Exemplo n.º 1
 public override bool UseItem(Player player)
     if (player.itemAnimation > 0 && player.statManaMax >= 200 && player.statManaMax < 300 && player.itemTime == 0)
         player.itemTime      = PlayerHooks.TotalUseTime(item.useTime, player, item);
         player.statManaMax2 += 10;
         player.GetModPlayer <TemperatePlayer>().ArcaneCrystals += 1;
         player.statMana += 10;
         if (Main.myPlayer == player.whoAmI)
         AchievementsHelper.HandleSpecialEvent(player, AchievementHelperID.Special.ConsumeStar);
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void ToggleOpenSpecialChest(int tX, int tY, Player player, int specialChestType)
            Main.stackSplit = 600;

            // Clicked and current chest is already open
            if (specialChestType == player.chest)
                player.chest = -1;

            // Clicked and another chest is open
            else if (specialChestType != player.chest && player.chest == -1)
                player.chest         = specialChestType;
                Main.playerInventory = true;
                if (PlayerInput.GrappleAndInteractAreShared)
                    PlayerInput.Triggers.JustPressed.Grapple = false;
                Main.recBigList = false;
                player.chestX = tX;
                player.chestY = tY;
                if (Main.tile[tX, tY].frameX >= 36 && Main.tile[tX, tY].frameX < 72)
                    AchievementsHelper.HandleSpecialEvent(player, 16);

            // Switching between chests
                player.chest         = specialChestType;
                Main.playerInventory = true;
                if (PlayerInput.GrappleAndInteractAreShared)
                    PlayerInput.Triggers.JustPressed.Grapple = false;
                Main.recBigList = false;
                player.chestX = tX;
                player.chestY = tY;
Exemplo n.º 3
 public override bool UseItem(Item item, Player player)
     if (item.type == mod.ItemType("BlazingHeart") && player.itemAnimation > 0 && player.statLifeMax >= 300 && player.statLifeMax < 400 && player.itemTime == 0)
         player.itemTime      = (int)((float)item.useTime / PlayerHooks.TotalUseTimeMultiplier(player, item));
         player.statLifeMax  += 10;
         player.statLifeMax2 += 10;
         player.statLife     += 10;
         if (Main.myPlayer == player.whoAmI)
             player.HealEffect(10, true);
         AchievementsHelper.HandleSpecialEvent(player, 2);
     if (item.type == mod.ItemType("DazzlingHeart") && player.itemAnimation > 0 && player.statLifeMax >= 400 && player.statLifeMax < 450 && player.itemTime == 0)
         player.itemTime      = (int)((float)item.useTime / PlayerHooks.TotalUseTimeMultiplier(player, item));
         player.statLifeMax  += 5;
         player.statLifeMax2 += 5;
         player.statLife     += 5;
         if (Main.myPlayer == player.whoAmI)
             player.HealEffect(5, true);
         AchievementsHelper.HandleSpecialEvent(player, 2);
     if (item.type == 1291 && player.itemAnimation > 0 && player.statLifeMax >= 450 && player.statLifeMax < 500 && player.itemTime == 0)
         player.itemTime      = (int)((float)item.useTime / PlayerHooks.TotalUseTimeMultiplier(player, item));
         player.statLifeMax  += 5;
         player.statLifeMax2 += 5;
         player.statLife     += 5;
         if (Main.myPlayer == player.whoAmI)
             player.HealEffect(5, true);
         AchievementsHelper.HandleSpecialEvent(player, 2);
     return(base.UseItem(item, player));