Exemplo n.º 1
 internal ChartBase(Report r, Row row, Chart c, MatrixCellEntry[,] m, Expression showTooltips, Expression showTooltipsX, Expression _ToolTipYFormat, Expression _ToolTipXFormat)
     _ChartDefn = c;
     _row = row;
     _DataDefn = m;
     _bm = null;
     int width = _ChartDefn.WidthCalc(r, null);
     int height = RSize.PixelsFromPoints(_ChartDefn.HeightOrOwnerHeight);
     Layout = new ChartLayout(width, height);
     _SeriesBrush = null;
     _SeriesMarker = null;
     _showToolTips = showTooltips.EvaluateBoolean(r, row);
     _showToolTipsX = showTooltipsX.EvaluateBoolean(r, row);
     _tooltipYFormat = _ToolTipYFormat.EvaluateString(r, row);
     _tooltipXFormat = _ToolTipXFormat.EvaluateString(r, row);
Exemplo n.º 2
        Rows GetNestedData(Report rpt, Row row)
            if (row == null)

            ReportLink rl = this.Parent;

            while (rl != null)
                if (rl is TableGroup || rl is List || rl is MatrixCell)
                rl = rl.Parent;
            if (rl == null)
                return(null);                                   // should have been caught as an error
            Grouping g = null;

            if (rl is TableGroup)
                TableGroup tg = rl as TableGroup;
                g = tg.Grouping;
            else if (rl is List)
                List l = rl as List;
                g = l.Grouping;
            else if (rl is MatrixCell)
                MatrixCellEntry mce = this.GetMC(rpt);
                return(new Rows(rpt, mce.Data));
            if (g == null)

            GroupEntry ge = row.R.CurrentGroups[g.GetIndex(rpt)];

            return(new Rows(rpt, row.R, ge.StartRow, ge.EndRow, null));
Exemplo n.º 3
        MatrixCellEntry RunGetRowHeader(Report rpt, MatrixEntry me, Rows _Data)
            ReportItem ri;
            if (me.RowGroup.StaticRows != null)
            {	// Handle static row reference
                StaticRow sr = me.RowGroup.StaticRows.Items[me.StaticRow] as StaticRow;
                ri = sr.ReportItems.Items[0];
            else	// handle dynamic row reference
                ri = me.RowGroup.DynamicRows.ReportItems.Items[0];
            Rows subData = new Rows(rpt, _Data, me.FirstRow, me.LastRow, me.Rows);
            MatrixCellEntry mce = new MatrixCellEntry(subData, ri);

            return mce;
Exemplo n.º 4
 // called first
 public bool MatrixStart(Matrix m, MatrixCellEntry[,] matrix, Row r, int headerRows, int maxRows, int maxCols)
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
            internal MatrixCellEntry MC; // matrix cell entry

            #endregion Fields

            #region Constructors

            internal WorkClass()
Exemplo n.º 6
 // called first
 public bool MatrixStart(Matrix m, MatrixCellEntry[,] matrix, Row r, int headerRows, int maxRows, int maxCols)
     _ExcelRow = -1;
     // set the widths of the columns
     float[] widths = m.ColumnWidths(matrix, maxCols);
     for (int i = 0; i < maxCols; i++)
         _Excel.SetColumnWidth(i, widths[i]);
     return true;
Exemplo n.º 7
        // called first
        public bool MatrixStart(Matrix m, MatrixCellEntry[,] matrix, Row r, int headerRows, int maxRows, int maxCols)
            if (m.DataElementOutput != DataElementOutputEnum.Output)
                return false;
            tw.WriteLine("<" + (m.DataElementName == null? "Matrix": m.DataElementName) + ">");

            return true;
Exemplo n.º 8
 internal Page CurrentPage;                  // the page this reportitem was last put on;
 internal WorkClass()
     MC             = null;
     BottomPosition = float.NaN;
     CurrentPage    = null;
Exemplo n.º 9
        internal float[] ColumnWidths(MatrixCellEntry[,] matrix, int maxColumns)
            float[] widths= new float[maxColumns];

            for (int iColumn = 0; iColumn < maxColumns; iColumn++)
                widths[iColumn] = WidthOfColumn(matrix, iColumn);
            return widths;
Exemplo n.º 10
 float WidthOfColumn(MatrixCellEntry[,] matrix, int iCol)
     int maxRows = matrix.GetLength(0);
     for (int iRow=0; iRow < maxRows; iRow++)
         if (matrix[iRow, iCol] != null && matrix[iRow, iCol].ColSpan == 1)
             return matrix[iRow, iCol].Width;
     return 0;
Exemplo n.º 11
        private void SetGroupingValues(Report rpt, MatrixCellEntry mce)
            WorkClass wc = GetValue(rpt);
            Rows data = wc.FullData;

            SetGroupingValuesInit(rpt, data, mce.RowME, mce.ColumnME);
            SetGroupingValuesMe(rpt, data, mce.RowME);
            SetGroupingValuesMe(rpt, data, mce.ColumnME);

Exemplo n.º 12
        void RunRowStaticHeaders(Report rpt, WorkClass wc, MatrixCellEntry[,] matrix, Rows _Data, int iRow, int level)
            RowGrouping rg=null;
            int i;
            int iColumn=0;
            for (i=level+1; i < _RowGroupings.Items.Count; i++)
                iColumn++;				// Column for the row static headers
                rg = (RowGrouping) (_RowGroupings.Items[i]);
                if (rg.StaticRows != null)
            if (rg == null || rg.StaticRows == null)

            foreach (StaticRow sr in rg.StaticRows.Items)
                ReportItem ri = sr.ReportItems.Items[0];
                matrix[iRow, iColumn] = new MatrixCellEntry(_Data, ri);
                matrix[iRow, iColumn].Width = rg.Width.Points;
                MatrixRow mr = this.MatrixRows.Items[i++] as MatrixRow;
                float height = mr.Height == null? 0: mr.Height.Points;
                matrix[iRow, iColumn].Height = height;

Exemplo n.º 13
        void RunRowHeaders(Report rpt, WorkClass wc, MatrixEntry m, MatrixCellEntry[,] matrix, Rows _Data, ref int iRow, int iColumn, int level)
            foreach (MatrixEntry ame in m.GetSortedData(rpt))
                matrix[iRow, iColumn] = RunGetRowHeader(rpt, ame, _Data);
                matrix[iRow, iColumn].Height = RunRowHeight(iRow);
                matrix[iRow, iColumn].Width = ame.RowGroup.Width == null? 0: ame.RowGroup.Width.Points;
                if (ame.GetSortedData(rpt) != null)
                    RunRowHeaders(rpt, wc, ame, matrix, _Data, ref iRow, iColumn+1, level+1);

            RowGrouping rg = (RowGrouping) (_RowGroupings.Items[level]);
            // do we need to subtotal this
            if (rg.DynamicRows != null &&
                rg.DynamicRows.Subtotal != null)
            {					   // TODO need to loop thru static??
                ReportItem ri = rg.DynamicRows.Subtotal.ReportItems.Items[0];
                matrix[iRow, iColumn] = new MatrixCellEntry(_Data, ri);
                matrix[iRow, iColumn].Width = rg.Width.Points;
                matrix[iRow, iColumn].Height = RunRowHeight(iRow);
                RunRowStaticHeaders(rpt, wc, matrix, _Data, iRow, level);
                iRow += Math.Max(1,this.RowGroupings.StaticCount);
Exemplo n.º 14
        void RunPageColumns(Pages pgs, WorkClass wc, MatrixCellEntry[,] matrix, int iRow, int maxColumns)
            Report rpt = pgs.Report;

            float xpos = GetOffsetCalc(pgs.Report) + LeftCalc(rpt);
            for (int iColumn = 0; iColumn < maxColumns; iColumn++)
                MatrixCellEntry mce = matrix[iRow, iColumn];

                if (mce == null)
                {	// have a null column but we need to fill column space
                    xpos += WidthOfColumn(matrix, iColumn);
                wc.Data = mce.Data;		// Must set this for evaluation

                Row lrow = wc.Data.Data.Count > 0? wc.Data.Data[0]:null;
                SetGroupingValues(rpt, mce);
                mce.DisplayItem.SetMC(rpt, mce);	// set for use by the display item
                mce.XPosition = xpos;
                mce.DisplayItem.RunPage(pgs, lrow);
                xpos += mce.Width;
                iColumn += (mce.ColSpan-1);			// skip columns already accounted for
Exemplo n.º 15
        MatrixCellEntry RunGetColumnHeader(Report rpt, MatrixEntry me, Rows _Data)
            ReportItem ri;
            if (me.ColumnGroup.StaticColumns != null)
            {	// Handle static column reference
                StaticColumn sc = me.ColumnGroup.StaticColumns.Items[me.StaticColumn] as StaticColumn;
                ri = sc.ReportItems.Items[0];
                ri = me.ColumnGroup.DynamicColumns.ReportItems.Items[0];	// dynamic column
            Rows subData = new Rows(rpt, _Data, me.FirstRow, me.LastRow, me.Rows);
            MatrixCellEntry mce = new MatrixCellEntry(subData, ri);

            return mce;
Exemplo n.º 16
        float RunGetColumnWidth(MatrixCellEntry mce)
            if (this.MatrixColumns == null)
                return 0;		// We use this routine for chart(s) and they don't build the matrix columns

            MatrixColumn mcol;	// work variable to hold a MatrixColumn

            mcol = this.MatrixColumns.Items[0] as MatrixColumn;
            float defWidth = mcol.Width.Points;

            if (CountMatrixColumns == 1)	// if only one column width is easy
                return defWidth;

            // find out which static column it is.
            ColumnGrouping cg=null;
            MatrixCells mcells=null;
            ReportItem ri = mce.DisplayItem;
            for (ReportLink rl= ri.Parent; rl != null; rl = rl.Parent)
                if (rl is ColumnGrouping)
                    cg = rl as ColumnGrouping;
                if (rl is MatrixCells)
                    mcells = rl as MatrixCells;
                if (rl is Matrix)

            int offset = 0;

            // If the item is one of the MatrixCell; then use same offset
            if (mcells != null)
                foreach (MatrixCell mcell in mcells.Items)
                    ReportItem ric = mcell.ReportItems.Items[0] as ReportItem;
                    if (ric == ri)
                        mcol = this.MatrixColumns.Items[offset] as MatrixColumn;
                        return mcol.Width.Points;
                return defWidth;

            if (cg == null || cg.StaticColumns == null)
                return defWidth;

            // Otherwise find the same relative Matrix Column from the static columns
            foreach (StaticColumn sc in cg.StaticColumns.Items)
                ReportItem cri = sc.ReportItems.Items[0] as ReportItem;
                if (ri == cri)
                    mcol = this.MatrixColumns.Items[offset] as MatrixColumn;

            return mcol == null? defWidth: mcol.Width.Points;
Exemplo n.º 17
        // RunBuild is used by both Matrix.Run and Chart.Run to obtain the necessary data
        //   used by their respective rendering interfaces
        internal MatrixCellEntry[,] RunBuild(Report rpt, out int numRows, out int numCols)
            WorkClass wc = GetValue(rpt);
            Rows _Data = wc.Data;

            // loop thru all the data;
            //    form bitmap arrays for each unique data value of each grouping (row and column) value
            int maxColumns = _RowGroupings.Items.Count;	// maximum # of columns in matrix
                                    // at top we need a row per column grouping
            int maxRows = _ColumnGroupings.Items.Count;	// maximum # of rows in matrix
                                    // at left we need a column per row grouping

            MatrixEntry mcg = new MatrixEntry(null, "", null, _Data.Data.Count);
            _ColumnGroupings.SetME(rpt, mcg);
            mcg.Rows = new BitArray(_Data.Data.Count, true);	// all data

            MatrixEntry mrg = new MatrixEntry(null, "", null, _Data.Data.Count);
            _RowGroupings.SetME(rpt, mrg);
            mrg.Rows = new BitArray(_Data.Data.Count, true);		// all data

            int iRow=0;				// row counter
            foreach (Row r in _Data.Data)
                // Handle the column values
                HandleColumnGrouping(rpt, wc, _Data, r, mcg, 0, iRow, ref maxColumns);

                // Handle the row values
                HandleRowGrouping(rpt, wc, _Data, r, mrg, 0, iRow, ref maxRows);


            // Determine how many subtotal columns are needed
            maxColumns += RunCountSubtotalColumns(rpt, wc, mcg, 0);

            // Determine how many subtotal rows are needed
            maxRows += RunCountSubtotalRows(rpt, wc, mrg, 0);

            // Build and populate the 2 dimensional table of MatrixCellEntry
            //    that constitute the matrix
            MatrixCellEntry[,] matrix = new MatrixCellEntry[maxRows, maxColumns];

            // Do the column headings
            int iColumn = _RowGroupings.Items.Count;
            RunColumnHeaders(rpt, wc, mcg, matrix, _Data, 0, ref iColumn, 0);

            // Do the row headings
            iRow = _ColumnGroupings.Items.Count;
            RunRowHeaders(rpt, wc, mrg, matrix, _Data, ref iRow, 0, 0);

            // Do the row/column data
            iRow = _ColumnGroupings.Items.Count;
            RunDataRow(rpt, wc, mrg, mcg, matrix, _Data, ref iRow, _RowGroupings.Items.Count, 0);

            // Do the corner
            matrix[0, 0] = RunCorner(_Data);

            // now return the matrix data
            numRows = maxRows;
            numCols = maxColumns;
            return matrix;
Exemplo n.º 18
        internal void SetMC(Report rpt, MatrixCellEntry mce)
            WorkClass wc = GetWC(rpt);

            wc.MC = mce;
Exemplo n.º 19
        float HeightOfRow(Pages pgs, MatrixCellEntry[,] matrix, int iRow)
            Report rpt = pgs.Report;
            WorkClass wc = GetValue(rpt);

            int maxColumns = matrix.GetLength(1);
            float height=0;
            bool bResetAllHeights=false;

            // Handle the corner;  it might span rows & columns
            bool bCorner = false;
            float cornerHeight=0;
            if (iRow == 0 && matrix[0, 0] != null &&
                (this.ColumnGroupings.Items.Count > 1 ||
                this.RowGroupings.Items.Count > 1))
                bCorner = true;

            for (int iCol=0; iCol < maxColumns; iCol++)
                MatrixCellEntry mce = matrix[iRow, iCol];
                if (mce == null)
                if (mce.DisplayItem is Textbox)
                    Textbox tb = mce.DisplayItem as Textbox;
                    if (tb.CanGrow)
                        wc.Data = mce.Data;		// Must set this for evaluation

                        Row lrow = wc.Data.Data.Count > 0? wc.Data.Data[0]:null;
                        mce.DisplayItem.SetMC(rpt, mce);	// set for use by the display item
                        SetGroupingValues(rpt, mce);

                        float tbh = tb.RunTextCalcHeight(rpt, pgs.G, lrow);
                        if (height < tbh)
                            if (bCorner && iCol == 0)
                                cornerHeight = tbh;
                                bResetAllHeights = true;
                                height = tbh;

                if (bCorner && iCol == 0)
                if (height < mce.Height)
                    height = mce.Height;

            if (bResetAllHeights)	// If any text forces the row to grow; all heights must be fixed
                for (int iCol=0; iCol < maxColumns; iCol++)
                    if (bCorner && iCol == 0)
                    MatrixCellEntry mce = matrix[iRow, iCol];
                    if (mce != null)
                        mce.Height = height;

            // Even with expansion room; we might need more space for the corner
            if (bCorner && cornerHeight > matrix[0,0].Height)
            {	// add the additional space needed to the first row's height
                float newRow0Height;
                if (ColumnGroupings.Items.Count == 1)
                    newRow0Height = cornerHeight;
                else if (matrix[0,1] != null)
                    newRow0Height = matrix[0,1].Height + (cornerHeight - matrix[0,0].Height);
                    newRow0Height = (cornerHeight - matrix[0,0].Height);
                height = newRow0Height;
                matrix[0,0].Height = cornerHeight;
                for (int iCol=1; iCol < maxColumns; iCol++)
                    MatrixCellEntry mce = matrix[0, iCol];
                    if (mce != null)
                        mce.Height = newRow0Height;

            return height;
Exemplo n.º 20
        // called first
        public bool MatrixStart(Matrix m, MatrixCellEntry[,] matrix, Row r, int headerRows, int maxRows, int maxCols)
            _MatrixCellSpan = 0;
            _MatrixCols = maxCols;
            _MatrixRows = maxRows;
            _MatrixHeaderRows = headerRows;
            _MatrixData = matrix;

            float[] widths = m.ColumnWidths(this._MatrixData, maxCols);
            _MatrixColumnWidths = new int[maxCols];
            for (int i = 0; i < maxCols; i++)
                _MatrixColumnWidths[i] = RSize.TwipsFromPoints(widths[i]);

            return true;
Exemplo n.º 21
        void RunColumnHeaders(Report rpt, WorkClass wc, MatrixEntry m, MatrixCellEntry[,] matrix, Rows _Data, int iRow, ref int iColumn, int level)
            foreach (MatrixEntry ame in m.GetSortedData(rpt))
                matrix[iRow, iColumn] = RunGetColumnHeader(rpt, ame, _Data);
                matrix[iRow, iColumn].Width = RunGetColumnWidth(matrix[iRow, iColumn]);
                matrix[iRow, iColumn].Height = ame.ColumnGroup.Height == null? 0: ame.ColumnGroup.Height.Points;
                if (ame.GetSortedData(rpt) != null)
                    RunColumnHeaders(rpt, wc, ame, matrix, _Data, iRow+1, ref iColumn, level+1);

            ColumnGrouping cg = (ColumnGrouping) (_ColumnGroupings.Items[level]);

            // if we need subtotal on the group
            if (cg.DynamicColumns != null &&
                cg.DynamicColumns.Subtotal != null)
                ReportItem ri =  cg.DynamicColumns.Subtotal.ReportItems.Items[0];
                matrix[iRow, iColumn] = new MatrixCellEntry(_Data, ri);
                matrix[iRow, iColumn].Height = cg.Height.Points;
                matrix[iRow, iColumn].Width = RunGetColumnWidth(matrix[iRow, iColumn]);
                RunColumnStaticHeaders(rpt, wc, matrix, _Data, iRow, iColumn, level);
                iColumn += this.CountMatrixCells;
Exemplo n.º 22
        // called first
        public bool MatrixStart(Matrix m, MatrixCellEntry[,] matrix, Row r, int headerRows, int maxRows, int maxCols)
            string bookmark = m.BookmarkValue(this.r, r);
            if (bookmark != null)
                tw.WriteLine("<div id=\"{0}\">", bookmark); // can't use the table id since we're using for css style

            // output some of the table styles
            string cssName = CssAdd(m.Style, m, r); // get the style name for this item

            tw.WriteLine("<table id='{0}'>", cssName);
            return true;
Exemplo n.º 23
        void RunColumnStaticHeaders(Report rpt, WorkClass wc, MatrixCellEntry[,] matrix, Rows _Data, int iRow, int iColumn, int level)
            ColumnGrouping cg=null;
            for (int i=level+1; i < _ColumnGroupings.Items.Count; i++)
                iRow++;				// the row will below the headers
                cg = (ColumnGrouping) (_ColumnGroupings.Items[i]);
                if (cg.StaticColumns != null)
            if (cg == null || cg.StaticColumns == null)

            foreach (StaticColumn sc in cg.StaticColumns.Items)
                ReportItem ri = sc.ReportItems.Items[0];
                matrix[iRow, iColumn] = new MatrixCellEntry(_Data, ri);
                matrix[iRow, iColumn].Height = cg.Height.Points;
                matrix[iRow, iColumn].Width = RunGetColumnWidth(matrix[iRow, iColumn]);

Exemplo n.º 24
 internal void SetMC(Report rpt, MatrixCellEntry mce)
     WorkClass wc = GetWC(rpt);
     wc.MC = mce;
Exemplo n.º 25
        MatrixCellEntry RunCorner(Rows d)
            if (_Corner == null)
                return null;

            ReportItem ri = _Corner.ReportItems.Items[0];
            MatrixCellEntry mce = new MatrixCellEntry(d, ri);

            float height=0;
            foreach (ColumnGrouping cg in this.ColumnGroupings.Items)
                height += cg.Height.Points;
            mce.Height = height;

            float width=0;
            foreach (RowGrouping rg in this.RowGroupings.Items)
                width += rg.Width.Points;
            mce.Width = width;

            mce.ColSpan = RowGroupings.Items.Count;
            return mce;
Exemplo n.º 26
        void RunDataColumn(Report rpt, WorkClass wc, MatrixEntry rm, MatrixEntry cm, MatrixCellEntry[,] matrix, Rows _Data, int iRow, ref int iColumn, int level, int rowcell)
            BitArray andData;
            MatrixRow mr = this.MatrixRows.Items[rowcell] as MatrixRow;
            float height = mr.Height == null? 0: mr.Height.Points;

            foreach (MatrixEntry ame in cm.GetSortedData(rpt))
                if (ame.ColumnGroup != LastCg)
                    RunDataColumn(rpt, wc, rm, ame, matrix, _Data, iRow, ref iColumn, level+1, rowcell);
                andData = new BitArray(ame.Rows);	// copy the data
                andData.And(rm.Rows);				//  because And is destructive
                matrix[iRow, iColumn] = RunGetMatrixCell(rpt, ame, iRow, _Data, andData,
                        Math.Max(rm.FirstRow, ame.FirstRow),
                        Math.Min(rm.LastRow, ame.LastRow));
                matrix[iRow, iColumn].Height = height;
                matrix[iRow, iColumn].Width = RunGetColumnWidth(matrix[iRow, iColumn]);
                matrix[iRow, iColumn].ColumnME = ame;
                matrix[iRow, iColumn].RowME = rm;

            // do we need to subtotal this?
            ColumnGrouping cg = (ColumnGrouping) (_ColumnGroupings.Items[level]);
            if (cg.DynamicColumns != null &&
                cg.DynamicColumns.Subtotal != null)
                andData = new BitArray(cm.Rows);	// copy the data
                andData.And(rm.Rows);				//  because And is destructive
                for (int i=0; i < this.CountMatrixCells; i++)
                    matrix[iRow, iColumn] = RunGetMatrixCell(rpt, cm, rowcell, i, _Data, andData,
                        Math.Max(rm.FirstRow, cm.FirstRow),
                        Math.Min(rm.LastRow, cm.LastRow));
                    matrix[iRow, iColumn].Height = height;
                    matrix[iRow, iColumn].Width = RunGetColumnWidth(matrix[iRow, iColumn]);
                    matrix[iRow, iColumn].ColumnME = cm;
                    matrix[iRow, iColumn].RowME = rm;
Exemplo n.º 27
 void RunDataRow(Report rpt, WorkClass wc, MatrixEntry rm, MatrixEntry cm, MatrixCellEntry[,] matrix, Rows _Data, ref int iRow, int iColumn, int level)
     int saveColumn;
     int headerRows = _ColumnGroupings.Items.Count;	// number of column headers we have
     int rgsCount = this.RowGroupings.StaticCount;	// count of static row groups
     foreach (MatrixEntry ame in rm.GetSortedData(rpt))
         if (ame.RowGroup != LastRg)
             RunDataRow(rpt, wc, ame, cm, matrix, _Data, ref iRow, iColumn, level+1);
         saveColumn = iColumn;
         int rowcell = rgsCount == 0? 0: (iRow - headerRows) % rgsCount;
         RunDataColumn(rpt, wc, ame, cm, matrix, _Data, iRow, ref saveColumn, 0, rowcell);
     // do we need to subtotal this?
     RowGrouping rg = (RowGrouping) (_RowGroupings.Items[level]);
     if (rg.DynamicRows != null &&
         rg.DynamicRows.Subtotal != null)
         for (int i=0; i < this.CountMatrixRows; i++)
             saveColumn = iColumn;
             RunDataColumn(rpt, wc, rm, cm, matrix, _Data, iRow, ref saveColumn, 0, i);
Exemplo n.º 28
 internal ChartPie(Report r, Row row, Chart c, MatrixCellEntry[,] m, Expression showTooltips, Expression showTooltipsX,Expression _ToolTipYFormat, Expression _ToolTipXFormat)
     : base(r, row, c, m, showTooltips, showTooltipsX, _ToolTipYFormat, _ToolTipXFormat)
Exemplo n.º 29
        MatrixCellEntry RunGetMatrixCell(Report rpt, MatrixEntry me, int rcell, int ccell, Rows _Data, BitArray rows, int firstRow, int lastRow)
            MatrixRow mr = this._MatrixRows.Items[rcell];
            MatrixCell mc = mr.MatrixCells.Items[ccell];
            ReportItem ri = mc.ReportItems.Items[0];
            Rows subData = new Rows(rpt, _Data, firstRow, lastRow, rows);
            MatrixCellEntry mce = new MatrixCellEntry(subData, ri);

            return mce;