Exemplo n.º 1
    int _FindSourceSite(bool download)
        int    R  = -1;
        ARegex rx = null;

        for (int i = 0; i < s_sources.Length; i++)
            if (download && s_sources[i].data == null)
                try {
                    using var client  = new WebClient { CachePolicy = new System.Net.Cache.RequestCachePolicy() };                    //get from cache if available and not too old
                    s_sources[i].data = client.DownloadString(s_sources[i].site + "/assemblies.txt");
                catch (WebException) { }
            if (R >= 0)
            rx ??= new ARegex($@"(?m)^{_assembly};\d");
            if (rx.IsMatch(s_sources[i].data))
                R = i;
                if (!download)
Exemplo n.º 2
    private void _bAddComRegistry_Click(object button, EventArgs e)
        var sFind = _tFindInList.Text;
        var rx    = new ARegex(@"(?i) (?:Type |Object )?Library[ \d\.]*$");
        var a     = new List <_RegTypelib>(1000);

        using (var tlKey = Registry.ClassesRoot.OpenSubKey("TypeLib")) {        //guids
            foreach (var sGuid in tlKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                if (sGuid.Length != 38)
                using var guidKey = tlKey.OpenSubKey(sGuid);
                foreach (var sVer in guidKey.GetSubKeyNames())
                    using var verKey = guidKey.OpenSubKey(sVer);
                    if (verKey.GetValue("") is string description)
                        if (rx.MatchG(description, out var g))
                            description = description.Remove(g.Start);
                        if (sFind.Length > 0 && description.Find(sFind, true) < 0)
                        a.Add(new _RegTypelib {
                            guid = sGuid, text = description + ", " + sVer, version = sVer
                    }                     //else AOutput.Write(sGuid); //some Microsoft typelibs. VS does not show these too.
        if (a.Count == 0)
            _NotFound(button, sFind); return;
        a.Sort((x, y) => string.Compare(x.text, y.text, true));

        var dd = new PopupList {
            Items = a.ToArray(), SelectedAction = o => _ConvertTypeLibrary(o.ResultItem as _RegTypelib, button)

Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// If s has *? characters, prepends "**t ".
 /// But if s has single * character, converts to "**r regexp" that ignores it. Because single * often is used to indicate unsaved state.
 /// If canMakeVerbatim and makes regex or s contains '\' and no newlines/controlchars, prepends @" and appends " and replaces all " with "".
 /// s can be null.
 /// </summary>
 public static string EscapeWindowName(string s, bool canMakeVerbatim)
     if (s == null)
     if (AWildex.HasWildcardChars(s))
         int i = s.IndexOf('*');
         if (i >= 0 && s.IndexOf('*', i + 1) < 0)
             s = "**r " + ARegex.EscapeQE(s.Remove(i)) + @"\*?" + ARegex.EscapeQE(s.Substring(i + 1));
             s = "**t " + s;
     if (canMakeVerbatim && s.IndexOf('\\') >= 0 && !s.RegexIsMatch(@"[\x00-\x1F\x85\x{2028}\x{2029}]"))
         s = "@\"" + s.Replace("\"", "\"\"") + "\"";
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static void ExplicitRegexSamples()
            // Let's start with stateless regular expressions
            #region Regex 1: AC
            var reg1 =
                    ARegex.SingleElement <Payload>(e => e.Field1 == "A"),
                    ARegex.SingleElement <Payload>(e => e.Field1 == "C"));
            RunPatternQuery("Regex 1: AC", reg1, source);

            #region Regex 2: A(B*)C
            var reg2 =
                    ARegex.SingleElement <Payload>(e => e.Field1 == "A"),
                    ARegex.KleeneStar(ARegex.SingleElement <Payload>(e => e.Field1 == "B")),
                    ARegex.SingleElement <Payload>(e => e.Field1 == "C"));
            RunPatternQuery("Regex 2: A(B*)C", reg2, source);

            #region Regex 3: A(B+|C*)A
            var reg3 =
                    ARegex.SingleElement <Payload>(e => e.Field1 == "A"),
                        ARegex.KleenePlus(ARegex.SingleElement <Payload>(e => e.Field1 == "B")),
                        ARegex.KleeneStar(ARegex.SingleElement <Payload>(e => e.Field1 == "C"))),
                    ARegex.SingleElement <Payload>(e => e.Field1 == "A"));

            RunPatternQuery("Regex 3: A(B+|C*)A", reg3, source);

            #region Regex 4: A(C|epsilon)A
            var reg4 =
                    ARegex.SingleElement <Payload>(e => e.Field1 == "A"),
                        ARegex.SingleElement <Payload>(e => e.Field1 == "C"),
                        ARegex.Epsilon <Payload>()),
                    ARegex.SingleElement <Payload>(e => e.Field1 == "A"));

            RunPatternQuery("Regex 4: A(C|epsilon)A", reg4, source);

            // Next step: regular expressions with state (register) accumulation
            #region Regex 5: A(B*)C and accumulate a sum of Field2 for B*
            var reg5 =
                    ARegex.SingleElement <Payload, int>(e => e.Field1 == "A", (ev, d) => 0), // start with A
                        ARegex.SingleElement <Payload, int>(
                            e => e.Field1 == "B", (ev, d) => d + ev.Field2)),               // accumulate a sum for B*
                    ARegex.SingleElement <Payload, int>(e => e.Field1 == "C"));             // end with C

            RunPatternQuery("Regex 5: A(B*)C and accumulate a sum of Field2 for B*", reg5, source);

            #region Regex 6: A(B*)C and report list of all contributing events for every match
            var reg6 =
                    ARegex.SingleElement <Payload, FList <Payload> >(
                        e => e.Field1 == "A", (ev, list) => new FList <Payload>().FAdd(ev)),   // A
                    ARegex.KleeneStar(ARegex.SingleElement <Payload, FList <Payload> >(
                                          e => e.Field1 == "B", (ev, list) => list.FAdd(ev))), // B*
                    ARegex.SingleElement <Payload, FList <Payload> >(
                        e => e.Field1 == "C", (ev, list) => list.FAdd(ev)));                   // C

            RunPatternQuery("Regex 6: A(B*)C and report list of all contributing events for every match", reg6, source);

            // Regular expression with time constraints expressed using registers
            #region Regex 7: A is followed by B within 100 time units (AB)
            var reg7 =
                    ARegex.SingleElement <Payload, long>(
                        ev => ev.Field1 == "A", (ts, ev, reg) => ts),          // start with A, store timestamp in register
                    ARegex.SingleElement <Payload, long>(
                        (ts, ev, reg) => ev.Field1 == "B" && ts < reg + 100)); // end with B within 100 units of A

            RunPatternQuery("Regex 7: A is followed by B within 100 time units (AB)", reg7, source);

            #region Regex 8: A(.*)C where C is after >= 20 ticks of A

            var reg8 =
                    ARegex.SingleElement <Payload, long>(
                        e => e.Field1 == "A",
                        (ts, ev, reg) => ts),                                  // A, store timestamp in register
                    ARegex.KleeneStar(ARegex.SingleElement <Payload, long>()), // (.*)
                    ARegex.SingleElement <Payload, long>(
                        (ts, ev, reg) => ev.Field1 == "C" && ts - reg >= 20)); // C, compare event timestamp with register value

            RunPatternQuery("Regex 8: A(.*)C where C is after >= 20 ticks of A", reg8, source);

            // Regular expressions with state accumulation and local time constraints
            #region Regex 9: Sequence of A's followed by a B within 100 time units [(A*)B] and report the sum of Field2 for A*

            var reg9 =
                        ARegex.SingleElement <Payload, ValueTuple <int, long> >(
                            ev => ev.Field1 == "A",
                            (ts, ev, reg) => ValueTuple.Create(reg.Item1 + ev.Field2, ts))), // accumulate a sum for A*
                    ARegex.SingleElement <Payload, ValueTuple <int, long> >(
                        (ts, ev, reg) => ev.Field1 == "B" && ts < reg.Item2 + 100));         // end with B within 100 units

            RunPatternQuery("Regex 9: Sequence of A's followed by a B within 100 time units [(A*)B] and report the sum of Field2 for A*", reg9, source);

            #region Regex 10: A(.*)C , C is within 100 time units of A, report (A.Field2 + C.Field2) (skip the .* matches)
            var reg10 =
                    ARegex.SingleElement <Payload, ValueTuple <int, long> >(
                        ev => ev.Field1 == "A", (ts, ev, reg) => ValueTuple.Create(ev.Field2, ts)),
                    ARegex.KleeneStar(ARegex.SingleElement <Payload, ValueTuple <int, long> >()),
                    ARegex.SingleElement <Payload, ValueTuple <int, long> >(
                        (ts, ev, reg) => ev.Field1 == "C" && ts < reg.Item2 + 100,
                        (ts, ev, reg) => ValueTuple.Create(reg.Item1 + ev.Field2, reg.Item2)));

            RunPatternQuery("Regex 10: A(.*)C , C is within 100 time units of A, report (A.Field2 + C.Field2) (skip the .* matches)", reg10, source);
Exemplo n.º 5
 internal RXMatch(ARegex regex, string subject, int rc, in Cpp.RegexMatch k)
Exemplo n.º 6
    void _GetServerMessages()
        _c.ZTags.OutputServerProcessMessages(Program.OutputServer, m => {
            if (m.Type != OutServMessageType.Write)

            //create links in compilation errors/warnings or run-time stack trace
            var s = m.Text; int i;
            if (s.Length >= 22)
                if (s.Starts("<><Z #") && s.Eq(12, ">Compilation: "))                  //compilation
                    if (s_rx1 == null)
                        s_rx1 = new ARegex(@"(?m)^\[(.+?)(\((\d+),(\d+)\))?\]: ");
                    m.Text = s_rx1.Replace(s, x => {
                        var f = Program.Model.FindByFilePath(x[1].Value);
                        if (f == null)
                        return($"<open \"{f.IdStringWithWorkspace}|{x[3].Value}|{x[4].Value}\">{f.Name}{x[2].Value}<>: ");
                else if ((i = s.Find("\n   at ") + 1) > 0 && s.Find(":line ", i) > 0)                    //stack trace with source file info
                    if (_sb == null)
                        _sb = new StringBuilder(s.Length + 2000);
                    var b = _sb;
                    //AOutput.QM2.Write("'" + s + "'");
                    int iLiteral = 0;
                    if (!s.Starts("<>"))
                        iLiteral = i - 1; if (s[iLiteral - 1] == '\r')
                        if (0 == s.Eq(iLiteral -= 3, false, "<_>", "<\a>"))
                            iLiteral = 0;
                    if (iLiteral > 0)
                        b.Append(s, 0, iLiteral).AppendLine();
                        b.Append(s, 0, i);
                    var rx = s_rx2; if (rx == null)
                        s_rx2 = rx = new ARegex(@" in (.+?):line (?=\d+$)");
                    bool replaced = false, isMain = false;
                    int stackEnd  = s.Length /*, stackEnd2 = 0*/;
                    foreach (var k in s.Segments(SegSep.Line, range: i..))
                        if (s.Eq(k.start, "   at "))
                            if (isMain)
                                //if(stackEnd2 == 0 && s.Eq(k.start, "   at Script.Main(String[] args) in ")) stackEnd2 = k.start; //rejected. In some cases may cut something important.
                            if (!rx.MatchG(s, out var g, 1, (k.start + 6)..k.end))
                                continue;                                                                               //note: no "   at " if this is an inner exception marker. Also in aggregate exception stack trace.
                            var f = Program.Model.FindByFilePath(g.Value); if (f == null)
                            int i1 = g.End + 6, len1 = k.end - i1;
                            b.Append("   at ")
                            .Append("<open \"").Append(f.IdStringWithWorkspace).Append('|').Append(s, i1, len1).Append("\">")
                            .Append("line ").Append(s, i1, len1).Append("<> in <z 0xFAFAD2>").Append(f.Name).Append("<>");

                            isMain = s.Eq(k.start, "   at Script..ctor(String[] args) in ");
                            if (!isMain || !f.IsScript)
                                b.Append(", <\a>").Append(s, k.start + 6, g.Start - k.start - 10).Append("</\a>");

                            replaced = true;
                        else if (!(s.Eq(k.start, "   ---") || s.Eq(k.start, "---")))
                            stackEnd = k.start;
                    if (replaced)
                        int j = stackEnd;                         //int j = stackEnd2 > 0 ? stackEnd2 : stackEnd;
                        if (s[j - 1] == '\n')
                            if (s[--j - 1] == '\r')
                        b.Append("   <fold><\a>   --- Raw stack trace ---\r\n").Append(s, i, j - i).Append("</\a></fold>");
                        if (iLiteral > 0 && 0 != s.Eq(stackEnd, false, "</_>", "</\a"))
                            stackEnd += 4;
                        int more = s.Length - stackEnd;
                        if (more > 0)
                            if (!s.Eq(stackEnd, "</fold>"))
                            b.Append(s, stackEnd, more);
                        m.Text = b.ToString();
                        //AOutput.QM2.Write("'" + m.Text + "'");
                    if (_sb.Capacity > 10_000)
                        _sb = null;                                           //let GC free it. Usually < 4000.