponent <NavAgentHelper> ();
        private void ExecuteSaveAgentStateCommand(object obj)
            AgentProgressInfo = string.Format("Saving Agent States...");
            ShowAll           = Visibility.Collapsed;
            ShowAgentProgress = Visibility.Visible;
            AgentVisibility   = Visibility.Collapsed;

            System.Threading.Tasks.Task.Factory.StartNew(() =>
                Hide.Name = HideOrDisable.ToString();

                Hide.Description = string.Empty;
                ExecuteSaveScreentSettings(new object());
            }).ContinueWith((wait) =>
                ShowAgentProgress = Visibility.Collapsed;
                AgentVisibility   = Visibility.Visible;
                ShowAll           = Visibility.Visible;
 protected void SwitchState(AgentStates newState)
     previousState = this.state;
     state         = newState;
    private void AssignTask(Vector3 position)
        EAntTasks task;

        // Choose task to assing
        if (pheromoneType == EPheromoneTypes.Food)
            task = EAntTasks.HarvestFood;
        else if (pheromoneType == EPheromoneTypes.Attack)
            task = EAntTasks.Attack;

        Collider[] targetedColliders = Physics.OverlapSphere(position, 0.5f, agentLayerMask);

        foreach (Collider collider in targetedColliders)
            AgentStates antStates = collider.GetComponent <AgentStates>();

            if (antStates)
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        navHelper = GetComponent <NavAgentHelper> ();
        state     = GetComponent <AgentStates> ();
        inventory = GetComponent <AgentInventory> ();
        agentBase = GameObject.FindWithTag("AntHill");

        _resourceManager = FindObjectOfType(typeof(ResourceManager)) as ResourceManager;
Beispiel #7
    // Use this for initialization
    void Awake()
        _attack             = GetComponent <Attack> ();
        _states             = GetComponent <AgentStates> ();
        _pheromonePlacement = GetComponent <AntPheromonePlacement> ();
        _navHelper          = GetComponent <NavAgentHelper> ();

        _randomRadius = _attack.GetAttackRadius();
    void Awake()
        _navHelper = GetComponent <NavAgentHelper> ();
        _states    = GetComponent <AgentStates> ();

        // Create dicts and sets for newarby pheromones.
        _nearbyPheromones = new Dictionary <EPheromoneTypes, HashSet <Pheromone> >();
        _nearbyPheromones [EPheromoneTypes.Food]      = new HashSet <Pheromone> ();
        _nearbyPheromones [EPheromoneTypes.Attack]    = new HashSet <Pheromone> ();
        _nearbyPheromones [EPheromoneTypes.Repellant] = new HashSet <Pheromone> ();

        _agentConfiguration = FindObjectOfType(typeof(GlobalAgentConfiguration)) as GlobalAgentConfiguration;
 private void UpdateTabItem(int index)
     if (index == 1)
         tempAgents.ToList().ForEach(x => { if (!x.DefaultName.Equals("Buttons"))
         Hide          = tempAgents.FirstOrDefault(p => p.DefaultName == "Buttons");
         HideOrDisable = Hide.Name.Equals("true", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) ? true : false;
Beispiel #10
 public void IncrementState(AgentStates stateName, int increaseBy)
     if (States.ContainsKey(stateName))
         States[stateName] += increaseBy;
         if (States[stateName] <= 0)
         States.Add(stateName, increaseBy);
Beispiel #11
    // Generate dialogue according of the need of the other agent
    public Discussion DialogueUpdtate(AgentStates stateAgent, int[] list)
        int maxValue = Mathf.Max(list);

        Direction   friendTarget   = _fieldOfView._agentMemberTarget;
        Discussion  friendDialogue = _fieldOfView._agentMemberDialogue;
        AgentStates friendState    = _fieldOfView._agentMemberState;

        if (stateAgent == AgentStates.Start || stateAgent == AgentStates.PutObject)
        if ((friendState == AgentStates.FindingEnergy || friendDialogue == Discussion.NeedFindEnergy) ||
            (_currentState == AgentStates.CarryingAcidToPile || _currentState == AgentStates.CarryingEnergyToPile) &&
            maxValue >= 1)
            if ((_previousTarget == friendTarget || _currentTarget == friendTarget) && (int)friendTarget < 4)
                if (list[(int)friendTarget] >= 1)
                    return((Discussion)(friendTarget + 4)); // Correspond of the no presence of battery in this point
                if (maxValue >= 1)
                    return((Discussion)System.Array.IndexOf(list, maxValue));
                    return((Discussion)_previousTarget + 4); // Correwpond of the no presence of battery in this point
        if (_fieldOfView._currentObjet == null && maxValue == 0 && stateAgent == AgentStates.FindingEnergy)
            return(Discussion.NothingToSay); // If the agent have no historic about the place
Beispiel #12
    // Make a choice of Objectif (State) when he see the two pile
    public AgentStates MakeAChoiceState(float percentOfEnergy, float percentOfToxic)
        float proba = Random.Range(0f, 1f);

        if (percentOfEnergy >= 0 && percentOfEnergy <= 99 && percentOfToxic <= 20)
            AgentStates state = AgentStates.FindingEnergy;
        if (percentOfEnergy <= 10)
            AgentStates state = AgentStates.FindingEnergy;
        if (percentOfEnergy >= 0 && percentOfEnergy <= 99 && percentOfToxic > 20 && percentOfToxic < 70)
            if (proba >= 0.6f)
                AgentStates state = AgentStates.FindingAcid;
            if (proba < 0.6f)
                AgentStates state = AgentStates.FindingEnergy;
        if (percentOfToxic >= 70)
            AgentStates state = AgentStates.FindingAcid;
            if (proba >= 0.5f)
                AgentStates state = AgentStates.FindingAcid;
                AgentStates state = AgentStates.FindingEnergy;
Beispiel #13
 // Agent animation manager
 public void AnimationMove(AgentStates agentStates)
     if (_mouvement == AgentMovement.Standby && _currentState == AgentStates.FindingEnergy)
         _animator.SetBool("walk", false);
         if (agentStates == AgentStates.FindingEnergy || agentStates == AgentStates.FindingAcid ||
             agentStates == AgentStates.Start || agentStates == AgentStates.CarryingEnergyToPile || agentStates == AgentStates.CarryingAcidToPile)
             _animator.SetBool("walk", true);
         if (agentStates == AgentStates.TakingEnergy || agentStates == AgentStates.TakingAcid)
Beispiel #14
    void OnTriggerEnter(Collider col)
        // Allow to check the number of battery in the zone
        if ( == "EastInformationBox")
            _numberOfbattery[(int)Direction.EastPoint] = col.GetComponent <SpawnListener>().numberOfPile;
        if ( == "NorthInformationBox")
            _numberOfbattery[(int)Direction.NorthPoint] = col.GetComponent <SpawnListener>().numberOfPile;
        if ( == "SouthInformationBox")
            _numberOfbattery[(int)Direction.SouthPoint] = col.GetComponent <SpawnListener>().numberOfPile;
        if ( == "WestInformationBox")
            _numberOfbattery[(int)Direction.WestPoint] = col.GetComponent <SpawnListener>().numberOfPile;

        if ( == "EnergyCoil(Clone)" && _owner._currentState == AgentStates.FindingEnergy && _owner._canTakeEnergy == 0)
            // Look roughly the number of pile there are in the area if there are many or not( A VOIR PLUS TARD!!!)
            _battery = col.GetComponent <PickableEnergy>();

            // If the energy enter in the field of view
            if (_battery._hasPlayer == false)
                _energyFront  = true;
                _currentObjet = col.gameObject;
                _position     = col.transform;
                _identifiant  = _battery._idEnergy;

        // If the toxic enter in the field of view
        if ( == "Toxic(Clone)" && _owner._currentState == AgentStates.FindingAcid && _owner._canTakeEnergy == 0)
            _battery = col.GetComponent <PickableEnergy>();
            if (_battery._hasPlayer == false)
                _toxicFront   = true;
                _currentObjet = col.gameObject;
                _position     = col.transform;
                _identifiant  = _battery._idEnergy;

        // If the box Energy enter in the field of view
        if ( == "EnergyBoxEnterAgent")
            if (_currentObjet != null && == "EnergyCoil(Clone)")

        // If the box Waste enter in the field of view
        if ( == "WasteBoxEnterAgent")
            if (_currentObjet != null && == "Toxic(Clone)")

        // If the box informationBox enter in the field of view
        if ( == "PileInformationBox")
            _percentOfEnergy = col.GetComponent <InformationPiles>()._energyRate;
            _percentOfWaste  = col.GetComponent <InformationPiles>()._toxicRate;
            _pileFront       = true;

        // If an agent enter in the field of view
        if (col.gameObject.tag == "agent")
            _agentFront  = true;
            _agentMember = col.GetComponent <Agent>();
            if (_agentMember._code != _owner._code && _agentFront == true)
                _agentMemberDialogue = _agentMember._currentDialogue;
                _agentMemberState    = _agentMember._currentState;
                _agentMemberTarget   = _agentMember._currentTarget;

        // Check if the Agent Friend is near enough to consider if he is front of him or not
        if (_agentMember != null)
            if (Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(_agentMember.transform.position.x, _agentMember.transform.position.z), new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.z)) > 2.2)
                _agentFront = false;
            if (Vector2.Distance(new Vector2(_agentMember.transform.position.x, _agentMember.transform.position.z), new Vector2(transform.position.x, transform.position.z)) <= 2.2)
                _agentFront = true;
Beispiel #15
 public SubGoal(AgentStates action, int importance, bool removeable)
     sgoal = new Dictionary <AgentStates, int>();
     sgoal.Add(action, importance);
     remove = removeable;
Beispiel #16
 // When the agent is near enough to take the objet
 public void TakeObject(AgentStates state)
Beispiel #17
 public void AddState(AgentStates stateName, int value)
     States.Add(stateName, value);
Beispiel #18
     * globaalaas uzvediibas FSM (finite-state-machine)
     * @todo -- stack baased ? ---paartaisiishu, ja atradiishu vismaz 12 iemeslus
    private void thinkAbout()
        Room room = null;

        switch(CurrentState) {
        case AgentStates.idling:
            isCraving = -1; //nemeklee nekaadu resursu
            workUnit = null;

            int numResourceShortages = Needs.Shortage.Count(c => c); // ezoteeriskaa veidaa izskaita cik ir TRUE shajaa masiivaa - tik mums ir resursu, kas iet uz galu un jaaiet tos papildinaat
            if(numResourceShortages > 0){ //meklees sev resursus
                CurrentState = AgentStates.choosingResourceDestination;

            } else if(idlingFor > 0){ //pagaidiis bezdarbiibaa

                idlingFor -= Time.deltaTime;
                //bodyAnimator.SetBool("waving", true);

            } else if(workManagerScript.IsThereWorkAvailable()) { //ir kaads darbinsh pieejams
            //    print("ir kaads darbinsh");
                CurrentState = AgentStates.choosingWorkDestination;

            } else { //ja nav jaameklee resursus, tad izveeleesies nejaushu galapunktu un tur pagaidiis
                CurrentState = AgentStates.choosingRandomDestination;
                idlingFor = Random.Range(1, 3);
                //bodyAnimator.SetBool("waving", false);

               // print("STATE:idling + choseRND");
        case AgentStates.choosingRandomDestination:

            room = levelscript.roomWhereIcanDoThis(-1); //dabuus nejaushu telpa

            if(room != null) {
                Vector2 rc = levelscript.randomCubeInThisRoom(room); //randomcube - nejaushss kubiks atrastajaa telpaa
                if(GoThere(rc.x, rc.y) == -1){ // kljuuda - agjents neatrodas uz grida
                    CurrentState = AgentStates.offTheGrid;

             //   print("rooom "  + Mathf.RoundToInt(room.transform.position.x) + ", " + Mathf.RoundToInt(room.transform.position.y) + "randCube "  + Mathf.RoundToInt(rc.x) + ", " + Mathf.RoundToInt(rc.y));
              // print("RANDrooom "  + (room.transform.position.x) + ", " + (room.transform.position.y) + "   RANDcube "  + (rc.x) + ", " + (rc.y));

                CurrentState = AgentStates.traveling;
            } else {
                CurrentState = AgentStates.idling; //nav pat 1 nejaushas telpas, nu tad neko - turpina gaidiit

        case AgentStates.choosingResourceDestination:
            //jaaatrod TUVAAKAA telpa, kas apmierina vajadziibu peec resursa

            for(int need = 0; need < AgentNeeds.numTypes; need++) { //iet cauri visaam agjentvajadziibaam
                if(Needs.Shortage[need]){ //shis resurss truukst, to ir jaaiet mekleet | pirmaas vajadziibas ir svariigaakas (jo taas apskata sekvencionaali, varbuut vajag randomizeet seciibu ikreizi ?)

                    room = levelscript.roomWhereIcanDoThis(need);
                    if(room != null){ //ir atrasta sho vajadziibu apmierinosha telpa
                        isCraving = need; //pieseivos kuru vajadziibu ies apmierinaat - lai zinaatu, ka jaait prom, tikliidz TAA ir apmierinaata
                        break; //neapskata paareejaas vajadziibas

            if(room != null){  //jaaiet uz atrasto telpu
                Vector2 rc = levelscript.randomCubeInThisRoom(room); //randomcube - nejaushss kubiks atrastajaa telpaa
                if(GoThere(rc.x, rc.y) == -1){ // kljuuda - agjents neatrodas uz grida
                    CurrentState = AgentStates.offTheGrid;
                CurrentState = AgentStates.traveling;
               // print("atrada  " + rc.x + ","  + rc.y);
            } else {
                CurrentState = AgentStates.idling; //neko neatrada - jaaiet neko nedariit
              //  print("neatrada");

           // print("STATE:choosingResourceDestination craving=" + isCraving);
        case AgentStates.choosingWorkDestination:
            //print("STATE:choosingWorkDestination ");

            workUnit = null;

                workUnit = workManagerScript.GetWork(this);
                if(workUnit != null){

                    if(GoThere(workUnit.BestPositionToStandWhileWorking.x, workUnit.BestPositionToStandWhileWorking.y) == -1){ // iet uz noraadiito darbavietu (ja -1 tad Agjents neatrodas uz grida, jaaiet sho glaabt)
                        CurrentState = AgentStates.offTheGrid;

                    CurrentState = AgentStates.traveling;

                 //   print("ir straadaashana " + workUnit + "  @" + workUnit.parentGameobject.transform + "  bestPOS " + workUnit.BestPositionToStandWhileWorking);

                } else { //nav neviena briiva,pieejama darbinja
                    CurrentState = AgentStates.idling;

            } catch(System.Exception e) { // kjer pathfinding iznjeemumu, ka agjents nemaz neatrodas uz grida
                if(e.Message == "not-on-a-grid"){
                    CurrentState = AgentStates.offTheGrid; //agjents ies glaabties



        case AgentStates.traveling:
            // print("STATE:traveling");
            //kad agjents buus nonaacis galaa, tad vinja staavokli nomainiis moveAbout() metodee nevis sheit; nomainiis uz "arriving"

        case AgentStates.offTheGrid:
            //neatrodas uz navgrida, jaaatrod tuvaakais navgridaa esoshais punts un jaaevakueejas taa virzienaa

            if(offTheGridFor > 0){ //pagaidiis kaadu laicinju, lai neceptu procesoru
                offTheGridFor -= Time.deltaTime;

            if(levelscript.Navgrid.Count > 0){ //ja ir navgridaa punkti, kur mukt
                //print ("provees tikt uz celja");
                Vector2 closestPoint = new Vector2(0,0);
                float closestDistance = -1;
                float x = transform.position.x;
                float y = transform.position.y;

                foreach(KeyValuePair<Vector4, float> p in levelscript.Navgrid) {
                    if(p.Key.y == y){ //meklee tuvaakos punkts tikai shajaa staavaa
                        float d = levelscript.MapDistanceBetweenPoints(p.Key.x,p.Key.y,x,y);//cik taalu shis navgrida punkts no agjenta
                        if(closestDistance == -1 || d < closestDistance){
                            closestPoint = new Vector2(p.Key.x,p.Key.y); //shis ir tuvaakais navgrida punkts
                            closestDistance = d;

                if(closestDistance > -1){
                //    print("atradaam kaadu punktu, kur glaabties");
                    destinationNode = closestPoint;
                    actualRoute.Add(closestPoint); //manuaali izveidoju celju (stur tikai 1 punktu - kur skrienu glaabties)
                    CurrentState = AgentStates.traveling; //peec ieshanas automaatiski staavoklis buus IDLING
                    avatarAnimator.SetBool("fast", true); //manuaalie iesaaku animaaciju
                    //print(x + "," + y + " -> " + closestPoint);
                } else {
                  //  print("NEatradaam nevienu punktu, kur glaabties");
                    offTheGridFor = 3; //3 sekundes pagaidiis, liidz meegjinaas atkal, varbuut tad buuus kaut kas uzbuuveets

        case AgentStates.arriving:

            if(workUnit != null){ //te ieradies darba dariishanaas
             //   print("ieradies straaadaaat");
                workingFor = Random.Range(2,5); //dazhas sekundes pastraadaas
                avatarAnimator.SetBool("working", true);
                CurrentState = AgentStates.working;

                break; //break case

            } else if(isCraving >= 0){//sheit ieradies apmierinaat kaadu vajadziibu

                room = levelscript.roomAtThisPosition(transform.position.x,transform.position.y);  //null vai telpa

                if(room == null){ //atnaacis, bet neatrodas telpaa, hmmm
                    CurrentState = AgentStates.idling;
                 //   print("iatnaacis, bet neatrodas telpaa, hmmm");
                } else { //viss kaartiibaa ir telpaa

                    bool roomIsProviding = false;
                    for(int need = 0; need < AgentNeeds.numTypes; need++) { //iet cauri visaam agjentvajadziibaam
                        if(Needs.Shortage[need]){ //shis resurss truukst
                            if(room.AgentNeedsGeneration[need] > 0){ //telpa dod sho resursu
                                roomIsProviding = true;

                    if(roomIsProviding){ //telpa deriiga, saakam eest
                      //  print("telpa deriiga, saakam eest");
                        currentRoom = room; //piekesho telpu, kur atnaacis
                        CurrentState = AgentStates.consumingResource;
                    } else { //telpa neko nedod
                        //print("telpa neko nedod");
                        CurrentState = AgentStates.idling;


            }  else if(isCraving == -1){ //ir bezmeerkjiigi ieradies
                CurrentState = AgentStates.idling;
                break; //break case

        case AgentStates.consumingResource:
            // currentRoom -- tikai sheit droshi varu lietot sho mainiigo, jo tas ir uzsists ieprieksheejaa kadraa vieniigajaa IFaa, kas ved uz shejieni

            for(int need = 0; need < AgentNeeds.numTypes; need++) { //iet cauri visaam agjentvajadziibaam

                avatarAnimator.SetBool("eating", true); //pagaidaam ir tikai 1 teereeshanas animaacija - eeshana, visus resursus pateeree eedot - arii miedzinju XD

                Needs.Reserve[need] += currentRoom.AgentNeedsGeneration[need] * Time.deltaTime; //eed visus resursus (kas ir 0 vai pozitiivs skaitlis)

                if(Needs.Reserve[need] > Needs.Max[need]){ //neljauj paareesties, ierobesho maximumu
                    Needs.Reserve[need] = Needs.Max[need];

                if(Needs.Reserve[isCraving] == Needs.Max[isCraving]){ // vajadziiba, kuras deelj naaca uz sho telpu, ir apmierinaata
                    CurrentState = AgentStates.idling;
                    avatarAnimator.SetBool("eating", false);


        case AgentStates.working:

            if(!workUnit.IsOn()){ //darbinsh tiek izsleegts
                CurrentState = AgentStates.idling;
                avatarAnimator.SetBool("working", false);
                workUnit.ReserveWork(false); //padara darbinju pieejamu citiem

            workingFor -= Time.deltaTime;

            if(workingFor < 0){ //buus gana straadaats
                CurrentState = AgentStates.idling;
                avatarAnimator.SetBool("working", false);
                workUnit.ReserveWork(false);//padara darbinju pieejamu citiem

            //visa magjija un progress notiek workunit skriptaa


Beispiel #19
 public string GetTaskString()
Beispiel #20
 public double GetValue(AgentStates stateName)
Beispiel #21
 public bool HasState(AgentStates stateName)
Beispiel #22
    private void Update()
        // At the beginning the agent trust is the same for everyone
        if (_boolStartTrust)
            _boolStartTrust = false;

        //go out or no after x seconde of the currentTarget if there is no energy
        if (_mouvement == AgentMovement.Standby && _currentState == AgentStates.FindingEnergy && PlayerPrefs.GetInt("High") == 1)
            _countDown -= Time.deltaTime;
            bool stayOrNo = MakeAChoiceTrust(50);
            if (_countDown <= 0.0f && stayOrNo == true)
                _currentTarget = MakeAChoiceDirection(_numberOfBatteryByPlace, _previousTarget, _currentTarget);
                _countDown     = _countDownUtilisateur;
            if (_countDown <= 0.0f && stayOrNo == false)
                _countDown = _countDownUtilisateur;

        // Look if the percent of trust is >0 and <100

        // set the mouvement (walk or idle) of the agent

        // List of number of battery seen by the agent by place
        _numberOfBatteryByPlace = _fieldOfView._numberOfbattery;

        _actualInteractionAgent = _fieldOfView._agentMember;

        // Actual agent in the fieldOfview
        if (_actualInteractionAgent != null)
            _currentDialogue = DialogueUpdtate(_currentState, _numberOfBatteryByPlace);

        #region PICKABLE OBJECT
        // Detection of energy in the field of view of the agent
        if ((_fieldOfView._energyFront == true && _currentState == AgentStates.FindingEnergy))
            if (_fieldOfView._ownerCombustible == _code)
                // if the agent enough near of the energy
                if (_fieldOfView._energyPickable == true)
                    _doneHistoric = false;
                    _currentState = AgentStates.TakingEnergy;
                    _currentState = AgentStates.CarryingEnergyToPile;

                    if (_currentTarget != Direction.PileEnergyPoint && _currentTarget != Direction.PileWastePoint)
                        _previousTarget = _currentTarget;
                    _currentTarget = Direction.PileEnergyPoint;
                _canTakeEnergy = 0;

        // Detection of toxic in the field of view of the agent
        if (_fieldOfView._toxicFront == true && _currentState == AgentStates.FindingAcid)
            if (_fieldOfView._ownerCombustible == _code)
                // If the agent enough near of the energy
                if (_fieldOfView._energyPickable == true)
                    _doneHistoric = false;
                    _currentState = AgentStates.TakingAcid;
                    _currentState = AgentStates.CarryingAcidToPile;
                    if (_currentTarget != Direction.PileEnergyPoint && _currentTarget != Direction.PileWastePoint)
                        _previousTarget = _currentTarget;
                    _currentTarget = Direction.PileWastePoint;
                _canTakeEnergy = 0;

        // If nothing in front look for energy or toxic battery
        if ((_fieldOfView._energyFront == false && _currentState == AgentStates.FindingEnergy) ||
            (_fieldOfView._toxicFront == false && _currentState == AgentStates.FindingAcid))
            _canTakeEnergy = 0;

        #region AGENT CHOICE
        // Destination of the agent if he carry nothing
        if (_fieldOfView._currentObjet == null)
            // At the start of the simulation
            if (_currentState == AgentStates.Start)
                _previousTarget = (Direction)_randomDirection;
                _currentTarget  = Direction.PileEnergyPoint;

            // Choice in front of the pile : Go check the need of the different pile
            if (_fieldOfView._pileFront == true && _checkPile == false && (_currentState == AgentStates.PutObject || _currentState == AgentStates.Start))
                _percentOfEnergyPile = _fieldOfView._percentOfEnergy;
                _percentOfWastePile  = _fieldOfView._percentOfWaste;
                _currentState        = MakeAChoiceState(_percentOfEnergyPile, _percentOfWastePile);
                _currentTarget       = MakeAChoiceDirection(_numberOfBatteryByPlace, _previousTarget, _currentTarget);
                _randomDirection = Random.Range(0, 4);
                _checkPile       = true;

            if (_fieldOfView._pileFront == false)
                _checkPile = false;
            //if none agent front
            if (_fieldOfView._agentFront == false)
                _actualInteractionAgent = null;

            // Target if currentState = findingToxic
            if (_currentState == AgentStates.FindingAcid && _doneHistoric == false &&
                _fieldOfView._energyPickable == false && _fieldOfView._currentObjet == null)
                if (_currentTarget != Direction.PileEnergyPoint && _currentTarget != Direction.PileWastePoint)
                    _previousTarget = _currentTarget;
                _currentTarget = Direction.AcidPoint;
                _doneHistoric  = true;

            // If the agent have an interaction with an other agent
            if (_actualInteractionAgent != null)
                // Target if currentState = findingEnergy
                if (_currentState == AgentStates.FindingEnergy && _listenAnOtherAgent[_actualInteractionAgent._code - 1] == true && _doneHistoric == false &&
                    _fieldOfView._energyPickable == false)
                    Direction newTarget = MakeAChoiceDirection(_numberOfBatteryByPlace, _previousTarget, _currentTarget);
                    if (_currentTarget != Direction.PileEnergyPoint && _currentTarget != Direction.PileWastePoint)
                        _previousTarget = _currentTarget;
                    _currentTarget = newTarget;
                    _doneHistoric  = true;

                // If he meet an other agent
                if (_listenAnOtherAgent[_actualInteractionAgent._code - 1] == true && _fieldOfView._agentFront == true && _fieldOfView._agentMember == _actualInteractionAgent &&
                    _currentState != AgentStates.FindingAcid && _currentState != AgentStates.CarryingAcidToPile)
                    // Correspond to the Discussion (enumartion) about presence of battery : HaveManyAtNorth, HaveManyAtSouth, HaveManyAtEast, HaveManyAtWest
                    if ((int)_fieldOfView._agentMemberDialogue >= 0 && (int)_fieldOfView._agentMemberDialogue < 4 && (_currentState == AgentStates.FindingEnergy || _currentDialogue == Discussion.NeedFindEnergy))
                        Direction precedentchoiceTarget = _currentTarget;
                        _actualInteractionAgent = _fieldOfView._agentMember;
                        IndexOfAgentTrust(_actualInteractionAgent); // Attribute the value to actualAgentTrust

                        if ((int)_fieldOfView._agentMemberDialogue != (int)_currentTarget)
                            Direction newTarget = MakeAChoice(precedentchoiceTarget, _fieldOfView._agentMemberDialogue, _agentsList[System.Array.IndexOf(_agentsList.ToArray(), _actualAgentTrust)]._trust);

                            if (newTarget != precedentchoiceTarget)
                                if (precedentchoiceTarget != Direction.PileEnergyPoint && precedentchoiceTarget != Direction.PileWastePoint)
                                    _previousTarget = _currentTarget;
                                _currentTarget = newTarget;
                                _agentsList[System.Array.IndexOf(_agentsList.ToArray(), _actualAgentTrust)]._trust += _fluctuationTrust;
                                _agentsList[System.Array.IndexOf(_agentsList.ToArray(), _actualAgentTrust)]._trust -= _fluctuationTrust;
                        if ((int)_fieldOfView._agentMemberDialogue == (int)_currentTarget)
                            _agentsList[System.Array.IndexOf(_agentsList.ToArray(), _actualAgentTrust)]._trust += _fluctuationTrust;
                        _actualInteractionAgent = null;
                    // Correspond to the Discussion (enumartion) about no presence of battery :  DonthaveManyAtEast, DonthaveManyAtNorth, DonthaveManyAtWest, DonthaveManyAtSouth
                    // Caution -4 it is in order to have the same correspondance according the AgentBhavior (North, south,...)
                    if ((int)_fieldOfView._agentMemberDialogue >= 4 && (int)_fieldOfView._agentMemberDialogue <= 7 && _currentState == AgentStates.FindingEnergy)
                        Direction precedentchoiceTarget = _currentTarget;
                        _actualInteractionAgent = _fieldOfView._agentMember;
                        IndexOfAgentTrust(_actualInteractionAgent); // Attribute the value to actualAgentTrust

                        if ((int)_fieldOfView._agentMemberDialogue - 4 == (int)_currentTarget &&
                            MakeAChoiceTrust(_agentsList[System.Array.IndexOf(_agentsList.ToArray(), _actualAgentTrust)]._trust) == true)
                            _numberOfBatteryByPlace[(int)_currentTarget] = 0;
                            Direction newTarget = MakeAChoiceDirection(_numberOfBatteryByPlace, _previousTarget, _currentTarget);
                            if (precedentchoiceTarget != Direction.PileEnergyPoint && precedentchoiceTarget != Direction.PileWastePoint)
                                _previousTarget = _currentTarget;
                            _currentTarget = newTarget;
                            _agentsList[System.Array.IndexOf(_agentsList.ToArray(), _actualAgentTrust)]._trust += _fluctuationTrust;
                        if (MakeAChoiceTrust(_agentsList[System.Array.IndexOf(_agentsList.ToArray(), _actualAgentTrust)]._trust) == false)
                            _currentTarget = precedentchoiceTarget;
                            _agentsList[System.Array.IndexOf(_agentsList.ToArray(), _actualAgentTrust)]._trust -= _fluctuationTrust;
                        _actualInteractionAgent = null;

            // Animation and  destination if currentState != GoToPileEnergy and GoToPileToxic
            if (_currentState != AgentStates.CarryingEnergyToPile && _currentState != AgentStates.CarryingAcidToPile)

        // Destination of the agent if he carry something (Toxic/Energy)
        if (_fieldOfView._currentObjet != null && _currentState == AgentStates.FindingEnergy &&
            _fieldOfView._energyPickable == true && _fieldOfView._ownerCombustible == _code)
            _currentState = AgentStates.CarryingEnergyToPile;
            if ((_currentTarget != Direction.PileEnergyPoint && _currentTarget != Direction.PileWastePoint) && _doneHistoric == false)
                _previousTarget = _currentTarget;
                _doneHistoric   = true;
            _currentTarget = Direction.PileEnergyPoint;

        if (_fieldOfView._currentObjet != null && _currentState == AgentStates.FindingAcid &&
            _fieldOfView._energyPickable == true && _fieldOfView._ownerCombustible == _code && _currentTarget == Direction.AcidPoint)
            _currentState = AgentStates.CarryingAcidToPile;
            if ((_currentTarget != Direction.PileEnergyPoint && _currentTarget != Direction.PileWastePoint) && _doneHistoric == false)
                _previousTarget = _currentTarget;
                _doneHistoric   = true;
            _currentTarget = Direction.PileWastePoint;
Beispiel #23
 public void RemoveState(AgentStates stateName)
Beispiel #24
     * zemaakaa FMS  - ruupeeejaas par ieshanu, roteeshanu un kaapshanu uz naakamo punktu atrastajaa celjaa
    private void moveAbout()
        if(!nextRouteNodeIsSet) { //nav dabuut naakamais solis
         //   print ("njem naakamo virsotni  lastRoute.Count = "  + lastRoute.Count);
            if(actualRoute != null && actualRoute.Count > 0) { //bet ir veel celjsh priekhsaa
                nextRouteNodeIsSet = true;
                nextRouteNode = actualRoute[actualRoute.Count - 1]; //POP 2 soljos :/
                actualRoute.RemoveAt(actualRoute.Count - 1);
                //print ("panjeema naakamo virsotni");
                //lieku iet un griezties uz naakamo punktu

                if(Mathf.Round(nextRouteNode.y) != Mathf.Round(destinationNode.y)) { //buus jaakaapj pa kaapneem uz citu staavu
                    isScaling = true;
                } else { // naakamais punkts atrodas tajaa pashaa staavaa
                    isWalking = true;

                isTurning = true;
                destinationNode = new Vector3(nextRouteNode.x, nextRouteNode.y, nextRouteNode.z);
                avatarAnimator.SetBool("fast", true);

            } else {
                if(CurrentState == AgentStates.traveling) { //nomaina staavokli lielajaa FSM - ka  esam sasniegushi galapunktu
                    CurrentState = AgentStates.arriving;
                    //print ("ieshana beigusies ? esam klaat ? ");


        //print("destinationNode" + destinationNode + " turning: " + isTurning +  " walking: " +  isWalking + " isScaling: " + isScaling);

        //griezhas pret meerkji (kameer nav pagriezies) | griezhas tikai pa Y asi (personaazhs staav uz x z plaknes )
        if(isTurning) {
            float y = transform.position.y;
            float z = transform.position.z; //joka peec nofiksees arii z parametru
            Vector3 a = new Vector3(destinationNode.x, y, z);
            Vector3 b = new Vector3(transform.position.x, y, z);

            if(Vector3.Distance(a, b) > 0.01) { // zhigli apaskatiishos vai a un b punkti nav viens un tas pats (ja ir, tad nav vajadziibas griezties un kvaternionu reekjinaataajs ir verni dusmiigs, ja prasu lenjkji starp 2 identiskiem vektoriem)

                Quaternion targetRotation = Quaternion.LookRotation(a - b, Vector3.up);
                if(Quaternion.Angle(targetRotation, transform.rotation) < 10f) { //gandriiz jau ir pagriezies
                    transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp(transform.rotation, targetRotation, 100);  //atlikushos graadus norotee uzreiz
                    //print ("vairs negriezhas");
                    isTurning = false;

                } else {
                    //print ("griezhas");
                    transform.rotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, targetRotation, Time.deltaTime * turningSpeed);

            } else {
                isTurning = false;

        if(isWalking && !isTurning) { //ies tikai, ja buus  pagriezies pareizajaa virzienaa (citaadi rodas bezgaliiga groziishanaas)

            //uzskatu, ka ir atnaacis mirklii, kad saak iet iet prom: punkts uz kuru jaapaariet sahajaa kadraa ir taalaak no meerkja, nekaa pashreizeejaa lokaacija  |  shii metode ir visizturigaakaa pret FPS piikjiem
            Vector3 newpos = transform.position + transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward) * speed * Time.deltaTime; //punkts uz kuru shajaa kadraa paarvietoties
            if(Vector3.Distance(transform.position, destinationNode) < Vector3.Distance(newpos, destinationNode)) {// grib attaalinaaties
                isWalking = false;
                nextRouteNodeIsSet = false;
                avatarAnimator.SetBool("fast", false);
                transform.position = destinationNode; //ir atnaacis
            } else {
                transform.position = newpos; //iet


        if(isScaling) {

         //   print ("scaling distance " + Vector3.Distance(transform.position, destinationNode) + " = "  + transform.position + " + " +  destinationNode );

            float a = Mathf.Abs(transform.position.y);
            float b = Mathf.Abs(destinationNode.y);
            if(  Mathf.Max(a,b) - Mathf.Min(a,b)  < 0.05f) { ///ja shvaks freimreits, tad var paskriet garaam, ja rodas shii probleema, vajag skatiities arii virzienu - ja attaalinaas no meerkja, tad automaatiski => atrodas uz meerkja
                isScaling = false;
                nextRouteNodeIsSet = false;
                transform.position = destinationNode; //ir atnaacis
                avatarAnimator.SetBool("fast", false);
            } else {
                Vector3 direction; //taa kaa varonis negriezhas un augshu/leju, tad man manuaali jaapadod virzien, kuraa gribu, lai vinsh kaapj
                if(destinationNode.y > transform.position.y) {
                    direction = Vector3.up;
                } else {
                    direction = Vector3.down;

                transform.position = transform.position + transform.TransformDirection(direction) * speed * Time.deltaTime;

Beispiel #25
 public void UpdateState(AgentStates basicState, int i)
     States[basicState] = i;
Beispiel #26
 public string GetStatusString()